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1. Describe the Cochlear pathways

2. Anatomy of facial nerve
3. Abducent nerve
4. Anatomy of intracranial part of trigeminal nerve
5. Anatomy of Glossopharyngeal nerve
6. Olfactory pathways
7. Neural pathway for ocular movement
8. Mark out L 4, L5 & S1 dermatome on the patient
9. Nerves involved at each disc level and how
10. Nerve supply of scalp
11. Embryological basis of AVM
12. Embryology of craniospinal dysraphism (including bifida)
13. Embryology of the CNS and malformation
14. Arterial blood supply of the spinal cord
15. Vein of Galen Aneurysm
16. Surgical anatomy of cavernous sinus
17. Artery of Adam Kiewetz
18. Blood supply of pituitary gland
19. Deep venous system of brain-anatomy and diagram
20. Vein of Galen
21. Blood brain barrier
22. Sigmoid sinus
23. Arterial blood supply of the spinal cord
24. Circle of Willis
25. Anatomy and function of frontal lobes. Describe effects of frontal lobe dysfunction
26. Non dominant parietal lobe function
27. Supplementary motor areas
28. Anatomy, function, effects of impairment of frontal lobe
29. Localizing the precentral gyrus/central sulcus/ sylvian fissure
30. Premotor cortex
31. Normal interpupillary distance
32. Racial variations in hypertelorism
33. Normal intercanthal distance
34. Anatomical basis of incontinence
35. Anatomical boundaries of the CP angle
36. Uncovertebral joint anatomy and radiological description
37. Quadrants of IAM and contents of each
38. Anatomy of internal auditory meatus
39. Borders of foramen of munro
40. Contents of jugular foramen, IA canal, foramen lacerum
41. Anatomy and role of surgery in brachial plexus injury
42. Microsurgical anatomy of carotid cistern & other cisterns
43. Cistern pontis
44. Gross anatomy of III and IV ventricles
45. pineal region
46. pituitary gland
47. Anatomic basis of spinal instability; motion segment
48. Anatomical and neuro pharmacological basis of Parkinsonism
49. Connections and function of cerebellum
50. Limbic System
51. Intervertebral disc
52. Reticular activating system
53. Tentorium cerebelli
54. Muscles in relation to scalp
55. Describe the foramen magnum
56. Foramen Magnum Syndrome
57. Describe Tapetum and its connections
58. Amygdala
59. Ventrolateral nuclei of Thalamus
60. Anatomy and connection of thalamus
61. Odontoid process
62. Medial longitudinal fascicular
63. INO
64. Schwann cells
65. Fornix
66. Cerebral blood flow regulation / autoregulation
67. Structure and connections of the limbic system
68. Production and circulation of CSF. Blood brain and Blood CSF barrier
69. Describe anatomy of Cranio vertebral junction
70. Anatomy of interpeduncular fossa
71. Anatomical basis of cerebral nystagmus and cerebellar nystagmus
72. Control of micturition and nerve supply to urinary bladder
73. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
74. Corpus callosum
75. Anatomy and function of pituitary gland
76. Pituitary – portal system
77. Extra pyramidal system
78. Supranuclear control of horizontal eye movements
79. Lateral rescess
80. Anatomy and physiology of penile erection
81. Anatomic basis of spinal instability; motion segment
82. Surgical anatomy of Atlanto-axial joint
83. Transverse section of mid brain of superior colliculus level
84. Section through middle of pons
85. Draw diagram of internal capsule
86. Diagram of visual pathways
87. Diagram of transverse section of spinal cord at C1 level
88. Diagram of limbic system
89. Diagram of anatomy of superior orbital fissure
90. Diagram of anatomy of cavernous sinus
91. Draw diagram of pyramidal pathways
92. Draw diagram of internal capsule
93. Diagram of transverse section of spinal cord at C1 level
94. Draw diagram of pyramidal pathways
95. Diagram of anatomy of superior orbital fissure

1. Characteristics headache of raised ICP
2. Why is ICP headache more in the morning
3. Why does vomiting relieve ICP headache
4. CSF- site, rate, mechanism of formation, quantity and composition, circulation and functions
5. Physiology of normal ICP and effects of raised ICP on brain
6. Circulation of CSF
7. CSF pressure – volume curve
8. Inhibitory synapses in CNS
9. Referred pain syndromes
10. Describe the pain pathways
11. Cholinergic pathways in the CNS
12. Dopaminergic systems
13. Gamma motor neuron system
14. Inhibitory synapses in CNS
15. Stretch reflex arc
16. Physiology of tendon reflexes
17. Gamma loop
18. Polysynaptic reflexes
19. Cerebral blood flow management
20. Hypothalamic regulation of adenohypophyseal system
21. Hormone receptors on meningiomas and their clinical importance
22. What is pronator drift- mechanism
23. Melatonin
24. GABA
25. Serum Prolactin
26. Endorphins
27. Neuropeptides
28. Pituitary hormones
29. Cerebral protection
30. Fibrinolytic system
31. Cerebral fat embolism
32. Hormonal regulation of water control of body
33. Normal cerebral energy metabolism
34. Causalgia
35. Transcutaneous nerve stimulation – mechanism of action
36. Neurotrophic factors
37. Nerve growth factor
38. Neural transplant
39. Physiology of nerve conduction
40. Axonal transport in peripheral nerve
41. Physiology of neuromuscular transmission
42. Function of glial cells
43. Physiology of muscle tone
44. Physiologic response to hemorrhage
45. Gate control theory
46. Neurophysiology of epilepsy

1. Monoclonal antibodies in relation to brain tumor
2. Immunotherapy in glioma
3. Interferons

1. Pathology of degenerative disc disease
2. Pathology of spinal stenosis & Management
3. Pathogenesis and surgical management of syringomyelia
4. Pathological section of the brain in autopsy – how is done
5. Pathology of GBM, Oligodendroglioma, Astrocytoma
6. Pathogenesis of tethered cord
7. Pathogenesis of intra cranial calcification
8. Pathogenesis of cerebral aneurysm
9. Pathological crying and laughter
10. Pathogenesis of intra cerebral hemorrhage
11. Pathology and Gangliogliomas, haemangioblastoma, haemangiopericytoma
12. Pathology of spinal dysraphism
13. Pathogenesis and management of Parkinson’s disease
14. Pathophysiology of concussion or contusion
15. Pathogenesis of Colloid cyst
16. Pathology of Neurocysticercosis
17. Pathology of surgical causes of dementia
18. Pathogenesis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy
19. Pathology of congenital hydrocephalus
20. pathogenesis of hydrocephalus
21. Electron microscope
22. Various staining methods in neuropathology
23. Various immunohistochemical markers
24. Preparations of paraffin blocks, frozen sections and HPE slides
25. Identification of various specimen & bones HPE slides Instruments Radiological films
26. Tumor markers of posterior III ventricle tumors
27. Brain tumor marker
28. Describe physiotherapy of normal ICP and enumerate effects of raised ICP on brain
29. Mechanism of pain in SLRT
30. Aetiopathogenesis of vasospasm in SAH and following surgery & treatment
31. Classification of Gliomas
32. WHO classification of brain tumour
33. Classification of pineal tumour
34. Micro, Macro Brain Abscess Biology
35. Megalencephalis leucodystrophy
36. Wallerian Degeneration
37. Clinicopathological basis of terminal ventriculostomy
38. Describe physiology of normal ICP and enumerate effects of raised ICP on brain
39. Cerebral protection
40. Brain retractor edema
41. Vasogenic Brain edema, pathophysiology of brain edema
42. GBM
43. Oligodendrogliomas
44. Pituitary Apoplexy
45. Craniopharyngioma
46. Perinauds syndrome
47. Medulloblastoma
48. Ectopic pinealomas
49. Gangliomas
50. Intramedullary tumours of the spinal cord
51. Optic nerve meningiomas
52. Intra ventricular meningiomas
53. Primary lympbomas of the CNS
54. Tuberculous meningitis
55. Intramedullary gliomas
56. Tuberculous Brain abscess
57. Solitary cysticercosis Granuloma
58. Haemangiopericytoma


1. Nimodipine in the management of Vasospasm in SAH

2. Therapeutic hemodilution
3. Methyl prednisolone in spinal cord injury
4. steroids
5. Complications of steroids
6. Steroids and brain edema
7. Neurological complications of ATT
8. Newer antibiotics in post operative infections
9. drugs in parkinsonism
10. Chemotherapy of brain tumors
11. Toxic effects of Diphenyl Hydantoin
12. Pharmacokinetics of Epsolin / Carbamazepine
13. Paradoxical response to anti tuberculous drugs
14. Side effects of AED’s
15. Toxic effects of Phenytoin
16. GABA
17. Dopamine
18. Dopamine System
19. Non surgical therapy for malignant brain neoplasm
20. Chemotherapy of tuberculosis
21. Complication of Rhimaphacin
22. Dopamine Syndergists
23. Prophylaxis of tetanus
24. B-blockers in surgery
25. Antibiotic usage of post op infection
26. Pharmacokinetics of Epsolin / Carbamazepine
27. Nitric Oxide in neurosurgery

1. Types of aphasia
2. Sudden onset limb weakness-causes
3. Clinical testing of lobar functions – right and left
4. What is constructional apraxia
5. Basis of VI nerve palsy as a false localizing sign
6. Naming & grading of nystagmus
7. Characteristic history of each lower cranial nerve palsy
8. Demonstrate various cerebellar signs
9. Historical characteristics of meningitis
10. Definition of pendular jerk
11. Neurological causes of decreased vision
12. Describe features of brown sequard syndrome at T 4 level
13. Painless proptosis
14. Differences in function between the two cerebral hemispheres
15. Causes of stroke in the young
16. What is kinetic melody how do you test it
17. Upper limb entrapment neuropathies
18. Locked in Syndrome
19. Neurological complications of congenital cyanotic heart disease
20. Principle of fluid infusion in infarcts
21. Motor neuron disease
22. Neurological complications of endemic fluorosis
23. C/F of diabetic peripheral and autonomic neuropathies
24. Complex partial seizures
25. Myokymia / fasciculations
26. Wallenberg syndrome
27. Dopamine agonists in neurological disorder
28. Role of plasmapharesis in neurological disorder
29. Periodic paralysis
30. Spectrum of seizure disorders
31. Management of migraine
32. Management of transverse myelitis
33. Painful ophthalmoplegia

1. Points in history for cerebellar involvement
2. Who were brown and sequard
3. Demonstration of various anatomical landmarks on the patient
4. What do you do if Gigli saw gets broke close to the bone or midway
5. Use of bank bone in spinal fusions
6. Spinal instrumentation
7. Contributions of Wilder Penfield and Normal Dott in neurosurgery
8. Walter Dandy’s contribution to neurosurgery
9. Egas Moniz – Contributions
10. Contribution of David Ferrier to neurology
11. Pioneers of Neurosurgery in India
12. History of development of Neurosciences in India
13. Sutures in Microneurosurgery
14. Neural Anastomosis
15. Ultrasonic aspirators in Neurosurgery
16. Effect of local shaving on post operative infection
17. Sterilization of rubber goods
18. Management of intra operative cardiac assessment/ Post operative GI bleed
19. Preparation of operation theatre of surgery (sterility)
20. Effect of local showing on post operative infection
21. Principle of fluid infusion in infarcts
22. Neural prosthesis

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