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Corticosteroid Therapy
In Childhood Asthma

* Fortunately, nearly all cases of asthma in childhood can be managed suc-

cessfully without the use of adrenal corticosteroids. However, when used
properly the corticoids enable that small group of children who have not
responded to traditional allergic management to lead normal lives. The action
of these compounds is a pharmacologic and not a physiologic one. The
adrenal corticosteroids suppress the symptoms of childhood asthma but in
no way serve as curative agents of allergic disease.

THE ADRENAL CORTICOSTEROIDS were introduced 21 glucocorticoid series and have hyperglycemic,
as pharmacological agents in clinical medicine 16 protein-wasting, ACTH-suppressing and eosinope-
years ago.36 These anti-inflammatory substances nic effects. Hydrocortisone is transported in the
now are being used extensively in pediatrics in circulation in the 1 7-hydroxycorticoid fraction
the management of blood dyscrasias,52 childhood loosely bound to plasma protein. Ninety per cent
nephrosis,9 connective tissue disorders51 and tra- of it is reduced and conjugated in the liver with
ditional "allergic" diseases-asthma and atopic glucuronic acid and excreted in the urine by
dermatitis.53'56'61 This review is an assessment of glomerular filtration.
the role of the corticosteroids in childhood asthma. The physiologic and pharmacologic effects of
Steroids-Structural Relationships all these compounds are similar, with minor varia-
tions. The pharmacologic potency of any corticoid
Steroids are lipid substances which are dis- is dependent on the intensity of the end-organ re-
tributed widely in nature. A large number of them sponse as well as the survival time of the corticoid
are produced by the adrenal cortex but, of these, in an active state in body fluids. The relative anti-
hydrocortisone (cortisol) is the chief natural com- inflammatory potencies of various steroid prepa-
pound with anti-inflammatory activity. Its struc- rations are shown in Table 1.
ture and the configuration of some common
synthetic agents which share the basic steroid Corticosteroid preparations can be adminis-
molecular structure necessary for anti-inflamma- tered via the oral, intramuscular, intravenous, rec-
tory activity are shown in Figure 1. All anti- tal or inhalation route. With the administration of
inflammatory steroids are members of the carbon- oral steroid medication, the peak blood concentra-
tion occurs in four to eight hours, with subsequent
Fellow in Pediatric Allergy, Department of Pediatrics, University
of California Medical Center, San Francisco.
rapid decline. Absorption by the intramuscular
Submitted March 1, 1965. route is variable, depending on the vehicle in


TABLE 1.-Relative Anti-Inflammatory Potencies, Show- antibody complexes in antigen excess (serum
ing Amount of Various Corticosteroid Preparations Needed sickness), and Type IV reactions encompass the
to Have Effect Equal to 25 mg of Cortisone
delayed hypersensitivity phenomena (tuberculin
Cortisone .-------- 25 Atopy is a term which was introduced by Coca
Hydrocortisone .-----------------------------20
Prednisone .------- 5 in 192311 to describe the type of hypersensitivity
Prednisolone ..--....-5 which is peculiar to man, subject to hereditary
Methyl prednisolone . ..........................4
Triamcinolone .--------------------4 influence, associated with circulating antibody
Dexamethasone ................... 0.75 (reagin) and manifesting such clinical syndromes
as hay fever and asthma. Atopy encompasses one
which the drug is contained. Some intramuscular part of the broad field of allergy. Human atopic
preparations are absorbed over a period of several reactions are Type I allergic reactions and under-
weeks. Systemic absorption also occurs in varying lie most cases of childhood asthma. Atopic persons
degrees when the drugs are administered by in- have the capacity to become sensitized to a num-
halation. ber of different inhalant and food substances or
In this review, the term steroid or corticosteroid allergens which are innocuous to more than 90 per
will be used interchangeably with hydrocortisone, cent of the general population. They also usually
the naturally-occurring hormone of the adrenal have family histories of atopic disorders and in-
cortex after which many synthetic anti-inflamma- creased numbers of eosinophiles in nasal secre-
tory agents have been patterned. tions and peripheral blood. It is theorized that, in
atopic persons, the allergen enters the body via a
Asthma-Basic Concepts natural route-respiratory tract, gastrointestinal
Asthma, a reversible clinical syndrome, consists tract or skin-and evokes the production of cir-
of cough and wheezing due to smooth muscle culating reaginic antibody which also has skin
spasm, mucosal edema and excess mucus produc- sensitizing activity. This antibody becomes fixed
tion in the bronchial tree. Many clinicians consider to cells in the "shock organ"-nasal mucosa,
this disease to be episodic, but most children with bronchioles, skin. On subsequent exposure, the
asthma have underlying respiratory symptoms be- allergen reacts with the reaginic antibody on the
tween attacks, particularly if the illness is not un- cell surface, and a number of pharmacologic me-
der good control. These "continuity symptoms" diators are released (histamine, slow-reacting sub-
are coughing or wheezing with exertion and cough- stance, bradykinin and probably others). Through
ing at night. There are also usually associated their effects on blood vessels, mucosal glands and
symptoms of nasal allergic sensitivity-nasal itch- smooth muscle, these mediators produce an in-
ing, sneezing and rhinorrhea.Y' flammatory response. Considerable basic investi-
Asthma in childhood is considered to be an gation is being done on other immune phenomena
allergic disorder. Allergy, a term first used early in the allergic reaction which, presumably, under-
in this century by von Pirquet,64 describes the lie the mechanisms that operate in most cases
"altered reactivity" of an organism upon reexpos- of childhood asthma.38
ure to a foreign substance or allergen. Recently, The most common environmental allergens are
Gell and Coombs14 classified the allergic reactions house dust, animal danders, pollens and molds. In
into four categories (Types I to IV), depending food allergy, which is less common, the immuno-
upon the basic mechanisms that occur. The Type logic mechanisms are more obscure since there is
I reaction, characterized by the combination of little correlation between the presence of specific
antigen (allergen) with antibody which is already reaginic antibody on skin testing and clinical
present on the cell surface, subsequently leads to symptoms. In both inhalant and food cases, one
the release of such mediators as histamine, which must distinguish between the underlying specific
then produce a variety of pharmacologic effects. allergenic factors in asthma and a host of non-
The Type II allergic reaction is characterized by specific "trigger" factors16 such as chemical irri-
the combination of antibody with the tissue cell, tants, climatic changes, respiratory infections,
or antigen, or hapten which has been intimately emotional factors, autonomic reflex phenomena
associated with the cell (auto-immune hemolytic and probably many other unknown variables.
anemia). Type III reactions depend on antigen- Most children with asthma respond to the tra-

118 AUGUST 1965 * 103 * 2

ditional approach of removing as much of the The cells of the hemopoietic system are inti-
offending allergen as possible, followed by injec- mately involved in non-specific as well as allergic
tion therapy in selected cases. The remaining inflammatory responses and are affected in a vari-
respiratory symptoms can usually be controlled ety of ways during therapy with steroid hormones.
with bronchodilators. Even though some of these There is an increase in polymorphonuclear neu-
children may have constant mild symptoms and trophiles in the circulation. Their survival time is
periodic acute exacerbations, they are able to lead increased but their ability to phagotize cells and
essentially normal lives. A few, however, continue their ameboid activity is diminished. While the
to have difficulty in spite of good allergic man- role of the eosinophile in inflammation is not
agement. Some continue to be extremely sensitive clear, it is well known that steroids depress the
to usual allergens; others are not particularly circulating levels of these cells. Lymphocytes are
reactive either clinically or on skin testing. Unrec- intimately involved in delayed hypersensitivity
ognized food allergy may be present. Emotional reactions (Gell and Coombs Type IV) and are
factors are often quite prominent in this group, depressed in the blood and tissues during corticoid
but it is usually difficult to determine whether therapy. The action of the corticosteroid hormones
they are of etiologic significance or represent a on tissue inflammation appears to be the major
reaction of the child to chronic illness. factor in relief of clinical symptoms in asthma.
When chronic asthma becomes severe, the air- Antagonism of Histamine or Its Precursors
way becomes extremely "irritable" and may react Corticosteroids have little effect on the release
in an adverse way to a variety of stimuli which are of histamine; they do not inhibit the rapid phar-
ordinarily innocuous. At this point one is faced macologic action once it is present in the circula-
with a chronic and disabling illness which can tion, and they are not beneficial in the immediate
have a tremendous impact on the child and his treatment of the human anaphylactic reaction.
family. It is in this small group of children in Goth,30 however, has shown that they do prevent
whom traditional allergic management fails or is the reaccumulation of histamine in tissues after
only partially successful, that steroid therapy de- previous discharge. Mast cells, possibly a major
serves consideration. source of histamine in the allergic reaction, are
altered by hydrocortisone-they diminish in num-
Mechanism of Corticosteroid Action in Asthma ber, become vacuolated and acquire irregular out-
Theoretically, corticosteroids may interrupt the lines. The size of the granule changes, and the up-
sequence of immunologic events which lead to the take of radioactivity labeled sulfate is inhibited.2
production of symptoms in asthma by three mech- Schayer49 recently proposed that there are two
anisms: direct inhibition of tissue inflammation, types of histamine which play a role in the
antagonism of histamine or its precursors, or by inflammatory response-extrinsic histamine ob-
suppression of antibody formation. tained from mast cells and released into the gen-
Direct Inhibition of Tissue Inflammation eral circulation, and intrinsic histamine formed
The effects of hydrocortisone in tissue inflam- through the action of histidine decarboxylase in
vascular endothelial cells at the precapillary arteri-
mation have been studied extensively. Experimen- olar level. Intrinsic histamine exerts its effect lo-
tally, radioactive hydrocortisone has a half-life in cally, is not affected by systemic antihistamines
the blood of about 45 minutes and exerts its anti- and is under the regulation of the glucocorticoid
inflammatory effects in tissues within the first hour hormones. Clinically, the response of most cases
after injection. Apparently, the level of hydrocor- of asthma to antihistamines is discouraging and,
tisone necessary to inhibit inflammation is present unless one accepts Schayer's theory, the role of
in tissue for a shorter period than the duration of steroids on histamine metabolism is probably a
the anti-inflammatory effect; this may be due to subsidiary one.
the initiation of a response in the connective tissue
fibroblast.20 The corticosteroids inhibit capillary Suppression of Antibody Formation
permeability, help to reduce transudation of fluid Since reaginic antibody (reagin) plays a role
from the vascular tree and inhibit the synthesis in human atopic disease, it is interesting to specu-
of chondroitin sulfuric acid in connective tissue late about steroid suppression of antibody forma-
ground substance.2 tion as a factor in diminishing the allergic reaction
in asthma. Studies concerning this point have been the normal response to stress of the adrenal glands
performed in animals, using various antigen-anti- may be suppressed for several months after-
body systems. In rabbits treated with corticoids, ward,63 so that close follow-up during this time is
antibody production was inhibited during the pri- mandatory.
mary response following antigenic stimulation. Repeated short courses of steroids should not
This effect, less pronounced but still present, fol- replace good allergic management, and vigorous
lowed secondary anamnestic stimuli.22 Steroids attempts at control of acute episodes with bron-
apparently inhibit antibody synthesis and do not chodilator medication should always be made. The
increase antibody catabolism, since antibody dis- treatment of severe status asthmaticus demands
appearance curves in passively sensitized corti- adequate hydration, expectorants, oxygen, bron-
sone-treated animals are similar to the curves for chodilation-often, inhalation therapy to deliver
untreated controls.22 The steroids, as mentioned, moisture and medication to the bronchial tree;
reduce the number of tissue lymphocytes and and, rarely, use of a bronchoscope for removal
probably suppress antibody production through of secretions. Corticoids are of undoubted thera-
their effects on these cells. peutic benefit but should not be relied upon ex-
General or local anaphylactic reactions depend clusively. Experimentally, they can cause cellular
upon the "fixation" of antibody by cells and sub- changes within one to two hours20; however, in a
sequent release of chemical mediators following severe asthmatic attack clinical improvement does
antigenic stimulation (Gell and Coombs Type I not usually occur that rapidly. With a comprehen-
allergic reactions). The corticoids inhibit anaphy- sive treatment regimen, it is often difficult to as-
lactic reactions in some species, such as the mouse, sess the role of hydrocortisone in the improvement
where vascular permeability factors, cellular ag- of clinical symptoms.
gregation and other mechanisms may be promi- Large doses of steroids given over a short
nent. However, in the guinea pig and in man the period in conjunction with other therapeutic meas-
effects of anaphylaxis are more dependent on the
chemical mediators and are little influenced by ures, can be of aid in distinguishing between a
steroids.22 Adrenal cortical hormones do not pro- reversible and an irreversible pulmonary disease
tect passively sensitized guinea pigs from systemic process. Tooley and Nadel6" studied the pulmo-
anaphylaxis or local passive cutaneous anaphy- nary function in a group of ten children with
laxis (PCA) which requires minute amounts of severe asthma before and after a therapeutic regi-
antibody.46 In humans, the local anaphylactic re- men which included large doses of steroids for
action of the allergy skin test, which is dependent one to two weeks. They found evidence of severe
upon the presence of reaginic antibody, is also not obstructive airway disease in all patients before
affected by steroid therapy.40 treatment. After therapy, all of them had normal
Studies to date have shown partial inhibition, pulmonary function. At present, childhood asthma
but never complete suppression, of antibody syn- appears to be a reversible process but pulmonary
thesis during corticoid treatment. With the dosages function studies of more patients over a longer
used currently in clinical situations, it is unlikely period will be necessary to resolve this issue.
that this mechanism is very important in allergic
reactions.37 Continuous or Long-Term
Steroid Therapy
Short-Term Therapy The initial enthusiasm for the pharmacologic
Corticosteroids can be used effectively in the benefits of the adrenal corticoids was dampened
management of the acute asthmatic attack. Large considerably by the serious adverse side effects
doses, given over a period of seven to ten days and which may occur with long-term use.29 These un-
tapered rapidly or stopped abruptly may prevent toward effects must be weighed carefully when
hospitalization or shorten it. Many of the dangers considering steroid therapy in any illness. In child-
of chronic steroid therapy can be avoided when hood asthma there are two great dangers in the
the duration of treatment is less than three to four use of these agents: adrenal insufficiency and
weeks; there is laboratory evidence of a normal growth suppression. The other common major
adrenal pituitary axis response soon after cessation hazards to steroid therapy are well defined, and
of therapy. However, it must be emphasized that some unusual complications have been described.

120 AUGUST 1965 * 103 * 2

Adrenal Insufficiency Metre and coworkers62 studied the comparative
The effect of exogenous corticoids on the pitui- growth-inhibiting effects of a number of different
tary-adrenal axis is the major reason why these steroid preparations in childhood asthma and
drugs must be used with great caution. Exog- found that prednisone and methyl prednisolone
enous administration of hydrocortisone inhibits had growth suppressive effect at a dosage of 5 mg
the secretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland re- per square meter of body surface per day com-
sulting in diminished output of glucocorticoids and pared with 55 mg per square meter for cortisone.
adrenal atrophy. The extent to which this occurs Since the difference is more than ten-fold and
depends on the dosage of corticoid medication, the anti-inflammatory activity of cortisone is one-
the type and duration of treatment and unknown fifth that of prednisone, cortisone appears to be
variables in the individual patient.63 Thus, abrupt the drug of choice for patients in whom growth
cessation of continuous steroid therapy or the de- suppression is apt to occur.
velopment of sudden stress in a patient receiving Obviously it would be helpful to have knowl-
corticoids may result in the classic symptoms of edge of the growth pattern of the child before
adrenal insufficiency-for example, irritability, beginning continuous steroid therapy, but it is
headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness, most important to have frequent and careful
pallor, shock and death.23 height measurements of the child while he is re-
Urine and serum hydroxycorticoid levels before ceiving these drugs.
and after ACTH stimulation provide laboratory evi- The more common complications of chronic
dence for adequate adrenal function. Ketogenic steroid therapy are well known to most physicians:
steroid levels following administration of metha- * The typical cushinoid features of hyperadren-
pyrapone (SU 4885) help to test the adequacy of alism.58
pituitary ACTH function.25'28 Wood,66 however,
* Osteoporosis, because of the anti-anabolic
pointed out that failure of the pituitary adrenal effect of hydrocortisone on protein metabolism
axis to respond to stress cannot be excluded by leading to a deficiency of bone matrix, and be-
an ACTH stimulation test. Laboratory evidence of
a normal pituitary-adrenal axis does not rule out cause of impaired calcium absorption and in-
the possibility of relative adrenal insufficiency in creased losses of calcium and phosphorus in the
the event of a severely stressful situation.63 There urine and stool.44 Osteoporosis is more commonly
have been reports on the development of acute observed in middle-aged or older adults and in
adrenal insufficiency at surgical operation that is children with such diseases as rheumatoid arth-
done during or following cessation of steroid ther- ritis, where immobilization is a prominent factor.'8
apy.24'47 The risks of long-term steroid treatment It is not usually a serious problem during steroid
begin to occur when the duration of therapy ex- therapy in chronic asthma.
ceeds three to four weeks. * Hypertension - blood pressure should be
monitored regularly.43
Growth Suppression * Electrolyte abnormalities-sodium retention
Retardation of growth is shown by patients with and potassium loss-which are much less common
Cushing's syndrome who have excess circulating since the advent of the newer steroid analogues.42
1 7-hydroxycorticoids.59 The adrenal corticoste- * Increased glyconeogenesis, which can lead to
roids suppress linear growth through an inhibi- and increase in blood sugar, glycosuria and symp-
tory effect on epiphyseal cartilage which may be toms of diabetes.'3"19
the result of antagonism with growth hormone.4'35
Growth rates of children with severe allergic dis- * Gastrointestinal bleeding which can result
ease also may be diminished, but increase decid- from the effect of the steroid hormones on acid
edly when allergic symptoms are ameliorated.'2 secretion and mucosal resistance.3'
In 1956, Blodgett and coworkers6 administered * Altered personality patterns and frank psy-
cortisone in dosages greater than 45 mg per square chotic episodes.'0'27 A patient's emotional status
meter of body surface per day and produced a should be assessed before initiating long-term
reduction in growth rates within several weeks. therapy.
When the drug dosage was reduced below this * Susceptibility to infection is increased in cer-
critical level or was stopped entirely, a growth tain patients who receive continuous steroid ther-
spurt with a return to normal levels ensued. Van apy.2645 These patients usually have severe dis-
ease processes which also alter host resistance the illness. Some children can lead reasonably nor-
(but this factor does not exist in asthma). Cor- mal lives in the face of severe asthma; in others,
ticoids which suppress the local inflammatory a moderate amount of asthma can be disrupting.
response to infection may also alter the host's There are no absolute indications for continuous
immune response to the infecting agent. For ex- steroid therapy, and the decision to initiate it
ample, steroids can suppress the delayed hyper- should be made only after careful consideration
sensitivity response to tuberculin and cause acti- of the severity of the illness, its effect on the pa-
vation and spread of a latent tuberculous proc- tient and the significant risks involved.
ess.45 Any child with asthma in whom long-term The presence of emotional factors influences the
steroid therapy is contemplated should have a course of disease in any chronic illness and many
preliminary tuberculin test,50 chest x-ray and peri- children with chronic asthma have disturbed per-
odic films of the chest during the course of ther- sonal and family relationships which seem to affect
apy. The development of overwhelming bacterial the disease process. Dubo and coworkers,2' how-
lung infections in asthmatic children on prolonged ever, were unable to correlate the severity of par-
steroid therapy is uncommon. The diagnosis of ent-child disturbed emotional patterns with sever-
pneumonia is often difficult to make in an asth- ity and course of the child's asthma. Steroids
matic patient since the rapidly changing infiltrates which improve the child's respiratory symptoms
seen on the chest film are often due to atelec- and relieve the emotional tensions resulting from
tasis.39 However, since steroids may suppress the asthma will have no effect on other primary psy-
systemic manifestations of infection, this diagnosis chogenic disturbances. In some cases, putting the
should be suspected in any asthmatic patient asthmatic child into a rehabilitation center may
whose condition deteriorates while receiving them. be wiser than prolonged steroid therapy.7 Al-
Although overwhelming viral infections-particu- though nearly all children at these centers are re-
larly with childhood exanthemata-have been ob- ceiving steroid therapy on arrival, a significant
served in many steroid-treated disease entities,32 number are weaned from the drugs during their
they are unusual in asthma. stay. It is also often found advisable for the par-
* Other effects: pseudotumor cerebri; acute ents to receive psychiatric help while the child is
hemorrhagic pancreatitis3; myopathy, seen most away from home.
frequently with triamcinolone, but also with other Therapeutic Regimen
preparations8 65; posterior subcapsular cataracts When a decision is made to use corticoid ther-
(in patients with rheumatoid arthritis5); and pe- apy, the type. of treatment regimen must be deter-
culiar skin lesions of panniculitis (following ste-
roid withdrawal in patients with acute rheumatic mined. Careful follow-up is mandatory and the
fever57). problems of adrenal suppression and growth inhi-
bition must be kept in mind. In normal persons,
Since childhood asthma is a reversible disease there is a diurnal variation in spontaneous adrenal
with a very low mortality rate, the reasons for ini- cortical activity, with the peak in hydroxycorticoid
tiating continuous steroid therapy must be criti- output between midnight and 8 a.m.18 With small
cally examined. The corticoids must not be started daily doses of exogenous corticoids there will be
until every suspected underlying cause has been less adrenal suppression if the entire dose is ad-
investigated thoroughly. It is difficult, if not im- ministered between 8 and 10 a.m. rather than
possible, to interpret the effects of a regimen for every 6 hours. Exogenous steroids administered
allergic disease while the patient is receiving "around the clock" in amounts less than the nor-
steroids. mal daily output will inhibit adrenal function.
A few asthmatic children do not respond to When long-term steroid therapy is being discon-
good allergic management and have to have many tinued, a gradual tapering off will help to mini-
admissions to hospital and numerous trips to the mize the aggravation of symptoms that may occur
emergency room. They miss much time at school, until the patient's own pituitary-adrenal axis
have many sleepless nights, create a financial bur- recovers.
den for the family and significant emotional stress An intermittent steroid schedule (given on three
for themselves and their parents. The point at successive days of the week, then stopping for
which prolonged steroid therapy becomes justified four days) has been used extensively in the man-
depends on how the child and his family react to agement of nephrosis.9 However, Siegel and co-

122 AUGUST 1965 * 103 * 2

workers,53 who used this regimen in a group of mal activity. The parents, however, must know the
allergic children with good results, still found evi- type and dose of medication the child receives so
dence of adrenal suppression on the fourth day that in the event of emergency this information
off therapy. Harter and coworkers33 gave one can be given to attending medical personnel. In
large dose of prednisone every 48 hours before acute stressful situations supplementary exogenous
breakfast to a group of 58 adult patients (many steroids may be necessary.
of whom had asthma), this dose being the total Regular efforts should be made to reduce the
amount required ordinarily over a two-day period dose. The entire regimen of treatment for allergic
for relief of symptoms. Adrenal suppressive ac- disease should be reviewed periodically since there
tion of the drug was gone after the first 24 hours is a tendency for the family to make compromises
and the pituitary-adrenal axis returned to normal when the child's clinical symptoms improve.
in the second 24 hours. The anti-inflammatory Above all, the child must be closely observed for
effect of the drug, however, usually carried the six to twelve months after the drugs are discon-
patient through the entire 48-hour period. Har- tinued, keeping in mind all of the complications of
ter34 recently reported that the administration of steroid therapy.
ACTH injections once a month improved the effi- In general, the results of prolonged steroid ther-
ciency of the 48-hour regimen, in some cases per- apy as measured by relief of allergic symptoms
mitting reduction of the prednisone dosage. Siegel have been good. In the series that have been re-
and coworkers55 administered betamethasone to a ported, however, the criteria for the initiation of
group of asthmatic children at 48-hour intervals long-term therapy with steroids, and the concom-
and, contrary to the work by Harter's group, itant allergic regimen, are not always well de-
demonstrated the occurrence of adrenal suppres- fined.41 56'6' There have been conflicting reports
sion in all subjects. Thus, more studies need to be regarding prognosis in asthma since the introduc-
done, using different steroid preparations, since tion of these agents. Some investigators feel that
there may be some discrepancy between the anti- the morbidity and mortality have both declined';
inflammatory potency and adrenal suppressive others think that the morbidity has lessened but
action of the synthetic corticoids. Studies on the the mortality has increased.48
growth patterns of children receiving steroids at Department of Pediatrics, University of California Medical
Center, San Francisco, California 94122.
48-hour intervals have not been reported.
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