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Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053

Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053

Teaching Material Development 305-306

Lesson Plan

School : SMA (Language Program)

Subject : English
Class/Semester : XI/2
Duration : 2 x 45’ (1 meetings)

Standard Competence
3. Memahami karya sastra yang populer dan disederhanakan (simplified).
4. Mengungkapkan kembali karya sastra lisan yang disederhanakan (simplified).

Basic Competence
3.1 Merespon makna dalam karya sastra, seperti lagu berbahasa Inggris
4.1 Menulis cerita dalam bentuk esei tentang lirik lagu yang didengarnya.

Purpose of the Study

In the end of the study, 75% students should be able to:
1. Identify the meaning of words in a song
2. Identify the meaning of sentences in a song
3. Identify the content of the song
4. Rearrange jumbled words in a song
5. Write a story about a song.

Material of Learning
1. Text related to the material.

Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306


I was a little girl alone in my little world

who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees
and fed my houseguests bark and leaves
and laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me
God answered in silent reverie
I said a prayer and fell asleep.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Now I'm old and feeling grey

I don't know what's left to say a
bout this life I'm willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well
there's many tales I've lived to tell
I'm ready now, I'm ready now
I'm ready now to fly from the highest swing

I had a dream


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Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

3. Vocabulary related to the text.

bark : /bɑ:k/ smile : /smaɪl/
grey : /greɪ/ suppose : /sə’pəʊz/
laugh : /lɑ:f/ swing : /swɪŋ/
leaves : /li:vz/ tale : /teɪl/
park : /pɑ:k/ tree : /tri:/
prayer : /preər/ wood : /wʊd/
pretend : /prɪ’tend/ world : /wɜ:ld
reverie : /‘rev.ər.i/
Source and Media of Study
1. Textbook related to the material
2. Recorded song
3. Lyric of the song

Method of Study
1. Discussion
2. Asking and answering questions related to the material
3. Exercises

Steps of Learning Activity

1. Opening activities
a. The teacher comes to the class and greets the students.
b. The teacher and the students pray before the class begun.
c. The teacher checks attendance list.
d. The teacher and the students discuss last assignments.
e. The teacher gives some clues or basic question about the material
that will be given.

Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

f. Students respond teacher’s question about material of the last

meeting and make a good correlation with the material that will be
2. Main activities
a. Exploration
i. Students pay attention to the purpose of the study which
teacher says to reach the goal.
ii. Teacher asks the students to express their idea about their
favourite song.
iii. Teacher plays the song for the students.
iv. Teacher asks the students to write the lyric of the song.
v. Teacher asks the students to sing the song together.
vi. Teacher asks the students to identify the new vocabulary.
vii. Teacher asks the students to identify the meaning of the song.
b. Elaboration
i. Students work in groups to identify the new vocabulary and
its meaning in the song.
ii. Students discuss the new vocabulary in each point above.
iii. Students find out the meaning of the vocabulary.
iv. Students identify the meaning of the song.
c. Confirmation
i. Students mention the meaning of the song.
ii. Students paraphrase the song into a text.
iii. Students answer the teacher’s questions related to the
3. Closure activities
a. Students brush up on the given material.
b. Students pay attention to the summary and conclusion of the
material given.

Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

c. Students ask the teacher about what they had been studied, what
they understand or not, and what they like or not.
d. Teacher answers and gives some comments about what they had
been studied, what they understand or not, and what they like or
e. Students listen to the teacher’s advice.
f. Teacher gives compliment for what students have done.
g. Teacher asked the students to read the material for the next meeting.

Structure of Assignment
1. Students work in group to identify the meaning of each word in the song and
then identify the whole meaning of the song.
2. Students express their idea about the song in a text.

1. Evaluation technique
a. Reading test
b. Written test
2. Instrument
a. Lyric of a song
b. Comprehension questions
c. Indicators

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Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

Indicators Example of
Technique Form
1. Sing the song in correct Reading Performance Look at the
pronunciation test learning
2. Identify the meaning of Answer the material
each word in the song. questions
3. Identify the meaning of related to the
each line of the song. song
4. Identify the whole
meaning of the song.
5. Rearrange the jumbled Written Rearrange the
lyric of the song. test jumbled lyric
6. Write a story
(paraphrase) about the Rewrite the
song. song in their
own words

3. Instrument of evaluation
a. Reading test
Class XI/2
SK no. 3 KD no. 3.1
Reading aloud
Time : 1 x 5’
Instruction : Sing the song together!
b. Reading test
Class XI/2
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Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

SK no. 3 KD no. 3.1

Reading aloud
Time : 1 x 10’
Instruction : Mention the whole meaning of the song!
c. Written test
Class XI/2
SK no. 3 KD no. 3.1
Paraphrase the song.
Time : 1 x 15’
Instruction : Rewrite the song into a short story!
4. Rubric of evaluation
Test Aspect Score Explanation
Reading Pronunciation 5 Perusal consists of appropriate
4 Perusal consists of hardly incorrect
3 Perusal consists of some of
inappropriate pronunciation.
2 Perusal consists of mostly
inappropriate pronunciation.
1 Perusal consists of very poor
Reading Grammar 5 Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of
and grammar or word order.
writing 4 Occasionally makes grammatical
and/or word order errors that
occasionally obscure meaning.
3 Makes frequent errors of grammar
and word order which occasionally
Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

obscure meaning.
2 Grammar and words make
comprehension difficult. Most
rephrase sentence and/or restrict him
to basic pattern.
1 Error in grammar and word to severe
as to make conversation virtually
Reading Vocabulary 5 Use of wide range of vocabulary
and taught previously.
writing 4 Sometimes use inappropriate terms
and/or must rephrase ideas because
of lexical inadequacies.
3 Frequently uses the wrong words in
2 Mistakes of words and very limited
vocabulary make comprehension quite
1 Vocabulary limitations too extreme as
to makes conversation virtually
Writing Content 5 Ideas highly organized, covers all the
elements of the story.
4 Ideas well organized, covers almost all
of the elements of the story.
3 Ideas less organized, some missing
parts of the element of the story.
2 Ideas less organized, covers only the
main element of the story
1 Unorganized ideas, a lot of missing
parts of the element.
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Teaching Material Development 305-306

5. Rubric affective
No Description Always Often Ever Never
4 3 2 1
1. Coordination Students are able
to work in group
according to their
responsibility and
they help each
2 Responsibility Students finish
their assignments
individually or in
group on time.
3. Honesty Students reveal
the facts and data
4. Careness Students have
desire to
5. Dicipline Students obey
the regulations.
6. Appreciation Students have
desire to listen to
ideas and critics
from the others.
7. Curiosity Students ask
some questions,
have anxiety in
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Teaching Material Development 305-306Afifah Tri Hyuanawati 2201408053
Teaching Material Development 305-306

following the
lesson, and have
the initiative to
get new

6. Scoring
a. Maximum score for each student = 20
b. To obtain an exact score, we divide the total score with the maximum
score and multiply with 100
So, the formula is = total score / maximum score x 100
Example: Nadine gets 12, so her score will be 12 / 20 x 100 = 60

Semarang, April 2011

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

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