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ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking at an Intermediate Low Level: Intermediate-low speakers express personal meaning by combining and

recombining into short statements what they know and what they hear from their interlocutors. Their utterances are often filled with hesitancy and inaccuracies as they search for appropriate linguistic forms and vocabulary while attempting to give form to the message. Their speech is characterized by frequent pauses, ineffective reformulations and self-corrections. Their pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax are strongly influenced by their first language but, in spite of frequent misunderstandings that require repetition or rephrasing, intermediate-low speakers can generally be understood by sympathetic interlocutors, particularly by those accustomed to dealing with non-natives. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Speaking at an Intermediate Mid-Level: Intermediate-mid speakers are able to express personal meaning by creating with the language, in part by combining and recombining known elements and conversational input to make utterances of sentence length and some strings of sentences. Their speech may contain pauses, reformulations and self-corrections as they search for adequate vocabulary and appropriate language forms to express themselves. Because of the inaccuracies in their vocabulary and /or pronunciation and/or grammar and/or syntax, misunderstandings can occur, but intermediate mid speakers are generally understood by sympathetic interlocutors accustomed to dealing with non-natives. Speaking Test Bank Questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Talk about one of your friend's hobbies. Talk about something you have been doing for a long time. Talk about the most popular hobbies in your community or school. Talk about one of your friends who has star quality. Talk about your favorite style of art. Talk about a museum in your city or country. Talk about a famous city in your country. Talk about what a tourist to your city should visit. Talk about the most popular current TV shows for people your age. Talk about the last TV show you watched. Talk about a popular soap opera. Talk about the future of reality TV shows. Talk about the most important qualities in a best friend. Talk about the personality of someone in your family. Talk about the actor, singer, or athlete who you are most similar to. Talk about the ways you prefer to meet people. Talk about the technology you use for entertainment.

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18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Talk about how you use technology to communicate with other people. Talk about how you use technology to get information. Talk about robots. Talk about something fun you did on a vacation. Talk about a place that you visited again after a long time away. Talk about something that went wrong on a vacation Talk about something you didn't want to do that turned out to be pleasant.

25. Talk about the picture.

26. Talk about a ghost that your friend claims to have seen. 27. Talk about UFOs. 28. Talk about a cynical person you know. 29. Talk about a silly invention. 30. Talk about the most important invention that was created in your life. 31. Talk about a commonly used invention that you think the world would be better without. 32. Talk about an innovation that you think will become a reality in your lifetime. 33. Talk about a singer from your country who has been successful in other countries. 34. Talk about the last news story you heard or read about. 35. Talk about a person who, in your opinion, has been in the news too much recently. 36. Talk about the appearance of one of your friends. 37. Talk about the appearance of your favorite actor or singer. 38. Talk about how you could change your appearance so that others couldn't recognize you. 39. Talk about someone you know who has changed his / her appearance dramatically. 40. Talk about how your problems have changed in the last five years. 41. Talk about shopping during the busiest seasons. 42. Give advice to a friend about the safety of online shopping. 43. Talk about things to spend more money on. 44. Ask your teacher questions about the differences in shopping on the Internet and shopping at stores. 45. Talk about being a good boss. 46. Talk about the personality traits of a good spouse. 47. Talk about an interesting relative you have. 48. Talk about a surprising accident that happened in your country.

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49. Talk about a bad experience you had while on a trip. 50. Talk about someone you know that has had several injuries. 51. Ask your teacher about a serious injury he/she had or someone he/she knows had. 52. Ask your teacher or your partner questions about the most interesting animal he / she has seen. 53. Talk about an animal you would like to have as a pet. 54. Talk about a zoo that you have visited. 55. Describe an animal from a science fiction or animation movie. 56. Talk about a sport you used to play when you were in school. 57. Talk about an activity you used to enjoy after school as a child. 58. Ask your teacher or your partner about musical activities he/she used to do in school. 59. Ask your teachera about a school club he/she used to be a part of. 60. Talk about what you will do if you build your own house. Imagine you have unlimited money. 61. Tell your teacher or your partner that he/she won the lottery and can choose any place in the world to live. 62. Imagine you can travel anywhere in the world. Talk about where you will go. 63. Talk about a place you do not want to live. 64. Talk about being near the mountains or the ocean. 65. Talk about a famous place for you to visit in the future. 66. Talk about the worst place you have ever visited. 67. Talk about living in an apartment or house. 68. Talk about an unusual or fun birthday celebration. 69. Talk about a holiday tradition from another country. 70. Talk about planning a special event. 71. Ask your teacher about his/her favorite month. 72. Talk about a sport you enjoy playing. 73. Talk about having a healthy lifestyle. 74. Talk about playing team sports or individual sports. 75. Talk about watching or playing sports. 76. Talk about an exciting activity you want to do in the future. 77. Talk about an unusual activity you have done. 78. Talk about young peoples opinions about roller coasters and other scary rides. 79. Talk about your favorite movie. 80. Talk about your favorite type of vacation.

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