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Administration takes place in organizations. “An organization is the planned

coordination the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some
common, explicit purpose or goal, through division of labor and function, and
through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility” Schein, 1980, 15. The
important principle of organization is cooperation among members to achieve a
common goal. So, an understanding of organization theory is very important for
public administrators. There are different types of organization. An example of
social organization is a private club, political organization, a political party; non-
profit organization, a church; public organizations, the Department of Health and
Human Services. Theory is a generalization which is subject to verification.
Organization theories are attempts at better performance within organizations.

Organization is the form of every human association to accomplish
some desired objectives or goals. It is treated as the structure of administrator.

Professor J.L Massie:

“Organization is the structure and process by which a co-
operative group of human being allocates its tasks among its members, identifies
relationships and integrates its activities towards common objectives.”

Professor L.A Allen:

“Organization as the process of identifying and grouping
the work to be performed defining and delegating responsibility and authority and
establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most
effectively to gather in accomplishing objectives.”

R.W Griffin:
“Organizing is deciding how best to group organizational activities
and resources.”

“The organization carries material resources, technologies, human

skills and values. It provides the vehicle whereby productive factors are assembled,
transferred into utilities of value and distributed in the form of consumable good
and services”

Management is also treated as the functions of administration.
Management is that which leads guides and directs organization for the
accomplishment of a pre-determined purpose or object.

Administration is a broader concept than both of organization and
management, as an equation-

Administration = Organization + Management

(Structure) (Functions)

So, administration is the force which lies down the object for which an
organization and its management are to work and the broad policy under which
they are to operate.

A theory is a systematic statement of the interrelated principles and
concepts that explains a specific said of observation.

Organization theory:
According to D.S Pugh:
“Organization theory is basically
the study of structure, functions, performance of organizations and the behavior of
groups and individuals within them.”

Organization theory is divided into three parts-

Organization theory

Classical Theory New-classical theory Modern theory

Scientific management

Administrative management

Bureaucratic management

Classical theory:
It is known as formal organization theory/ Traditional/
Structural theory/ Mechanistic theory. There are three steps of classical
organization theory.

Scientific Management:
It is a system of management approach that aims to determine scientifically the
most efficient way to perform a task. It is a systematic approach to managing that
seeks the “one best way” of accomplishing any given task by discovering the
fastest, most efficient, and least fatiguing (tiring) production methods.

The pioneers:
It starts at U.S.A at the first decade of the 20th century. The term
was first used by Louis Brandies. Although Frederick Winslow Taylor, born in
Germany, and educated in France and Germany, is regarded as the father of
scientific management, many historians of the European management thought
consider Henri Fayol (1841-1925), a French executive engineer, as the pioneer of
scientific management. Taylor applied this term appropriately and explained it
scientifically and completely. He was engaged in researching management until his
death in 1950. This type of management system emerged as a national movement
in United States during a series of events in 1910.

Taylor’s most notable publications:

 Notes on Belting (1894)

 A Piece-rate System (1895)
 Shop Management (1903)
 On the Art of Cutting Metals (1906)
 Principles of Scientific Management (1911)

Observation of Taylor/ Defects of management:

Taylor found many defects
which are the causes of applying scientific management.

 Management had no clear concept of worker management

 Lack of effective standards of work.

 Lack of harmony between workers.

 Restricted output because of “natural soldering” and “systematic
soldering” of work by worker.
 Failure of management to design jobs properly and to offer the proper
incentives to workers to over cam the soldering.
 Most decision of the management was unscientific as they were based
on hunch, intuition, post experience and rule-of-thumb.
 Lack of proper studies about the division of work among departments.
 Placement of workers without consider of their ability, aptitudes, and

Principles of Scientific Management:

Scientific management concept based
on four principles which were suggested by Taylor:

1. The development of a true science which

replaces the old rule-of-thumb method.
2. Scientific selection, training and development
of workers.
3. The brining together of the science of work
and the scientifically selection and trained
4. Equal division of work and responsibility
friendly (co-operation) between workers and

Mechanism of Scientific Management:

Functional foremanship:
This is a concept under which a worker is
supervised and guided by eight functional foremen. Four are responsible for
planning and the other four will be responsible for execution.

Standardization of work/ time and motion study:


It is the application of
Taylor’s first principle. It is a method of determining the standard time and best set
of motion to complete a particular task. By following this technique we will get a
best way to do job.

Differential piece rate system:

Taylor’s pay plan is known as differential
piece rate system. Under this plane workers are paid a low piece rate up to a
standard and a higher piece rate above the standard. This plane of payment makes
the workers to put their best efforts to the production. As-a-result, production
increases and also become standards.

These are the techniques of scientific management. As the result of above

techniques we get mental revolution in an organization.

Mental Revolution:
Mental revolution refers a new outlook both the management
and the workers. It is the result of adopting the mechanisms of scientific method.
Here both parties-worker and management try to do best in their individual
responsibility. The management is trying to update the process of production. On
the other hand, workers are trying to produce more and standard products.
Consequently- a co-operative and friendly relation arises between workers and
management. This mental change of the workers and management is called mental

It symbolizes---

 Interests of workers and management are not contradictory but co-

 They aren’t anti-parties to n another but a friendly relation exits
between them
 Their target or goal is not negative but positive that is increasing
production and getting more salaries.

Administrative Management by Fayol

Background of Administrative Management:
Administrative management
st th
developed in 1 half of the 20 century. Henry Fayol, Luther gullick, Lyndall
Urwick, James D. Mooney have contributed to establish administrative

management theory. Henry Fayol is called the father of administrative

management theory. It is the belief of contributors that by following the principles
of administrative management, an organization maximize its efficiency.

Fayol’s contribution has been expressed in “general industrial
management.” We can describe the contribution of Fayol in three steps—

1. Activities of an industrial undertaking organization:

Fayol divided the total activities of an industrial undertaking
organization into 6 points/ group:

a) Technical activities: Technical activities mean production

manufacturing and adoption.
b) Commercial activities: It means buying selling and
c) Financial activities: It indicates finding and investing
d) Security activities: It means protection of property and
e) Accounting activities: It shows stock taking balancing
sheets and costs state.
f) Management activities: It represents planning,
organizing, coordinating, commending and controlling.

2. Definition of management:
An important contribution of Fayol is the
definition of management as comprising five elements:
a) Planning: According to the Fayol “Examining the
future and drawing a plane of action.”
b) Organizing: Fayol said about term of ‘Organizing’—
“Building up the structure, materials and human of
the under taking”
c) Commanding: About command he said—
“Maintaining activity among the person.”
d) Coordinating: He quoted—
“Binding together unifying and harmonizing all
activity and effort.”
e) Controlling: He quoted—
“Seeing that everything occurs in conformity with
established rules and expressed command.”

Principles of management:

1. Division of work: The purpose

of division of work is to produce more and
better work with the same effort it helps
workers to build up special skill and become
more efficient to increase the quantity and
quality of workers interest, ability and

2. Authority and responsibility:

Fayol defined authority as— “Authority is the
right to give orders and the power to exact
obedience.” This point indicates- where
author exercised, responsibility arises. We
can also say that there would be a
responsible person who would get the power
to give orders and he must supervise the
work. As-a-rule it is seen that authority and
responsibility work together.

3. Discipline: Members of an
organization need to respect the rule and
agreements that governed to organization.
The best means of establishing and
maintaining discipline in organization are--

a) Good superiors at all levels.

b) Agreement should be clear
and fair as possible.
c) Sanctions judiciously

4. Unity of command: According

to the Fayol— “Unity of command for any
action what ever an employee should receive
orders from one superior only”
It means only one boss is in the organization.

5. Unity of direction: By Fayol-

“One head and one plane for a group of
activities having the same objectives.” It
indicates some objectives have on planning.

6. Subordination of individual
interest to general interest: The interest of
one employee or a group shouldn’t more
importance than organizations interests.

7. Remuneration of the personal:

Fayol said—“Remuneration of the employees
paid for their services should be fair,
reasonable and effort satisfaction both to the
employees and employee.”

A variety of methods of payment suggest by the


 Job Rates
 Piece Rates
 Bonus- it will be
 Non-financial rewards

8. Centralization: By
centralization it is expressed that the power
of taking decision was confirmed to those
people who are the decision maker’s at the
top level of organization. Though most of the
organization follows the theory of

Fayol quoted that-

“Manager should retain final authority but
also need to give their sub-ordinates enough
authority to do their jobs properly.”

9. Scalar chain: Scalar chain is

also know as scalar process, scalar principle
or hierarchy- Fayol defined ‘Scalar chain” as-
“The chain of superiors ranging from the
ultimate authority to the lowest that directed
by the principle of unity of command linking
all members of the organization from top to
the bottom.”

For example:
In the management of a school we can see the scalar

Principle of the school

Assistant Principle


Assistant Head master

By the figure-
Scalar chain


Gang Plank


At the figure we can see, between point O and D there

are many other point and these are linking with each
other. These points are also respective where point A
is the superior. As a result if a decision is determined
by it comes to the lowest point respective which takes
too much time. So, we can mention that scalar chain
create the problem of wasting time. To avoid this
problem Fayol suggested an alternative root that is
gang plank. By the Gang plank or Fayol Bridge one can
contract directly with another but there two
conditions. One of them is they must be on the same
level and another is they have to inform their
immediate superior. By following Fayol Bridge we can
finish our work within short time.

10. Order: It means one worker

must have one working place and he should
be on his place. It is right man in the right

11. Equity: For the encouraging

of the personnel to full fill their duties with
devotion and loyalty must be equity.

12. Stability of tenure of

personnel: Stability of tenure of personnel is
required to become succeed in work job.
because of job security he become certain
about his tenure and able it do job properly in
a peaceful mind As a result, his working
efficiency also increases so it is called the
both causes effect of in.

13. Initiative: The power of

thinking of a plane and executing that plane
to ensure the success is called initiative. It is
needed to all levels of organization otherwise,
organization will be failure.

14. Esprit-de-corps: The word

‘Esprit-de-corps’ means harmony or union.
Here Fayol tried to mean the necessity of
unity in an organization because unity is the
strength. This principle emphasized the need
for friendly interrelation between workers to
achieve the good performance at the result.

Bureaucratic Management
‘Max Weber’ is the main and mentionable writer who was a German sociologist.
He wrote ‘Theory of social and economic organization’ in which we will get all
in formations about bureaucratic management. It was translated by Tolcott
pansonal and A.M. Handerson and also published in 1947. He gave bureau
management theory based on ‘Typology of authority’

According to Max Weber:
“Authority is the willing and unconditional
complaints of people, resting upon their belief that it is legitimate for the superior
to impose his will on them and illegitimate for them to refuse obey.”

Power is the ability to force people to a people there may be willing to
obey or not be willing to obey. Authority has legality and orders legally people.
For which people obey the order willing. But power has no legality. So people may
obey or may not.

Authority = Power + legitimate

Weber divided authority into 3 parts. The are-

 Traditional authority: It based on customs,

tradition, usages etc. People this because they are
influenced by tradition.

 Charismatic authority: Here work ‘Charismatic’

indicating gifts of extraordinary qualities from god
for which people like the author and obey his order

 Legal, rational authority: Authority which based

on laws, rules and regulations is legal, rational
authority. It is called legal because authority is
exercised by means of a system of rules and
procedure. Moreover, it is called rational because
in it the means are designed to achieve certain
specific end.

Principles: According to Weber’s bureaucrat management is governed 6


1. Division of labor: Division of

labor is base on functional specialization. It
means who be expert in what kind of work, he
must be appointed in that kind of work. We
will get good outputs in its response.

2. Well defined hierarchy of

authority: The control of the higher over the
lower is the literal meaning of hierarchy. It
means a graded organization. When the
officers of an organization are grade from top
to bottom is called hierarchy.
3. Systematic rules, regulation
and procedures: Organization must work by
following rules, regulation and procedures in
a systematic way. It is necessary to increase
he ability of administrators and to ensure the
equity, uniformity consistency and orders.

4. Management by
administration: Administrators come from

general line. They exist in the upper level and

take the major decisions.

5. Impersonality of inter personal

relation in the conduct of the office:
Administrators hold their official works with
impersonality. It means they have to separate
their works from personal or family matters.

6. Careerism: It means
administrators or bureaucrats get their
promotions in a systematic way from lower
level to upper level.

Taylor’s principle in Bangladesh public Sector Organization:

1. The development of a science for each element of a man’s work to replace

the old rule-of-thumb method: We can see a huge development of science
in the public sector ob Bangladesh. In the past, we have seen that
people’s main way of communication was land phones or T.N.T and
mails. But now, Bangladesh Government has their own
telecommunication company, Teletalk which promotes the use of cell
phones. We can see lot of government web address and on line
communication system in Government organizations.
For the first time, all the voters have voter ID card with photographs. We
have seen the improvement of science in our Government sector while
taking the photographs for the ID Card.
Nowadays, lots of information about our election, development, research,
events in noted sown computer files instead of old hand written
But, the development of true science is not satisfactory. Due to lack of
sufficient power supply, many companies get shut down as they have to
undergo heavy loss, Especially, IT and other electronic based industries
can not flourish due to power interruption.
A lot of development in our agricultural sector is also a distinguished
example. Now farmers are using tractors, drum seeders, fertilizer etc. The
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute at Gazipur, have done excellent
research and invented lot of amazing crops, scientific methods and
prospered the agriculture of Bangladesh.

2. The Scientific selection, training and development of workers instead of

allowing them to choose their own tasks and train themselves as best they
could: The PSC of Bangladesh conducts BCS exams to collect the human
resource of Government sector. After passing the exam, they have to
undergo a lot of other tests like viva, medical test etc.
These people have the quality, but do not have proper idea about their task
so, training is essential for the development of their skills. They are
trained in very sphere like table manner, dress code, language skill and a
lot of things as they represent a country.
Police are trained in the Sarda Police training Academy.
Government sends people to abroad for study and training.
In some aspect, BCS is a wrong way to select employees. Because, we can
see, a Biology graduate becomes customs officer. Any person can be
selected for any department creates a malfunction as it is not specialized.
Sometimes people are selected by nepotism, monetary gain and political
influence, BSC is a faulty system.
Though people are getting training in Government levels it is not enough.
Here in Bangladesh, experience means a lot of skill. It is a wrong idea. A
person may work for a long time, but he may not have skill. So, everyone
needs training to develop the skill. They are not able to understand OB or
Organizational Behavior and human psychology. That’s why sometimes
public don’t get proper service.

3. The development of a spirit of hearty cooperation between workers and

management to ensure that work would be carried out in accordance with
scientifically devised procedures: Bangladesh Government have lot of
industries like jutes mills, sugar mills, fertilizer factories etc. We can see
frequent tension between the workers and the management. Even many
industries are laid off for this reason.
Management should motivate people so that they don’t go back to the old
techniques and get involved with new technology. In Bangladesh’s public
sector, the control and monitoring and accountability are absent.

4. The division of work between workers and the management in almost equal
shares, each group taking over the work for which it is best fitted instead
of the former condition in which responsibility largely rested with the
workers: In Government Banks, the manager fixes the task among the
workers. He divides the functions among the workers and decides who
will deal with customers, clearing checks, sanction loans foreign
currency remittance, issues checks, taking bills like electric bills etc.
according to their duties, they are trained. This is specialization of labour.

In the ministries, we can see that the superior and the juniors work
together. Subordinates obey their superiors. Upper post people also
delegate some authority and responsibility to them. But, the superiors
avoid taking responsibility of his junior’s fault. Most of the time we can
see that the supervisors are not accused for the subordinates faults though
they were working under them and with their instructions. They are
together in the hierarchy but they split while in trouble.

Relevance of Henri Fayol’s Principles in Context of Bangladesh Public Sector


1. Division of Work: Specialization belongs to

the natural order. Fayol’s this principle can be seen in Bangladesh’s
public sector. For example, in a Government Sugar mill, we can see
some people bringing sugarcanes from field to the factories, some are
washing some are operating machines, engineers are setting the
measurements in computers for the machines, some people operate the
drier machine, some collect the wastage and sent them to the paper
mills, some people do packaging and many other works are done by
them. One person can not do the entire task, one person do not have
much skills to perform the entire task also. The person, who has skill
and experience in a specific field, can do a better job. In the public
sector of Bangladesh, we can see specialization of work and workers.
In the public offices, the Government officers are not skilled enough.
One of the reasons is the faulty process of selecting the public officers
by B.C.S exams where a person from different skill and interest can
join in other job which can be done in a hundred times better way if a
skilled person were there.

2. Authority and Responsibility: Responsibility

is corollary with authority. If we look at our field administration we
can see the responsibilities and authorities of a mayor, divisional
commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, T.N.O. and U.N.O upazilla
officer and union parishad secretary. It defers in the basis of
hierarchy. The higher post people have lot of responsibilities a well as
authority. For example, there are lot’s D.C.s under the divisional
commissioner. A.D.C has lot of duties such as collection of revenue,
supervise the police force, and take care of important documents
related to land, creating trust committee for WAQF state, sitting in the
lower court, administering the criminal court, appointing jail
superintendent and so forth. He has authority over police, village

defense party, ansars, lower and criminal court, schools, local cultural
organization. T.N.O’s are also under a D.C’s authority.
Basically, higher posts have lot authority than responsibility. Junior
posts have too many duties than authority. So, the responsibility is not
equal to authority in the public sector of Bangladesh.

3. Discipline: It is what leaders make it. Disciple

is strictly practiced in our military section. The Army Administration
is bound with discipline. Another name of armed forces is discipline.
But it is rarely seen in the executive branch f our country. In
Government offices, people stay absent in the time of duty. They do
not attend office regularly, office timing is poor, and they practice the
traditional “Red Tape” also which makes ordinary people suffer a lot.

4. Unity of Command: It means men cannot bear

dual command, in our Government; unity of command is highly
effective. People’s Republic of Bangladesh has a unitary
Government. If we look at the secretariat set up we can see the
unity of command.


Additional Secretary

Joint Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Senior Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Secretary administers everyone’s task. A secretary can call any

secretary under him file or report and they are bound to submit
that. The junior post people can directly submit the report to

secretary, but he well get order from his immediate superior.

For example, Deputy Secretary will get order from Joint
secretary that has been bestowed by secretary
There are a lot of positive sides of unity of command in
Bangladesh public sector. But there are some negative sides of
it also. Any decision or plans related to public interest get
changed or cancelled in one phone call from upper post. Due, to
unity of command, others can not say anything against it.

5. Unity of Direction: One head and one plan for

a group of activities having the same objectives. The power of
Bangladesh is centralized. Prime Minister is the head of Government;
President is head of the state. Ministers are the bosses of ministries,
Secretaries are their most confidential advisors and they execute the
policies made by minister. So, unity of direction is present in public
sector of Bangladesh.
If we take a look at the Rangs Building Controversy, we will see that
the plans of roads and construction were changed for private interest
and we also know the result. There are so many incidents of improper
planning, implementing wrong policies, avoiding public interest and
common good has made peoples life tragic. Unity of direction in
Bangladesh’s public sector sometimes creates unavoidable problems.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest to

Gain the General Interest: Fayol’s this principle is totally opposite
in the public sector of Bangladesh. Here, the principle is subordination
of general interest to gain individual interest. The personal interest is
major here. Bangladesh Government wanted to give Natural Gas to
India when the Bangladeshi people are suffering in the scarcity of gas.
Contacts have been signed with foreign countries without giving
emphasis to public interest. NIKO case and GATCO case are a prefect
example of it.

7. Remuneration: That means reward for the

task. Every Government post have definite pay scale. Top post have
high pay scale. The basic remuneration of the Government employees
is not satisfactory.
But the other facilities like housing, car, medical allowance etc attract
people in public sector, but in the lower post, the basic remuneration
is too low and they are not given other incentives also. The money
they get is not enough to run a family. So, people get indulge with
unethical works like soliciting bribes. From the Police to the

Bureaucrats, most of he people are corrupt. An excellent of it is seen

when the Government calls for tender. Extreme corruption is seen in
the bidding foreign tenders.
8. Centralization: It also belongs to the natural
order. Bangladesh Government that is Unitary is nature. So, there
must be centralization of authority. Bangladesh Government has a
center, local government is present, but it is only a part of the central

9. Scalar Chain: Line if authority, gang plank

principles. If we look at the administration of Dhaka University, we
can understand the hierarchy or scalar chain.


Vice Chancellor

Pro Vice Chancellor


Faculty Dean

Department Head


Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


10. Order: A place for everyone and everyone is

in his place. The human and material tools have definite place in
Bangladesh Government. The human resource is gathered by B.S.C.
The people with highest. Material tools are also in the right hand. The
record keeper deals with the documents typist typewrites and
computer operators save documents in files. Order is well maintained
in our Government. Only problem is, the right people are not sitting in
the right place. As we have mentioned earlier, by B.C.S exams,
persons from different fields can join for administrative work. It
hampers our administration. Then we feel the absence of right man in
right place in our public sector.

11. Equity: Justice among the workers. We can

see the persons of the same post; skill and experience get similar
facilities and remuneration. In the top posts, equity is seen. But at the
lower post, it is absent.

12. Stability of Tenure: It is the work mg time

limit of a person. The Government employees of Bangladesh have
definite tenure. The system of tenure attracts people to public sector as
there is job security. A government school teacher, college and
university professor’s tenure is 65 years. The tenure of chief justice is
67 years. In public services, personnel are allowed to remain till their
57 years or 30 years of their job.

13. Initiative: Great source of strength for

business. In the past, we have seen lack of proper planning and
initiation in Government works. The Planning Commission’s plan of
development of traffic systems, creation flyovers in the big cities were
chalked out, but merely any steps were taken to implement the plans.
Recently, the activities of Anti Corruption Commission are really
appreciable. They took a plan to find corrupt people and get
everyone’s statement of wealth and source of income. Their initiating
capacity and effort made them quite successful.

14. Espirit De Corps: Unity is Strength. In

Bangladesh Government, the friendly relations do exit in the top
posts. If we look at our Dhaka University, we will see the teacher’s
club, officer’s club etc. Each member of the club has good relation
with each other. It makes the public sector workable and friendly.
But in the lower posts, the harmony is not resent. Most of the time the
workers of sugar and jute mills create trade union and rebel against
management. The problem in Bangladesh public sector is that, the top
post people keep harmony among them and do not feel the necessity
of keeping healthy relationship with the workers. That’s why sever
problems are created sometimes.

Relevance of Max Weber’s Principles in Context of Bangladesh Public Sector


1. Division of lobour: It is not applicable in the

administration of Bangladesh. If we look at the (Bangladesh civil
service) BCS cadre then we will see that in most cases they are not
appointed in the right job. In Bangladesh a graduate in soil science
may have to do the job of a public administration or a graduate in
English does the job of a bank manager. This doesn’t match with his
educational background. As a result these public administrators can
not do the administrative functions efficiently and this weakens the
administrative system. So we can say that this principle is not applied
in the bureaucracy of Bangladesh.

2. Hierarchy: Theoretically hierarchy is visible in

Bangladeshi public sectors. If we see at the administration of ministry
of Bangladesh we can find well defined hierarchy. It is given below-



Additional Secretary

Joint Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Senior Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

But Sometimes the hierarchy is not maintained properly. In many

cases. If the lower level officers have good connection with higher
authority they flout their immediate boss and misuse the hierarchy.

3. Impersonality: It is not applicable for

Bangladesh because nepotism, corruption, political infighting is
widely seen in the public administration of Bangladesh. Staff
recruitment in government job nepotism is observed pervasively.
When government organizations call for tenders, then the nearest
person of prime authority gets the tender.

4. Management by administration: If we look

at ministries of Bangladesh then we can observe ministers, secretaries,
additional secretaries and joint secretaries are the executives of
ministry. The whole responsibilities to conduct the ministry are
delegated over the ministers. The whole responsibilities are delegated
to the ministers to conduct ministry. Secretaries, additional secretaries
and joint secretaries manage different department of ministry. They
play the major role in decision making and they have the power to
control their subordinates.

5. Formal Rules & Regulations: It means there

are system of written rules and standard operating procedures. All the
activities in the public sector in our country are controlled by several
formal rules & regulations such as –

 Bangladesh Secretarial Act, 1972

 Bangladesh Judiciary Commission Act, 1974
 Bangladesh Judiciary Commission Act, 1982
 Warrant of precedence, 1986 etc.

6. Careerism: We can see the implementation

of this theory in Bangladesh Bureaucracy. In Bangladesh at first a
government officer is appointed through BCS (Bangladesh Civil
Service) Exam. In our administrative system an official at first is
appointed as assistant secretary. After a pried of time he gets
promotion becomes Senior Assistant secretary. In this way at last he
reaches the top position his career when he in promoted to the post of
secretary. In Bangladesh a government official work as full time
employee and his career life is long.

Bangladesh is land of huge prospect and opportunities. The public
sector is a very vast. From the beginning of civilization, the rules of management
have guided the nations towards success. Bangladesh is not an exception to that.
The scientific and General Administrative management have lot of things to teach.
The principles of Taylor make us realize the importance of science and new
method. Everyone will agree that the development of science have brought our
public sector this far. More improvement and update of science can reach our
country from developing to a developed country. Fayol’s Administrative
management can transform our public sector drastically. As a citizen of
Bangladesh, we all want our public sector to be self sufficient. For this, we have to
follow these pioneer’s management principles.

-E N D-

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