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Susan Mayginnes

60 Borica
San Francisco, CA 94127-2820
(707) 738-0868


"Changing the nature of conversations in companies for greater organizational in
I am an experienced leadership development consultant. I have been designing, c
onducting and coordinating senior executive workshops and seminars for over 20 y
ears, emphasizing professional relationships, communication skills, conflict res
olution, problem solving, decision-making, group dynamics, and team building. I
have coached executives to practice the communication, relationship, and stress
management skills that help them inspire high levels of performance in their tea
ms. I coach team members to resolve conflicts and utilize their diverse strengt
hs for the greatest team advantage. I introduce specially tailored tools and ac
tivities which accelerate insight and help clients create changes that last. Th
rough our working together, individuals and teams have exceeded their previous p
erformance ceilings.
HISTORY: Senior Trainer and Executive Director for 17 years with a training orga
nization creating and delivering innovative professional and personal developmen
t trainings. 15 years as an independent organizational trainer and consultant p
resenting trainings to facilitate organizational culture change, individual grow
th, and leadership development. 15 years as executive coach working with corpora
te leadership to master the communication and relationship skills necessary for
accelerated performance. 3 years college professor and Associate Director of spe
cialized program with New College of California and Antioch Seattle working with
students to develop independence and leadership through international internshi
ps. Guest teacher at Cal Poly MBA Program and Antioch Seattle.

To support greater organizational intelligence and responsiveness by creating a
collaborative, team-oriented culture of mutual respect and trust; To foster an
environment that motivates productivity and inspires creativity; To do this by p
resenting real working models and practices which enrich human relationships and
create uncharacteristic levels of communication within the workplace.

College Faculty and Assistant Director
3 years Asst. Director, Asst. Director of Education and Faculty Member of The LE
APYEAR Program - An extraordinary first of year of college designed to support s
tudents to transition into conscious, responsible adulthood. Helped develop and
teach an experiential curriculum which developed leadership and independence thr
ough international internships designed to explore one's passion and experience
being of service to others. The program involved a series of on campus retreat i
n which students studied their own personal psychology, emotional intelligence,
group dynamics and building community.
Developed partnerships with other colleges and universities, developed and manag
ed the admissions process, managed relationships with parents and organized vari
ous marketing efforts.
Executive Training and Development Company
Developed the curriculum for and facilitated over 20 different trainings and pro
grams including a 2 year program for CEO's, designed to develop conscious leader
ship practices and greater organizational awareness. Developed a 1 year program
for teachers and youth development workers in low income housing after school p
rograms, to develop the skills and mindset necessary for working through difficu
lt challenges in the classroom and successful relationships with the staff, the
children and their families.
Major Japanese Technical Producer, US Operations:
Facilitated team-building trainings throughout all 6 divisions of the company in
volving management, engineering, sales and support. The resulting unity of team
communications and production efforts within and across departments, facilitate
d bringing to market a product in 3 months that had been delayed for over 2 year
Fortune 100 Life Sciences Company
1. Worked together with the CEO and top 100 presidents and vice-presidents of th
eir worldwide organization to introduce and facilitate the principles for a new
culture in the first 100 hours of their new Life Sciences Company. Co-facilitat
ed transition of thinking, process and practices for a new non-hierarchical orga
nizational design as company transitions from a 13 division Nutrition/Agricultur
e/Pharmaceutical company to a "One Company" Life Sciences organization. Created
significant shifts from a traditionally "turf oriented" competitive style of ma
nagement to a team oriented approach based upon shared scientific and technical
resources and competencies.
2. Facilitated the creation of a new Human Resource Leadership Team for Monsanto
worldwide in developing a clear vision, values and strategic intent for their r
ole in the corporation.

Silicon Valley Software Developer:

Worked together with CEO and executive team to create a new vision, values, and
strategic intent for the company. Worked with senior executives to create a new
culture to support the new vision of the company involving the introduction of
core practices and innovative management technologies founded in responsibility,
integrity and creativity. Involved ongoing coaching of key executives for succ
essful implementation of cultural changes, including managing breakdowns, delega
ting accountabilities, and managing the feelings and reactions that are associat
ed with change.
Southeast U.S. Multi Billion, Bank Holding Company:
Designed and organized a consulting team to conduct Team Building and creation a
nd implementation of a Strategic Vision for 18 CEO's and the Executive Team of t
he holding company of 17 affiliated banks, involving over 100 managers in 10 div
isions. This top-down implementation resulted in identifying and unifying the v
ision, communications and core values of the company's 1300 employees, creating
a more customer driven, service oriented approach to business.
Southern California Water & Power Company:
Team building retreat with the Senior Executive Team for conflict resolution and
communication training. Successfully resolved long-standing conflicts between
key division of the company and several executive vice-presidents.
Northern California Law Firm:
Facilitated the Senior Partners of the firm to resolve long-standing conflicts r
esulting in a company-wide collaborative approach to problem solving and satisfa
ctory resolution of compensation issues.
California-Based Personal & Professional Training & Development Company:
16 years as Senior Trainer and Director of Training for personal and professiona
l growth training company with 8 locations and over 40,000 graduates. Helped gro
w company from its inception in 1976 to over 14 million dollars in revenue and 1
25 employees.

M.A. in Leadership
B.A. in Organizational Culture and Interdisciplinary Studies

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