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The purpose Of the detailed ground survey is to provide all the

necessary data and information required for undertaking the
land acquisition.


2.1 Survey Length

T h e de ta il o f th e e xt en t of t he wo rk s to b e
s u rv ey ed i s given in the attached plan.
The total length to be surveyed is about 4.0km.
2.2 Survey Width

A minimum of 100 metre width band of the proposed road

alignment corridor is to be fully located and
surveyed. The corridor width is to be
appropriately increased where relevant to cover
existing road reserves and also major details like
rivers, railway line, lot boundaries, interchange
site new alignment routes and or as decided by the
The exact location of the alignment of the corridor is
subject to changes on site by the Government.


3.1 General

The scope of survey services to be provided by the

Surveyor shall be as listed herein under and as
detailed in subsequent paragraphs:-
(a) Prior discussion with relevant authorities
such as JKR, Police and Land Office before the
physical commencement of work on site.
(b) Study all relevant information and maps
provided and obtain additional data if
necessary for the proper execution of the
(c) Field survey and picking up details.
(d) Consultation with the Engineer and Setting Out.

(e) Levelling and establishment of Temporary Bench

Marks (TBM).
(f) Preparation of plans and data suitable for the
road design.

(g) Prepa ration of land acq uisition plans in

accordance to JKR guidelines as contained in
Arahan Teknik No. 7/85 (Garis Panduan Untuk
Penye diaan Pelan Pengambilan Bank Tanah Bagi
Projek Jalan Persekutuan).

(h) Pegging of centre line and cross-sectioning.

(i) Pegging of right-of way (if required)

3.2 Field Survey and Setting Out

3.2.1 General

The Surveyor shall perform all field

survey work necessary to locate
accurately the locations and dimensions
of the following features within the
proposed corridor for survey of:-
(a) Existing roads, tracks and paths,
(b) Existing structures above and below -
the ground level indicating whether
temporary, semi-permanent or permanent
and whether dwelling,industrial or other
use, type of construction and any other
relevant particulars.
(c) Existing drains including their type
of construction.

(d) Existing watermains, TNB and Telek om

overhead lines and underground cables,
Telecom manholes, fire hydrants, pylons
(e) Existing rivers, water courses and
their discharge directions

(f) Existing vegetation, their types and


(g) Boundaries of individual lots and

their lot numbers and the baseline
from which reference can be made,
preferably to tie up with existing
boundary stones.

(h) Highest known flood levels.

3.2.2 Consultation with Client before Setting Out

Before setting out, proposals for the

detailed survey should be submitted to the
Government before the work is being carried out.
The Surveyor has to consult and follow t h e
G o v e r n m e n t ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s e i t h e r verbally
o n s i t e o r i n p l a n s o n the locations of all
intersectionpoints, circular or spiral curves and
the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e c u r v e s . I f
instructed by the Government, the Surveyor shall
submit field survey plans showing the details as
specified in Clause 3.2.1 to the limit so as to
enable the Government to make the decisions in
choosing the best alignment of the road. The
Surveyor shall make any minor adjustment on the
setting out of the r o a d alignment when
r e q u e s t e d b y t h e Government provided such
request is made before all the plans are

3.2.3 Setting and Pegging Out of Road Alignment

The Surveyor has to set out and peg the

centreline of the proposed road alignment
and the right-of-way limit where
appropriate, including tangent points,
intersection points and horizontal curves,
essentially in two (2) stages as follows:-

Stage I - Preliminary setting out based initially

on drawings supplied as stated in Section
2.1 - and modified appropriately to suit
s i t e c o n d i t i o n s a n d / o r a s directed
by the Government.
Stage II - Final setting out, and pegging of
the centreline on the field based on
Completion of final de s i g n f r o m t h e
earlier surveyed data.

The Surveyor shall' provide at least one s e n i o r

s u r v e y t e c h n i c i a n a n d o t h e r supporting staff
to pick up the line to set o u t g i v i n g b e a r i n g s a n d
d i s t a n c e s . T h e Surveyor when requested by the
Government s h a l l provide all the assistance
a n d necessary information regarding the survey and
show the -Government's representative on the ground the
whole setting -out whenever required to do so.
The Surveyor shall erect permanent intersection points
(IPs)using50mm diameter G.T. pipes embedded in concrete
and protruding 300mm above the ground and tied t o
at least 2 reference pegs or marks
outside of the construction limits and
shall be numbered in accordance to the plans
given by the Government. Such ties shall be
of 12 mm diameter G.I. pipes embedded in
c o n c r e t e projecting not less than 300mm above ground
level and painted red. The Surveyor shall also peg-out
the centerline of the road a c c u r a t e l y a n d m a r k a t
e v e r y 2 5 m e t r e s interval using 50mm x 50mm x 450mm
hardwood peg painted red. At least 150mm of the peg
must be above the ground.There shall be a j oi nt
i n sp ec ti on a nd h an di ng o v er o f a l l T P s , T P s a n d
T B M s t o t h e G o v e r n m e n t ' s 'representative a f t e r
pegging out or setting out have been
For setting out of the center- line on
existing roads,s t e e l rod pins or spikes
m u s t b e u s e d . T h e s e s p i k e s s h a l l b e permanent in
The Surveyor shall determine the rectangular
coordinates of all junctionsand intersection
points so mar lied, and the bearings of all straight
sections of the r o u t e s r e l a t i v e t o t h e S t a t e
Grid. Azimuths shall he checked by solar
observations at suitable intervals and the survey
traverses s h a l l b e t i e d u p t o a n y n e a r b y
trigonometrical points or cadestral survey m a r k s .
The maximum closing error of the t r a v e r s e s h a l l
be l: 4000.
3. 3 Levelling

3.3.1 Strip Survey with 2m contour

The Surveyor shall carry out a strip. survey
with the specified contours together with
the details of the strip. The width of the
strip is as indicated in section
The Surveyor shall carry o u t a l l f i e l d
w o r k necessary to accurately determine,
the contours at the specified intervals and
detailed physical features of the
t e r r a i n , Sufficient control height points
and spot heights shall be taken to ensure
accuracy of the contour lines.
3 . 3 . 2 C r o s s - S e c t i o n and Longitudinal Profile
of t h e P r o p o s e d R o a d s

Cross-section s h a l l b e t a k e n along the

centre -line of the p r o p o s e d r o a d a t
a p interval of 25 metres and up to the corridor
width. For the longitudinal profile
a l o n g • the proposed route centre line,
levels shall b e t a k e n a t e v e r y 2 5 m e t r e s
i n t e r v a l s . However, in rolling and hilly
terrain where the ground level changes
abruptly, closer intervals for the
cross•section and Profile_ section will be
required. Additional cross-s e c t i o n o r w i d e r
cross-section may be necessary in
o r d e r t o d e l i n e a t e s p e c i a l features
or when indicated in the plan. The
Surveyor shall include levels of
abruptly changing • natural ground.
p o ss ib le , th e S u rv ey or s ha ll give - t he
highest known flood levels to enable the
designer to decide the formation level of
the proposed road.
3.3.3 Levelling to Establish Temporary Bench Marks
The Surveyor shall establish temporary bench
marks at approximately 1 km intervals and
r e l a t e i t t o S u r v e y D e p a r t m e n t Datum
(Ordinance Datum). Reduced levels of these
temporary bench marks shall be clearly and
legibly inscribed on the marks and
referenced for identification for the
subsequent construction stage. The location
of all bench marks must be clearly described
and indicated on the plans to be submitted.
All these TBMs shall be located well away
from the construction limits. All levelling
shall be done in sections of approximately 1
km in length. The closing error for each
section shall not exceed 16 mm and the
equipment used must be capable of executing
the works to this degree of accuracy. The
maximum error in spot levels shall not both
. e x c e e d + 0.02) K m e t r e s w h e r e K i s t h e
horizontal distance in kilometres from the
nearest Permanent Bench Mark.
3.3.4 Surveys at B r i d g e s a n d C u l v e r t Sites

The Surveyor shall survey all streams,

rivers and water-courses crossing the line
of the routes. These include all
watercourses whether there is water or no
water flow at the time of surveying. The
survey, shall extend to the following
distances on either side of the route
centre-lines. (distances measured along the
Rivers exceeding 15m width .... 150m
Streams less than 15m width. . . . 30m
The locations of channel edges and other
significant features shall be recorded and
levels shall be taken along the bank slopes
and channel inverts at intervals of 3m. A
minimum of 3 cross-sections showing all
significant changes of level are required at
both sides of the channel. The cross -
sections, one of which shall be taken along
the route-line shall extend to a distance
not less than 30m from the bank tops on
either side of the stream.
The Surveyor shall record the maximum flood
level at each river crossing.
Existing water surface at suitable
p o i n t s shall b e taken along the channel.
Each reading shall be taken at intervals
not exceeding one hour. The Surveyor
shall indicate on the Plan and
Longitudinal Profile the chainage and
reduced level of the l o w e s t p o i n t of all
depressions along the route including
direction of flow.
3.4 Details of Junctions to Existing Roads

The Surveyor shall survey all junctions to enable

the designer to design the junction properly.
Cross--sections shall be of 25 metres intervals with
a corridor width of 40m and shall be taken for a
distance not less than 150 metres up and down the
proposed intersection of the road or as required by

3.5 Demarcation of Road Right-of--Way (R.O.W.)

The Surveyor shall demarcate the road right-of-way

(R.O.W.) if so required by the Government. In the
case of new alignment the R.O.W. shall be
demarcated using G.I. pipes 50mm diameter embedded
in concrete of dimension 250mm x 250mm x 450mm.
The pipe shall be 1.20 m in length of which 0.80 m
shall protrude above ground level. The pipes shall
also be painted according to the colour code as
provided for in clause 3.8. These pipes shall be
placed at intervals of every 100 m.
3.6 Booking for Survey

The Surveyor shall do all workings in proper books,

adequately in good style and according to best
practice. All field books shall be done in ink.
Unsatisfactory works and errors shall be struck off
and there shall be no superimposed writing or
erasure. The field books must be kept properly.
On completion of the survey works, all field books
shall be properly labelled, certified and submitted
to the Government and will remain the property of
the Government.
3.7 Reference Markers

To ensure accuracy, reference markers shall be

placed at least 25m away from the mark (i.e. IP's
or TBM's). There shall be at least 2 reference
markers and the base of the triangle which they
form with the apex should be at least 15m apart.
3.8 Colour Codes For Pegs

All pegs .should 'be colour-coded with paint on

site to indicate . their purpose. A consistent
colour code as specified below must be retained
throughout the survey.



Centre Line pegs for all work Red

Off-set pegs from centre line White

Right of Way (ROW) (Specified Design)


4.1 The Surveyor shall provide the Government with two

sets of prints together with one set of tracings
for all drawings prepared. The Surveyor shall also
provide a. set of prints and survey data listed
under clause 4.1(b) and 4.2 prior to the submission
of the completed drawings. The drawings required
are as follows:-

(a) Location Plan

Location plan of the proposed roads to a

suitable scale such that the area under study
can be put into a single standard Al size sheet.
The chainage of the alignment shall be indicated
for ease of reference to the detail plans.

(b) Plan showing the Plan View And Longitudinal


The plan view and the longitudinal profile should

be shown in the same plan and shall be as
(i) Top Section of Plan--Plan View

These shall show the route centre -line,

tangent points, intersection points (with
rectangular coordinates at road junctions),
intersection angles, bearings of all the
straights, chainages of tangent points and
centre-line markers, levels of Temporary
Bench Marks, contours of corridor surveyed,
s t r e a m s , r i v e rs , p o s i t i o n s of p r o p o s e d
culverts (if determined already) and other
features, crop and vegetation detail to a
scale of 1: 1000.

All base stations such as boundary stones,

survey department Bench Marks,
trigonometrical ' stations shall also be
clearly stated and indicated on the
(ii) Bottom Section of Plan-Longitudinal Profile

These shall show the longitudinal profile of

the route centre-line, cross-section of the
rivers, positions of culverts, highest known
flood level (if any), swamps and their water
level and other features needed for design
Scale: Horizontal (1 : 1000)
Vertical (1 : 100)
(c) Plans for Bridge and Culvert Sites

These shall show features and levels as

detailed in Clause 3.3.4 above and are to be
of suitable scale for Al size drawings.
(d) Cross-Sections

Drawings of all the cross-sections along the

centre line of the proposed road, shall be
plotted in consecutive order, to a scale of
1:100 both horizontal and vertical. The
drawings shall show details of ground levels
and distances from the centreline of the
proposed road.
A set of prints listed under Clause 4.1(b)
shall be submitted together with the survey
data listed under Clause 4.2. These prints
can be made from the same negatives used for
ut7,1'ar Clause 4,1K11.0 exclude contours of
corridor surveyed and other features such as
crops and vegetation details. All horizontal
intersection points should be clearly
numbered on these prints. A layout plan with
horizontal intersection points, bearings and
distances between IPs shall be included.
(f) Land Acquisition Plans

The Surveyor shall compile and prepare base

plans for property and land acquisition
purposes from the Survey Department
cadastral sheets and latest revenue sheets
from the Land Office and other Government
land scheme agencies where relevant to the
same scale. This drawing shall show:-

(1) lot boundaries within the surveyed corridor

(ii) lot numbers

(iii) lot areas computed based on coordinates.

(Determination of areas by measurement is
not acceptable).

(iv) land use indicating type of cultivation.

(v) types of buildings indicating permanent or
semi-permanent - usage of the building
whether commercial, industrial, religious,
communal, schools etc.

(vi) size of all buildings shall be plotted to

scale and correct shape.
(vii) show clearly whether the affected buildings
are within the construction limits or
within the R.O.W.

(viii) pay special attention to burial grounds if

any fall within the survey corridor.
other relevant details such as dimensions of the
lots, coordinates of the boundary of the lots etc.
The drawing of this base plan does not include the
preparation of the final land acquisition plan nor
the computation of the area to be acquired.
4.2 Survey data for Preliminary Design

The Surveyor shall provide the Government with one

set of survey data prior to the submission of the
complete survey plan. These data shall be
presented as follows:-

(i) Natural Ground Surface

Natural ground surface data neatly presented

to the format required.
ii Horizontal Intersection Points (I.P.)

The following data shall be recorded and

neatly tabulated.

(a) N a me o r nu mb er o f t he r oa d

(b) I.P. numbers

(c) Distance to the next I.P

(d) A z im ut h in d eg -m i n- se c.

The I.P number shall coincide with those on the

plans listed under Clause 4.1 (b).
4.3 Format of the Plans and Drawings

All formats of plans submitted including the title

block shall conform to JET/ Guidelines as contained
in Arahan Teknik (•alan) 6/85 (Guidelines For
Presentation of Engineering Drawings). All
drawings shall be to Al size unless otherwise
All legends_and symbols used in the plans shall be
those. currently used by the JKR and approval must
be obtained for any departure from accepted
4.4 Date of submission of Plans and Data

(a) Suryey plans and data for preliminary design

Plans and data listed under a n d

a r e t o b e prepared and
submitted to the Government within 2 weeks
after completion of the r e l e v a n t f i e l d
w o r k s a n d p r i o r t o t h e preparation of
other plans.

(b) Complete survey plans

All survey plans are to be prepared and

submitted to the Government within 4 weeks
after completion of the relevant field
works. However, all services to be
performed under the Terms of Reference shall
be completed within months of the
date of appointment. The surveyor is to
submit his time schedule showing each item
of work and the time required to the
Government for approval.

All field books must be properly kept and shall record

truthfully all the survey work carried out. The
Government's representative may check the field books now
and then to ensure that a high standard of work is
maintained. He may request the Surveyor to carry out some
spot checks if he has reasonable doubt on the accuracy of
t h e su rv ey w or k. Th e Su rv ey or s h al l co mp ly w it h s uc h
requests unless he can prove to the Government's
representative's satisfaction that such checks are
unnecessary. On completion of survey work, all field books
shall be properly labelled and submitted to JKR and shall
remain the property of the Government.

The Surveyor shall provide such staff, instruments and

equipment, tools, materials, tentage, transport, etc, and
will ensure the completion of the work to the standards and
within the time schedules specified. All technical staff
employed by the Surveyor for the execution of the works
shall be suitably qualified and experienced in route
location work. Party leaders shall possess the minimum
qualification of technician surveyor.
A professionally qualified surveyor shall be provided to
take charge of the survey parties and provide day-to-day
liaison with the Government's representative.


The Surveyor shall be responsible for any damage to life and

property that may arise out of his work and he shall take
out all necessary insurance cover to indemnify the
G o ve rn me nt from any claims of compensation t ha t ma y
arise o u t o f h i s w o r k .


The fees payable to the Surveyor firm shall follow the

approved Treasury's rates of payment (Jadual Kadar Bayaran
untuk Ukur Tanah Bagi Tujuan Kejuruteraan - Part I)
The Surveyor's fees for the rendering of services mentioned
under the Scope of Work and elsewhere in the Terms of
Reference, shall be deemed t o c o v e r a l l m a t e r i a l s ,
s e r v i c e s , wages, allowances, investigations, field surveys,
equipment, tr an sp o rt , computations, preparation of plans,
overheads, pro fits and o ther f ees and expenses as
state d in the Memorandum of Agreement between Government
and consulting Surveyor for Professional Services.

The Surveyor will be required to enter into an Agreement

with the Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya, Malaysia and such
Agreement shall be signed by both parties before the
commencement of work.

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