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An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation

AnBlackwell ARTICLES
Analysis Publishing
of Inc2008of Patient Participation
the Concept

Monika J. M. Sahlsten, PhD, MSc Nursing, BSc Health Service Adm., RN, Inga E. Larsson, MSc Nursing,
BSc Health Service Adm., RN, Björn Sjöström, PhD, RN, and Kaety A. E. Plos, PhD, BSc

The concept of patient participation has an array Monika J. M. Sahlsten, PhD, MSc Nursing, BSc
Health Service Adm., RN, is at the Institute of Health and
of interpretations and lacks clarity. The purpose of Care Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg
University, Göteborg, Sweden; Inga E. Larsson, MSc
this article is to explore the concept of patient Nursing, BSc Health Service Adm., RN, is a doctoral
student at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, The
participation within the context of nursing Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Göteborg,
Sweden, and a Lecturer at the Department of Nursing,
practice. The method described by Walker and Health and Culture, University West, Trollhättan,
Sweden; Björn Sjöström, PhD, RN, is Professor at the
Avant (1995) is used. The critical attributes of the School of Life Sciences, University of Skövde, Skövde,
Sweden; and Kaety A. E. Plos, PhD, BSc, is a Senior
concept are identified. Formation of model, Lecturer at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, The
Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Göteborg,
borderline, and contrary cases exemplifies key Sweden.

characteristics. Antecedents, consequences, and Introduction

empirical referents presented allow for further Patient participation is an essential basis of medical
treatment and nursing care, and the patient’s position
refinement of the key attributes defining the has been increasingly strengthened in recent decades,
both internationally and nationally (Eldh, Ehnfors,
concept. Patient participation in nursing practice & Ekman, 2004; Nordgren & Fridlund, 2001). The
traditional view is replaced by expectations of an active
can be defined as an established relationship patient involved in his or her own care. Despite this,
patients have experienced insufficient participation,
between nurse and patient, a surrendering of and dissatisfaction and complaints appear to be increas-
ing (Coulter & Magee, 2003;
some power or control by the nurse, shared Participation is known to reduce stress and anxiety
(Lauri & Sainio, 1998) and increases patients’ motiva-
information and knowledge, and active tion and satisfaction with received care (Williams,
Freedman, & Deci, 1998). However, each patient and
engagement together in intellectual and/or each nurse may have his or her own opinion or ideas
about the meaning and implementation of patient
physical activities. participation.
Patient participation, despite being widely used
Search terms: Concept analysis, collaboration, every day, remains an elusive and complex concept,
which is of uttermost importance to nursing. Concepts
involvement, nurse–client relationship, patient are both the foundation of and necessary for advance-
ment of the knowledge base of nursing as well as
participation, partnership being essential for precise communication and critical
thinking (Cahill, 1996). Concepts may be regarded as

2 Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008

Table 1. Eight Steps of Concept Analysis According Selection of Concept
to Walker and Avant (1995)
The concept of patient participation is central to
1. Select a concept nursing practice. It has been emphasized as a good
2. Determine the aims of analysis
3. Identify the uses of the concept
thing (Tutton, 2005), enabling patients to maximize
4. Determine defining attributes their potential for comfort (Bottorff et al., 1998). The
5. Develop a model case right of patients to participate in planning, decision-
6. Develop additional cases: borderline and contrary cases making, and carrying out activities concerning their
7. Identify antecedents and consequences care is stressed in nursing as well as public opinion
8. Define empirical referents
and legislation (Efraimsson, Sandman, Hydén, &
Rasmussen, 2004). The nurse is expected to play a key
role in facilitating and encouraging patients to par-
mental constructions of phenomena, which enable a ticipate. Despite the concept’s significance in current
formation of conceptual definitions allowing examination nursing practice, it has still not been adequately
to attempt ordering of environmental stimuli articulated and continues to be elusive. A diversity of
(Walker & Avant, 1995). Concept analysis is a valuable opinions exists concerning the way both patients and
methodology that can be used to clarify overused nurses view the concept (cf. Eldh, Ehnfors, & Ekman,
concepts with vague meaning that are prevalent in 2006; Tutton).
nursing practice. Although patient participation has been a widely
This article presents an analysis of the concept of researched and debated phenomenon in health
patient participation and its relation to nursing by care in the last three decades, there is still an array
identifying the meaning of the concept from the of interpretations. The lack of clarity associated
literature. The basic principles from Walker and Avant’s with the concept may have resulted in patient
(1995) model for concept analysis are used to examine, participation becoming a nursing tokenism (Roberts,
determine, and define attributes and characteristics of 2002).
the concept of patient participation. The model
consists of eight steps used to highlight aspects and Aims of Analysis
essential attributes of the concept (Table 1). Although
the steps seem to be a linear process, many of them In striving to attain conceptual clarity, the analysis
occur simultaneously. For ease of presentation, each may make it possible to promote a single vocabulary
step will be considered separately. for discussion while understanding what the parameters
This concept analysis focuses on the time period of patient participation are. Accordingly, the aim of
from 1996 to 2005. The analysis is based on research the analysis is to identify and explore the attributes of
articles published after the concept analysis of patient the concept, and to clarify and elucidate the meaning
participation performed by Cahill (1996) and the same and nature of the concept of patient participation
methodology is used. The time period Cahill examined within the context of nursing practice. It may provide
was not explicit but estimated to include up until 1995; a pattern for challenging and criticizing the concept
specifics regarding details of the sample are lacking. within the context of nursing practice. This concept
In the present concept analysis, the databases used to analysis also intends to illuminate the role of the nurse
search for relevant articles and literature were CINAHL in relation to patient participation and highlight the
and MEDLINE with patient participation used as a skills, knowledge, and experience nurses require to
key term. practice.

Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008 3

An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation

Uses of the Concept of Patient Participation to measure participation have been tested and con-
structed (Caress et al.; Latvala, Saranto, & Pekkala,
Walker and Avant (1995) claim that this step should 2004; Ramfelt, Lützen, & Nordström, 2005). Participa-
include as many uses of the concept as can be found. tion in medical treatment decisions has received the
These include consulting dictionaries, thesauri, and greatest attention (Guadagnoli & Ward, 1998; Wellard,
examined articles. Lillibridge, Beanland, & Lewis, 2003).
According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, The present concept analysis reveals that studies of
the word participation means to be involved and to patient participation in nursing care are still not
take part in (Soanes & Stevenson, 2004). The term is congruent regarding definition, elements, and processes
derived from the Latin participare, which means share (e.g., Gallant, Beaulieu, & Carnevale, 2002). This lack
in, and is based on pars, part- + capere (take). Merriam– of clarity is amplified by the use of several terms:
Webster OnLine states that participation means the act of patient/client/consumer/user involvement or collab-
participating and the state of being related to a larger oration (e.g., Langton, Barnes, Haslehurst, Rimmer, &
whole ( Oxford Reference Online Turton, 2003) and partnership (e.g., Henderson, 2003).
provides further explanation: involvement, part, con- Patient/client seems to refer to current recipients of
tribution, and association ( health/mental/social care. Consumer participation
According to, participation as ownership appears to be used interchangeably with user participa-
means sharing something in common with others. In tion (Lammers & Happell, 2003). However, Langton
finance, it is an ownership interest in a mortgage or et al. claim that there is a difference: consumer relates
other loan. Participation is also used as a synonym of to the right to make choice and user is a broad term
profit sharing, an incentive whereby employees of a that involves a current or potential healthcare recipient.
company receive a share of the profits of the company Patient participation seems to include and be used
( There are several synonyms interchangeably and synonymously together with user
of participation: alliance, association, attendance, commu- involvement (Anthony & Crawford, 2000; Doherty &
nion, cooperation, experience, interest, and membership Doherty, 2005; Evans et al., 2003; Hickey & Kipping,
( 1998). The term collaboration seems to have diminished
The term participation has been discussed in differing in significance and is seldom used. One possible expla-
contexts. Collective or indirect participation practiced nation of the use of several terms can be derived from
as lay participation in research, formulation of policy, governments’ and decision-makers’ different denomina-
and the commissioning of services (Allen, 2000), or as tions of patient participation in policy documents.
a third-party parent, close relative, or carer (Roberts, Patient participation in the context of professional
2002). Individual participation may be practiced in, for nursing practice can be related to a few definitions.
example, health care and promotion, mental and social Jewell (1996) identifies patient participation as repre-
care (e.g., Lammers & Happell, 2003; Obeid, 2000), and senting a philosophical approach to patient care and
in different situations; for example, discharge planning also as a practical component of patient care. The
(Efraimsson, Sandman, Hydén, & Rasmussen, 2004; philosophical approach includes: “individual or holistic
Jewell, 1996; Roberts, 2002), decision-making in treat- care, realistic plans based on negotiation, a positive
ment/care (Caress, Luker, & Akrill, 1998; Henderson, outcome for patients and encouraging patients to be
2002; Sainio & Lauri, 2003; Sainio, Lauri, & Eriksson, active rather than passive during their hospital stay”
2001), and bedside reporting (Timonen & Sihvonen, (p. 916). The practical component involves: “using the
2000). The meaning of the term has also been explored nursing process, seeing what the patient wants, seeing
(Eldh et al., 2004, 2006; Tutton, 2005) and instruments what the patient wants regarding discharge, self-care

4 Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008

i.e., physically take part in care, and informing patients being involved in evaluation and towards actual
during their hospital stay” (p. 916). Henderson (2000) planning of care services and delivery. It includes a
concludes that patient participation means being person-centered philosophy, such as an equal rela-
involved in the decision-making process concerning tionship and sharing with a supportive facilitator.
the delivery and evaluation of the patient’s own care. Wellard et al. (2003) notes consumer participation such
Determining means treating patients as individuals, as sharing information, opinions, and decision-making
taking into account patients’ opinions, and giving power. It should not be limited to a question of shared
them control with regard to their own care. Tutton clinical decisions, but instead involve a general
(2005) defines patient participation as a dynamic process involvement with individuals in everyday aspects
that changes over time and is integral to the work of during their hospital stay.
nurses and carers. This process is carried out through Patient participation can be related to difference in
facilitation, partnership, understanding the person, attitude. Jewell (1996) claims that the control profes-
and emotional work. Partnership is seen as an essential sionals have over their practice affects the level of
process that underpins participation by identifying the active patient participation. It is the nurse’s commitment
values and beliefs on which negotiation is based. Staff to participation that makes it happen. Hickey and
may make decisions for patients but these decisions Kipping (1998) report on a participation continuum
are participatory through this dynamic process. from consumerist to democratization approach. This
Patient participation can also be described in terms includes four positions of transferring decision-making
of elements and processes. Allen (2000) claims that it is power to the user: (i) information/explanation, and
vital to be aware of the differences between the “role” (ii) consultation with no such transferring, (iii) partner-
and “task” elements of patients’ participation and to ship including joint decisions, and (iv) user control,
keep them distinct. Failure has resulted in conceptual i.e., power is redistributed so the user makes the
confusion and faulty assumptions of increased partic- decision whether to involve someone else.
ipation in tasks implying parallel changes in the role, Roberts (2002) reports that the most applicable
i.e., greater power for the patient. Sainio, Lauri, and levels of participation are currently informing,
Eriksson (2001) state that patient participation relates consultation, and placation, denoted as tokenism, and
to being involved in decision-making or expressing suggests a passive role for participants. Three types of
one’s views on different treatments. It includes people in relation to participation are identified: those
sharing information, communicating feelings and who (i) express their views and opinions or state their
symptoms, and compliance with nurses’ and physicians’ preferences without prompting—these people displayed
orders. According to Eldh et al. (2004), patient participa- the greatest willingness to participate but still preferred
tion is to be confident, and to comprehend, seek, and experts to have the final say; (ii) express their views
maintain a sense of control and recognition of one’s and opinions or state their preferences when invited to
own responsibility as a patient. From a nurse perspective, do so—these people could either wish to play an active
participation is more about patients getting indi- role or respond to the role they felt was expected; and
vidually adjusted information so they can act (Eldh (iii) accept the decisions that are made—these people
et al., 2006). To sum up, patients experience participation preferred professionals to act on their behalf.
as something that they have and accept—a personal Lammers and Happell (2003) stipulate that consumers
active attitude; whereas nurses experience it as some- should be given the opportunity to participate in
thing that they give to the patient—they activate. accordance with individual interest, attributes, need,
Obeid (2000) states that user participation is a and ability. Sainio and Lauri (2003) and Eldh et al.
dynamic process, moving beyond only having a voice, (2004) confirm that level of participation needs to be

Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008 5

An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation

an issue for dialogue between nurses and patients described (Walker & Avant, 1995). These characteristics
because preferences change over time and phases of have been grouped to obtain a clear picture of what
the disease and treatment. Discussing the issue is essential comprises the concept of patient participation.
because Caress et al. (1998) allege that some patients The defining attributes of the concept of patient
exceed their preferred level of participation. Passivity participation within the context of nursing practice are:
may be the result of fear or perceived lack of knowledge.
When patients prefer a passive role, which appears to 1. An established relationship. The most distinctive
be well considered and genuine, health professionals attribute that emerged from the literature both
should respect this preference. explicitly and implicitly is an existing relationship,
The degree of patient participation depends on sev- which seems to be required according to the defini-
eral factors, internal as well as external. The internal tions and uses of the concept. Participation entails a
factors that have been identified are the patient’s good, mutual, trusting, respectful, connected rela-
physical ability, willingness and ability to make tionship, with associated affective terms implying
rational decisions (Jewell, 1996), attitude towards that it is established (e.g., Allen, 2000; Eldh et al.,
self-care, cultural backgrounds, desire to be a “good” 2004, 2006; Henderson, 2000; Roberts, 2002; Sainio
patient, level of medical knowledge, and previous et al., 2001; Sainio & Lauri, 2003; Tutton, 2005;
hospital experience (Henderson, 2002). Age, marital Wellard et al., 2003).
status, and time since diagnosis also exert an influence 2. A surrendering of some power or control by the nurse.
(Sainio & Lauri, 2003). Not understanding and not The level of control nurses have affects the degree
being accountable are experienced as not participating of patients’ participation; commitment is crucial
at all (Eldh et al., 2004). The external factors that affect and makes it happen (Jewell, 1996). Participation
a patient’s desire to participate are that nurses provide entails equality, negotiation, and responsibility, which
information (Sainio & Lauri), encourage questions, appear as associated terms (e.g., Eldh et al., 2004,
use everyday language, and focus on and spend more 2006; Henderson, 2000; Jewell; Obeid, 2000; Tutton,
time with the patient (Timonen & Sihvonen, 2000). 2005; Wellard et al., 2003). Self-care and other
A number of factors have been identified as restricting activities the patient can manage are allocated and
participation: conflict between patient and carer and responsibility follows. Nurses become empowerers
overprotection by nurses (Jewell, 1996), limited and supportive facilitators (Obeid).
communication between nurses and patients, task- 3. Shared information and knowledge. Participation
oriented nursing labor, environmental constraints requires meaningful information and knowledge
limiting patients’ privacy (Wellard et al., 2003), and exchanged between nurse and patient. This entails
when patients lack an equal relationship, respect, and obtaining the patient’s opinions, expectations, and
information (Eldh et al., 2006). Professionals not experiences and providing individually adapted
attuned to the concerns of the patient and his or information/knowledge (e.g., Eldh et al., 2004;
her individual needs, and who literally silence or Henderson, 2002; Kettunen, Poskiparta, & Karhila, 2003;
disregard the patient’s wishes, produce nonparticipation Sainio et al., 2001; Sainio & Lauri, 2003; Tutton, 2005).
(Efraimsson et al., 2004). 4. Active mutual engagement in intellectual and/or physical
activities. Participation requires activation by both
Determined Defining Attributes nurse and patient throughout all aspects of the
nursing process. Inviting, encouraging, and supporting
This step identifies the characteristics of the concept are crucial. The patient’s willingness is associated
that repeatedly appear when the concept is defined or with a number of factors; for example, ability,

6 Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008

health status, attitudes, and trust (e.g., Caress et al., and what does not. It enables identification of what is
1998; Henderson, 2002; Jewell, 1996). and what is not an incidence of the concept in question.

Developed Model Case The Borderline Case

The development of a model case starts at the same This is an example or instance that contains some of
time as the development of the list of defining attributes, the critical attributes of patient participation, but
(Walker & Avant, 1995). This model case is a constructed which differs substantially in one of the criteria
“real life” example of the use of the concept including all (Walker & Avant, 1995).
critical attributes. It serves to provide “evidence” of Borderline case of the concept of patient participation:
what the concept definitively is. This model case received
careful consideration by testing it on thoughtful Klara is a patient in a rehabilitation ward with
colleagues, as proposed by Walker and Avant. discharge to home imminent. Because of a temporary
remaining disability, Klara will need homecare help
The Model Case daily. A discharge planning conference is scheduled
and her primary nurse prepares Klara. They discuss
The model case serves to provide evidence of what Klara’s need for help and questions to be asked.
the concept of patient participation definitively is. The conference starts with the nurse encouraging
Klara to describe her wishes regarding anticipated
Jenny is a patient in an orthopedic ward. Since the needs. Klara uses her list of notes and starts with a
first day, her primary nurse has regarded Jenny as description of her current health status and the
an equal partner, activating her to participate in all nurse helps to fill in the blanks. Information regarding
aspects of her nursing care. The nurse starts in the resources the care system could offer is accur-
Jenny’s frame of reference and uses open-ended ately presented by the coordinator for homecare in
questions to explore expectations, wishes, and the municipality. Specific questions from Klara
opinions. They also discuss what they expect of about, for example, how many and when homecare
each other. In their regular talks, they get to know aids would come, receive unspecific answers. The
each other and trust and respect develop. Jenny par- nurse decides when Klara needs homecare without
ticipates in planning, formulating goals, performing taking her wishes into account. Klara grows quiet
activities, and evaluation of her own nursing care. and is subjected to pressure to accept. Finally, Klara
The nurse continually provides information and accepts because the nurse appears to know what is
knowledge adjusted to Jenny’s needs and Jenny, best.
in turn, volunteers experiences, values, and beliefs.
This generates informed choices and together they The Contrary Case
negotiate acceptable agreements. Jenny has reached
understanding and a sense of control of her own Walker and Avant (1995) claim that this case
situation. illustrates what the concept is not.
A contrary case of patient participation:
Developed Additional Cases
Adam is admitted to a surgical ward. Adam meets
Additional cases are constructed to help to decide different nurses every day and gets no information
what “counts” as a defining attribute of the concept or introduction. The first nurse Adam meets draws

Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008 7

An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation

up the nursing care plan without consulting him. • Recognition on the part of the nurse of the patient
When performing physical care, the nurse does as valuable and equal, and having power, control,
things only in her own way and excludes Adam. and responsibility (Eldh et al., 2004, 2006; Kettunen
The nurse demonstrates that she knows what is best et al., 2003; Lammers & Happell, 2003; Obeid, 2000;
for Adam, offers no choices, and often makes Roberts, 2002; Tutton, 2005; Wellard et al., 2003).
decisions “over his head.” • A willingness on the part of the patient to assume
power, control, and responsibility (Eldh et al., 2004,
Identified Antecedents and Consequences 2006; Sainio et al., 2001).

According to Walker and Avant (1995), antecedents Consequences

are events or incidents that must occur prior to the
occurrence of the concept and are useful for identifying There is a dearth of empirical studies examining
underlying assumptions. Consequences are those events outcomes of patient participation in nursing care. The
or incidents that occur as a result of the occurrence of few reported consequences of patient participation are
the concept and are useful for determining neglected primarily described as improvements of some sort.
ideas, variables, or relationships fruitful for new Outcomes of patient participation have not been a
research directions. specific research question; these consequences are,
rather, mentioned as findings.
• Increased satisfaction with care and hospital stay
• Recognition on the part of the nurse of patients as (Henderson, 2000), treatment, influence, and access
individuals (Allen, 2000; Caress et al., 1998; Eldh to information (Sainio et al., 2001).
et al., 2004, 2006; Henderson, 2000; Obeid, 2000; • Better treatment results (Sainio et al., 2001).
Roberts, 2002; Sainio et al., 2001; Sainio & Lauri, • Patient empowerment (Allen, 2000; Henderson,
2003; Tutton, 2005). 2000; Kettunen et al., 2003).
• Continuity and limitation of staff to one assigned • A sense of comprehending and being confident
nurse (Eldh et al., 2004; Tutton, 2005). (Eldh et al., 2004).
• Nurse and patient identify their role expectations • Better adjustment to the situation (Roberts, 2002).
(Timonen & Sihvonen, 2000). • Decreased vulnerability (Henderson, 2000).
• A meaningful, mutual interaction between nurse • Feeling uncomfortable about the presence of other
and patient (Eldh et al., 2004; Roberts, 2002; Sainio patients during participation in bedside reporting
et al., 2001; Sainio & Lauri, 2003; Tutton, 2005). (Timonen & Sihvonen, 2000).
• Good communication (Allen, 2000; Roberts, 2002) • Increased job satisfaction and raised self-esteem on
specified as reciprocal conversation including the part of the nurse (Obeid, 2000).
affective questions and tentative speech together • When nurses have the knowledge but are hindered
with continuers on the part of the nurse (Kettunen from implementing patient participation, they may feel
et al., 2003). powerless and risk burnout and stress (Obeid, 2000).
• The patient obtains sufficient, appropriate, under-
standable, and meaningful information and Empirical Referents
knowledge in order to feel confident (Eldh et al.,
2004, 2006; Mitcheson & Cowley, 2003; Sainio et al., According to Walker and Avant (1995), the final
2001; Sainio & Lauri, 2003). step is to determine the empirical referents for the

8 Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008

critical attributes. Empirical referents are discernible order to be able to stimulate and optimize patient
attributes of actual phenomena that, by their existence, participation. The meaning and nature of the concept
demonstrate the occurrence of the concept itself. The of patient participation that has emerged here is only
few reported studies, which include observations, pro- representative of the current state of the art. Concept
vide some referents. These studies involved participant analysis is a never-ending process and when further
observation at acute medical, surgical, and extended knowledge and experiences become available, addi-
care wards (Henderson, 2002, 2003), a cardiovascular tional development will be needed.
medical unit (Wellard et al., 2003), and a nurse-led The use of concept analysis has aided in clarifying
clinic for chronic heart failure (Eldh et al., 2006). and elucidating the nature of the concept and has
potentially formed a template for critiquing and
• The nurse displays genuine interest and empathy challenging patient participation in nursing practice.
for the person and spends time together with him The results may be useful for how implementation of
or her so that they can get to know each other. patient participation is designed and evaluated. It may
• The nurse encourages and supports the patient to help to raise awareness of the complexity of patient
take on responsibility and control by providing participation and contribute to understanding the
options to choose and decide. meaning by elucidating adjacent and necessary
• The nurse provides information and knowledge qualities, such as individual-centered care, nurse–
adjusted to the individual’s needs and listens patient continuity, and attending to the patient’s
actively. The dialogue continues until an exchange self-image and experience of the situation.
of information is complete and where the patient When comparing the present results to Cahill’s
volunteers information without being asked or is (1996) concept analysis of patient participation, the
invited to do so by means of open questions. defining attributes are mainly the same, although
• The nurse activates and supports the patient to more detailed. Surrendering power or control to the
cooperate, adjusted to his or her ability, during all patient has a more prominent position. Shared
physical activities as well as in planning, imple- information and knowledge adjusted to each patient’s
menting, and evaluating the nursing care. needs seem to be emphasized. Today, active engagement
includes all phases of the nursing process in contrast
Conclusions to only some. The antecedents of patient participation
appear to have been extended and refined, qualities of
Based on the results from the present study, it may the relationship seem to have been illuminated to a
be possible to form a theoretical definition of the greater degree. It is obvious that in the case of the nurse,
concept. Patient participation in nursing practice exists recognition of the patient as equal and as having control
when all the identified attributes are present: an and responsibility are required. A desire to relinquish
established relationship between nurse and patient, a degree of power seems to be no longer sufficient.
the surrendering of some power or control by the nurse, Employing Walker and Avant’s (1995) model and
shared information and knowledge, and active engage- methodology promotes a systematic approach and, for
ment together in intellectual and/or physical activities. the purpose of this analysis, it was successful in
The attributes of the concept of patient participation identifying and clarifying the concept. The construction
within the context of nursing practice have been of cases advocated in this methodology contributed to
identified and explored through a systematic analysis. more specific and distinct descriptions as opposed to
More work is required to uncover further details of, cases identified from data used in other approaches
for example, the interaction and the relationship in (cf. Rodgers, 1989; Schwarts-Barcott & Kim, 1993).

Nursing Forum Volume 43, No. 1, January-March, 2008 9

An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation

Although the tool provided a useful guide, at times it Anthony, P., & Crawford, P. (2000). Service user involvement in care
planning: The mental health nurse’s perspective. Journal of
seemed that information was being replicated only for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 7, 425–434.
the sake of conforming to the needs of the stages in Bottorff, J., Steele, R., Davies, B., Garossino, C., Porterfield, P., & Shaw, M.
the analysis. This is in line with comments by authors (1998). Striving for balance: Palliative care patients’ experiences
of making everyday choices. Journal of Palliative Care, 14, 7 –17.
also following this approach (Cahill, 1996; Rodgers). Cahill, J. (1996). Patient participation: A concept analysis. Journal of
The tool lacks distinct guidelines for certain aspects of Advanced Nursing, 24, 561–571.
the analysis, such as the need for a literature review Caress, A.-L., Luker, K. A., & Ackrill, P. (1998). Patient-sensitive
treatment decision-making? Preferences and perceptions in a
and an explicit validation phase to verify the presence sample of renal patients. Nursing Times Research, 3(5), 364 – 372.
of the proposed defining attributes of the concept. Coulter, A., & Magee, H. (2003). The European patient of the future.
Rodgers and Paley (1996), among others, criticize the Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Doherty, C., & Doherty, W. (2005). Patients’ preferences for involve-
methodology for presenting a rigid, static view of the ment in clinical decision-making within secondary care and the
world. However, Walker and Avant (1995) claim that factors that influence their preferences. Journal of Nursing Manage-
“the end product is always tentative” (p. 37). They ment, 13, 119–127.
Efraimsson, E., Sandman, P. O., Hydén, L.-C., & Rasmussen, B.
also assert that concepts change over time: what is true (2004). Discharge planning: Fooling ourselves?—Patient partic-
today is not true tomorrow. Accordingly, the results ipation in conferences. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13, 562 – 570.
from this analysis should be considered as a starting Eldh, A. C., Ehnfors, M., & Ekman, I. (2004). The phenomena of
participation and non-participation in health care-experiences of
point for further development. patients attending a nurse-led clinic for chronic heart failure.
Although the analysis was systematically performed, European Society of Cardiology, 3(3), 239–246.
questions may be raised with respect to the representa- Eldh, A. C., Ehnfors, M., & Ekman, I. (2006). The meaning of patient
participation for patients and nurses at a nurse-led clinic for
tiveness of the literature chosen as data for this study. chronic heart failure. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,
A more extensive inclusion of data might have been 5(1), 45–53.
more elucidating in terms of the meaning of the concept Evans, S., Tritter, J., Barley, V., Daykin, N., McNeill, J., Palmer, N.,
et al. (2003). User involvement in UK cancer services: Bridging
of patient participation in nursing practice. the policy gap. European Journal of Cancer Care, 12, 331– 338.
Gallant, M. H., Beaulieu, M. C., & Carnevale, F. A. (2002). Partnership:
Contributions An analysis of the concept within the nurse-client relationship.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40, 149–157.
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