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I. Introduction

A. This paper consider the types of sexual social problem, causes and effects of sexual social
problems and prevention to sexual social problems that happens nowadays by responding
to the following questions:
1. What are Social Problems?
2. What are types of Sexual Social Problems?
3. What are the causes and effects of Sexual Social Problems?
4. How to prevent Sexual Social Problems?

B. Thesis statement: Identifying the causes of sexual social problems, the affects of sexual
social problems and the ways to prevent these problems from happening.

II. What are Social Problems?

A. Social problems are defined by a combination of objective and subjective criteria that
vary across societies, among individuals and groups within a society, and across
historical time periods.
(Understanding Social Problems, Fifth Edition, 2005, page 3)
B. Social problem is some aspect of society that people are concerned about and would
like change.
(Social Problem- A Down to Earth Approach, 2008, page 6)

III. What are the types of Sexual related Social Problems?

A. Sexual assault is consider as one of Sexual related social problem
1. Sexual assault can include child sexual abuse, rape, attempted rape, incest,
exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, fondling, and sexual harassment.
B. Homosexuality is also one of Sexual related social problem.
1. Homosexuality is romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior among members of
the same sex or gender.
C. Prostitution is one of the sexual social problems.
1. The renting of one’s body for sexual purpose has been called “the world’s oldest
(Social Problem- A Down to Earth Approach, 2008)
D. Pornography
1. Pornography or porn is the portrayal of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes
of sexual excitement and erotic satisfaction.
IV. What are the causes and effects of Sexual Social Problems?

A. The theories about why sexual offenders commit sexual violence or assault are numerous
and varied.
1. They range to both ends of the “nature vs. nurture” debate, and include biological
factors such as evolution, physiology, substance abuse, and psychopathology, as well
as environmental factors such as attitudes, sex roles, sex and power motives, social
learning, and dynamics within a relationship.

B. The effects of sexual assault

1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)
a. Survivors of sexual assault may experience severe feelings of anxiety, stress
or fear, known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as a direct result of
the assault.
2. Substance abuse
a. Victims of rape or sexual assault may turn to alcohol or other substances in
an attempt to relieve their emotional suffering.
3. Self-Harm/Self-Injury
a. Deliberate self-harm, or self-injury, is when a person inflicts physical harm on
himself or herself.
4. Depression
a. There are many emotional and psychological reactions that victims of rape
and sexual assault can experience. One of the most common of these is
5. Pregnancy
a. If you were recently raped, you may have concerns about becoming pregnant
from the attack. If the rape happened a long time ago, you may have
concerns about a pregnancy that resulted from the attack.
6. Sleep disorder
a. Many survivors of sexual assault suffer from sleep disturbances and
7. Dissociative Identity Disorder
a. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously referred to as multiple
personality disorder (MPD), is a dissociative disorder in which two or more
separate and distinct identities (or personalities) control an individual's
behavior at different times.
8. Suicide
a. If you are currently thinking about suicide, or know someone who is, please
reach out for help.

C. Causes of homosexuality
1. The causes of homosexuality are attributable to man's sinful nature, nurture and
environment, and personal choice. How important each factor is, though, is an issue
that is debated.

D. Effects of homosexuality
1. Risky Sexual Behavior on the Rise among Homosexuals.
a. Despite two decades of intensive efforts to educate homosexuals against the
dangers of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other STDs, the
incidence of unsafe sexual practices that often result in various diseases is on
the rise.
2. Homosexual Promiscuity.
a. Studies indicate that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex
partners in his lifetime.
3. Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
a. HPV is "almost universal" among homosexuals.
b. According to the homosexual newspaper The Washington Blade: "A San
Francisco study of Gay and bisexual men revealed that HPV infection was
almost universal among HIV-positive men, and that 60 percent of
HIV-negative men carried HPV.
4. Hepatitis: A potentially fatal liver disease that increases the risk of liver cancer.
a. Hepatitis A: The Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report published by the
CDC reports: "Outbreaks of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men
are a recurring problem in many large cities in the industrialized world.


E. Causes of Prostitution
1. Prostitution flourishes because it satisfies sexual needs that are not met elsewhere.
a. This, this of course, is precisely why prostitution can never be eliminated.
(Social Problem- A Down to Earth Approach, 2008, page 6)
F. Effects of Prostitution
1. When purchasing a prostitute, many buyers don't think about the serious
consequences that come with street sex.
a. Sexually transmitted disease, infidelity, violence, thefts and many crimes take
place with the average prostitute exchange.
2. Society is dealing with a higher divorce average then ever before.
a. Having the ability to go out and pickup a prostitute for sexual favors will only
encourage that number to continue to rise.
3. Violent crimes are one of the most severe effects on society.
a. Many prostitutes have been raped, beaten and killed over many decades and
the number continues to grow.


G. Causes of pornography
1. The adult online industry.
a. The most significant commercial source of pornographic material
b. The adult online industry is generally thought of as the main source
of sexually explicit material considered inappropriate for children.
2. Non-commercial pornography
a. Online picture-sharing or the sharing of links.
b. Interactive cybersex.
c. Personal profiles or individual Web pages


H. Effects of pornography
1. Research has shown that pornography and its messages are involved in shaping
attitudes and encouraging behavior that can harm individual users and their families
a. Pornography is often viewed in secret, which creates deception within
marriages that can lead to divorce in some cases.
b.  In addition, pornography promotes the allure of adultery, prostitution and
unreal expectations that can result in dangerous promiscuous behavior.

2. Young people growing up in our already overly sexualized culture are being exposed
to sexually explicit material on a daily basis through network television, movies,
music and the Internet.
a. Children are being subjected to sexual material and messages before they are
mentally prepared to understand or evaluate what they are viewing.

3. Studies have found that pornography can be highly addictive.

a.  Pornography provides a powerful sexual stimulant or aphrodisiac effect,
followed by sexual release, most often through masturbation .
b. Over time addicts require more explicit and deviant material to meet their
sexual "needs."
c. What was first perceived as gross, shocking and disturbing, in time becomes
common and acceptable.
d. There is an increasing tendency to act out behaviors viewed in pornography.
V. How to prevent Sexual Social Problems?

A. How to prevent sexual assault?

1. Know facts about rape.
2. Prevention tips-The tips in this brochure are designed to help you avoid being the
victim of sexual assault. The more you know about rape prevention, the better your
chances are of never becoming a victim.
3. Safety at home -Many rapes occur in or near the victim’s home. One of the best
ways to prevent sexual assault is to practice good home security.
4. Don’t walk into danger -Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you —
especially if you are alone or it is dark. Know where help may be if you should need
5. Weapons -Carrying weapons for self-defense is a decision that should not be made
without careful research and adequate training.

B. How to prevent homosexuality?

1. Promote an "open" atmosphere in your home.
a. Children need somewhere to go with their inevitable questions about sexuality. 
2. Give accurate information.
a. Young children may be confused about what homosexuality is.
3. Affirm your child's gender.
a. Reinforce gender-appropriate behavior in younger children, and express delight
in their masculinity or femininity
4. Be generous with physical affection
a.  Some fathers mistakenly believe that giving their son too much affection will
warp their boy's sense of masculinity.
5. Build children up in their gender role.
a. Little girls delight to be seen as feminine, such as dressing up for special
6. Encourage identification with same-sex role models.
a. Local sports heroes, who exhibit a respectable life-style, can all serve as valuable
role models.
C. How to prevent pornography?
1. Contact your Internet service provider about parental-control options. 
a. Block specified material from your computer, preventing your child from
accessing pornography and other inappropriate material.
2. Specify specific hours or days that your child is allowed to use the Internet.
a. The Focus on the Family website recommends making sure an adult is present
during these usage hours.
3. Put the computer in a common space instead of in your child's room.
a. This way, you can be sure your child does not access pornography while he is on
the Internet.

VI. Conclusion
A. There are many things that cause sexual social problems and it is affecting our daily life
in many aspects.
B. It is hard to find a way to permanently prevent sexual social problem from happening,
but understanding and reducing these problems among us could be the first step to
finding the solution.




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