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Back to school; Level Placement Quiz

Level A2

I am Irene Magistro. Magistro is my...

A. forename
B. first name
C. nickname
D. surname

Irene is my forename or my ...

A. surname
B. first name
C. nickname
D. pet name

If an English speaking person says:"HI, how are you", what do you reply?

A. ? I'm good thanks and you?.

B. ? How do you do?
C. ? How are you?
D. ? I'm very well, thank you.

You want to enter a room but someone is standing in the way?

A. I'm sorry.
B. Excuse me
C. I beg your pardon
D. Pardon

Your friend asks you the time, Your watch says 11:29. What do you say?

A. It is 31 minutes to 12 o'clock midday.

B. It is 11 o'clock and 29 minutes.
C. It is just half 11.
D. It is 11 hours and 29 minutes a.m.

How do you tell somebody your age?

A. I have fourteen.
B. I am fourteen years old.
C. I am fourteen years.
D. I have fourteen years of age.
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Level B1

The following phrases are written in the Preset Simple. Which phrase is written correctly?

A. I am speaking English.
B. I liked speak English now.
C. I speak English usually.
D. I likes to speak English.

Which auxiliary verb tells the listener that you are talking about the future?


In English, nouns are....

A. usually masculine.
B. usually feminine.
C. masculine, feminine or neutral
D. always neutral.

Which noun when used in the plural is irregular?

A. toe
B. child
C. fox
D. shoe

In the Olympics, athletes are given a bronze medal if they finish...?

A. the winner
B. three
C. quickly
D. third

A prefix is ....

A. placed at the end of a word.

B. placed at the start of a word.
C. a way of changing the tense of a verb.
D. makes an adverb out of an adjective.
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Level B2

Adverbs are words that...?

A. help describe the noun

B. help describe any part of language except a noun
C. end in "ing"
D. are always placed before the noun.

Which group of words are described as Prepositions?

A. who, whom, which, that

B. sometimes, usually, only, actually, really
C. opposite, near, from, to, along, across
D. when, how, where, how much, how many, how far

Which is said to be a list of Reflexive Pronouns?

A. me - you - him - her - it - us - you - them

B. my - your - his - her - its - our - your - their
C. mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours - theirs
D. myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves - themselves

Which is not a question?

A. Where do you come from

B. How much did you pay
C. What time is it
D. What a beautiful day

To ask a person directions to a hotel, you could start by saying...?

A. How is ....
B. When is...
C. Where is...
D. Is where...

Which list has an irregular verb incorrectly conjugated ?

A. drink, drank: sing, sang: teach, taught.

B. read, read: show, shown: hear, hears
C. keep, kept: speak, spoke: write. written
D. stand, stood: go, went: sell, sold

How would you complete the following phrase: "I'm sorry but I haven't ................ money".

D. Nothing, the phrase is complete

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