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Cognos User Manual Executive Dashboard and Cubes

ACS New Mexico DSS

Created: 08/16/2010 Updated: 01/20/2011

CHAPTER 1: COGNOS EXECUTIVE DASHBOARD ..................................................................................................... 1 INTRO .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 OTHER RESOURCES/DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................. 1 OPENING COGNOS ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 LOGIN DIALOG ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 2: COGNOS BASICS ........................................................................................................................................ 3 WELCOME SCREEN................................................................................................................................................................ 3 IBM COGNOS CONNECTION .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Navigation and Icons........................................................................................................................................................ 4 HELP ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 BRING UP THE MAD EXECUTIVE DASHBOARD ..................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 3: EXECUTIVE DASHBOARD CUBE ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................... 6 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 PROVIDER ENROLLMENT CUBES DIMENSIONS & MEASURES ............................................................................................. 6 CLIENT MEMBER MONTHS CUBES DIMENSIONS & MEASURES .......................................................................................... 6 CLAIMS CUBES DIMENSIONS & MEASURES........................................................................................................................ 7 CUBE REFRESH FREQUENCY ................................................................................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER 4: PROVIDER ENROLLMENT REPORTS .................................................................................................. 8 2 YEAR PROVIDER COUNTS (REPORT) ............................................................................................................................. 8 ACTIVE PROVIDER COUNTS FOR SELECTED COUNTIES (REPORT) ......................................................................................... 9 CUBE CURRENT ACTIVE PROVIDER COUNTS .................................................................................................................... 11 CUBE CURRENT ACTIVE PROVIDER SPECIALTY COUNTS ................................................................................................. 12 CHAPTER 5: CLIENT - MEMBER MONTHS REPORTS ............................................................................................ 14 COE COUNTS FOR SELECTED COUNTY(S) (REPORT) ........................................................................................................... 15 CUBE CLIENT FFS ONLY COUNTS .................................................................................................................................... 17 CUBE CURRENT COE CLIENT COUNTS ............................................................................................................................ 18 CUBE CURRENT MCO CLIENT COUNTS ........................................................................................................................... 20 CURRENT RACE COUNTS ACROSS COES (REPORT) ............................................................................................................ 22 RACE AND GENDER COUNTS (REPORT) ............................................................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 6: CLAIMS CLAIMS CUBES ..................................................................................................................... 24 CUBE CAPITATION CLAIMS BY LINE-FDOS ..................................................................................................................... 24 CUBE CLAIMS FFS & ENCT BY PAID DATE .................................................................................................................... 26 CUBE CLAIMS FFS & ENCT BY SERVICE DATE ............................................................................................................... 27 CUBE CLAIMS SERVICE UTILIZATION BY SERVICE DATE ................................................................................................. 29 CUBE GENERAL FFS CLAIMS BY PAID DATE ................................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX 1: CUBE CONCEPTS ................................................................................................................................... 33 WHAT IS A POWERCUBE ? ................................................................................................................................................... 33

Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual Welcome

Chapter 1: Cognos Executive Dashboard

The purpose of this Cognos MAD Executive Dashboard and Cube/Reporting functionality is to provide you with quick access, high-level, timely and accurate information for reporting and analysis. Several reports and cubes have been developed to answer questions relating to counts and expenditures. This information will be used for the evaluation and analysis of important subject areas, including: Provider Enrollment Client / Recipient (Member Months information) Claims

You may log into Cognos from your desktop PC using Microsofts Internet Explorer (version 7 or above) via a desktop link (or via Citrix). Once youre in the MAD Executive Dashboard, you can run an existing report, or create/view an analysis to compare and manipulate data. Once a report or analysis is run it can be downloaded as a text, Excel, HTML, or PDF file.

Other Resources/Documentation
The IBM Cognos User Guides and a Multidimensional-Analysis White Paper may be found in the following folder on your MAD server:

H: \ ACCESS \ Data Warehouse User Doc \ Cognos User Guides

Several Cognos Training manuals may be found in the following folder on your MAD server:

H: \ ACCESS \ Data Warehouse User Doc \ Cognos Training \ Cognos Report Training I

Opening Cognos
Click on your desktop Internet Explorer Icon. Enter in the IP Address: for MAD State Office personnel, you have two options:


After opening the link, the system displays the Login Dialog Window. If this is the first time you have viewed this page, please take a moment to save this link to your Internet Explorer favorites (via Add to Favorites).

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Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual Welcome

Login Dialog

Once you arrive at the above Cognos Log on screen, select the HSD-MAD Domain from the drop-down options, and then click the OK button.

To continue your Cognos Log in, enter your Network user-name and password, and click the OK button. After clicking the OK button, the system checks your user-name and password and then opens the Cognos Welcome Screen.

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Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual

Chapter 2: Cognos Basics

Welcome Screen

Depending on your user license you will see some or all of the links on the above screen. My home: Cognos allows for personalized home pages that you can create. If none are created, this selection invokes Cognos Connection (see below). IBM Cognos content: invokes Cognos Connection All users have access to this option. Cognos Connection is like Windows Explorer and lets you navigate among folders to access queries and reports. Manage my metrics: invokes Metric Studio Not used at this time. Query my data: invokes Query Studio Business Authors and Professional users have access to this environment to create ad-hoc queries and reports. Analyze my business: invokes Analysis Studio This is the tool thats used to view and analyze cubes. Create professional reports: invokes Report Studio Professional users have access to this environment to create professional reports. This tool is used by report developers. Manage my events: invokes Event Studio Not used at this time If Show this page in the future is unchecked this Welcome Screen will be bypassed and you will be taken directly to the main IBM Cognos Connection screen after logging in. The Quick Tour button gives you some general information about each of the options on this page. Click on IBM Cognos content.

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IBM Cognos Connection

Navigation and Icons

Tabs Public Folders - The public folders, shown above as purple and yellow folders, are available to all users. The purple folders are known as published packages of data and they contain the data elements used to create new queries and reports. The packages also have subfolders that contain queries and reports already written that can simply be run. The yellow folders are places to save queries you have written or reports you have run that are specific to your department. My Folders My Folders contains any folders, queries, or reports you have saved there. This information is not accessible by other users - only your login.

The Help Menu (located at the upper-right) has a number of different options: Help This Help window is a general User Guide with the following options: Contents, Index, Glossary, and
Search. This is a powerful resource and should be your first resource when you have a Cognos question. Quick Tour Opens the Quick Tour page available on the Welcome Page. It discusses navigation in Cognos and Reporting with descriptions when you hover over items on the page. Getting Started Opens a page that gives a high level overview of Cognos and all of its components. IBM Cognos on the Web Navigates to the Cognos website: ( Go to the Welcome Page Displays the Cognos Welcome Page. About IBM Cognos Connection Displays the Cognos Version running and other copyright information.

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Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual

Bring up the MAD Executive Dashboard

On the IBM Cognos Connection screen: 1. Click the Dashboards and Cubes folder. 2. Click the Dashboards folder. 3. Click the MAD Executive Dashboard name. The MAD Executive Dashboard screen appears. Several reports and cubes are available for three separate sub-systems; Provider Enrollment, Client Member Months and Claims. Also available is a Web Sites section that allows you to quickly access those particular web sites that you use the most.

This Dashboard design allows you to select a report or cube option on the left-hand side of the screen, while the right-hand side of the screen is designated as the area to view the selected report or cube result-set. The default report that automatically runs when this dashboard initially displays can be found under the Provider Enrollment Reports section, as the first report option (2 Year Provider Counts). Reports are designated by the icon. Cubes are designated by the icon.

To run a report or a cube, click the desired report-name on the left-hand side of the dashboard screen. Some reports require that the user enter criteria (like County or COE) prior to the report actually running.

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Chapter 3: Executive Dashboard Cube Attributes

PowerCube or Cube : A physical data source containing a multidimensional representation of aggregate data.
A cube contains information organized into dimensions and optimized to provide faster retrieval and navigation in reports.

Dimension : the highest level of descriptive data. Common dimensions tend to deal with major aspects of the
business, such as date, provider type, COE and counties. They typically address the questions of when, what, where, who, and how.

Measure : represents the key performance indicators used to gauge the success of your business, such as
Client count, Claim count, and Claim Paid Amount. Measures help you to view the performance from different perspectives.

Provider Enrollment Cubes Dimensions & Measures

The Dimensions used in the Provider Enrollment cubes are: Enrollment Date (Time dimension; one full SFY plus rolling months into the current SFY) Provider Enrollment Status Provider Location Provider Type Provider Billing Provider Service County (specific to the Specialty cube) Provider Specialty The Measure used in the Provider Enrollment cubes is: Provider Count (distinct count of Provider-IDs.) (reflects most current period)

Client Member Months Cubes Dimensions & Measures

The Dimensions used in the Client Member Months cubes are: Client Member Month Date (Time dimension; two full SFYs plus rolling months into the current SFY) Gender Age_Group (Age Group Categories, Age Groups) COE Client_Fed_Match_Cd Race County (MCO related cube) Program Categories / Program Groups (MCO related cube) Plan Type (MCO related cube) MCO Provider ID & Name The Measure used in the Client Member Months cubes is: Client Count (distinct count of Client_System_IDs) (reflects most current period)

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Claims Cubes Dimensions & Measures

The Dimensions used in the Claims cubes are: Paid Date (or Service Date) (Time dimension; two full SFYs plus rolling months into the current SFY) Claim Type Provider Type Provider Specialty COE County Race FFS/ENCT Indicator other dimensions that are specific to the Claims Service Utilization cube: o Service o Age Group o Gender o MCO-ID / MCO-Name other dimensions that are specific to the Capitation Claims cube: o Line Date-of-Service o Billing Provider o Program Categories o Gender The Measures used in the Claims cubes are: (NOTE: reflects cumulative totals) Claim Count (distinct count of TCNs) Paid Amt (sum of Total_Pd_Amt) Tax Amt (sum of Total_Tax_Amt) Charge Amt (sum of Total_Charge_Amt) The imbedded Filters used during the Claims data retrieval for the cubes are: Paid Date (or Service Date) Claim-Group-Ind = F (for FFS) or Claim-Group-Ind In(F,E) (for FFS & ENCT) Hdr-Status-Cd = P (for Paid) Last-in-Chain-Ind = Y Client-Major-Prog-Cd = M The Claims Service Utilization cube has additional filters that define each of the five Services reported; Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Dental, EPSDT and Newborn Deliveries. These filters use Procedure Codes, Revenue Codes, Diagnosis Codes, and ICD9 Codes to retrieve the appropriate FFS & Encounter Claims data.

Cube Refresh Frequency

Cognos Cubes are static physical data sources that must be refreshed (or recreated) periodically: The Provider related cubes will be refreshed on a Monthly basis. The Client related cubes will be refreshed on a Monthly basis. Client cubes are refreshed after the ISD2-Recon processing is complete, which occurs at the beginning of each month. The Claims related cubes will be refreshed on a Quarterly basis.

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Chapter 4: Provider Enrollment Reports

2 Year Provider Counts (report)

To run the 2 Year Provider Counts report, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The report will appear on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

This information is gathered from the Provider Enrollment Cube, which is refreshed on a monthly basis. An updated date will be displayed near the top of the report which indicates the most recent Cube Refresh date. This report shows two separate cross-tab reports; Active Provider Counts Across Locations and Provider Enrollment Status Across Years. A drill-down capability exists for those items that are underlined. This drill-down helps isolate or narrow the view of information displayed.

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Special Note for the above Provider Enrollment Status Across Years counts: Counts include all enrollment status records with an end-date equal to or beyond the time period indicated. Counts are by Provider-ID, which means each MCO provider could be counted a few times, once for each MCO they belong to. The Terminated (T-Term) provider count includes over 212,000 MCO providers that were terminated on 01/31/2008 for NPI. Re-activation of these providers was under a different Provider-ID.

Active Provider Counts for Selected Counties (report)

To run the Active Provider Counts for Selected Counties report, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The criteria selection and the report will appear on the right-hand side of the dashboard. You must first make your County selection. You may select one or multiple counties. After doing so, click Finish.

After youve clicked Finish, the report will run for a few seconds and then display the result-set in the same area on the screen.

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The above information is gathered from the Provider Enrollment Cube, which is refreshed on a monthly basis. An updated date will be displayed near the top of the report which indicates the most recent Cube Refresh date. This report shows a cross-tab report; Active Provider counts for selected counties.

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Cube Current Active Provider Counts

To run the Current Active Provider Counts cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard screen.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature (a.k.a.: a bug) you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate cube data. You can drag-n-drop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Provider Enrollment Months cube data. This current specification is using a filter of Prov_Curr_Enroll_Stat of A (for Active FFS), and its only looking at the Current Months information (in this case, 2010/Jul).

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When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification, please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

Cube Current Active Provider Specialty Counts

To run the Current Active Provider Specialty Counts cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard screen.

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To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Provider Enrollment Months Specialty cube data. This current specification is using a filter of Prov_Curr_Enroll_Stat of A (for Active FFS), only In-State Providers, and its only looking at the Current Months information (in this case, 2010/Jul).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Chapter 5: Client - Member Months Reports

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COE Counts for Selected County(s) (report)

To run the COE Counts for Selected County(s) report, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The criteria selection and the report will appear on the right-hand side of the dashboard. You must first make your County and COE selections. You may select one or multiple check-boxes. After doing so, click Run Report.

After youve clicked Run Report, the report will run for a few seconds and then display the result-set.

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The above information is gathered from the Client COE Member Month Cube, which is refreshed on a monthly basis. An updated date will be displayed near the top of the report which indicates the most recent Cube Refresh date. This report shows a cross-tab report of COE Client counts by the selected criteria items, County(s) and COE(s), for two full state fiscal years, plus the months/quarters in the current state fiscal year.

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Cube Client FFS Only Counts

To run the Client FFS Only Counts cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Client FFS Only Member Month cube data. This current specification is viewing the cube data by Race and Age-Groups, and its only looking at the period of 2010 Quarter 4 (April 2010 through June 2010).

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When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

Cube Current COE Client Counts

To run the Current COE Client Counts cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

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Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Client COE Member Month cube data. This current specification is viewing the cube data by Race and Gender, and its only looking at the Current Month.

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual

Cube Current MCO Client Counts

To run the Current MCO Client Counts cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Client MCO Member Month cube data. This current specification is viewing the cube data by MCO-Provider and ProgramCategories, and showing Client counts for SFY 2010 data (by Quarter).

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When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Current Race Counts Across COEs (report)

To run the Current Race Counts Across COEs report, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The report will appear on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

The above information is gathered from the Client COE Member Month Cube, which is refreshed on a monthly basis. An updated date will be displayed near the top of the report which indicates the most recent Cube Refresh date. This report shows a cross-tab report of Client counts by COE and Race, for the most current month.

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Race and Gender Counts (report)

To run the Race and Gender Counts report, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The report will appear on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

The above information is gathered from the Client COE Member Month Cube, which is refreshed on a monthly basis. An updated date will be displayed near the top of the report which indicates the most recent Cube Refresh date. This report shows a cross-tab report of Client counts by Race and Gender, for all three years.

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Chapter 6: Claims Claims Cubes

Cube Capitation Claims by Line-FDOS

To run the Capitation Claims by Line-FDOS cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

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On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio.

Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Capitation Claims by Line-FDOS cube data. This current specification is viewing the Claim-Counts and Line-PaidAmounts for each Billing-Provider, and its looking at the most recent three state fiscal years (by Line-FDOS).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Cube Claims FFS & ENCT by Paid Date

To run the Claims FFS ENCT by PdDate cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio.

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Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Claims FFS ENCT by PdDate cube data. This current specification is viewing the Claim Counts and Paid Amounts by the FFS-Encounter Indicator, and its looking at the most recent three state fiscal years (by Paid Date).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

Cube Claims FFS & ENCT by Service Date

To run the Claims FFS ENCT by ServiceDate cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

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To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio. Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Claims FFS ENCT by ServDate cube data. This current specification is viewing the Claim Counts and Paid Amounts by the FFS-Encounter Indicator, and its looking at the most recent three state fiscal years (by Service Date).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Cognos Executive Dashboard User Manual

Cube Claims Service Utilization by Service Date

To run the Claims Service Utilization by ServiceDate cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio.

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Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the Claims Service Utilization by ServiceDate cube data. This current specification is viewing the FFS & Encounter Claim Counts and Paid Amounts by Service & Age-Groups, and its looking at the SFY-2010 data (by Service Date).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Cube General FFS Claims by Paid Date

To run the General FFS Claims cube analysis, simply click its name on the dashboard screen. The default view of the Analysis will display on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

To view and manipulate this cube, you must use Cognos Analysis Studio. Due to an undocumented Cognos feature you must press the function key F5 to refresh the screen in order to use Analysis Studio. If you do not press F5, the drop-down for Analysis Studio will not appear.

Press the F5 function key (near the top of the keyboard)

On the right-hand side of the screen, where you see the icon and its drop-down arrow, click the dropdown arrow. At this point (on the right-hand side of the screen) you should see:

Click Open with Analysis Studio.

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Cognos Analysis Studio will open. This is where you can view or manipulate the cube data. You can drag-ndrop different dimensions into this analysis or, create a new analysis of your own to explore the General FFS Claims cube data. This current specification is viewing the Claim Counts, Paid Amounts and Tax Amounts by Claim-Type, and its looking at the 2010 Quarter 4 data (by Paid Date).

When youre finished exploring you may simply exit (without saving the file). Or, if you desire to save the Analysis specification please Save As a different name, or Save As in your My Folders area.

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Appendix 1: Cube Concepts

What is a PowerCube ?
PowerCube or Cube (definition): A physical data source containing a multidimensional representation of
aggregate data. A cube contains information organized into dimensions and optimized to provide faster retrieval and navigation in reports. In order to get more value from large stores of business information, organizations are employing new multidimensional analysis techniques to turn their raw data into actionable intelligence. These techniques, including online analytical processing (OLAP), help organizations make the most of their available data. Multidimensional analysis takes data and turns it into highly explorable structures call cubes. These cubes provide a multidimensional view of the data. Multidimensional analysis helps by: Providing visibility into large volumes of data. Presenting complex data in a business way so its easy to understand Helping people stay on top of changing business conditions, market shifts, and providing trending analysis. Offering great potential for improving and coordinating decision making. Reducing the burden on IT by providing self-service access to information. Delivering a scalable, efficient technology thats quickly refreshed with current data. Providing quick answers to commonly asked business questions is the core value of multidimensional analysis. Because it is designed around key business factors, the quality of answers obtained from this type of analysis is very high. 1 Multidimensional analysis tools organize the data in two primary ways: in multiple dimensions and in hierarchies. Drilling lets you quickly move from one level of detail to another to explore different aspects of your business: Drilling Down moves you down in the hierarchy Drilling Up moves you up in the hierarchy While you can drill to look at information at any level, you can slice and dice to select the exact information you want in your report. Slicing and dicing refers to the ability to combine and re-combine the dimensions to see different slices of the information: Slicing is defined as cutting horizontally along the dimension Dicing is defined as cutting vertically along the measure

The Cognos Cubes that are found within the MAD Executive Dashboard have been developed over many months of discussion, analysis, streamlining and prototyping. Each unique cube has been developed with specific dimensions and measures so that maximum user-required information can be viewed in the quickest time possible. This Executive Dashboard has several cubes in each of the three different sub-systems. Each cube has been developed to answer specific high-level (executive) questions that may arise during a normal work day. The data thats retrieved/captured to populate these cubes comes from the normal NM Data Warehouse, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The strategic importance of OLAP and multidimensional analysis, White Paper, January 2009

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