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Strong Motion

Document 302415
Revision G

June, 2004
Kinemetrics Inc. reserves the right to make improvements in the software described in this documentation at any time and without
notice. The information contained here is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by
Kinemetrics Inc.

The software described in this document is provided as a licensed item, in conjunction with Kinemetrics equipment. It may not be
copied or distributed for use on other than the equipment it was licensed for.

Kinemetrics Inc. shall have no liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or
damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this documentation or the software described in it. This includes but is
not limited to any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting from the use or
operation of such software or computer programs.

Software and software updates provided by Kinemetrics Inc. for its Strong Motion and Seismological measurement and recording
equipment have a warranty period of one year. This warranty applies to the standard software package as well as to options or special
software provided to the customer. An update shipped under warranty will be covered by the original system’s warranty for the
balance of the one year period.

Warranty claims shall be made on Software Change Request forms (SCRs). Problems reported by filing an SCR within one year will
be corrected free of charge. SCRs filed after the one year period will be billed at the then-current rates.

The method of correction will be at Kinemetrics Inc.’s discretion, in that a correction may be supplied via a software patch, or by
shipping updated software.

Shipment of updated software will sometimes require hardware or configuration changes to the system. Hardware changes may
include, but are not limited to, memory and disk drives. Required hardware or configuration changes are not included in the cost of a
software update, and may represent an additional cost to the customer.

All software, once delivered, is covered under warranty. Updates fitting the following descriptions would NOT be considered valid
warranty claims, and the software would be billed accordingly:
• Updates not prompted by a software problem.
• Additional software options requested voluntarily by the customer, such as the addition of special software.

Copyright © 1998-2004, Kinemetrics Inc.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Kinemetrics Inc.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 1
On Line Help ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Installation............................................................................................................................................. 4

Philosophy of Operation .............................................................................................................. 5

Customization ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Display Organization and Controls..................................................................................... 7

Title Bar ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Tool Bar ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Graph Display Area ................................................................................................................................. 11
Status Bar................................................................................................................................................. 11

Normal Flow of Operation ....................................................................................................... 12

Picking a Processing Format .................................................................................................. 12

Interpreting and Manipulating Graphs ......................................................................... 13

Data Editing ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Zooming and Special Keyboard Keys.............................................................................. 19

Opening a File ................................................................................................................................... 21

Opening ASCII Files .................................................................................................................... 23

Sample Rate ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Full Scale ................................................................................................................................................. 23
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
CANCEL .................................................................................................................................................. 23

Opening SAC Files ........................................................................................................................ 24

Bit Weight ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Full Scale ................................................................................................................................................. 24
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
CANCEL .................................................................................................................................................. 24

Removing the Offset ..................................................................................................................... 25

Offset Removal Method ........................................................................................................................... 26
Remove Offset, Don't Ask........................................................................................................................ 26
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 26

Saving a File ....................................................................................................................................... 27

Editing Header Information ................................................................................................... 28

Channel.................................................................................................................................................... 28
Channel ID .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Natural Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 29
Sensor S/N ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Damping................................................................................................................................................... 29
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Sensor Type.............................................................................................................................................. 29
Station ID................................................................................................................................................. 29
Comment .................................................................................................................................................. 29
File Start Time ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Latitude .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Longitude ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Elevation .................................................................................................................................................. 30
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 30

Editing Event Data ........................................................................................................................ 30

Inserted Data ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Insert Time............................................................................................................................................... 31
Noise......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Insert Data Before Marker...................................................................................................................... 32
Insert Data After Marker ........................................................................................................................ 32
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Delete from Start of File.......................................................................................................................... 33
Delete to End of File................................................................................................................................ 33
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 33

Editing Comments ......................................................................................................................... 34

Alternate Title .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Comments on the Print............................................................................................................................ 35
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 35

SMA Setup Wizard ....................................................................................................................... 36

Current Profile......................................................................................................................................... 37
Select Profile............................................................................................................................................ 37
Save New Profile...................................................................................................................................... 37
Grid Lines ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Negative Display ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Volts DC Scale ......................................................................................................................................... 38
DAC View................................................................................................................................................. 38
Display Units............................................................................................................................................ 39
Spectra as Periods.................................................................................................................................... 39
Autoscale.................................................................................................................................................. 39
Auto Scale Method................................................................................................................................... 39
Marker Text Size...................................................................................................................................... 39

Advanced.................................................................................................................................................. 40
Remove Offset.......................................................................................................................................... 40
Offset Removal Method ........................................................................................................................... 40
V1/V2/V3 Formats................................................................................................................................... 40
V1/V2/V3 Format Type ........................................................................................................................... 41
PSD Defaults ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Filter Corner............................................................................................................................................ 41
Filter Order.............................................................................................................................................. 41
Overlap Factor......................................................................................................................................... 41
FFT Defaults ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Taper Type ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Taper Ratio .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Padding Limit .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Default File Type ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Don't Display Header Information ......................................................................................................... 43
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 43
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 43

Advanced SMA Setup ................................................................................................................. 43

Custom Input Enabled............................................................................................................................. 43
Custom Input Name................................................................................................................................. 43
Custom Input Provider ............................................................................................................................ 44
Custom Input Temporary File................................................................................................................. 44
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 44

Viewing Header Information ................................................................................................. 45

Viewing Negative Display ......................................................................................................... 45

Selecting Display Channel ........................................................................................................ 46

Channel.................................................................................................................................................... 46
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

Viewing Time Series and Spectra ....................................................................................... 47

Computing V1 ................................................................................................................................... 57
V1/V2/V3 Format Type ........................................................................................................................... 58
Use This Format, Don't Ask.................................................................................................................... 58
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
V1 Title Line ............................................................................................................................................ 59
Earthquake Name.................................................................................................................................... 59
Shock Number ......................................................................................................................................... 59
Earthquake Date and Time ..................................................................................................................... 59
Origin Time.............................................................................................................................................. 59
Accelerogram ID Number ....................................................................................................................... 60
Trigger Time ............................................................................................................................................ 60
Station Number........................................................................................................................................ 60
Latitude .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Longitude ................................................................................................................................................. 60
Recorder Type.......................................................................................................................................... 60

S/N............................................................................................................................................................ 60
Number of Channels ............................................................................................................................... 60
Total Channels......................................................................................................................................... 60
Station Name ........................................................................................................................................... 60
Earthquake Title Line ............................................................................................................................. 60
Hypocenter Information.......................................................................................................................... 60
Magnitude Information........................................................................................................................... 60
Channels .................................................................................................................................................. 61
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 61
Channel Number ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Orientation............................................................................................................................................... 62
Azimuth .................................................................................................................................................... 62
Station Channel Number......................................................................................................................... 62
Location Description ............................................................................................................................... 62
Natural Period ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Damping................................................................................................................................................... 62
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................. 62
Number of Points..................................................................................................................................... 62
Duration................................................................................................................................................... 62
Maximum Acceleration ........................................................................................................................... 62
Time of Maximum Acceleration ............................................................................................................. 62
RMS Value............................................................................................................................................... 63
Units of Data............................................................................................................................................ 63
Units ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Next Lower Channel................................................................................................................................ 63
Next Higher Channel .............................................................................................................................. 63
Event ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
V1 Title Line ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Earthquake Name.................................................................................................................................... 64
Title Time ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Time of First Sample YYYY .................................................................................................................... 65
Time of First Sample DDD...................................................................................................................... 65
Time of First Sample HH ........................................................................................................................ 65
Time of First Sample MM ....................................................................................................................... 65
Time of First Sample SS.......................................................................................................................... 65
Time of First Sample MS ........................................................................................................................ 65
Station Number........................................................................................................................................ 65
Latitude .................................................................................................................................................... 65
Longitude ................................................................................................................................................. 65
Elevation .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Recorder Type.......................................................................................................................................... 65
S/N............................................................................................................................................................ 65
Station Name ........................................................................................................................................... 65
Station Code............................................................................................................................................. 66
Number of Channels ............................................................................................................................... 66
Total Channels......................................................................................................................................... 66
Earthquake Latitude................................................................................................................................ 66
Earthquake Longitude............................................................................................................................. 66
Earthquake Depth.................................................................................................................................... 66
Moment Magnitude ................................................................................................................................. 66
Surface Wave Magnitude ........................................................................................................................ 66
Local Magnitude...................................................................................................................................... 66
Other Magnitude ..................................................................................................................................... 66

Epicentral Distance ................................................................................................................................. 66
Seismic Moment....................................................................................................................................... 66
Data Source ............................................................................................................................................. 67
Channels .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
Channel Number ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Orientation............................................................................................................................................... 68
Offset North ............................................................................................................................................. 68
Offset East................................................................................................................................................ 68
Offset Up .................................................................................................................................................. 68
Azimuth .................................................................................................................................................... 68
Station Channel Number......................................................................................................................... 68
Natural Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 68
Damping................................................................................................................................................... 68
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................. 68
Channel S/N............................................................................................................................................. 68
Vertical Orientation................................................................................................................................. 69
Horizontal Orientation ............................................................................................................................ 69
Sensor Type.............................................................................................................................................. 69
Number of Points..................................................................................................................................... 69
Duration................................................................................................................................................... 69
Maximum Acceleration ........................................................................................................................... 69
Time of Maximum Acceleration ............................................................................................................. 69
Minimum Acceleration............................................................................................................................ 69
Time of Minimum Acceleration .............................................................................................................. 70
Units ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Problems .................................................................................................................................................. 70
Refer to File ............................................................................................................................................. 70
Comments ................................................................................................................................................ 70
Next Lower Channel................................................................................................................................ 70
Next Higher Channel .............................................................................................................................. 70
Event ........................................................................................................................................................ 70
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 70

Computing V2 ................................................................................................................................... 71
Time Step ................................................................................................................................................. 76
Number of Points..................................................................................................................................... 77
First Decimation Factor.......................................................................................................................... 77
Half Length of Filter Operator ............................................................................................................... 77
Acceleration Decimation Factor ............................................................................................................. 77
Velocity Decimation Factor..................................................................................................................... 77
Displacement Decimation Factor............................................................................................................ 78
Terminal Frequency ................................................................................................................................ 78
Roll-Off Width ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Corner Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 78
Roll-Off Width ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Correction Method................................................................................................................................... 78
Channels .................................................................................................................................................. 78
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Use Defaults............................................................................................................................................. 79
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Channel Number ..................................................................................................................................... 79
V2 Title Line ............................................................................................................................................ 80

Plot Title 1................................................................................................................................................ 80
Plot Title 2................................................................................................................................................ 80
Natural Period ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Damping................................................................................................................................................... 80
Next Higher Channel .............................................................................................................................. 80
Next Lower Channel................................................................................................................................ 80
Event ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 80
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 80
Time Step ................................................................................................................................................. 81
Number of Points..................................................................................................................................... 81
First Decimation Factor.......................................................................................................................... 81
Half Length of Filter Operator ............................................................................................................... 82
Acceleration Decimation Factor ............................................................................................................. 82
Velocity Decimation Factor..................................................................................................................... 82
Displacement Decimation Factor............................................................................................................ 82
Terminal Frequency ................................................................................................................................ 82
Roll-Off Width ......................................................................................................................................... 82
Corner Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 83
Roll-Off Width ......................................................................................................................................... 83
Correction Method................................................................................................................................... 83
Channels .................................................................................................................................................. 83
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Use Defaults............................................................................................................................................. 83
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 83
Channel Number ..................................................................................................................................... 84
Natural Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 84
Damping................................................................................................................................................... 84
Next Higher Channel .............................................................................................................................. 84
Next Lower Channel................................................................................................................................ 85
Event ........................................................................................................................................................ 85
Done ......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 85

Computing V3 ................................................................................................................................... 86
V3 Title Line ............................................................................................................................................ 87
Descriptive Text ....................................................................................................................................... 87
Units of Spectra ....................................................................................................................................... 87
Dampings ................................................................................................................................................. 87
Periods ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
Use Defaults............................................................................................................................................. 87
DONE....................................................................................................................................................... 87
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 87
Dampings ................................................................................................................................................. 88
Periods ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Use Defaults............................................................................................................................................. 88
DONE....................................................................................................................................................... 88
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 89

Computing PSD ............................................................................................................................... 89

Filter Corner............................................................................................................................................ 90
Filter Order.............................................................................................................................................. 90
Overlap Factor......................................................................................................................................... 90
Use These Values..................................................................................................................................... 91
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 91

Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 91

Computing Fast Fourier Transform ................................................................................ 92

Taper Type ............................................................................................................................................... 93
Taper Ratio .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Padding Limit .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Use These Values..................................................................................................................................... 94
OK ............................................................................................................................................................ 94
Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................... 94

Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................... 95

1. Introduction
This manual describes the Kinemetrics Strong Motion Analyst program, part number 302416, that is used
to process strong motion accelerograph records. The program is referred to as SMA throughout most of
the rest of this document.

SMA can be used to read data from Altus series EVT files, ASCII or SAC file input, or from CDMG or
USGS format V1, V2, or V3 files.

SMA allows editing of EVT file time series data, allowing for both insertion of data at the beginning and
end of the file, or deletion of data from the beginning or end of the file.

SMA provides functions for AVD processing that include instrument and baseline correction. SMA also
includes spectral processing to create graphs of:

SA - Spectral Acceleration (Absolute Acceleration Response Spectra)

SD - Spectral Displacement (Relative Displacement Response Spectra)
SV - Spectral Velocity (Relative Velocity Response Spectra)
FA - Fourier Amplitude Spectra
PSV - Pseudo Velocity Response Spectra (on the tripartite plot)
PSA - Pseudo Acceleration Response Spectra (on the tripartite plot)
PSD - Power Spectral Density
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform

Additional definitions:

AVD - Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement

CDMG - California Department of Mines and Geology
CSMIP - California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program
SMC - Strong Motion CD-ROM
USGS - United States Geological Survey
V1 - Volume 1 Data (uncorrected time series)
V2 - Volume 2 Data (corrected time series with AVD)
V3 - Volume 3 Data (spectra information)

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On Line Help
SMA has integral on-line help using the Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Context Sensitive help

Help is available for the all dialogs in the system, including a Help Topics dialog available
through the Help menu, that gives an overview of SMA.

To get help on an item, display the dialog of interest, and place the cursor on the control
(sometimes also called a "widget") of the display you would like help on. At this point, either
select the control and press F1 or right click on the control and select "What's this?" to display the
help text.

For the overview information available on the Help Topics dialog, open the dialog through the
Help menu, select a topic by clicking on the topic, and press F1 to display the help text.

Figure 1 - On Line Help

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Figure 2 - Help Topics

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 3

Figure 3 - Help Topic Text Example

SMA installs similarly to other Windows programs. To install SMA, follow the steps given

The SMA program uses a HASP software lock, also sometimes called a key. This key is required
for the normal use of SMA, and will have been shipped with your SMA diskettes (or CD) and
manual when purchased.

The HASP key may require installation of a driver before the key will work. For example,
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000 all require this driver, that may or
may not be installed on your computer system presently. Contact Aladdin Knowledge Systems or
Kinemetrics if you need a copy of the driver.

Without a working key, SMA will operate in demo mode. Demo mode allows you to perform all
of the calculations and operations SMA is capable of, but will restrict your ability to save files or
print graphs.

This demo mode will allow you to use SMA without a key to evaluate it before purchase, or to
use it to some degree to perform the calculations even if you forget your key.

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The installation steps are as follows:

- Remove any previous version that may have been installed using Add/Remove programs from
the control panel.
- Insert the first diskette (or CD) of the SMA installation, and select the "Setup.exe" item from the
diskette (or CD).

The Setup program will guide you through a step by step installation process that will place the
executable and related DLL and help files into appropriate directories.

Setup will also create the necessary program groups to allow you to start the program from the
Start->Program menu.

The details of the actual installation process are not described in this manual, since it follows
standard Windows conventions and is fairly clear in the instructions provided within it.

Philosophy of Operation
SMA is intended to perform the most common types of processing needed on strong motion data.
It is intended to be simple to operate and straightforward.

Understanding that each user's methods will be somewhat different, and also that the user's
methods may vary somewhat from one type of work to another, SMA provides several
capabilities to allow customization of SMA to suit individual needs.

Many of the dialogs representing questions that must be asked, parameter settings, file formats,
and other options can be changed so that they match the way the program is to be used. These
settings can be saved for future use, and even selected depending on the project. See

Most operations normally used can be done from the tool bar at the top of the display, or from the
various dialogs that appear during use. In some cases, special keys are used to streamline
operation for the user.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 5

SMA stores parameters, user preferences, and settings in a file called a profile (.prf extension).
The profile can be manipulated from the SMA Setup Wizard, and these settings will be stored to
disk when the Wizard is exited.

The Setup Wizard allows the user to Select or Create profiles for use by different users or for use
on different projects, for example when dealing with data from different instrument types or from
different structure types.

Options available include many settings such as default file types, file formats, FFT and PSD
parameters, offset removal, and default display characteristics such as autoscaling, grid lines, and
measurement units.

Several of these options can be set automatically from the dialogs. For example, when asked
about file formats (CDMG or USGS format), the user can indicate right from the dialog that this
format will always be used and that the question should not be asked again. If that decision
changes or was wrong, it can be changed from the SMA Setup Wizard.

Figure 4 - SMA Setup Wizard

Page 6 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 5 - File Format Dialog

Display Organization and Controls

The main screen of SMA consists of the following elements:

Title Bar
The Title Bar across the top indicates the name of any currently active file to the left, and to the
right contains the window control buttons for minimizing the display, maximizing the display,
and exiting the program.

The Menu contains access to all of the options and operations of SMA. Most menu functions are
also available on the Tool Bar. The menu is organized as follows:


OPEN allows you to open a new file for editing or processing. When selected, the user will be
presented with a file open dialog that can be used to select a file type, locate and open the file.

SAVE will save the current data in the selected format. If V1, V2, or V3 modes are active, the
data will be saved under the current base filename in the current directory, but with the
appropriate extension and data type.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 7

SAVE AS will save the current data in the selected format, but allows the user to select the
location and base filename.

NOTE: OPEN operations and selections of different modes (PSD, FFT, V1, V2, V3) do
not automatically save files or prompt the user to save work. If files are to be saved, they
must be saved manually.

PRINT will print the current graph to the selected printer. The user will be presented with a
standard Windows print dialog to select the printer and printer characteristics.

PRINT PREVIEW will allow the user to preview a print before it is actually sent to the printer.

PRINT SETUP will allow the user to set up printer attributes without actually printing.

EXIT will exit the SMA program.


HEADER INFORMATION will allow editing of header information when an EVT file is
opened. The user will see a Header Edit dialog that will allow editing of selected items in the
EVT file header. The EVT file may be saved with the changes if desired.

EVENT DATA will allow editing of the data of the time series, including using the marker
cursor to examine individual samples, or inserting or deleting data from the time series.

COMMENT will allow specification of an alternate title for the graphs for this file, and
specification of comments to be printed below the graphs when printed.

SETUP WIZARD allows manipulation of the various options available to the user in operating
SMA. This includes definition of multiple "profiles" that may be used to streamline use of
SMA for different types of projects.


TOOLBAR allows use or removal of the Tool Bar from the top of the display. The default is
that the Tool Bar is present.

STATUS BAR allows use or removal of the Status Bar from the bottom of the display. The
default is that the Status Bar is present.

HEADER INFORMATION allows display of the EVT Header Summary display that shows
overview information about the file such as start time, trigger time, sampling rate, and GPS
timing information.

GRID LINES allows use or removal of grid lines from the graph.

NEGATIVE DISPLAY allows display of the data as dark data on a white background, instead
of light data on a dark background.

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VOLTS DC SCALE allows display of acceleration time series in acceleration units or volts.

DAC MODE allows display of time series data as point to point data or as DAC values
representing the individual samples. DAC mode is actually more realistically representative of
the actual data from the recorder, although it can be harder to read.

AUTOSCALE allows display of the data fitted to the available display area by automatically
adjusting the scaling. Multiple autoscale modes are available.

MULTI-CHANNEL allows selection of single channel display or multi-channel display.

SELECT CHANNEL allows selection between channels in the file from a pull down menu.

ACCELERATION displays the acceleration time series (in EVT, V1, or V2 modes) or the
absolute acceleration response spectra (in V3 mode).

VELOCITY displays the velocity time series (in EVT, V1, or V2 modes) or the relative
velocity response spectra (in V3 mode).

DISPLACEMENT displays the displacement time series (in EVT, V1, or V2 modes) or the
relative displacement response spectra (in V3 mode).

FOURIER SPECTRA displays the Fourier Amplitude Spectra (in V3 mode only).

TRIPARTITE displays the Tripartite response spectra (PSV, PSA, and SD) display (in V3
mode only).


UNCORRECTED (V1) allows editing of V1 parameters for the uncorrected (raw digitized)
accelerogram, depending on the file format selected.

AVD (V2) allows editing of V2 parameters that will affect the correction of the data. Corrected
acceleration is obtained from the raw acceleration through correction for instrument response
and baseline affects, followed by low-pass and high-pass filtering. The velocity and
displacement time histories are subsequently obtained through numerical integration, with
additional filtering as necessary. After completing V2 parameter setup, these calculations will
be done automatically.

SPECTRA (V3) allows editing of V3 parameters that will affect the calculation of the response
spectra and Fourier Amplitude spectra. Spectral information is computed from the corrected
acceleration. After completing V3 parameter setup, the spectra calculations will be done

PSD allows computation of Power Spectral Density for the acceleration time series.

FFT allows computation of a Fast Fourier Transform for the acceleration time series.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 9


TOPICS displays a list of overview topics for the SMA program.

ABOUT SMA displays basic copyright and version information.

Tool Bar
The Tool Bar is located directly below the menu. The tool bar contains buttons that perform the
exact same functions as functions in the menu. Most menu functions are available on the Tool
Bar. Refer to the Menu description for more details on the functions. The Tool Bar functions for
each Tool Bar button from left to right are:

ACCELERATION (Time series or spectra)
VELOCITY (Time series or spectra)
DISPLACEMENT (Time series or spectra)

Page 10 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Graph Display Area
The large center section of the display is where the graphs are displayed and manipulated. See the
section Interpreting and Manipulating Graphs for more detail.

Status Bar
The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the display. The left hand portion of the Status Bar
indicates the state of the SMA program (typically READY), or shows a one line abbreviated
description when the cursor is placed over a Tool Bar button.

The Status Bar description area is also used to provide status information to the user during time
consuming calculations to keep the user informed.

The right hand part of the Status Bar is used to indicate the state of Caps Lock, Num Lock, and
Scroll Lock keyboard features.

Figure 6 - SMA Main Screen

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Normal Flow of Operation
In the operation of SMA, the user is given a fair amount of freedom to process the data in the
order that makes sense.

In most cases, operations that are inappropriate or invalid at points during the processing are
enabled and disabled by "graying" the affected menu and tool bar entries.

To get started, the following basic flow is given as an example. This example describes use of
SMA from the tool bar. Each tool bar button has a corresponding menu selection.

- Open an EVT file by pressing the OPEN toolbar button and selecting the file.
- Examine the header summary and close it by pressing OK
- Set autoscale, grid lines, DAC mode, and VDC modes as desired.
- Examine and/or edit header information by pressing the Edit Header toolbar button.
- Edit the event data by pressing the Edit Data toolbar button. The cursor can be positioned using
the mouse or keyboard and data inserted or deleted using the INSERT or DELETE keyboard
- Perform a PSD or FFT using the tool bar buttons.
- Add comments to the print using the Edit Comments tool bar button.
- Print the PSD or FFT using the Print tool bar button.
- Select other channels using Select Channel from the menu or by using the PAGE UP or PAGE
DOWN buttons.
- Select V1 to edit station and channel information as needed.
- Select the file format CDMG or USGS when asked.
- Save the V1 file after editing the information.
- Select V2 to edit AVD calculation parameters, choose DONE to perform AVD processing.
- Examine the corrected acceleration, velocity, and displacement using the A, V, or D tool bar
- Save the V2 file after processing.
- Select V3 to edit periods and dampings, choose DONE to perform spectral processing.
- Examine the spectral plots using the A (or SA), V (or SV), D (or SD), F (Fourier Amplitude), or
T (Tripartite) toolbar buttons.
- Save the V3 file after processing.
- Print plots as desired.

Picking a Processing Format

Unless specified by the agencies you are working with, the user will need to choose a format for
data storage of V1, V2, and V3 data.

CDMG (CSMIP) and USGS (SMC) formats have their pros and cons, so these must be weighed
to determine the most appropriate format. Here are some significant points:

CDMG (CSMIP) format provides more information in the header, but the headers are not as
consistent between the V1, V2, and V3 phases as in USGS format.

CDMG format uses as mixture of g, and metric measurements that some users like and other
don't. USGS format uses primarily metric units.

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CDMG format provides for calculation and storage of an RMS value per channel. USGS does

CDMG format provides for a peak acceleration per channel and the time of the peak. USGS
provides for both a minimum peak and a maximum peak.

CDMG format stores all V1, V2, or V3 data in one file for each recorder (not for each channel
as with USGS format). This is done by placing a separator at the end of each channel and
starting over again with the next channel's header. This can make for large files, but can be
preferable to the USGS official method of only putting one time series of one channel in each
file. This means that in USGS format, an 18 channel Mt. Whitney would then result in 54 files
for just the V2 data. SMA's implementation of USGS format borrows the idea of putting all the
data into one file from CDMG format, but this is not standard for USGS format.

USGS (SMC) format does not provide for storage of the Fourier Amplitude Spectra in the V3

USGS provides specifically for comments in the files. CDMG has several fields that can be
used as comments, but that are not specifically reserved as comments.

Interpreting and Manipulating Graphs

Title of the plot will be constructed by default from Station ID, Channel ID, and Start Time. This
title can be replaced with your own alternate title and comments added to the bottom of the
printed graph by using the Edit Comments tool bar button.

Tick marks are displayed along the left and bottom sides, with major divisions darker than the
minor divisions.

Using tool bar buttons, various display options can be affected, including grid lines, Volts DC,
DAC mode, and autoscale. From the SMA Setup Wizard, the user can select Imperial or metric
measurement modes.

In General:

Acceleration, Velocity, or Displacement time series graphs are plotted with the data in the Y
axis, and time in the X axis. These graphs are plotted using a linear scale. Time series graphs
may be zoomed using a left button mouse rectangle zoom. A right mouse click removes the

PSD and FFT graphs are plotted with the PSD or FFT value in the Y axes, and frequency or
period in the X axis. These graphs are plotted using a log scale.

SA, SD, and SV graphs are plotted with acceleration, velocity, or displacement units in the Y
axis, and frequency or period in the X axis. These graphs are plotted using a log scale.

Fourier Amplitude spectra graphs are plotted with velocity units in the Y axis, and frequency or
period in the X axis. These graphs are plotted using a log scale.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 13

Tripartite response spectra graphs are plotted with PSV in velocity units in the Y axis, and
period in the X axis. In addition, SD is plotted against an axis going from the lower left to the
upper right and PSA is plotted against an axis going from the upper left to the lower right.

SA, SD, SV, and Tripartite graphs typically include five lines, one for each damping value.

The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN buttons allow selection of channels.

Figure 7 - Acceleration Time Series Graph

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Figure 8 - Multi-channel Acceleration Time Series Graph

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 15

Figure 9 - PSD Graph

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Figure 10 - Tripartite Graph

Data Editing
Acceleration data from an EVT, TRG, SAC, or ASCII file may be edited. Data from a V1, V2, or
V3 file may not.

To edit data, depress the Edit Data tool bar button.

You can now place a red marker cursor (seen as a vertical red line) at any position by using the
mouse or the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys. The arrow keys will move the marker
by one sample.

Data editing and positioning of the cursor can be done whether or not the zooming is active, but
zooming must be done before editing, because both operations use the left mouse button.

When the marker is positioned the current acceleration value, time since start of the file, and
absolute data and time of the individual samples may be seen as values displayed in red to the
right of the graph. These values and the marker WILL NOT display on the printed graph.

NOTE: The SMA Setup Wizard allows you to change the size of the red marker text using the
option to set Marker Text Size.

To insert data at the present marker position, press the INSERT key. You will see a dialog that
will allow you to specify how much data to input, and of what type.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 17

To delete data up to or from the present marker position, press the DELETE key. You will see a
dialog that will allow you to specify whether to delete before or after the marker. You can only
delete from the ends of the data - not from the middle.

Inserting or deleting data affects all channels.

When through editing, deselect the Edit Data tool bar button.

Figure 11 - Inserting Data Into the File

Page 18 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 12 - Deleting Data From the File

Zooming and Special Keyboard Keys

Zooming: Time Series graphs may be zoomed in to get more detail.

To zoom, use the left mouse button to draw a rectangle around the area of interest and release.
The display will zoom in and the scale of the tick marks or grid lines will adjust to display a
meaningful scale.

Zooming may be repeated as necessary, allowing more and more detail.

To unzoom, press the right mouse button. Changing channels will also unzoom.

Special Keys: Some special keyboard keys are defined to streamline SMA usage.

When editing data, the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys will move the cursor one

When editing data, the INSERT key will allow data insertion at the current marker position.

When editing data, the DELETE key will allow data deletion before or after the current marker

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 19

When zoomed in, the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys will move the display
window in time.

At any time, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys are used to select channels. You can also
select channels through the View menu, but the PAGE keys are much faster.

Figure 13 - Zooming in on the Details

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Opening a File
When opening a data file for input, select Open through either the File menu or the Open tool bar
button. A file selection dialog will be presented that will allow selection of the file type among
the available types as well as the capability of navigating through the available directories to
locate the file.

If Custom Input is enabled, then when you use SMA's Open function, you will be presented with
a custom input dialog before input files can be selected:

Figure 14 - Custom Input on Open

To start the Custom Input Provider, select YES. To select standard SMA input file types, select
NO. To abort the Open, select CANCEL. See Advanced SMA Setup.

File types are indicated by the file extension such as .EVT, .V1, or .V2. Files to be opened must
conform to these file extensions, as they tell the program what format of data to expect.

If a .V3 file is opened for read, fewer choices are available to the user. Since the file contains only
spectral information, the user is not allowed to edit the data, make changes to the data, recompute
the spectral data, or save the file. V3 files opened for read are treated by SMA as read only.

Unless disabled through the SMA Setup Wizard, a summary of the file header information will be
displayed for any EVT file opened. See Viewing Header Information.

NOTE: If the EVT file contains extra scans (add-scans), SMA will roll these scans into the data
stream and trim the total number of scans at the end of the file to create an even number of 0.1
second data frames.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 21

Figure 15 - Opening a File

NOTE: Alternatively, you can associate the various file types (such as EVT files) with the SMA
executable. The exact procedure varies with different versions of Windows, but essentially you
do this by selecting "other" or "choose program", then browse to the location of the SMA.EXE
file. Once selected in this way, double-clicking on the data file will start SMA and load the data

Page 22 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Opening ASCII Files
When opening an ASCII file, the user will need to provide or verify further information on the
data being provided in the ASCII file. This information includes sampling rate, sensitivity (in
volts/g) and full scale range of the data.

For example, 200sps ASCII data from a K2 with a 2g sensor will be indicated as sampling rate
200, sensitivity of 1.250, and full scale of 2.500.

Figure 16 - ASCII File Definition

Sample Rate
Selects the sample rate in samples per second that applies to the ASCII file being opened. This
value is typically in multiples of 10 samples per second, for example 20, 40, 50, 100, or 200.

The default is 200sps.

Selects the sensitivity in volts/g of the ASCII file being read. The sensitivity value allows the
values being input, that are in volts, to be converted into acceleration units.

The default value is 1.25volts/g.

Full Scale
Selects the full scale range of the sensor contained in the ASCII file being read. This full scale
value is in volts and shows the full range available for the data.

The default is 2.5 volts.

Closes the ASCII File Information dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Changes will be written to the configuration file.

Closes the ASCII File Information dialog without saving any changes you have made.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 23

Opening SAC Files
When opening an SAC file, the user will need to provide or verify further information on the data
being provided in the SAC file. This information includes bit weight, sensitivity (in volts/g) and
full scale range of the data.

The bit weight is used as a scale factor multiplied by the values of the SAC samples to convert
the counts in the data to microvolts. Data that has come from a typical 2g FBA sensor will have a
sensitivity of 1.250, and full scale of 2.500.

Multiple SAC files can be opened at one time with some restrictions, such as they must be the
same sampling rate, starting time, and duration.

Figure 17 - SAC File Definition

Bit Weight
Selects the bit weight factor as a conversion factor to convert SAC counts to millivolts.

The default is 2.384185791 uv/ct, which is the correct value for 24 bit data at +/-20Vpp. Divide
this factor by eight when the data source is from a +/-2.5Vpp digitizer.

Selects the sensitivity in volts/g of the SAC file being read. The sensitivity value allows the
values being input, that have been converted to volts, to be converted into acceleration units.

The default value is 1.25volts/g.

Full Scale
Selects the full scale range of the sensor contained in the SAC file being read. This full scale
value is in volts and shows the full range available for the data.

The default is 2.5 volts.

Closes the SAC File Information dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Changes will be written to the configuration file.

Closes the SAC File Information dialog without saving any changes you have made.

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Removing the Offset
When an EVT, SAC or ASCII file is opened for input, SMA will attempt to remove the
acceleration offset from all channels. Several methods are available for offset removal, or the
offset removal may be avoided.

Offset removal method may be chosen and made the default so that the question is not presented
to the user. This offset removal method and option may be selected using the SMA Setup Wizard.

If SMA asks about offset removal, the question will look as follows:

Figure 18 - Offset Removal

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 25

Offset Removal Method
Allows selection from several offset removal methods. The method will often depend on the data
type. The offset will be removed from all channels, using the data from each channel to compute
its offset. Offset removal methods available are as follows:

Pre-event Only - Uses the pre-event specified in the file to determine the offset.
90% of Pre-event - Uses 90% of the pre-event to avoid being influenced by the beginning of the
Entire File - Uses all of the data in the file for this channel to compute the offset.
Least Squares Linear - Uses a linear least squares algorithm to determine and remove a linear
(non-constant) offset.
Offset not removed - Does not remove the offset.

The default method is to remove the offset based on the entire file.

Remove Offset, Don't Ask

Indicates that this method is to be used in future without checking with the user each time a file is

This will streamline file opens in the future because there are fewer questions to answer. If later
on, the method must be changed, a different method can be selected from the SMA Setup Wizard,
or the Remove Offset check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

Closes the dialog and removes the offset from the data according to the offset removal method
you have selected.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made. The offset will not be removed
from the data.

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Saving a File
To save SMA data for the current stage of processing, select the Save or Save As options from
the File menu. The Save button from the tool bar may also be used.

Save will store the data from the current processing stage under the current directory and basic
filename, but will alter the extension to match the data's current form.

Save As will behave exactly as Save, but will allow selection of the storage directory and basic
file name.

Data may be saved at different stages of processing, and is not saved automatically. Data may be
stored as .EVT, .V1, .V2, or .V3 files.

Figure 19 - Saving a File

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 27

Editing Header Information
After opening an .EVT file, it may be desirable to edit some of the header information, such as
the sensor information, station identification, or file start time.

To edit the header, select Edit Header from the Edit menu, or from the Edit Header button on the
tool bar. A dialog that allows editing of data in the header will be presented. After editing the
header, the .EVT file can be saved with the modified data, or processing can continue without
saving the modified .EVT file.

Figure 20 - Edit Header Data

Indicates the channel number of the channel information that is displayed. The channel number is
presented in the form of a pull down list, allowing you to select from the available channels.

Channel ID
Specifies the Channel ID as read from the EVT file.

The Channel ID will be used to help construct the default graph title, and to preset the Channel
Orientation in the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog.

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Natural Frequency
Indicates the natural frequency of the channel sensor, as read from the EVT file. This value is in

This value is used to preset the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog Natural Frequency or
Natural Period, depending on the format selected.

Sensor S/N
Indicates the sensor serial number of this channel sensor as read from the EVT file.

This value is used to preset the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog Channel S/N field
(SMC format only).

Specifies the damping value for the sensor connected to the channel as a fraction of critical as
read from the EVT file. This value can range between 0.0 and 1.0.

This value is used to preset the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog Damping, depending
on the format selected.

Specifies the sensitivity of this channel as read from the EVT file. This value is specified in volts
per g.

This value is used to preset the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog Sensitivity.

Sensor Type
Specifies the sensor type of this channel as read from the EVT file. The sensor type is presented
in the form of a pull down list, allowing you to select from the available types.

This value is used to preset the V1 Channel and Sensor Information dialog Sensor Type (SMC
format only).

Station ID
Specifies the Station ID as read from the EVT file.

The Station ID will be used to help construct the default graph title.

Specifies the Comment line as read from the EVT file.

The Comment line will be used to help construct the default comments for SMC format files.

File Start Time

Indicates the start time of the EVT file, specifically, the time of the first sample.

This data will be used to help construct the default graph title, and to preset values for the V1
Station and Earthquake Information.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 29

Specifies the instrument latitude as read from the EVT file. This value is specified in degrees

This value represents the user input instrument position, or the averaged GPS position if GPS
averaging is enabled.

Specifies the instrument longitude as read from the EVT file. This value is specified in degrees

This value represents the user input instrument position, or the averaged GPS position if GPS
averaging is enabled.

Specifies the instrument elevation as read from the EVT file. This value is specified in meters
relative to sea level.

This value represents the user input instrument position, or the averaged GPS position if GPS
averaging is enabled.

Closes the Edit Header Information dialog and saves any changes you have made. The edited
EVT file may then be stored again as an EVT file.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Editing Event Data

Event acceleration time series data may be edited after a file is opened from an EVT, SAC, or
ASCII format file. Editing includes the ability to insert or delete data in the time series as well as
the ability to use the marker cursor to check the exact values of data in the time series.

NOTE: The SMA Setup Wizard allows you to change the size of the red marker text using the
option to set Marker Text Size.

To edit the data in the time series, select Edit Data from the Edit menu or from the Edit Data
button on the tool bar.

Once Edit Data mode is active, the red marker cursor may be positioned using the mouse or by
using the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys on the keyboard. To the far right of the
graph, SMA will display (top to bottom) the acceleration value of the current sample, the time of
the sample into the file, the absolute date of the sample, and the absolute time of the sample in
HH:MM:SS.MS format.

NOTE: The SMA Setup Wizard allows you to change the size of the red marker text using the
option to set Marker Text Size.

Pressing the INSERT and DELETE keys will allow insertion or deletion of data.

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When editing is complete, cancel Edit Data mode by deselecting Edit Data from the Edit menu or
releasing the Edit Data button on the tool bar.

See also the sections on Data Editing and Zooming and Special Keyboard Keys.

Figure 21 - Inserting Data Into the File

Inserted Data
Determines what type of data will be inserted at the current marker position. Inserted data may be
of the following types:

Zeros - Inserts absolute zeros at the indicated point.

Last Value - Inserts values identical to the last value available before the insert point.
Noise from Start of File - Inserts noise from the start of the file at the indicated point.
Noise from End of File - Inserts noise from the end of the file at the indicated point.

Insert Time
Specifies the amount of data in seconds to be inserted into the file.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 31

Indicates the number of seconds worth of noise to be inserted into the file (if noise is being

Insert Data Before Marker

Inserts data before the present marker position.

Data is inserted for all channels in order to keep the data consistent between channels.

Insert Data After Marker

Inserts data after the present marker position.

Data is inserted for all channels in order to keep the data consistent between channels.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Figure 22 - Deleting Data From the File

Page 32 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Delete from Start of File
Deletes data from the start of the file to the present marker position.

Data is deleted for all channels in order to keep the data consistent between channels.

Delete to End of File

Deletes data from the present marker position to the end of the file.

Data is deleted for all channels in order to keep the data consistent between channels.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 33

Editing Comments
SMA allows the addition and editing of comments so that printed graphs may be labeled
appropriately. SMA supports comments in two forms:

- Titling at the top of the graph

- Comments at the bottom of the graph

By default, SMA attaches a title to the top of the graph that is made up of the Station ID, the
Channel ID, and the start time of the data in the file. The exact makeup of the title is dependent
on the source and type of the data.

This default title can be replaced with an alternate title provided by the user, that will remain in
effect until SMA is exited or a new input file is opened.

The default comment that is printed at the bottom of the graph indicates the path and filename of
the source data for the graph. The user may override this comment with up to four lines of
comments. These comments will remain in effect until SMA is exited or a new input file is

Comments may be edited by selecting Edit Comments from the Edit menu, or by using the Edit
Comments button on the tool bar.

Figure 23 - Edit Comments

Page 34 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Alternate Title
Specifies an alternate title to be used in place of the default title that consists of Station ID,
Channel ID, and event start time. This title, if entered, will replace the default title on all
graphical displays, and prints for this file.

When a new file is opened, the alternate title is cleared and replaced with the default.

Comments on the Print

Specifies one of four lines of comments to be printed with the graph when a graph is sent to the
printer. By default, the comment consists of one line indicating the path and filename of the file
that was originally opened.

When a new file is opened, the comments are cleared and replaced with the default.

Closes this dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Closes this dialog without saving any changes you have made.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 35

SMA Setup Wizard
The SMA Setup Wizard is used to change the default behavior of SMA. Many functions are
provided on the wizard, including:

- Default input file types

- Behavior of the display (grid lines, etc)
- Auto scaling of the display
- Selection of active profile
- Offset removal
- Selection of V1/V2/V3 format
- PSD defaults
- FFT defaults

To access the SMA Setup Wizard, select Setup Wizard from the Edit menu, or use the Setup
Wizard tool bar button.

Figure 24 - SMA Setup Wizard

Page 36 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Current Profile
Displays the path and filename of the current profile being used. This file contains the setup
information that is saved from one session of using the SMA to the next.

SMA supports the definition of multiple profiles, that can be used for processing information
from different regions, structures, or instrument types depending on the requirement.

New profiles are created and/or selected using the Select Profile or Save New Profile buttons.

Select Profile
Allows selection of an alternate profile file. When this button is pressed, the user will be
presented with a file open dialog that can be used to locate and selected the profile file to be used.

The selected profile will become the default and will be used whenever SMA is started until the
profile is changed.

Save New Profile

Allows creation of a new profile for later use. When pressed, this button will present the user with
a file selection dialog that will allow saving of the current setup under a new name as a new

If the SMA Setup Wizard is exited with OK, the newly created profile will become the default
profile for subsequent startups of SMA.

Grid Lines
Selects whether grid lines displayed on the graph are the default or not when SMA starts.

The user can enable and disable grid lines from the tool bar without affecting this setting, that is
only used to determine the startup state of SMA.

The default is grid lines off.

Negative Display
Selects whether the graphs are to be displayed as dark data on a light background (negative) or
light data on a dark background (positive) as the default when SMA starts. Negative Display is
useful when screen captures are to be placed into documents, since this produces views that are
clearer and more easily photocopied.

Negative display is normally enabled by selecting negative display from the View menu, or by
using the negative display button on the tool bar. Negative display is possible only in non-demo
mode with a valid Hasp software key.

The user can enable and disable negative display from the tool bar without affecting this setting,
that is only used to determine the startup state of SMA.

The default is negative display off.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 37

Volts DC Scale
Selects whether acceleration traces displayed on the graph are in acceleration units or in volts DC
when SMA starts.

The user can enable and disable Volts DC selection from the tool bar without affecting this
setting, that is only used to determine the startup state of SMA.

The default is volts DC off.

DAC View
Selects whether acceleration traces displayed on the graph are shown as point to point traces, or
as DAC steps showing the actual levels of the accelerometer samples when SMA starts.

The user can enable and disable DAC View selection from the tool bar without affecting this
setting, that is only used to determine the startup state of SMA.

The default is DAC View off.

Figure 25 - DAC View

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Display Units
Indicates the units that will be used to display time series and response spectra. Options include
Imperial (inches and g), centimeters, or meters.

This selection is made only from the SMA Setup Wizard, as there is no equivalent tool bar

The default unit type is centimeters.

Spectra as Periods
When selected, response spectra plots are displayed against period, rather than against frequency.

One exception is the Tripartite plot, that is always displayed against period.

The default is spectra displayed as frequency.

Selects whether or not displayed acceleration traces are autoscaled in order to fit better onto the
display when SMA starts.

The user can enable and disable autoscale from the tool bar without affecting this setting, that is
only used to determine the startup state of SMA.

The default is autoscale off.

Auto Scale Method

Determines the autoscale method used when autoscaling is applied. Methods available are as

Individual - Each channel is individually scaled based only on the data from that channel.
Global - All channels are examined to determine a scale that fits all data for any displayed
channel, using the same scale for all channels.

This selections is made only from the SMA Setup Wizard, as there is no equivalent tool bar

The default is the global autoscaling method.

Marker Text Size

Selects the size of the font used to display marker information when in data edit mode. The
marker information is displayed in red to the right of the graph area and indicates the time and
amplitude of a given marked sample. The user may select between extra small, small, medium, or
large text.

The default is medium.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 39

Provides access to advanced SMA setup, including Custom Input Methods that allow data to be
taken from the output of conversion programs such as SSA2EVT.

See Advanced SMA Setup

Remove Offset
Indicates that the specified method is to be used in future without checking with the user each
time a file is opened.

This will streamline file opens in the future because there are fewer questions to answer. If later
on, the method must be changed, a different method can be selected from the SMA Setup Wizard,
or the Remove Offset check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

Offset Removal Method

Allows selection from several offset removal methods. The method will often depend on the data
type. The offset will be removed from all channels, using the data from each channel to compute
its offset. Offset removal methods available are as follows:

Pre-event Only - Uses the pre-event specified in the file to determine the offset.
90% of Pre-event - Uses 90% of the pre-event to avoid being influenced by the beginning of the
Entire File - Uses all of the data in the file for this channel to compute the offset.
Least Squares Linear - Uses a linear least squares algorithm to determine and remove a linear
(non-constant) offset.
Offset not removed - Does not remove the offset.

The default method is to remove the offset based on the entire file.

V1/V2/V3 Formats
Indicates that the specified format is to be used in future without checking with the user each time
a V1, V2, or V3 file is opened, or when beginning processing operations.

This will streamline formatting operations in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, the method must be changed, a different method can be selected from the
SMA Setup Wizard, or the V1/V2/V3 Formats check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup

The selected format affects processing dialogs as well as V1, V2, and V3 file formats.

Page 40 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

V1/V2/V3 Format Type
Allows selection of the V1, V2, V3 processing format. The format selected will affect processing
dialogs as well as file storage formats, that are fundamentally different for each format. Once
selected for processing of a given file, the format will apply to all dialogs and file operations until
a new file is opened.

File formats available are as follows:

CDMG - Uses the CDMG CSMIP file formats and dialogs.

USGS - Uses a USGS SMC dialogs and a variation of the USGS SMC format. The SMA
implementation of USGS format is slightly modified, in that all data from an instrument is
recorded in one file rather than one time series per individual file as the format specifies.

The default file format is CDMG.

PSD Defaults
Indicates that these values are to be used in future without checking with the user each time
before the computations are done.

This will streamline use of this operation in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, these values must be changed, new values can be selected from the SMA
Setup Wizard, or the PSD Defaults check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

Filter Corner
Allows specification of the filter corner to be used when computing the PSD. This value is
specified in Hz.

The default value is 100Hz.

Filter Order
Allows specification of the filter order used when computing the PSD.

The default value is 6.

Overlap Factor
Allows specification of the overlap factor used when computing the PSD.

The default value is 0.625.

FFT Defaults
Indicates that these values are to be used in future without checking with the user each time
before the computations are done.

This will streamline use of this operation in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, these values must be changed, new values can be selected from the SMA
Setup Wizard, or the FFT Defaults check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 41

Taper Type
Allows you to select the taper type used for computing the FFT. The choices available are
Rectangular, Hanning, and Hamming windows.

The default taper type is Rectangular.

Taper Ratio
Allows selection of the ratio of the Hanning or Hamming windows on either end of the data as a
percentage of the total data size.

The default value is 0.100.

Padding Limit
Allows selection of the limit of the amount of padding with zeros that will be done when trying to
expand the data to the correct number of values (typically a power of two value) to do the FFT.

The default value is 1.100.

Default File Type

Selects from one of several file types as the default when files are opened. When opening files,
the user may select between one of several file types as part of the open operation. This setting in
the SMA Setup Wizard affects only the default file type selected when an open is selected.

File types available for open are as follows:

EVT - Specifies an EVT file from a Kinemetrics Altus series recorder. SMA will automatically
determine and handle the file format version. When processing an EVT file, SMA will preset
many values with data from the EVT file.
TRG - Specifies a TRG file, that is a diagnostic mode file from a Kinemetrics Altus series
recorder, that represents the trigger filtered data. Format and treatment of the file is identical to
an EVT file.
V1 - Specifies a V1 (uncorrected accelerogram) file. File may be CDMG or USGS format and
must be selected as such.
V2 - Specifies a V2 (corrected accelerogram, plus computed velocity and displacement) file. File
may be CDMG or USGS format.
V3 - Specifies a V3 (spectra) file. File may be CDMG or USGS format.
ASC - Specifies an ASCII file of acceleration values for one channel in volts. The user will be
asked to provide details that further describe the data. NOTE: ASCII files may contain
comments on separate lines that begin with ";", "#", or "/". Multiple channel ASCII files are
allowed by placing the samples from each channel in a separate column of data within the file.
0** - Specifies an ASCII file of acceleration data that is identical in format and treatment to an
ASC file. Files with extensions of .0** are created by some utilities such as KW2ASC.
SAC - Specifies a SAC file of acceleration values. The user will be asked to provide details that
further describe the data.

The default file type is EVT.

Page 42 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Don't Display Header Information
Specifies whether or not a summary of the header information is to be displayed when an EVT or
TRG file is opened. This summary contains useful information about the file, the state of the
recorder at the time of the event, and quality of GPS timing.

This selection is made only from the SMA Setup Wizard, as there is no equivalent toolbar button.

This display may also be displayed by selecting the View Header button from the toolbar
regardless of whether or not the information is displayed automatically.

The default is to display the header information whenever an EVT or TRG file is opened.

Closes the SMA Setup Wizard dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Advanced SMA Setup

Provides access to advanced SMA setup, including Custom Input Methods that allow data to be
taken from the output of conversion programs such as SSA2EVT.

Custom Input Enabled

Enables connection to a Custom Input Method. This is an outside function (usually another
Windows executable) that it run to produce input. If checked, you must provide:

- A name for the Custom Input Method

- The full path to a Custom Input Provider executable
- The full path to a temporary filename used to store the output from the Custom Input Method

Custom Input Name

Provides the name used to briefly describe the Custom Input Method. Usually just the common
name of the method - like SSA2EVT.

Figure 26 - Advanced SMA Setup

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 43

If Custom Input is enabled, then when you use SMA's Open function, you will be presented with
a custom input dialog before input files can be selected:

Figure 27 - Custom Input on Open

To start the Custom Input Provider, select YES. To select standard SMA input file types, select
NO. To abort the Open, select CANCEL. See Open.

Custom Input Provider

Full pathname to the Custom Input Provider. Usually this is an executable.

Command line argument provided to the Custom Input Provider is a temporary data file used to
hold the output which is then in turn read as input by SMA.

Custom Input Temporary File

Full pathname to a temporary data file used as output by the Custom Input Provider, and then in
turn as input to SMA.

This parameter is passed as a command line argument to the Custom Input Provider.

Saves parameters related to the Custom Input Method.

Closes this dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Page 44 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Viewing Header Information
After opening an .EVT file, the SMA will normally display a header information summary to
give an overview of the information in the file. The information in the display consists of the
following information:

- Recorder type
- Event file name
- Header version number
- Station ID
- Station serial number
- Station number of channels
- Sampling rate (sps)
- Pre-event time in seconds
- Post-event time in seconds
- Start time
- Trigger time
- Duration in seconds, frames, and scans
- GPS information
- DC input level
- Battery status

This information display will, by default, be displayed whenever an .EVT file is opened, but may
be disable via the SMA Setup Wizard. In addition, the summary may be displayed for the .EVT
file at any time by selecting Header Information from the View menu, or via the Header
Information button on the tool bar.

Viewing Negative Display

The negative display option allows the graphs to be displayed as dark data on a light background
rather than the default light data on a dark background. This is useful when screen captures are to
be placed into documents, since this produces views that are clearer and more easily photocopied.

Negative display is normally enabled by selecting negative display from the View menu, or by
using the negative display button on the tool bar. Negative display is possible only in non-demo
mode with a valid Hasp software key.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 45

Selecting Display Channel
The select channel dialog is enabled by selecting select channel from the View menu.

Channel selection can also be done using the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys from the

See also the section Zooming and Special Keyboard Keys.

Figure 28 - Select Channel Dialog

Indicates the channel number of the channel information that is displayed. The channel number is
presented in the form of a pull down list, allowing you to select from the available channels.

Closes the Select Channel dialog and selects the channel specified.

Closes the dialog without selecting a channel.

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Viewing Time Series and Spectra
On other than acceleration time series data, the user can select between multiple views of the
data. These views include acceleration response, velocity response, displacement response,
Fourier amplitude spectra, or tripartite response spectra. Whether time series data or spectra are
displayed depends on the current stage of processing.

For V2 data, the user can select between:

- Acceleration time series

- Velocity time series
- Displacement time series

The Velocity Time Series is computed during the V2 (AVD) calculations, and represents the
results of substantial filtering and processing of the data.

Figure 29 - Velocity Time Series

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 47

The Displacement Time Series is computed during the V2 (AVD) calculations, and represents the
results of substantial filtering and processing of the data.

Figure 30 - Displacement Time Series

Page 48 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

After doing V2 (AVD) calculations, the user can display the corrected data for acceleration,
velocity, and displacement in a NOTEPAD by pressing the "c" key as follows:

Figure 31 - V2 Corrected Data Display

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 49

After doing V2 (AVD) calculations, the user can display the channel peaks for acceleration,
velocity, and displacement in a NOTEPAD by pressing the "p" key as follows:

Figure 32 - V2 Peaks Display

For V3 data, the user can select between:

- Absolute Acceleration response spectra

- Relative Velocity response spectra
- Relative Displacement response spectra
- Fourier amplitude spectra
- Tripartite response spectra

Page 50 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

The Absolute Acceleration Response Spectra is computed for multiple dampings, typically five
damping values resulting in one line plotted for each damping. Also called Spectral Acceleration
(SA), the data is plotted in log/log format with acceleration units in the Y axis and frequency or
period in the X, except for the Tripartite plot that is always plotted against period.

Figure 33 - Absolute Acceleration Response Spectra

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 51

The Relative Velocity Response Spectra is computed for multiple dampings, typically five
damping values resulting in one line plotted for each damping. Also called Spectral Velocity
(SV), the data is plotted in log/log format with velocity units in the Y axis and frequency or
period in the X.

Figure 34 - Relative Velocity Response Spectra

Page 52 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

The Relative Displacement Response Spectra is computed for multiple dampings, typically five
damping values resulting in one line plotted for each damping. Also called Spectral Displacement
(SD), the data is plotted in log/log format with displacement units in the Y axis and frequency or
period in the X.

Figure 35 - Relative Displacement Response Spectra

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 53

The Fourier Amplitude Spectra is computed and plotted as a single line. The data is plotted in
log/log format with velocity units in the Y axis and frequency or period in the X.

Figure 36 - Fourier Amplitude Spectra

Page 54 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

The Tripartite Response Spectra is computed for multiple dampings, typically five damping
values resulting in one line plotted for each damping. The data is plotted in log/log format with
Pseudo Velocity Response Spectra (PSV) plotted as velocity units in the Y axis, period in the X,
and Relative Displacement Response Spectra (SD) plotted as displacement units along an axis
going from lower left to upper right, and Pseudo Acceleration Response Spectra (PSA) plotted as
acceleration units along an axis going from lower right to upper left.

Figure 37 - Tripartite Response Spectra

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 55

After doing V3 (Spectra) calculations, the user can display the values of the spectral
computations for SA, SV, SD, FA, or Tripartite in a NOTEPAD by pressing the "s" key as

Figure 38 - V3 Spectra Display

PSD and FFT spectra can be displayed in a NOTEPAD without doing V3 calculations.

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Computing V1
V1 Processing essentially is a formatting operation that transforms the uncorrected acceleration
data into the V1 storage formats according to the CDMG or USGS format. SMA's
implementation of V1 processing will do no modification to the data other than formatting.

When formatting for V1, the first things that must be done is to choose a processing format. See
also the section on Picking a Processing Format. The format can be preset from the SMA Setup
Wizard, or can be left so that the question is asked each time that V1 processing begins.

If CDMG format is selected, the user will be presented with CDMG format V1 dialogs that
present the various items that can be altered within CDMG format. Two dialogs are available, one
is the Station and Earthquake Information dialog that gives information on the station and
instrument that recorded the data and about the earthquake itself. The second dialog gives
information on each available channel.

If the format selection question is asked as V1 processing begins, the dialog looks as follows:

Figure 39 - Processing Format Selection

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 57

V1/V2/V3 Format Type
Allows selection of the V1, V2, V3 processing format. The format selected will affect processing
dialogs as well as file storage formats, that are fundamentally different for each format. Once
selected for processing of a given file, the format will apply to all dialogs and file operations until
a new file is opened.

File formats available are as follows:

CDMG - Uses the CDMG CSMIP file formats and dialogs.

USGS - Uses USGS SMC dialogs and a variation of the USGS SMC format. The SMA
implementation of USGS format is slightly modified, in that all data from an instrument is
recorded in one file rather than one time series per individual file as the format specifies.

The default file format is CDMG.

Use This Format, Don't Ask

Indicates that the specified format is to be used in future without checking with the user each time
a V1, V2, or V3 file is opened, or when beginning processing operations.

This will streamline formatting operations in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, the method must be changed, a different method can be selected from the
SMA Setup Wizard, or the V1/V2/V3 Formats check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup

The selected format affects processing dialogs as well as V1, V2, and V3 file formats.

Closes the V1/V2/V3 Formats dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

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Figure 40 - Station and Earthquake Information (CDMG format)

V1 Title Line
This title line is intended to describe the data in the resulting V1 file. This description is
essentially a comment only and has no affect on the actual data or processing.

Earthquake Name
Name of the earthquake. This name is written to the output files, and is initially set to the file
name of the input file if no other name as been provided.

Shock Number
Used to specify the shock number, when multiple shocks have been recorded for a given
earthquake. By default unless specified, this is set to one.

Earthquake Date and Time

Specifies the starting time of the data in the file as local time. If taken from an EVT file, local
time is calculated using GPS time, the UTC offset, or user entered time as appropriate.

Origin Time
Specifies the starting time of the data in the file as GMT. If taken from an EVT file, local time is
calculated using GPS time, the UTC offset, or user entered time as appropriate.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 59

Accelerogram ID Number
Indicates a user specified ID number for the accelerogram. This value is blank by default.

Trigger Time
Specifies the trigger time of the event, as GMT. This data can be taken from the EVT file.

Station Number
Indicates a user specified station number for the accelerogram. This value is blank by default.

Specifies the latitude of the recorder in degrees. This value can be taken from the EVT file.

Specifies the longitude of the recorder in degrees. This value can be taken from the EVT file.

Recorder Type
Species the recorder type. If the data is from an EVT file, SMA will try and determine what type
of instrument the data is from. In some versions of the EVT file structure, K2 and Etna
instruments have the same format, so the type will be indicated as K2/Etna.

Indicates recorder serial number. This value can be taken from an EVT file.

Number of Channels
Indicates the number of channels on this instrument. This data can be taken from an EVT file.

Total Channels
Indicates the total number of channels of data available at this station. For single instrument
stations, or when taking data from an EVT file, this value will be set to the number of channels on
the instrument.

Station Name
Indicates the name of the station. This value can be set to anything meaningful to the user, but by
default will be set to the instrument type and serial number if the data is taken from an EVT file.

Earthquake Title Line

A title line that includes the date and time of the earthquake. By default, this value is set to the
earthquake name and local time if the data is taken from an EVT file.

Hypocenter Information
Allows the user to specify hypocenter information consisting of latitude, longitude, and depth.
For most software that handles the resulting output files, this information is for comment
purposes only.

Magnitude Information
Allows the user to specify magnitude information as desired. For most software that handles the
resulting output files, this information is for comment purposes only.

Page 60 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Causes the data for the earthquake to be saved and the Station and Earthquake Information dialog
to be closed and replaced with the Channel and Sensor Information dialog.

Causes the data for the earthquake to be saved and the Station and Earthquake Information dialog
to be closed. At this point, the V1 processing is considered complete and the data can be saved as
a V1 file.

Closes the Channel Information dialog without saving any changes.

Figure 41 - Channel and Sensor Information (CDMG format)

Channel Number
Displays the channel number of the current channel being displayed. The lowest channel number
is one. The channel number is not editable by the user.

Use the left (next lower) and right (next higher) arrows located at the bottom left of the dialog to
select channels.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 61

Specifies the orientation of the current channel. The orientation is a text field that is created to
describe the channel sensor orientation.

If taken from an Altus series EVT file, the orientation is set to the current channel ID.

Specifies the azimuth for the current channel sensor. Azimuth is specified in degrees clockwise
from north.

Station Channel Number

Specifies the physical channel number within the station. This channel number is not necessarily
the same as the logical channel number, but is often the same.

For example, if the station is recording channels 1 and 3, the resulting recorded file will have two
logical channels indicated as channels 1 and 2, but named here as station channels 1 and 3.

Location Description
Specifies a user provided description of the location of the channel sensor. For example, this
description might indicate the location of the channel sensor within a structure.

Natural Period
Specifies the natural period of the sensor connected to the channel in seconds.

Specifies the damping value as a fraction of critical (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the sensor
connected to the current channel.

Specifies the sensitivity of the channel sensor in volts per g (for digitally recorded data), or in
cm/g (for analog recorded data).

Number of Points
Specifies the number of acceleration data points in the given data. Normally, this value is the
duration of the record in seconds times the sampling rate.

Specifies the duration of the record in seconds.

Maximum Acceleration
Specifies the maximum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in this record.
Values indicated are in g.

Time of Maximum Acceleration

Specifies the time of the maximum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in
this record. Values indicated are in seconds since the trigger. Note that if the maximum
acceleration is before the trigger, this value may be negative.

Page 62 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

RMS Value
Specifies the RMS (Root Mean Square) value of the acceleration data (uncorrected) for this
channel in the entire record. Values indicated are in g.

Units of Data
Specifies a description of the units of uncorrected acceleration data in the file. Typically, units are
in seconds and g/10.

Specifies the units of the uncorrected acceleration data in the record. Typically, this value is
indicated as tenths of g and is normally set to 0.10.

Next Lower Channel

Selects the next lower channel available for display. The lowest channel number that can be
displayed is one.

Next Higher Channel

Selects the next higher channel available for display.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the Channel and Sensor Information
dialog to be closed and replaced with the Station and Earthquake Information dialog.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the Channel and Sensor Information
dialog to be closed. At this point, the V1 processing is considered complete and the data can be
saved as a V1 file.

Closes the Channel and Sensor Information dialog without saving any changes.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 63

Figure 42 - Station and Earthquake Information (USGS SMC Format)

V1 Title Line
This title line is intended to describe the data in the resulting V1 file. In USGS SMC format, the
first part of this line contains a numeric code that indicates the type of data in the file as follows:


Earthquake Name
Name of the earthquake. This name is written to the output files, and is initially set to the file
name of the input file if no other name as been provided.

Title Time
Specifies the starting time of the data in the file as GMT. If taken from an EVT file, local time is
calculated using GPS time, the UTC offset, or user entered time as appropriate.

Note that in most cases, this time is only shown to the nearest minute.

Page 64 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Time of First Sample YYYY
Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the year field as a four
digit value.

Time of First Sample DDD

Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the day of the year
field as a three digit value.

Time of First Sample HH

Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the hour field as a two
digit value.

Time of First Sample MM

Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the minute field as a
two digit value.

Time of First Sample SS

Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the seconds field as a
two digit value.

Time of First Sample MS

Indicates the time of the first sample as GMT. Specifically, this field holds the milliseconds field
as a three digit value.

Station Number
Indicates a user specified station number for the accelerogram. This value is blank by default.

Specifies the latitude of the recorder in degrees. This value can be taken from the EVT file.

Specifies the longitude of the recorder in degrees. This value can be taken from the EVT file.

Specifies the elevation of the recorder in meters. This value can be taken from the EVT file.

Recorder Type
Species the recorder type. If the data is from an EVT file, SMA will set this value to ALTUS due
to constraints on the field width in the data format.

Indicates recorder serial number. This value can be taken from an EVT file.

Station Name
Indicates the name of the station. This value can be set to anything meaningful to the user, but by
default will be set to the instrument type and serial number if the data is taken from an EVT file.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 65

Station Code
Indicates a user specified station code for the accelerogram. This value is blank by default.

Number of Channels
Indicates the number of channels on this instrument. This data can be taken from an EVT file.

Total Channels
Indicates the total number of channels of data available at this station. For single instrument
stations, or when taking data from an EVT file, this value will be set to the number of channels on
the instrument.

Earthquake Latitude
Specifies the determined earthquake latitude as determined by the user. This value is normally
expressed in degrees and is set blank by default.

Earthquake Longitude
Specifies the determined earthquake longitude as determined by the user. This value is normally
expressed in degrees and is set blank by default.

Earthquake Depth
Specifies the determined earthquake depth as determined by the user. This value is normally
expressed in kilometers and is set blank by default.

Moment Magnitude
Specifies the moment magnitude value as determined by the user. This value is set blank by

Surface Wave Magnitude

Specifies the surface wave magnitude value as determined by the user. This value is set blank by

Local Magnitude
Specifies the local magnitude value as determined by the user. This value is set blank by default.

Other Magnitude
Specifies other magnitude information as determined or defined by the user. This value is set
blank by default.

Epicentral Distance
Specifies the distance to the earthquake epicenter as determined by the user. This value is
normally expressed in kilometers and is set blank by default.

Seismic Moment
Specifies the seismic moment as determined by the user. This value is normally expressed in
dyne-cm and is set blank by default.

Page 66 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Data Source
Indicates the source of the data, generally indicated as the agency that processed the data,
followed by a slash, followed by the agency that provided the data.

The default (since this is USGS format) is "USGS/USGS".

Causes the data for the earthquake to be saved and the Station and Earthquake Information dialog
to be closed and replaced with the Channel and Sensor Information dialog.

Causes the data for the earthquake to be saved and the Station and Earthquake Information dialog
to be closed. At this point, the V1 processing is considered complete and the data can be saved as
a V1 file.

Closes the Station and Earthquake Information dialog without saving any changes.

Figure 43 - Channel and Sensor Information (USGS SMC Format)

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 67

Channel Number
Displays the channel number of the current channel being displayed. The lowest channel number
is one. The channel number is not editable by the user.

Use the left (next lower) and right (next higher) arrows located at the bottom left of the dialog to
select channels.

Specifies the orientation of the current channel. The orientation is a text field that is created to
describe the channel sensor orientation.

If taken from an Altus series EVT file, the orientation is set to the current channel ID.

Offset North
Specifies the offset of the channel sensor relative to the station. This value is specified in meters.

Offset East
Specifies the offset of the channel sensor relative to the station. This value is specified in meters.

Offset Up
Specifies the offset of the channel sensor relative to the station. This value is specified in meters.

Specifies the azimuth for the current channel sensor. Azimuth is specified in degrees clockwise
from north.

Station Channel Number

Specifies the physical channel number within the station. This channel number is not necessarily
the same as the logical channel number, but is often the same.

For example, if the station is recording channels 1 and 3, the resulting recorded file will have two
logical channels indicated as channels 1 and 2, but named here as station channels 1 and 3.

Natural Frequency
Specifies the natural frequency of the sensor connected to the channel in Hz.

Specifies the damping value as a fraction of critical (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the sensor
connected to the current channel.

Specifies the sensitivity of the channel in volts per VDC/cm/sec*sec (for digitally recorded data)
or in cm/g (for analog recorded data).

Channel S/N
Specifies the channel sensor serial number. This value is normally gotten from the recorder.

Page 68 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Vertical Orientation
Specifies the orientation of the channel sensor in degrees from up. This value can range from 0 to
180 degrees and is normally zero.

Horizontal Orientation
Specifies the orientation of the channel sensor in degrees east from north. This value can range
from 0 to 360 degrees.

Sensor Type
Specifies the sensor type connected to this channel. The sensor type is a code, that is standardized
for SMC format. When possible, sensor types indicated in an EVT file will be converted to their
SMC type code equivalents.

Defined SMC sensor codes are as follows:

2 Sprengnether SA-3000 3-component FBA
30 Kinemetrics FBA-13 3-component FBA
31 Kinemetrics FBA-11 1-component FBA
101 SMA-1
102 C&GS Standard
103 AR-240 113 SSA-1
104 RFT-250 114 CRA-1
105 RFT-350 115 MO-2
106 MO-2 116 FBA-3
107 RMT-280 117 SMA-2
108 SMA-2/3 118 DCA-310
109 DSA-1/DSA-3 119 FBA-13
110 DCA-300 120 SSA-2
111 DCA-333 121 SSR-1
112 A-700 122 BIDRA
123 CR-1
124 PDR-1
900 Custom instrument

Number of Points
Specifies the number of acceleration data points in the given data. Normally, this value is the
duration of the record in seconds times the sampling rate.

Specifies the duration of the record in seconds.

Maximum Acceleration
Specifies the maximum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in this record.
Values indicated are in g.

Time of Maximum Acceleration

Specifies the time of the maximum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in
this record. Values indicated are in seconds since the beginning of the record.

Minimum Acceleration
Specifies the minimum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in this record.
Values indicated are in g.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 69

Time of Minimum Acceleration
Specifies the time of the minimum acceleration value measured by this channel (uncorrected) in
this record. Values indicated are in seconds since the beginning of the record.

Specifies the units of the uncorrected acceleration data in the record. Typically, this value is
indicated as digitization units, normally expressed in counts per volt.

Specifies that there is some identified problem with the data for this channel in the file.

Refer to File
Specifies that the comments field contains a reference to another file containing further
information about the event represented by this file.

Comments that are included in the file between the real part of the header and the bulk of the data
in the file. If taken from an EVT file, the comments will be taken from the comment line of the
EVT file.

Next Lower Channel

Selects the next lower channel available for display. The lowest channel number that can be
displayed is one.

Next Higher Channel

Selects the next higher channel available for display.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the Channel and Sensor Information
dialog to be closed and replaced with the Station and Earthquake Information dialog.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the Channel and Sensor Information
dialog to be closed. At this point, the V1 processing is considered complete and the data can be
saved as a V1 file.

Closes the Channel and Sensor Information dialog without saving any changes.

Page 70 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Computing V2
V2 processing performs instrument and baseline correction of the acceleration data. This
processing is quite involved and involves several stages of filtering and processing that are hidden
from the user as much as possible. The acceleration data is also integrated to create time series for
velocity and displacement.

In addition to the computations, V2 processing will format the data for storage as corrected
acceleration, velocity, and displacement according to the CDMG or USGS format.

See also the sections on Computing V1 and Picking a Processing Format. The format can be
preset from the SMA Setup Wizard, or can be left so that the question is asked each time that V2
processing begins.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 71

The algorithms for V2 processing are defined as follows:

Figure 44 - V2 Overall Processing

Page 72 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 45 - V2 Instrument Correction

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 73

Figure 46 - V2 Baseline Correction

Page 74 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 47 - V2 High-pass Filtering

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 75

After selecting DONE from the V2 processing dialog, V2 processing will be performed. When
first proceeding from the V1 to the V2 stage, this processing occurs without further input from
the user. Should the user later return to the V2 dialog to alter some of the information in the V2
dialog, then upon exiting the V2 dialog with DONE, SMA will ask whether the processing should
be repeated in order to avoid unnecessary reprocessing.

When V2 processing is selected, the dialog that is made available to the user to define the details
of V2 computations will depend on the processing format selected. The dialogs for CDMG and
USGS formats are defined here.

Figure 48 - AVD Correction (CDMG format)

Time Step
Indicates the time step (in seconds) between evenly spaced acceleration samples in the data being

It is important to note that this is the time step between V1 samples being submitted for V2
processing, not the time step of corrected samples resulting from V2 processing.

Page 76 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Number of Points
Indicates the number of points of evenly spaced acceleration samples in the data being processed.

It is important to note that this is the number of V1 samples being submitted for V2 processing,
not the number of corrected samples resulting from V2 processing.

First Decimation Factor

Specifies the first decimation factor used in instrument correction.

- In the Trifunac method, Acceleration is decimated by this factor after it is low-pass filtered with
the Ormsby filter.
- In the Shakal method, Acceleration is decimated by this factor after it is constructed by a
differential equation approach.

This value defaults to 1.

Half Length of Filter Operator

Specifies the half length of the filter operator used in baseline correction.

- In the Trifunac method, it is the half-length of the equally weighted running-mean filter, that
low-pass filters acceleration after acceleration has been corrected by linear least square fit of
- In the Shakal method, this is the half-length of the Ormsby filter, that low-pass filters
acceleration after acceleration has been corrected by a linear least square fit of velocity.

The default value is 10.

Acceleration Decimation Factor

Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of acceleration in
baseline correction.

Acceleration is decimated after low-pass filtering with an equally weighted running-mean filter
(Trifunac method) or an Ormsby filter (Shakal method).

The default value is 1.

Velocity Decimation Factor

Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of velocity in high-pass
filtering of velocity and displacement. Velocity is decimated before high-pass filtering with the
Ormsby filter.

The default value is 1.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 77

Displacement Decimation Factor
Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of displacement in high-
pass filtering of velocity and displacement. Displacement is decimated before high-pass filtering
with the Ormsby filter.

The default value is 1.

Terminal Frequency
Specifies the terminal frequency of the Ormsby filter used for high-frequency (low-pass) filtering
in instrument correction, in Hz.

The default value is 45Hz.

Roll-Off Width
Specifies the roll-off width of the Ormsby filter used for high-frequency (low-pass) filtering in
instrument correction, in Hz.

The default value is 2Hz.

Corner Frequency
Specifies the corner frequency of the Ormsby filter used for long-period (high-pass) filtering in
baseline correction, and in high-pass filtering of velocity and displacement, in Hz.

The default value is 0.12Hz.

Roll-Off Width
Specifies the roll-off width of the Ormsby filter adopted for long-period (high-pass) filtering in
baseline correction, and in high-pass filtering of velocity and displacement, in Hz.

The default value is 0.06Hz.

Correction Method
Allows selection of the correction method used for V2 processing. It primarily affects the order of
operation (decimation before or after filtering). The choices available are:

The Shakal & Ragsdale method makes the following changes from the default Trifunac method:
- Improves accuracy of instrument correction at high frequencies. In instrument correction, first
constructs acceleration by a differential equation approach, then decimates acceleration.
- Alleviates spurious long period folded energy. In baseline correction: Calculates weights for
pre-decimation low-pass filtering via an Ormsby filter with "termFreqHFF=3Hz" and
"rolloffWidthHFF=1.5Hz", instead of a running mean filter.

The default is the Trifunac method.

Causes the data for the AVD filter information to be saved and the AVD Correction dialog to be
closed and replaced with the AVD Channel Information dialog.

Page 78 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Causes the data for the AVD filter information to be saved and the AVD Correction dialog to be
closed. At this point, the V2 processing is considered complete and the data can be saved as a V2

Use Defaults
This button allows the user to set the default filter parameters and methods for V2 processing. It
causes SMA to set all V2 processing parameters to the recommended defaults.

Closes the AVD Correction dialog without saving any changes.

Figure 49 - AVD Channel Information (CDMG format)

Channel Number
Displays the channel number of the current channel being displayed. The lowest channel number
is one. The channel number is not editable by the user.

Use the left (next lower) and right (next higher) arrows located at the bottom left of the dialog to
select channels.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 79

V2 Title Line
Specifies the V2 title information to be stored at the appropriate place in V2 and V3 files. This
line can contain any information entered by the user to describe the data.

Plot Title 1
Holds the first plot title line for each channel that is written into the resulting V2 file when the file
is stored.

This title line has no affect on the V2 processing.

Plot Title 2
Holds the second plot title line for each channel that is written into the resulting V2 file when the
file is stored.

This title line has no affect on the V2 processing.

Natural Period
Specifies the natural period of the sensor connected to the channel in seconds.

NOTE: This value is required in order to perform V2 processing.

Specifies the damping value as a fraction of critical (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the sensor
connected to the current channel.

Next Higher Channel

Selects the next higher channel available for display.

Next Lower Channel

Selects the next lower channel available for display. The lowest channel number that can be
displayed is one.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the AVD Channel Information dialog to
be closed and replaced with the AVD Correction dialog.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the AVD Channel Information dialog to
be closed. At this point, the V2 processing may begin and the data can be saved as a V2 file.

Closes the AVD Channel Information dialog without saving any changes.

Page 80 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 50 - AVD Correction (USGS SMC format)

Time Step
Indicates the time step (in seconds) between evenly spaced acceleration samples in the data being

It is important to note that this is the time step between V1 samples being submitted for V2
processing, not the time step of corrected samples resulting from V2 processing.

Number of Points
Indicates the number of points of evenly spaced acceleration samples in the data being processed.

It is important to note that this is the number of V1 samples being submitted for V2 processing,
not the number of corrected samples resulting from V2 processing.

First Decimation Factor

Specifies the first decimation factor used in instrument correction.

- In the Trifunac method, Acceleration is decimated by this factor after it is low-pass filtered with
the Ormsby filter.
- In the Shakal method, Acceleration is decimated by this factor after it is constructed by a
differential equation approach.

This value defaults to 1.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 81

Half Length of Filter Operator
Specifies the half length of the filter operator used in baseline correction.

- In the Trifunac method, it is the half-length of the equally weighted running-mean filter, that
low-pass filters acceleration after acceleration has been corrected by linear least square fit of
- In the Shakal method, this is the half-length of the Ormsby filter, that low-pass filters
acceleration after acceleration has been corrected by a linear least square fit of velocity.

The default value is 10.

Acceleration Decimation Factor

Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of acceleration in
baseline correction.

Acceleration is decimated after low-pass filtering with an equally weighted running-mean filter
(Trifunac method) or an Ormsby filter (Shakal method).

The default value is 1.

Velocity Decimation Factor

Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of velocity in high-pass
filtering of velocity and displacement. Velocity is decimated before high-pass filtering with the
Ormsby filter.

The default value is 1.

Displacement Decimation Factor

Specifies the decimation factor used for long-period (high-pass) filtering of displacement in high-
pass filtering of velocity and displacement. Displacement is decimated before high-pass filtering
with the Ormsby filter.

The default value is 1.

Terminal Frequency
Specifies the terminal frequency of the Ormsby filter used for high-frequency (low-pass) filtering
in instrument correction, in Hz.

The default value is 45Hz.

Roll-Off Width
Specifies the roll-off width of the Ormsby filter used for high-frequency (low-pass) filtering in
instrument correction, in Hz.

The default value is 2Hz.

Page 82 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Corner Frequency
Specifies the corner frequency of the Ormsby filter used for long-period (high-pass) filtering in
baseline correction, and in high-pass filtering of velocity and displacement, in Hz.

The default value is 0.12Hz.

Roll-Off Width
Specifies the roll-off width of the Ormsby filter adopted for long-period (high-pass) filtering in
baseline correction, and in high-pass filtering of velocity and displacement, in Hz.

The default value is 0.06Hz.

Correction Method
Allows selection of the correction method used for V2 processing. It primarily affects the order of
operation (decimation before or after filtering). The choices available are:

The Shakal & Ragsdale method makes the following changes from the default Trifunac method:
- Improves accuracy of instrument correction at high frequencies. In instrument correction, first
constructs acceleration by a differential equation approach, then decimates acceleration.
- Alleviates spurious long period folded energy. In baseline correction: Calculates weights for
pre-decimation low-pass filtering via an Ormsby filter with "termFreqHFF=3Hz" and
"rolloffWidthHFF=1.5Hz", instead of a running mean filter.

The default is the Trifunac method.

Causes the data for the AVD filter information to be saved and the AVD Correction dialog to be
closed and replaced with the AVD Channel Information dialog.

Causes the data for the AVD filter information to be saved and the AVD Correction dialog to be
closed. At this point, the V2 processing is considered complete and the data can be saved as a V2

Use Defaults
This button allows the user to set the default filter parameters and methods for V2 processing. It
causes SMA to set all V2 processing parameters to the recommended defaults.

Closes the AVD Correction dialog without saving any changes.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 83

Figure 51 - AVD Channel Information (USGS SMC format)

Channel Number
Displays the channel number of the current channel being displayed. The lowest channel number
is one. The channel number is not editable by the user.

Use the left (next lower) and right (next higher) arrows located at the bottom left of the dialog to
select channels.

Natural Frequency
Specifies the natural frequency of the sensor connected to the channel in Hz.

NOTE: This value is required in order to perform V2 processing.

Specifies the damping value as a fraction of critical (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the sensor
connected to the current channel.

Next Higher Channel

Selects the next higher channel available for display.

Page 84 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Next Lower Channel
Selects the next lower channel available for display. The lowest channel number that can be
displayed is one.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the AVD Channel Information dialog to
be closed and replaced with the AVD Correction dialog.

Causes the data for the current channel to be saved and the AVD Channel Information dialog to
be closed. At this point, the V2 processing may begin and the data can be saved as a V2 file.

Closes the AVD Channel Information dialog without saving any changes.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 85

Computing V3
V3 processing calculates spectra based upon the V2 corrected acceleration data. When SMA does
V3 processing, the following spectra are generated:

- Absolute Acceleration Response Spectra

- Relative Velocity Response Spectra
- Relative Displacement Response Spectra
- Fourier Amplitude Spectra
- Tripartite Response Spectra

After selecting DONE from the V3 processing dialog, V3 processing will be performed. When
first proceeding from the V2 to the V3 stage, this processing occurs without further input from
the user. Should the user later return to the V3 dialog to alter some of the information in the V3
dialog, then upon exiting the V3 dialog with DONE, SMA will ask whether the processing should
be repeated in order to avoid unnecessary reprocessing.

When V3 processing is selected, the dialog that is made available to the user to define the details
of V3 spectral computations will depend on the processing format selected. The dialogs for
CDMG and USGS formats are defined here.

Figure 52 - Spectra Information (CDMG Format)

Page 86 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

V3 Title Line
This title line is intended to describe the data in the resulting V3 file. This description is
essentially a comment only and has no affect on the actual data or processing.

Descriptive Text
This value is intended to describe the data in the resulting V3 file. This description is essentially a
comment only and has no affect on the actual data or processing.

Units of Spectra
This value is intended to describe the units of spectra in the resulting V3 file. This description is
essentially a comment only and has no affect on the actual data or processing.

Specifies a single damping value as a fraction of critical. These values are editable by the user,
and will be saved when the dialog is exited. Values should be in increasing order.

If a value is cleared (set to blank), all following values will be deleted when the dialog is closed.

Specifies the periods at which the spectra are computed (in seconds). These values are editable by
the user, and will be saved when the dialog is exited. Values should be in increasing order.

If a value is cleared (set to blank), all following values will be deleted when the dialog is closed.

Use Defaults
Selects default damping values and periods, which represent the recommended values from both
the CDMG and USGS format descriptions.

Causes the data from the dialog to be saved and the Spectra Information dialog to be closed. At
this point, the V3 processing may begin and the data can be saved as a V3 file.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 87

Figure 53 - Spectra Information (USGS SMC Format)

Specifies a single damping value as a fraction of critical. These values are editable by the user,
and will be saved when the dialog is exited. Values should be in increasing order.

If a value is cleared (set to blank), all following values will be deleted when the dialog is closed.

Specifies the periods at which the spectra are computed (in seconds). These values are editable by
the user, and will be saved when the dialog is exited. Values should be in increasing order.

If a value is cleared (set to blank), all following values will be deleted when the dialog is closed.

Use Defaults
Selects default damping values and periods, that represent the recommended values from both the
CDMG and USGS format descriptions.

Causes the data from the dialog to be saved and the Spectra Information dialog to be closed. At
this point, the V3 processing may begin and the data can be saved as a V3 file.

Page 88 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Computing PSD
Compute PSD allows the user to perform a PSD (Power Spectral Density) computation on an
acceleration time series. Some choices are available to the user for customizing the PSD
computations and these are available through a dialog when the PSD is requested or through the
SMA Setup Wizard.

Power Spectral Density: Power Spectral Density is computed using a one-sided autospectral
density function (ref. Bendat and Piersol, 1986).

Figure 54 - PSD Function Definition

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 89

A dialog box is used to set the parameters for computing the Power Spectral Density:

Figure 55 - PSD Defaults Dialog

The user can display the values of the spectral computations for PSD or FFT in a NOTEPAD by
pressing the "s" key.

Filter Corner
Allows specification of the cutoff frequency to be used when computing the PSD. This value is
specified in Hz.

The default value is 100Hz.

Filter Order
Allows specification of the filter order for the Butterworth filter used when computing the PSD.

The default value is 6.

Overlap Factor
Allows specification of the fraction of points that are overlapped for each ensemble used when
computing the PSD.

The default value is 0.625.

Page 90 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Use These Values
Indicates that these values are to be used in future without checking with the user each time
before the computations are done.

This will streamline use of this operation in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, these values must be changed, new values can be selected from the SMA
Setup Wizard, or the PSD Defaults check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

Closes the PSD Defaults dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Figure 56 - PSD Graph

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 91

Computing Fast Fourier Transform
Compute FFT allows the user to perform an FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) computation on an
uncorrected acceleration time series. Some choices are available to the user for customizing the
FFT computations and these are available through a dialog when the FFT is requested or through
the SMA Setup Wizard.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): For an earthquake record Xn equally sampled at N (power of 2)
discrete points, the Fourier Amplitude is defined as follows (ref. Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and
Flannery, 1995):

Figure 57 - FFT Function Definition

Page 92 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Figure 58 - FFT Defaults Dialog

The user can display the values of the spectral computations for PSD or FFT in a NOTEPAD by
pressing the "s" key.

Taper Type
Allows you to select the taper type used for computing the FFT. The choices available are
Rectangular, Hanning, and Hamming windows.

The default taper type is Rectangular.

Taper Ratio
Allows selection of the ratio of the Hanning or Hamming windows on either end of the data as a
percentage of the total data size.

The default value is 0.100.

Padding Limit
Allows selection of the limit of the amount of padding with zeros that will be done when trying to
expand the data to the correct number of values (typically a power of two value) to do the FFT.

The default value is 1.100.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 93

Use These Values
Indicates that these values are to be used in future without checking with the user each time
before the computations are done.

This will streamline use of this operation in the future because there are fewer questions to
answer. If later on, these values must be changed, new values can be selected from the SMA
Setup Wizard, or the FFT Defaults check box can be unchecked in the SMA Setup Wizard.

Closes the FFT Defaults dialog and saves any changes you have made.

Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.

Figure 59 - FFT Graph

Page 94 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Problems identifying the HASP key: If SMA does not recognize the HASP key, check the

Make sure that the key is properly connected to the parallel or USB port and that the port is

If you have multiple software keys in use, try removing all but the SMA key to see if that

Make sure that you have properly installed the HASP driver. The HASP key driver is
included on the SMA CD as the file HDD32.EXE. Run the program and follow the
instructions that it gives to you. Once complete, reboot your computer.

Unable to read a file: If you are unable to read a file, check the following:

See if the problem is a corrupted file. Try reading another file from the same recorder.

Check the file by reading it using some other program that handles that file format. For
example, if the file is an EVT file try checking it with QuickLook.

Make sure the file extension is one of the supported types. At present they are EVT, TRG,
V1, V2, V3, ASC, and 0**.

If a V1, V2, or V3 file, check the file format SMA is set to make, be sure it matches the data.

Corrected acceleration (V2) is reversed from original data:

The original data is uncorrected data, that basically just says that it is just like it came from
the sensors. When data is processed by the V2 stage, it is corrected. Among other things, this
correction means that the polarity of the data is adjusted or 'corrected'. Data from an FBA
must be reversed because an FBA produces data in such a way that positive voltage means
negative direction. This reversal is correct even though some previous processing programs
may not have properly performed this correction.

An EpiSensor on the other hand produces data in such a way that positive voltage means
positive direction, so no polarity correction is needed or performed.

Unable to print: If you are unable to print, check the following:

Make sure that the printer works when used from another application.

Make sure that the HASP key is recognized by SMA.

See if the print preview option displays the correct image.

June, 2004 Document 302415 Rev G Page 95

Printed plots come out too small:

Adjust the printer resolution of your printer by clicking on Properties, Advanced, and then
changing the resolution to a lower value.

Unable to save files: If you are unable to save files, check the following:

Make sure that the drive, directory, or file is not write protected.

Make sure that the HASP key is recognized by SMA.

Help doesn't seem to work:

Help on the SMA program follows the standard Windows 95/98/NT/2000 "What's this?"
help convention. To use help, bring up the dialog that has the information you want help on.
If the item is a button, position the mouse over the button and right-click the mouse. If the
item is a data field, checkbox, or other item, select it with a left-click and press F1.

I get "stuck" in PSD or FFT functions:

PSD and FFT operations are toggles. If you display a PSD or FFT, you can switch back and
forth between them by clicking one or the other. When you are done and want to return to the
non-PSD and non-FFT displays (such as the time series) to continue processing, unclick the
PSD or FFT button to exit PSD or FFT mode.

Page 96 Document 302415 Rev G June, 2004

Table of Figures

Custom Input Provider, 44

1 Custom Input Temporary File, 44
Customization, 6
1. Introduction, 1
DAC View, 38
Acceleration Decimation Factor, 77, 82 Damping, 29, 62, 68, 80, 84
Acceleration Offset, 25 Dampings, 87, 88
Accelerogram ID Number, 60
Add-scans, 21
Data Editing, 17
Data Source, 67
Advanced, 40
Default File Type, 42
Advanced SMA Setup, 43 Delete from Start of File, 33
Alternate Title, 35 Delete to End of File, 33
ASCII Files, 23 Descriptive Text, 87
Auto Scale Method, 39 Displacement Decimation Factor, 78, 82
Autoscale, 39 Display Organization and
Azimuth, 62, 68
Controls, 7
B Display Units, 39
Done, 61, 63, 67, 70, 79, 80, 83, 85
Bit Weight, 24 DONE, 87, 88
Don't Display Header Information, 43
C Duration, 62, 69
Cancel, 26, 30, 32, 33, 35, 43, 44, 46, 58, 61, 63,
67, 70, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94 E
CANCEL, 23, 24 Earthquake Date and Time, 59
CDMG, 12 Earthquake Depth, 66
Channel, 28, 46 Earthquake Latitude, 66
Channel ID, 28 Earthquake Longitude, 66
Channel Number, 61, 68, 79, 84 Earthquake Name, 59, 64
Channel S/N, 68 Earthquake Title Line, 60
Channels, 61, 67, 78, 83
Comment, 29 Editing Comments, 34
Comments, 70 Editing Event Data, 30
Comments on the Print, 35 Editing Header Information, 28
Computing Fast Fourier Elevation, 30, 65
Transform, 92 Epicentral Distance, 66
Event, 63, 70, 80, 85
Computing PSD, 89
Computing V1, 57 F
Computing V2, 71 FFT Defaults, 41
Computing V3, 86 File Start Time, 29
Corner Frequency, 78, 83 Filter Corner, 41, 90
Corrected Data NOTEPAD Display, 47 Filter Order, 41, 90
Correction Method, 78, 83 First Decimation Factor, 77, 81
Frequency, 39
Current Profile, 37 Full Scale, 23, 24
Custom Input Enabled, 43
Custom Input Name, 43
G Offset North, 68
Offset Removal Method, 26, 40
Graph Display Area, 11
Offset Up, 68
Grid Lines, 37
OK, 23, 24, 26, 30, 35, 43, 44, 46, 58, 91, 94
H On Line Help, 2
Half Length of Filter Operator, 77, 82 Opening a File, 21
HASP, 4 Opening ASCII Files, 23
Horizontal Orientation, 69 Opening SAC Files, 24
Hypocenter Information, 60
Orientation, 62, 68
Origin Time, 59
I Other Magnitude, 66
Insert Data After Marker, 32 Overlap Factor, 41, 90
Insert Data Before Marker, 32
Insert Time, 31 P
Inserted Data, 31
Padding Limit, 42, 93
Installation, 4 Peaks NOTEPAD Display, 47
Interpreting and Manipulating Period, 39
Periods, 87, 88
Graphs, 13
Philosophy of Operation, 5
K Picking a Processing Format, 12
Plot Title 1, 80
Key, 4
Plot Title 2, 80
Problems, 70
PSD Defaults, 41
Latitude, 30, 60, 65
Local Magnitude, 66 R
Location Description, 62
Recorder Type, 60, 65
Longitude, 30, 60, 65
Refer to File, 70
Remove Offset, 40
Remove Offset, Don't Ask, 26
Magnitude Information, 60 Removing the Offset, 25
Marker Text Size, 39 RMS Value, 63
Maximum Acceleration, 62, 69 Roll-Off Width, 78, 82, 83
Menu, 7
Minimum Acceleration, 69
Moment Magnitude, 66
S/N, 60, 65
N SAC Files, 24
Sample Rate, 23
Natural Frequency, 29, 68, 84 Save New Profile, 37
Natural Period, 62, 80
Negative Display, 37 Saving a File, 27
Next Higher Channel, 63, 70, 80, 84 Saving Data, 27
Next Lower Channel, 63, 70, 80, 85 Seismic Moment, 66
Noise, 32 Select Profile, 37
Normal Flow of Operation, 12 Selecting Display Channel, 46
NOTEPAD Displays, 47 Sensitivity, 23, 24, 29, 62, 68
Number of Channels, 60, 66 Sensor S/N, 29
Number of Points, 62, 69, 77, 81 Sensor Type, 29, 69
Shock Number, 59
O SMA Setup Wizard, 36
Offset East, 68
smahdrif.bmp EVT Header Information, Troubleshooting, 95
SMC, 12 U
Software Key, 4
Spectra as Periods, 39 Units, 63, 70
Spectra NOTEPAD Display, 47 Units of Data, 63
Station Channel Number, 62, 68 Units of Spectra, 87
Station Code, 66 Use Defaults, 79, 83, 87, 88
Station ID, 29 Use These Values, 91, 94
Station Name, 60, 65 Use This Format, Don't Ask, 58
Station Number, 60, 65 USGS, 12
Status Bar, 11
Surface Wave Magnitude, 66 V
V1 Title Line, 59, 64
T V1/V2/V3 Format Type, 41, 58
Taper Ratio, 42, 93 V1/V2/V3 Formats, 40
Taper Type, 42, 93 V2 Title Line, 80
Terminal Frequency, 78, 82 V3 Title Line, 87
Time of First Sample DDD, 65 Velocity Decimation Factor, 77, 82
Time of First Sample HH, 65 Vertical Orientation, 69
Time of First Sample MM, 65 Viewing Header Information, 45
Time of First Sample MS, 65
Time of First Sample SS, 65
Viewing Negative Display, 45
Time of First Sample YYYY, 65 Viewing Time Series and Spectra,
Time of Maximum Acceleration, 62, 69 47
Time of Minimum Acceleration, 70 Volts DC Scale, 38
Time Step, 76, 81
Title Bar, 7 Z
Title Time, 64
Tool Bar, 10 Zooming and Special Keyboard
Total Channels, 60, 66 Keys, 19
Trigger Time, 60

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