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Absorption cross-sections of atmospheric gases for use in aeronomy

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United States Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory, Bedford, Massachusetts

Received November 21, 1968

The current status of absorption cross-section measurements for aeronomic use is reviewed. Recom-
mended values for the gases 0 2 ,N Z r0, and 0, are given at wavelengths where there is strong atmo-
spheric absorption in the 350&10 A region. A table of absorption and ionization cross-sections at
important solar emission lines is given. The problem of insufficient resolution at some wavelengths is
discussed, and information on photolysis products is given where available.
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 1823 (1969)

Introduction The Absorption Cross-section

The absorption of solar radiation in the ultra- The absorption cross-section is defined by the
violet to soft X-ray region is well established as usual absorption law (Beer-Lambert Law)
one of the most important mechanisms for
creating and maintaining the unique charac- [I.] I(v) = Io(v) exp [-o(v)N]
teristics of the upper atmosphere. As the radiation
is absorbed, new constituents such as ions, In this expression I(v) is the transmitted intensity,
electrons, and atoms are formed, and the intensity Io(v) is the intensity incident on the absorbing
at the absorbed wavelengths is reduced, until at gas column, o(v) is the cross-section, and N is the
number of absorbers (molecules or atoms) per
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ground level only wavelengths greater than about

2900 A are observed. The pattern of the absorp- cm2 column in the light path. The cross-section o
tion is complicated, depending on the variation is generally given in units of Megabarn (Mb),
of absorption with wavelength for each constit- which is equal to lo-'' cm2. The data may also
uent, the atmospheric composition as a function be presented as the absorption coefficient k, with
of altitude, and the detailed intensity distribu- units of cm-'. It is equal to on,. lo-", where o
tion of the solar spectrum. To understand this is in Mb, and Loschmidt's number no, is 2.69 x
absorption profile, it is necessary to have labora- 1019 cmP3.
tory measurements of the absorption cross- The measurement procedure for the absorption
section, or absorption coefficient, which is a cross-section involves finding I(v) and Io(v) at
measure of the total attenuation of radiation at a known values of v and N. It is only necessary to
given wavelength. This information is useful in measure the ratio I,(v)/I(v) and thus the simpler
aeronomy both to find the altitudes at which relative calibration of the detector is adequate.
solar energy is deposited and to evaluate the flux For many cases, o(v) as calculated from eq. [ l ] is
remaining for further absorption at lower alti- constant over a range of N values, and this
cross-section can then be used to calculate the
This article reviews the present status of absorption or the number of absorbing molecules
laboratory absorption cross-section measure- in atmospheric problems. There are, however,
ments and provides recommended values for important cases discussed in a separate section
aeronomical problems. Only wavelength regions where the typical laboratory resolution is in-
and gases particularly important for atmospheric adequate and various approximate o(v) values
absorption are discussed in detail. he wavelength must be given.
region considered is from roughly 3500 to 10 A. No review of the experimental details of the
The gases discussed at length are molecular light sources, monochromators and spectro-
oxygen, molecular nitrogen, atomic oxygen, and graphs, and detectors used will be given here.
ozone. These four gases account for most of the These are covered fully in the references and in
solar absorption. There are several older reviews reviews (4) and (5).
of this general subject (1-3). The absorption cross-section curve itself pro-
vides little information about products or excited
'1967-68 address: Department of Physics, Imperial states formed as a result of the absorption. At
College, London, England. most wavelengths considered here, there are a

number of possibilities including excitation, dis- calculated from [ l ] is not constant but usually
sociation, ionization, dissociative ionization, and decreases with increase in N, and thus more
various other combinations of these processes. detailed consideration must be given before
The products of dissociation or ionization pro- applying the laboratory measurements to atmo-
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cesses may be left in excited states, and in some spheric problems. The actual cross-section is very
cases these states may become deactivated by large at the line center and rapidly becomes
emission of radiation. weak away from the center. When a measureable
In the observed spectrum or cross-section curve, change in transmission is detectable, the narrow,
excitation produces the normal molecular bands strongly absorbing center of the line is already
and atomic lines generally measured and classified completely absorbed. The change in absorption
in absorption spectroscopy. Dissociation and with the change in number of absorbers is thus
ionization processes are indicated by absorption controlled by the weaker absorption in the wings
continua. Diffuse bands or lines are an inter- of the line. The cross-section thus appears to
mediate case and indicate predissociation or become smaller as the amount of gas in the light-
autoionization processes. In the wavelength range path increases.
discussed here, a number of different processes The problem may be approached by examining
usually occur at the same wavelength. the typical spectrometer experiment using con-
The absorption cross-section can be considered tinuum background radiation in more detail. The
to represent the sum of partial cross-sections of instrument provided a narrow range of fre-
the various detailed processes. The partial cross- quencies around the nominal value, and an
sections give the fractional amounts of the dif- absorption measurement is actually made over
ferent products resulting from the absorption. this frequency range. If the intensity-frequency
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For example, the cross-sections for ionized and relation of the radiation provided at the exit slit
non-ionized products can be given. For partial at a given nominal spectrometer position vo is
cross-sections, a quantitative measurement of the F(v), then the result of an absorption measure-
products is required, which generally presents ment will be
experimental difficulties. Some processes can
usually be ruled out by energy considerations.
The cross-sections involving photoionization will
be dealt with in a separate paper at this sym-
posium. The integrations are over the range where F(v)
The photodissociation cross-section and prod- has an appreciable value. For a continuum back-
ucts are of considerable interest, for both the ground source, F(v) frequently has an almost
major and minor atmospheric gases, but little triangular shape and in this case the integration is
detailed information is available. Photochemical effectively between I a, where a is the half-width.
investigations may give information on products For a light source emitting sharp atomic lines, the
at some wavelengths. A review is available (6) frequency range transmitted is generally less than
for many atmospheric gases. the half-width of F(v) and depends on the
The absorption cross-section is also related to excitation conditions in the light source. If o(v) is
the oscillator strength of the transition (7), and constant over the range of frequencies provided
the oscillator strength can be obtained directly by the spectrometer, the exponential may be
from an integration of the observed cross-section taken outside the integral in eq. [2], and the usual
curve at sufficiently high resolution. This aspect absorption law eq. [I] results.
of the subject is not discussed since oscillator For an isolated non-autoionized atomic line,
strengths are covered by another paper in this and ignoring pressure-broadening as usually un-
symposium. important under atmospheric conditions, the
shape of the line is due to a combination of
Resolution Problems Doppler and natural broadening, which is some-
The resolution of the spectrometer is generally times called the Voigt profile (7). For oxygen atom
not adequate for atomic lines or sharp molecular at 300 OK and an imaginary line at 1000 A, the
bands encountered in the spectrum. Using the Doppler half-width is 3.1 x A. The natural
normal procedure given above, the cross-section width for an allowed transition (z = s) at

1000 A is 5.3 x A. The typical bandwidth spheric gas, since the bandwidth of the con-
available is from about 0.5 to 0.05 A. Thus, the tinuum usually employed is much larger than the
absorption line is much narrower than the band- solar line half-width. For these cases, one ap-
width. The values of I(vo)/Io(vo)obtained depend proach has been to use a light source emitting
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on the line shape o(v) and F(v) as shown in eq. lines at the solar wavelengths rather than a
[2], and in general o(v) cannot be evaluated continuum (10). These lines may be much
without some knowledge of the line shape to be narrower than the continuum background band-
expected. widths generally available, and thus they more
This problem of obtaining useful information nearly approximate the solar lines in half-width.
under conditions of inadequate resolution is a They are also more intense than usual continuum
well-known difficulty in astrophysical and infra- sources. This is a useful interim procedure, but it
red investigations, and several procedures have is open to criticism for several reasons. First, the
been developed (7, 8). One technique is to obtain lines emitted may be quite different from the
the integral of the absorption curve over a range solar lines in shape, self-absorption, or relative
of N. This is called the equivalent width, or multiplet intensities, due to differences in excita-
sometimes the total absorption. The equivalent tion conditions in the sun and in laboratory dis-
width W is equal to the following charges. In fact, the laboratory lines may be as
much as 0.1 A wide (lo), which is within the
capability of continuum measurements. Further-
more, solar lines from highly ionized atoms are
One can then obtain the "curve of growth" by not usually produced in the typical laboratory
plotting W against N. This curve would allow an source, so the continuum background must be
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estimate of N to be made if W values were ob- used for these cases. Even when using lines, in
tained under similar conditions of absorbing gas some cases where o(v) varies with N using con-
environment, since W is independent of resolu- tinuum radiation, a similar variation occurs using
tion over fairly wide limits (7, 8). The complete line sources. For further progress, more informa-
curve of growth for an atomic line is rather tion about the solar line-shapes coupled with high
complicated even for an isolated line with only resolution continuum data is needed. Continuum
natural and Doppler broadening. However, sources offer the advantage of improviilg the
under many conditions the center is completely resolution in a straightforward way and of
absorbed and the strong line approximation is eventually interpreting the data more completely.
applicable, which means that W is proportional These improvements in resolution and in knowl-
to JN. This behavior is found when the line has edge of the solar line shape are not likely to
a Lorentz shape, which occurs when the absorp- become available soon. Thus, both continuum
tion is controlled by the wings of the line. A and line data are valuable to have at the present
demonstration of this effect for sharp 0, bands time, where a large number of measurements
has been given (9). Although little absorption have not been made at some wavelengths, and
data on atmospheric gases is now presented in data from both sources is included here.
this way, it is suggested that curves of Wagainst N In conclusion, it is apparent that considerably
would be of use in some cases. It will be most more attention must be given to cases where
useful when the solar radiation background is a resolution is insufficient in order to extract the
continuum or when an artificially introduced most information of aeronomic interest from
continuum light source is used. Difficulties in- laboratory measurements. In addition, some
clude partly overlapped lines, unusual auto- difficulties in comparing photon absorption and
ionization profiles, and molecular bands. various electron impact experiments might have
Continuum background light sources are con- been avoided by earlier recognition and discus-
sidered more useful than line sources in general sion of these resolution problems (1 1). Where
because they give the absorption curve at all resolution is not adequate, information about the
wavelengths and lead to a more complete under- number of absorbing species must be given. This
standing of the absorption processes. However, is now usually given only as a range of values. A
they give difficulty when a solar line of interest plot of transmission or measured apparent ab-
falls at an absorption band or line of the atmo- sorption cross-section for atmosphere values of N

N2, and 0 at solar lines
Absorption and ionization cross-section of 02,
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0 2 N2
Solar line h 0
(A) Classification CJ 01 CJ GI CJ =
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NOTE:cross-sections in M b cm2). Values based on data in refs. 1, 10, 17, 23.24, 25, 28,29 , 31, and36.
Table prepared in collaboration with R. I. Schoen.
OBlend of several lines observed in solar socctrum.
bThe absorbing gas has discrete structure'at this wavelength and thus the cross-section presently measurable
given in the table may not be applicable. See text and references.
CConsiderable variation among measurements.
dThese lines not resolved in laboratory cross-section measurement.
LPossible overlap with atomic oxygen ground state (3P) absorption line. See Table 111.
JPossible overlap with atomic oxygen metastable state (ID) absorption line. See Table 111.
would be of considerably more value. Throughout TABLE I1
this review, regions where the structure has not Absorption cross-sectionsa at wavelengths less
been adequately resolved will be mentioned. than 304 A.
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Wavelengthb (A) O2 Nz 0
Cross-section Measurements
General 247.2 12.3 9.8 6
The following cross-section curves and tables 209.3 9.0 6.5 4
100 1.9 0.84 0.8
are considered to be the best values available at 68 .o 0.9 0.50 0.2-
the present time. In this review, consideration was
given to all published values known to the author.
The wavelength range covers the upper wave-
NOTE:Data primarilyfrom refs. 12,36, and 47. Cross-section
length where appreciable absorption begins to in Mb (10-lacm').
OThese cross-sections are assumed to be equal to the
about 10 A. These values should be useful at ionization cross-section at least to lOOA although there are
nd yield measurements. See also paper by)^. 1. Schoen in this
atmospheric densities, except in wavelength re- symposium.
gions mentioned where resolution is a problem. bThere are a number of solar lines in this region, but there
have been few measurements, and also the cross-section curve
The atmospheric temperature may be consider- appears to be relatively smooth. The wavelengths used should
allow a reasonable estimate to be made.
ably above or below room temperature, but most =This value is one-half the 0, cross-section.
cross-sections are measured at room temperature.
Where data at other temperatures are available, Molecular Oxygen
they are mentioned. The % uncertainties have Molecular oxygen has important absorption
not been estimated, but they are in the range from 2600 A to lower wavelengths. Cross-section
+- 10 % except at lines or bands. data are given in Figs. 1 to 6. Lower wavelengths
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In addition to the gases treated in detail, there are included in the atomic oxygen cross-section
are a number of minor constituents whose curves presented later. Absorption cross-section
absorption cross-sections are of less importance values at the more intense solar lines are given in
in aeronomy. The atomic gases in this category Table I, and Table I1 gives shorter wavelengths.
include H, N, Ar, He, Na etc., and recent reviews In most cases, at least two measurements are
are available (12, 13). Molecular gases include available, and the data are in reasonably good
NO, NO,, N,O, H,O, CO,, CO, H,, CH,, etc. agreement. There are many investigations of the
Data on these gases have been reviewed (1, 13). absorption spectrum given in the references.
The cross-section in regions where the solar The weak Herzberg continuum in the 2600-
radiation largely consists of strong emission lines 1850 A region shown in Fig. 1 is usually con-
is difficult to obtain from published curves. Table sidered as the primary source of oxygen atoms
I lists the total absorption and total ionization below 80 km. In this dissociation process, two
cross-section at these lines from 1215.7 A (H Ly a)
to 304 A (He Ly u). In order to provide a con-
sistent review within this symposium, Table I was
prepared jointly with R. I. Schoen, who discusses
ionization cross-sections in detail in another
One problem in the application of laboratory
data to atmospheric problems is the unavail-
ability of large-scale cross-section curves. These
are frequently not published even when prepared
because of space limitations in journals. Such
curves are available to aeronomists, by request,
from the author. These curves were prepared in
connection with previous work from this labora-
tory. At present, N, and 0, in the 600-1000 WAVELENGTH IL)
region at a bandwidth of 0.5 A are available. It
is planned to improve these data in wavelength FIG.1. Molecular oxygen absorption cross-sections;
o,, value extrapolated to zero pressure; o,, 1 atrn data,
range and resolution in the near future. ref. (14).
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O . O O O l ~ o o ~ I 1950 I I I I I I

FIG.2. Molecular oxygen absorption cross-sections,
Schun~ann-Rungebands, ref. (9).
1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

ground state (3P) oxygen atoms are formed, since WAVELENGTH (A)
there is not sufficient energy to excite the meta- FIG. 4. Molecular oxygen absorption cross-sections,
stable 'D and IS atoms at these wavelengths. Schumann-Runge continuum, ref. (9).
There are two measurements in fairly good agree-
ment (14, 9). The cross-sections are very small, measured repeatedly with photoelectric tech-
and the high pressures necessary result in forma- niques with generally good agreement (1, 9, 16-
tion of some 0, dimer in the cell, so extrapolation 18), and a representative curve (9) is given in Fig.
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to zero pressure is necessary. 4. Absorption in the principal continuum is

The Schumann-Runge bands (3C,- + 3Cgf) believed to produce one ground state (3P) and
between 1750 and 2010 A require high resolution one metastable (ID) oxygen atom. Evidence
to obtain accurate cross-sections (1, 9, 15). It is from photochemically induced secondary reac-
also difficult to separate the Herzberg continuum tions and from emission has been given for
and the Schumann-Runge bands in the 1900- 0('D) production (19, 20), but more direct
2030 A region. Absorption data (9) are given in observation and quantitative cross-sections are
Figs. 2 and 3, but these are averaged values also needed. A temperature effect has been dis-
because of insufficient resolution. It is likely that cussed (21), and an increase in cross-section with
much experimental work will be done on these temperature has been found in the 1580-1950
bands in the future with high resolution. region (22).
The strong Schumann-Runge continuum The spectrum from 1250 A to the ionization
(1250-1750 A) is very important, since it is the poteiltial at 1027.8 A is very complex (1, 16).
primary source of oxygen atoms at altitudes There are several "windows7' of low cross-
greater than 80 km. The cross-section has been section, one of which corresponds almost exactly
to the intense H Ly line. As is well known, this
ionizing radiation can penetrate much deeper into
the atmosphere than nearby wavelengths.
The region 1070 to 600 A shown in Figs. 5 and
6 has been studied several times recently with
continuum sources (23-25) and a line source (10).
The measurements of refs. (25) and (10) are in
best agreement and are given more weight in
Table I. In this region, ionization and dissociation
continua are overlapped by rather diffuse and
generally autoionized bands. The dissociation
1750 1800 1850 1900 continua in this region have recently been given
FIG. 3. Molecular oxygen absorption cross-sections, Appreciable quantities of the metastable O2
Schumann-Runge bands, ref. (9). alAg molecule appear to be present in the upper
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FIG. 5. Molecular oxygen absorption and ionization coefficients, ref. (25).

atmosphere (26, 27). It is conceivable that ab- wavelengths longer than 1000 A. The Lyman-
sorption by this molecule may be more significant Birge-Hopfield bands and several other forbidden
than generally realized. Some intense bands transitions are present at wavelengths between
attributed to absorption by the alA,, or less likely 1450 and 1000 A, but the maximum cross-
the blC,+, state have been observed recently in sections measured are less than Mb. The
the 830-900 A region, (28, 29), and recent work resolution is also generally inadequate for precise
has found absorption bands of both the alA, and measurements. There are recent studies on high
the blC,+ states in the 1200-1600 A region (30). temperature absorption in this region (33).
There are no strong pl~otodissociation con-
Molecular Nitrogen tinua for nitrogen, which is different from
The absorption cross-section of molecular molecular oxygen. This fact helps to explain why
nitrogen at important solar lines is given in atomic nitrogen is in very small concentration in
Table I, which is based on several recent investi- the atmosphere, while atomic oxygen is a major
gations (10, 31, 24). Table I1 gives shorter wave- constituent.
length data. Cross-section curves obtained with At wavelengths less than 1000 A, there are a
continuum background sources in the region number of strong bands which cannot be mea-
600-1000 A are given in Figs. 7 and 8. There is an sured accurately with the present resolution. The
extensive literature on the absorption spectrum curve of Fig. 7 for the 800-1000 A region must be
which can be traced through the references given. regarded as approximate within regions of strong
There is one recent paper on absorption at wave- bands (1 1, 34), but it is usefill for illustrating the
lengths less than 600A (32). general absorption in this region. One interesting
Molecular nitrogen has a much smaller ab- situation is the coincidence of the strong H Ly y
sorption cross-section than molecular oxygen at solar line (972.5 A) with one of the nitrogen
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FIG. 6. Molecular oxygen absorption and ionization coefficients, ref. (25).

bands (35). At wavelengths less than the ioniza- lines at wavelengths less than the ionization
tion threshold (795.8 A), most bands become threshold are autoionized.
more diffuse because of autoionization, and they Theoretical (36) and experimental (37, 38)
are superimposed on the ionization continuum. cross-sections are given in Figs. 9 and 10. Table I
Thus, the curve of Fig. 8 should be more reliable. gives cross-sections at important solar lines. Until
Recent unpublished results at Air Force Cam- quite recently there were no experimental values,
bridge Research Laboratories indicate that the but measurements using two independent tech-
step at 661 A is probably not real. The curve niques have now been published. One technique
should be rescaled between 600 and 661 A to uses discharged oxygen, which requires correc-
form a smooth curve with the longer wavelength tion for metastable molecules (37), and the other
values. uses a beam technique requiring calibration
against hydrogen atom (38). They are in only fair
Atomic Oxygen agreement with each other, but they generally
The atomic oxygen spectrum consists of the bracket the theoretical curve. Despite these ex-
ionization continuum at wavelengths less than cellent experiments, the need for additional
the threshold at 910.4 A and in addition, line measurements is evident. Tables I and I1 rely
series converging to limits corresponding to the primarily on the theoretical curves. Additional
electronic states of the ion. In the continuum calculations have recently been published (39).
region, there is good reason to believe that the The large number of atomic oxygen absorption
absorption and ionization cross-sections are lines in the ionization continuum has only been
identical, in analogy with the ionization continua realized recently with the measurement and
of the rare gases (12), except for a few non- classification of a number of these series (28).
autoionizing series lines. Most of the absorption Some of the more intense series members are
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g I000
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8 50


FIG.7. Molecular nitrogen absorption cross-sections, refs. (31, 17).

A= IT"

I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I
600 650 700 750 800

W A V E L E N G T H I:(

FIG.8. Molecular nitrogen absorption cross-sections, refs. (31, 17).


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I 1 I ! I I
fP00 800 700 000 SO
FIG. 9. Atomic oxygen cross-sections. Curve, ref. FIG. 10. Atomic oxygen cross-sections. See caption
(36); A, dipole length; B, dipole velocity; filled circles, of Fig. 9. Symbol x represents one-half O2 cross-section,
ref. (37); crosses, ref. (38); dashed line beneath point based o n ref. (37).
indicates absorption line; absorption series, ref. (28).
stable o('D) and 0('S) states (28), which may be
shown in Fig. 9, and it is clear that the lines used important under special conditions.
in some laboratory measurements were absorbed
by oxygen atom lines, leading to high cross- Ozone
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section values (40), compared to nearby lines in Ozone (0,) has important atmospheric ab-
the continuum region. If a solar line happens to sorption at wavelengths less than 3500 A. The
overlap one of the atomic absorption lines, the cross-section curves are given in Figs. 11 and 12.
absorption cross-section for this solar line will be There have been several measurements in sub-
much larger than the continuum value. The stantial agreement (41, 42). There is less atmo-
spheric absorption at wavelengths less than
intensity profile with varying altitude will be
dependent on the details of the two line shapes 2000 A, because solar radiation of these wave-
involved. Wavelengths where this effect is likely lenghs does not penetrate to the altitudes where
ozone is present, so this region is not reviewed.
to be important for strong solar lines are given in
Table I, and Table 111 gives the classification and Although the Hartley continuum in the 2000-
additional wavelengths. The recent measure- 3000 A region (Fig. 11) has the larger cross-
ments also give absorption lines from the meta- section, the greater solar intensity at wavelengths
greater than 3000 A makes absorption in the
weaker Huggins bands also very important (43).
The cross-section data in the region above
Atomic oxygen lines which may absorb solar lines
3000 A should be improved in resolution to more
Solar line 01 line
(A) (A) Classification Remarks

NOTE: atomic oxygen resonance lines (1302, 1305, 1306 11) not
included. References 28, 29. and 45 give details. WAVELENGTH (8)
OSolar line known to be broad.
bAtornic oxygen linc broadened by autoionization.
=Theselines known to overlap. See refs. 40 and 37. FIG. 11. Ozone absorption cross-sections, ref. (41).
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FIG. 12. Ozone absorption cross-sections, ref. (41).

accurately assess its importance. New data in Conclusions

this region have recently been published (44). There is a substantial body of information
The photodissociation products of ozone are of available on absorption cross-sections which may
considerable interest, since they appear to be one be used with considerable confidence for aero-
of the most likely sources of excited oxygen nomic calculations. Continued work is resulting
atoms and molecules. At wavelengths less than in a convergence of values from different groups
3100 A, it is energetically possible to have 0, and techniques although this review notes many
'A,and 0 ' D as products of the ozone photolysis. areas where work is needed. Agreement with the
The threshold for 0 'D formation is 4100 A, but findings of rocket spectrophotometry (46) is also
the process would also yield a ground state substantial; however, close interaction between
X3Z,- molecule, which would be a forbidden laboratory and field studies is necessary to further
transition (6). Discussions of the evidence for reduce uncertainties.
these products from flash and steady state
photolysis have been given (27,45), and a general Acknowledgments
conclusion is that 0 'D is much better established The author would like to thank Professor W.
as a primary product than 0, alA,. However, R. S. Garton, for making facilities available in
recent photolysis experiments at 2537 A have his group during preparatioil of this review.
succeeded in observing the 0, nlA, -> X3Z,- Illustrations and/or additional comment were
infrared atmospheric bands in emission (49). provided by R. B. Cairns, W. Swider, K. Watan-
The intense metastable 0, absorption bands abe, and F. Matsunaga. Special thanks are due to
between 830 and 900 A previously mentioned Y. Tanaka and J. C. Larrabee for discussions
(28) have also been observed in the products of over a period of many years.
ozone photolysis at 2537 A (50), which supports
the presence of metastable 0, in the products. It 1. K. WATANABE.
Advances in geophysics. Vol. 5.
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New York. 1958. p. 153.
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Edited by S. Flugge. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1956. (1967).

5. J. A. R. SAMSON.Techniques of vacuum ultraviolet 28. R. E.' HUFFMAN, J. C. LARRABEE, and Y. TANAKA.
spectroscopy. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. J. Chem. Phys. 46,2213 (1967).
1967 29. R. E. HUFFMAN, J. C. LARRABEE, and Y. TANAKA.
6. J:R.'MCNESBY and H. OKABE. Advan. Photochem. J. Chem. Phvs. 47.4462 (1967).
3,147 (1964). 30. F. ALBERT]; R. 'A. ASHBY,'and A. E. DOUGLAS.
7. A. C. G. MITCHELLand M. W. ZEMANSKY.Reso- Can. J. Phys. 46,337 (1968).
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Absorption in the spectral range of the Schumann-Runge bands

Znstitut D'Ae'ronomie Spatiale de Belgique 3, Avenue Circulaire, Bruxelles 18, Belgique
Received November 21, 1968

Absorption of silicon lines by O2 in the Schumam-Runge bands has been measured. The results
lead to some conclusions about the nature of the absorption and about the general behavior of the
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 1834 (1969)

Introduction Runge bands (1750-2000 A) and in the Herzberg

Early measurements, presented in Fig. 1, of the continuum (h < 2424 A) were mainly performed
absorption coefficient of oxygen in the Schumann- with light sources providing spectral emission

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