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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the different types of
A: Different kinds of depression include:
• Major depressive disorder. Also
Q: What is depression? called major depression, this is a
A: Life is full of ups and downs. But combination of symptoms that hurt
when the down times last for weeks a person's ability to work, sleep,
or months at a time or keep you from study, eat, and enjoy hobbies.
your regular activities, you may be suf- • Dysthymic (diss-TIME-ic) disor-
fering from depression. Depression is a der. Also called dysthymia, this kind medical illness that involves the body, of depression lasts for a long time
1-800-994-9662 mood, and thoughts. It affects the way (two years or longer). The symptoms
TDD: 1-888-220-5446
you eat and sleep, the way you feel are less severe than major depression
about yourself, and the way you think but can prevent you from living nor-
about things. mally or feeling well.
It is different from feeling “blue” or
Some kinds of depression show slightly
down for a few hours or a couple of
different symptoms than those described
days. It is not a condition that can be
above. Some may start after a particular
willed or wished away.
event. However, not all scientists agree

Depression has many different faces:

After 10 years of working for Many of Julie’s family members

a company she loved, Kim was have suffered with depression.
laid off. She never saw it com- But nobody ever talks about
ing. Kim is a single mother it. Julie has been dealing with
raising two kids. She has been depression since she was a
looking for work for about teen. She is now 46. She has
eight months now. Since losing her job, she’s tried to kill herself twice. Julie has never
felt like a failure. Kim is up all night, and she been in counseling. “What is wrong with
never feels like eating much. She yells at her me?” she always asks herself. She just can’t
kids often. seem to “shake it off.”
Rose used to be an active You probably know women with stories
senior citizen. Since retir- like these. Depression affects both men and
ing, Rose and her husband women, but more women than men are
have traveled a lot – Europe, likely to be diagnosed with depression in
Australia, South Africa – they any given year. That being said, depression is
have been everywhere. Rose’s not a “normal part of being a woman” nor
husband died last year of a heart attack. She is it a “female weakness.” Many women with
has been in mourning for a year. She rarely depression never seek treatment. But most
gets out, and she doesn’t accept visitors women, even those with the most severe
into her home. depression, can get better with treatment.
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

Frequently Asked Questions

on how to label and define these forms depression in some people.

of depression. They include: • Medical illness – Dealing with seri-
• Psychotic depression, which ous medical illnesses like stroke, heart
occurs when a severe depressive ill- attack, or cancer can lead to depression.
ness happens with some form of psy-
chosis, such as a break with reality,
hallucinations, and delusions. Q: What are the signs of depression?
A: Not all people with depression have the
• Postpartum depression, which same symptoms. Some people might
is diagnosed if a new mother has a only have a few, and others a lot. How
major depressive episode within one often symptoms occur, and how long
month after delivery. they last, is different for each person.
• Seasonal affective disorder Symptoms of depression include:
TDD: 1-888-220-5446 (SAD), which is a depression during • Feeling sad, anxious, or "empty"
the winter months, when there is
less natural sunlight. • Feeling hopeless
• Loss of interest in hobbies and activ-
ities that you once enjoyed
Q: What causes depression?
A: There is no single cause of depression. • Decreased energy
There are many reasons why a woman • Difficulty staying focused, remem-
may become depressed: bering, making decisions
• Genetics (family history) – If a woman • Sleeplessness, early morning awak-
has a family history of depression, she ening, or oversleeping and not want-
may be more at risk of developing it ing to get up
herself. However, depression may also
occur in women who don’t have a • No desire to eat and weight loss or
family history of depression. eating to “feel better” and weight
• Chemical imbalance – The brains of
people with depression look different • Thoughts of hurting yourself
than those who don’t have depres- • Thoughts of death or suicide
sion. Also, the parts of the brain that • Easily annoyed, bothered, or angered
manage your mood, thoughts, sleep,
appetite, and behavior don’t have the • Constant physical symptoms that do
right balance of chemicals. not get better with treatment, such
as headaches, upset stomach, and
• Hormonal factors – Menstrual cycle pain that doesn’t go away
changes, pregnancy, miscarriage,
postpartum period, perimenopause,
and menopause may all cause a Q: I think I may have depression.
woman to develop depression. How can I get help?
• Stress – Stressful life events such as A: Below are some people and places that
trauma, loss of a loved one, a bad can help you get treatment.
relationship, work responsibilities, • Family doctor
page 2 caring for children and aging par-
• Counselors or social workers
ents, abuse, and poverty may trigger

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

Frequently Asked Questions

• Family service, social service agen- overwhelming to cope with, but those
cies, or clergy person times don't last forever. People do make
• Employee assistance programs (EAP) it through suicidal thoughts. If you can't
find someone to talk with, write down
• Psychologists and psychiatrists your thoughts. Try to remember and
If you are unsure where to go for help, write down the things you are grateful
check the Yellow Pages under mental for. List the people who are your friends
health, health, social services, suicide preven- and family, and care for you. Write about
tion, crisis intervention services, hotlines, hos- your hopes for the future. Read what you
pitals, or physicians for phone numbers have written when you need to remind and addresses. yourself that your life is IMPORTANT!
TDD: 1-888-220-5446 Q: What if I have thoughts of hurt- Q: How is depression found and
ing myself? treated?
A: Depression can make you think about A: Most people with depression get better
hurting yourself or suicide. You may when they get treatment.
hurt yourself to: The first step to getting the right
• Take away emotional pain and distress treatment is to see a doctor. Certain
medicines, and some medical condi-
• Avoid, distract from, or hold back
tions (such as viruses or a thyroid dis-
strong feelings
order), can cause the same symptoms as
• Try to feel better depression. Also, it is important to rule
• Stop a painful memory or thought out depression that is associated with
another mental illness called bipolar dis-
• Punish yourself order. A doctor can rule out these pos-
• Release or express anger that you’re sibilities with a physical exam, asking
afraid to express to others questions, and/or lab tests, depending
on the medical condition. If a medical
Yet, hurting yourself does just that—it
condition and bipolar disorder can be
hurts you. If you are thinking about
ruled out, the doctor should conduct a
hurting or even killing yourself,
psychological exam or send the person
to a mental health professional.
800-273-TALK (8255) or 800-SUI-
CIDE, or check in your phone book for Once identified, depression almost
the number of a suicide crisis center. always can be treated with:
The centers offer experts who can help • Therapy
callers talk through their problems and
• Medicine called antidepressants
develop a plan of action. These hotlines
can also tell you where to go for more • Both therapy and medicine
help in person. You also can talk with Some people with milder forms of
a family member you trust, a clergy depression do well with therapy alone.
person, or a doctor. There is nothing Others with moderate to severe depres-
wrong with asking for help – everyone sion might benefit from antidepressants.
needs help sometimes. It may take a few weeks or months
page 3 You might feel like your pain is too before you begin to feel a change in your

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

Frequently Asked Questions

mood. Some people do best with both an option or whether you should plan
treatments – therapy and antidepressants. to feed your baby formula. Although
breastfeeding has some advantages for
your baby, most importantly, as a moth-
Q: Should I stop taking my antide-
er, you need to stay healthy so you can
pressant while I am pregnant? take care of your baby.
A: The decision whether or not to stay on
medications is a hard one. You should Before taking medication for an anxiety
talk with your doctor. Medication taken disorder:
during pregnancy does reach the fetus. • Ask your doctor to tell you about
In rare cases, some antidepressants have the effects and side effects of the
been associated with breathing and heart drug.
1-800-994-9662 problems in newborns, as well as jitteri- • Tell your doctor about any alterna-
TDD: 1-888-220-5446 ness, difficulty feeding, and low blood tive therapies or over-the-counter
sugar after delivery. However, moms medications you are using.
who stop medications can be at high risk
of their depression coming back. Talk to • Ask your doctor when and how the
your doctor about the risks and benefits medication should be stopped. Some
of taking antidepressants during preg- drugs can’t be stopped abruptly but
nancy. Your doctor can help you decide must be tapered off slowly under a
what is best for you and your baby. In doctor’s supervision.
some cases, a woman and her doctor • Work with your doctor to determine
may decide to slowly lower her anti- which medication is right for you
depressant dose during the last month and what dosage is best.
of pregnancy. Doing so can help the
• Be aware that some medications are
newborn suffer from fewer withdrawal
effective only if they are taken regu-
symptoms. After delivery, a woman can
larly and that symptoms may come
return to a full dose. This can help her
back if the medication is stopped.
feel better during the postpartum period,
when risk of depression can be greater. What are SSRIs?
Selective serotonin reuptake
Q: Should I stop taking my antide- inhibitors (SSRIs) are a kind of
pressant while breastfeeding? antidepressant for treating depression
A: If you stopped taking your medication and anxiety disorders.
during pregnancy, you may need to
begin taking it again after the baby is
born. Be aware that because your medi- Q: Is it safe for young adults to take
cation can be passed into your breast antidepressants?
milk, breastfeeding may pose some risk
A: It may be safe for young people to be
for a nursing infant.
treated with antidepressants. However,
However, a number of research studies drug companies who make antidepres-
show that certain antidepressants, such sants are required to post a “black box”
as some of the SSRIs (see box at right) warning label on the medication. A
have been used relatively safely during “black box” warning is the most serious
page 4 breastfeeding. You should discuss with type of warning on prescription drugs.
your doctor whether breastfeeding is
It may be possible that antidepressants

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

Frequently Asked Questions

make children, adolescents, and young right way, it can become severe and, in
adults more likely to think about sui- some cases, may be linked with suicide.
cide or commit suicide. In 2007, the
FDA said that makers of all antidepres-
Q: How can I help myself if I am
sant medications should extend the
warning to include young adults up
through age 24. A: You may feel exhausted, helpless, and
hopeless. It may be very hard to do any-
The warning says that patients of all thing to help yourself. But it is impor-
ages taking antidepressants should tant to realize that these feelings are part
be watched closely, especially during of the depression and do not ref lect real the first weeks of treatment. Possible life. As you understand your depression
1-800-994-9662 side effects to look for are worsening and begin treatment, negative thinking
depression, suicidal thinking or behav- will fade. In the meantime:
TDD: 1-888-220-5446
ior, or any unusual changes in behavior
such as sleeplessness, agitation, or with- • Engage in mild activity or exercise.
drawal from normal social situations. Go to a movie, a ballgame, or anoth-
Families and caregivers should pay close er event or activity that you once
attention to the patient, and report any enjoyed. Participate in religious,
changes in behavior to the patient’s social, or other activities.
doctor. The latest information from the * Set realistic goals for yourself.
FDA can be found on their Web site at • Break up large tasks into small ones, set some priorities and do what you
can as you can.
Q: Can I take St. John’s wort to • Try to spend time with other people
treat depression? and confide in a trusted friend or
A: St. John's wort is a plant with yellow relative. Try not to isolate yourself,
flowers that has been used for centuries and let others help you.
for health purposes, including depression
• Expect your mood to improve
and anxiety. However, research studies
gradually, not immediately. Do not
from the National Institutes of Health
expect to suddenly "snap out of" your
found that St. John’s wort was not effec-
depression. Often during treatment
tive in treating major depression.
for depression, sleep and appetite
Other research shows that St. John’s wort will begin to improve before your
can make some medicines not work or depressed mood lifts.
that it can cause dangerous side effects.
• Postpone important decisions, such
The herb appears to interfere with certain
as getting married or divorced or
drugs used to treat heart disease, HIV,
changing jobs, until you feel better.
depression, seizures, certain cancers, and
Discuss decisions with others who
organ transplant rejection. The herb may
know you well and have a more
also make birth control pills not work
objective view of your situation.
as well. Because of this, people should
always consult their doctors before taking • Be confident that positive thinking
any herbal supplement. will replace negative thoughts as your
page 5 St. John's wort is not a proven therapy for depression responds to treatment. n
depression. If depression is not treated the

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information

For more information on depression, call at 1-800-994-9662 or con-
tact the following organizations:

National Institute of Mental Health National Mental Health Information

Phone Number: (866) 615-6464 Center, SAMHSA, HHS
Internet Address: Phone Number: (800) 789-2647
Internet Address: http://mentalhealth. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone Number: (800) 273-TALK (8255)
Internet Address: http://www. Depression and Bipolar Support
TDD: 1-888-220-5446 Alliance
Phone Number: (800) 826-3632
Kristin Brooks Hope Center Internet Address:
Phone Number: (800) SUICIDE (784-2433)
Internet Address:

This FAQ was reviewed by:

Catherine Roca, M.D.
Office for Special Populations
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institutes of Health

All material contained in this FAQ is free of copyright restrictions, and may be copied,
reproduced, or duplicated without permission of the Office on Women's Health in the
Department of Health and Human Services. Citation of the source is appreciated.

Content last updated March 17, 2010.

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health

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