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Introduction LOVE

Overview By this we know that we love the children of God,

One of the keys to leading a successful mission trip is to have devotions. Devotions will when we love God and keep his commandments.
help you keep the team focused on why they are there and gives them time to reflect
on God. As a leader, it is your spiritual responsibility to keep God the focus. To do this,
I John 5:2
you must have devotions and prayer each morning before you even start the day. This In Galatians 5:22 the word love comes from the Greek word agape. Agape expresses a
will set the tone as to what their mission is. Furthermore, it is important to debrief each deep and constant giving with an unfailing and unselfish interest in the one being loved.
night as well. This will allow you to help each person on the team to process what they When referring to God, it is always recognized as unconditional love. An interesting
have experienced for that day. feature of unconditional love is this: You must know a person so well that you are aware
of all their negative characteristics, yet those characteristics do not prevent you from
Steps to Take giving of yourself freely to them anyway. That type of love is especially descriptive of
Start each morning out with a word of prayer. It is important to have team participation God because He knows everything about us and still sent His Son to die for us
in prayer. You may read the devotional as it is, or select a key that is relevant for that day. (Rom. 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet
If you find that the team is struggling with kindness, then use that key for that day and sinners, Christ died for us.”).
read the corresponding devotion. End each morning with prayer and remind them to
As you go into the Mission Field don’t be shocked when you experience attitudes of
stay focused on the key of the day and how if will affect them throughout the day.
selfishness, wanting to keep to yourself, not wanting to give. This is our natural self
Debrief at work. In fact being selfish is the opposite of love. I used to think that hate was the
opposite, but because of the giving nature of agape love, selfishness seems a better
At the end of each day, after coming back from the mission field, it is important that your
opposite because I am more naturally inclined to not be giving. This may happen in
team share their experiences with the group. Ask a few out of the group to share how
association with those whom we minister with, as well as those we minister to. As we
the key has affected them while on the mission field.
become more honest about the condition of our heart we stand a greater chance of
receiving the grace and mercy that God has for us. In that way we can experience the
love of God more and thereby give that love to others as well. Take some time today to
recognize your self-centeredness and confess that to God. He is faithful to forgive you
and love you so that you might do the same for others.

Very Special Thanks Thought for the Day:

Mission Key Tags would like to thank Pastor David Taylor for his contributions Be aware of your selfishness and let agapa love overcome those feelings.
in writing this devotional. Pastor David conducts private counseling and
works with Life Partners Ministries in San Juan Capistrano California.

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Fruit of the Spirit Devotional ©2011 Industry.33 Corporation

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