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- To identify the contribution of scientists in the arrangement of elements in the Periodic
- To get ideas on the arrangement of elements in the Periodic Table based on their proton


- To write the electron arrangement for atoms of elements with proton numbers 1 to 20.

- To determine the group and period based on the electron arrangement of atoms or


- To explain the existence of noble gases as monoatoms and their uses.

- To explain physical properties, similar chemical properties (with water, oxygen and
chlorine) and the different reactivities.

- To explain physical properties, similar chemical properties (with water, sodium hydroxide
and iron) and the different reactivities.

- To explain changes in atomic size, electronegativity, metallic properties as well as oxide
properties across period 3 from left to right.

- To state metallic properties of transition metals and their special characteristics.
Advantages of Classifying the Elements in the Periodic Table

1. Elements are arranged systematically in the Periodic Table in an increasing order of

proton number which enables:
a. chemists to study , understand and remember the chemical and physical properties
of all the elements and compounds in an orderly manner,
b. properties of elements and their compounds to be predicted based on the position
of elements in the Periodic Table,
c. relationship between elements from different groups to be known.

Contribution of Scientist to the Historical Development of the Periodic Table

Scientists Discoveries
Antoine - Substances were classified into 4 groups with similar chemical properties.
J.W - Substances were arranged in 3 groups.
Dobereiner - Groups with similar chemical properties were called Triads.
- Triad system was confined to some elements only.
John - Elements were arranged in accending atomic mass.
Newlands - Law of Octaves because similar chemical properties were repeated at every
eighth element.
- This system was inaccurate because there were some elements with wrong mass
Lothar ( )
- The atomic volume = ( )
- Plotted graph for the atomic volume against atomic mass.
- Found that elements with similiar chemical properties were positioned at
equivalent places along the curve.
Mendeleev - Elements were arranged in ascending order of increasing atomic mass.
- Elements with similar chemical properties were in the same group.
- Empty spaces were allocated for elements yet to be discovered.
- Contributor to the formation of the modern Periodic Table.
Henry - Classified concepts of proton number and elements in accending order of
Moseley increasing proton number.
- Contributor to the formation of the modern Periodic Table.
1. Write the electron arrangement for each atom of element in the Periodic Table below.

2. Elements in the Periodic Table are arranged horizontally in increasing order of proton
3. Two main components of the Periodic Table:
i. Group
ii. Period


a. The vertical column of elements in the Periodic Table arranged according to the
number of valance electron in the outermost shell of atoms is called groups.
b. There are 18 vertical columns, called Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 until Group 18.

Number of Valence Electrons 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 7
(except Helium)
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

For atoms of elements with 3 to 8 valence electrons,

the group number is: 10 + number of valence electrons.
c. Specific name of groups:
 Group 1 – Alkali metals #
 Group 2 – Alkali-earth metals.
 Group 3 to 12 – Transition elements #
 Group 17 – Halogens #
 Group 18 – Noble gases #

# The important groups that will be studied with respect to chemical and
physical properties.

d. Types of substances according to the groups:

- Elements of group 1, 2 and 13 – atoms of each element have 1, 2 and 3 valence
electrons respectively are metals.
- The elements of group 3 to 12 – transition Short periods, # Period 3 will be studied in detail
elements are metals. with respect to physical and chemical properties

- The elements of Group 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

– atoms of each element have 4, 5, 6 7 and 8 Long periods
valence electrons respectively are non-metals.


1. The horizontal row of elements in the Periodic Table, consists of the same number of
shells occupied with electrons in an atom are called period.
2. There are seven horizontal rows of elements known as period 1, 2, ....., 7 [Refer to the
periodic table]
a) Period 1 – has 2 elements
b) Period 2 and 3# –have 8 elements
c) Period 4 and 5 – have 18 elements
d) Period 6 – has 32 elements
e) Period 7 – has 23 elements

1. Complete the table below.

Element Proton Electron Number of Group Number of Period

Number Arrangement in Valence Shell in atom
atom Electrons in
H 1 1 1 1 1 1
He 2 2 2 18 1 1
Li 3 2.1 1 1 2 2
Be 4 2.2 2 2 2 2
B 5 2.3 3 13 2 2
C 6 2.4 5 15 2 2
N 7 2.5 6 16 2 2
O 8 2.6 7 17 2 2
F 9 2.7 8 18 2 2
Ne 10 2.8 1 1 3 3
Na 11 2.8.1 2 2 3 3
Mg 12 2.8.2 3 2 3 3
A1 13 2.8.3 3 3 3 3


1. The diagram below shows the chemical symbols which represent elements X, Y and

2 6 9
𝑋 6𝑌 9𝑍

a. The proton number of element X is 11 and the number of proton in

atom X is 11 . The number of electrons in atom X is 11 . The electron
arrangement of atom X is 2.8.1 . Element X is located in Group 1 because
atom X has one valence electron . It is Period 3 because atom X has three
shells occupied /filled with electrons .

b. i. State the position of element Y in the Periodic Table.

Element Y is located in Group 14 and Period 2
ii. Explain how you determine the position of element Y in the Periodic
- The proton number of element Y is 6 and the number of proton in
atom Y is 6.
- The electron arrangement of atom Y is 2.4.
- Element Y is located in Group 14 because atom Y has 4 valance
- It is in Period 2 because atom Y has 2 shells occupied/filled with

c. Which of the above elements show the same chemical properties? Explain
your answer.
- Element X and element Z.
- Electron arrangement of atom X is 2.8.1 and electron arrangement of
atom Z is
- Atom X and atom Z have the same number of valence electron.

Group 18 (Noble Gases)

1. Consist of Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe) and
Radon (Rn).

Elements Electron arrangement

Helium 2
Neon 2.8
Argon 2.8.8

2. They are chemically inert because the outermost shell of the atom has achieved duplet
electron arrangement for helium and octet electron arrangement for others.
3. It does not combine with other elements (does not lose, gain or share electrons).
4. These gases exist as single uncombined atoms and are said to be monoatomic gases.
5. Going down group 18:
a. The atomic size is increasing because the number of shells increases.
b. The melting point/boiling point is very low because atoms of noble gases atoms
are attracted by weak Van der Waals forces, less energy is required to overcome
these forces. However, the melting / boiling point increases going down the group
because atomic size increases, causing the Van der Waal forces to increase and
more energy is required to overcome these forces.
c. The density is low and increases gradually because the mass increases greatly
going down the group.
6. All noble gases are insoluble in water and cannot conduct electricity in all conditions.
7. Complete the uses of noble gases in the table below:

Noble gases Uses

Helium To fill weather balloons and airship
Neon To fill neon light (for advertisement board)
Argon To fill electrical bulb
Krypton To fill photographic flash lamp
Radon To treat cancer

Group 1 (Alkali Metals)

1. Consist of Lithium(Li), Sodium(Na), Potassium(K), Rubidium(Rb), Cesium(Cs) and


Elements Symbol Proton Number Electron Arrangement Number of Shells

in atom in atom
Lithium Li 3 2.1 2
Sodium Na 11 2.8.1 3
Potassium K 19 4

2. Physical properties:
a. Grey solid with shiny surface.
b. Softer and the density is lower compared to other metals.
c. Lower melting and boiling points compared to other metals.

3. Changes in physical properties going down the group:

a. Atomic size increases because the number of shells increases.
b. Density increases because mass increases faster than the increase in radius.
c. Melting and boiling point decreases because when the atomic size increases, the
metal bonds are weaker.

4. Chemical Properties of Group 1 elements:

a. Each atom has one valence electron; the stable octet electron arrangement is
achieved by releasing one valence electron.

b. All elements in Group 1 have similar chemical properties because all atoms in
Group 1 have one valence electron and achieve the stable electron arrangement
by releasing its valence electron to form a positive charged ion.
c. The reactivity of alkali metals increases going down the group.
i. Atoms of Group 1 metals achieve a stable electron arrangement of noble
gases by releasing one valence electron to form +1 charged ion.
ii. The reactivity of Group 1 metals depends on the ability for atoms to lose
electrons; the easier it is to lose an electron, the greater the reactivity of
the metal.
iii. Going down Group 1, the number of shells increases, the atomic radius
increases and the valence electron in the outer most shell gets further
away from the nucleus. The nuclei attraction on the valence electron gets
weaker , the valence electron is loosely held and it is easier for the
electron to be released.

5. Chemical Reactions of Group 1 elements:

a. With water

2X + 2H2O → 2XOH + H2, X is a metal element of Group 1

Element Observation Chemical equation

Li Lithium moves slowly on the water surface. The 2Li + H2O →  2LiOH + H2
colourless solution formed turns red litmus to blue.
Na Sodium moves quickly on the water surface and 2Na + H2O → 2NaOH + H2
produces yellow flame. The colourless solution
formed turns red litmus to blue.
K Potasium moves very quickly on the water surface 2K + H2O → 
2KOH + H2
and produce yellow flame. The colourless solution
formed turns red litmus to blue.

b. With chlorine gas:

2X + Cl2 → 2XCl, X is a metal element of Group 1

Element Observation Chemical equation
Li Lithium burns slowly with a red flame. 2Li + Cl2 → 2LiCl
A white solid is produced.
Na Sodium burns brightly with a yellow flame. 2Na + Cl2 → 
A white solid is produced.
K Potassium burns very brightly with a purple flame. 2K + Cl2 → 
A white solid is produced.

c. With oxygen gas: (**the set-up of apparatus is similar to the reaction with
chlorine gas.)

Element Observation Chemical equation

Li Lithium burns slowly with a red flame. 4Li + O2 → 2Li2O
A white solid is produced. Li2O + H2O → 2LiOH
Na Sodium burns brightly with a yellow flame. 4Na + O2 → 2Na2O
A white solid is produced. Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
K Potassium burns very brightly with a purple flame. 4K + O2 → 2K2O
A white solid is produced. K2O + H2O → 2KOH

Li Na K Rb
Conclusion: Going down Group 1:
Increase in reactivity


1. The diagram below shows the electron arrangement for atoms P and Q.

i. Element P and Q are placed in the same group in Periodic Table. State the
- Group 1

ii. How is element P and Q kept in the laboratory? Give reason for your
- In paraffin oil
- To prevent them from reacting with oxygen or water vapour in the
b. State one difference in physical properties between element X and element Y.
Melting point of element Q is lower than element P// Density of element Q is
higher than P// atomic size of Q is bigger than P

i. Write chemical equation for the reaction between elements P with water.
2P + 2H2O → 2POH + H2

ii. What is the expected change of colour when a few drops of phenolphthalein
are added into the aqueous solution of the product? Explain your answer.
- Colourless to purple/ pink
- The solution formed is alkaline

iii. Between element P and element Q, which is more reactive in the reaction
with water. Explain your answer.
- Element Q is more reactive than P
- The size of atom Q is greater than atom P
- The valence electron of atom Q is further away from the nucleus
compared to atom P.
- The attraction forces between nucleus and valence electron of atom Q
is weaker than atom P
- Atom Q is easier to release the valence electron compared to atom P

d. Name one element that has the same chemical properties as P and Q

Group 17 (Halogens)

1. Consist of Fluorine (F2), Chlorine (Cl2), Bromine (Br2), Iodine (I2) and Astatine (At2)

Elements Symbol Proton Number Electron Arrangement Number of Shells

in atom in atom
Fluorine F2 9 2.7 2
Chlorine Cl2 17 2.8.7 3
Bromine Br2 35 4
Iodine I2 53 5

2. Physical Properties
a. Does not conduct electricity in all state.
b. Does not conduct heat.
3. Changes in physical properties going down the group :-
a. Physical properties change from gas (Fluorine and Chlorine) to liquid
(Bromine) and to solid (Iodine) at room temperature.
b. The atomic size increases going down the group because of increase in
number of shell .
c. The density is low and increases going down the group.
d. The melting and boiling points are low because the molecules are attracted by
weak Van der Waals forces, and small amount of energy is required to
overcome these forces. However the melting/boiling point increases going
down the group because the increase in atomic size causes a stronger
molecular forces. More energy required to overcome this forces .
e. The colour of the elements becomes darker going down the group: Fluorine
(light yellow), Chlorine (greenish yellow), Bromine (Brown) and Iodine
(Purplish black).

4. Chemical properties of Group 17 elements

a. All atoms of elements in Group 17 have 7 valence electron and achive a stable
octet electron arrangement by accepting one electron to form negative charged

b. Chemical properties of all elements are similar because the number of valence
electrons in atoms are the same and achieve the stable octet electron
arrangement in a similar way.
c. Reactivity of halogens decreases going down the group :
i. All the atoms of Group 17 have seven valence electrons and achieve a
stable octet electron arrangement by accepting one electron to form –1
charged ion or by sharing a pair of electrons.
ii. The reactivity of a halogen atom depends on the tendency of the atom
to accept electron.
iii. Going down Group 17, the number of shells increases, atomic size
iv. Outer shell becomes further from the nucleus.
v. The strength to attract one electron into the outer most occupied shell
by the nucleus becomes weaker.
vi. The strength of a halogen atom to attract electron decreases from
fluorine to astatine (electronegativity decreases)
vii. Exist as diatomic molecules (2 atoms of elements sharing a pair of
valence electrons) to achieve stable octet electron arrangement.
(Complete the electron arrangement for the atom and molecule below)

The elements of the group exist as diatomic molecules: F2, Cl2,

Br2, I2 and At2

5. Chemical reactions of Group 17 elements:

a. With water
i. Solubility (The reactivity of reaction decreases going down Group 17)

ii. Reaction with bromine - shake bromine with water, a brown solution is
Br2 + H2O HBr + HOBr
iii. Reaction with iodine:
I2+ H2O HI + HOI

b. With Sodium hydroxide, (NaOH):

X2+ 2NaOH → NaX + NaOX + H2O
I2+ 2NaOH → NaI + NaOI + H2O

c. With iron (Fe):

2Fe + X2 → 2FeX3, X2 represents any halogen (Cl2, Br2 or I2)

Halogen Observation Chemical Equation
Chlorine Iron wool burns brightly 2Fe + 3Cl2 → 
and forms a brown solid
when cooled
Bromine Iron wool glows brightly 2Fe + 3Br2 → 
and forms a brown solid
when cooled
Iodine Iron wools glows slowly 2Fe + 3I2 → 2FeI3
with a dull glow and forms
a brown solid when cooled

Experiment a, b, c show that all halogens have similar chemical properties

but their reactivity decrease going down the group.


1. The diagram shows the information regarding elements W, X, Y and Z which are
from the same group in the Periodic Table.

9 2

i. Write the electron arrangement of atom of element W and X.
Atom X: 2.8.7
Atom W: 2.7
ii. State the position of element W and X in the Periodic Table.
Element W: Group 17, Period 2
Element X: Group 17, Period 3
iii. Do you expect element X and Y to show the same chemical properties?
Give reason for your answer.
Yes, atom X and atom Y have same number of valence electrons
iv. State the type of particles of substance W, X, Y and Z.

b. Compare the boiling point of element Y and Z. Explain the difference.

- The boiling point of element Z is higher than element Y
- The size of molecule Z2 is bigger than molecule Y2
- The forces of attraction between molecule Z2 is stronger than molecule
Y2, more heat energy is needed to overcome the stronger forces
between molecules Z2
c. i. Element X can react with sodium hydroxide solution. Write the chemical
equation for the reaction.
X2 + 2NaOH → NaX + NaOX + H2O

ii. Between elements X and Y, which is more electronegative?

X is more electronegative than element Y

iii. How does the reactivity of element X and element Y differ? Explain your
- Element X is more reactive than element Y
- The size of atom X is smaller than atom Y
- The outermost occupied shell of atom X is nearer to the nucleus
compare to atom Y.
- The strength of the nucleus of atom X to attract electron into the
outermost shell is stronger than atom Y

1. Horizontal rows in the periodic table
2. There are seven periods known as period 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
3. The number of period of an element represents the number of shells occupy with
electrons in each atom of element.
Elements Proton Electron Arrangement in Number of shells in Period
Number atom atom
Li 3 2.1 2 2
Na 11 2.8.1 3 3
K 19 4 4

4. Period 3 elements
Elements Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Proton Number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Electron arrangement 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.8.8
Positive charge in the nucleus +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18
Radius 0.156 0.136 0.125 0.117 0.110 0.104 0.009 0.001

5. Physical changes across the period 3 (from left to right)

a. Atomic radius decreases because:
i. All the atoms of elements have 3 shells occupied with electrons.
ii. The proton number increases by one unit from one element to the next
iii. Increase in proton number causes the number of positive charge in the
nucleus to increase.
iv. The strength of nuclei attraction on the electrons in the shells
v. The atomic radius of elements decreases .
b. Electronegativity increases:
i. Electronegativity: The strength of an atom in a molecule to attract
electron towards its nucleus.
ii. The atomic radius decreases due to the increasing nuclei attraction on
the valence electron.
iii. The strength of nucleus to attract electrons also increases .

c. Physical state:
i. The physical state of elements in a period changes from solid to gas
from left to right.
ii. Metals on the left are solid while non-metals on the right are usually

d. Changes in metallic properties and electrical conductivity:

Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Metallic Metal Semi metal Non metal
Electrical Good conductors Weak conductor of electric Cannot conduct
conductivity of electric. but it increases with the electricity
presence of boron or
Uses: semi-conductor

6. Properties of oxide of elements in Period 3:

a. Elements in Period 3 can be classified as metals and non-metals based on
basic and acidic properties of their oxides.

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl

Basic oxide Amphoteric oxide Acidic oxide

Metal oxide + water → alkali Amphoteric oxide react with both acid Non metal oxide + water → acid
Example: and alkali to produce + salt and water Example:
Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH Example: SO2 + H2O → H2SO3
Al2O3 + 6HNO3 → 2Al(NO3)3 +3H2O
Metal oxide + Acid → Salt + Al2O3 + 2NaOH → 2NaAlO2 + H2O Non metal oxide+ alkali → Salt +
Water Water
Example: Example:
MgO + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2O SiO2 + 2NaOH → N2SiO3 + H2O
b. i. Basic oxide is metal oxide that can react with acid to form salt and water .
ii. Acidic oxide is non-metal oxide that can react with alkali to form salt and
iii. Amphoteric oxide is oxide that can react with both acid and alkali to form
salt and water .

c. Complete the following table:

i. Reaction with water:
Oxide Solubility in Water pH of the Type of
Solution Oxide
Sodium oxide, White solid dissolve in 14 Basic
Na2O water oxide
Magnesium oxide, White solid slightly 9 Basic
MgO dissolve in water oxide
Aluminium oxide, Insoluble - -
Silicon oxide, SiO2 Insoluble - -
Phosphorous White solid dissolve in 3 Acidic
oxide, P4O10 water oxide
Sulphur dioxide, White solid dissolve in 3 Acidic
SO2 water oxide

ii. Reaction between nitric acid and sodium hydroxide solution:

Oxide Reaction with Reaction with Type of
Dilute Nitric Acid Sodium Hydroxide Oxide
Magnesium The white solid No change. The Basic oxide
oxide, MgO dissolve to form white solid does not
colourless solution dissolve
Aluminium The white solid The white solid Amphoteric
oxide, Al2O3 dissolve to form dissolve to form oxide
colourless solution colourless solution
Silicon oxide, No change. The The white solid Acidic
SiO2 white solid does not dissolve to form oxide
dissolve colourless solution
Transition Element

1. Situated between Group 2 and 13. The example of transition element are Sc, Ti, V,
Cr, Mn, Fe ,Co , Ni, Cu, and Zn.
2. Show metal properties:
- Shiny, conducts heat and electricity, malleable, high tensil strength, high
melting point and density.
3. Special characteristics:
a. Form coloured compound
Example: Iron (III) chloride is brown, Iron (II) chloride is green and copper
(II) sulphate is blue.

b. Form different oxidation numbers.

c. Form complex ions: MnO4, Cr2O72-, CrO4 2-, etc.
d. Useful as a catalyst in industries.
e. Example:
Iron: Haber process in the manufacture of ammonia

N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Vanadium (V) Oxide: Contact process in the manufacture of sulphuric acid

2SO2 + O2 2SO3
Platinum: Ostwald process in the manufacture of nitric acid


1. The table below shows the number of neutron and relative atomic mass of eight
elements represented as P, Q, R, S, T, U and W.

Element P Q R S T U V W
Number of neutron in an atom 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 22
Relative atomic mass 23 24 27 28 31 32 35 40
Number of proton in an atom 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Electron arrangement of an atom 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.8.8

i. Complete the above table by writing the number of proton and electron
arrangement for the atom of each element.
ii. In which period of the Periodic Table can you find element P – W. Explain
your answer.
Period 3 because P – W atoms have three shells occupied with electrons

iii. What is the proton number of another element that is in the same group as

b. Write the standard represention for element Q.


c. Which element exist as:

i. Monoatomic gas : W
ii. Diatomic gas : T/U/V

i. Which element can react vigorously with water to produce hydrogen gas?

ii. Write the balanced equation for the reaction in b (i).

2P + H2O → 2POH + H2

e. State the arrangement of elements T, U and V in the order of increasing

atomic radius. Explain your answer
- V,U and T
- Atoms of T, U, and V have three shells occupied with electron / in the
same period
- The proton number // positive charges in the nucleus increases from T
and V
- The forces of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons in the
shells increases from T to V
- The shells filled with electrons are pulled nearer to the nucleus from T
to V
2. Diagram 4 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements. X, Y, A, B, D, E and F do
not represent the actual symbol of the elements.

a. State the position of element B in the Periodic Table.

Period 3, Group 13

b. Choose an element that

i. is monoatomic Y ii. forms acidic D/E iii. has atoms that X

oxide have no neutron
iv. is an alkali metal A/F v forms B vi. has a proton D
amphoteric number 15
vii. is most F viii. forms basic A/F ix. forms coloured G
electropositive oxide compound

c. Arrange Y, A, B, D and E according to the order of increasing atomic size.

Y, E, D, B, A

d. Compare electronegativity of element D and element E. Explain your answer.

- Element E is more electronegative than element D.
- Atom E and atom D have same number of shells occupied with
- The number of proton in the nucleus of atom E is more than atom D.
- The strength of nucleus in atom E to attract electron is stronger than
that in atom D

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