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Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Karl R. Lang

This article reports on a large-scale, international focus group study that examined the experi-
ences of mobile technology users in Hong Kong, Japan, Finland, and the United States. It iden-
tifies eight central mobile technology paradoxes that shape user experience and behavior,
suggests possible design features that relate to the experienced paradoxes, and discusses
how these features could be better managed.

JARVENPAA is the HE MOBILE PHONE HAS ARGUABLY dimensions. Pogue (2005a) reviews a newly re-
Pierce Refsnes Chair in
T evolved into the first truly personal com-
puter. It combines communication and
leased mobile phone that offers a number of
advanced features, including a high-resolution
Business computing capabilities with mobility digital camera, a business card scanner, speech
Administration and and personality. Unlike desktop or even laptop recognition,TV and video display, built-in Trans
co-founder and co-
computers, the mobile phone is typically al- Flash memory cards, and others, and con-
director of the Center
ways with its user. It is rarely separated from its cludes:
for Business,
Technology, and Law
owner, and it is in use, or ready for use, all the
The trouble is, all of these features sad-
at the McCombs time. Users develop deep relationships with
dle the poor little device with a com-
Business School, their mobile devices (Kopomaa, 2000; Rhein-
plexity that will boggle even the veteran
University of Texas at gold, 2002; Lyytinen and Yoo, 2002). Of course,
cell fan. Just looking up your own
Austin. they use them to perform utilitarian tasks, but,
phone number requires eight button
increasingly, they also use them as personal ex-
KARL R. LANG’s presses.
research interests
pressions of their identities.As technology tran-
include decision scends many facets of users’ lives, expectations The idea that technology is paradoxical and
technologies, about service capabilities clash with perfor- behaves paradoxically has been noted before
management of digital mance in reality. Users’ experiences with tech- (see, e.g., Mulgan, 1998). For the purpose of
business processes, nology are paradoxical. this article, we define paradox as a situation,
and mobile The positive and negative impacts of mo- act, or behavior that seems to have contradic-
information bile technology are conceptually inseparable tory or inconsistent qualities. Arnold (2003),
environments. Dr. and grow in strength with new releases. New in his review of prominent philosophies of
Lang holds a Ph.D. in
designs of handsets and service functions are technology, points to Heidegger as the source
management science
continuously introducing new capabilities and of the position that our world is enframed by
from the University of
Texas at Austin and is
improving performance on some dimensions technology, in an ambiguous but not in a deter-
currently an associate (Schlosser, 2002; Balasubramanian et al., 2002; mined way. Heidegger claims that (communica-
professor in Jarvenpaa et al., 2003; Urbaczewski et al., tion) technology destroyed distance by
information systems at 2003; Dekleva, 2004; Frolick and Chen, 2004; destroying closeness, that technology didn’t
Baruch College, Jarvenpaa et al., 2005). But new capabilities of- bring people closer together but merely creat-
CUNY. ten negatively affect user experience on other ed a condition wherein everyone is at the same

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time close and far, independent of geographical research method, focus groups use the interac-
distance. Easterbrook (2003) argues that the tion among participants to reveal shared reac-
technologies that brought progress have also tions, issues, experiences, and opinions on the
created economic and social paradoxes that in- topic of the study. Sessions are recorded and
creasingly challenge people in their individual transcribed to produce qualitative data that can
and social lives. be analyzed for theoretical or applied purposes

A n
In a more business-oriented approach,
Handy (1994) makes the case that the ability to
by using, for example, the grounded theory
method (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). This re-
international manage paradoxes is key to corporate success search followed the commonly accepted guide-
focus group in today’s high-tech world. Similarly, Mick and lines of focus group research (Krueger, 1994;
Fournier (1998) describe a postmodernist con- Fern, 2001).
allowed us to sumer society in which consumer s are For the purpose of this article, we define
examine the confronted by multiple and conflicting mobile technology as handheld IT artifacts that
larger question consequences from the consumption of prod- encompass hardware (devices), software (in-
ucts that provide them with both new free- terface and applications), and communication
of the value doms and new forms of enslavement. Among (network services). Because they are so inter-
mobile devices the information systems researchers, Orlikows- twined, it does not make sense to disentangle
and services ki (1991) and Chinn (2001), for example, dis- device, interface, and applications when study-
cuss the paradoxical nature of information ing how mobile services create value for users.
really offer to technology (IT). In an article debating IS re- Our definition includes mobile phones, porta-
their users. search directions, Robey and Boudreau (1999) ble digital assistants, and integrated wireless
call for efforts that explicitly address the ambi- enterprise solutions such as the popular hand-
guities resulting from IT rather than eliminate held BlackBerryTM. Advanced mobile phones
contradictions for methodological conve- provide mobile Internet access via 3G net-
nience. works. However, wireless laptops and other
In the present article, we discuss manifesta- WiFi- or Bluetooth-enabled devices were not
tions of paradoxes with regard to this technol- considered for this study because they depend
ogy. To better understand the contradictory on short-range network signals, which strongly
and ambiguous reality of mobile technology limit their mobility.
use, we conducted an international focus All 33 focus groups were urban based, but
group study in which we examined the larger they varied in age, gender, culture, and eco-
question of the value mobile devices and ser- nomic standing. For each focus group we se-
vices really offer to their users. Specific re- lected voluntary members who were
search questions included the following: considered representative of a social group
that was meaningful for this study. Within
❚ Why and how do people use mobile devices groups, we sought group members homoge-
and services? neous in educational background and social
❚ What value do mobile device users perceive status. Across groups, we sought to represent
in their personal and professional lives? diversity and included a variety of user profiles
❚ What frustrates or frightens the users? that could be considered a fair approximation
❚ How have mobile solutions influenced their of general mobile technology users, albeit not
lives — how do they interact and spend time representative in a statistical sense. The groups
with colleagues and friends? ranged from ten-year-old girls and boys to
After analyzing the user experience, we discuss adults in various professional and age groups.
the design and use features that relate to the When possible, focus groups occurred in
paradoxes and their management. familiar and relaxed settings (e.g., someone’s
home or a restaurant of their choice). In other
cases, behavioral labs and meeting rooms on a
RESEARCH STUDY local university campus were used to run the
We conducted 33 focus group sessions com- session. Locally hired moderators who had pre-
prised of 222 urban mobile device users in four viously acted in similar roles ran the focus
highly developed countries with a high pene- groups.The main role of the moderators was to
tration of mobile technology devices. The ses- facilitate productive discussions among group
sions were held in the metropolitan areas of members.Anonymity was maintained in data col-
Helsinki (Finland), Tokyo (Japan), Hong Kong lection and analysis procedures and was con-
(China), and Austin, Texas (United States) from veyed to members to encourage more open and
January to October 2001. As a qualitative truthful discussion. The focus group discussion
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questions were made as broad as possible to en- explain why and how consumers decided to
sure open forums. The open-ended approach acquire mobile technology. Mobile technology
naturally uncovered issues that were salient to penetration rates approach or exceed 100 per-
the individuals in the group without biasing cent in the four countries selected for this
the members toward specific issues the re- study. In societies where most people between
searchers thought were important. For exam- 16 and 60 own mobile devices, adoption deci-

M obile
ple, we never used the word “paradox” or any
other term that could have led participants to
sions relate more to switching and upgrading
models than to becoming first-time users.
technology talk about experienced tensions from using Hence, the adoption decision is treated as an
penetration technology; nor did we ask them explicitly to exogenous prior event in this article.
tell us about their strategies for dealing with The actions and experiences of mobile
rates approach the challenges and complexities that arose technology users depend on situational and
or exceed 100 from using mobile technology. contextual factors (see Figure 1). The given
percent in the Each focus group session lasted from about technology, social (personal or organizational),
ninety minutes to two hours and was conduct- and cultural contexts influence users’ motiva-
four countries ed in the local language. Finnish, Japanese, and tions, goals, and usage patterns when using
selected for Chinese session transcripts were translated mobile technology for a particular purpose (ar-
this study. into English before we began coding and ana- row 1).Technology factors include the particu-
lyzing the data. From the data emerged central lar composition of the service portfolio to
paradoxes that shaped user experience as well which a user subscribes, the complexity of de-
as some situational factors, different purposes vices and applications in use, and the frequen-
for using mobile technology, and strategies that cy and intensity of mobile technology use.
users developed to cope with challenges. Ini- Social context refers to the user’s personal ba-
tially, we identified 23 paradoxes; however, af- sic social unit; that is, for example, whether the
ter crosschecking the literature and several person lives with family or alone. It also distin-
iterations of regrouping data and labels, we guishes between in-group and out-group com-
arrived at eight paradoxes that seemed both fun- munication and differentiates the varying
damental and specific to mobile technology. personal experience levels of users with regard
to mobile technologies. Social context also re-
fers to organizational factors such as organiza-
MOBILE TECHNOLOGY PARADOXES tional structure and organizational policies and
Our findings suggest conceptualizing the phe- practices that determine the role of mobile
nomenon of mobile technology usage experi- technology in the firm. This includes how a
ence from a context-based and process- company regulates the use of mobile technolo-
oriented perspective (Orlikowski, 1993). The gy. For example, some companies mandate the
process of experiencing mobile technology use of mobile technology for some jobs.
from the user’s perspective is depicted in Whether technology usage is mandatory or vol-
Figure 1; it shows the main concepts that untary influences how employees use and per-
emerged from our data and the relationships ceive it.
that indicate significant interactions between Cultural context refers to cultural differen-
them. Among the focus group participants, ces, for example, between individualistic soci-
voice communication clearly dominated the eties (e.g., Western countries such as the
usage profile, followed by data services such as United States and Finland) and collectivist soci-
e-mail, Web browsing, and text messaging. Oth- eties (e.g., Asian countries such as Japan and
er informational and transactional services China). Another important cultural factor re-
were only moderately used on a regular basis. lates to technology use among different age
Although users almost universally acknowl- groups (youth versus adult culture).
edged that mobile technology had improved Decisions to use mobile technology in dif-
their lives in terms of convenience, flexibility, ferent situations for different purposes provide
connectedness, and new freedoms of choice, it accumulative context feedback over time,
became apparent that their overall experience which can change or reinforce those contexts
was, to a large extent, determined by conflict (arrow 2). Purposes of technology use include
situations they had encountered. By conflict communication (voice and data), coordination
situations we mean circumstances that prompt (tasks and people), and sociability (family,
users to take actions whose consequences friends, and colleagues). But regardless of the
clash with their original intentions or expecta- specific purpose, eventually and recurrently,
tions. The process model in Figure 1 does not technology use will create conflict situations
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FIGURE 1 User–Technology Interaction Process

Situational Factors
Technology Personal Organizational Cultural
Context Context Context Context

1 8
4 5
2 7

(1) Empowerment/Enslavement
Purposes of (2) Independence/Dependence Coping
Technology Use (3) Fulfills Needs/Creates Needs Strategies
Communication 3 (4) Competence/Incompetence 6 Avoidance
Coordination (5) Planning/Improvisation Strategies
Efficiency (6) Engaging/Disengaging
Mobility (7) Public/Private Confrontative
Sociability (8) Illusion/Disillusion Strategies

Technology Paradoxes

Legend for Arrows

1. Influence of context on users' motivation, 5. Context feedback (reinforcement or change)
goals, and usage patterns as users experience conflict.
2. Context feedback (reinforcement or change) 6. Adaptation process, behavioral changes,
3. Usage process for problem solving, task and learning curve.
performance, information acquisition, media 7. Influence of context on reactions of users
consumption and entertainment, and social and ability to manage conflict and to cope
interaction. with the technology challenge.
4. Influence of context as users are confronted 8. Context feedback (reinforcement or change)
with conflict situations. as users adopt particular coping strategies.

for the user, although the specific nature of the former refers to user strategies that try to min-
conflict may differ between, for example, main- imize interaction with the technology and the
taining social relationships and performing latter describes strategies that are based on ne-
business tasks (arrow 3). Obviously, not every gotiating with technology. The particular reac-
task or event in the user–technology interac- tions of users and their ability to manage
tion process will generate paradoxical situa- conflict and cope with the technology chal-
tions, but sooner or later users universally lenge are once more influenced by situational
experience conflict. Furthermore, users are un- context factors (arrow 7). Context feedback
able to eliminate tension with the technology. is generated as users gain experience with
Repeatedly, users run into conflict situations coping strategies (arrow 8). In the following
that are shaped by technology paradoxes. sections, we elaborate on the technology
Again, context-dependent (arrow 4) conflict paradoxes faced by the mobile users in this
situations arise from paradoxes that are inher- study.
ently and systemically linked to technology
use. The Empowerment/Enslavement
The repeated confrontation with paradoxi- Paradox
cally behaving technology significantly affects New freedoms of choice from mobile technol-
the total user experience. Reinforcing or modi- ogy use surfaced as a highly salient issue across
fying context feedback is generated as users ex- all types of users. Nearly everyone praised new
perience conflict (arrow 5). A direct response possibilities related to the 24/7,“always on” na-
to the challenges presented is the development ture of mobile technology. Permanent connec-
of behavioral strategies to help users better cope tivity allows people to take charge anytime,
with these conflict situations (arrow 6).We iden- wherever they are, whether it concerns busi-
tified a number of coping mechanisms that can ness, family, or friends. This newly found free-
be broadly classified into two categories: avoid- dom definitely empowers users. But the very
ance and confrontative coping strategies. The same connectivity prevents users from creating
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and maintaining distance from others.“The fact play multiple roles at all times, especially hav-
that you have to interact with these devices is ing to constantly switch between family and
bad,” explained one participant. It has become work roles.
difficult to get away from people with whom
Sometimes while driving, I feel like in-
you would presently rather not communicate.
stead of relaxing, I should be more pro-
An elderly woman reminisced about old times,
ductive, like calling people back, calling
… when we did not have any of these my customers back. Sometimes it’s
technologies. Doing any kind of job was good that people I am working with can
really hard back then. I can tell you that reach me 24 hours, 7 days a week.
the cell phone really is a tremendous Sometimes, however, it might be de-
safety and access device. But I should be structive; it makes me feel I should be
controlling it, not it controlling me. working more than I am.
The unpredictability and uncertainty of if and I think there would be a problem if I
when a call may come and demand unwanted turned my walkie-talkie off. My boss
attention counteract the power that users de- doubts that I’m working properly if he
rive from the technology: can’t reach me.Yes, and he’ll be very an-
gry if he can’t get ahold of us. It’s very
I am in a dilemma that I cannot leave my
important to react promptly.
cell phone at home, but just the fact
that I am always connected is stressful. In our business, schedules are pretty
tight. If you are on your vacation and
Availability all the time! This is not what
your project is not done … this is not
we humans were made for. And with
something that you are able to do any-
GPS [global positioning system], it feels
more.Whenever I am about to take a va-
like the last piece of privacy has been
cation, my boss tells me to keep my cell
taken away.
phone and pager on. To me this is not a
Some users had a pretty good sense of the pow- vacation at all.
er they could exert but also anticipated that it
Not surprisingly perhaps, a few partici-
could backfire in just the same way:
pants expressed the need for presence manage-
The mobile is great for controlling other ment, including features beyond caller ID that
people, like your wife and kids, for ex- would allow them to screen incoming calls
ample. That would be pretty good if I more effectively and thus regain some control
had the choice to decide who knows over their availability to others.
where I am and where I have been. Some participants expressed concern that
the device manufacturers were deliberately try-
Life has become so un-free. The mobile
ing to tie their customers to their specific prod-
even rules kids’ lives.
uct designs. Thus, if you want to enjoy the
Many users reported great pressures and felt freedoms their technology promises, you will
forced to respond to the technology, whether be bound to a particular company, either
or not they wanted to. Some feared that they through long-term service contracts or intri-
had become slaves to the machine. cate design logics:
The workplace was another area where the
If you buy, for example, a [name of a
empowerment/enslavement paradox manifest-
specific manufacturer] phone, you will
ed itself on a regular basis. Most professionals
get so used to their interface logic. So af-
welcomed the introduction of mobile technol-
ter that, it becomes very hard to switch
ogies in their companies. They appreciated in-
creased productivity, more flexibility, and more to another manufacturer’s design logic.
efficient ways to coordinate tasks and people. They lock you in after you have chosen
However, the same tools that empowered your first model.
them in their jobs in so many ways also took
away long-cherished freedoms in others. Be- The Independence/Dependence Paradox
sides “less personal time,” study participants “My cell phone does everything,” said one fo-
frequently cited increased work pressure, clos- cus group member. More independence
er monitoring and supervision, and the inabili- through mobility was a freedom enjoyed by the
ty to separate and keep distance from work. participants of our study. But it became clear
Participants expressed displeasure having to that the power to connect independent of
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space and time created a new form of depen- Once I went on a trip to [nearby] Macau
dency that invariably coexists with indepen- without my cell phone. Whenever I
dence. Or, as one of our participants described, heard a ringtone I thought someone is
“Always being available results in lack of inde- calling me. I got so tense and thought it
pendence. It is like having an electronic ankle was my phone. But on the second day of
chain.” Although the resultant indepen- the trip, I started getting used to living
M issed
dence/dependence paradox could be consid-
ered just a special case of the previously
without a cell phone and I actually
found it very relieving.
calls attain a described empowerment/enslavement para-
more dox, it warrants its own category because this Once people get used to being always on, it
particular aspect was almost universally ac- causes them great discomfort when they need
meaningful to disconnect, even if it is only temporarily.
knowledged as an issue with which users were
status than struggling. Some denied technology dependen- Most users loath turning off their devices for
most answered cy, or at least qualified it, but most found it fear they may miss an important call. Missed
calls. quite difficult to break the “always on” habit calls attain a more meaningful status than most
they had acquired and admitted quite bluntly answered calls.The mere chance that someone
that they had become dependent on total con- may have tried to communicate something sig-
nectivity: nificant is given substantial consideration de-
spite the fact that most of those calls turn out
You can always leave your mobile at
to be noncritical or outright trivial. This leaves
home, though I never do.
users in a state of constant anticipation for
For me, switching off my mobile is not some elusive messages that may never get sent.
difficult at all, if I can turn it to silence The possibility of failing to immediately re-
mode. But it’s difficult for me to com- spond to either a great opportunity or some
pletely switch it off. emergency is perceived as a great threat, al-
No problem, as long as it is only for a though it is understood, from a rational per-
short while. spective, that the odds are rather small that an
event with significant consequences would be
If I am not on night shift it’s okay for me
passed over because of a missed call:
to switch it off at night, but I can’t
switch off my phone at work. I’m a pro- My friends don’t bother to leave mes-
duction assistant in a TV station and I sages on my answering machine. I have
work in different locations. Everyone to have my phone turned on or in silent
contacts me via my cell phone and it is mode to know when they call.
the only connection between my boss
Sometimes when I forget to bring my
and me.
cell phone, I feel very uncomfortable.
I even use my mobile phone at home. I
guess I’m too lazy to go to the living I won’t shut down my cell phone even
room to pick up a call. during lectures, but I’ll switch it into si-
lence mode. I keep my cell phone on
I never turn my phone off.The day is ru- because I want to know when some-
ined if you forget it home. body calls me. I can tell from the caller
I carry the battery charger with me all ID.
the time. I keep a charger in my car also. I don’t turn it off even on the plane.
[And another person adds] I actually
have several chargers. Switching off the phone makes me feel
so tense. I always worry if I missed any
I can’t go out without my mobile
calls. What if someone called me and I
phone. It’s always on and always with
didn’t know?
me. You can’t just switch off your
phone; people wonder where you are. I’m looking at my cell phone at every
chance I get.
Being cut off from her usual mobile services,
one participant experienced withdrawal-like When I turn it off, my only concern is
symptoms, which fortunately went away after about the children … that I cut the con-
some time: nection with them.
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I don’t like turning the service off. I can retorted, “Would you like it if your parents
turn the ringer off, but I don’t like turn- would know where you are? No!”
ing the service off.
Although “there was life before these gad- The Fulfills Needs/Creates
gets,” for most users, mobile technology has be- Needs Paradox
Mobile technology “has taken simplicity out of
P aradoxi-
come part of their lives, for better or worse.
Many agreed that “life without cell would be
terrible” and that “once you get one you don’t
our lives,” commented one participant. Our
data clearly shows that technology really is pro-
cally, the same viding a solution to many problems that benefit
know how to live without it.” Besides not hav-
feature that ing connectivity, people were afraid of losing mobile connectivity, but, at the same time, it
fulfills a user or misplacing their devices, which routinely has also caused a whole range of new prob-
store irreplaceable contact information: lems, problems that users didn’t have before or
need creates didn’t perceive having. This can be as trivial as
another one. When I was in Korea for half a year the new need of always “having to carry a bag
some time ago pretty much everyone that holds the mobile” or “the battery runs
had pagers or cells. It felt odd because I down quickly,” but often it creates much more
did not bring mine. Now, I would not intricate needs. The irony that solutions create
give it away anymore. It has become im- problems did not go unnoticed. One person
portant for me to know that I can easily urged, “It is very important that users think
contact people. It is good to know that about what specific need a particular service is
you can reach people if you want to. really satisfying,” and someone else wondered,
One can’t live without a cell phone. If “if adding more services is really productive.
you lose it, you lose all your contacts. Every time they add something, people have
The cell phone has become part of my problems.” Paradoxically, the same feature that
life. At my age [teenager], we don’t stay fulfills a user need creates another one. Mobili-
at home much, but spend most of our ty fulfills the need for more security because it
time on the street. It’s just impossible to allows people to stay in touch — for example,
be without a cell phone, or else no one parents with their children when they’re out,
can reach you. spouses with each other when one goes on a
road trip, or elderly people with caretakers if
It’s always with me. If I lose it, I’ll lose they encounter difficulties at home and can’t
not only the phone, but also the infor- reach the regular phone — but ironically this
mation stored on the SIM card [address newfound security seems to create a new sense
book]. People rarely use pens to write of vulnerability, as people fear, “what if I lose
down phone numbers anymore. We de- it?” Similarly, there was general agreement that
pend much more on our mobile phones “using a really posh cell phone makes it more
now. You may ask others to call you, so likely that it will be stolen” and that mobile
that you can store their number without banking fulfills a great need “but creates some
having to write it down or enter it man- serious security issues.”
ually into the mobile. A new need for privacy was recognized by
A rancher friend of mine was going mad a number of participants. This need arose be-
because he left his PDA at a friend’s cause the devices had fulfilled the user’s need
house and he could not reach him for a to be able to talk in public places. Once users
couple of days. All his contact numbers experienced situations in which they had a
were on it. When you rely on technolo- conversation in public that they really didn’t
mean to share with anyone, and certainly not
gy that much, it is hard to live without
with random bystanders, they realized that go-
ing public with mobile communication creates
In one interesting case, a father revealed a new need for privacy:
that his son leaves his mobile at home when he
There is always somebody hearing what
goes out so that he can regain his indepen-
I am talking about on the phone. People
dence. “My son doesn’t feel like bringing his
around you hear you.
cell phone when he’s out. He claims that his
cell is too unfashionable. But I think that’s just I mean, is it safe to do any kind of bank-
an excuse. If he doesn’t have his phone with ing over the phone? You got to say all
him, I can’t reach him.”To which someone else the information aloud, even the secret
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word. People can get your credit card times trying to figure out how to get the
number easily. results of the Formula 1 car races, but it
was just too difficult.
Most prevalent, however, were cases where
users had taken an active step to fulfill a per- WAP [Wireless Application Protocol for
ceived need, only to find out that this same ac- Internet browsing] is entirely useless.

O ther
tion created a new need. Sometimes this new
need was simply wanting more of the same;
that is, wanting more than they had previously
After one week of trying, it was still too
difficult to use. I thought I know some-
thing about IT and that I could use these
examples services on my phone, but I was not
felt the need for (e.g., more minutes than the
illustrated current service plan allows). Sometimes it was able to do that.
how the use wanting to add something similar, but some- I won’t be able to use all of the func-
thing they didn’t know they needed before
of a new tions offered. In addition to the ones
(e.g., an additional device accessory or another with so many features, I think it’s neces-
competence data service). For some users, an action created sary to offer a simple one for elder peo-
can the need to undo it or compensate for an unex- ple.
compromise pected side effect of it. Never reaching con-
tentment, several users admitted that, as soon I don’t use it [mobile banking] because
another. as one need is taken care of, they move on to I don’t want to be worried about me
find new needs they would like to have ad- making mistakes.
dressed. Other examples illustrated how the use of a
new competence can compromise another.
The Competence/Incompetence The new competence of talking on the phone
Paradox while driving can make someone a bad and
The ability to do anything, anytime, anywhere possibly dangerous driver. The new compe-
gives mobile technology users a whole set of tence of using mobile text communication
new competencies. It allows them to do things methods can negatively affect language compe-
they couldn’t do before. It enables them to do tence. Relying on electronic memory may be
things more efficiently and effectively than detrimental to one’s own memory. Using mo-
they could before. As people use their newly bile technologies in meetings may give users
acquired, technology-enabled competencies to better information but may be distracting and
perform new tasks or perform tasks more effi- actually weaken their performance, thus, mak-
ciently and effectively, they soon experience a ing them less competent participants in the
new sense of incompetence. Seemingly simple meeting:
services turn out to be hard to use and newly I used to remember a lot of phone num-
gained efficiencies tend to be limited in scope bers from memory.
and actually cause inefficiency at a higher level.
The idea that a newly obtained competence It is unbelievable when people just
lowers another, directly related competence or drive and talk to their cells.
makes users experience incompetence, wheth- Turns and lane changes are problematic
er real or just perceived, emerged from our when I am on the phone.
data in several different contexts. The most ap-
parent case relates to situations in which users SMS is impoverishing the language. It’s a
explore new device functions or try out new threat to language especially for young
application services in the expectation of be- people.
coming a more competent user, only to be con- [Using mobile devices] can also be dis-
fronted with unexpected difficulties that leave tracting in meetings.
them feeling less competent than before. Such
In many ways, particular mobile services
less-for-more bargains were reported frequent-
themselves turn out to be much less compe-
ly across groups:
tent than expected when applied in varying sit-
I’ve used some of these [name of a mo- uations and are often outright incompetent
bile service operator] services, like get- when used in ways that are only slightly differ-
ting address info via SMS [short message ent from the prescribed user instructions. In ei-
service]. But I couldn’t remember the ther case, mobile technology competencies are
syntax to get the service to work for me. too often too narrow in scope and incapable of
On weekends at my cottage I was some- adapting to specific user environments to be of
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much value. This leaves the user with the im- Both e-mail and mobile phone calls have
pression that the technology itself is incompe- disturbed efficient working. … I do two
tent or, worse, it makes users themselves feel minutes of something and then comes
incompetent as they struggle to make effective something else that disturbs my concen-
use of it. tration. Concentrating on just one task
Poor design or technical limitations such as at a time is not possible anymore.
P oor
small screen size, tiny input keys, or network
constraints can render a service ineffective and
The Planning/Improvisation Paradox
design or make it look incompetent. On the other hand,
complicated usage logic or incomprehensible Mobile technologies can be employed as effec-
technical tive planning tools, allowing people to better
behavior of a service diminishes self-efficacy and
limitations tends to create a sense of user incompetence: coordinate meetings and plan work and social
such as small activities. One user, for example, said:
The screen of the cell phone is too tiny.
screen size, It can’t display enough information. I’ve I use the mobile to be polite and call to
tiny input tried, but it’s useless. The cell must be tell when I am five minutes late or I may
bigger, it uses a lot of battery, and the check if the other person is really there
keys, or display is too small. Some services are where I am supposed to pick him up. …
network so slow that there is no real benefit. It is used for being polite and checking
constraints things.
I would use mobile banking services if
can render a they were better. Users can prepare schedules in advance,
service then update and refine them, independent of
In my opinion, it feels funny to read
long e-mails on a small cell. time and location, and provide involved parties
ineffective and with additional information as they go along.
make it look It would be nice if my phone worked This should result in more efficient planning
incompetent. more globally. Every time I go to the and less unproductive time. In practice, how-
States my phone becomes useless. ever, the opposite occurs all too often. Know-
I used a flight arrival information ser- ing the powers mobile technologies bestow on
vice twice, but it gave me odd informa- their owners, people tend to spend less time
tion. That was enough for me. I haven’t and effort working out schedules and, instead,
used it since. rely more on the technology that allows them
to make up for lack of preparation with contin-
I ordered a couple horoscopes, but it
uous improvisation. Some users welcomed this
was not that interesting, so I just tried
the service once. I tried to make an air new flexibility that makes “life more unplanned
ticket reservation … I did not like it. because you can plan on the spot,” and found it
liberating that “you don’t have to make arrange-
Similarly, tools that are meant to offer users ments in advance anymore if you don’t like.”To
new competencies often break down when some extent, technology substitutes for plan-
used in daily activities and create just the oppo- ning rather than augmenting it.
site effect. Designed to increase the efficiency Moreover, some people seem to lose the
of communication and coordination tasks, skill to plan ahead and simply “are not able to
some services actually produce inefficiency
make appointments in advance anymore.” Sev-
when put to work:
eral participants described situations in which
I don’t think it can really support Inter- vague planning of a meeting led to numerous
net services. For example, I don’t think changes and improvisations, resulting in extra
using a cell phone for e-mail is any good. coordination efforts, modified agendas, and, in
It’s too hard to type. If it takes me such the end, increased lateness, leading to less time
a long time to write an e-mail, why not spent together:
just give the recipient a call instead?
Even at parties, people come at their
It is interesting that it takes more time own time now and it’s become impossi-
to write an SMS that says,“I am five min- ble to get everybody together at the
utes late,” than to call and tell it. same time. I think about like those wel-
It increases your rush … when you are al- coming toasts that we used to have, for
ways available, you make more appoint- example. You simply can’t have every-
ments, even when you are on the move. one around at the same time anymore.
F A L L 2 0 0 5

In the past, I used to schedule the meet- tiresome to have to listen to messages
ing time and meeting point in advance before you can erase them.
when I had a date with friends. But
now, I usually make up a rough meeting The Engaging/Disengaging Paradox
time, then call up my friend and con- Mobile technology enables users to choose
firm the exact meeting time with the when to engage in a discourse and when to dis-
A lthough
cell phone when I am about to arrive.
Technology has been changing people’s be-
engage. This desire to retreat from stressful en-
vironments, but at the same time staying
mobile involved, surfaced in several of the focus group
havior. It used to be socially unacceptable to be
technologies late, without a reasonable excuse. But now be- discussions. For example, one participant ex-
are designed ing late is almost expected; it has become the pressed that:
as instruments norm. It is acceptable as long as you update People want to know what is going on,
your party on your whereabouts and report but on the other hand, they also want to
for supporting how you are progressing toward the meeting, be in the middle of a forest … meaning
control, they even if you are arriving late or not at all. What that once you have all these communi-
can create is unacceptable, however, is not having a mo- cation tools you want them to work in
bile phone and thus being out of reach. Forget- remote areas also.
chaos if ting the mobile at home or running out of
improperly Unfortunately, most people find it difficult
battery have become inexcusable faux pas that
to engage in parallel activities, to engage in
used. can easily result in social exclusion. Another
something new without disengaging from
consequence of this emerging improvisation
something else. When calls interrupt a conver-
culture is the erosion of social conventions re-
sation (in the physical space), the caller will
garding acceptable calling times:
typically abruptly disengage from the current
It has [for example] become easier to conversation and engage in a new one, often
get ahold of a married friend. Since he leaving others stranded. When driving, people
answers his cell phone, I can call him in make calls and engage in conversation while
the middle of the night without giving disengaging from their driving activity:
any consideration to his family mem- And in meetings, the call comes first. I
bers. am there in person … but it feels that it
Too much improvisation causes disorgani- would have been better to call and not
zation. Although mobile technologies are de- bother to come in person.
signed as instruments for supporting control, If I am talking on the phone while cross-
they can create chaos if improperly used. Too ing the road, I am less aware of the traf-
much communication creates chaotic distur- fic situation.
bances in people’s physical space; receiving
too much information leads to information The most serious problem [with mobile
overload; and messages are sent and ignored, technology] is your lack of personal at-
which triggers more messages and corrupts so- tention, especially while driving. It is
cial communication protocols. Senders no the most serious problem. It is a risk to
longer know which of their messages have yourself when you’re in the car, but oth-
been received and recipients lose messages in ers’ driving is a problem for us too.
an uncontrolled fashion: The realization that mobile technologies
I attended a Formula One [car] race “might be a detriment to other kinds of com-
once and could not follow the race be- munication” was widely acknowledged. Com-
cause I had to send SMS messages all the munication patterns in the family home have
time. been altered since the fixed-line family phone
lost its role as the communication hub in the
Of course, I want more information but, home:
on the other hand, we get too much in-
The phone at home does not ring that
formation to deal with. It should be sim-
much anymore since everybody has his
pler. It can be damaging to your
own cell phone. When it does ring, it
personal life.
usually is somebody trying to sell us
Sometimes, I want to erase messages something. No one else calls our home
without having to listen to them. It is phone anymore.
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When family members, especially teenag- physical space. It is not just the noise and chat-
ers, develop their own personal mobile com- ter that disturbs people. Overhearing calls that
munication channels, they are prone to take place in public, often unintentionally, and
disengage from family life. “I would be even hearing only one part of the conversation,
less home, if I didn’t need to go home to read makes people wonder about the missing piec-
my e-mails [on the desktop computer],” con- es and the absent person. It involuntarily draws
A lthough
ceded a young girl. Parents in the study gener-
ally thought that heavy use of mobile
them into interpersonal exchanges that should
be private but are happening in public.
technology can technology among teenagers is detrimental to At the same time, people assume different
support users family life and social interaction. Many users roles as they switch between physical and vir-
expressed concern that engaging with mobile tual space, displaying behaviors, gestures, and
in managing communication technologies may lead users to emotional states that may befit an ongoing vir-
multiple disengage from face-to-face social activities: tual interaction but may appear out of place in
virtual It decreases the time the kids spend the context of the present physical space:
communication with their friends. Even when they are There is no peace on trains anymore, or
spaces, it together, they just use their mobiles and in other public places — there is always
chat. someone talking on his mobile. It is dis-
They are teaching our daughter technol- turbing.
ogy rather than content. The kids don’t People talk just about anything, any-
interference learn how to conceptualize anymore, where. On buses or at the airport, for
with activities only how to use tools. The new genera- example, people talk business all the
tion is not learning how to interact with
in the time. It seems that industrial espionage
others; they are learning to be discon-
surrounding would not be that difficult; people do
nected — becoming antisocial.
not think that other people can hear ev-
physical space. There are a lot of activities that I don’t erything.
do anymore, like visiting my friends.
Other people’s mobiles sometimes dis-
I’ve noticed that I have not talked much
turb in public places. For example,
with some people lately, because I use
when someone writes SMS messages on
e-mail and SMS all the time.
the train — it is annoying. Keypad clicks
When I see someone with lots of pag- bother me even more than ringtones.
ers, phones, and other devices on them,
As far as manners are concerned, I pre-
I don’t find it very nice. I wonder, who
fer not to be forced to listen to someone
do you belong to?
else’s private conversation. It breaks my
The Public/Private Paradox
Mobile technology devices are usually consid-
ered personal tools for private communication. The Illusion/Disillusion Paradox
Users are able to set up their own personal vir- When users in our study acquired their first
tual communication spaces anywhere, any- mobile devices or upgraded to newer models
time. In the past, personal communication, and services, they did so with certain expecta-
voice or data, took place only in personal phys- tions of partaking in joys promised and pro-
ical spaces such as the office or the home, moted. Whether these expectations were
where it was by and large possible to set and reasonable or unrealistic, people anticipated
control an adequate level of privacy. Now, that their new gadgets would make their lives
freed from spatial and temporal constraints, easier and enable them to do things they
people are increasingly taking private conver- couldn’t before. Users came away disappointed
sations into the public space. This can create when they realized the new designs delivered
friction and interfere with other people’s activ- only a crude approximation of perceived
ities and privacy. When exchanging messages promises. Many users recounted frustration
or talking, the conversing parties create virtual and disillusionment as they discovered that
communication spaces. Although technology anywhere communication really means in
can support users in managing multiple virtual some places and areas only, because limited
communication spaces, it cannot eliminate in- coverage and dead spots seriously constrain
terference with activities in the surrounding connectivity. As one respondent lamented:
F A L L 2 0 0 5

When I tried to send data from the Shin- remember the correct keywords, and
kansen [Japanese bullet train], the trans- also the right syntax … it is too difficult.
mission was interrupted every time the
When adopting new mobile services, users
train went through the tunnels.
were under the impression that they would en-
Likewise, anytime communication is severely joy an upgrade in service level or quality, but af-

D ifficult-
compromised by short battery runtimes:
If I don’t use my phone, the battery will
ter using the new services, users felt they were
quite inadequate for the given tasks and actual-
ly perceived a service downgrade. For exam-
to-use last for three days. But, if I use it a lot,
ple, the ability to access the Web with mobile
interfaces and the battery won’t even make it through
the day. phones promises a service upgrade, but the ac-
cryptic tual experience of struggling with small key-
Of course, anytime also requires that the in- pads and screens and slow connections creates
tended communication partners are available the perception of a downgrade, especially
syntaxes were and willing to communicate. Lastly, anything when contrasted with the ubiquitously avail-
also significant barely covers voice communication, because able wired Internet or wireless WiFi networks.
many connections are unstable or of poor qual- Difficult-to-use interfaces and cryptic command
ity, and hardware and bandwidth limitations syntaxes were also significant factors contribut-
contributing to render access to Web sites and delivery of mul- ing to disappointment about new services:
disappointment timedia content inadequate. For example, one
user thought: I feel this Internet and mobile thing is
about new like skis that are designed for classical
services. … it is a great idea to make comics avail- style Nordic skiing and freestyle Nordic
able over cell phones, but the screen is skiing. The middle way may not be the
too tiny. It takes the fun away. best — some services belong to the In-
In general, disillusionment regarding newly ternet and others will be mobile.
marketed wireless services was prevalent. “I Since we have computer and modem
think of WAP services [for browsing the Inter- everywhere, we don’t need to use cell
net] as Tamogotchis for adults!” exclaimed one phones for Internet access. The screens
participant. Whether because of hardware lim- are too tiny for using the Internet, and
itations, clumsy user interfaces, slow or spotty the connection is too slow. Keying char-
connections, poorly designed services, or lim- acters in is not that difficult, but I can-
ited trust in these services, users perceived not type fast.Three lines seem to be the
many of the new mobile services as inferior maximum one can do at a time.
substitutes for similar wired Internet services
or immature offerings that provided little or no It’s kind of strange to use a cell phone
value to them: for Internet access. I’ve gotten used to
using the PC for Internet access. I have
Games are great; that is, if you want to a big color screen and other features
run down your battery! too.
We have GPS [global positioning sys- A few people pointed out that more com-
tem] in our car, but it doesn’t feel useful munication does not necessarily mean better
at all. communication and that the ease of communi-
A couple of weeks ago when I picked cating with mobile technologies may have in-
up my parents from the airport, I or- creased the quantity of communication but, at
dered an SMS service that delivered the same time, decreased its quality:
flight information to my phone. I guess Compared to the time of letters and
the service worked, but the information telegraphs, cell phones facilitate more
that the flight was three hours late be-
communication. However, compared to
came known only 15 minutes before
a fixed-line phone, the content of the
the scheduled arrival time at the airport.
communication has become trivial.
There is a lot of advertising on these With a stationary phone, I would pre-
new SMS-based services. But how can pare myself mentally and call in a quiet
you remember how to get these servic- environment, but with a cell phone, I
es to work? You have to remember a end up calling without giving any
bunch of phone numbers, you have to thought.
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My kids are connected too. At a recent understand the possibilities and constraints of
school event, four out of six students mobile technology. The user–technology rela-
and two out of four adults were all talk- tionship is seen as a partnership.
ing on the phone. I wonder how crucial The particular coping mechanism that a
these talks could have been. user cultivates is a personal matter, but we sug-
gest that device manufacturers and service pro-
Designs that Support Individual Coping
viders can design products and services that
better assist users with balancing technology
designs that Mechanisms paradoxes and thus also help them with devel-
align well with Better management of the resulting tension in oping more effective coping strategies. Users
users’ personal the user–technology relationship emerges as a who are comfortably and confidently coping
key challenge in designing mobile solutions. with technology are happier and, usually, bet-
coping When users are regularly confronted with the ter customers. In other words, users who deal
strategies will different manifestations of technology para- better with technology paradoxes will engage
be more doxes (as described previously) it impacts more productively with mobile solutions and
them not just on a functional level but also are more likely to develop more positive part-
successful than emotionally. When the technology works ac- nerships with mobile technology. Those cus-
designs that cording to expectations, or beyond, users feel tomers are also more likely to increase usage,
bank on the joyous, delighted, and empowered and experi- upgrade device models, try out new services,
ence a sense of belonging as they build social and generally spend more money on mobile
latest bells
and professional relations. On the other hand, technology.
and whistles. when it doesn’t, they feel angry, frustrated, Table 1 indicates possible directions for de-
fearful, stressed, lonely, and depressed. sign solutions that can help bridge the main
As a result, and in order to maintain emo- technology paradoxes and, thus, contribute to
tional poise, users develop mechanisms to better supporting the various coping mecha-
cope with technology paradoxes. As indicated nisms users adopt. Although the development
in Figure 1, we identify a number of particular of detailed specifications for design solutions
coping mechanisms that can be broadly classi- for both device technology and service applica-
fied into two categories: avoidance and con- tions is beyond the scope of this article, we ar-
frontative coping strategies (Holahan and gue that it is important to make systems
Moos, 1987). The former refers to user strate-
available that put the user in control — systems
gies that try to minimize interaction with the
that are easier to grasp and easier to manage.
technology. Choosing to ignore, neglect, sus-
System designs that align well with users’
pend, distance, or (in the extreme) abandon
personal coping strategies will be more suc-
technology use are examples of avoidance
cessful than designs that bank on the latest
strategies. Avoidance may be selective in terms
bells and whistles. This means different levels
of people, services, situations, and personal
of capabilities and technical sophistication
state of mind. Not calling people or not bother-
should be developed for different consumer
ing with trying to figure out how to set up a
new data service, for example, are common groups. For example, seniors may prefer sim-
ways for users to deal with technology. Avoid- ple solutions and may be willing to pay for ex-
ance is a typical reaction when technology ap- tra services and accessories that help them do
pears confusing or unreasonably demanding away with small screens and keypads and com-
and occurs especially in situations where users plicated user interfaces.
are under stress or pressure. The increasing Users are happy when their mobile devices
ubiquity of mobile communication contributes act like reliable allies that don’t miss important
to user overload; that is, information and com- communications, don’t reveal private informa-
munication overload. tion, improve their professional and social per-
Other users, however, take a different route formance, protect them from unwanted
and confront technology when it behaves un- requests, and provide them with joy, comfort,
expectedly. Confrontative coping strategies de- and security. Today’s available technology can
scribe user actions (and reactions) that aim at deliver those things only partially. When tech-
understanding and accommodating technolo- nology does the opposite of what is expected,
gy. These types of users spend effort learning the ally turns into an enemy and users are
how to use features and services and are will- forced to renegotiate the relationship with
ing to adjust their expectations as they better their mobile partners.
F A L L 2 0 0 5

TABLE 1 System Design Options for Balancing Technology Paradoxes

Technology Paradoxes System Design Needs Possible Design Features

Empowerment/Enslavement Presence management Prioritizing messages

Filtering messages
Indicating availability status
Independence/Dependence Presence management Summarizing usage information
Categorizing usage information
Presenting behavioral information

Fulfills needs/Creates needs Change management Managing software upgrades

Managing service changes
Aiding system installation

Competence/Incompetence Simplification, customization Streamlining services

Reducing complexity
Differentiating device and service options
Personalizing system configurations

Planning/Improvisation Collaboration support Synchronizing clock and event time

Managing updates
Sharing information

Engaging/Disengaging Context awareness Activity-based responses

Relaying context information

Public/Private Role management, location awareness Choosing roles

Sharing location information
Place-sensitive user interfaces

Illusion/Disillusion Context awareness, location awareness Context-sensitive responses

Location-sensitive responses
Personalized interfaces

For system designers, however, these prob- upgrades and avoid unnecessary setups and
lems also offer opportunities to develop solu- system changes.
tions that better suit user needs. Although However, design tradeoffs between privacy
offering better privacy protection and data se- and awareness and between awareness and dis-
curity features is clearly necessary, adding con- turbance have been recognized as fundamental
text awareness is perhaps the most promising in the computer science literature and are un-
direction for helping users better manage their likely to be eliminated (Hudson and Smith,
mobile interactions. This extends to location 1996). Nevertheless, features that increase con-
awareness, role management, and presence text awareness can significantly reduce the gap
management. Location-aware systems would between users’ expectations and actual tech-
adjust their behavior depending on the user’s nology performance in mobile communica-
location. That is, the system could distinguish tion.
between office, home, travel, leisure, and so-
cial contexts and filter and display data and Implications for Organizational and
voice communication and information differ- Industry Practices
ently. Role management allows the user to se- Besides individual user-level concerns, there
lectively act in different roles. For example, are also significant implications to practice at
family and work roles could be assumed at dif- the organizational and the industry level. From
ferent times, implying different prioritizations a technology management point of view, orga-
for message management. Presence manage- nizations must consider several important is-
ment allows users to set different availability sues when adopting mobile technology. Mobile
levels to different people, signaling different technology, often acquired by employees who
communication levels depending on users’ bring their own devices to work, has contribut-
present situation and pursuit. Better change ed to a blurring of the boundaries between
management needs to be provided to help work and leisure. At times, this allows manage-
customers navigate through needed service ment to push for increased work productivity
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from their staff, but this is often achieved at the with short-range mobile communication chips,
cost of higher stress levels and lower employee which are typically embedded in the badges
satisfaction. Clearer rules that separate work that registered attendees wear in the meeting
from family activities and establish reasonable space, to provide ad hoc network support to
organizational communication protocols are the conference participants.
needed. Such rules could be encoded formally In terms of industry trends, it is clear that

F irms that
by businesses as technology usage policies.
They could also be developed informally as
growth rates for voice communication are
slowing as more and more markets reach satu-
are able to part of organizational culture. ration. Rates for phone calls continue to go
provide highly When companies choose mobile solutions, down and there are obvious limitations to how
it is crucial to consider cross-platform interop- much more people can talk on the phone.
differentiated erability and upgrade compatibility, especially Hence, mobile data services, including media
service because mobile systems are increasingly de- and entertainment services, offer the greatest
solutions to ployed off premises where they need to inter- business potential for service providers. This
act with external technology. Proliferation of explains the continuing investments in 3G net-
different devices, application services, and vendors cre- works and 3G-enabled devices. Whereas data
customers are ates numerous implementation possibilities sales in the United States still lag behind Asia
positioned to but also uncertainties about the long-term sta- and Europe, spending on data services has
bility and viability of particular technology con- been growing swiftly and is expected to be-
extract extra figurations. Data security is another issue that come the main source for revenue and profits
profits from needs to be addressed, because large amounts for telecom operators by the end of the de-
the of sensitive data are transmitted over wireless cade. It is hard to anticipate what services con-
networks. sumers will be willing to pay for, but a big
marketplace. Regarding mobile service and commerce advantage for telecom operators is that they
providers, several interesting business oppor- have long-standing accounting and billing rela-
tunities should be explored. Location-based tionships with their customers, who have gen-
services using the global positioning system erally accepted the payment of a substantial fee
(GPS) to determine the exact position of mo- for mobile services every month. Although mo-
bile users offer an entirely new way of interact- bile shopping turns out to be difficult in gener-
ing with customers. For example, a coffee shop al, there are also a number of unanticipated
chain could lead its customers to the nearest mobile commerce successes.
branch outlet when they feel a need for a cap- When location, time, or mobility really mat-
puccino or a latté. If companies succeed in pro- ters, consumers are willing to order and pay for
viding products and services just in time, when mobile services. This includes mobile betting
the need arises as consumers move around (in some places) and downloading ringtones
places, they may be able not just to attract new and ringbacks, a business that has already sur-
business but also to charge premium prices for passed selling digital music downloads over the
providing the pleasures of instant gratification. Internet. Once again, to really entice consum-
Underserved customer groups are another ers to embrace mobile commerce, service pro-
area that could provide profitable business. viders will need to offer a more balanced user
This includes services that are tailored for se- experience. Tools for better managing technol-
niors, teenagers, minorities, homemakers, and ogy paradoxes will be an essential component
other people with specific interests and needs. of future mobile technology solutions.
Firms that are able to provide highly differenti-
ated service solutions to different customers
are positioned to extract extra profits from the CONCLUSION
marketplace. New service innovations such as Technology paradoxes are an intrinsic part of
ad hoc wireless community support are also the user experience. Because users engage in
expected to become viable business opportu- closer and more personal relationships with
nities. Supporting professional meetings — for mobile technology than with other forms of IT,
example, with mobile technology that lets at- they feel the impact of paradoxical technology
tendees who may have never met communi- behavior more strongly. Currently available mo-
cate and — coordinate with each other and the bile technology solutions offer only limited as-
organizers could indeed be profitable, because sistance for balancing paradoxes when they
there is a captive audience that already pays occur.
substantial registration fees. In fact, some tech- Although our empirical analysis was largely
nology conferences are already experimenting based on data collected in 2001, we believe the
F A L L 2 0 0 5

paradoxes that we derived, and their implica- Holahan, C.J. and R.H. Moos (1987). Personal and
tions, have remained remarkably stable over Contextual Determinants of Coping Strategies,
the years. Technology writer David Pogue, for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
example, in his recent product reviews of state- 52(5): 946–955.
Hudson, S.E. and I. Smith (1996). Techniques for
of-the-art mobile phones (Pogue, 2005a) and
Addressing Fundamental Privacy and Disruption
palmtops (Pogue, 2005b), corroborates this Tradeoffs in Awareness Support Systems, in
view. Users develop their own coping strategies Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer
to deal with conflict situations caused by tech- Supported Cooperative Work, Cambridge MA,
nology.The results of these ad hoc strategies are 1996: 248–257.
mixed, however. We believe technology de- Jarvenpaa, S.L., K.R. Lang, Y. Takeda, and V.K.
signers need to address the paradoxes their so- Tuunainen (2003). Mobile Commerce at
lutions create and better integrate technology Crossroads, Communications of the ACM,
affordances and user cognition. 46(12): 41–44.
This article offers initial steps in that direc- Jarvenpaa, S.L., K.R. Lang, and V.K. Tuunainen
(2005). Friend or Foe? The Ambivalent
tion, but more research is clearly needed to de-
Relationship between Mobile Technology and its
velop mobile solutions that allow users to Users, in Designing Ubiquitous Information
effortlessly garner the benefits that technology Environments: Socio-technical Issues and
produces, without succumbing to the detri- Challenges, Carsten Sorensen, Younjin Yoo, Kalle
mental side effects that also occur. Studies that Lyytinen, and Janice I. DeGross (eds.), Springer
examine the impact of particular design fea- Science and Business Media, Boston, MA: 29–42.
tures on the effectiveness of user coping strat- Jones, Q., S.A. Grandhi, L. Terveen, and S. Whittaker
egies could contribute to this endeavor. In (2004). People-to-People-to-Geographical
general, linking people to people who have Places: The P3 Framework for Location-Based
Community Systems, Computer Supported
come together to a particular place and sup-
Cooperative Work, 13: 249–282.
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