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Recycling  Rubber powder  Chemical

modification  Grafting Interphase Grafting of Reclaimed
In material-sensitive recycling of
crushed reclaimed rubber materials,
which is achieved by admixing the re-
Rubber Powder
cycled rubber with new rubber ma-
trices, a drop is noted in the mechani- A. Amash, U. Giese, R. H. Schuster, Hannover
cal value level of elastomers. This
drop is due to deficient grafting of the
recycled rubber with the fresh rubber
matrix. To improve grafting quality, the
particle surfaces are modified chemi-
cally in different ways following a
comprehensive morphological and As the production and use of rubber ar- ultrasonic [10 ± 16]. To be sure, these var-
chemical characterization of select ticles steadily increases, there is neces- iants are disadvantageous in terms of
types of rubber powder. Grafting with
sarily a concomitant rise in the incidence product quality and efficiency. Most sig-
maleic anhydride and grafting of re-
of discarded rubber. In the United States nificantly, one of the results actually tar-
active silane-based coupling agents
following epoxidation or hydroxylation alone 170,000 metric tons of production- geted ± a decrease in sulfur bridges ±
have shown themselves to be the related rubber scrap is generated each has an undesirable side effect, that of a
most promising methods. The criter- year. This constitutes 5 % of overall pro- drop in the performance level of the re-
ion applied to evaluate the suitability duction. In Germany approx. 550,000 claimed rubber due to significant depoly-
and effects of the surface modifica- metric tons of discarded tires accumulate merization on the polymer chains.
tion is the level of or the observable each year, and the amount is likely to con- Today a small portion of the discarded
changes in the material's mechanical tinue to rise. Only a small portion of the rubber (< 10 %) is reduced to crumb or
properties, such as, for example, frac- discarded tires is retreaded [1 ± 3]. powder and used as a minor aggregate
ture stress and dynamic modulus.
It is a well-known fact that direct mate- component in the production of new rub-
rial recycling and reshaping is difficult be- ber compounds. A problem in this is that
PhasengrenzflaÈchenhaftung cause of the irreversible three-dimen- the rubber particles represent foreign
von zerkleinertem Altgummi sional crosslinking of rubber. Countless bodies in vulcanized material. This is
attempts have nonetheless been pro- due to their having already been vulca-
Recycling  Gummimehl  Chemische posed for material-sensitive recycling of nized and forming only a relatively minor
Modifizierung  Anbindung rubber [1 ± 10]. particle surface component. As a result
Thanks to a favorable energy balance, they interact only weakly with the ambient
Die stoffliche Wiederverwertung von the lion's share (approx. 60 %) of the dis- fresh rubber matrix and thus exhibit poor
zerkleinertem Altgummi durch Zumi- carded tires disposed of is recycled as grafting quality, producing weaknesses in
schen zu neuen Kautschukmatrices
energy in cement factories and power the material at certain points and detract-
ist auf Grund mangelnder Anbindung
¹Altgummi ± frische Kautschukmatrixª stations. This method does not, of ing from the mechanical properties [2, 3,
mit einem Abfall des mechanischen course, represent the kind of material- 17 ± 20]. This negative effect is slightly re-
Werteniveaus des Elastomeren ver- sensitive recycling alternative one would duced by using rubber powder with a
bunden. Zur Verbesserung der Anbin- want to strive for. It is ecologically ques- small particle size and structured surface
dung werden verschiedene chemische tionable and has undesirable implications quality, in which case the grafting quality
Modifizierungen der PartikeloberflaÈ- for the future in terms of the conservation is essentially influenced by physical
chen nach einer umfassenden mor- of resources and a targeted reduction in forces.
phologischen und chemischen Cha- the negative impact on the environment. In general, grafting of two different
rakterisierung von ausgewaÈhlten There are a number of methods that can, polymer phases is achieved in a blend
Gummimehlen vorgenommen. Als
in principle, be applied to meet these tar- with adequate thermodynamic compat-
aussichtsreiche Methoden haben sich
sowohl die Pfropfung mit MaleinsaÈu- gets: pyrolysis, hydrogenation (combin- ibility by interdiffusion of the molecular
reanhydrid als auch die Epoxidierung ing or treating with hydrogen) and high- chain in the area of the phase boundary
bzw. Hydroxylierung mit anschlieûen- temperature atomization [3, 9]. Due to [21, 22]. This process rarely occurs in the
der Anbindung von Kopplungsagen- their low economic efficiency these meth- case of rubber compounds containing re-
zien auf Basis reaktiver Silane her- ods enjoy only minor consideration as re- cycled rubber. The reason for this is the
ausgestellt. Als Kriterium zur Beurtei- cycling concepts at the moment. prevailing crosslinking of the polymer ma-
lung der Tauglichkeit und Effekte der One of the most proven raw-material- trix of the recycled rubber particles, even
OberflaÈchenmodifizierung dient das sensitive recycling methods for discarded in the case of polymer systems that are, in
Niveau bzw. die beobachteten AÈnde- rubber is what is referred to as regenera- principle, thermodynamically compatible.
rungen in den mechanischen Werk-
tion or devulcanization. A number of dif- The basic precondition for high molecular
stoffeigenschaften, wie z. B. die
Bruchspannung und der dynamische ferent methods are possible here: chemi- chain mobility is not adequately provided.
Modul. cal, mechanical, thermomechanical, A very promising solution to this problem
cryogenic-mechanical, microwave and is that of grafting recycled rubber particle

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Interphase Grafting . . .

as a result of interdiffusion and a principal treads with a particle size < 160 lm (ac- Soxhlet extraction is applied to sepa-
chemical valence bond by chemically cording to the manufacturer) were also rate soluble low-molar ingredients from
modifying the surface of the rubber pow- considered. the elastomer matrix of the rubber pow-
der particles. Any existing double bonds der. Plasticizers and other additives were
in the recycled rubber powder matrix can Chemical and physical charac- determined by means of liquid chromato-
be used as reactive centers for functiona- graphy (LC) and FT-IR spectroscopy [24,
terization methods
lization. When covulcanizing the recycled 25].
rubber and the fresh rubber matrix it The polymers were identified by means
Characterization of the morphology
should then be possible by means of of pyrolytic FT-IR spectroscopy [26, 27]
coupling agents to completely graft the The particle size distribution and the sur- and dynamic difference calorimetry
recycled rubber particles chemically face structure of the rubber powder were (DDC) [28 ± 30]. An overview of the quan-
onto the rubber matrix and achieve an im- determined using an optical microscope titative composition of the rubber powder
provement in the mechanical ± and in [23]. In a transparent EPDM matrix (film, types was obtained with the help of ther-
particular, the mechanical-dynamic ± per- thickness < 120 lm) dispersed rubber mogravimetric analysis (TGA) [27 ± 29].
formance level of the resulting elasto- powder was viewed microscopically un-
mers. der 32-fold enlargement. To obtain statis- Results of the characterization
tically significant values, approximately
of rubber powder types
Experimental aspects 2000 ± 2500 particles from the em-
bedded rubber particles were analyzed.
The following steps describe the full ap- The mean grain size G was calculated as
proach taken in developing methods for mean weight GW and mean number Gn, Fig. 1 provides a representative display of
chemically grafting recycled rubber onto with the distribution range V resulting the results for particle size distribution of a
a rubber matrix that is to be freshly vulca- from (GW/Gn )-1 [23]. ªfine-grainedº rubber powder ± type D ±
nized: The roughness of the surface-descrip- and of a ªcoarse-grainedº rubber powder
± physical and chemical characterization tive fractal dimension c for the circumfer- ± type A. As would be expected, rubber
of recycled rubber powder ence can be determined on the basis of powder of type D exhibits a markedly low-
± chemical modification of the particle the magnitude of the particle projection U er particle size and a narrower distribution
surfaces of reclaimed rubber powder and the particle surface. The anisometric of particle size than the contrasting
± manufacture of compounds containing factor F I is described by the maximum coarse-grained type A (Fig. 1).
rubber powder with particle grafting extension of the projection surface and Tab. 1 summarizes the data from the
± comparative characterization of vulca- of the diameter of a circular surface measurements of surface structure and
nizate and reference specimens equivalent to the particle. specific surface. The relatively intensive
A total of five rubber powder types avail- follow-up cryogenic comminution of the
able commercially are considered. Along- rubber powder types C, D and E provides
Chemical characterization
side two coarse-grained warm or warm a particle surface of lesser roughness and
and cryogenic reground rubber powder The concentration of double bonds, a of a lower anisometric factor than does
types (types A and B) with a particle factor that is extremely interesting in esti- warm grinding, e.g. in the case of rubber
size < 600 lm (according to the manu- mating chemical reactivity, was deter- powder type A (Tab. 1). The specific sur-
facturer), three fine-grained warm and mined on the particle surface by means face was calculated with the median of
then cryogenically reground rubber pow- of titration with an aqueous potassium the particle size distribution (Gn), assum-
der types (type C, D and E) from truck tire permanganate solution in alcohol. ing spherical symmetry and a density of

a) b)

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of coarse- and fine-grained rubber powder (types A and D)

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Interphase Grafting . . .

Tab. 1. Morphological characterization and double bond concentration

Rubber powder (RP) Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E
Median number Gn [lm] 284 195 51 54 57
Median weight GW [lm] 487 331 77 83 88
Distribution range V 0.71 0.69 0.50 0.53 0.54
Anisometric factor F 1.56 1.52 1.49 1.5 1.5
Fractal dimension of circumference c 1.11 1.08 1.06 1.06 1.06
Specific surface [m2/g] 0.019 0.027 0.076 0.099 0.093

Tab. 2. Results of the chemical analysis of fine-grain rubber powder of type D and of coarse-grain rubber powder of type A
Ingredient Constituent Weight-% Method
Fine powder Coarse-grained
Polymer NR 38.4 38.1 TGA , DSC, pyrolysis, FT-IR
SBR 16.2 16.8
Fillers carbon black 30.4 29.6 TGA
Minerals (calcined residue) metal oxide 7.1 7.8 TGA
Extractable parts low-molar ingredients 7.9 8.0 Extraction (methylene chloride)
Plasticizers (hydrocarbons) paraffinic/naphthenic HC 3.1 3.2 Extraction LC, FT-IR
aromatic HC < 5.5 < 5.8 Extraction LC, FT-IR
Antioxidant PPD < 2.5 ± < 2.7 Extraction LC, FT-IR
Remark: TMQ
Abbreviations used in Tab. 2.
HC ± hydrocarbons
PPD ± p-phenylenediamine
TMQ ± 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydrochinoleine

von 1.1 g/cm3. Because of its low particle same origin for both types of powder. able prerequisites for chemical grafting.
size, relative narrow particle size distribu- The polymer base in each case is a blend Chemical analyses indicate that despite
tion range (homogeneity) and more favor- of NR and SBR, accounting for a total oxidative influences during use and in
able value as regards particle structure, share of roughly 58 % of the compound, the crushing and grinding process, pow-
the fine-grained rubber powder type D blended at a ratio of 2.4:1. Carbon black der from discarded rubber still possesses
seemed particularly well suited for further is the sole filler added to these rubber a primary prerequisite for chemical mod-
study of the morphological aspects of powders (approx. 30 %). Low-molar in- ification, namely reactive double bonds in
grafting to a fresh rubber matrix. gredients make up the extracted shares the polymer chain. It is advisable to ex-
(approx. 8 %) and consist mainly of plas- tract low-molar constituents such as anti-
Chemical composition ticizers, antioxidants and processing oxidants from the discarded rubber to
agents. The total share of these sub- prevent any negative impact on chemical
Depending on aging and comminution stances is much lower than in new mate- modification.
process, the originally unsaturated princi- rials (tire formulas). This points to a reduc- On the basis of the results obtained as
pal polymer chain exhibits an adequate tion in volatile constituents as a result of regards morphology, double bond con-
double bonding concentration. aging during use and perhaps also tent and chemical data, only the fine-
Applying the aforementioned method, from the crushing and grinding process. grained type D rubber powder is used
rubber powder type D was shown to Previous extraction can prevent the for purposes of chemical modification
have the highest double bond concentra- low-molar ingredients ± especially the and to make new compounds.
tion 3.8*10 4 mol/g; types C and E had antioxidants ± from subsequently exert-
1.8*10 4 mol/g and 3.5*10 4 mol/g re- ing any negative influence on chemical Modification of the particle
spectively. The comparative values for modification of the rubber powders.
surface of rubber powder
coarse-grained rubber powder are
1.4*10 4 mol/g and 1,7*10 4 mol/g. Conclusions drawn from the Grafting with maleic anhydride
The chemical composition of rubber characterization of the rubber
powder type A and type D are summar- powders Using maleic anhydride (MSA) to produce
ized in Tab. 2. grafted polymers is, in principle, a well-
The chemical composition of the two The morphological characterization of the known method for chemical modification
rubber powder types A and D is extre- rubber powders shows that type D fine [31 ± 33].
mely similar. The results hint at the rubber powder exhibits the more favor-

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Interphase Grafting . . .

Experimentally the epoxidation of re-

claimed rubber powder was carried out
in the following way:
Extracted rubber powder is stirred in
dichloromethane for approx. 10 hours.
Chloroperbenzoic acid dissolved in di-
chloromethane is added to induce the
epoxidation of the rubber powder sus-
pension. After a reaction time of 24 hours
at room temperature, the solution is pre-
cipitated and the precipitate filtered,
washed and dried.
The grafting of water onto 1,2-epoxyde
Fig. 2. Grafting of is exploited for a concluding hydroxyla-
maleic anhydride
(MA) onto natural tion with formation of 1,2 dihydric alcohol.
rubber To obtain a complete reaction in the ab-
sence of catalysts, hours-long heating is
necessary at a temperature in excess of
Fig. 2 shows two different reaction possi- and unsaturated polymers to form the 100 8C. If the oxirane ring is adjacent to a
bilities that can be expected in grafting corresponding epoxy compounds. tertiary C atom, as, for example, in the
MA onto NR depending on the condi- The literature contains countless pub- case of isoprene or polyisoprene, water
tions ± e.g. temperature and radical lished studies on the modification of NR triggers hydrolytic splitting already at
initiator ± under which the reaction oc- to epoxidated NR (E-NR) [35 ± 37]. The room temperature.
curs. degree of epoxidation is essentially a Epoxidated rubber powder is thus trea-
This reaction involves both intermole- function of the temperature and duration ted at room temperature with an excess of
cular addition of the ethylene derivative of the reaction and the strength of the or- distilled water for a week under constant
to the polymer's double bonds, with the ganic acid. Excessively high temperature stirring. It is then filtered and dried.
participation of one or more chains per and long reaction times ± above all in Successful hydroxylation of the rubber
MSA molecule (Fig. 2a), and the adsorp- acidic media ± lead to an undesirable powder could be proven by means of FT-
tion onto carbon atoms in the a position ring opening of the epoxies with second- IR spectroscopy. Fig. 4 shows the IR
of the methylene groups, likewise under ary reactions in connection with the for- spectrum for the hydroxylated rubber
the reaction of the respective MSA mole- mation of glycols or their ethers (Fig. 3). powder.
cule with one or two adjacent polymer
chains (Fig. 2b). If carried out in the pre-
sence of peroxide, the grafting reaction
can, in principle, be conducted in an
Fig. 3. Side reac-
emulsion or in a solid substance [34], tions of epoxidation,
with the final variant being applied here. taking the example
In the case of this variant, MA is al- of NR, a) hydrolysis
of epoxy to alcohol,
lowed to react with the polymatrix of b) formation of ether
the rubber powder at a high temperature bridges, c) forma-
(approx. 200 8C) directly in the kneader tion of tetrahydro-
for ten minutes. At moderate speed the furan groups
rubber powder and MSA are mixed in
the mixer in a weight ratio of 80:20,
with little dicumylperoxide (DCP) being
added. The manufacture of the subse-
quent compound occurs immediately
after this process.
With the help of FT-IR spectroscopy it
was possible to provide proof of the suc-
cessful grafting of MA at the particle sur-
face on extracted material (vibration band
of MA at 1780 cm 1).

Epoxidation and hydroxylation

Fig. 4. FT-IR spec-
Organic per-acid, such as, for example, trum of hydroxy-
per-benzoic acid, react with alkylenes lated rubber powder

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Interphase Grafting . . .

Tab. 3. Formulas for the rubber-powder compounds and reference compounds used (all data in phr)
Constituent Ref. 1 Ref. 2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
SBR-1500 100 70 ± ± 70 ± 100 70 70 70
SBR-g-MSA ± ± 70 70 ± 70 ± ± ± ±
RP ± 30 ± 30 ± ± ± 30 ± ±
RP-g-MA ± ± ± ± 30 30 ± ± ± ±
hydr. RP ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 30 30
IR-g-MA ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 10
Ethylene glycol ± ± ± ± 4 4 ± ± ± ±
MgO ± ± ± ± 4 4 ± ± ± ±
MA ± ± ± ± 5 5 - ± ± ±
TESPT ± ± ± ± ± ± 4 4 4 ±
ZnO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Stearic acid 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sulfur 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75
CBS 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Ref. reference compound g ªgraftº (chemically modified)
C compound MA maleic anhydride
RP rubber powder TESPT Bis-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)-tetrasulfide
hydr. hydroxylated

Compared to extracted original pow- compatibility agents) were made in a tional alcohol ethylene glycol, the polymer
der, the hydroxylated rubber powder dis- lab test mixer (Haake E-380). The speci- chains of the rubber matrix can subse-
plays a much more pronounced and fied mixing temperature in the kneader is quently be covulcanized with sulfur and
wider OH band in the 3000 ± 3700 75 8C, the rotor speed 50 rpm and the accelerator. Pure MA serves as phase
cm 1 range and particularly intensive mixing time ten minutes. In a second mediator, among other things.
and broad absorption of the C-O bonds stage the crosslinking agents (sulfur In the case of compound 7, hydroxy-
in the 1000 ± 1200 cm 1 range. The con- and accelerator) are admixed on a lab lated rubber powder is bound to the
spicuously stepped-up intensity of the mill at 50 8C with a homogenization SBR matrix with the help of coupling
deformation bands in the 1300 ± 1400 time of five minutes. agents. A commercial bifunctional orga-
cm 1 range, moreover, point to broad In the case of compounds 3 and 4 the nosilane ± Bis-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)-tet-
(C-OH) underground absorption of an in- compound in the mixer ± i.e. the com- rasulfide (TESPT), to cite just one agent ±
creased magnitude. Alcohols are reliably pound resulting from the process of mod- is available for this purpose [38, 39]. This
identifiable in all the absorption ranges re- ifying the rubber powder with MSA (see silane is normally used in the preparation
ferred to. ªGrafting with MAº) ± is additionally mixed of rubber compounds with silicatic (OH
The hydroxyl groups formed can now with 4 phr ethylene glycol 4 phr MgO and group bearing) fillers. Fig. 5 shows the re-
be of good use in coupling reactions on 5 phr pure MSA as phase mediator and action of the reactive TESPT ethoxy
fresh rubber using suitable agents. the standard crosslinking system for six groups with filler silanole groups.
minutes in accordance with Tab. 3. While Ethanol is released in the modification
Manufacture of compounds and the anhydride molecules of the grafted reaction, resulting in the formation of an
coupling reagent MA and the rubber intermediate reactive product. The tetra-
powder can be chemically linked to one sulfide group of the filler/TESPT reaction
Compounds another by esterification via the bifunc- product reacts in a coupling reaction,

E-SBR (Intol 1500) is used as fresh rubber

matrix. In accordance with the aforemen-
tioned relationships, suitable cross-link-
ing systems ± e.g. on the basis of anhy-
drides and corresponding acids ± are
used for gating modified rubber powders.
The composition of the compounds pre-
pared, including comparative com-
pounds, is based on the following formu-
The compounds of rubber and rubber
Fig. 5. Silanization
powder as well as ZnO stearic acid and, reaction of silicic
in certain cases, other additives (e.g. acid with TESPT

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Interphase Grafting . . .

preferably in combination with vulcaniza- the readings obtained in tensile testing. The mechanical properties of vulcani-
tion accelerators (with and without sulfur), In general it is evident that the material's zates based on SBR and hydroxylated
forming crosslinking points with double- elongation at break decreases with the rubber powder was first characterized
bond-bearing types of rubber (NR, SBR admixture of MA to the rubber during by means of tensile testing (Fig. 7).
etc.). the mixing process. To be sure, this is ac- While it is generally evident that silane
A further possibility for coupling the hy- companied by a marked improvement in brings about a drastic reduction in elon-
droxylated rubber powder onto the rub- rupture stress. The highest stress value is gation at break, it increases tensile
ber mix is to use MSA-g-IR (maleic anhy- delivered by the specimen containing strength just slightly. This can be ex-
dride grafted polyisoprene, in a fluid both modified rubber as fresh matrix plained mainly by an increase in cross-
state), as shown in the case of compound and grafted rubber powder. Good cross- linking points in the rubber matrix. Unfa-
8. While esterification by means of ring linking of the whole matrix can serve as vorable mixing conditions play a major
opening occurs on the one hand, the an explanation for this. The conclusion role in the case of compounds containing
coupling agent's polymer chain can, on to be drawn is that modification in a solid rubber. These conditions include, for ex-
the other hand, be crosslinked with the substance provides a suitable method for ample, a temperature that is not optimum
rubber via sulfur bridges. grafting reclaimed rubber powder. for the reaction between polymer and si-
2-mm slabs were vulcanized in a press lane.
at T ˆ 160 8C and a press pressure of On the basis of the mechanical data it
Influence of post-hydroxylation
180 bar. The crosslinking time results is also possible to conclude that the in-
from the t90-value, which is determined corporation of strictly hydroxylated rub-
on the basis of vulcametric measure- As mentioned above, TESPT, a bifunc- ber powder free of silane additives gives
ments (Monsanto rheometer) plus two tional polysulfidic organosilane, was rise to a particularly marked increase in
minutes. used to graft the hydroxylated rubber pow- elongation at rupture and a reduction in
der to the new rubber matrix. The success- rupture stress. This effect can be attribu-
Properties of compounds ful chemical reaction between the pow- ted to the increase in the powder parti-
der's OH groups and the silane's ethoxy cles' chemical polarity as a result of hy-
containing rubber
groups could be demonstrated by the droxylation, leading to a certain incom-
Characterization methods ethanol released (headspace-GC-MS). patibility with the rubber matrix.

Strain-stress measurements were con-

ducted at room temperature on a univer-
sal testing machine (Zwick) with optical
length-change sensor in accordance
with DIN. The uniaxial deformation was
effected at a deformation speed of
20 mm/min. The performance level and
the chemical pretreatment were evalu-
ated in all cases on the basis of the tensile
strength (rmax) and elongation values (eb) Fig. 6. Results of
at break. tensile testing
carried out on
Dynamic-mechanical analyses (DMA) MA grafted
were characterized on select compounds rubber powder
by means of temperature-dependent (S = SBR, G = rubber
powder, m = maleic
measurements taken at a frequency of
1 Hz in torsion with ªrheometric dynamic
analyzerº (RDA II).

Results for vulcanizates with

modified rubber powders

Influence of grafting with maleic

In order to determine the influence of cer- Fig. 7. Results of
tensile testing
tain components, the vulcanizates were carried out on
subjected to comparative mechanical hydroxylated
characterization on the basis of the for- rubber powder
mulas in Tab. 3, with the strength level (S = SBR, i = TESPT,
G = rubber powder,
serving as the criterion for evaluation of h = hydrose, m =
the interphase grafting. Fig. 6 shows maleic anhydride)

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Interphase Grafting . . .

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