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Family Values in our Society

Author: Darryl Goudreau

One of the primary contributors to our family values being eroded to the
point that it is at right now stems from our women being forced to abandoned
their position within the home to become breadwinners. And before it gets
too late, I am now sounding a clarion call for our women to reassume
their rightful place as homemakers and the nurturing agents of our

As a traditionalist who strongly believes women should return to

their rightful place within the home as mothers, wives and
caregivers. If done, this will breach the devoid that has separated our family
unit for too long. As a result, our family values and certain morally accepted
standards have fallen by the way site, and which have since plunged our
society in to a morally reprehensible gutter.

That’s why I am now calling for more of our women to stay at home and take
care of their families. If they don’t return to the home, then we are heading
down a slippery slope where, if there are no nothing in the way to slow us
down for us to catch our breath and take stock of what is happening to us,
then we might end up in a couple of years from now at a point of no return.
By that time, it wouldn’t do any good trying to shut the gate, because horse
would have long bolted.

But the question I’d like us Canadians to ask ourselves is this: Do we really
value traditional family values as opposed to what now obtains?

If I could speak for everyone, then my answer would have been a resounding,

“Why?” you asked.

Well, as far as I am concerned, since the end of the Second World War, the
world has seen a marked decline in family values. And when I say “family
values”, I mean that our moral and ethical principles, traditionally
upheld bedrock within the family unit and which forms a critical
pattern on the fabric of the society. That fabric has long lost its beautiful

One of the forces at play that is responsible for this erosion of our family
values and standards is what is popularly termed “cultural penetration”. We
have sat by idly and allowed cultural influences and lifestyles to replace what
we once cherished and held dear and close to our hearts.

But speaking broadly, cultural penetration has been very strategic in its
attack, and has hit us on every front via videos, films, music, television, even
the printed word, and now social media. There is nothing inherently wrong
with these media, but it is how we have allowed them to corrupt the minds
and decency of our people, especially the young and defenseless whose
impressionable minds sways with ever popular wind.

Therefore, parents no longer control the nurturing of your young children’s

minds. And as a result, the values families once held dear to hearts are no
longer the foundation on which our young people learn, grow, and develop
into responsible adults thus taking their rightful place in society in defending
their moral heritage.

Coupled with what has been said before, the rise of feminism has been
one of the driving force behind women’s desertion of the home for
work place where they are competing viciously with their male counterparts
for the breadwinner position within the home. This has resulted in less
women staying home and becoming the glue that holds the family unit
together. As a result, this has forced men reluctantly take assume men to
adapt a more domesticated lifestyle – staying home and looking after the
children while the woman is out slaving to keep the roof over the family’s
head and food on the table. This position has also forced some of our men to
become marginalized, sending their women out to work in order to bring in
the money to them.

My belief is, that a strong and unified family is one that sustains, supports,
and nourishes its members. And each partner has their roles and
responsibilities clearly defined. The man’s job is to provide security for his
family as the head of the household. The woman’s role is to provide a loving
and nurturing environment for her family to thrive in. She is the point on
which the family balances.

Therefore, I strongly submit to our parliamentarians and other

powers to bring forth the necessary stay at home legislation that
will convince women to remain with their families. Thereby,
effectively reversing the morally decaying practices that are destroying the
very fabric of our society – the family unit.

→ There needs to be legislation that keeps mothers at home raising

their families.

I reiterate: I want see our women return to their families. I don’t think the
boardroom is the place for them, but the home certainly is. If our women
don’t return to their place within the home, then the question is: “So, who
really is at home taking care of our children? Is it the helper? The TV? The
Computer? The video game, social media, what?”
You see, once we start losing the family structure, we begin losing the
foundation of our society. Without a strong family unit, we are basically
building our future on sand. There’s no stability there when challenges come
along, and eventually we will quickly fall apart because there’s nothing there
to hold us firmly to the ground.

With women spending all their time working, I’d like our government
officials to offer women incentives to stay at home to take care of
their family. A strong family is one that sustains and supports its members.
You can have both mother and father competing with each other in the work
place, while no one is at home to see that the family remains as a unifying

The degradation in our society is increasing tremendously. To create good

strong families, our women need to return to the home and take up their role
as homemakers.

If as a nation we return to the traditional ways of rearing our family, then

society as a whole would benefit. The productivity level of society all around
will go way up , bringing us a happier and healthy home.


Thank You,

Darryl Goudreau

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