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Thai Industry Survey For Voluntary Market Outlook : FAO TCP Project “Voluntary Carbon Markets in Thailand”


Name of the Respondent

Full Address


Email ID

Contact No.


Thai Industry Survey For Voluntary Market Outlook : FAO TCP Project “Voluntary Carbon Markets in Thailand”

1. What is your primary industry?

Automobile Banking Breweries

Entertainment Cement Agribusiness/Food Processing

Fertilizers Financial Services Hospitality

Logistic Services Media Metal

Mining Oil and Gas Paper & Pulp

Plastic Power Generation Real Estate

Retail Textile Tobacco

Transport White goods Others

Commercial Plantation


1. Are you aware about the various activities of Royal government of Thailand
related to climate change mitigation and international climate change
Yes, fully aware

Yes, aware about issues which are relevant to our business.

No, because we don’t think it’s relevant for our business.

Thai Industry Survey For Voluntary Market Outlook : FAO TCP Project “Voluntary Carbon Markets in Thailand”


1. Is climate change an important issue facing Thai businesses today?

Yes, Climate change is a crucial issue which requires urgent attention.

Yes, Climate change is an important issue but Thai businesses have other issues which are more urgent

No, Climate change is not an important issue as of now.

Don't Know

2. What according to you will be the effect of climate change on your business?

Very Strong impact, we might need to alter our business plans and build dedicated teams for combating it.

Average impact, it might affect us somewhat and we may have to prepare a strategy to normal course of business.

Mild impact, it might affect us marginally but we should be able to take care of it during normal course of business.
Nil impact,, we don’t expect any effect of climate change on our business.
Don't care

3. Is your company taking actions to tackle climate change issues?

Yes, we are fully aware and proactive, so we are making strategic level changes to combat this issue.
Yes, we are aware and awaiting to see responses of other companies before deciding our strategy.

We are aware but we are awaiting for clear guidelines from the government.

No, we don’t need to take any actions as it is not related to our business.

4. What are the biggest benefits that your company excepts to derive from
more effective climate change risk management (Please tick all applicable)

Better reputation among customers Regulatory and policy issues

Better reputation among investors Risk management or risk reduction

New business opportunities Employee motivation

Greater operational efficiency Improved shareholder value
Reduction in overall carbon footprint General CSR activity

Thai Industry Survey For Voluntary Market Outlook : FAO TCP Project “Voluntary Carbon Markets in Thailand”


1.Does your company estimate its GHG inventory on a regular basis using standard protocol
or methodology (e.g. GHG protocol, ISO 14064, 14065)?

No GHG inventory is developed.

Partial inventory is developed for some of the operations of the company using generalized calculation( no standard method)
Partial inventory is developed for some of the operations of the company using standard calculation(Please specify).
Complete inventory is developed for some of the operation of the company using generalized calculation.
Complete inventory is developed for some of the operation of the company using standard methodology(Please specify).

2. Under the company’s GHG emission reduction plan, what activities are being
planned (renewable energy, energy efficiency, plantations, offsets, etc)?

3. Is your company open to voluntary off-setting? If yes, then what manner does
your company plan to support such activities? (please elaborate)

Thai Industry Survey For Voluntary Market Outlook : FAO TCP Project “Voluntary Carbon Markets in Thailand”

4. Will government policy guidance and incentive act as a catalyst for such
voluntary action?

Yes we expect the government to provide fiscal and policy support for voluntary action towards climate change

We shall be encouraged to undertake voluntary action towards climate change mitigation if we receive definitive
policy guidance from the government

Undertaking climate change mitigation measures in unviable in the absence of fiscal incentive from government

We are already undertaking voluntary action in anticipation of impending government initiative on climate change

5. Are you aware of the cap-and-trade scheme of Europe, RGGI, CCX of USA etc. ?

6. Would you approve of a cap-and-trade or similar scheme in Thailand & South-east Asia ?

We are not aware of the mechanism of cap & trade scheme for offset trading

We are not sure of viability of such a scheme in Thailand or SE Asia

We shall participate in case of a clear governmental mandate

We are already undertaking internal targets for voluntary emission reduction


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