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Roboacs & Computer-Integrated Manu[acturmg, Vol 5, No 1, pp 11-19, 1989 0736-5845/8953 00 + 0 00

Pnnted m Great Britain Pergamon Press plc

• Paper



*LADSEB, Institute of CNR (National Research Council of Italy), Corso Stati Uniti 4, Padova 35020, Italy
and tlnstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Padua, Via Gradenlgo 6/a,
35100 Padova, Italy

VML (Virtual Machine Language) is an intermediate level programming language for manipulators which
allows structured programming, concurrency, built-in robot-specific data types and a certain degree of robot
independence. VML can be used both as an interactive command language and as a target language for advanced
high-level robotics software systems. Its definition involves a number of design choices which portray an abstract
view of the robot as one of several components in the automated factory.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N paper. I4 According to these principles, a software

Flexible programmability gives industrial robots system for a u t o m a t e d mechanical assembly should
their main advantage over traditional automation. consist of a multilevel software structure distributed
The d e v e l o p m e n t of good quality software systems is over a multiprocessor architecture. V M L has been
therefore the key factor for robot system integration used as a software c o m p o n e n t in a strictly hier-
into CIM. At L A D S E B , an Institute of C N R in archical hardware structure to control the Super-
Padua, we have i m p l e m e n t e d V M L (Virtual Machine sigma R o b o t at Milan Polytechnic s (see Fig. 1),
Language), a structured intermediate level language where it has been used as an alternative to the
for manipulators, to act both as a c o m m a n d language previous M A L language. 13 V M L has also been used
for mechanical assembly and as a target language for as the core interpreter controlling a Puma; 2 in this
advanced high level software systems for a u t o m a t e d application V M L is able to communicate with V A L ,
assembly. the P u m a p r o g r a m m i n g language (see Fig. 2).
V M L is a real-time concurrent p r o g r a m m i n g lan- The Italian partners in the Esprit Research Pro-
guage for actuator and m o t o r control; it allows I/O ject No. 623 (Operational Control of R o b o t System
communication between the manipulator and the Integration into CIM: System Planning, Implicit and
h u m a n o p e r a t o r and also offers primitives for defin- Explicit Programming 2s) are considering the possi-
ing and handling vectors, rotations and frame data bility of using VML, or a revised version of it, as the
types. Italian national tool for interfacing with the Explicit
A portable interpreter for V M L has been written Programming System (which will be developed by
in Pascal; 1 it has been tested in controlling both the this project).
Supersigma R o b o t at Milan Polytechnic and the At present we look at V M L as a tool belonging to
P u m a manipulators at Milan Polytechnic and the a more general distributed software system for
L A D S E B Institute of CNR. This p a p e r describes the automatic mechanical assembly. Such a system,
full definition of V M L and gives some imple- based on a message-passing p r o g r a m m i n g environ-
mentation details. ment, is under development at L A D S E B on a distri-
We based our first experimental implementation 1 buted hardware structure. 2° It uses V M L as a target
on the design principles outlined in a previous robot c o m m a n d language.

Acknowledgements--This project has been supported and implementation of VML: R. Casslnis and G. Glni of
by CNR and by the MPI (Ministry of Public Education) Milan Polytechnic, M. Glnl of the University of Minnesota
through the "Progetto dl Ricerca sulle Metodologle and several students of the E.E. Dept. of Padua Univer-
Elettronlche, Informatlche e Sistemistiche in Robotica". sity, among whom we particularly remember G. Chemello,
The following people have also contributed to the design F. Ropelato, F. Rodlghiero and A. Tosetto.

12 Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing • Volume 5, Number 1, 1989

programming language, the user tends to restrict

himself to teach-by-showing techniques, thereby
reducing the role the robot language to just that of
one of several powerful interactive tools.
I In addition, the robot is progressively viewed as
just one component of an integrated set of machines
cooperating towards a common task within the
automated factory. Therefore, the robot control lan-
guage is expected to interact with several other
software modules with several levels of abstraction
through which the whole manufacturing cell (or
combination of cells) is modelled.
Both observations imply a strong demand for:
• machine independence, i.e. high flexibility and
configurability of the control language with
respect to the computing environment
Fig. 1. Control system for the Ohvettl Superslgma robot. • robot independence, i.e. adaptability to a variety
of different robots.
These criteria entail a clear identification and
[~ Sensors separation of logical levels. As an initial approxi-
mation for the purposes of this paper, we distinguish
Puma5 6 0 f ~ Macintosh the following three levels of abstraction:
1. a lower level, which includes the hardware of the
robot(s), low level sensors and associated compu-
D -~ VME ter(s) plus general purpose software
2. an intermediate level consisting of a minimal set
of robotic functions
VAX11/750 3. a higher level which views the robot system only
WarRstat ion through its abstract representation in level 2, and
which deals with high level sensory processing
Fig. 2. Configuration of the LADSEB Robotics Laboratory and assembly planning.
In our view the intermediate level language is a
In both the first case (master-slave architecture) key component of the overall system. Careful design
and the second (distributed architecture), VML of its structure can play an important role in achiev-
must be integrated into a more general structure ing the goals mentioned above.
with which it communicates. It is possible however
to utilize VML as a stand-alone software system. We 2.2. Intermediate level language definition crtterla
have proposed a small graphic operating environ- Choosing the appropriate level of abstraction for
ment with a real-time single-step interpretation the intermediate language (IL) involves making
mode for executing VML programs interactively. compromises on several conflicting needs:
• generality vs. specificity
• efficiency vs. expressiveness
2. DESIGN ISSUES FOR VML • conciseness vs. accuracy of representation.
In the following, we will review the design criteria Previous experiences suggested the formulation of
which led to VML as an intermediate level portable the following criteria for IL:
and modular language. • the virtual machine should have a simple stack-
oriented structure
2.1. Robot programming logical levels • IL should support a restricted set of general pur-
Robot programming has evolved considerably pose and robotics-oriented data types
since the early programming languages for robotics. • IL should provide facilities for concurrent prog-
First of all, many existing robot programming lan- ramming
guages are not accepted by the average user as the • IL should allow structured programming through
only means of interaction with the robot. Unless a appropriate control structures, procedure defini-
programming environment already provides the tions and recursion
V M L in robot p r o g r a m m i n g • P. BISON et al. 13

• IL should allow interfacing with external proce-


• IL should be interpreted and provide on-line I.i

interaction, simple debugging and an " u n d o " fea-

• IL should be implemented in Pascal or a similar
high-level language. 1.1 )
• N,1 ~

2.3. Consideration of portability and modularity \

Portability for a robot programming language

involves two factors: computer independence and
JOINT n.m )
robot independence.
Computer independence has long been investi- Fig. 3. T h e multl-arm robot.
gated and many approaches have been proposed.
Our solution limits itself to adopting a fairly stan-
dardized high-level language like Pascal for imple-
( M A R ) - - a mechanical structure with several arms,
mentation and to encapsulating machine-specific
each consisting of several joints (see Fig. 3).
features into well-defined interchangeable modules.
Because joint behavior can be described by rota-
Robot independence is a more controversial sub-
tion and transformation parameters, we easily derive
ject. 26 We believe that a decisive contribution will
motion instructions for M A R .
come from the integration of several intelligent tools
within the programming environments (i.e. a robot move_joint (joint i), (position)
description module, a robot simulator, a knowledge move_joint rel (joint n), (position)
base on existing robot, on-line design assistance,
represents the low-level absolute or relative single-
etc.4.2°). Considering this framework, a careful
joint motion statement, which causes the ith joint to
design of the intermediate level language should
move to the position indicated.
prove advantageous.
The language depends on the individual robot in move_arm (arm k), (position)
many ways. Let us consider three limiting cases: move_ arm_ rel (arm k), (position)
1. two robots of the same model in two different
represents the higher-level instructions for absolute
operating contexts: due to calibration and
or relative motions of one arm, by which the end
environmental differences, the same language
effector of the indicated arm is moved to the position
statement can produce different effects
2. two different robots performing similar actions:
low-level hardware differences cause the same m o v e robot
statement to produce different pieces of machine
is the motion of the M A R as a whole, which causes a
code for the two robots
concurrent synchronized motion of the individual
3. two different robots, each performing actions
physically impossible for the other: functional
and structural differences require different ling- tool((arm k), (status i))
uistic features.
is the tool activation instruction, where the status is
For example, the statement "move to frame A " is
represented by values like (ON, OFF, OPEN,
meaningful for both a Cartesian and a joint robot,
CLOSED, etc.).
although it probably translates into different
In addition, for each motion instruction one can
machine code blocks.
specify whether (a) program control should return
We have isolated a "robot kernel" including a
immediately after the motion starts, or (b) the sys-
minimal set of functionalities which we believe
tem should wait for motion completion.
applies to a wide variety of existing robots. The
Status information requests regarding the various
kernel itself should contain mechanisms to interface
components of the M A R can be issued in the follow-
with the robot-specific modules necessary to pro-
ing form:
gram a real manipulator. For example, in order to
establish a model for motion instructions, we can inquire_joint ((arm k), (joint i))
simply refer to the concept of a multi-arm robot inquire_ arm ((arm k)).
14 Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing • Volume 5, Number 1, 1989

3. OVERVIEW OF VML SOFTWARE current processes and for mutually exclusive

ARCHITECTURE resource access.
The first implementation of VML was based on • it is designed according to Finkel's guidelines for
the hardware framework developed at Milan Poly- abstract machine modelling ~2 to increase the
technic for the control of the Supersigma robot.S In portability of the language, and realizes a type of
this framework three levels of abstraction may be machine language for manipulator programming
distinguished according to the description in section (like the assembler for a Von Neumann compu-
2.1: ter).
• low level: the microarchitecture is driven by a • it is structured compactly and elegantly, in order
software system which directly handles motors, to obtain readable programs; in addition, the
actuators and sensors; it also implements a crash interpreter allows step-by-step execution of single
protection facility which prevents collisions bet- processes for interactive testing and debugging.
ween the arms. The design of V M L sought to exploit the concurrent
• intermediate level: the target software core con- programming capabilities offered by the distributed
sisting of a permanently resident real-time lan- architecture of the system. Concurrent processes can
guage interpreter, the VML written in Pascal, involve the following actions:
which has replaced the M A L compiler.13 (i) computation of expressions involving either
• high level: an interactive programming environ- logic-arithmetic objects or physical values;
ment for mechanical assembly. (ii) sequences of commands for sensors and
In this way, a strictly hierarchical control struc- motors;
ture 9 was achieved where communications between (iii) interruption of service routines and I/O mes-
levels were defined by suitable protocols; each phys- sages.
ical level, both of hardware and software, corre- The modular and structured architecture of the
sponds to a different level of abstraction of robot V M L interpreter allows the user to easily add his
functional activity. Each level has full and exclusive own coded modules to extend the original set of
control over the next lower level. The software, robot control functions: V M L is particularly suitable
which communicates with the lowest level, is as a target for structured robot languages.6
responsible for the direct control of manipulator A simple but efficient way of interrupting the
motors, actuators and sensors. Commands are then scheduler, both from the upper and from the lower
sent from the higher levels to the lower levels, while level, was implemented. Automatic crash protection
sensor information is collected from low levels to interrupts move from the low level to the interpreter
high. In this way, asynchronous communication and automatic queries to the micros at the low level
occurs between the robot and the virtual machine, are answered by VML; interrupts may come from
and between the virtual machine and the operator. the high level as well, in order to break the running
In the trade-off of complexity and power on one process at the operator's request.
hand, versus simplicity and efficiency on the other,
the first implementation of VML was developed 4. COMPARING VML WITH OTHER ROBOT
with reference to this fundamental hardware control LANGUAGES
model. Other models realize a richer functional The task of developing reliable, structured and
structure capable of more flexible behavior m sen- portable programming languages for robot manipu-
sory interaction. However, we believe that this lation of mechamcal assemblies 7 has been tackled
model is still adequate for many industrial manu- both by academic institutions and industrial com-
facturing applications. panies whose researchers have tried either to
The intermediate level corresponds to the real- improve existing languages at the "manipulator
time command language we call the Virtual Machine level" or to develop new advanced software systems
Language. VML's design is based on the following at the "task level".
guidelines: While the task level systems are still under inves-
• it manages both single and complex activities, tigation, 18 the industrial scenario at the manipulator
each corresponding to either a physical or an level is more settled. 5"15 We designed V M L to
abstract process. significantly improve first generation industrial
• it allows I/O communication between the robot languages (like Olivettl'S S I G L A 24 and
operator, sensors and motors, and provides for D E A ' s Help,~l later adopted by General Electric)
the exchange of error conditions. by offering an advanced portable tool for interfacing
• it offers the basic primitives for coordinating con- a manipulator with second generation industrial
V M L m robot p r o g r a m m i n g • P. B i s o n et al. 15

robot languages (like the IBM's A M L 27 and Unima- I R D A T A program is a sequence of records which
tion's VAL-II). 25 contains a certain number of arguments and which
Inspired by Stanford's A L project, 19 V M L has may be classified by distinguishing descriptive ele-
been designed as the target for a wider class of robot ments from action elements according to the special
languages. Its design therefore represents an effort requirements of robot programming. V M L has quite
to produce an intermediate structured target lan- the same set of capabilities with regard to the des-
guage, not only for robot industrial languages, but cription of robot features, motion specifications,
also for more advanced software systems capable of program flow control, I/O operations and data type
integrating several interactive tools and a word des- manipulation. VML, however, is a more structured
cription based on frame coordinate abstraction. 17 and readable language; it is likely that in the near
If we attempt to compare V M L with VAL, 25 future both I R D A T A and V M L will be enhanced
however, we may find some similarities. First, we and extended to include features of the next-
have a set of equivalent instructions in both lan- generation robot control language.
guages (i.e. some monitor instructions, some I/O
instructions and some low level program flow con- 5. MAIN LANGUAGE FEATURES
trol). Second, some V M L instructions may find a In the following, we shall describe the main
direct translation into a suitable set of V A L instruc- instruction subsets of VML. The formal description
tions and vice versa (such as relative and absolute of the language can be found in the V M L User
motion commands; robot, arm and joint position Manual. 3 A V M L statement is composed of an
queries; tooling operations; parking robot cali- optional label, a command keyword which may be
bration; and speed setting). followed by a type keyword, and a list of arguments:
The differences between VML and V A L include
(statement) ::= [(label)] : (op code) [(tag field)]
the synchronization primitives present in VML but
[ (operands)].
not in VAL, and the high level program flow control
in V A L which V M L lacks. In addition VML also A VML program comprises two main parts: a
lacks certain V A L instructions useful for inter- global data declaration and a concurrent process
actively defining and storing locations, for cali- declaration. The former allows the declaration of
brating and resetting various system devices, for constants, arrays of constants, global variables,
choosing arm configuration and making some parti- global arrays, semaphores, mailboxes and global
cular movements. However, none of these specific procedures. In contrast, each individually declared
instructions have been considered primitive opera- process may have its own declaration part formed by
tions for the virtual machine. Moreover, VML was a label declaration, local variable and array defini-
designed as a stack oriented language for the pur- tion and local procedure declaration.
poses of efficiency. Constants and variables can belong to the follow-
The comparison with A M L 27 is much less mean- ing data types: integer, scalar (real), Boolean, geo-
ingful. A M L is a new general-purpose language, metric vector, rotation, frame and character string.
extended with the functions needed to operate Arrays may be composed of scalars, vectors, rota-
robots; its design allows subroutines to be written tions and frames.
and used like built-in commands, while VML acts Two primary tools for process synchronization are
mainly as an intermediate language. We have available to the programmer: binary semaphores
developed a macroprocessor for VML which may be and messages. Binary semaphores are accessed by
used to predefine an instruction subset to be used three instructions: WAIT, S I G N A L and TEST-
later, but this facility is extraneous to the language WAIT. The first two primitives have the usual mean-
definition and belongs rather to the programming ing, while the third tests the semaphore's state and
environment tool set. issues a " W A I T sem" if the semaphore is free. In
From the point of extendibility, it is interesting to any case it returns a Boolean value which corre-
compare V M L with the language I R D A T A 23 which sponds to the state before the operation. Messages
has been designed by a committee of G e r m a n insti- are sent or received through a mailbox by two
tutes as the G e r m a n target language of the Explicit instructions: SEND and R E C E I V E .
Programming System, which will be developed by The control flow may be altered in two ways: by
the Esprit Research Project on Operational Control local or external procedure calls or by conditional or
for Robot System Integration into CIM (VML unconditional branches.
indeed is a suitable candidate as the Italian target I/O instructions allow communication between
language in the same Esprit project). An the V M L interpreter and a human operator. A set of
16 Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing • Volume 5, Number 1, 1989

primitives permits the operator to ask the interpreter CONSTANT VECTOR

to display the top of the stack, the value of a variable edge = 0,0,24 {cube size}, inc = 0 , 0 , - 1 5 1 ,
or a constant, to input a data from the console, etc. up = 0,0,198,
Most V M L commands find their arguments on the down = 0 , 0 , - 1 9 8 ;
process stack. With this in mind we have introduced CONSTANT ROTATION
stack operations to allow parameter passing both by defrot = 0,1,0/0,0,-1/-1,0,0;
reference and by value; this makes it possible to C O N S T A N T F R A M E {left and right stack
push and pop variables, constants or array addresses positions}
onto the stack, both in direct and referenced mode. lpos = 0 , 0 , 1 / 0 , 1 , 0 / - 1 , 0 , 0 / / - 2 5 0 , 6 0 0 , - 3 5 0 ,
VML also provides basic mechamsms (such as rpos = 0 , 0 , 1 / 0 , 1 , 0 / - 1 , 0 , 0 / / 2 5 0 , 6 0 0 , - 3 5 0 ;
PLUS, MINUS, INC, TIMES, DIV, NEG, INC, C O N S T A R R A Y V E C T O R {positions where the
DEC, M O D U L E , INVERSE, AND, OR, NOT, cubes are to be put}
etc.), for evaluating expressions involving the van- pos, 6 = 0 , 7 0 0 , - 3 5 0 / 0 , 6 5 0 , - 3 5 0 / 0 , 6 0 0 , - 3 5 0 /
ous data types mentioned above. 0,550,-350/0,500,-350/0,450,-350;
Moreover, a set of instructions allows the operator V A R I A B L E INT arrind {next free position in pos
to move the robot: M O V E propels a device vector};
( R O B O T , A R M or JOINT) with a given motion S E M A P H O R E mutua {mutual exclusion
type ( R E L or ABS) according to the M A R abstrac- semaphore};
tion described in section 2.3. P A R K parks the device M A I L B O X init;
whose number hes at the top of the stack, on the
absolute reference position of the working space.
The speed of the motion can be given directly as PROCESS; {left-arm process}
distance over time or, alternatwely, as motion dura-
A small set of sensory control instructions allows V A R I A B L E INT count;
the input to sensor status information and provides V A R I A B L E V E C T O R linc {displacement to reach
for the control of robot movement. the cube stack};
L A B E L loop,endpr;
5.1. Example
In the following example (see Fig. 4), a two-arm
robot moves cubes from two stacks to a line on the BEGIN;
floor. The program consists of two processes (one {initialize global and local variables}
for each arm) cooperating to perform the task. P U S H V A L U E inc; P O P V A L U E linc;
P U S H V A L U E one; P O P V A L U E arrind;
P R O G R A M concproc; P O P V A L U E count;
CONSTANT SCALAR {wake up the other process)
zero = 0, one = 1, two = 2, leftarm = 1, S E N D init;
nghtarm = 2, {set the speed and park the left arm)
close = 0, open = 1, actspd = 20 {speed value}; P U S H V A L U E actspd; P U S H V A L U E
C O N S T A N T INT leftarm;
ncubes = 6 {total cubes}, SET S P E E D ; P A R K A R M ;
lcubes = 3 {cubes in the left stack}, {move left arm over its stack with the hand
rcubes = 3 {cubes in the right stack}; open)
P U S H V A L U E open; P U S H V A L U E leftarm;
P U S H V A L U E lpos; P U S H V A L U E leftarm;
loop: F L U S H ;
{move the arm and take a cube)
P U S H V A L U E linc; P U S H V A L U E leftarm;
P U S H V A L U E close; P U S H V A L U E leftarm;
Fig. 4 Two-robot system for the VML example program. {move up}
VML in robot programming• P. BISONet al. 17

PUSH VALUE up; PUSH VALUE leftarm; guages which may allow for better
MOVE ARM REL; operator-machine interaction.
{update the displacement subtracting the cube Among the criteria which guide a reasonable
size} approach to the design of a software environment
PUSH VALUE linc; PUSH VALUE edge; for robotics, we may select the following:
MINUS; POP VALUE linc; • the coexistence and interaction of different
"loosely connected" software modules, possibly
written in different languages
WAIT mutua; {beginning of critical and region}
• these modules must provide a simulator of robot
{compute where to put the cube and move
kinematics driven by robot language motion
• the programmer needs a set of primitives for
VALUE pos;
manipulating robot programs, accessmg a robot
assembly library and storing coded utilities.
We believe that software environments for robot
{release the cube}
programming will continue to grow in the future.
Task level robot programming will be achieved by
leftarm; MOVE ARM REL;
integrating different components within a sophisti-
cated distributed system rather than by defining a
leftarm; TOOL;
single complex language satisfying all possible
requirements. Previous considerations lead us to
consider the manipulator-operator interfacing soft-
{move over the left cube stack}
ware system as an open system 16 in which the robot
language mterpreter acts as one of the modules.
leftarm; MOVE ARM ABS;
Therefore, as a first step, we developed a friendly
{test if all positions in the line have a cube}
interactive environment around the present version
of VML interpreter. The original VML interpreter
was written in Pascal except for a small part written
in Assembly which interfaces to the particular hard-
SIGNAL mutua; {end of critical region}
ware. Our scheduler implements a round-robin algo-
rithm, while dynamic memory management is based
{jump to the end if the previous test was true}
on the allocation of fixed memory areas to avoid
garbage collection.
{if there's some cube in the stack, take it}
The system layout (see Fig. 5) is composed of a
small kernel, called monitor, which provides system
facilities such as clock management, scheduling and
PUSH VALUE lcubes; BRANCH LE loop;
memory allocation, plus several virtual processors
{park the arm and clear the stack}
The code for the right-arm process is exactly
symmetric to this: it contains a RECEIVE statement
corresponding to the SEND in the above code, and
all "lefthand" variables (like linc, lpos, etc.) are
changed to rightarm variables (rinc, rpos etc.).


While the next generation of robot programming

systems will provide for increasing integration of
sensing and motion with task planning capabilities, it
proves convenient to develop an advanced pro-
gramming environment for the existing robot lan- Fig 5. Structure of tile VML exampleprogram.
18 Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing • Volume 5, Number 1, 1989
5rBDhlc ~eoresentation in

i /


VML I n t e r p r e t e r 2 . 0


Fig 6 A screen snapshot of the VML graphics envzronment under development at LADSEB

with their own private memories which communi- been implemented on a ICL-Perq graphics work-
cate through a c o m m o n data area. station 4 where it can execute V M L programs.
V M L was first implemented on an earlier multi- We also plan to implement a more advanced
microprocessor structure controlling a two-arm interactive environment for r o b o t - p r o g r a m m i n g
Olivetti manipulator at Milan Polytechnic. Simple based on message-passing semantics 2° in the context
synchronization primitives, like W A I T / S I G N A L of the Accent Operating System, z2 where the V M L
and S E N D / R E C E I V E , allowed concurrent pro- interpreter runs as an independent module and
gramming over a star-structured network formed by communicates with other tools via message
some Intel 8748 8-bit micros and an LSI-11. exchange. The University of Padua, in cooperation
A t L A D S E B , V M L presently runs on a distri- with an Italian industrial firm, has rewritten the
buted hardware structure based on the V M E bus, V M L into source codes C language to obtain a more
which is accessible through the graphic interactive efficient system and transport it into an industrial
environment of the Macintosh. environment.
As a second step towards the realization of an
open system, we undertook to develop a high-level REFERENCES
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Fig. 6), based on Paul's kinematic equations, 21 has The development of a portable programming lan-
VML in robot programming• P. BISONet al. 19

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