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I couldn’t take my bat and jump into the water for the gooses if I didn’t want to get

into the mud from the bottom. To my great relief, the gooses got calm and didn’t

As this scene was repeating each morning, it hadn’t passed much time till I started
to view the situation with a certain detachment. Then I knew that nothing was going
to happen if I let them to gambol freely, that all of them would be there when I
would count them before go home and, consequently I wouldn’t be punished, on the
contrary, I would receive that few money that I deserved for a day of work. Now I
know that those times were happy and I would like to spend a few more careless
days , outdoors, on the lakeshore where I tasted in childhood some of the nature
and earth poem.

Izabela, who was very nervous and who was frightened of any incident, don’t
matter how important, didn’t know if to carry out her plan or not. But the fear of
Mimfred was more powerful than any fear. Even the fact that the person had
avoided her ingrained her (gave her) a little courage. He could be, thought her, just
a castle servant. Her mildness was known by all of them and she was sure that she
didn’t make any enemy among them, so that in her simplicity she was hoping that
except the case that the prince had commanded them to look for her, the servants
would rather help her than restrain her from running away. Being encouraged by
such thoughts and thinking that she was at the entry of the underground cave, she
got closer to the door that had been left open but a sudden wind beat turned off her
candle, letting her in a completely darkness. With an extremely precaution she
groped for the door and, finding it, she got into the room from where she had heard
the sighs and the footsteps. She was advancing slowly onto the middle of the cave
when she had observed a human-like

She screamed thinking that it was her fiance’ s ghost, Conrad. But the silhouette,
making a step ahead, addressed her with a meekly voice:

- Don’t be afraid, lady, I won’t hurt you.

Being encouraged by this words and by the tone of the stranger’s voice and telling
herself that it should be the person who had opened the door, Izabela gathered her
powers and said:

- Sir, whoever you are, have mercy on a poor princess who is on the edge of
precipice. Help me to flee from this infernal castle, because if not, I’ll
immediately put an end to my miserable life.

11. Dickens was a great novelist, but a less educated man who wrote for an
audience even less educated than him. His success was, without precedent, from
the beginning because his prose was addressing without difference to all the social
classes. His personality was more closer to an orator, actor or demagogue than to a
great writer, as he is known nowadays. Through the work of his mastermind
(genius) itself, Dickens had to identify himself with the public; without the certitude
of the existence of a public in a close relation with him, he wouldn’t succeed to give
his best. Consequently, in a very special meaning, because of the special nature of
his relation with the readers, Dickens was more than any of his contemporary, the
expression of the Victorian age.

In “The Pickwich Papers” we find Dickens, the pure humorist, enjoying his capacity
of creating character after character, a whole world of such a characters, enjoying,
at the same time, the language that he makes them to speak, such a productive
(fertile) and exuberant language from the point of view (regarding) of the cosmic
invention that the quality of language approaches poem.

14. I saw ….?..... big and blonde getting out on the front door. Somewhere
………….?.........and I saw him falling down on the doorsill. I heard somebody
laughing, a short laugh, slack, derisive. I felt a cold sweat flowing on my face and I
had the feeling that my throat was getting dry. I was descrying the body lying
down, still, in the light from the hall. Then I heard a car going quickly up to the

15. …?... to consolidate the independence at any cost. He agreed with his mother
….. from now on he would not receive money from home anymore. Moreover, he
would contribute with 400 lei to the household expenses. The biggest part of money
received in release he would give to his mother, keeping for himself just a 100 lei
bill. He didn’t say what he want in change but the next day he returned home at 2
o’clock, after midnight. He had walked through the city watching mostly the
watches from the corners of the boulevard as if it had been entremely important for
him to know what time it was …..?..... and the elder sister hadn’t slept and on their
frowning faces ……….?.......... ; he stoped in the centre of the room declaring that
from then on he would come home whenever he want and if this thing is not
agreed by his family, he will move out immediately. When his father told him he
will be dishoused, he went to the cupboard and started putting together his things.
Although he didn’t know where he will spend the night, he arranged shirt over shirt.
His sister, looking with hate at him, called him rude and cheater. He put down the
shirt from the hands and threatened her he will slap her face right there, in front of
his parents.

16. The car driven by the American actor Dennis Weaver’s wife – better known by
the worldwide spectators as McCloud, the nice sheriff from Taos, New Mexico-
collided with another car which was running in high speed, being chased by the
police . The authorities declared that Geraldine Mae Weaver was urgently
transported to the hospital, adding that she had stopped the car in a big crossroad
and she was just about to start again when she was hit from back by the other car,
which was running with 100 km/hour, because the driver was trying to escape from
police, who was chasing him for breaking the traffic rule.

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