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Libya: The Zionist Dragon and

the Drums of War

by Jonathan Azaziah
Friday, March 25, 2011 

The Zionist Dragon; seen here,

looking to feast on Lebanon.
It now seeks to destroy Libya.

It’s happening all over again. Do you hear them? You must be able to.
The deaf, those incapable of hearing the sounds of serenity and
calamity since birth, could hear them due to their almost wretched
loudness. What? What you ask? The drums of war of course. And the
drummers are composing their iniquitous cacophony from the same
locations that they always do. Tel Aviv. Washington D.C. London, the
City of London to be most precise. The audience for their bloodthirsty
melody this time around? Libya. Their previous audiences included the
ravaged nation of Afghanistan and the devastated nation of Iraq.

War, classically defined, is a state of armed, hostile conflict between

nations. But the war of the drummers is different. Their war, in their
minds, is waged on children of a lesser God. Women of a lesser state of
being. Men of a lesser right. Their war is mass murder of unarmed
innocents, occupation, theft of land and resources, desecration and
dehumanization. Their war is genocide. These drummers sometimes
appear to be of an otherworldly nature; vampires from movies
produced in the dregs of the morally destructive institution known as
Hollywood. Their aim is to remain. Remain as the sole holders of the
globe; the lone controllers; the only existing cabal of masters and
elders, who will govern masses of cattle.

20 years of sanctions, occupation and decimation of land, water and

natural resources in the shell of a nation known as Iraq left the people,
the steadfast and courageous Iraqis, intimate with the inner workings
of the drummers and their compositions of mayhem. Add another 10
years to the equation, and the resolute and brave people of Afghanistan
could also write essays on the murderous music known as American
interventionism. In both cases, the dismemberment of their societies
came under the guise of “humanitarianism.” The bullets came wrapped
in heroic garb. The missiles and bombs were packaged with false
sympathy for the oppressed. The rapes were for liberation. The
murders were for freedom. Libyans beware; the drummers want to
make your nation their next humanitarian adventure.

Incumbent Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi overthrew King Idris, a

monarchical stooge for the Zionist-occupied US war machine and Italy,
seeker of re-colonization of Libya in one form or another, in 1969. It
was Qaddafi who removed the American military bases from Libya and
it was Qaddafi who consistently supported the struggle to reclaim
occupied Palestine from the Zionist entity and its ruthless operators (1).
Qaddafi’s process of abandoning his revolutionary ideals and selling
out to the Zionist entity and its arrogant Western friends in the last
decade did not remove these facts from the minds of his new and
uneasy allies. Israel wanted revenge. Using the Libyan people as the
sacrificial lambs and the wave of protests sweeping the Arab world as
the cover, the plot was hatched to remove the 42-year ruler of Libya.
The Zionist dragon was deployed into the frame. And the music of
Zionism’s chaos began to play.

The false flags against Libya

were exclusively
produced by Mossad.

A Short History: Operation Trojan, Lockerbie and Abu Salim

During the beginnings of the presidency of war criminal Ronald Regan,

the Zionist media vociferously promoted what would become a long-
running propaganda piece about a Libyan hit squad operating in the
United States. This hit squad’s mission was to assassinate Ronald
Regan. The source of the story was Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former
agent of the overthrown Shah of Iran’s secret police, SAVAK. SAVAK,
the notorious apparatus known for its brutal torture techniques,
learned everything from Mossad and Ghorbanifar himself had deep-
rooted personal ties to the Mossad, the world’s leader in false flag
terrorism. The purpose of this hit squad story was to drum up support
from the American populace for a strike on Libya (2).
This particular false flag vis-a-vis Ghorbanifar didn’t accomplish the
mission to the degree that the Zionist entity designed it to. The
illegitimate Israeli state subsequently turned up the heat and put
Operation Trojan into motion. The Trojan is an Israeli communications
device used by Mossad’s psychological warfare squad, LAP (LohAma
Psicologit), as a relay station for misleading intelligence reports
emanating from Israeli navy ships in the region. The Trojan is to be
planted in nations resisting the Zionist Power Configuration, or in
Israeli intel terminology, “hostile environments,” at targets where
official state business is conducted, like an embassy. These false reports
were to be picked up by states allied with Israel on separate
frequencies, wherein the information would be confirmed by Mossad.
Little do the ally states know, the reports themselves are being created
by Israel.

Operation Trojan was a success as the device was planted in the heart
of Libya’s capital, Tripoli, and the American government began
retrieving numerous messages from the Trojan and processing
intelligence proofs that Libya was closely linked with the planning and
execution of terrorism. The chiefs of Mossad were exceedingly pleased
(3). On April 5th, 1986, the final stages of Operation Trojan came to
fruition when a disco club in Berlin was bombed, leaving two American
soldiers and a Turkish woman dead, in addition to the severe wounding
of 229 others (4). A heinous false flag blamed on Libya, the 1986
bombing of the La Belle disco was an extensive Mossad operation
which was carried out with assistance from its allies in the CIA (5). This
event led to the US military’s Operation El Dorado Canyon on April 15,
1986. This murderous violation of Libya’s sovereignty left dozens of
Libyan civilians dead, including Muammar Qaddafi’s 15-month old
adopted daughter (6).

The murder of Qaddafi’s daughter and so many other innocent Libyans

was designed to boost Mossad’s image in the international intelligence
community and display to the Arab/Islamic world that the United
States stood with the Zionist entity (7), or more accurately, that the
USA stood wherever the Zionist entity told it to stand. Colonel Qaddafi
was acutely aware of the deception that led to the murder of his child
and the arrogance of the powers attempting to break him and the
Libyan nation. Qaddafi didn’t budge and his Resistance didn’t end. The
illegitimate Israeli state then kicked its next plot into high gear: the
destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21, 1988, better known
as the Lockerbie bombing. 270 people died in the attack (8).

Abdelbaset Mohmed
Ali al-Megrahi: Framed
by Mossad.

Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence
officer, was sentenced to 27 years in the Scottish Greenock prison for
the mass murder. Al-Megrahi was innocent. Completely innocent.
There wasn’t a drop of evidence against him; concrete or otherwise. His
arrest and imprisonment were horrific and deliberate miscarriages of
justice that robbed his wife and five children of decades with him (9).
Miscarriages perpetuated by a conspiratorial charade enforced
incessantly by the Zionist media. Additionally, his conviction deflected
the public’s attention from the actual purveyors of the crime on
December 21st and the reasons for its execution, most obviously the
continued demonization of Qaddafi and Libya (10).
The Lockerbie bombing was carried out with a suitcase bomb, a known
signature of Mossad, which has used this explosive weapon in its false
flag operations in Kenya, numerous villages and cities in occupied
Palestine, Beirut, Dubai, London, Houston and India (11). The
Lockerbie bombing was yet another Israeli ‘dirty trick’ used against
Zionism’s eternal Arab/Muslim enemy for furtherance of the anti-
Islam agenda gripping the world on a daily basis via mass media
institutions owned by Zionist extremists.

It has been linked to Abu Nidal, the infamous “Palestinian terrorist”

who has been outed as a Mossad agent. Mere hours after the crash,
Mossad’s LAP unit unleashed psychological warfare on all international
media hotlines, conveying to Israel’s stooges that Libya was behind the
bombing, telling them that there wasn’t even the faintest doubt about
it. Mossad agents were in Lockerbie, Scotland the day after the atrocity
to remove evidence from the scene. The piece of evidence? A suitcase of
course. The head of Pan Am’s security at the time of the bombing was
Isaac Yeffet, former chief of security at the illegitimate Zionist entity’s
airline El Al (12). El Al is known for being a front for Mossad’s most
intricate sabotage operations (13).

Not only did the Zionist media’s version of the events behind the
Lockerbie bombing bury Mossad’s involvement beneath a mountain of
lies, it also buried the CIA’s. Aboard Pan Am 103 were massive
amounts of CIA-smuggled heroin and agents from CIA and DIA who
were doing the smuggling (14). Mossad’s suitcase bomb eliminated
them and protected its terrorism partner’s interests in the global
narcotics market.

Finally, Lockerbie served one more purpose of the Mossad, a purpose

with geopolitical implications that quite literally changed the world: the
9/11 false flag attack carried out by Israeli intelligence and its corrosive
network of sayanim. Lockerbie was a major LAP psychological warfare
operation, embedding the idea of “Arabs hijacking planes and blowing
them up out of hatred for the West” into the minds of millions of
Westerners, Americans specifically. When the remote-controlled planes
of Dov Zakheim’s SPC struck the Twin Towers, Americans (and the rest
of the world for that matter) remembered Lockerbie and didn’t bat an
eyelash when the Zionist media told them 19 Arab hijackers just struck
the USA. They were oblivious to the names of Silverstein, Lauder,
Lowy, Eisenberg and Harel, 9/11's primary criminals (15).

With al-Megrahi indicted and the world’s attention focused on Qaddafi

for the malevolence of the Lockerbie bombing, the Zionist entity
rejoiced over another successful operation. In the first quarter of 1992,
right on schedule, the criminal UN imposed crippling sanctions on the
nation of Libya for the attack. The sanctions would demolish Libya’s
oil-refining capabilities, prevent Libyans from traveling for over a
decade and cut them off from their relatives in the United States (16).
The UN didn’t lift these sanctions until 2003, while the US didn’t lift its
sanctions on Libya until 2004. It is here where Qaddafi reluctantly sold
out the interests of his people to the Western nations he despised.

HRW, funded by Soros,

covers up Israel's massacres,
and generates "genocides"
to further the Zionist

In 1996, a curious event formally labeled by the Zionist media as the
“Abu Salim Prison Massacre” occurred. An event lambasted by “human
rights” organizations, this event served as as furtherance of the
worldwide anti-Qaddafi agenda put in place by Mossad and its LAP,
giving credence to the criminal sanctions slapped on Libya by the US
and the UN. Despite its own admission that the reports of Libyans
slaughtered at Abu Salim Prison in June 1996 were unverifiable and
scarce, the world-renowned Human Rights Watch maintained that
1,200 people were murdered (17). Human Rights Watch is the same
US-backed NGO that concocted the grossly false story about the
gassing of Iraqi Kurds in Halabja to give legitimacy to the Zionist-
instigated invasion of Iraq two decades ago, and continued to serve as
an excellent tool to create support for the Zionist coalition’s invasion of
Iraq 8 years ago. Intelligence reports have debunked the “Halabja
Massacre” as nothing but pure wartime propaganda (18).

The false story about Abu Salim Prison has been used by leftists
everywhere to justify the “revolution” taking place in Libya. It is
pathetic that they have inadvertently fallen into the Zionist trap of
playing the drums of war for an invasion. Human Rights Watch is
being bankrolled, to the tune of $100 million, by none other than
internationalist Zionist war criminal, George Soros (19), who also
heavily funds J Street, a pro-occupation, pro-war, pro-ethnic cleansing
Zionist Lobby group masquerading as a bunch of peace-seekers (20).

It is by no means a coincidence that Soros, the corrosive billionaire who

is responsible for insider trading in France, bankrupting the Bank of
England and waging financial war against Malaysia (21), pulled out his
oil investments from Libya a mere 3 months prior to the unrest (22),
and now the human rights wing of his empire is leading the assault
against Qaddafi (23). Soros is also responsible for infiltrating the
Egyptian Revolution and using his proxies to draft the new constitution
which will enslave the African nation with an enslavement far worse
than Mubarak (24). For the people of Libya and Egypt, the Zionist
dragon has just begun to torch your existence.
Qaddafi at the UN;
blasting Israel for
assassinating JFK (rip).

The Origin Points

As soon as the sanctions against Qaddafi were lifted by all Western

powers in 2003-2004, “pro-democracy” groups were established inside
Libya by various programs within the US State Department as a means
to keep an eye on its newest ally. These groups were to be activated for
the purpose of regime change if Qaddafi ever stepped out of line, under
the guise of an uprising or a people’s revolution.

Qaddafi’s first mistake in the eyes of the Zionist dragon came in

September 2009 when he delivered a speech to the United Nations and
struck a nerve that few have struck, “The whole world should know that
Kennedy wanted to investigate the nuclear reactor of the Israeli demon
(25).” The Zionist entity’s Kidon hit squad, an elite unit of Mossad, in
collusion with the CIA and elements of the Meyer Lansky crime
organization, assassinated John F. Kennedy for several reasons.
Kennedy’s silent war with al-Nakba architect David Ben-Gurion over
Israel’s nuclear program is at the top of the list (26). Israel does not like
anyone, especially a leader as prominent as Qaddafi, making mention
of it.

Qaddafi’s second slip-up was the Libyan humanitarian aid convoy

headed by one of his sons that cracked the illegal, internationally
condemned siege against the Palestinian people of Gaza in July 2010.
The aid ship, “al-Amal,” was loaded with 2,000 tons of food, cooking
oil, medicines and pre-fabricated houses. The Israeli navy harassed the
ship and threatened the passengers on board with a forceful takeover
(27). The Zionist entity has shown the world the lengths it will go to
regarding its preservation of starving Gaza to death. 9 murdered
activists on the Freedom Flotilla in international waters tell the story of
the lengths in gruesome detail (28).

Qaddafi called on
the Palestinian people
to revolt against their
Zionist occupiers.

Just four days before the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya, Colonel
Muammar Qaddafi engaged in his third and final mishap, triggering
the Zionist dragon’s drums of war. In the wake of the uprisings in
Tunisia and Egypt which disposed dictators Zayn al-Abidin Ben Ali and
Hosni Mubarak, two of Qaddafi’s friends ironically enough, the Libyan
leader called on Palestinians to revolt against their Israeli occupier. He
called on Palestinians to amass from all over the world, coming to the
shores of occupied Palestine by boat, to call on Zionism to give into the
hands of the oppressed Arab people or face revolution (29).

Keeping Palestinians demoralized and subjugated is the chief weapon

used by the Zionist regime in its 63-year occupation of the Holy Land.
It is why it keeps collaborationist stooges like Abbas and Fayyad in
place, to lead Palestinians down a perpetual road of servitude to
Zionism. It considers any call for Palestinians to rise up for their
dignity an existential threat. Qaddafi’s call to the people of occupied
Palestine may have been an honorable one, but to the Zionist dragon, it
was an act of war.

The Zionist-founded,
Zionist-controlled NED
is as subversive as
the CIA.

Controlled Opposition: Zionism 101

It was the mass murderer of tens of millions of Russian Christians, and

leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, who said “The best way to
control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” It should come as to no
surprise to anyone that the Zionists who identify themselves as neo-
conservative, all of whom are admitted ex-Leninists and ex-Trotskyists
(30), are the leaders behind implanting “pro-democracy” groups
throughout the MENA to control opposition to global Zionist
hegemony. The board of directors at the National Endowment For
Democracy (NED), the leader of the “pro-democracy” project in Libya
(31), as well as the notorious globalist institution Freedom House (32),
are comprised almost entirely of neo-cons.

The foundation of NED was built between 1982-1984 at the behest of a

research study headed by staunch Zionist Allen Weinstein, who has
headed a plethora of globalist projects masked by the pursuit of
democracy. Weinstein has authored numerous books in defense of the
Zionist entity’s genocidal operations throughout the Middle East,
including one in particular that stressed the necessity of America’s
commitment to the illegitimate Israeli state (33). Allen Weinstein
publicly admitted in 1991, that the NED’s activities are modeled after
the CIA’s operations, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25
years ago by the CIA.” CIA monies are laundered through the NED
(34), which serves as a perfect cover due to its perceived nature as a
organization championing the cause of democracy.

The current head of NED is Carl Gershman, a ubiquitous globalist

figure and zealous Zionist who has received awards for furthering the
CIA’s agenda in Tibet and who has composed a study entitled “Israel,
the Arabs and the Middle East” defending al-Nakba and all of Israel’s
colonial endeavors (35). Gershman also worked for the most venomous
of all Zionist Lobby organizations, the Israeli intelligence wing known
as the ADL. Gershman is rabidly anti-Muslim and anti-Christian; he
has stated that the Qur’an “vilifies Jews” and that the Christian World
spread the “blood libel.” Additionally, he believes that Arabs and Arab
culture suffer from a “moral sickness” and has gone on record to
chastise any and all people who have associated Mossad with the 9/11
terror attacks as “anti-Semites (36).”

NED is already deeply embedded in the fabric of Egypt, and has reared
its ugly head from the shadows upon the command of Gershman since
the fall of Mubarak (37). With Qaddafi upsetting the Zionist dragon to
the point of rage, Israel-Firster Gershman initiated the activation of the
democratic army. Just three of the NED-funded groups taking part in
the “pro-democracy” protests in Libya are the Akhbar Libya Cultural
Limited (ALCF), Libya Human and Political Development Forum
(LHPDF) and the Transparency Libya Limited (TL). These groups were
funded in the hundreds of thousands by NED (38).

MEPI is an NED-backed
group greatly involved
in the deconstruction
of Libya.

NED’s chief sister organization, the National Democratic Institute
(NDI), headed by Zionist war criminal and butcher of Iraq’s children
Madeline Albright (39), is also deeply involved in the Libyan uprising,
as is a smaller NED-linked group, the Middle East Partnership
Initiative (MEPI). Aswat, an Arabic propaganda hub in Libya, Libya’s
General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International
Cooperation, My Arabic Library (MAL) and Youth Of Today, Leaders
Of Tomorrow are all funded by NDI and MEPI (40). So, an umbrella of
organizations controlled by an anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Arab,
pro-war, pro-Zionist war monger is looking out for the interest of the
Libyan people? Right.

The organizing of the “Feb17 Revolution” in Libya was led by a group

known as the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO).
The NCLO called for mass protests against the Qaddafi regime in a
multi-level manner, inside Libya and abroad, all for the goal of bringing
down the 42-year reign of the Libyan Colonel (41). The NCLO was
formed on June 25, 2005 in London. The main goal of this organization
was to foment the end of Colonel Qaddafi’s revolutionary, political,
military and security powers and to trigger the formation of a
transitional government run by “trustworthy” individuals (42). The
NCLO is comprised of six umbrella groups, with the National Front Of
The Salvation of Libya (NFSL) sitting at the head. A Libyan exile who
resides in London named Ibrahim Sahad is NFSL’s leader (43).

At the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, Sahad and other NFSL and NCLO
members began providing the Zionist media with “first-hand”
information of massacres, human rights abuses, death tolls and other
outlandish accusations that were never independently verified.
Ominously, Sahad made it clear to state in an interview that “Qaddafi
will not survive the protests (44).” The Zionist media has never given
an audience to dissidents from occupied Palestine, occupied Iraq,
occupied Kashmir, occupied Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan or the
Resistance in Lebanon. So why Libyan dissidents? Simple. Because
these particular Libyan dissidents belong to the NFSL, an organization
funded for decades by the CIA and closet-Zionist regime of Saudi
Arabia (45). In fact, whether it’s the American-Zionist puppet Qatar’s
Al-Jazeera or typical Western media outlets like the Zionist-owned BBC
and the New York Times, all reports leave a trail that leads back to the
CIA’s NFSL (46).

Libya's premier
group, is fully
backed by
the CIA.

As aforementioned, one of the NFSL’s goals was to set up a transitional
government to replace the regime of Qaddafi as momentum from the
wave of protests was mounted. On February 27, 2011, 13 days after the
fake Feb17 Revolution began, the National Transitional Council, also
known as the Libyan National Council, was formed (47), in perfect
accordance with the NFSL’s CIA-based agenda. One member of this
transitional council is Mahmoud Jibril, who recently met privately with
Zionist warmonger Hillary Clinton in Paris (48). Jibril also held a
meeting with the Zionist President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy and
spoke by phone with the warmongering British Foreign Secretary,
William Hague (49).
M d Jibril, th
Westerrn dope
groomed to replacee
Qaddafi in
n the neww,
Zionized Libya.

Jibrill, who hea ads the Fooreign Afffairs divisiion of thee Council, was
educated in th he United States, receiving a master’s degree
d annd PHD att
the University
U y of Pittsbu
urgh priorr to teaching there for manyy years.
Jibrill also headed an orrganization called th he Nation nal Econom mic
Deveelopment Board (NE EDB), Lib bya’s largeest think tank,
t formmed in
2009 9 (50). The NEDB was w set up p and adviised by a group
g of
interrnational consulting
c g firms fro
om the US S and UK and is in
partn nership with
w the Lo ondon Sch hool of Eco onomics (51),
( whicch receivess
its largest amo ount of funnding from m none otther than George Soros S (52).
Oncee the “rebeels” secure victory and
a Qadd dafi is overrthrown, Jibril
J is
expeccted to maintain hiis position n at the heead of thiss institutio on of
subseervience tot neolibeeralism. With
W Jibril’s ties alon ne, it invaalidates thhe
Coun ncil’s claim
ms to beinng the solee represenntative of the
t people of Libya a.
It is the
t sole reepresenta ative of Zio
onism in Libya.

The Council
C allmost immmediately called forr a no-fly zone
z overr Libya
(53). No self-rrespectingg person ofo conscien one the righteous
nce, let alo
an peoplee, the sonss of the greeat Omar al-Mukhttar (rip) whow led tw wo
decaddes of Ressistance too Italy’s co
on of theirr nation, who
w are
keenly aware ofo the aimms of foreig gn occupiiers and coolonialistss, would
ever call for a no-fly
n zon
ne over Libya. The same
s miliitary operration thatt
led to
o NATO bombing
b thousandss of innoceents to deeath in Kosovo withh
depleeted uraniium and cluster
c bombs and that
t led to
o the bommbing of
tens of thousands to dea ath in Iraq
q prior to 2003's innvasion. However,
stoogges of Wesstern inteerests mosst certainly would. Could
C anyyone
imaggine Sayyeed Hassan n Nasrallah, Sheikh h Ahmed Yassin
Y (rip
p) or Hugo
Chavvez calling
g for a no--fly zone? Didn’t thiink so.

MI6 worrked with Mossad too

e Qaddafi 15 years ago.
"Al-Qaedda" was used
u in the
false flag

Israel’s War
r: From Subversi
S ion To Ag

Excluuding gam me-changeers like th he assassin nation of JFK

J or thee 9/11 falsse
flag attacks,
a th
he Zionist entity’s Dragon
D Poolicy may beb its mosst prized
operaation. Thrrough an intricate
i w of relationship
web ps woven with
w blood d-
drenched silk, linking itt closely to o its alliess in RAW,, Blackwatter (Xe)
and the
t CIA, Israel has terrorized d the Islam mic Repub blic of Pak kistan
throuugh an un nlimited su upply of patsy
p terro or groups and ordn nance
experrts strateggically scaattered thrrough thee country. The face of the
Draggon Policyy, set up offficially in n 2001 and d constanntly ramm med down
the th
hroat of thhe world’ss masses by b the cab balistic Zioonist med dia, is the
Tehrik-I-Talib ban, which h is reportted as bein ng closelyy linked too the king
of kin
ngs in termms of fakee terror grroups, “All-Qaeda.” Never is it i reported d
that Al-Qaeda
A doesn’t exist
e and never
n has existed (5 54), it is merely
m a
namee used to create
c andd subsequ uently exa acerbate psychologi
p ical
warfaare. In thee case of the
t Tehrik k-I-Taliba an and thee Mossad-RAW
nexuus that runns it, it is only
o linkeed to Al-Qaeda beca ause RAW W agents of o
the Dragon Policy pose as Al-Qaeda to provide their patsies with
weapons and money (55).

Israel attempted to run its Dragon Policy in Libya 5-6 years prior to its
sanguinary beginnings in Pakistan through British intelligence. A
Mossad-MI6 nexus was formed and an “Al-Qaeda” cell was paid
handsomely to assassinate Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte (56). Anas
al-Liby was the leader of this cell. He would be used as a patsy for
Mossad in its 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and
Kenya (57).

Mossad worked with

MI5 for the 7/7
bombings in London.

These operations were part of a long-running Israeli project in which
Mossad would recruit Palestinians to carry out terrorism to provide
justification for escalation of Israeli military operations throughout
occupied Palestine, and extrajudicial revenge policies abroad. The
terrorism would be blamed on “Al-Qaeda.” The Palestinian operation
however, would turn out to be a failure (58). Mossad’s relations with
MI-6 shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Most recently, in the
London bombings of July 7th, 2005, the Zionist’s entity’s Mossad,
notorious Shin Bet-infested Israeli security company ICTS and Britain’s
internal intelligence service MI5 collaborated for a successful false flag
operation (59). It should also come as no surprise then, given the
history, that Qaddafi is accusing “Al-Qaeda” of staging the unrest in
Libya (60). Al-Qaeda in this case, is interchangeable with CIA and

When the Zionist entity’s tactics of subversion via a decade worth of

false flag terrorism and sanctions didn’t achieve the goal of crippling
Qaddafi, it switched its tactics to all out aggression against Libya. With
its allies in the CIA manipulating protests and its patsies forming the
National Transitional Council to create the illusion of the Libyan
people’s representative, the next cog to be turned in the Zionist entity’s
machine was to create the illusion of a humanitarian crisis.

From the onset of the Feb17 Revolution, stories from all ends of the
media spectrum were surfacing about massacres of “unarmed”
protesters at the hands of African mercenaries hired by Qaddafi and his
regime (61). Just as quickly as the stories surfaced, Qaddafi
immediately issued an emphatic denial of his regime hiring anything of
the sort, as did regime officials (62). Oddly enough, the US
government, which had been hawkish towards Libya from the moment
the uprising began, inserted a clause in a February 27th UN Resolution
that would shield these African mercenaries from being prosecuted for
their crimes (63). Many commentators speculated that this was done to
prevent the US itself, notorious for using hunter-killer corporations like
Dyncorp and Xe to carry out mass killings in occupied Iraq and
Afghanistan, from being subsequently prosecuted for the same crimes.

While this speculative theory was certainly plausible and even logical, it
wasn’t congruent with the greater plot at hand. Mercenaries, Xe
(Blackwater) specifically, had been escaping international prosecution
for a literal decade. Why start now? Especially when the world’s
hegemonic powers had a “genocide” stop.
Global CST's mercenaries
are creating chaos in Libya.
Global CST is run by Zionist
General Israel Ziv.

The reason why the US, the Zionist entity’s patron, lap dog and military
enforcer, introduced this clause into the UN resolution, is because the
mercenaries on the ground have been recruited and employed by
Global CST, an Israeli security company with strong links to Mossad,
Shin Bet and Aman tied to war crimes and arms trafficking in Georgia
and several countries in Africa. The director and owner of Global CST,
retired Israeli General Israel Ziv, held a high-level meeting with Aman
chief Aviv Cokhavi, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu (all war criminals) shortly before the Feb17
Revolution to receive approval for the deployment of 50,000
mercenaries into Libya. The mission of this Israeli operation? Fuel civil
war to bring about Western military intervention (64).

The mercenaries were in place and massacres of protesters were

occurring, so the Zionist media took the opportunity presented by the
troubled atmosphere to bolster its usual yellow journalism, stating that
Qaddafi was now bombing civilians in Benghazi on February 22. As one
would expect however, this story was farcical. The story was first
exposed as sheer falsehood by the Russian military (65), and then
astonishingly confirmed by war criminals Admiral Mike Mullen and
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (66). Despite two of the most
powerful militaries in the world confirming that there were no
airstrikes against civilians, the Zionist media continued to report them
as fact.
owitz and Krsitol:
nist extremmists;
desttroyers off Iraq;
invaaders of Libya.

As th
he mercen nary’s masssacres keept flowing g, the Zion nist drago
comp prised of heads
h fromm the Proj
oject for a New Ameerican Cen ntury
(PNAAC) emerg ged from the t shado ows. Its thirst for blood not quenched
by millions
m of dead Iraq qis and Affghans, it now
n wantted Libya to solidifyy
the Zionist
Z enttity’s reveenge againnst Qadda afi once an nd for all. With US,
UK and
a French h special forces
f depployed to Tobruk an nd Bengh hazi a day
after the frauddulent airsstrikes stoories weree run (67),, an organ nization
d the Foreeign Policcy Initiativve (FPI) wrote
w a lettter to Obaama,
pupppet of Zionn, urging an a immed diate full-sscale milittary intervvention too
take out Qadd dafi and “eend the vio olence.” Who
W are th he leaderss of FPI,
you ask?
a PNAC C repacka aged: Wolfowitz, Krristol, Abrrams, Kag gan,
Edelmman and Senor.
S Thhe genociddal maniaccs who deesigned th he ravaginng
and pillaging
p of
o Iraq an nd Afghaniistan. In line
l with FPI’s
F requ
Zioniist hawks Joe Liebeerman and d John McCain
M callled Washiington
m Tel Aviv demandin ng that Obbama arm m the “rebeels (68),” who weree
ady receiviing trainin ng from Western
W Special Op ps.

Obamma followed suit, obbeying thee comman nds of his Zionist masters.
m O
Februuary 28thh, the Unitted Statess passed itts largest set
s of sanctions
ever, freezing $30 billio
on in Libyyan assets and subseequently positioned
p d
its warships right off of the Libyan coast (69). The very next day, Israeli
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon called for a no-fly zone over
Libya to, no, this is not an attempt at comedy, “stop the genocide (70).”
Ayalon of course, did not call for a no-fly zone when the Zionist entity
committed genocide from above in Lebanon in 2006 or in illegally
besieged Gaza in 2008-2009.

A curious event took place on March 6th, as SAS forces led by an MI6
(Mossad’s Dragon Policy partner) officer dropped into Libya armed
with guns, ammunition, explosives and false passports, all to be
delivered to Libyan “rebels.” The Libyans were infuriated by such a
bold move (71). That though, isn’t what invokes the accusation of
curiousness. The Libyan people proposed the idea, that these British
forces were actually Israelis using false British passports, as they did
with Mossad’s assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January 2010
(72). Two scenarios should be noted. Scenario One: this British convoy
really was just simply delivering weapons to the CIA-backed rebels, as
per the West’s policy of backing the anti-Qaddafi opposition from day
one. Scenario Two: this British convoy was a false flag terrorism unit on
a mission to carry out a massive attack on Libyan civilians to hasten a
military intervention. Since they were detained and kicked out, the
mission failed. Due to the gap between Obama’s positioning of
warships coupled with the round of sanctions and the actual invasion,
the latter scenario seems to be the correct one.

Netanyahu and Barak

both want Qaddafi out of
the picture to ravage Libya.
On March 17th, the butcher of Gaza Benjamin Netanyahu stated clearly
that Muammar Qaddafi was not a friend of Israel and not a friend of
the Jewish people, while stating rather ambiguously that he wouldn’t
mind seeing military action implemented in Libya, nor would he mind
seeing Qaddafi removed (73). Coincidentally (not really), also on March
17th, the UN passed its resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya and the
approval of ‘all necessary measures to protect civilians,’ i.e. bombing
Libya incessantly; preparations for a coalition strike began (74).

Zionist war criminal Ehud Barak praised the UN for its decision the
following day, going on the record that Qaddafi would be gone within
weeks and also mentioning that the Arab League (of thugs, dictators,
oil barons and kleptocrats) giving its support was key to invading Libya
(75). Barak’s nauseating diatribes brought back the memory of 9/11.
Just moments after the Towers were struck, Barak was live on the air to
blame Osama Bin Laden and call for an invasion of Afghanistan (76).
Barak played a key role in Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11, overseeing
the operation as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems (EDS), a
Mossad haven partnered with another Mossad-run firm, SCP Partners.
EDS and SCP secured the thermite explosives used to bring down the
Twin Towers from several explosives-expert firms in their business
portfolio (77).

Nearly 10 years after 9/11 and the criminal, genocidal invasion of

Afghanistan, Israel has itself yet another war and its desired revenge on
Qaddafi is imminent.
Obbama has invaded
Libya to secure
srael's oil needs.

ptian Oill Worker

Egyp rs and Th
he 1975 MOU

Referrring back k to the malevolent

m t statemen nt of Vladiimir Leninn
regarrding the creation of o opposittion to loccate and destroy
d rea
oppo osition, the Egyptian Revoluttion makees its returrn to the forefront
f i
the discussion
d n of the Zio
onist draggon’s impeending coonquest in n Libya.
The Egyptian
E Revolutioon is not an
a absolutte truth, nor
n is an ab bsolute
on. It is a combinati
c ion of rea
ality and fa
antasy; th
he Zionist entity’s
way ofo quelling what wa as comingg, what wa t burst and
as bound to
isolatting the catalytic th
hreats to Israeli
I heggemony. The
T atmossphere
leadiing to the “Jan25 Revolution
R n” was a teense one. Several prrotests ha
alreaady been held
h due to the Mub barak regiime stealiing the reccent
parliamentaryy electionss and Musslim-Chrisstian unityy rallies were
gettinng larger in the wak ke of the Mossad
M bombing ofo al-Qiddiissin
Churrch in Alex xandria (778).

A revvolution was
w alread dy a decadde in the making.
m Eg
gyptians began
ng the streeets in pro
otest of Mubarak
M an
nd his cro
onies in 20
during occupied Palestine’s 2nd Intifada. In December 2006, poverty-
stricken workers formed unions and partook in massive strikes. As a
result of the growing revolutionary fire from these strikes, there were
two huge uprisings in 2008, one in Mahalla, and another in Borollos.
Both were crushed by the regime. These anti-Zionist workers and
revolutionaries were aware of the Westernized “reform-seekers” in
their mix. The real protesters? They wanted Mubarak gone. His regime
gone. Ties with the Zionist entity severed and the siege of Gaza lifted.
The elite dismantled and the wealth returned to the people. The reform
seekers wanted to maintain the status quo with little change; only the
illusion of it (79).

Mohamed ElBaradei:
George Soros' puppet
in Egypt.

Unbeknownst to many of these revolutionaries, the reform-seekers that

they kept their eyes on weren’t just Westernized... they were Western-
trained. “Activists” from the April 6 Youth Movement, a group
vociferously promoted by the Zionist media as the face of the Egyptian
Revolution, received their training from the Centre for Applied
Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) and the International
Center For Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), both funded by Zionist
billionaire strongman Peter Ackerman and the face of internationalism,
George Soros. The April 6 Youth Movement also works closely with
Mohamed ElBaradei, a stooge and former board member of the
International Crisis Group, founded by neo-con warmonger Morton I.
Abramowitz and funded by Soros. ElBaradei sat on the board of
International Crisis Group with Ackerman’s wife (80). And these men
want freedom for Egypt? Oh, the trail of smoke left behind by the
Zionist dragon’s fire.

The April 6 Youth Movement also received full backing from the US
Statement department, with helping hands extended by Undersecretary
For Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs James K. Glassman and Jared
Cohen of Hillary Clinton’s Policy Planning Staff. Glassman is a rabid
Zionist who was once a resident fellow at the American Enterprise
Institute, a pro-Israel think tank known for providing talking points to
the US government. The April 6 Youth Movement reveled in these
endorsements (81). Once Mubarak transferred power to a military
junta fully backed by Zionism, it is these puppet activists, these
whitewashed and westernized House Arabs, that told Egyptians to go
home and “work harder than ever before to build a new Egypt” while
real activists remained in Tahrir Square, demanding the collapse of the
regime, planning more strikes in Egypt’s various business sectors and
calling for the end of normalization with Israel (82).

The most important of all of these strikes, is that of the Egyptian oil
workers, who are sick of corruption, slave wages, no unions and most of
all, gas being pumped to to the Zionist entity, which they refuse to ever
do again (83). Israel had raked Egypt over the coals for its precious
resources, forcing the North African Arab nation to lose over 100
billion Egyptian pounds since 2005 alone (84). No gas has been
pumped to Israel since February 13th, with the most recent protest
being held in Suez on March 20th (85). Due to pressure from the
Egyptian people, the military junta have not resumed gas to Israel and
reluctantly have no plans to do so, also because of that pressure. 40% of
Israel’s natural gas comes from Egypt, which the Zionist entity uses to
produce 20% of its electricity (86). Egypt’s natural gas is an important
element needed by the Zionist entity to maintain its 63-year occupation
of Palestine.

George Soros funded

the undermining
of Egypt's real

Due to its proximity to Palestine, and the traitorous Camp David

accords, Egypt’s sale of natural gas to the Zionist dragon was always
practical. But now with a war on the ground between the brave
revolutionaries and workers, champions of Arab dignity, and the Soros-
Ackerman armada of House Arabs, and the Israel-friendly military
junta stuck in the middle and walking a tight rope to appease its
paymasters in Washington D.C. which fund it to the tune of over $1
billion a year, the Zionist entity needed another source. Enter Libya, a
nation with the largest prove oil reserves in all of Africa (87). Coupled
with the Zionist entity’s eternal vendetta against Qaddafi, this made
Libya a prime target for another Israeli victim of balkanization.

On September 1st, 1975, an odious Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU) was signed between the United States of America and the
Zionist entity residing on stolen Palestinian land. This MOU stated the
following, “The United States Government will make every effort to be
fully responsive, within the limits of its resources and Congressional
authorization and appropriation, on an ongoing and long-term basis, to
Israel's military equipment and other defense requirements, to its
energy requirements and to its economic needs.” Also, “If the oil Israel
needs to meet all its normal requirements for domestic consumption is
unavailable for purchase in circumstances where no quantitative
restrictions exist on the ability of the United States to procure oil to
meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will
promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel to meet all of the
aforementioned normal requirements of Israel (88).”

To simplify, whenever the Zionist entity needs oil, as per the 1975
MOU, the United States will answer Israel’s beckoned call and go
secure the oil. As was the case with Iraq, in which Benjamin Netanyahu
bragged of Iraqi oil flowing from Kirkuk to Haifa (89), the war with
Libya is indeed a war for oil. But not oil for America. Oil for the Zionist

The US, UK and France

have invaded Libya
on Purim. It's occupied Iraq
all over again.
Conclusion: Purim and Occupation

On March 19th, 2011, 2 days after Netanyahu’s declarations against

Qaddafi and the UN’s approval of a no-fly zone, another dastardly
crime of epic proportions was committed against humanity. The name
of this crime is Operation Odyssey Dawn, the title for the French-
British-American coalition attack on Libya. It began with 110 cruise
missiles being fired from the sea by the US and the UK and
bombardment from above being provided by France (90). 64 Libyan
civilians were slaughtered and over 150 were wounded (91). Another
genocide in the making. General Petraeus, the slaughterer of Iraqis and
Afghans, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, another slaughterer of
Iraqis and Afghans, think the mass murder of innocents deserves a
good laugh (92).

It is certainly of no coincidence that the war against Libya, a revenge

operation designed by the Zionist entity and instigated by its political
assets, was started on the very same day that Iraq was invaded in 2003.
Several analysts and politicos have made mention of this key point. The
point that is not being mentioned, a point more important than the
former, is that Libya, like Iraq (both inhumane invasions) and Kosovo
before it, was invaded on Purim, the Jewish holiday of vengeance based
on the events in the biblical Book of Esther, commemorating the killing
of Persian Prime Minister Haman, who tried to wipe out the Jewish
people before being wiped out himself. Haman’s descendants are the
Amalekites, and due to decades upon decades of brainwashing from the
global Talmudic rabbinate, many Israelis and American Jews feel that
Arabs and Muslims are the Amalekites (93). It is not a conspiracy
theory, an opinion, a perspective or a supposition that Purim is a
heightened time of conflict in the Middle East. It is a fact (94).

For Purim 2011, the occupied West Bank was placed under siege and
terminals within besieged Gaza were shut down (95). One of the most
gruesome incidents on Purim in occupied Palestine was Purim 2006,
when Palestinian prisoners were stripped naked, beaten, detained and
photographed after IOF tanks shelled a jail of illegally held Palestinians
(96). But, a flashback that digs even deeper is required to fully
understand what is being done to Libya. On March 5th 1991, only five
days after the Highway of Death incident in occupied Iraq, the US
Congress honored a racist, xenophobic, genocidal Chabad Lubavich
rabbi named Menachem Mendel Schneerson, deemed by American
presidents as an achiever of “eminence as a moral leader for this

The killing of non-Jews, the goyim, according to Rabbi Schneerson,

was not only permissible, acceptable and even recommended, but he
considered non-Jews to be a separate species from Jews. This
monstrous man was the spiritual leader for many of the Zionist officials
in the United States government from the first Bush administration
through the second. These Zionist officials were the planners and
executors of the invasions, occupations and genocides of Iraq and
Afghanistan. Were they spilling non-Jewish blood on Purim to appease
their spiritual leader? (97).

Those reading can “do the math,” especially considering that these
same Zionist extremists are the warmongers who have orchestrated the
spilling of blood in Libya today. Murdering Arabs, the Amalekites, on
Purim, has become a sacred Israeli tradition (98), with certain rabbis
going as far as considering Arabs worthy of annihilation for
“obstructing the building of the 3rd Temple (99).” This extremism,
which has claimed the lives of millions of Arabs and Muslims in the
genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan, is never reported on by the Zionist
media. Instead, the American people are given sustenance with fast
mood meals of anti-Islamic rhetoric by the same pro-Israel war
criminals sending their children to die for an illegal occupying entity. It
is high time that they know what the true meaning of Amalek is and
why it is of such esoteric significance to the Zionist controllers.
Cruise missiles fired by
the occupiers into

What began as classic military interventionism has evolved into full

blown occupation. Libya, like Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and
Kashmir, should be referred to as occupied Libya from now on. 2,200
Marines are directly offshore, making preparations to enter Libya
(100). US Forces recently opened fire on Libyan villagers, wounding 6,
including a young boy that needed to have his leg amputated (101). SAS
squads classified as ‘Smash Teams’ are on the ground to aid the
Operation Odyssey Dawn coalition in its incessant bombing of Libyan
territory (102). And as the occupiers mobilize and multiply, the Zionist
media is spreading obscene propaganda, echoing the lies of Iraq pre-
invasion. Zionist puppet David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK,
is already parroting Gulf War-style tripe about Qaddafi using chemical
warfare against the Libyan people (103); SAS forces are ready to seize
the “mustard gas of the dictator” according to his government (104).
The occupiers have already stated that there is ‘no timeline’ for the end
of Odyssey Dawn (105).
An Iraqi child badly
deformed by depleted
uranium. This is what is
in store for the
children of Libya.

The Zionist media is spreading its lies about the non-existent chemical
weaponry of Muammar Qaddafi for a very specific reason: because the
Zionist entity’s American enforcer and its allies are using chemical
weapons on the Libyan people. 45 2,000 pound depleted uranium
bombs have been dropped on Libya (106). As the confirmed civilian
casualties rise to 100 (107), the nightmare starts anew. Birth defects,
cancers and fetal damage from radiation among innocent Iraqis in
Mosul, Basra, Fallujah and Samarra and Baghdad after US, Israeli and
British depleted uranium in occupied Iraq (108). Contaminated blood,
birth defects and cancer among young Albanians after 11 tons of NATO
depleted uranium in tiny Kosovo (109). Birth defects, incomplete
hearts and brain malformations in the children of illegally besieged
Gaza after Israel’s depleted uranium during Operation Cast Lead (110).
Birth defects, deformities, leukemia and esophageal cancer in Afghan
children after US and NATO depleted uranium in occupied Afghanistan
Pain. Suffering. More pain. More suffering. This is what Zionism and
all of its allies bring to the indigenous peoples of the world, specifically
the Middle East. It is sad, abysmally tragic and flat-out despicable that
so many “activists,” “truth-seekers” and “journalists” have cheered on
this occupation and incoming genocide of the Libyan people in an
emotive, thoughtless manner, forgetting the lessons of the past.

Obama serves
Zionism. Period.

They were nowhere to be found when the US incinerated children in

Iraq and Israel’s DU-tipped car bombs triggered hell on Iraqi streets
from north to south. They were nowhere to be found when NATO
destroyed Kosovo. They were nowhere to be found when the US and
NATO massacred Afghanistan. They were definitely nowhere to be
found when the Zionist entity rained hellfire on the innocent men,
women and children of Lebanon and Gaza. They were nowhere to be
found when US predator drones turned Pakistanis into dust matter.
But now, they are on the front lines, cheering on Obama’s war, a
criminal that the Zionist political machine of Chicago, rooted in
gangsterism, considers the “first Jewish president (112).”

The Zionist dragon has breathed its fire on one nation after another
since it came into being almost 64 years ago. The blood of the
Amalakites is what it needs to survive, and the innocents inflicted by
Israeli-created genocides mentioned in the previous paragraph are
obviously, not enough. It is up to the people of conscience to seek out
the drummers of war and eradicate them ideologically, rendering them
irrelevant and placing the defense of the indigenous above all.
Muammar Qaddafi has a special place on the Zionist regime’s hitlist,
and it doesn’t care how many Libyans will die a brutal depleted
uranium-touched death to accomplish its goal of overthrowing and
burying him. Mahmoud Jibril, the Western stooge discussed earlier,
has already been tapped by the Zionist Power Configuration as the
“interim Prime Minister of Libya,” i.e. Qaddafi’s replacement (113).

The real message of the

Libyan people: NO

To the vast majority of Libyans, who are not on the CIA payroll,
whether you stand with Qaddafi or have issues with him, it is clear that
you absolutely, positively, want nothing to do with the occupiers who
are in the beginning stages of destroying your country. It is now up to
you to fight back. It is up to you to cure this cancer. The traitors among
you have made their decision to ally themselves with the butchers and
bombers who have carved up the ancestral Arab and Muslim
homelands like firewood on a chopping block. It is up to you to form a
Resistance against all collaborators, all invaders, a model like that of
Hezbollah in Lebanon, to save your nation.

Self-determination is a universal right that belongs to all people. It is

embedded in the spiritual code of society, Islamic, Christian, secular or
otherwise. It cannot be taken away by foreign powers; powers that
never had any jurisdiction over such a right to begin with. Libya will
overcome the siege of the Zionist dragon, no matter how long it may
take, and when its self-determination blossoms, spitfire flowers will
strike back at the powers who attempted to enforce humiliation against

And to those “humanitarians” attacking Muammar Qaddafi, an

enigmatic leader who built Libya from the ground up over 42 years
(114), you should direct your attention to real massacres from US-
backed dictators ignored by the Zionist media like Islam Karimov, the
barbaric 21-year dictator of Uzbekistan who slaughtered 700 of his
citizens in the Andijan Massacre of 2005 (115).

Why are these “humanitarians” unaware of such a killing spree?

Because Uzbekistan is a major torture center for the CIA’s Rendition
program (116), the cornerstone of Zionism’s Orwellian ‘War On Terror.’
These “humanitarians” should remember that war is never the answer
for anything, other than increasing the wealth of the globe holders. And
finally, they should remember the words of late, great revolutionary
Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, whose words when applied to Libya and the
oppressed Arab world have never rang so true, “Liberators do not exist.
The people liberate themselves.” Indeed.

(1) Who Is Muammar Qaddafi? by Antonio Cesar Oliveira, Pravda

(2) US Army Officers – ‘Mossad May Blame Arabs’ by Michael Collins Piper,
American Free Press

(3) The Other Side Of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes The Mossad’s Secret
Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky

(4) 4 Guilty In Fatal 1986 Berlin Disco Bombing Linked To Libya by Steven
Erlanger, The New York Times

(5) CIA, Mossad Links To 1986 Berlin Disco Bombing by World Socialist News Site

(6) Gaddafi’s Turbulent US Relations by Rob Reynolds, Al Jazeera English

(7) Lockerbie Was Mossad “False Flag” Operation by Rehmat’s World

(8) Unanswered Questions: Lockerbie’s Legacy: 270 Dead, No One Behind Bars by
Jerome Taylor, The Independent

(9) The Megrahi I Know by Former Labour MP Tam Dalyell, The Times

(10) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan

Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(11) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(12) Deception Over Lockerbie by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Dissident Voice

(13) S. African Alleges El Al A Mossad Front by Lionel Slier, The Jerusalem Post

(14) Lockerbie Diary – Gadhaffi, Fall Guy For CIA Drug Running by Susan
Lindauer, Veterans Today

(15) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(16) The Israeli Deception That Led To The Bombing Of Pan American Flight 103
Over Lockerbie, Scotland by Richard Curtiss, Media Monitors Network
(17) Libya: June 1996 Killings At Abu Salim Prison by Human Rights Watch

(18) What Do Fallujah And Halabja Have In Common? by Ghali Hassan, Uruk Net

(19) George Soros To Give $100 Million To Human Rights Watch by Human Rights

(20) Billionaire George Soros Revealed As Mystery J Street Donor by Natasha

Mozgovaya, Haaretz

(21) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(22) Libya Kicks Out Western Oil... Just As George Soros Planned by Good Sense

(23) Libya: Benghazi Civilians At Grave Risk by Human Rights Watch

(24) George Soros And Egypt’s New Constitution by Tony Cartalucci, Land

(25) Qaddafi UN Speech: Six Highlights – Or Lowlights? by Mark Sappenfield and

Tracey D. Samuelson, Christian Science Monitor

(26) The Final Judgment: The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy
by Michael Collins Piper

(27) Libyan Ship With Gaza Aid Arrives In Egyptian Port by BBC News

(28) The Reality Of Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(29) UPDATE 1 - Gaddafi Tells Palestinians: Revolt Against Israel by Ali Shuaib
and Salah Sarrar, Reuters

(30) The High Priests Of War by Michael Collins Piper

(31) Board Of Directors by National Endowment For Democracy

(32) About Us: Board Of Trustees by Freedom House

(33) Biography of Dr. Allen Weinstein, Ninth Archivist Of The United States by
National Archives
(34) Rogue State: A Guide To The World’s Only Superpower by William Blum

(35) Meet Our President by National Endowment For Democracy

(36) Democracy And Anti-Semitism: Remarks by Carl Gershman by Anti-

Defamation League

(37) Uncle NED Comes Calling by Phillip Giraldi,

(38) Middle East And North Africa: Libya by National Endowment For Democracy

(39) National Endowment For Democracy by Source Watch

(40) Where We Work: MEPI In Libya by The Middle East Partnership Initiative

(41) Gaddafi Ready For Libya’s “Day Of Rage” by Khaled Mahmoud, Asharq

(42) The National Accord by The National Conference Of The Libyan Opposition

(43) Libyan Opposition Meets To Discuss Ending Gadhafi’s 36-Year Authoritarian

Rule by The Khaleej Times

(44) Gaddafi Will Not Survive The Protests: Sahad by Ali Moore, Australian
Broadcasting Corporation; 300 Protesters Killed In Libya by The Deccan Herald

(45) What Is The National Front For The Salvation Of Libya? by Yoshie Furuhashi,
Red Ant Liberation Army News

(46) Imperial War On Libya by Stephen Lendman, Counter Currents

(47) Anti-Gaddafi Figures Say Form National Council by Mohammed Abbas,


(48) Clinton Meets In Paris With Libyan Rebel Leader by Steven Lee Myers, The
New York Times

(49) France Recognizes Libya Rebels, To Surprise Of EU by Don Melvin and Raf
Casert, Associated Press
(50) Key Figures In Libya’s Rebel Council by David Ritten, BBC News

(51) Establishment Of The National Economic Development Board by United

Nations Public Administration Network; Michigan State’s Libya Ties by Inside
Higher Ed

(52) Hunting For Witches In An Ivory Tower by Danna Harman, Haaretz

(53) Rebel Leader Calls For ‘Immediate Action’ On No-Fly Zone by CNN

(54) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis,

(55) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan

Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(56) MI6 ‘Halted Bid To Arrest Bin Laden’ by Martin Bright, The Guardian

(57) UPI Interview With Hamid Gul by Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI

(58) Mossad Exposed In Phony ‘Palestinian Al-Qaeda’ Caper by Michele Steinberg

and Hussein Askary, Ascertain The Truth

(59) 7/7 Ripple Effect (Documentary) by Muad’Dib also known as John Hill

(60) Gaddafi Blames Al-Qaeda For Revolt by Al Jazeera English

(61) Witnesses Say African Mercenaries Have Been Captured In Libya by France24

(62) Libya: Who Is Propping Up Gaddafi? by Frank Gardner, BBC News; Libya
Denies Use Of Mercenaries by Al Jazeera English

(63) Libya: African Mercenaries ‘Immune From Prosecution For War Crimes’ by
Jon Swaine, The Telegraph

(64) Mercenary Company CST Global And War Criminal Israel Ziv Write To
Voltaire Network by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network; Report: Israel Company
Recruiting Gadhafi Mercenaries by Ma’an News Agency; Israel Provides Henchmen
For Gaddafi by Press TV

(65) “Airstrikes In Libya Did Not Take Place” – Russian Military by Russia Today
(66) DOD News Briefing With Secretary Gates And Adm. Mullen From The
Pentagon March 01, 2011 by U.S. Department of Defense

(67) US, France, Britain Set Up Military Bases In Libya by Press TV

(68) US Neo-Cons Urge Libya Intervention by Jim Lobe, Al Jazeera English

(69) US Moves Warships Closer To Libya, Freezes Assets by Missy Ryan and Ross
Colvin, Reuters

(70) Israeli Minister Favours Libya No-Fly Zone by Yahoo! News

(71) SAS Rounded Up And Booted Out As Libyan Mission Turns To Face by Tim
Shipman and David Williams, The Daily Mail

(72) SAS-Backed Libyan Diplomatic Mission Ends In Humiliation by Martin

Chulov, Mark Tran, Amy Fallon and Polly Curtis, The Guardian

(73) Piers Morgan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- Full
Transcript by CNN

(74) Libya: UN Approves No-Fly Zone As British Troops Prepare For Action by
Robert Winnet, Jon Swaine and Richard Spencer, The Telegraph

(75) Getting Arab Support Over Libya ‘Was Key’ by Katie Cassidy, Sky News

(76) Ehud Barak – Architect Of 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn

(77) How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn, Sabbah Report

(78) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion

(79) Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy by Mark Levine, Al Jazeera English

(80) The Junk Bond “Teflon Guy” Behind Egypt’s Nonviolent Revolution by
Maidhc Ó Cathail, Dissident Voice

(81) Egypt: A Virtual Smoking Gun by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Opinion Maker

(82) #Jan25 The Workers, Middle Class, Military Junta And The Permanent
Revolution by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Arabawy

(83) Egypt: Oil And Gas Workers On Strike by Hossam El-Hamalawy, Monthly

(84) Egypt Loses 100 Billion From Gas Exports To Israel Since 2005 by Middle
East Monitor

(85) Oil Workers Stage Sit-In To Protest Layoffs, Egypt by Al-Ahram Online

(86) ‘Egypt Gas Flow To Israel To Not Resume’ by Press TV

(87) Analysis Briefs by Libya Online

(88) Israel-United States Memorandum Of Understanding (September 1, 1975) by

Jewish Virtual Library

(89) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(90) Libya: US, UK And France Attack Gaddafi Forces by BBC News

(91) Libyans Offer News Graves As Proof Of Civilian Dead by Michael Georgy, Alert

(92) Libya Bombing Joke: Petraeus, Gates ‘Bombshell’ More Than Sarcasm by
Russia Today, Youtube

(93) Amalek Today: To Remember, To Blot Out by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The
Shalom Center

(94) Gaza Fighting Erupts On Purim Holiday by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing

(95) As Israel Celebrates Purim, Palestine Placed Under Siege by IMEMC

(96) Jericho Jail Assault: Purimfest 2006 by Revisionist History

(97) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death
Part 1 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian
(98) War And Politics From A Left Christian Perspective: The Highway of Death
Part 2 by Richard Edmonson, Left Wing Christian

(99) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-

Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman

(100) Obama: No US Forces On The Ground In Libya... Except For Those Guys by
Jim Geraghty, National Review Online

(101) U.S. Rescue Chopper Shoots Six Libyan Villagers As They Welcome Pilots Of
Downed Air Force Jet by The Daily Mail

(102) SAS ‘Smash’ Squads Are On The Ground In Libya To Mark Targets For
Coalition Jets by The Daily Mail

(103) Libya: West Ready To Use Force Against Col Gaddafi Amid Chemical
Weapon Fears by Robert Winnett, James Kirkup, Nick Meo and Bruno Waterfield,
The Telegraph

(104) British Forces Ready To Seize Libyan Mustard Gas Weapons by Robert
Winnett and Holly Watt, Montreal Gazette

(105) No ‘Timeline’ For End Of Libya Operation: US by Yahoo! News

(106) Depleted Uranium: A Strange Way To Protect Libyan Civilians by David

Wilson, Stop The War Coalition

(107) Medvedev To Obama: Avoid Civilian Casualties In Libya by Middle East


(108) Toxic Intervention: Are NATO Forces Poisoning Libya With Depleted
Uranium As They ‘Protect’ Civilians? by Dave Lindorff, This Can’t Be Happening

(109) Death Gifts Of NATO’s Merciful Angel, Serbia by Ljubica Vujadinovic, All

(110) Consequences Of Israeli Weapons Testing In Gaza by Richard Lightbown,


(111) Victims Of Uranium Munitions Used By The US Forces In Afghanistan by

Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan
(112) Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually The ‘First Jewish President’ by
Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz

(113) Libyan Rebels Form ‘Interim Government’ by Al Jazeera English

(114) Farrakhan Warns, Advises Obama On Libya by FCCN, Youtube

(115) ‘700 Dead’ In Uzbek Violence by Mark Oliver, The Guardian

(116) Intelligence Officer Claims CIA Was Complicit In Torture In Uzbekistan by

The Scotland Sunday Herald

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