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BOOK OF ZIFFAN1AH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-223

October 29,2002 (2) [I asked again in prayer after writing down the words I heard at 5:00 a.m. to be able to understand in
more detail what I was to understand. I heard words in my sleep again:] Awaken new worlds of deliverance. [I corrected the
phrase, Awaken new paths of deliverance, to read, Awaken new worlds of deliverance. January 25,19% (4); 7:05 a.m.
October 29,2002 (2)]
November 1, 2002 (1)
November 1,2002 (1) [Shortly after awakening from sleep, I saw a vision in my mind that I was standing in a circle of
temple significance filled with the living light of the glory of God. The others in the circle were not filled with this light to
the same degree as the brightest fire shown from within me, and filled my whole being radiating through my body as a pillar
of fire enveloping my entire body. I understood this to mean that I had a foundational honor to participate as one filled with
the light of God in the circle of living righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ I do understand that I was prepared to
participate in the ordinance of God in the name of Jesus Christ There were twelve people standing in the circle.]
[Additional words written March 17, 2007; before 6:00 a.m. November 1,2002 (1)]
November 2, 2002 (1)
November 2,2002 (1) [I heard words in my mind during my sleep. I wrote them down.] Access to the temple by the name of
Jesus Christ [2:01 a.m. November 2,2002 (1)]
November 2, 2002 (3)
November 2,2002 (3) [I heard words in my mind.] Registrated in the name of Jesus Christ. [2:29 a.m]
November 11,2002(1)
November 11,2002 (1) Blessed is the name of the Lord in the recovery of the principles of everlasting life found reconciled
unto thee in thine infirmity this day that ye would seek the living Head of righteousness, even the Lord thy God, even that ye
would have manifested unto thee the hand of the Lord in thy deliverance from the carnality of the things of an everlasting
damnation which damns the progression and circumference- holy of holies attainment in the circle of righteous thought and
discipleship. Blessed art thou this day as ye find the new world of righteousness open before thy view, and ye see as ye are
seen in the timeless personification of an everlasting inheritance in the presence of God. Blessed art thou as ye move
forward in the things which ye are called forth to understand that ye would move according to the things of a righteous
inheritance and according to the things foretold which are brought about according to the faith manifested in the living Head
of righteousness. Blessed art thou this day as ye increase in thy faith in the plan placed in thee before the foundation of the
world that ye would bring forth the element of a righteous inheritance and a greater manifestation of the things of
righteousness upon thy heart in the name of Jesus Christ Blessed art thou this day that ye would abide the season of
righteousness in the name of elevated- heart righteousness. [November 11,2002 (1)]
November 11, 2002 (2)
OF DELIVERANCE FROM THE CARNAL WORLD. And the word of the Lord was found written in the hearts of those who
professed the name of righteousness in the purity of their heart And the people of God did bear witness of the word of
righteousness attached to their brow in the face to fece enduring righteousness uncovered in the pure heart. And the word of
the righteous image of congealed- heart righteousness in the face of great tribulation and uprising of fear in the way outlined
in the path of deliverance brought to the people the knowledge of the will of God and the striving- heart endurance required
to attend to the way of holiness and of righteousness. And the things of a further commandment opened the hearts to a
greater manifestation of the knowledge of extreme faith placed in the name of God for the name of God was found adhering
to the brow in the name of the name of an enduring quest for happiness and salvation. And the things of the way of holiness
and of righteousness were granted unto the pure who found the word adhered to the brow as a vision of the water and the
light of creation brought forth the new word of righteousness and the new water of righteousness and the light of the new
creation of a new heart. And the word of God to the people who brought forth the faith in the word of God unto the creation
of a new heart was brought forth in the new element- dominion manifestation of the transfigured hope and rising- elevated
heart of the transfiguration of the way of an everlasting inheritance and a configured treatise of the word of the Lord. And
the peace brought forth upon the countenance was of the dominion of righteousness and the way of an everlasting
inheritance of the way of righteousness was found among the believing in the word of the way of righteousness and of
everlasting inheritance in the presence of God.] [THE PEACE OF THE NAME OF GOD WRITTEN IN THE HEART AS A
November 17, 2002 (1)
November 17,2002 (1) [At about 4:00 a.m., I got up and started to read in my personal Record. After reading, January 14,
2001 (1), I heard these words in my mind:] I have spoken unto thee again through this revelation. [I felt to begin writing in
the name of Jesus Christ:] Write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, even that ye would abide in the call of the knowledge
granted unto thee to arise from the fear placed in thy heart as ye focus upon the things of a worldly perspective, even that ye
abide not in the faith of the premortal- welcome tribute of the knowledge of the name of righteousness found in thy heart as

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit S01(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southardjf Draft_E-223

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