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by Marty Keeney
by iSharon Warner
Jim McAndrew, Activities Coordinator for McAuley Hall, spoke
Thursday of the progress of the McAuley Dorm Fund, especially
growing success of the' 'Hoagie Hut". This weekend the Human
Now in its second year, the Dorm Fund was born from the com- Development Program is
plaint of "what's there to do?" It originated, said McAndrew, featuring a lecture and workshop
"from theschool'g inability financially to provide activity." on ESP. The guest lecturer, Carol
% To build the treasury of the Dorm Fund, each McAuley resident Liaros, will explain her personal
agrees to release $15 from his dorm deposit fee. This amount is a psychic abilities and will offer tol
slight increase over the $10 requested last year, . those who attend the workshop a i
3 While the students do not make direct decisions on what pur- chancel to develop s their own
chases will be made, the dormitory authorities, said McAndrew try psychic potential. i
to "determine by consensus" what the most popular items are. |Miss Liaros j believes ieach
McAndrew did mention, however, that the students were handed pesonjhas some!psychic sen-
formal preference lists that were used to determine the consensus. sitivity and ESP potential and *
that these? abilities can bej
McAndrew reported that a great majority of students agreed to developed on almost everyone. In gjj
the release of their $15 this year, with ill students consenting to the opposition to Douglas Dean, who §
release and 36 denying it. . : ..^ | H , | g 5gjl a few weeks ago explained whatg
I McAndrew also pointed out that instead of retaining those items ESP j and vpsychicj abilities are, B
purchased from Dorm Fund finances, "we try to sell things back at Miss Liaros will J explain how^
the end of each year." | &JE& fe W fejf EfBR these abilities can and should be
To date, the Dorm Fund has provided its members with two pool developed by ea ch person. |3jR dS
tables and three color televisions. $ 'S^^^m^M mm I jad j She will do j experiments | in i
The dorm fund has, however, itaken on a {new enterprise this telepathy.! clairvoyance.!
year—the McAuley Hoagie Hut. | f i |p? S I precognition - recognizing a
Although the Hoagie Hut did exist last year, it "was a private dream as ^something that will
enterprise" and not under the control of the Dorm Fund. McAndrew happen* in £ the ^future,
pointed out that the advantage of connecting.the "Hut" with the psychometry - the ability to

Dorm Fund is that, in its success, it will continually replenish the

describe a person by the "vibes"
monetary supply. M j j 4 1 $ from a personal possession of
A CONCRETE PARADISE!? When asked about the progress of the "Hut" so far, McAndrew theirs, and oraseeing - the ability
reported that it was "doing good" and expected increased success to see a person's "halo" and from
Thursday October 25th saw the glad they did it. I like it! I with colder weather, j that halo understand their state of
long awaited opening of Mercy- Student- Well if I ever need a This year, the Hoagie Hut boasts a new Ham Sub in addition to mind, physical health, etc. which
hirst's new park J In terms of place to defecate I found it! their regular subs, and hopes to eventually expand to pizzas. It is ' is in Russia a developed science
activity, people and weather the Student- Looks like a roller jointly operated by Bob Aman, Pat Rankin, Tim Theil and Rick by which many illnesses are
opening was a grand success. skating rink somebody planted Daily, with Jim McAndrew as supervisor. diagnosed. |
What this reporter tried to trees in the middle of, I hate it! This weekend lecture workshop
ascertain^ was a deeper Student- It took up until a month won't necessarily make you "The
evaluation of what both students ago? for them to do this, in the
and faculty thought were on the meantime last year we [drove
park itself. Specifically, the cost, around looking for a £ parking
its beauty, or non-beauty, and space, what took them so long?
SPORTY Girl or Guy with Something
Special" or another Kreskin, but
will teach you something about
yourself, your hunches and your
most importantly what the Student- It's nice! That's what
prospects • were for maximum they all say, it makes me sick." F RETURNS
use. The comments and feelings §For sure the new park (95 per Sportyfis a "fictitious" Mercy- me after F wrote to Richard Zurn Recital* Hall land the
dreams. The lecture will be held
Friday evening Nov* 2 at 8 pm in
Drought out were interesting and cent asphalt) i has raised some hurst student who is past years advising him to appoint Spiro Workshop from 10 am to 4 pm
deserved to be shared with the cheers and jeers. When I asked Saturday, Nov. 3 in the Faculty
has been describing the Mercy- Agnew as independent Watergate Lounge of -jPrestoa The Human
whole college community. Here Mr. Darrin and? Sr. Maura hurst of the future! This tjme, prosecutor. That prayer helps me Development Office Is offering a
are some: £ separately how much the park however, he is telling his parents through everyday. Let me recite
cost they both estimated between what the present Mercyhurst is it to you. 0 Divine Quarterback 14.00 instead of the regular $7.00 special rate to Hurst students too,
Mr. Bill Darrin - Architect of the $7,500 and $8,000. A little later I like. in the sky, grant me the wisdom
Park- "The park idea and concept was informed that after con- Dear Mom and Dad, to know that everyone is mine fee. It is hoped that'all of those
was developed i during in- sultation with Dean Garvey, the interested in
enemy and that I can trust no one take advantage of this special low psychic powers will
No one can say it's not in-
tercession last year as a result of price dropped to $5,000. $1,000 teresting here at Mercyhurst U. (even if that means agreeing with
°ur planning course. It is less than what the architect came (I mean college), why just last Kunstler.) Teach me to do things price and develop these powers in
oasicaily temporary? and up with when he verbally listed week some of the "radical" in secret so that my right hand themselves.!
8 0 1 to fit !
Z ? * • students' use just c material and landscaping students came out with an un- knoweth notiwhat my left hand
«w. As the college grows and costs for the park. ! i | derground newspaper (I put doeth (to say nothing of the A Tld of Humor
" « * it will be changed slightly g Whether the park was a good radical in quotes because I heard public). Comfort me when I am
* win remain essentially a park idea or not is now rhetorical. It a faculty member named "Che" afflicted by all and never let me And Some Bits
rjaja in the geographical center teaches us a good lessoa We, as a say tha" our radicals would be target that it is in winning that we Lost and Found: *
ttthecampus.*^. paying student body should be members off the John Birch receive* Amen." Well, Mom and Surviving members of fthej
Dad,£ when the * Dean's un- radical wing of Preston Hall can
?£*»% ! member - I It's a .more aware of how much and Society-at any other school.) I now be found in the Sesler
gemendous addition to the Hurst. what our money is being used for. guess * the I ^underground derground newspaper came out it Apartments. £
JJ2*^students may sit and When we suffer tuition raises newspaper upset the? ad- contained the QPA's of all the if Durvus
**ialize or Just relax. How much every year, it is our money! If we ministration because the Dean editors of the BEACON - both last f&Our Favorite bird. Tricky
«* t gets is up to the students knew a little more ahead of time, decided to: put out a-counter- semester's
QPA's tor
and their estimated
| this semester. | .
Ducky, almost lost his brilliant
sense of humor and ever-constant
*emselves. It's their park. we could voice an objective underground newspaper. The cool/ during his chat with the
**utoy member - Personally *I opinion and have it heard. At any Dean wrote most of it - except for large discrepancy between the enough there was a press, but rapidly relocated
ik^SL the
natural setting rate, the park is here'to stay. the jokes, which came from Bill two.) The Administration paper them/there under his right wing.
A Relieved Quack
JJ^g% hill and stream) to the We'll just nave to wait on Pather Kennedy (who reminds me of a
lime to show us what will be done white Flip Wilson), fg • •* | undercover also had an article done by its Rides Needed:
^nistrattonl member- It's with it? Although the use ofi the I understand the Wimper wrote suggested that the student editors agent. This last piece To Phily or AAd. > vicinity*
park! is limited jjonly ?byf our the paper because he was tired of contact Patty in Baldwin 12S. *j
^auuful and I hope the students were all frustrated? basketball To Syracuse, N.Y., contact Ann
2 " we it more and more. imagination, one jmust jjstill being misunderstood. I know this players jealous because I they in Baldwin 136.
2*i*;ffl was a good idea but wonder whose * limited because the other day he was out hadn't made the team and whose
J*touchmoney was spent for it. imagination got us an asphalt walking his dog Tiger. He was sole athletic ability* was their
For Sale: j
73 750 Trident. Must Sell,
**•*. It's a nice park and I'm park! I talking to Tiger and I happened to capability to .walk on air - a talent Excellent condition. Call after
overhear the • conversation (ac- based on their smoking habits. "f. 3:30 at 899 7918 or 456-1702.
tually it was a soliloquy, Tiger But other tilings have-been
doesn't do anything except knock happening too. Last week we had "Bugle Boy" News: * k
Bette Midler appears
down Nuns and barks at stones - dedication ceremonies for the November* 1V< at the Syria
he would > have committed dog new park on campus. Our college Mosque, in the quaint little town
suicide at Stonehenge.)* anyway, chaplain, "Forgetful Guy" as we Of Pittsburgh-
the Dean said this to Tiger: "The calf him. ran Uhe dedication.
The College Senate meets people around here ^misun- (He's called "forgetful" because Attention Fun Seekers:
No longer must you trudge to
derstand me. Some of them even of his gigantic memory lapses.) "pervert park", In downtown
say I'm not religious. But this is One story has it that he forgot to Erie, for fun and?thrllls. Mer-
^•dfteadau, November 14, at 1 p.m not true. Nobody knows this but in attend his own ordination and cyhurst has kindly provided you
my basement I have a shrine accordingly the Bishop had to with your very own park to be
dedicated to Richard Nixon. ordain him secretly one day later mugged in. Hurry on down I
Your local pervert
in the Zurn Recital Hall.: . Every night before I go to bed I in the basement of St. Patrick's II Someday my prints*will
light a candle in front of the statue come ii

and say a prayer. It's the prayer J, Edgar Hoover

Richard had Billy Graham send (Continued on Page 2)
Returns.| . .
Dear Editor: f
As members of the W.V.A.A. (Women's Varsity ?Athlete
Association) pf Mercyhurst College, we feel a need to respond to

"The Rape of Woman (women) Athletes" printed in the last issue of

Not re Dam HKf(Conti nued from Pa g e

wine cellar in Franklin, Pa. If you

notice, Guy has never been put in
a parish. The reason is that after

the Merciad. Statements made in the article could result in gross his eminence tried sampling the
misinterpretations of the Mercyhurst Athletic program. (Believe it
or not, that does include female athletes!) . |
It's true: women are definitely discriminated against in athletics
and Mercyhurst is no exception. However, it should be understood
that the norm is not necessarily the fairest judgment of an adequate
With basketball season ap- the Thanksgiving Day Parade,
Patrick's wine he became
forgetful - missed his whole next
week's appointments. Ever since
then Guy j has been assigned to
seminars and Mercyhurst
progra m 1 sports or otherwise. * proaching us, your Spiritual sponsored by Mayor Tullio and ANYWAY, Guy asked his good
Dr. Garvey's statement: "...until this year there was no interest Guardians have discovered that his elves is to be held the same friend Father Chuck Roland to
among girls here for sports" is false. Assuming he was quoted M.U.'s basketball team is lacking day. •?! M f :$jg K help with the festivities (Father
accurately, we offer the following as evidence: * ;li| i J something—besides fans, f t ' Roland is the only
j£ Jesse Campbell will * lead the Erie Diocese who always wears priest in the
1. Gary Bukowski's series of essays, written in the 31972-73 " We have players; we've got parade attired in his cheerleading jeans, a moustache, a Kent State
Merciad on the history of Mercyhurst. gave actual scores of balls; we've even got uniforms. uniform and carrying pom-poms jacket and class ring). Chuck's
athletic events in which students from this institution competed. We have a place to play (even with Rene Clark' dribbling job was to throw a firecracker
There must have been an interest prior to 1969. | | t i though it isn't our own). But what alongside in her gym shorts and onto the pavement at an ap-
2. In the Spring of 1971, two female students from Mercyhurst we don't have is a^Fight Song. jersey.J Following them will be propriate time, j Unf ortuiately,
College approached the Dean (Dr. Garvey) to ask for a budget for a After all, Notre Dame has a fight the rest of fthe Lakers and Fr. Chuck's firecracker went off
women's intercollegiate ^volleyball team. At this point we had song; Perm State has a fight song. Lakerettes singing our Fight Song in the crowd. Our eagle eyed
already competed for two years against local schools using a small Southern Cal., 'Michigan State, which goes like this:I& .' * 1
intramural budget. We did not have uniforms. The only male sports $# and Pitt allf have fight songs. Security force, knowing an out-
to this date were tennis and crewfindthey did not ignite the interest ™ To be surig to the tune of *Ben'!. | side agitator when they see one,
What makes these schools so
in a women's intercollegiate team. This to dispel the feeling that different from Mercyhurs t? | (andfne does look a little like
interest in athletic competition for women developed after the Lakers, you need search no more j Tommy the Traveler!) grabbed
initiation of a men's program.*(By the;way, the request was | | To remedy this nasty situation, We have found what you've been the culprit, escorted hime to their
granted). p »& \ is | we, as your Spiritual Guardians, looking for. | | £ office, finger-printed hira,
have decided to bless our mighty We fans who will be always great checked his ID and asked him for
3. Contrast the fact that the women went before the Dean to ask Lakers with their very own fight and true -
permission to begin a team, while the men were approached and song. This song will be sung from his blessing reverent men
recruited for the school to build one. The interest level from this Honoring your uniforms of green these security people. I don't
the Orchard of M.U. and perhaps and blue
point speaks loudly and clearly for itself. throughout the world, r recall the FBI asking for Daniel
Last year it took the institution until December to obtain a coach Slippery Rock will no more poop Berringer's blessing.
On the dawn of fthe first M.U. f on you | '{ I
for the girls intercollegiate basketball team. Then, members of the basketball game we expect The next dayjl went to the
school community had enough gall to ask why we didn't have a Kansas City* will be our goal so editorsf off the underground
everyone to rise up from their j true. I ' I k if $
winning seasoa Be aware too, that the college uses what is beds and assemble in Garvey newspaper! and asked them if
"available" for facilities and coaches for the girls. (Mercyhurst's Park and sing at the top of their REFRAIN: gJR | they wanted < to know who the
gym was used until last year; it is still used for practice. No wonder voices their fight song. The song Boom shaka laka laka, boom administrative undercover agent
we never had a crowd. Where would anyone sit?) One physical will be led by Coach Fox. This shaka laka laka \ '$. M was. They gdid and I Hold them
education teacher coaches all three women's intercollegiate sports will precede a bonfire in the Union Sis cum ba Rah Rah Rah that there 'was this guy on
and also runs the intramural program. In addition, only one sport, Oh Lakers, we love you. campus who looks like an outside
'tennis, has an assistant coach. This requires quite an effort on the $ (The wood for the fire will be agitator*;from Kent State who
unselfishly furnished by Mr. Always willing to fight, * says he's a priest and has agreed
part of Ms. Price. But of course, the college could not recruit a Herring:? ping-pong and pool
coach from outside the institution, an expert in the field, for the Your Spiritual Guardians | to tell all to the administration if
tables, paddles and cue sticks). and Secretary | £ they will only promise not to tell
women athletes. 1 H ? r Have no fear; the fire department
We feel safe in saying that most members of the W.V.A.A. would his bishop
P.S. Attention ail M.U. students. firecrackers. that this priest throws
will be on hand to keep everything
not feel comfortable receiving scholarships. We compete because under control. fc. Ms. Annabelle Riley is suffering
we develop socially, mentally and physically, and not because we Following the bonfire the Laker from a terminal disease. Please ^ More later....
receive free tuition, free board, apartment rental fees, free tennis Bowl Parade willjbegin on State save all your beer cans to be| I Your devoted son,
shoes and rackets, private tutors and an automatic 2.0 in our liberal Street. Start working on your remolded into badly needed ISporty I i,
studies courses. We do not believe that sports should be our "first floats now. There will be heavy parts. Take all cans to JackJ
priority-." Neither do we believe that it should be the priority of competition'from Santa Claus— Riley's apartment on Briggs Ave.
men. An academic institution exists to develop the mind first.
Although athletic competition can contribute, it is by no means the WQLN-FM91.3Stereo
most desirable and most effective
way. -|£$ J |||** | Mercyhurst Studios
Two important points^r *?f ? • ^* ™ Registration Intersession November
1. We were unaware that the purpose of a sports program was to i<
Night Flight" - con-
develop skills so that students could compete professionally after temporary^ muzak
graduation. (Is it true that the Boston Celtics are scouting Mer- Weber Brochures ailable "Sound Alternative"!
cyhurst's basketball players?) 5 | | I \ gfik
2. The important thing to note is not that girls sriorts are more Registrars Office November Monday 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. with
"socially oriented" but to ask why this is the case. We feel it con- Gary Dudenhoffer >
tinues because of efforts similar to sports havens like Mercyhurst
to give the women what they need to get by and support the men Tuesday 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. with
both financially and spiritually, 'wm 1 * *" W J Glen Feinberg
A final correction: Dean Garvey may be the "Pioneer" of men's
sports on campus, but he did not initiate athletic activity. We feel a
MENUS FOR THIS WEEK Wednesday 11 p.m.*- 2 a.m.
need to ask: Why is the sports program consistent with:the> Thursday, November 1 I Spaghetti-Beef Tacos W with P.J. Lovett
philosophy of the Academic Dean? It seems to us that there should f LUNCH: BLT-Old Fashioned
be much more input from women and both male and female Beef Pie-Tuna Salad Plate Tuesday, N ovember 6 "hursday 11 p.m.J- 2 a.m.
students in the development of the philosophy of a coeducational DINNER: Breaded Veal Cutlet- LUNCH: I Hot Dogs-Baked withChuck Hayes
institution's athletic program. | • M I 111 ! Mushroom # Sauce-French Macaroni an# Cheese-Chef's
I'Sincerdty, 1 £ Toast-Las agna^ Salad I * Friday 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. with
The following members of the W.V.A.A.: DINNER: Breaded Pork Steak- G.T. Barron
Alexis J. Walker Friday, November 2 Stuffed i Cabbage-Turkey-
Jane Surrena Suzie Gaudreau LUNCH: 1 Fish tend! Chips- Mushroom Pie \ Saturday 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Charlene J. Kolupski Mary Siudzinski Mickey O'Neil Assorted Cold Meat > Sand- with Staff If
Maryann Lynett Maureen Flaherty Patricia Voigt wiches-Ham Omelet Wednesday, November 7
Karen Schaus Rita Vieini«» ? Kathy Thompson DINNER: Cheeseburger-Turkey LUNCH: Meatball Sandwich- Sunday 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. with
Sheila Walsh Kathleen A. Kroll Gerry Sica 1 Pan jPie-Fillet of IFish Fried Eggs-Fruit Plate Staff .
Nancy Borowski * Mary Drummond Robyn Speak
Mary Grace Klesczi Dianne M. Walsh Patricia Lyden Parisienne $ , •?',£ DINNER: Roast l§Beef-
Sally Schismenos Catherine M. Kautz Saturday, November 3 k,Hamburger-Cheese Omelet
Sharon Ryan
SusanS. Kraus Susan I • Machusak Beverly A. Welsh LUNCH: Hot Dogs-Scrambled
P.S. Our efforts are not directed against the male athletes at
Eggs-Fruit Salad Plate
DINNER;. Roast Beef-Italian
Mercyhurst. We admire their ability arid appreciate their efforts. Sausage-Trout f T h o u s a n d s of T o p i c s
Sunday, November 4 $2.75 per page Thousands of Topics
THE MER CI AD LUNCH: Scrambled Eggs-
Pancakes-Sausage Pat ties -
Send for your up-to-date, 160-page,
mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 FR EE,
Cold Meat and Cheese to cover postage (delivery time is
Learning Resource] Center
Years lof Service DINNER: Chicken-Meat Loaf 1 to 2 days). jg |
Published weekly during the college year, except Thanksgiving, in- Monday, November 5 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2
tersessiorv Christmas and Easter vacations/ and examination periods LUNCH:? Chili and i Grilled LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 16501!
by the students of Mercyhurst College/ Erie, Pa./ 16501. Mailing ad* Cheese-Beef Biscuit Roll- (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493
dress: Mercyhurst Mai I room. Preston Hall/ Box 36. f -a m
Fruit Plate j. m | Our research material is sold for
research assistance only.
DINNER: Batter Fried Fish-


Editor: Cathy Stevenson
Activities Tentative
Assistant Editor: Kim Wontenay
Flea Market Flea Market The Candidate
Editorial Board
Feature: Sue Weiner
NsovJ C.E.C. Tentative
News: £ Sharon Warner
Sports: 1 Dario Cipriani
'£Assistant Sports: _ygJack Riley
S Dram a j, -^t.
Business Manager: oP
* Mark Zine
Anne Mashinic NOV.5 NOV.6 NOV.fl!
Faculty Advisor-.* Barry McAndrew
Stall: Paul Hanes/ Peggy Benedict, Ton! Loupe,, Psul Doran, Diane
Pickens, Cathy McCarthy, Dennis Coan, John Sullivan Ann Condon, My Night*! At Maude's Happy Thursday!
John SivokT Ellen Freitag, Susan Barrie, Carol Guarluccio, Jill
Proper, Candy Yanker, Marty Keeney,7Eleanore Grelewicz*..
STW5T.D&WN A 5iy PflCK o £ / V THffCHO&fl FIFTH OFlM&Wt f W B Vf MN OTES...
• * 1
• •

• • •
• •

• •
* • • •
• • • • i
• • • #

2 $ "WEN 1 f ftEXSS^ai
E % $ ^ T&iTinu^tt you A i nittm AT/of ) & £ * fro iRtgt YOUA f * r * u i 66 • • •

Hurst Asks For Highway Lou
by T.M.! Cat, Special Reporter

M.U. Bulleiitt—Attorney Phil "and that", he said, pointing out students have already asked for a
Shrewd, a representative of the window f toward - Shamujlio course in short-order cooking.
Mercyhurst College, filed a Field. ~ * % I When I arrived at the faculty
requestJtoday to jhave the As I was leaving the office. lounge. Ralph Hob of the
proposed interchange on W. 38th Dean Marveyf popped in, so I psychology department had just
and 1-79 constructed on the asked for a comment. "Now we'll finished making a plea for more
college campus. "I asked that the finally have something Gannon equipment for his "lab." Next,
design be $ altered for a more doesn't," he bubbled. "This high- Mrs. Operjan of the library put in
easterly orientation," Mr. way will put Mercyhurst on the a word for more reference works.,
Shrewd told reporters outside the map." $ f \ Then the well-know jock^ Rich
Department of Transportation in ;On my way down to the faculty Cockl took the floor.""We don't
Harrisburg. 1 £ I lounge, I came upon the director need any more rats," he began
Since jl the | announcement of development, Frank Frather, "we already have enough of them
yesterday^ of | Mercyhurst's and Tim Money man of the on this campus. And it seems to
reauest for* the highway, the business department. They were me," he said, turning to Mrs.
campus has been abuzz with engaged in animated discussion. 0 peri an, "that every time I go to
plans and rumors. No one seemed "Gentlemen," I ^interrupted, the library, there are always
to have an accurate account of "could you explain where all the plenty of books there. Now, what
the project. As my first step then, money would be coming in from the money could really be used
I visited President Marane to ask the highway proiec t ? " \
about the specifics of the plan and for (rising, he started to unroll a
how it all came about. Frather outlined the plan, paper) is this!" He pointed to a
"We'll build a rest stop, complete diagram of a "new, all-purpose,
"Well, T. M.," he began, "the with? restaurant," snack bar, waterproof, sweatproof, rust-

highway would go underground at souvenirs, and bathrooms. That'll proof, \ dustproof, dirtproof, From left to right - Laura Montpetit, Pat Sobell, jand Thomas Barry,
some, yet undetermined, point on make a fortune j in itself. We'll hurtproof super sneaker" which
West 38th. | At? the J northwest advertise our Sunday and he was advocating for the the cast of "Lou Gegrig did hot die of Cancer 'l^mKKmBi
corner of the campus, the high- Tuesday films and charge, ad- basketball team. | | | "Lou Gehrig Did Not DietOf appearance on our j stage a s
way would come aboveground, mission to travellers who want to H'ob',1 letting negative rein- Cancer" is not the title of a movie Victor i Spinilli, the male lead.
run back of McAuley down to the stop and relax at a movie. Then, forcement fall by the wayside for proclaiming the medical marvels Thomas is j very familiar with
grotto where it would again go in good weather, we'll operate a the moment, hurled a few of cancer. On the contrary, it's a theatre since he has appeared in
underground until §it| reached I- picnic area, charging rent for epithets at Cock in punishment, one act play being performed on such shows a s "Arsenic and Old
79." I asked what would be the tables. And that's just the and a general fight broke out in
November 9, 10, 11 in the a Mer- Lace", "The Visit",!"The
advantage *of sthis *. plaa j"The beginning. You remember the lounge. x
- cyhurst Little Theatre. The play Mecado" and "Wait Until Dark."
income for us from such a project Mercyhurst's motto, carpe When Mr. Trout arrived on the involves a total of three
would be phenomenal. Of course, diem." Lastly in j the role fof Mrs.
we would put it all to good use. As scene to take care of the characters—a wife named Martin is Pat Sobell, a Junior
Moneyman seized \ the op- disruption, he stopped to inform Barbara Spinilli, a husband theatre arts major. Pat is making
a matter of fact, there is an in- portunity to tell me that the rest me (for he had noticed my named Victor Spinilli, and a her debut on our stage, but she
formal meeting going on now in stop and other enterprises would reporter's badge) that-the law neighbor * named Mrs. Martia has been in fifteen other shows,
the faculty lounge as to how the provide several positions for enforcement department was Barbara and Victor are in their all at Gannon. Like Laura, she is
money should be spent4 You business internships, "especially considering a course in directing
might want to stop down there.'' late 30's with many differences in very excited about her role. | %
for those students who don't have traffic, maybe as an intercessioa personality. While Barbara J is in Mr. Igor Stalsky is directing
I assured him that I did and a car to drive^ to off-campus A student who #was passing by the local i community theatre, this one act play about Victor and
asked a final question—Why did jobs," he added. Ms. Shirtag of smirked that the highway would Victor is a little league baseball Barbara Spinilli,* The title is a
Mercyhurst think it had a chance the home ec demparment, on her be a boon to traffic of another sort coach. Mrs. Martin is merely a direct reference to what Victor
to havMhis request filled? "Oh, way to a restaurant for lunch, as well.'v concerned parent whose son plays has to say about his father and
we^ have a few connections," couldn't help overhearing the last | NEXT* WEEK: Part II-the on Vic tor'steam. | | $ T the baseball games they used to
Marane answered with a wink, remark. She told me that several environmentalists. m In the lead role of ^Barbara, attend. Lou Gehrig was a famous
Laura Montpetit will be making baseball player and Victor's
RATED X I J her fourth appearance on the father reflects: "Lou Gehrig did
Mercyhurst .stage. You may not die of cancer, he died of a
remember her from "The Prime broken heart." If you like
of Miss Jean Brodie" or more baseball, or- even if you don't,
Erie Film Fare Reviewed recently "Calm Down Mother" or come and see how relationships
"But The Little We Are". Laura change and develop fbetween
is a Junior Elementary Education Victor, Barbara, and Mrs. Martin
by Mark Zine, Drama Editor major who is very excited about in "Lou Gehrig". Don't miss this
her upcoming role. I >j delightful one act play on
, The quality of film entertainment future of a particular film, but its great location brings us nothing )i Thomas Barry, a freshman November 9,10,11 at 8 p.m. in the
in Erie has dropped considerably hopefully the more accomplished of but second rate trash. ;For two pre-law major is making his first Mercyhurst Little Thea tre.
over the past year. Whereas Erieites the films snow more "potential than dollars you can view Sassy Sue, a $
waited a "few" weeks to view a first the majority of Erie shown films. boring waste of time. Let's face it;
ratefilm-nowwe seem never to get I could never begin to reason two hours of four letter words and
them. No doubt larger city box office Cinema 18's drop in quality* That super-close ups of the upper portion REASONS FOR THE PETITION TO IMPEACH PRESIDENT
reports tend to make or break the ultimate comfortable theatre J with of a female anatomy tends to bore RICHARD M.NIXON: | |
the hell out of you after awhile
(Note:Hell is a four letter word!)
Dial 814/838-3544 Even porno has taken a turn for the 1). The war In Indochina. £
2). Subversion of the Bill of Rights.
better with The Devil & Mrs. Jones. 3). Tampering with due process and the judiciary. §
Eries leading Fantasia, the wonderful Disney film 4). The Assault on freedom of the press. v g
is getting to be told hat ^for Erie 5). Tampering with the Electoral Process.
Industrial Supplier Of. . . audiences. M 6). Unauthorized impoundment of funds.
7). Violation of the right of privacy.- £
Electronics BUT all is not lost. The American
8). Improprieties in the acquisition of property. K i ?
9). Conclusion: For all the above reasons, and for others being developed
Film Theatre is bringing a series of through Congressional and judicial inquiry/ it is imperative that public im-
2631 West Eighth St. eighth films to the Cinema World
Erie, Pa. 16505 One. These are especially* made
films of theatrical productions-
needless to say an all-star cast. The
A Fine Quality Pioneer Sound list consists of: ¥ ML 350signatures for impeachment: petitions will be available for signatures
in the Faculty Secretary's office, first floor, Preston, all next weeks
1) Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros
At A Low-Mace Price W M n ^yfc*>WQJ%)i^^^
starring Zero Mostel.%
2) Albee's A Delicate Balance
starring Katherine Hepburn & Paul
Scofield. f
3) O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
starring iLee Marvin & Fredrjc
W March. t
4) Pinter's The Homecoming
starring Cyril Cusack & Ian Holm,
x 3619 McClelland Avenue
Northwestern Pennsylvania's
5) Chekhov's Three Sisters with {Newest Young Adult Nightclub
£ the National Theatre Co. of England.
6) Lost in the Stars starring Brock
1 n-
Peters & Melba Moore. * a
7) John Osborne's Luther starring
Stacy Keach & Hugh Griffith,.
WtfWMrtA* Hfc -1*4 fR'<£••» *? >X-ttttv4>*w£M
8) Simon Graddy sButley starring HAPPY HOUR DAILY 7 to 8:30 p.m.
* t

Alan Bates. f y \ \
•Pioneer SX; 424 Receiver >
College Students are offered an • WEDNESDAY-"DRINK & DROWN" NITE
• 2 Lafayette 333 Speakers unbelievable discount at $16 full
1 | eBSR 260 Record Changer
subscription (This is for Senior • THURSDAY-LADIES NIGHT f
Citizens, too.) rate for matinees. # Dancing en the only "lit-up" dance floor In Northwestern, Fa
• ° r e Magnetic Cartridge
MACE PRICE They will only be shown once- never | . • Amusements # Munchies • All legal Beverages
again. For those who let this slip by,
let's not hear you complain about not PRESENTABLE ATTIRE REQUIRED
$60.00 having any good films.
DARIO'S DIVOTS Part II: Woman's Athletics In all sports. Men are physkalh,

eu v
by Dario Cipriani Sports Editor ffl8$mm& skillful as mem " « e and
Athletic competition
The Mercyhurst crew team entertained two fine rowing powers Sunday organized so as to* match UD
on the Erie Bay and came away with a very satisfying performance. In by GarretfUenilworth opponents of more or less th«
the first race the novices rowed to a very impressive victory over the It's tunny how struisms come same ability, size sneed aI5
Marietta and Buffalo State novices. The feature race saw the Laker Furthermore, ^ the % external strength. Why thenare g*£saS
varsity finish an open length behind Marietta and two lengths in front of and go. £$Wj \ J I fe genitalia of | females are less
Most people who \ give it J any exposed than those of males and to be inferior athletes?
Buffalo State for a second place finish. '? f i *&• The final question to consider k
The race for the novice crew was their first ever and how sweet it was thought at all consider sports too could I easily jj be * protected if girls own interest in sports The£
for them to come away with a victory against very highly rated com- risky, and unessential for girls. equipment j manufacturers is no tougher job than to firman
petition. Coach Al Belovarac, also in his debut, had Bill Feehley at bow, Even though many of these designed protective devices.
David Pike, John Fogg, John Tetti, Russ Meyer, Jim Gorndt, Gregg organization
people are weU meaning this line ^Menstruation also is not af- are not recognized. That is what in a world that vou
VanBrenner, Ed Inscho, and Kent Koch at coxie in his winning boat. of thinking | is now being fected i by •strenuous,, excerise. women athletic unions must doto I
Gorndt, a junior, is the old man of the nine, all the rest being freshmen. Questioned, and % clinically (medical surveys conducted at the world of sports. Unions of this
None of the fellows had any previous racing experience. They have been in disproved. m$£ k \
the water for only a month of practice and frequently this was at 6:30 in the Olympic games indicate that nature have in the past few years
the morning, i g S^SSl Arguments for maintaining that women have set world records at made tremendous progress. Here
The 1300 meter race saw the Laker boat sip to a quick lead using a sport is bad for women are (1) all stages of their menstruation at Mercyhurst we have a
staggered start. They were never headed and increased their margin to Physical; competition f may cycle.) Jp*f j women's athletic association who
%Vz lengths at the finish line. The winning time was 4:01, Buffalo State was masculinize their appearance and As far as girls who participate has drummed up enough interest
second at 4:11 and Marietta last at 4:12. i , affect their sexual behavior; (2) in sports looking masculine, well to field a volleyball, tennis and
The second race was a classic even though the Hurst finished behind women do not play sports weU that's like saying all men who basketball tea^i. Miss Price
Marietta. The Ohio school knew they were in a race when it was over. The enough to deserve athletic wear "clogs" are fags. In other
Lakers battled them evenly through 800 meters and then Marietta poured equality and (3) {girls* are Snot successful girl's athletic
Va * -* it on in the last 500 to finish just ahead of Mercyhurst. Buffalo State words it is an improper analogy. everything on their own, and now
brought up the rear throughout the entire race. |* rea lly interes ted in sports. R Girls, because of a loss of fatty are accepted by the school and
The Laker boat with Pat Rankin at bow, John Wojdyla, Tony Murphy, Well all aspirin is not alike, and tissue in their body, camouflage have been asked? to submit a
John "North" Beck, Mike Murphy, Dave "Sport" Collins, Joe Dolan, so it is that these popular truisms such changes and the amount of budget for funds for next year.
Mark Ruttenberg and Frank Sands as coxie clocked 3:25 in the 1300 meter are simply not true. Contentions androgen |(male hormone) At first people are amazed at
sprint. Marietta came home with 3:18 and Buffalo State with 3:33. It was a aimed at excluding girlslfrom produced by women is only 5 to 10 successful . girlsfc athletic
very fine performance for the varsity when one considers that Marietta is sports on medical grounds per cent that of males.
one of the elites in small college crew. I believe Marietta was more than usually cite special dangers to associations. But they are now
happy to come away with a one-length victory after they saw what hap- The | second | contention); that growing and gaining widespread
pened to their novice boat. * i ,| t ^ y reproductive organs. Dr. Clayton females do not play, games well acceptence among the big
L. Thomas, the Harvard con- enough f to J deserve athletic amateur athletic unions. All
In my opinion, the highlight of the day was the tremendous support sultant on reproduction, and a
given the entire crew team by the student body and various other mem- equality is a bull headed notion. sports, men and women's will
bers of the Mercyhurst community. Approximately 250 ardent rooters member of the U.S. f Olympic True in most cases girls sports do benefit from the participation of
turned out at the bay on a positively wicked day and voiced their support Medical and training {services not generate the gate receipts, as women. I feel coed sports team
for the 'Hurst. Cheerleader Gerry Sica led the fans in their boisterous committee says "I do not think do men's, but much more is put are a new and exciting aspect of
chants from the foot of the portable dock. | '% $R there is evidence! available into the promotion and recruiting sport, and they are not too far off.
From this corner comes a hardy congratulations to the crew team and supporting the view that fit is of men's sports. It is possible to f. Sports is an educational, as well
to the fans who showed their true loyalty. It certainly was a fine display possible for healthy women of any change this around, as was done as recreational* experience,
from anyone who participated in any way. I think Dean Garvey said it best age to indulge in a sport which is with scholastic girls in the state learning ' the emotional and
as he stood in the boathouse after the novice upset. Standing there drip- too strenuous forg them." The of Iowa. fi| f
ping wet, and with a cup of warm coffee in his hand, he uttered, "This is uterus, for example, is one of the » ^ ^ p ^ i physical: makeup of people.
delightful; what an amazing performance.'* \ f * most shock' resistant of all ex- All things being equal, women Women's participation in sports
Keep up the good work everyone. Our crew program is going places.£ athletics can be just
ternal! organs because offitsjef- and skillful as men's. This is notas exciting can oniy oroaaen tins experience
fective suspension ^system. to say girls can compete with men and help place sports back in its
proper perspective. I **
Work Majors
—Any\Sociology or social work major
not listed, please!contact AAs. Wiec
THE INTRAMURAL BOARD PROPOSED Due mainly to the large amount November 7. | | j^JfiBBIrafflB be judged uponjby people who
zorek, Prestoh 11 f ?
of forfeits in this past intramural $1 Very truly yours, | g R | w have a real interest in them.
—Any major |Wh»ch is listed in the football playoffs, Mr. | Dave
wrong class standing/ please notify David K. Shimpeno | Your cooperation is asked in
AAs. Wieczorekof your correct status. Shimpeno has submitted the Director, Men's Intra murals picking this council. We have a
—If you are not a major and are listed,
please .inform A/js- wieczorek
.-:. Senior
£ :
$| ]\*ATCH
1 by Candace Yanker
following letter.
Although this has come too late fine intramural .program

An Open Letter J to \ Male has still come in time to boost the this type will make things much
Intramural Participants: f intramural system,! and if the easier and \much less com-
T October 23,1973 to help this past football season, it and with its expansion a council of

'.£ Carter* J.C. ? |

The woman's tennis team, clad forfeits brought this about then plicated. S P B I
Felnberg, Roy *
Hayes, Chuck £ in|red, white, and blue, par- ILast year a Philosophy of thev were yworth it.MThe I Note: Congratulations on a fine
Humphries, Tom ticipated in their last match oni Intra murals was written to give problem was not negligence | on performance by the crew team
Jacobs, Marianne J
Lauder man/ Joyce f the very day our park: was thev: intramural program at Dave Shimpeno's part or even this past Sunday. In winning, the
AAcCbnnell, Jeff dedicated. And, just as our park Mercyhurst a number of positive that of the teams that forfeited; it novice boat made up of 8 people
AAerry/ Fran g £ was filled with high spiritsJ so and creative directions. Part of was simply a lack off com who up until 6 weeks ago never
Pal I ad ino, Tony
Patask'y, Gayle
% was the game. But...we lost. that philosophy strongly stated munication. Most complaints touched ah oar, proved what a
Slater/ Rosemary Though, I must say, I've never that the students should have la were not directed to Shimpeno great job Coach Shimpeno and Jus
Wrobiewski/ Jean seen such\ good I losers. Their voice in making decisions con- directly, therefore he heard them staff are doing. The varsity,.while
Docksteter, D.. spirits remained jovial, to say the cerning the program. This would secondhand. He was aware of the being edged by Marietta gained a
Junior least, and the bus ride home was include voting |on protests, problem before the little note in moral victory, in what had to be
Brayn, Mary Ann filled with lots of talk about their registration, violations, new last week's Merciad as this letter their finest race against we
Colao/ Christine | future plans. It seems they have sports and complaints, * among was published three days before toughest ^competition around.
Hirt/ Marilyn
% hopes off a spring tennis others.-| the Merciad. | g Congrats also to the student body
Hixon, Curtis workshop, welcoming all in- There were a relatively large Snimpeno feels, withjstudents who made a helluva turnout on
Hultgren, Gilbert terested females. This workshop- number of gamesfin the football who participate in intra murals on the worst of days. ..
Kolupski, Charlene type session wih\ provide them season that were not played for a the board, then the real problems Results of the M.F.L. playoffs
Korzeniowski/ Raymond
Marcus, Pat?. |
with the necessary practice number of reasons, and this such as forfeits, league align- and the all star ballots will be in
O'Brien/ Robert needed to get the team rollin'. It concerns me. |lt is therefore ment, formal protests, etc.,«can next week's Merciad.
Smith /Marshal takes time to make a good team imperative that an I Executive :
Suffredini, Kathleen £ great...and a little cash couldn't Council on Intramurals com-
Svrcek, Maria ?• do them a bit of harm, either.! prised of students be formed* as
Welsh/ Beverl? soon as possible. The Council can
They have the strength, the then deal with any problems that
Sophomore -*' enthusiasm, the talent, andfthe may arise for I the remainder of
Brandon, Steve \

Brosky, Carol > determinatioa Now, all they need the year.
| is a little recognition and a lot of
support. So keep your eyes open
W | | .. |f 11922 E. 38th
Carroll/Jim for further information on their I would appreciate itfif you
DeNale, Virginia
Gray/ Lawrence
' Hedstrom, Kim
spring schedule, to be published would try to think of some people
in a future edition. And, in the who participate regularly in the
meantime, practice that Intramural program! and who
Hardner/ Karen backhand. ' I Jft would make | responsible
Hickle/ John
larussi/ Nick
Kochanowski/ Elaine
i Coming up next week—news on - Executive Council! members.
our "Net" work—a look at girls Submit their; names to me by
Koob, Francis volleyball. /i m f writing them on a piece of paper with a minimum purchase of 5.0u
AAalloy# Patricia? and deposit it at my|office.|We
AAc Call/Daniel 4 will then comprise a ballot and
Mehler, Marianne
Michaels, Debra after a designated day of voting
Murphy/Tony arrive Jat approximately six
Santo / Patricia
Scutella, Joseph
Shade, Carolyn
members. I will be the seventh,
and this will make a tie in voting
I Sherrange, Valerie on procedures impossible. Please WITH L»X>_ -«-..»»»

Speak/ Robyn v | * have your nominations submitted •,'." • •-


Zboyovski, Katherine w

^ <* by t next Wednesday at 4 p.m. ivv


Freshman •N:

Adams, David £ &S?

5* :*

Barrie, Susan i fc > • « «_•

Cornelius, Gary •;
DeMarco/ Kevin
Genovese, Roanne
Hatton, David
Jackson/ Mary
Jacobs, Bryant
Lauther, Elizabeth
Miller/ Bradley
AAoczulski, David \
AAorrison/ Patricia.
Page, Thomas
Prei, James
Robbins, Peggy}
McCullough/ Tom 115 EAST 26th STREET
Simmons* Joetta " Now Open On«5un j..
4 • Till 10:00 p.m
Summers/ Kathleen

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