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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-39

given to the meek who shall inherit the earth and find sustenance in the things of the new covenant which ye have partaken
of through the restoration of covenant blessings given unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ Ye shall be quiet in thine
approach to the face of God as ye see with the design of a new heart and mind transfixed to understand righteousness. Ye
shall be blessed according to thy faith placed in the Son of God who doth protect thee according to thy diligence in
observing the witness given that ye become a mighty source of light and knowledge in the name of Jesus Christ. So be it
written that ye might adhere to the precepts of righteousness. [November 12, 1995 (3)]
November 17, 1995 (1)
November 17, 1995 (1) Ye are beckoned to remove thy heart from the people and items which detract from thy purpose to
sustain a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ye have wandered in the things of technology to stimulate thy mind to relieve
the pain of life— and ye find no solution to the things of eternal nature which must be founded in the voice of true wisdom
and pain relief— even that the words of the Lord thy God are the manna of wholeness and of strength. Ye combat the battle
within thine own mind as ye steer thy heart to seek deliverance from the things of the world which are not filled with the
light of new water, even that ye would fight the standard of the world for a place to garnish thy light and knowledge
obtained in heavenly courts and councils. Be at peace; for the Lord thy God hath overcome the world, and ye seek to find
thy sustaining in the words of eternal life found upon thy countenance. Be at peace as ye are granted relief from the stains of
sin as ye harbor unkind feelings toward those of little faith in the name of the Lord thy God, even Jesus Christ, as ye come
unto the fount of living water and drink of new life and sustenance in the presence of God. Seek the light in the meadow
above thy view of mortality and cast thine eyes to the love extended to thee that ye come unto the knowledge of the living
water awaiting thy thirst for peace and comfort and reassurance in the arms of his love. Be at peace and seek no more to
confront those of little faith with thy knowledge, and gloat no more hi thy path ahead of thee— for none can understand
except it be given to one of the Holy Spirit of promise. Seek to find the light of true wisdom and strength in the embrace of
fellowship with the Son of God that ye might be found worthy to be found inhabiting the countenance of greater
righteousness and love even at a time and season of great destruction upon the earth. [November 17, 1995 (1)]
November 17,1995(2)
November 17,1995 (2) Rejoice in thy deliverance from the fear which bound thy heart because of the pain involved in
bringing forth thy premortal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Feast upon the revealed words of light and knowledge and bask
in the countenance of manna upon thy brow unto a feeling of peace and wellness upon thy brow unto a feeling of peace and
wellness and contriteness, where the world is squeezed from thy countenance and the wondrous light of living water floweth
across thy brow to cleanse thy mind from debilitating darkness which hampers thy sojourn in a world of new revelation and
brightness. Be at peace, my daughter of enlarged understanding. Find the joy in a renewed view of the eternal world. Keep
thy mind fettered with the peace of the Lord inhabiting thy gratitude and allow the brightness of light of the Son of God to
bring thee peace in the world even as ye have overcome the pull of the world's view as ye choose to bind thy mind to
remember the words of eternal duration upon thy countenance. [November 17, 1995 (2)]
November 23, 1995 (1)
November 23, 1995 (1) Write the words upon thy thoughts. Ye shall be given words upon thy remembrance process of the
presence of God abiding within thine understanding of the things as given unto the pure in heart. Ye are beckoned to come
unto the fount of all living water, even purified thoughts of delicious- revelatory thought which abides a cleansing of the
world process as given through the redemption process of the new covenant as seen according to the expansion of
knowledge given unto thee as thy heart has been cleansed of postponing thy desire to be found in the company of
righteousness attending thee as a companion of the pure heart. Ye have been welcomed into greater partaking of knowledge
even as ye have given worthwhile- sacrificial service to thy husband and family. Ye shall be commended as ye love those
who have not the capacity to set aside the things of the mortal perspective and find the things of the eternal world abiding
upon their remembrance as a constant companion of righteousness, even that the world would not enter the thoughts of gain
and vanity upon the brow of revealed residence of the Spirit of the Lord abiding in an attitude of gratitude for the worldly
perspective being shifted to a sphere of secondary importance; for the sphere of primary importance is the eternal sphere of
abiding in the presence of God. Be at peace; for thy God doth rule upon thy brow even as an invited guest and the things of
the new day are as visual reminders of the perfect abiding in peace as given to those who hold sacred the time of everlasting-
proprietorship communion in the hopes of eternal life in a world to come. Be at rest in thy heart which feasts upon the world
of revealed religion coming from the voice of new revelation heard in covenant responding to the order of righteousness as
seen upon the countenance as a new world of peace abides in perfect righteousness. So be it written that ye would come to
understand the noise of the world as a distraction to sidetrack the heart and mind from partaking of the peace which passeth
all understanding and which allows one to lose and forsake the way outlined before the foundation of the earth which abide
in the memory of the spirit when the chords of love and service given from a pure heart abide upon the desires which fulfill
a covenant of overcoming the selfishness inherent in a carnal perspective. Even as ye praise God for the new view of perfect
righteousness abiding within thine understanding, ye shall come forth with knowledge abiding in peace upon thy brow.

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change me
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-39

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