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Books and other media

Livres et autres documents

Foods that Harm, Foods that diabetes, are below the general stan- Andermann, Gloor is recognized as
Heal: An A–Z Guide to Safe dard of the other material in this one of the pioneers in the domain of
and Healthy Eating book. Nevertheless, throughout the EEG and its applications to epilepsy
book, low saturated fat, high plant and its surgical treatment. Gloor was
400 pp. Illust. Reader’s Digest, Montreal. 1997. food alternatives are encouraged. able to apply his neuroscience knowl-
$39.95. ISBN 0-88850-536-1 In conclusion, the authors are to edge to help unravel and clarify nu-
be congratulated for taking on a task merous aspects of the pathophysiol-
Overall rating: Good of this magnitude. ogy of both generalized and partial
Strengths: Readable; general appeal, epilepsy. In 1994, Dr. Gloor fell vic-
broad coverage; many inter- David J.A. Jenkins, DM, BCh
esting aspects of foods
tim to a catastrophic stroke, and the
Director task of finishing this largely com-
Weaknesses: Uneven coverage of some
topics (e.g., treatment of dia- Clinical Nutrition and
pleted magnum opus was undertaken
betes) Risk-Factor Modification
Audience: Physicians and dietitians St. Michael’s Hospital by several of his colleagues. They
needing to answer questions Department of Nutritional Sciences have done an admirable job.
raised in the popular press; This work is an exhaustive treatise
patients University of Toronto
Toronto, Ont. on all aspects of the temporal lobe
and limbic system, with a focus on

P hysicians with an interest in

“food facts” may find this book
of interest. It’s written with enthusi-
anatomy, physiology and pathophysi-
ology. There is an extensive initial
chapter on “Comparative anatomy of
asm and is well illustrated. It covers a The Temporal Lobe and the temporal lobe and limbic sys-
broad range of ideas and information Limbic System tem,” which should be of interest to
on foods, cooking methods and po- biologists and psychologists as well as
tential health benefits, and nutrition Pierre Gloor. 865 pp. Illust. Oxford University neurologists. This is followed by
tips for specific diseases. Because the Press. 1997. $193.50. ISBN 0-19-509272-4 chapters on the temporal isocortex,
book’s format is alphabetic, sections the olfactory system, the hippocam-
on cholesterol, chronic fatigue syn- Overall rating: Excellent pal system and the amygdaloid sys-
drome and circulatory disorders are Strengths: Comprehensive, encyclope- tem. Each chapter begins with an in-
sandwiched between “chocolate” and Weaknesses: Organization (sometimes dif-
depth discussion based on both
“coconuts.” Many issues related to ficult to find required infor- experimental animal and human
nutrition are controversial. This book mation) data. The figures are particularly
Audience: Neurologists, neurosurgeons,
takes the middle-of-the-road. neurobiologists, psycholo- well-chosen. There are detailed and
For life-cycle stages, it suggests gists useful discussions of anatomical/
what to eat, what to avoid, and nutri- physiological correlates of the phe-
tional approaches to complement
medical treatments. We are told of
possible health benefits, potential
T his encyclopedic volume is a fit-
ting testimony to the author,
Pierre Gloor, formerly the head of
nomenology seen with temporal lobe
The treatment is encyclopedic,
drawbacks and any health- or disease- EEG and experimental neurophysiol- with some chapters being over 200
related components foods might con- ogy at the Montreal Neurological In- pages and over 3500 references in all,
tain. There are a number of useful ta- stitute and Hospital. Throughout his representing classical as well as mod-
bles; more would have been helpful. career, Dr. Gloor had an abiding in- ern studies. Gloor also does not hesi-
Especially helpful would have terest in the complex anatomy and tate to sprinkle the text with fascinat-
been a nutritional breakdown of physiology of the temporolimbic ing philosophical insights, for
foods of current interest (e.g., foods structures, especially the amygdaloid example dealing with the relation be-
with high monounsaturated acid con- nucleus, and was a recognized world tween experiential phenomena and
tent such as canola oil, olives, avoca- authority. As a successor to Dr. Her- underlying neural processes or the
dos, hazel or cob nuts and almonds). bert Jasper and a colleague of Drs. relation between memory and per-
Key references would also have been Theodore Rasmussen, William Fein- sonhood.
a useful addition. Some of the treat- del, André Olivier, Francis Mc- This is not a book to read cover
ment approaches, such as those for Naughton, Preston Robb and Fred to cover but, rather, one to savour

CAN MED ASSOC J • DEC. 1, 1997; 157 (11) 1597

14834 December 1/97 CMAJ /Page 1598

Livres et autres documents

and digest in small portions as an au- The experience of the Division of Evidence-Based Healthcare:
thoritative in-depth reference source International Development, Interna- How to Make Health Policy
on all aspects of the temporal lobe tional Centre at the University of and Management Decisions
and limbic system. It will be of inter- Calgary, and the division’s Director,
est to neurobiologists, psychologists, Melville Kerr, is well chronicled here J.A. Muir Gray. 270 pp. Illust. Churchill Living-
neurologists, epileptilogists and neu- to help us avoid the pitfalls of such a stone. 1997. Price not stated. ISBN 0-443-
rosurgeons operating on patients complicated endeavour. The arcane 05721-4
with epilepsy. It will remain the processes of finding support for such
standard reference source for many programs are sufficient to overwhelm Overall rating: Excellent
years. most of us. However, the problems Strengths: Very readable, either from
beginning to end or as a ref-
universities and faculties may face in a erence text. Collects ques-
Alan H. Guberman, MD culturally diverse, remote area have tions managers should ask
Division of Neurology been thoroughly documented by the and presents “how-to” skills
Ottawa General Hospital they should use to incorpo-
author. He describes the error of not rate knowledge and research
Ottawa, Ont.
recognizing the need to provide edu- into their decision-making.
cation and training on-site in the Weaknesses: Examples excellent, but
more needed to illustrate ap-
country with whom a North Ameri- plication of guides on critical
can university is partnering. appraisal of research.
Audience: Physician managers, other
The partial irrelevance of North
Partnering and Health health service administrators,
American medicine to public health health policy analysts and
Development: and medical problems in Nepal, the planners, health research
The Kathmandu Connection Philippines, or for that matter any
methodology students

other part of the world, are points

Melville G. Kerr. 250 pp. Illust. University of
Calgary Press, Calgary; International Develop-
ment Research Centre, Ottawa. 1996. $27.95.
well made. An ivory tower mentality
has no place in the world of poverty,
massive public health problems, star-
D ecision-making about health
services for individuals and pop-
ulations should be guided by evi-
ISBN 1-895176-73-5 (U of C); ISBN 0-88936-
819-8 (IDRC) vation and types of infectious diseases dence on the need, effectiveness and
not seen in North America. An inter- ways to use resources optimally. Poli-
esting concept of health training is tics and lack of research can curtail
Overall rating: Excellent
Strengths: Lucid, objective evaluation described: health volunteers received this, but, frequently, decision-makers
of triumphs and challenges paramedical training alongside med- do not have the skills to search for, cri-
related to partnering in
health development between ical students and became an interest- tique, apply and store research evidence
a Canadian university and ing and viable model in the Davao and reports.
other nations Medical School of the Philippines. Dr. Muir Gray, Director of Re-
Weaknesses: Some repetitiveness, albeit in
a palatable format Indeed, one might ask if these models search and Development at the Na-
Audience: Private and public health that became successful in Nepal and tional Health Service (NHS) Execu-
care providers seeking to de-
velop partnering relation-
the Philippines could be applied to tive, Anglia and Oxford Region,
ships in health education, re- remote areas of this continent or Oxford, UK, makes a plea for these 4
search and caring with even, at a time of growing cultural di- management skills and describes, in
nations of different cultures
or within one’s own country versity, be used in large Canadian an engaging fashion, what they entail.
cities. Search: Over the last 10 years com-
Kerr is indeed convincing of the puters have revolutionized searching

T his is a well written narrative

that describes the evolution of
medical care and educational pro-
mutual benefits of international part-
nering in the health sector, providing
one understands the frustrations and
for research findings in the health
care field. The most valuable and
well-known databases are MED-
grams in Kathmandu, Nepal and makes an effort to learn from the in- LINE and, in Europe, EMBASE.
Davao in the Philippines. It is an ob- depth experience of others. These and other databases such as
jective articulation of the pros and healthSTAR and the Cochrane Li-
cons of partnering with distant na- brary can be accessed through the In-
Peter W. Munt, MD
tions. Certainly, the lessons learned Professor and Head ternet. As a time saver, we are en-
in these challenges are a must-read Department of Medicine couraged to first search for reviews,
for universities intent on partnering Queen’s University because good reviews, including
overseas. Kingston, Ont. meta-analyses, assess study methods

1598 CAN MED ASSOC J • 1er DÉC. 1997; 157 (11)

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Books and other media

and summarize results across all Books and other media Dermatology
high-quality studies. received Manual of Skin Surgery: A Practical
Critical appraisal: Guides that use a Guide to Dermatologic Procedures.
variety of qualitative and quantitative Livres et autres documents
David J. Leffell, Marc D. Brown. 250 pp.
research approaches are clearly pre- reçus Illust. Wiley–Liss. 1997. Distributed in
sented. They advise how to appraise Canada by the CMA. $67.95 ($57.95,
primary studies on therapy or pre- members). ISBN 0-471-13411-2
vention, diagnosis, harm (safety), Anesthesia
prognosis and integrative studies that Education
The Management of Chronic Pain.
are overviews (including meta-analy-
2nd ed. A.W. Diamond, S.W. Coniam.
ses), practice guidelines and decision, Community-Based Teaching: A Guide
178 pp. Illust. Oxford University Press.
utilization or outcome analyses. Real- to Developing Education Programs for
1997. $80.50. ISBN 0-19-262695-7
Medical Students and Residents in the
world examples help the reader un-
Practitioner’s Office. Edited by Susan
derstand how to assess the studies. L. Deutsch, John Noble. 284 pp. Illust.
Application: A sensible framework Books for patients
American College of Physicians. 1997.
for decision-making is presented. Canadian Medical Association First US$34. ISBN 0-943126-59-2
Chapter titles reflect aspects of this Aid Manual. Edited by Garth Dickinson,
framework: evidence-based health Catherine Younger-Lewis. 288 pp. Illust.
Reader’s Digest. 1997. Distributed in Endocrinology
care; doing the right things right; as-
sessing the outcomes found; organi- Canada by the CMA. $14.95 ($11.95,
Current Therapy in Endocrinology
members). ISBN 0-88850-542-6
zational development for evidence- and Metabolism. 6th ed. Edited by C.
based health care; developing the Wayne Bardin. Current Therapy Series.
evidence management skills of indi- Making Choices: Treatment of Stage 678 pp. Illust. Harcourt Brace. 1997.
viduals; and evidence-based patient IV (Metatastic) Non-Small Cell Lung $135. ISBN 0-8151-2016-8
choice and clinical practice. Cancer. A Decision Aid for Patients.
(Cassette tape and workbook). W.K.
Storage: The reader is introduced Geriatrics
Evans, A.M. O’Connor, V. Fiset, J. Lo-
to information sciences skills that ex- gan, C. DeGrasse. 1997. Price not Medical Care of the Nursing Home
plain how to efficiently store re- stated. Available from Ottawa Civic Resident: What Physicians Need to
trieved studies using key words and Hospital Loeb Research Institute; 888 Know. Edited by Richard W. Besdine,
reference management software. For 240-70020 Laurence Z. Rubenstein, Lois Snyder. 175
example, if a study is located through pp. American College of Physicians. 1996.
a computer database from the Inter- PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Price not stated. ISBN 0-943126-48-7
net, usually it can be transferred by Health With Phytochemicals, Nature’s
your computer to your own reference Own Energy Boosters. Stephanie Bel- Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly:
management software. Appendices ing. 372 pp. Illust. HarperCollins Pharmacotherapy Treatment. Edited by
provide additional “how to’s” and Canada. 1997. $35.50. ISBN 0-06- James W. Cooper. 72 pp. Illust. Haworth
practical examples. 017454-4 Press. 1997. $30. ISBN 0-7890-0327-9
The book synthesizes health ser-
vices research advances in various The Secret Language of Eating Disor- Occupational medicine
settings published over the last 25 ders: The Revolutionary New Ap-
years. Research users and doers will proach to Understanding and Curing Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.
find it a readable introduction to the Anorexia and Bulimia. Peggy Claude- Edited by Daniel J. Stone. Illust. Harcourt
Pierre. 271 pp. Random House of Brace. 1996. $105. ISBN 0-8205-1884-0
topic as well as a useful reference.
Canada. 1997. $32. ISBN 0-8129-2842-3
Larry W. Chambers, PhD, Psychiatry
HFFPhm(UK) Cardiology
Epidemiology Consultant and Manufacturing Victims: What the Psy-
Professor, Department of Clinical Drugs for the Heart. 4th ed, revised chology Industry is Doing to People.
Epidemiology and Biostatistics reprint. Edited by Lionel H. Opie. 377 Tana Dineen. 328 pp. Illust. Robert
McMaster University pp. Illust. W.B. Saunders. 1997. $46.95. Davies Publishing. 1996. $21.99. ISBN 1-
Hamilton, Ont. ISBN 0-7216-7525-5 895854-58-X

CAN MED ASSOC J • DEC. 1, 1997; 157 (11) 1599

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