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Kitana is accused of treason by the High Courts of the Outworld

after murdering her evil twin Mileena. Shao Kahn takes it upon
himself to appoint a group of warriors specifically to catch his
daughter and bring her back alive. But Kitana must find a way to
reach the newly crowned Queen Sindel first and warn her of their
true past.

Special Moves
Fan Throw: Forward, Forward, High Punch + Low Punch.
Fan Lift: Back, Back, Back, High Punch.
Square Wave Punch: Down, Back, High Punch.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Back + Low Punch, Down + Low Punch.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Run, Run, Block, Block, Low Kick.
Fatality 2: (Close) Back, Down, Forward, Forward, High Kick.
Animality: (Sweep) Down, Down, Down, Down, Run.
Babality: Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, High Kick.
Friendship: Down, Back, Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick.
* Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, Block, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch,
Block, High Punch, Block.

Kitana evades the evil clutches of Shao Kahn and escapes
into the unknown regions of Earth. She survives an
assassination attempt by the vile creature Reptile, and
allies herself with her onetime comrade - Jade.
Together with the help of Earth's Warriors, Kitana reaches Sindel and turns the Queen against
her Emperor. With Shao Kahn defeated the Earth is changed back to its original state, as is
Kitana's realm of Edenia.

She will be forever in debt to her friends from Earth as she rules the new realm of Edenia at
Queen Sindel's side.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.


Always a reliable servant to Shao Kahn, Reptile is chosen to

assist Jade in the capture of Kitana. In contrast to Jade's
instructions, Reptile is ordered to stop the renegade Princess at
all costs...
Even if it means her death.

Special Moves
Acid Spit: Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Slow Forceball: Back, Back, High Punch + Low Punch.
Fast Forceball: Forward, Forward, High Punch + Low
Slide: Back + Low Punch + Block + Low Kick.
Invisibility: (Use Block) Up, Up, Down, High Kick.
Reverse Elbow: Back, Forward, Low Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (One Jump Away) Back, Forward, Down, Block.
Fatality 2: (Sweep) Forward, Forward, Up, Up, High Kick.
Animality: (Close) Down, Down, Down, Up, High Kick.
Babality: Forward, Forward, Back, Down, Low Kick.
Friendship: (Close) Down, Forward, Forward, Back, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Block, Run, Block, Block.
* Brutality: High Punch, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low
Kick, Low Kick, Block, Block + Low Punch.

Reptile is ordered by Shao Kahn to find and kill Kitana.
He is successful in completing his task, but upon
returning, finds himself shunned by the Emperor.

Shao Kahn promised Reptile that if he was successful that

he would resurrect Reptile's race. Shao Kahn never had
any intentions of fulfilling his promise.

Enraged, Reptile turns against his master and defeats him in battle but by killing his master,
Reptile destroys the one chance to ever know his true race.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.


Sonya disappears in the first tournament, but is later rescued by

Jax. After returning to Earth, she and Jax try to warn the U.S
government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof,
they watch helplessly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion.

Special Moves
Ring Toss: Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Leg Grab: Down + Low Punch + Block.
Square Wave Punch: Forward, Back, High Punch.
Rising Bicycle Kick: Back, Back, Down, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: High Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Back + High Punch.
Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Back, Forward, Down, Down, Run.
Fatality 2: (Hold Run + Block) Up, Up, Back, Down, (Release Run + Block).
Animality: (Hold Low Punch) Back, Forward, Down, Forward, (Release Low Punch).
Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
Friendship: Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Run.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Forward, Down, High Punch.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Block,
High Kick, Low Kick.

Sonya defeats her arch-enemy Kano high atop a
skyscraper near Shao Kahn's fortress. She then comes
face to face with the emperor himself. In an incredible
display of courage, Sonya wins.

When the world returns to its normal state, Sonya has no

trouble convincing her superiors to form the Outerworld
Investigation Agency, devoted to protecting the Earth
against possible future invasions from other realms.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


In failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld

invasion, Jax prepares to covertly for the future battle with Kahn's
minions. He fits both arms with indestructible bionic implants. This
is a war Jax is prepared to win.

Special Moves
Single Missile: Back, Forward, High Punch.
Double Missile: Forward, Forward, Back, Back, High Punch.
"Gotcha" Grab: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
(Tap Low Punch for extra hits)
Back Breaker: Block in air when next to airborne opponent.
Body Slam: Perform a Throw and repeatedly tap High Punch.
Ground Pound: Hold Low Punch for 3 seconds, then release.
Dash Punch: Forward, Forward, Low Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Block, Back + High Punch.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, LP, Block, Back+High Punch.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Block, LP, Back+High Punch.
Combo 4: High Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 5: High Kick, High Kick, Down + High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Punch, Back +
High Punch.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Up, Up, Down, Forward, Up, Block.
Fatality 2: Run, Block, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Animality: Hold Low Kick, Forward, Forward, Down, Forward.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, Low Kick.
Friendship: Low Kick, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Down, Forward, Down, Low Punch.
*Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Punch, High Punch, High
Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Punch, High Punch.

The second time Jax battles the forces of Shao Kahn, he
comes prepared. Thought to be the strongest man on
Earth, Jax has easily proven it. First by beating Kahn's
armies, then by defeating Kahn himself.

When the world reverts back to normal, Jax and Sonya

start the Outerworld Investigation Agency. Jax runs the
exploratory division which learns to open portals through
science rather than magic. He leads the first expedition into a mysterious new realm.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Nightwolf works as a historian and preserver of his peoples

culture. When Kahn's portal opens over North America,
Nightwolf uses the magic of his Shamen to protect his tribes
sacred land. This area becomes a vital threat to Kahn's
occupation of Earth.

Special Moves
Arrow: Down, Back, Low Punch.
Hatchet Uppercut: Down, Forward, High Punch.
Shoulder Charge: Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Glow Shield: Back, Back, Back, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 2: Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick.
Combo 4: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Back + High Kick.
Combo 5: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Hatchet Uppercut.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Up, Up, Back, Forward, Block.
Fatality 2: Back, Back, Down, High Punch.
Animality: Forward, Forward, Down, Down.
Babality: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Low Punch.
Friendship: High Punch, Run, Run, Run, Down.
Stage Fatalities: Run, Run, Block.
*Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block, Block, Low
Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, High Kick.

Nightwolf helps the other Earth warriors escape to his
sacred land. Once there, they regroup and plan a form of
attack against Shao Kahn's invasion. Nightwolf has
trained hard for this battle. Finally, he faces Shao Kahn
and emerges victorious.

When the Earth returns to its normal state, Nightwolf

peacefully regains his land the Native American people
lost over many years. They establish their own proud nation and soon become the great leaders
of Earth.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


When the renegade Princess Kitana makes her escape into the
unknown regions of Earth, Jade is appointed by Shao Kahn to
bring his daughter back alive. Once a close friend of the Princess,
Jade is faced with the task of betraying her friend or disobeying her

Special Moves
Boomerang: Back, Forward, Low Punch.
Upward Boomerang: Back, Forward, High Punch.
Downward Boomerang: Back, Forward, Low Kick.
Returning Boomerang: Back, Back, Forward, Low Punch.
(Returns if it misses opponent)
Shadow Kick: Down, Forward, Low Kick.
Projectile Shield: Back, Forward, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Down + High Punch.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + Low
Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Up, Up, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Fatality 2: (Close) Run, Run, Run, Block, Run.
Animality: (Close) Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Down, High Kick.
Friendship: Back, Down, Back, Back, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Run.
* Brutality: High Punch, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick,
Block, High Punch, High Kick.

Jade makes the decision to assist her longtime friend,
Kitana. She thwarts an assassination attempt by Reptile
against the princess and fends off their other Outworld

This clears the path for Kitana to turn Sindel against the
Emperor Shao Kahn. With Sindel removed as an enemy
Jade finds herself facing the Emperor in Kombat.

She defeats him and both Earth and her former homeland of Edenia are transformed to their
original states. Jade has earned herself a place alongside the great heroes of Mortal Kombat.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.


When Shao Kahn makes a failed attempt at stealing the souls

which occupy Earth's hell, Scorpion is able to escape from the
nether region. Free to roam the Earth once more, Scorpion holds
allegiance with no one. He's a wild card in Earth's struggle against
the Outworld.

Special Moves
Spear: Back, Back, Low Punch.
Teleport Punch: Down, Back, High Punch.
(Can also be done in air)
Air Throw: Block in air when next to airborne opponent.
Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Up + Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Outside Sweep) Down, Down, Up, High Kick.
Fatality 2: (Close) (Use Block) Forward, Forward, Down, Up, Run.
Animality: (Close) (Use Block) Forward, Up, Up, High Kick.
Babality: Down, Back, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Friendship: Back, Forward, Forward, Back, Low Kick.
Stage Fatalities: (Use Block) Forward, Up, Up, Low Punch.
* Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, High
Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.

Scorpion is inadvertently released from his damnation in
hell when Kahn's Plan to overtake that realm goes awry.
Free to roam Earth, Scorpion is enlisted by the Emperor
to aid him in his quest to destroy the chosen warriors.

But, his allegiance to Shao Kahn falters when he

discovers one of the chosen warriors to be Sub-Zero.
Scorpion has vowed to protect the former ninja as
restitution for killing his brother.

Shao Kahn finds himself the victim of his own scheme as Scorpion is forced to turn against him,
he destroys the Emperor and the Earth is returned to normal.

Scorpion finds himself once again roaming the pits of Hell, only to one day rise again.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.

Kano was thought to have been killed in the first tournament.
Instead, he is found alive in the outworld where he again escapes
capture by Sonya. Before the actual Outworld invasion, Kano
convinces Kahn to spare his soul. Kahn needs someone to teach his
warriors how to use Earth's weapons... Kano is the man to do it.

Special Moves
Cannonball: Hold Low Kick for 3 seconds and release.
Knife Throw: Down, Back, High Punch.
Blade Swipe: Down, Forward, High Punch.
Grab and Shake: Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Air Throw: Block in air when next to airborne opponent.
(MKT Only) Low Cannon Ball: Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
(MKT Only) High Cannon Ball: Forward, Down, Forward, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Down + High Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Hold Low Punch) Forward, Down, Down, Forward, (Release Low Punch).
Fatality 2: (Close) Low Punch, Block, Block, High Kick.
Animality: (Hold High Punch) Block, Block, Block, (Release High Punch).
Babality: Forward, Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick.
Friendship: Low Kick, Run, Run, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Up, UP, Back, Low Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block,
High Kick, Low Kick.

When Shao Kahn lets Kano live he fails to recognize the
resourcefulness of the scheming human. Kano lures
Kahn's armies away on a false mission: then nukes them using a stolen weapon. He fights the
remaining warriors and finally defeats Kahn himself.

Kano's true intention is to take over the souls which Kahn once possessed. But Kano is unable to
control the spirits as they escape and attack him. Rumored to have suffered a violent death, Kano
was ignorant of the fact that he saved the world that he tried to conquer.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Murdered by her twin sister Kitana, Mileena finds herself brought

back to life by Shao Kahn himself. Her skills as a vicious fighter
will be needed to defeat Earth's chosen warriors. Her ability to read
the thoughts of her twin sister will enable Kahn to stay one step

Special Moves
Sai Toss: Hold High Punch for 2 seconds and release.
(Can also be done in air)
Teleport Kick: Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Ground Roll: Back, Back, Down, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Ground Roll.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Up + Low Kick, Up + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (One Screen Away) Back, Back, Back, Forward, Low Kick.
Fatality 2: (Close) Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Animality: (Close) Forward, Down, Down, Forward.
Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Friendship: Down, Down, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Block, Run, Block, Block.
* Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick,
Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch.
Winning the third tournament enables Mileena to reclaim her role as the Outworld Queen.
With the help of Baraka she then takes both Sindel and her daughter Kitana hostage.

Together they threaten Shao Kahn with their lives unless he lures the Earth-born warrior.
Into a fourth Mortal Kombat where Baraka can return regain his title as the Ultimate
Mortal Kombat Champion

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Ending

When Mileena is murdered, she finds her soul reborn in an evil place called the Netherealm.
Here she accepts servitude to an all mighty god known as Shinnok. It is Shinnok who allows her
soul to be reborn on the outworld. Her loyalty to Shao Kahn is replaced by her fear of Shinnok.
Mileena plots to overthrow her own father.

The ability to read Kitana's mind and predict the Earth warriors motives, enables Mileena to set
up her father's downfall. When Kahn is weakened by the onslaught of attacks, Mileena takes the
opportunity to destroy her father and allow Shinnok to step forward and take both realms for his
own sinister purposes.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.


An enigma to all who come into contact with him. Ermac's past
remains shrouded in mystery. It's believed that he exists as a
life force brought together by the souls of extinguished
Outworld warriors. Shao Kahn has managed to take possession
of these souls and use them to fight on the side of tyranny.

Special Moves
Fireball: Down, Back, Low Punch.
Teleport Punch: Down, Back, High Punch.
Telekinetic Slam: Back, Down, Back, High Kick.
Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Back+Low Punch, High Kick, Low Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Run, Block, Run, Run, High Kick.
Fatality 2: (Sweep) Down, Up, Down, Down, Down, Block.
*Animality: (Close) Back, Back, Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Down, High Kick.
*Friendship: Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Run, Run, Run, Run, Low Kick.
** Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block, High
Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick.

Having been in hiding since the first Mortal kombat, neither the Earth nor the Outworld
has recognized this elusive ninja. Ermac uses his victory in the tournament to prove his

As well as a warning that he will return as an unstoppable force in the fourth Mortal

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Ending

When Kahn finally eliminates his opposition, he finds a new and surprising foe in Ermac. The
Outworld souls that give life to the warrior did not trust their tyrannical leader who planned to
consume the powerful life for his own power.

Even Shao Kahn's power was no match for the overwhelming strength of legions of deceased
Outworld warriors. They destroyed their master in a battle that devastated the entire realm.
Ermac was left behind to rule it with his own brand of oppression.
* These moves can only be performed in Mortal Kombat Trilogy.
** Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Thought to have been vanquished in the Shaolin Tournament,

Sub-Zero mysteriously returns. It's believed this secretive
member of the Lin Kuei, a legendary clan of Chinese "ninjas",
has returned to again attempt an assassination of Shang Tsung.
To do so, he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's

Special Moves
Freeze: Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Ground Freeze: Down, Back, Low Kick.
Slide: Back + Low Punch + Block + Low Kick.
(MKT N64) Ice Shower: Down, Forward, High Punch.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: Forward + Low Kick, Back + High Kick, Forward + Low Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Down + High Punch.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Low Kick, Back+High Kick, Forward+Low Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Down, Down, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Fatality 2: Unknown.
Animality: Unknown.
Babality: Down, Back, Back, High Kick.
Friendship: Unknown.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
* Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, High
Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.

Having been killed in the first tournament, Sub-Zero somehow seems to have emerged to
win the third tournament. However, upon removing his mask both the Outworld and the
Earth-born warriors...

Are shocked to discover the true identity of this warrior. A warrior who has long been
missing from a previous Mortal Kombat, and one who will return in the fourth tournament.

* Brutalities can't be performed in the arcade version of UMK3.


The ninja returns- unmasked. Betrayed by his own clan, the Lin
Kuei, he broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is
marked for death. But unlike the ninja of old, his pursuers
comes as machines. He must not only defend himself against
the Outworld menace, but he must also elude his soulless

Special Moves
Freeze: Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Ice Shower: Down, Forward, High Punch.
Front Ice Shower: Down, Forward, Back, High Punch.
Behind Ice Shower: Down, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Ice Clone: Down, Back, Low Punch.
Ground Slide: Back + Low Punch + Low Kick + Block.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Block, Block, Run, Block, Run.
Fatality 2: (Outside Sweep) Back, Back, Down, Back, Run.
Animality: Forward, Up, Up.
Babality: Down, Back, Back, High Kick.
Friendship: Low Kick, Run, Run, Up.
Stage Fatalities: Back, Down, Forward, Forward, High Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick,
High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.

In vicious battle, Sub-Zero faces Cyrax and Sektor: but
not alone. He finds his third Lin Kuei Assassin - the
elusive Smoke. Before automation Smoke and Sub-Zero
were allies. Sub-Zero helps Smoke recall his past and
gains him as an ally once again.

Sub-Zero defeats his cyborg assassins with the help of

Smoke and finds it takes all his own inner strengths to
defeat Kahn and his Outworld Minions. The former ninja once again disappears into the
shadows. His legacy known only by a select few.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9. He was the
first of three Prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei.
Sektor was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. He
volunteered for automation because of his loyalty to the clan.
Sektor survives the Outworld invasion- he has no soul to take.

Special Moves
Missile: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
(MKT Only) Double Missles: Back, Back, Forward, Low
Homing Missile: Forward, Down, Back, High Punch.
Teleport Uppercut: Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
(Can also be done in air)

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Low Kick, Low Punch.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Sweep) Low Punch, Run, Run, Block.
Fatality 2: (Half Screen Away) Forward, Forward, Forward, Back, Block.
Animality: (Close) Forward, Forward, Down, Up.
Babality: Back, Down, Down, Down, High Kick.
Friendship: Run, Run, Run, Run, Down.
Stage Fatalities: Down, Down, Down, Run.
*Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Punch, High Punch, High
Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Punch, High Punch.

After eventually terminating Sub-Zero, Sektor is attacked
by Shao Kahn's army. Unfamiliar with the Outworld
warriors, Sektor fights back. He targets Kahn and all
Outworld beings as threats to the Lin Kuei.

Kahn's minions are no match for Sektor, who fights his

way into the fortress. Once inside, Sektor initiates his
self-destruct sequence. The resulting explosion is so
massive that it closes the portal and Returns Earth back to normal.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Sindel once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as queen. Now
10,000 years later after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth
with evil intentions. Sindel is the key to Kahn's occupation of

Special Moves
Fireball: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Scream: Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Levitate: Back, Back, Forward, High Kick.
Air Fireball: Down, Forward, Low Kick.
(Can be done while jumping or floating)
(MKT Only) Double Fireball: Back, Back, Forward, Low Punch.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Down + High Punch.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, LP, High Kick.
Combo 3: Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, LP, High Kick.
Combo 4: Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Down + High Punch.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Run, Run, Block, Run, Block.
Fatality 2: Run, Run, Block, Block, Run + Block.
Animality: Forward, Forward, Up, High Punch.
Babality: Run, Run, Run, Up.
Friendship: Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Up.
Stage Fatalities: Down, Down, Down, Low Punch.
*Brutality: High Punch, Block, Low Kick, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Kick, Low
Kick, Block, Low Punch.

Sindel receives visions of her true past and turns against
Shao Kahn. She discovered that her true husband was
named Jerrod. They once had a daughter named Kitana
and ruled the realm called Endenia, before Kahn took it
away in their own Mortal Kombat.

He uses Sindel as a pawn in his quest for Earth and took

Kitana as his own daughter. But in defeating Shao Kahn,
Sindel frees the Earth. In doing so, she also liberates Endenia and assures a reunion with her
10,000 year old daughter - Kitana.
* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


When the Outworld portal opens over a large city in North

America, panic and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was
the leader of the Riot Control Brigade when Shao Kahn began
taking souls. He finds himself the lone survivor of a city once
populated by millions.

Special Moves
Low Grenade: Down, Back, Low Punch.
High Grenade: Down, Back, High Punch.
(MKT Only) Double Low Grenade: Forward, Down, Back, Low
(MKT Only) Double High Grenade: Forward, Down, Back, High Punch.
Baton Trip: Forward, Back, Low Punch.
Baton Toss: Forward, Forward, High Kick.
(UMK3, MKT) Rapid Fire Gun: Back, Forward, High Punch.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Block.
Fatality 2: (Almost One Screen Away) Forward, Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Animality: (Outside Sweep) Run, Run, Run, Block.
Babality: own, Forward, Forward, Back, High Punch.
Friendship: Run, Low Punch, Run, Low Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Up, Up, High Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick,
High Kick, High Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick.
Ignorant of why his soul was spared from the Outworld
invasion, Stryker receives a vision from Raiden. He is
instructed to travel west. He eventually meets the rest of
Earth's warriors and learns the true meaning of his

He travels back to the city he swore to protect. Kahn is

unfamiliar with this new kombatant and is caught off
guard. Stryker defeats the warlord and saves the entire planet. The chaos that consumed the city
in the hours before the invasion are gone.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, The second of three prototype

Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts,
his last program is to find and terminate the rouge ninja Sub
Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes undetected by Shoa Kahn
and remains a possible threat against his occupation of Earth.

Special Moves
Green Net: Back, Back, Low Kick.
Short Bomb: (Hold Low Kick) Back, Back, High Kick.
Long Bomb: (Hold Low Kick) Forward, Forward, High Kick.
Air Throw: Forward, Down, Forward, Block, Low Punch.
Teleport: Forward, Down, Block.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Down, Down, Up, Down, High Punch.
Fatality 2: (Close) Down, Down, Forward, Up, Run.
Animality: (Close) (Use Block) Up, Up, Down, Down.
Babality: Forward, Forward, Back, High Punch.
Friendship: (Close) (Use Block) Up, Up, Down, Down.
Stage Fatalities: Run, Block, Run.
*Brutality: High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High
Kick, High Punch, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Punch.

Cyrax is captured by Sub-Zero and reprogrammed with
new orders: to destroy Shao Kahn. With Kahn unable to
detect this soulless assasin, Cyrax delivers a successful
sneak attack.

However, after eliminating Kahn and saving Earth, Cyrax

awaits for new orders from his Lin Kuei Headquarters.
The orders never come and Cyrax malfunctions. He ends
up stranded in the middle of the desert, blindly heading back toward his base.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.

Kung Lao

Kung Lao's plan to reform the White Lotus Society comes to a

halt when Shao Kahn's invasion takes the earth by storm. As a
chosen warrior Kung Lao must use his greatest fighting skills
to bring down Shao Kahn's reign of terror.

Special Moves
Hat Throw: Back, Forward, Low Punch.
Teleport: Down, Up.
Spinning Shield: Forward, Down, Forward, Run.
(Keep tapping Run to keep spinning)
Diving Kick: (In Air) Down + High Kick.
(MKT Only) Double Teleport: Down, Down, Up.
Basic Combos
Combo 1: Low Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Back + High

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Forward, Forward, Back, Down, High Punch.
Fatality 2: (Half Screen Away) Run, Block, Run, Block, Down.
Animality: Run, Run, Run, Run, Block.
Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Friendship: Run, Low Punch, Run, Low Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Down, Down, Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low
Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch.

When Shao Kahn invades Earth, Kung Lao must scrap his
plans of reuniting the White Lotus Society. He instead
must focus on the new tournament. He seeks Liu Kang
and together they battle Kahn's forces fearlessly.

Using the knowledge he obtained as a Shaolin Monk, he

fights in the name of his great ancestor- the original Kung
Lao. He emerges victorious but suffers from injuries
during battle with Kahn. Believed to have passed away, Kung Lao joins his ancestors in a new

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Smoke, unit LK-7T2, is the third prototype cyber-ninja built

by the Lin Kuei. He tried to escape the automation process
with Sub-Zero but was captured. His memories were stripped
away, leaving behind an emotionless killer. However, Sub-Zero believes that within this machine
is a human soul trying to escape.

Special Moves
Spear: Back, Back, Low Punch.
Teleport Uppercut: Forward, Forward, Low Kick.
(Can also be done in air)
Air Throw: Block in air when next to airborne opponent.
Invisibility: (Hold Block) Up, Up, Run, (Release Block).

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, High Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch.
Murdoink's Favourite Combo: Anti-air Jump Kick, Teleport Uppercut, anti-air High Punch,
Spear, Combo #3. (63%)

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (More than half screen away) (Hold Block) Up, Up, Forward, Down, (Release
Fatality 2: (Outside Sweep) (Hold Block + Run) Down, Down, Forward, Up, (Release Block +
Animality: Down, Forward, Forward, Block.
Babality: Down, Down, Back, Back, High Kick.
Friendship: Run, Run, Run, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Forward, Down, Low Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, Block, Low Punch, Low Punch,
High Punch, High Punch, Block, Block.

Smoke was once a friend and ally of Sub-Zero when they
both tried to escape from being turned into machines by
their ninja clan. But Smoke is captured and transformed
into a cyborg with a mission to kill his own partner.
But Smoke soon finds himself being pursued by Shao Kahn's minions. He learns he still has a
soul and his true mission is the destruction of the Outworld invaders. He defeats Kahn and saves
the world, but is forever trapped in his artificial body.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.

Liu Kang

After the Outworld invasion, Liu Kang finds himself the prime
target of Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion
and has thwarted Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans,
Kang poses the greatest threat to Shao Kahn's rule.

Special Moves
High Fireball: Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Low Fireball: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Bicycle Kick: Hold Low Kick for 4 seconds and release.
Flying Kick: Forward, Forward, High Kick.
(MKT Only) Red Bicycle Kick: (Hold Low Kick) Back,
Forward, Release Low Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + Low Kick.
Combo 2: High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + Low Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: Forward, Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick.
Fatality 2: Up, Down, Up, Up, Run + Block.
Animality: (Sweep) Down, Down, Up.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, High Kick.
Friendship: Down, Down, Down, Run.
Stage Fatalities: Run, Block, Block, Low Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Kick, Low
Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, High Punch.
After Kahn's takeover of Earth, Liu Kang finds himself
the prime target of Shao Kahn's extermination squads.
Kang is the reigning Mortal Kombat Champion and has
proved it by easily defeating Kahn's minions.

But it is the apparent death of Shaolin brother Kung Lao

that enrages Kang and enables him to find the strength to
defeat Shao Kahn. Then, before the portal closes, Liu
Kang is greeted by Princess Kitana and thanked for saving Earth and the Outworld.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.

Shang Tsung

Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead sorcerer. He once fell out of favor with
his emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through
tournament battle. But the ever scheming Shang Tsung is
instrumental in Kahn's conquest of Earth. He has now been
granted more power than ever.

Special Moves
Fireball: Back, Back, High Punch.
Double Fireball: Back, Back, Forward, High Punch.
Triple Fireball: Back, Back, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Volcanic Eruption: Forward, Back, Back, Low Kick.

Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs

Sonya: Down + Run + Low Punch + Block.
Jax: Forward, Forward, Down, Low Punch.
Nightwolf: Up, Up.
Kano: Back, Forward, Block.
Sub-Zero: Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Sektor: Down, Forward, Back, Run.
Sindel: Back, Down, Back, Low Kick.
Stryker: Forward, Forward, High Kick.
Cyrax: Block, Block, Block.
Kung Lao: Run, Run, Block, Run.
Kabal: Low Punch, Block, High Kick.
Sheeva: Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick, Low Kick.
Liu Kang: Rotate joystick 360 degrees counter-clockwise from opponent.
Smoke: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs

All versions.
Kitana: Forward, Down, Forward, Run.
Reptile: Run, Block, Block, High Kick.
Jade: Forward, Forward, Down, Down + Block.
Scorpion: Down, Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Ermac: Down, Down, Up.
Mileena: Run, Block, High Kick.
Classic Sub Zero: Block, Block, Run, Run.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs

Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo versions.
Rain: Run, Block, Low Kick.
Noob Saibot: Forward, Down, Down, Back, High Kick.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Morphs

All versions.
Baraka: Down, Down, Low Kick.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Morphs

Nintendo 64 version
Raiden: Block, Run, Block.
(Cyborg) Smoke: Back, Back, Down, Low Kick.
Human Smoke: Block, Run, Low Kick.
Johnny Cage: Forward, Down, Forward, High Punch.
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Morphs
PlayStation, PC, Sega Saturn version.
Johnny Cage: Back, Back, Down, Low Punch.
Raiden : Down, Back, Forward, Low Kick.
MK1 Kano: (Block) Back, Down, Forward, Up.
MK1 Raiden: Back, Back, Forward, Run.
MKII Jax: Down, Forward, Back, High Kick.
MKII Kung Lao: Back, Down, Back, High Kick.
Goro: Back, Back, Back, Low Punch.
Shao Kahn: Back, Forward, High Kick.
Motaro: Forward, Down, Back, High Punch.
Kintaro: Hold Low Punch) for 3 seconds and release.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) (Hold Low Punch) Down, Forward, Forward, Down, (Release Low Punch).
Fatality 2: (Close) (Hold Low Punch) Run, Block, Run, Block, (Release Low Punch).
Animality: (Close) (Hold High Punch) Run, Run, Run, (Release High Punch).
Babality: Run, Run, Run, Low Kick.
Friendship: LK, Run, Run, Down.
Stage Fatalities: Up, Up, Back, Low Punch.
*Brutality: High Punch, Block, Block, Block, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch,
Block, High Kick, Low Kick.

When Shao Kahn overtakes the Earth, he needs Shang
Tsung to help locate the surviving humans. Granted new
powers, Tsung soon discovers his dark emperor's true plan: as soon as the remaining warriors are
disposed of, Kahn will take Tsung's own soul.

After learning this, Tsung turns on his master. He catches Motaro off guard and then defeats
Shao Kahn. But before the Earth can return to normal, Tsung takes all the souls as his own. He
will forever rule the Earth with his own brand of evil.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Sheeva was hand picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's

personal protector. She becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's
loyalty toward her race of Shokan when he places Motaro as the
head of his extermination squads. On the Outworld, Motaro's
race of Centurions is the natural enemy of the Shokan.

Special Moves
Teleport Stomp: Down, Up.
Fireball: Down, Forward, High Punch.
Ground Stomp: Back, Down, Back, High Kick.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Forward + High Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High

Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Close) Forward, Down, Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Fatality 2: (Close) (Hold High Kick) Back, Forward, Forward, (Release High Kick).
Animality: Run, Block, Block, Block, Block.
Babality: Down, Down, Down, Back, High Kick.
Friendship: Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, pause 1/2 second, High Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Low Punch.
*Brutality: High Punch, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Kick, Low Kick,
Block, Low Punch, High Punch.

While Sheeva serves her master on Earth, her race of
Shokan are being punished on the Outworld. Kahn now
favors Motaro's race of centurions and aids them in
defeating the Shokan. After learning of these events,
Sheeva turns on her master.

She defeats Motaro and in a rage brings down Kahn. In

freeing Earth, she also frees the Outworld. She then
returns home and works to restore the pride and respect of her race.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


As a chosen warrior, his identity is a mystery to all. It is

believed he is a survivor of a attack by Shao Kahn's
extermination squads. As a result, he is viciously scarred, kept
alive by artificial respirators and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's

Special Moves
Fireball: Back, Back, High Punch.
Web Spin: Back, Forward, Low Kick.
Ground Saw: Back, Back, Back, Run.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: Low Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 2: Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.
Combo 3: Low Kick, Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Down + High Punch.
Combo 4: Low Kick, Low Kick, High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Down + High
Finishing Moves
Fatality 1: (Half Screen Away) Down, Down, Back, Forward, Block.
Fatality 2: (Close) Run, Block, Block, Block, High Kick.
Animality: (Close) (Hold High Punch) Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, (Release High
Babality: Run, Run, Low Kick.
Friendship: Run, Low Kick, Run, Run, Up.
Stage Fatalities: Block, Block, High Kick.
*Brutality: High Punch, Block, Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low
Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.

After returning from near death, Kabal swears revenge
against his attackers. He fights alongside the other Earth
warriors. When he defeats Motaro and the mighty Shao
Kahn, he proves he is truly the chosen one.

Before the invasion, Kabal had led a life of crime. He was

once a member of the Back Dragon along with Kano.
Now Kabal devotes his life to fighting injustice. He gives
crime's inner circle something to fear.

* Brutalities can't be performed in MK3 or the arcade version of UMK3.


Born of Kitana's former world of Edenia, Rain was smuggled away from the realm as a
small child shortly after Shao Kahn's take over. Thousands of years later he resurfaced.
His allegiance belonging to Kahn, he chose to betray his homeland rather than suffer at
the hands of Kahn's extermination Squads.

Special Moves
Lightning: Back, Back, Back, High Punch.
Mind Control Orb: Down, Forward, High Punch.
(Use the joystick to move your opponent in the air)
Super Roundhouse: Back + High Kick.
Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch.
Combo 2: High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves
* Fatality 1: (Close) Forward, Forward, Down, High Punch.
* Fatality 2: (Half Screen Away) Down, Down, Back, Forward, High Kick.
* Animality: (Sweep) Block, Block, Run, Run, Block.
Babality: Forward, Back, Back, High Punch.
* Friendship: Down, Forward, Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
Brutality: High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, High Kick,
Block, High Punch, Low Punch

Rain fights valiantly for the Emperor Shao Kahn. But it would be Kahn's own step
daughter, the Princess Kitana who turns Rain against him. Like Kitana, Rain's
origins also come from their former realm of Edenia.

He learns that his father was once a general in Edenia's army and died at the hands
of Shao Kahn himself. Enraged at the truth about his history, he joins Kitana in
aligning with the Earth Realm Warriors.

But his allegiance comes under question when he mysteriosly disappears during an
extermination squad attack. To prove his loyalty he embarked on a suicide mission
to destroy Shao Kahn and end the menace once and for all.

This Ending appears only in MKTrilogy and UMK3 for Sega Genesis.

* These finishers aren only available in Mortal Kombat Trilogy.

Rain appears only in the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis versions of UMK3, and MKTrilogy,
Rain actually does appear in UMK3 for Arcade, but only in the attract mode of the game.
Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot emerges from the darkest region of reality - a region

known as the Netherealm. He belongs to a group called the
Brothers of the Shadow, and worships an evil and mysterious
fallen Elder God. His mission is to spy on the events taking place
in the battle between the realms and report back to his enigmatic

Special Moves
Shadow Toss: Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Teleport Slam: Down, Up.
Fireball: Down, Forward, Low Punch.

Basic Combos
Combo 1: High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick.
Combo 2: Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick.
Combo 3: High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Low Kick.

Finishing Moves
* Fatality 1: (Sweep) Back, Back, Forward, Forward, High Kick.
* Fatality 2: (Close) Hold Block, Down, Down, Up, Run.
* Animality: (Close) Back, Forward, Back, Forward, High Kick.
Babality: Forward, Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
* Friendship: Forward, Forward, Back, High Punch.
Stage Fatalities: Forward, Down, Forward, Block.
* Brutality: High Punch, Low Kick, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Punch, Low
Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick.

At first a passive observer, Noob Saibot would soon receive orders to side with the evil
Emperor Shao Kahn. Saibot's leaders in the Netherrealm want him to join Kahn's battle to
gain his trust and to gain entrance into the Earth Realm.
When Kahn drops his guard, Noob Saibot is ordered to attack. With both the Earth Realm and
the Outworld's Emperor defeated, the fallen Elder God known as Shinnok can take both realms
and gain the power he needs to strike back at the Elder God who banished him into the

This Ending appears only in UMK3 for Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo and MKTrilogy (all

* These finishers can't be performed in the arcade and Sega Saturn versions of UMK3
- In the arcade and Sega Saturn versions of UMK3, Noob Saibot is playable with external


In the realm of the Outworld, Motaro's race of Centaurians has long

since come into conflict with the Shokan. When Shao Kahn formed
special extermination squads to eliminate the chosen warriors of
Earth, Motaro was appointed to headthis elite group of savage
Bio taken from MKTrilogy.

Special Moves
Grab and Smack: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Fireball: Forward, Down, Back, High Punch.
Teleport: Down, Up.

Special Moves for MKTrilogy on N64

Grab and Smack: Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Fireball: Hold Low Kick for 3 seconds and release.
Teleport: Down, Back, High Kick.

Finishing Moves
(MKT N64 Only) Fatality: (Close) Foward, Forward, Forward, High Kick.

Motaro Wins.

Ending taken from MKTrilogy.

Shao Kahn

Long ago, Shao Kahn rose to power in the Outworld, usurping the realm from Kitana's
parents and taking Queen Sindel for his bride. Then she died. Now, centuries later,
Sindel is reborn. And since Shang Tsung failed to win the Earth Realm through Mortal
Kombat I and II, her rebirth is the means by which Kahn will finally seize the planet
forever unless...
Bio taken from MKTrilogy.

Special Moves
Shadow Charge: Forward, Forward, Low Punch.
Upwards Shadow Charge: Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Sledge Hammer: Back, Forward, High Punch.
Fireball: Back, Back, Forward, Low Punch.
Taunt: Down, Down, Low Kick.
Laugh: Down, Down, High Kick.

Special Moves for MKTrilogy on N64

Shadow Charge: Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Upwards Shadow Charge: Down, Down, Forward, High Kick.
Sledge Hammer: Forward, Back, Back, High Punch.
Fireball: Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
Taunt: (Hold Block) Up, Up, Run.
Laugh: Down, Down, Run.

Finishing Moves
(MKT N64 Only) Fatality: (Sweep) Forward, Back, Back, High Punch.


Shao Kahn Wins.

Ending taken from MKTrilogy.

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