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Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing
Freq., Timing Action Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: relaxes smooth tocolytic to prevent pulmonary edema use cautiously with Assess for clients vital
muscles of the preterm labor patients with: signs and report if
terbutaline sulfate ½ ampule uterus of the bronchospasm arrhythmia occurs
pregnant woman diabetes
Determine client’s intake
to prevent preterm
and output.
Brand: Route: labor coronary insufficiency Fluid intake should not
exceed 2500 ml/day.
Bricanyl Subcutaneous history of CVA
Advise/assist the patient
COPD patients who when ambulating after
Contraindications Side Effects developed taking the drug
degenerative heart
patients with allergy CNS: restlessness, disease Advise patient to take the
Functional: Frequency: to terbutaline apprehension, anxiety, fear, drug with meals to
prevent GI discomfort
drowsiness, dizziness hyperthyroidism
tocolytic drug STAT (when in tachyarrhythmias CV: cardiac arrhythmias, If nausea and vomiting
profuse bleeding) palpitations history of seizure occurs, advise patient to
Source: GI: nausea, vomiting disorder eat small and frequent
Chemical: 2010 Lippincott’s unstable vasomotor Respiratory: coughing meals such as crackers
Nursing drug disorders Others: sweating, pallor, hypertension
Timing: Guide, pg 1120 flushing, muscle cramps Provide psychosocial
labor and delivery support and opportunities
for the patient to express
hypoglycemia feelings and concerns



Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing
Freq., Timing Action Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: sedation agranulocytosis use cautiously with Asses:
Provides sedation patients with: CBC, cardiac and
diphenhydramine 25 mg and local hemolytic anemia, respiratory status, urinary
anesthesia by narrow angle retention, dysuria and
history of allergy
preventing thrombocytopenia glaucoma,
Brand: Route: initiation and Advise the patient to take
transmission of pregnancy drug with food to avoid GI
nerve impulses distress
IM newborn
Advise/assist the patient
Contraindications Side Effects premature infant when ambulating after
Classification taking the drug
acute asthmatic CNS: drowsiness, dizziness, breastfeeding
Functional: Frequency: attack fatigue, nausea, vomiting Tell patient to notify
prescriber if confusion or
CV: hypotension urinary retention
hypotension occurs
Sedative- hypnotic one dose only Source: severe liver EENT: blurred vision, dry
Nurse’s Drug disease mouth, and throat, reduced Inform patient that ice
Guide, 2008, pg secretions chips, sugarless gums or
Chemical: 414 lower respiratory GIT/GUT: epigastric distress, hard candy may relieve
Timing: disease urinary retention, constipation dry mouth

Advise patient to take

high fiber diet and to
increase fluid intake
(water) if constipation

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