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2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security

An Efficient Gradient Mechanism of Directed Diffusion in

Wireless Sensor Network

Jian Wan, Jianrong Wu, Xianghua Xu, Yanna Yan

Grid and Services Computing Lab, S. of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi
University, Hangzhou, China

Abstract However, optimal routing can cause an imbalance on

the load of individual nodes. Optimal routes are
always used while longer routes are underutilized,
In Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), sensor node is thus network may also get partitioned. LEACH [4]
limited in energy, thus energy efficiency is an which is a clustering-based protocol that utilizes
important concern in routing protocol design. And randomized rotation of local cluster-head to evenly
some applications in sensor networks have the distribute the energy load among the nodes in the
requirement of timely delivery, real-time also become network. Many applications in WSN have the
needed for routing. Directed Diffusion (DD) is a data requirement of timely data delivery [5].
centric dissemination protocol for sensor networks,
but DD cannot support time-sensitive traffic nor In designing a metric to take into account energy
perform balance of energy consumption to increase balance and real-time for WSN, the key challenge
here is to find an effective way to combine them so
network lifetime. To solve this issue, we design a new
that we can compute the cost of each route and find a
kind of gradient mechanism, which considers residual
path with the minimum cost that satisfy our goals.
energy of node and the number of hops from the sink
to an intermediate node synchronously. It can find a In this paper, we propose a gradient mode which
best-effort optimal path in sensor networks for data based on one-phase Directed Diffusion (DD) [6]. It is
transfer. Simulation results show that our proposed designed to achieve balance of energy consumption
method achieves more globally energy balancing and and real-time traffic. The main contributions of this
lower delay for data transfer than originally DD. It paper are:
prolongs the lifetime of network efficiently. i) We design a new gradient model which considers
residual energy of node, to best-effort evenly
1 Introduction distribute the energy load among all the nodes in
the network.
Recently, Wireless sensor network (WSN) has ii) We design a new gradient model which considers
become increasingly popular, due to its wide range of the number of hops from the sink to an
applications in civil and military areas such as
intermediate node, to best-effort choose a shorter
environment monitoring, traffic surveillance, military
sensing, building monitoring and so on. Sensor path.
networks have a large number of nodes which may be iii) We show the performance of gradient scheme for
deployed on inaccessible area or harsh environment. the increase of total number of nodes in the
They are required to accurately collect and network.
disseminate information about a monitoring area. The
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
sensor nodes share and process their observations so
Section 2 discusses related work of routing protocol of
that useful information is available at a command
center (sink), users can retrieve information from the WSN. Section 3 gives a detailed description of the
sink node to monitor and control the whole network proposed mechanism. In section 4, we provide
environment [1]. theoretical and simulation results in evaluating the
proposed mechanism. Finally, in section 5, we
Some protocols have been proposed for QoS presents the paper concludes.
routing in wireless ad-hoc networks considering the
dynamic nature of the network [2, 3], but they are not
suitable for WSN which have limited resources. For
2 Related work
wireless sensor networks’ routing, balance of energy
consumption is critical to increase network lifetime. In this section, we summarize the related works in
the area of routing protocol of WSN. C.

*This work is supported by the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (Grant No.60873023), Science and
Technology Research and Development Program of Zhejiang
Province, China. (Grant No. 2007C11023, 2007C21G3230005 and

978-0-7695-3508-1/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 427

DOI 10.1109/CIS.2008.133
Intanagonwiwat et. al. [6] proposed Directed The conventional DD algorithm doesn’t consider
Diffusion, which is a data-centric routing protocol for the energy balance to improve routing selection,
WSN. In DD, the publish/subscribe mechanism which can easily result in energy exhaustion of some
provides an application’s view to a sensor network. nodes which are located in the critical position. And
Data is named by attribute-value pairs. Sink some applications in sensor network have the real-
disseminates an interest to find sources, at this time time requirement. In order to solve such issues, we
gradients are set up at the nodes which received the introduce a new kind of gradient, which combines
interest. Then, sources send exploratory messages to energy efficient and hop count of a path.
reply to sink. Sink sends reinforcement messages to
select path.
3.1 Definitions
In order to match the different application
requirements, F. Silva et. al. [7] extend the original We design a gradient model based on one-phase
DD to a DD protocol family, which includes: (1) two- Directed Diffusion. Firstly, we list the notations used
phase pull diffusion, (2) one-phase pull diffusion, (3) in our algorithm and analysis below:
push diffusion. In this paper, we use the one-phase z e: residual energy of one node;
pull diffusion algorithm, due to the shortest delay in it. z h: number of hops from the sink to an
In [8], the authors propose a Gradient-Based intermediate node;
Routing (GBR), which is based on DD. The idea is to z θ : threshold value of energy;
record the number of hops when interest message is z w1 , w2 , λ : a factor which can be set based on
flooded. It allows a node to discover the minimum real scene;
number of hops to the sink, which is called the node’s z weight of node’s energy, formulated as:
height. The difference between a node’s height and w1 ⋅ log(e - θ +1)
that of its neighbor is considered the gradient on that
link. A packet is forwarded on a link with the largest z weight of node’s hop count, formulated as:
gradient. In addition, the data spreading scheme in [8] w2 ⋅ h
strives to achieve even distribution of the energy load z G: gradient value of node, formulated as:
among the nodes in the network, which can balance ⎧ w1 ⋅ log(e - θ +1)
the energy consumption and increase the network ⎪ , w1 ≠ 0 and w2 ≠ 0
w2 ⋅ h
lifetime. ⎪
G = ⎨λ ⋅ log(e - θ +1), w1 = 0 (1)
Considering the balance of energy consumption in ⎪λ
sensor network, multi-path routing scheme [9] and ⎪ , w2 = 0
poll-reply scheme in collecting sensor data and ⎩h
passive clustering protocol [10] may suitable for We assume node in WSN is aware of its own
WSN. In multi-path routing scheme [9], sensor nodes energy level, and has a threshold value of energy ( θ ).
have multiple paths to forward their data. Multi-path
When its energy level is close to θ , its gradient will be
routing has the advantage on sharing energy depletion
close to zero. You can only consider one factor
between all sensor nodes and preventing early death of
between energy and hop count, the situation is
heavily involved nodes. The balance among multiple
paths based on the energy usage at neighbors is described as above ( w1 = 0 or w2 = 0 ).
considered in the selection of the path. The poll-reply 3.2 Gradient setup
scheme shows uneven distribution of energy
consumption among nodes especially those close to Gradient is an important term in DD. It is designed
base station. Thus, passive clustering is introduced in to direct the data propagation direction with the
the energy aware polling model. minimum cost. In order to setup gradient values of
At last, in [11], the authors present a real-time each node, sink node will broadcast an interest
communication protocol for sensor network, which is message to its neighbors. The initiation interest
named SPEED. The protocol requires each node to message contains a forwarding times (FT) cost of 0
maintain a neighbor table about its neighbors and uses and a residual energy cost of sink's energy level, both
geographic forwarding to find the paths. The neighbor set by the sink. Each node maintains an interest table
node with highest relay speed has a higher probability that contains which neighbor sends the interest. To
to be chosen as the forwarding node. Further more, such a neighbor, it creates a gradient, which is
SPEED makes effort to ensure a certain speed for data calculated by the equation (1), and that is on the
transfer in the network, which can estimate the delay condition of w1 ≠ 0 and w2 ≠ 0 .
of data transmission to the sink. However, SPEED We assume that HC represents the hop count from
does not consider energy efficient in its routing current node to the sink through the current neighbor;
protocol. MHC represents minimum hop count from current
3 Proposed gradient mechanism node to the sink. Both HC and MHC are initially set
as its default value of NULL.

When the intermediate node receives the interest the next hop for data transfer based on the same
messages from its neighbor for the first time, it will gradient rule. If no match exists, the data message is
start up a transitory delay, then set HC value and its silently dropped. This process continues until the sink
MHC value by the FT value plus 1, calculate the receives this data message.
gradient value by the HC and residual energy cost.
During such delay, if current node receives the same
interest from other nodes, it will continue to set up
corresponding gradient and will compare the new HC
value with current MHC value, MHC will be updated
by the smaller one. When this delay is over, current
node uses the MHC value to update the original FT
value and uses its own energy level to update the
original energy cost, and then the updated interest
message will be re-sent to all neighbors of current
node. If this node receives the same interest message
Figure 2. Data dissemination: data message follows the largest
again, it should be discarded. Therefore, no gradient derection towards the sink.
forwarding loop can form in this phase. This process
continues until all nodes set their gradient and MHC Fig.2 shows an example for data dissemination.
values accordingly by receiving interest. Node H has data message that matches the interest. It
will compare the gradient value of its neighbor nodes
E, F and G. We assume these three nodes have the
same energy, thus the MHC value determines the
gradient value. On this situation, node H will select E
as its next hop node for data forwarding, which
ensures it can find a best-effort low delay path for data
The energy consumption of node will be increased
with the increase of data transfer. It means that some
nodes’ gradient values will be changed. At the
Figure 1. Gradient generation: interest message is flooded by sink beginning, the gradient value of node E may larger
and utilized for setting up gradient at each node. than node F and G. But, at the next gradient
Fig.1 shows an example for gradient generation. In generation phase, node E’s energy will decrease due
this topology, node O is the sink and floods an interest to the data transfer, which result in the decrease of
message. Node H is the source. For example, node E gradient value. Therefore, node H will select node F
first receives the interest from node A, node E sets HC or G as its next hop. In our algorithm, we assume a
value and MHC value to 2, calculates the gradient threshold value of energy ( θ ).If node’s energy level is
value by the HC and residual energy of node A. Then close to θ , it will not be selected to forwarding data.
node E starts up a transitory delay. During the delay, But we can adjust the value of θ to meet different
node E receives the interest from node B and node C, requirement. This scheme can balance the energy
calculates corresponding gradient respectively. From consumption to prolong the lifetime of the network.
comparing, node E concludes its MHC should be 2. Note that there is not only one optimal data transfer
When the delay is over, node E re-sends the interest path to sink, but also reserve some other paths as the
message with FT value of 2 and its own energy level candidate paths. Considering Fig.2, node E has three
to node G and node H. neighbor nodes (node A, B and C) as its potential next
3.3 Data dissemination hop node, but it doesn’t store all its neighbors. At the
beginning, node E may select node A as its next hop.
In this phase, the transmitting path of data message But, if node A is failing, then node A can select one of
from source node to sink node has been established. its candidate nodes (node B or C) as its next hop node.
There may be multi-paths for data transfer, so we Therefore, reliable data delivery can be achieved.
should select a best-effort optimal path based on The proposed procedures for gradient setup and
gradient value. data dissemination are now summarized in Fig.3 and
When the source node receives the interest, it will Fig.4, respectively.
match the data in its cache. If matching, it will receive an interest message from its neighbor;
compare the gradient value of neighbors in cache and
while(delay){ /* node starts up a transitory delay */
send the data message to the neighbor whose gradient
HC = FT+1;
value is the largest. When an intermediate node
receives the data message from its neighbor, it will node->neighborID->energy = interest->energy;
match the interest in its cache. If matching, it will if(MHC == NULL){
keep a data duplicate in its cache, which is loop MHC = HC;
prevention. Then this node will select a neighbor as }

else{ Average residual energy percentage of node is
if(HC < MHC){ defined as the ratio of residual energy of all nodes to
MHC = HC; initial energy of all nodes in network.
} Real-time service time is defined as the time taken
calculate gradient value by HC and energy; for the network can supply real-time service only
} when the hop count from the source node to sink node
FT = MHC; doesn’t exceed the max hop count of the acceptable
interest->energy = node->energy; data transfer path, which is named MXP.
re-send this updated interest message;
4.3 Simulation results
Figure 3. Procedure for gradient setup

gradient = 0; /* initialize gradient value*/ Our simulation experiment is operated in the same
environment to analyze the performance difference
for(i = first neighbor in cache; i <= last neighbor in between the proposed mechanism and original DD.
cache; i++){ The simulation results are showed as follows:
neighbor = i; Fig.5 shows the network lifetime with different
if(neighbor->gradient > gradient){ network scale. From the figure, it can be seen that
the network lifetime of new DD algorithm provides
gradient = neighbor->gradient;
a longer network lifetime than DD almost by
next_hop = neighbor; 12.63%. Due to DD only consider the delay when
} sending data. Most of energy consumption may be
re-send data to next_hop; distributed in a narrow region of the network. Then,
some nodes may die earlier than the other nodes,
} which will cause the disconnection of the network.
Figure 4. Procedure for data dissenination In our proposed algorithm, each node in network
chooses the next hop node whose residual energy is
4 Performance evaluation an important factor for data transfer. Therefore, it
can balance the energy consumption for the entire
network, and effectively extend network lifetime.
In this section, we evaluate the performance
improvement of our mechanism by comparing the
conventional DD. We use Visual C++ as the tool.
4.1 Simulation model

We use the following model for our simulation

z In our experiments, we study five different
sensor fields, ranging from 50 to 250 nodes in
increments of 50 nodes.
z All these nodes are randomly deployed in a
region of size 200m × 200m, with a fixed
number of 1 sink and 5 sources.
z Sink is at the down left corner of the region, and
sources are at the up right corner of the region.
z Set the transmission range of node as 30 meters. Figure 5. Lifetime of the Networkt
z Total simulation time is 500 seconds.
Fig.6 shows the average residual energy percentage
z Initial node energy is 1000 Joules. of node with time increasing. We use five different
z The interest message propagation interval is network scales to demonstrate certain times
supposed to be 10s. respectively to obtain average results. From the figure,
z The threshold value of energy is 1/50 of the it can be seen that average residual energy in proposed
initial energy. DD is higher than that in the original DD, in the same
4.2 Performance metrics simulation environment. It is because proposed DD
selects the real-time path which has relatively
sufficient energy for data transmission, the energy
We use three metrics to analyze the performance of
consumption is evenly distributed and low delay data
our mechanism: lifetime of network, average residual
transfer is stable. It can improve the network load
energy percentage of node and real-time service time.
balance and save certain energy depletion.
Lifetime of network is defined as the time taken for
the first nodes in network reaches threshold value of

In this paper, we have proposed an efficient
gradient mechanism based on Directed Diffusion,
which considers the remaining energy of node to
achieve the balance of energy consumption in network,
then the probability of each node to be selected to
perform transmission task is increased. It also takes
account of the hop count from sink to an intermediate
node to satisfy some real-time applications. Thus, it
can find a best-effort optimal path in sensor networks.
Simulation results show that the improved gradient
mechanism achieves better energy balance and lower
delay for data transfer than DD in coordinative
conditions. It can help to extend the entire network
In a future work, we plan to extend this gradient
model and examine the performance of such extended
Figure 6. Average Residual Energy Percentage of Node model. For example, we can adjust the weight of
energy or hop count to satisfy different application
Fig.7 shows the real-time service time with 250 requirements.
nodes. We define the value of MXP is 13. From the
figure, it can be seen that the path proposed DD
selected is relatively stable by comparing with the References
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