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Teacher Pauls Mathematical Sayings & Summaries

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mathematics is the language of Science English and Thai are languages of the human world. Mathematics is the language of the Natural world. It is the only language taught and in use in every country in the world. Mathematics is everywhere because it provides an intellectual model of the natural world. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic; All positive integers can be factored [ to the product of prime integers ]. All positive integers are either Prime ( divisible only by 1 or itself ) or Composite ( composed of the product of Prime Numbers other than 1 or itself ; divisible by Prime Numbers other than 1 or itself ). Fundamental Theorem of Algebra; All polynomials can be factored to n linear binomial s. All polynomial equations of degree n have n solutions in the complex number domain. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Integration and Differentiation are Inverse Functions All Quadratic Equations graph in to one of the 4 Conic Sections; Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, or Hyperbola. All Linear Equations graph in to straight lines. The Fundamental Rule of Equations What you do to one side of the equation you must also do to the other side The two major techniques for solving equations algebraically are .. [ vs. numerically or graphically ] a/ Invoke the Inverse Function to solve the equation whenever possible. b/ Factor the equation and use the Zero Factor Property [see definition below]. f and g are Inverse Functions iff f [ g(x) ] = g [ f(x) ] = x Examples; Addition/Subtraction, Multiplication/Division, Powers/Roots, Sine/Arcsine, Exponentiation/Logarithms, Integration/Differentiation To find the Inverse of y = f(x) , solve for x and then interchange x & y. The graphs of 2 inverse functions will be mirror images of each other about the line y = x. Solutions to Polynomial Equations are also called Roots or Zeroes. The sum of two squares, [ a2 + b2 ] is always Prime and can not be factored with Real Numbers. But it can be factored to the sum and difference [a bi] [a + bi] with Complex Numbers. A factor is a divisor which leaves a remainder of zero. It is the key concept which unites Arithmetic and Algebra. The Zero Factor Property; If ab = 0, then the solution is found by solving a = 0 and b = 0. Ex; (x 2) ( x2 9 ) = 0 , so x 2 = 0 1 solution is x = 2 & x2 9 = 0 x = 3 is another. Product Sum Method of Factoring; To factor the quadratic y = x2 + bx + c , find two numbers h & k that multiply to c and add up to b. Then y = ( x + h ) ( x + k ) [ so h and k are zeroes of f(x) ] AC Method of Factoring; To factor the quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c, find 2 numbers, h & k, that multiply to a times c and add up to b. Replace bx with hx + kx and factor by grouping. To Complete the Square of x2 + bx + c = 0, subtract c from both sides and add (b / 2)2 to both sides. Then ( x + [b/2] )2 = c + (b / 2)2 . Now take the square root of both sides and solve. Like the Quadratic Formula, this will always yield a solution, real or complex. Pythagorean Theorem; The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse; c2 = a2 + b2 Quadratic Formula; x equals, minus b, plus or minus the square root, b squared minus 4 a c, all over 2a . Negative powers are the reciprocal of positive powers; a 2 = [ 1 / a2 ] and a 2 a2 = a0 = 1 . Fractional powers are the inverse of positive powers;[ a1/ 2 ]2 = [ a2 ]1/ 2 = a1 = a [ so a1/ 2 = Square root of a ] Arc length of a Unit Circle [ r = 1 ] equals the measure of the central angle [ in radians ] subtending that arc. For a circle with r 1, Arc Length = r times the central angle. If a Central Angle [two radii] subtends an arc of a circle, all the Inscribed Angles [2 chords] subtending the same arc will be equal to 1/2 the Central Angle. Note that all inscribed angles of a half circle will be = 90 degrees Never leave a denominator with a [a] radical, [b] fraction or [c] complex number. Multiply top and bottom by [a] the radical, [b] the reciprocal of the denominator, [c] the complex conjugate.
The Integral is approximately equal to the sum of areas of rectangles or trapezoids formed by dividing the total area in to vertical sections of width = dx. That is why the integration symbol is the Greek letter Sigma which looks like an S. f(x) dx = Area under f(x). Think of integration as pouring water in to a bucket; a summation or accumulation process

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

26. Integration; Multiplication with one of the variables changing. Multiplication is repeated addition [summation].

25. Differentiation is finding the Instantaneous Slope of the tangent line of a function at a given point. Think of differentiation as driving in a car, then freezing time and looking at the speedometer. Speed = the derivative. 26. The 1st , 2nd and 3rd derivatives of position are velocity, acceleration and jerk. 27. Sums of Trigonometric functions are the precise/exact representations of all periodic / harmonic motion. [Examples; Heart beating, Breathing, Eyes blinking, Day/Night 24 hours, Seasons of the year, Ball bouncing] This can be seen mathematically with as a vector rotating [phasor] around a unit circle. The location of the phasor tip at any instant of time is given by z (t) = ( cos t , sin t ) ; = angular frequency in cycles / second. 28. The Unit Circle is a powerful analytic tool of Trigonometry. It allows us to visualize trig values as lengths or slopes of line segments and thus compare these values for different angles. As a result, one can see complementary, supplementary, Pythagorean and identity relationships easily for all angles 0 to 360 deg. 29. Right Triangle Analysis is the calculation of all lengths (3), angles (3), and trig functions (6) of an arbitrary right triangle given only 1 trig function OR 2 of the 6 values which uniquely define the triangle. 30. Trigonometric functions for any angle have the same absolute value as the 3 other angles symmetric with the x axis of the unit circle in the range of 0 to 2. One of those angles will have the same sign. The other two angles will have the opposite sign. [The signs will depend on the quadrant and trig function ]

31. Given the value of any trig function for an angle x, one can easily find all the other 5 trig values for both that angle and its complement angle using a Right Triangle Pythagorean analysis. If you remember the values for 30, 45, 60, 0 & 90 degrees [ 1, 0, , Sqrt 2, Sqrt 3 ] , you can easily obtain 96 different trig values . 32. The value of the Sine of any angle from 0 to 30 deg is approximately equal to the value of the angle [in radians] because for that range of angles, Sine x = x, So Sine x x ( / 180 ). Example; Sin 30 deg = Sin /6 radians = /6 = 0.5235 ; Compared to table/calculator value of 0.500 the approximation is within 5%. For 10 degrees, the approximation is accurate to 1.1% [ 0.17453 vs 0.17364 ] 33. You can always find a solution to n linear equations with m unknowns if n = m If n > m No solution exists if the equations are linearly independent ??? i j k One solution; But there can be Infinite or No solutions if the equations are linearly dependent If n m If n < m Infinite solutions; An example is a line ( y=2x+1) in 2 Space. n=1 , m=2. 34. A Matrix is an extension of the idea of a function. A function maps or transforms the independent variable x on to the dependent variable y. This is written as f: X Y or y = f(x). f(x) is the rule for the mapping. Similarly, a matrix maps/transforms one vector x on to another vector b; A x = b. Matrix A is the mapping rule. 35. Matrix Operations provide 3 methods for solving systems of equations; 1/ Gauss Jordan Elimination, 2/ Finding the Inverse solution x = A 1 b for A x = b, & 3/ Cramers Rule for determinants. 36. A power function is y = x2 ; An exponential function is y = 2x 37. Exponential functions are models of those processes in nature whose rate of grow or decay are proportional to their present size. a/ The slope of the exponential function is proportional to the value of the function at that point. b/ If the base of the exponential function is e , then the proportionality constant is one; the slope is EQUAL to the value of the function at that point; i.e. slope @ x1 = y = f(x1) c/ Reproduction of Life gives rise to exponential growth. [ Positive slope; gets faster and faster] d/ Entropy gives rise to exponential decay. [ Negative slope; gets slower and slower ] [Entropy is the tendency toward disorder or low energy states; 2nd Law of Thermodynamics] e/ Life Exponential Growth ; Entropy Exponential Decay 38. Logarithms are an alternative way of describing/expressing/stating an exponential function, focusing on the power of the number rather than the number itself which is often very very large or small. Log b a = c bc = a Raise b to the power of c to equal a. The formal definition of a Logarithm is; Log x = Integral of 1/x from 1 to x. [ Thus d/dx Log x = 1/x ] 39. A rational number [fraction] is a ratio of integers: a rational expression is a ratio of algebraic expressions: a rational equation equates 2 rational expressions. Note that the idea is in the first 5 letters of the word rational. 40. If A B [conditional statement] is true, then Not B Not A [contrapositive] is also true. But B A [converse] and Not A Not B [inverse] are not true unless .. A B [biconditional] is true. A B = If A then B = A implies B. 41. Analytic Geometry is the study of the tools which save time describing and specifying equations & graphs of Conic Sections, Polynomial Functions, and Rational Functions. 42. The ( 4 ) important theorems of Polynomial Algebra are . [1] Division Algorithm; D=dividend, d = divisor, q = quotient, R = remainder; D/d =q + R/d multiply by d D=dxq + R If R = 0, d & q are factors of D [2] Factor Theorem; Iff y = f(x) has f(a) = 0 then (x a) is a factor of f(x) [ i.e. f(x) / (x a) has R=0 ] [3] Remainder Theorem; If f(x) / (x c) , then f(c) = remainder = R [4] Rational Zero Test; All real solutions to f(x) = 0 will be contained in the set of r / s where r = the factors of the coefficient xn = the highest power term s = the factors of the coefficient of x0 = the constant term 43. For y = f(x) = polynomial = an xn + an-1 xn-1 + an-2 xn-2 + an-3 xn-3 + .. + a1 x1 + a0 x0 If any of the following statements about the polynomial is true, then all of them are true . (1) a is a real solution/root/zero to y = f(x) (2) a is an X axis crossing of the graph of y = f(x) (3) f(a) = 0 (4) x a is a factor of f(x) (5) f(x) / x a has a remainder = 0 44. Synthetic division [ SD ] of ( x a ) in to f (x) tells us four things about solutions to f (x) = 0 .. 1./ If the Remainder R = 0 , then a is a solution 2/ If the Remainder R 0 , then ( a , R ) is a point on the graph of y = f (x) 3/ If the Remainder R 0, a > 0 and the bottom line of the SD is all positive No solutions are > a 4/ If the Remainder R 0, a < 0 and the bottom line of the SD alternates in sign No solutions are < a 45. Imaginary numbers are inventions of the human mind that allow us to solve the equation x2 + 1 = 0 But so are (a) negative integers [ x + 1 = 0 ] (b) rational numbers (fractions) [ 3x 4 = 0 ] and (c) irrational numbers [ x2 3 = 0 ] . 46. A Complex Number, a + b i , times its complex conjugate, a b i , is always equal to a2 + b2 47. The Law of Large Numbers says that experimental probabilities [ found from n observations ] become closer and closer to theoretical probabilities [ based on the physics ] as n gets large. [ n = number of experimental trials ] 48. k k Fundamental Theorem of Algebra .





( x xn )

x2 + 6x + 8


All polynomials of degree n have n solutions All polynomials can be factored in to n linear binomials [in the Complex Number Domain ]

Teacher Pauls Educational & Moral Sayings and Summaries

1. 2. 3. Thinking is what you do ..... when you dont know what to do. The most important thing to learn in school is to Learn How to Learn The entire history of knowledge is a process of discovering logical distinctions. Note that every word in the dictionary is composed of a Genus [what it has in common with some other word] and Differentia [what makes it unique and distinct from the Genus, thus defining the new concept]. The benefits of knowledge and education, are a good job, money and social status; but the true value of an education is that it shines a light on your world and thus enriches, deepens and makes more meaningful every moment of your life. [And no one can ever take that away from you]. Mathematics teaches one to think Logically, Quantitatively, and Automatically. Finding equivalent equations from a given equation is automated thinking. Each new equation is a conclusion derived from the previous equation By simply following the Fundamental Rule of Equations, one is guaranteed a correct conclusion. Since drawing conclusions is thinking, doing it using a rule makes it automatic thinking. Logic is the common link between The Arts and The Sciences; because while logical reasoning and conclusions are the bedrock of Science, Communication is the common denominator of The Arts. When the idea / feeling / statement / play / movie / poem / sculpture / painting / storyline / music is presented in a clear, logical, and thus easy to understand manner that makes sense, this most effectively transmits what the author wants to say to the observer. Repetition results in Retention. A Summary Sheet makes Repetition possible and easy which leads to re-examination, additional learning, and understanding at deeper and broader levels. Education is the process of coming out of the darkness in to the light.. Dr Alan Bloom, U of Chicago The more you know, the more you see. And the more you see .. the deeper, more complex, more interesting, more intense, more respectful, and more beautiful your life experience becomes. The transition from boyhood to manhood begins with the question What can I GIVE not What do I GET How can you contribute to your family, friends, community, or Thailand if you have learned little or nothing ? What will you have to Give ? What will allow you to earn more than you need so you have something to Give ? As ye sow, so shall ye reap. You get out of life what you put in to it. If you make a practice of doing the least amount necessary all the time, you guarantee that you will get the least out of your life experience regardless of your position, status or wealth. A man who does not know what happened before he was born lives forever as a child. Accomplishment without contribution is without significance. The more you habitually focus your deeds to benefit others, not just yourself, the better your life will be. A man's Character is his fate. The end depends upon the beginning. You can see much much more with your mind than you ever will with your eyes The more you know, the more you can see how much you do not know. There is a tendency at any time in a mans life for his mind to think that what he knows NOW is all he needs to know to survive. All Truth passes through 3 stages; 1st The idea is ridiculed and laughed at, 2nd, It is violently opposed, and 3rd, It is accepted as if it was always self evident.

4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

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