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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-2Ol

mind.] Why do ye not write? [I replied: Haven't I written enough? I understood a response.} Ye write to cleanse thy spirit
everyday. [12:50 p.m. May 23,2001 (4)]
May 25, 2001 (t)
May 25,2001 (1) p heard the words of the Lord in my mind:] I have set thee apart to bring forth this information. [6:40
a.m. May 25,2001(1)]
May 27,2001 (I)
May 27, 2001 (1) Be at peace, for thy God is comforting thy heart with the things of an elevated perception of the grand
purpose of the functioning power of greater godliness, for I speak unto thy mind and heart that ye would remember the
factor of righteousness abiding within thy knowledge of the pure blood of eternal righteousness which is extended
perception of the pure faith in the holy- redemptorship awakening of the knowledge of the saving ordinances of salvation,
even as ye have partaken of the essential ordinances of salvation to call up the knowledge of the redeemership of the
knowledge of the order of the perfect righteousness of the Father that ye be brought forth to a new circumference of
perception that ye would be brought forth to accompany the Lord Jesus Christ in his reign upon the minds and hearts of the
faithful who plead for a greater understanding to bear testimony of the divine plan in operation in their behalf, for ye are
called to speak under the covenant of the name of Jesus Christ and ye are brought to bear witness of the glory of the Lord
that ye bear witness of the divine fellowship of compassion brought forth by the mind and will of God, that those faltering in
the knowledge of the compassion comfort of the face of Christ might hear the testimony of a pure standard to testify of the
goodness of God and the everlasting discipleship obtained by covenant in the sacred name of Jesus Christ throughout all
eternity and dominion set up to testify of the new reign of Christ upon the minds and hearts of the covenant bearers who
display the undaunting courage to crush the fear and doubt of the adversarial premise which hearkens no good thing to arise
in the name of Jesus Christ, for I speak unto thee of the power to overcome the things and thoughts of the worldly focus
even the things of an adversarial focus, for I speak the words of the Father unto thee and grant thee a space of recovering thy
strengm, thy premortal strength of foreordained purpose and intelligence to speak with faith placed in the name and blood of
Christ that ye might be consumed in the glory of God and the name and factor of perfect righteousness which inhabiteth thy
frame of elements upon the earth, for the word of eternal righteousness is of abrightness of the light of the things of an
eternal inheritance that ye would garnish the light and protect ft from the ploy of the name of the adversary for ye cannot
serve the name of unrighteousness neither can ye overcome the world in the name of unrighteousness for ye shall stand as a
witness of the light of the prefabrication of the temple of God accompanying thy perception of righteousness. So be it
written that ye would be bold in thy declaration of the name of righteousness even the name of Jesus Christ upon the
understanding of the true followers of the brightness of the voice of clarity resounding upon the heart which hearkens to the
face of the Lord in righteousness. So be it written that ye would abound in the sacred dominion of an everlasting fellowship
with God that ye come forth with the transfigured faith of the knowledge of the glory of God awakening thee to the face to
face exchange of the knowledge of a righteous inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ So be it given to thee to testify to the
world of the things of an everlasting inheritance in the sacred- discipleship honor of everlasting inheritance of the
countenance of the knowledge of God. [May 27,2001 (1)]
May 28,2001(1)
May 28,2001 (1) P realize my responsibility to the knowledge which has been given unto me. I desire to be firmly rooted in
the confidence of the Lord Jesus Christ to stand true to the word of Christ. I know a record is kept in heaven of those who
testify in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and stand true and faithful to his name upon their brow.] [May 28,2001 (1)]
June 2,2001 (1) Remember the kindness of the word of the spoken- healing voice of the tree of living water which prepares
the sacrifice of the world from off thy countenance. Remember ye have prepared thy heart to remove thy devotion to the
seen things of mortality and focus upon the unseen things of thy probation. [June 2,2001 (1)]
June S, 2001 (1)
June 5,2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye configure the word of righteousness within thy new understanding gained as ye
overcome the pull of the worldly focus of unrighteousness for the things of an everlasting inheritance brought forth unto the
pure in heart who are found fostering the faith in the name of righteousness unto a clarified perception of the tribute
required in the name of an everlasting inheritance gained in the presence of God for I speak unto thee as one who has been
covered by the holy redemptive- sanctified knowledge of the pure blood of the Lord who doth prepare the children of the
name of the Lord to come to greater understanding for the word of an everlasting participation in the inheritance
circumference doth bind the world to an offering of the timeless personification of the glory of God; for ye shall inherit an
inherited perception of the mainspring of the faith- endurance process to overcome the things of a worldly perspective for ye
need not seek the validation of one caught in the world unto a traditional view which sees not the unified heart of revelatory
righteousness as an indication of the transfer of the name of Jesus Christ and the participation in an everlasting inheritance
which is inherited in the further degree of faith compared to the faith required to overcome the focus of unrighteousness and

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFAN1AH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-201

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