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No 1.a.


ANSWER SCHEME SECTION A (PAPER 2 FORM 5) Marking Criteria Active transport is the movement of molecules or ions against the concentration gradient across the plasma membrane. Active transport requires carrier protein.

Marks 1 1 1 4 1


Active transport need energy to transport molecules or ion. Intake of mineral at the root hair / accumulation of iodide ions in algae

b Active transport Molecules move against the concentration gradient from a region of lower concentration of substances to a region of higher concentration of substances The process will not reach an equilibrium but result in the accumulation of substances in the cell or removal of substances from the cell ATP or energy is required Molecules move through carrier protein only Passive transport Molecules move down the concentration gradient from a region of higher concentration of substances to a region of lower concentration of substances Occurs until a dynamic equilibrium is reached 1

ATP or energy is not required Molecules move through pore protein, carrier protein or lipid bilayer

1 1 Max 2m

c d

Carrier protein is specific / carrier protein can change shape to allow the molecules to pass through Energy is used to change the shape of carrier protein

1 1 1 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Simple diffusion Active transport TOTAL

1 1 1 1

4m 12m

No. 2(a)

Marking Criteria Able to state the hypothesis Answer : Lock and key Able to label P, Q, R and S 1

Mark 1

(b) Answer : P : Enzyme Q: Substrate R: Enzyme Substrate Complex S: Product (c) 1 1 1 1

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

vii. 37 C

Enzymes are active site to bind to specific substrates Enzymes are not destroyed by the reaction they catalyse Enzymes are protein Enzymes are denatured by high temperature Enzymes react at maximum rate at optimum temperature Enzymes action are reversible enzymes are needed in small quantities

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Any 3 TOTAL MAX 3 12 MAX 3 1



At low temperature an enzyme reaction takes place slowly As the temperature increases, the movement of substrate molecules increases For every 10 C rise in temperature the rate of enzyme reaction is doubled At the optimum temperature the rate of enzyme reaction is at the maximum rate At high temperature the enzyme is denatured, the active site is destroyed The rate of reaction of enzyme decreases.


Marking criteria 2



marks 3 (a)(i) Able to name stages X and Y . Answer: X : Prophase I Y : Metaphase I (ii) Able to explain the differences in chromosomal behavior At X and Y. Sample Answer: Prophase I Metaphase I (Paired homologous (Paired homologous chromosomes) are arranged chromosomes) are arranged randomly. on the metaphase plate / equatorial plane. Spindle fibre does not hold Spindle fibre holds on the on the centromer of the centromer of the chromosomes . chromosomes. (The homologous chromosomes paired and) crossing over take place. (The homologous chromosomes paired) crossing over does not take place. Any 2 (b)(i) Able to explain the occurrence at Z. Sample answer: P1 : Four daughter cells formed P2 : Each daughter cell has two chromosomes / haploid / n 2 1 1 2

1 1

(ii) Able to state the chromosome number in the daughter cell and give reason for the answer. Answer: Six (chromosomes) Reason: (During meiosis) the daughter cell (n) receives half The number of chromosome from the parent cell (2n) (c)(i) Able to explain why the chromosomes contain 24 chromosomes. Sample answer: 1. Homologous chromosomes fail to separate equally

1 2 1 1 2

(during anaphase I) 2. due to exposure to mutagen // any example of mutagens (c)(ii) Able to name the genetic disease faced by the offspring. Downs Syndrome ( c ) iii.Broad face,has short tongue,short stature,slanted eyes 1. // any suitable characteristic. Total

1 2 1 12


Marking Criteria


(a) X : Cellular respiration / aerobic respiration (b) Y : Carbon dioxide (c) Able to name the organelle in the cell Mitochondria (d) Able to state differences between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration Sample answer : Aerobic respiration - oxygen is present carbon dioxide, water and energy are produced Anaerobic respiration - oxygen is absent lactic acid and energy (in muscle cells) or ethanol, carbon dioxide, and energy (in yeast) 2 molecules of ATP are generate small amount of energy is released (210 kJ during fermentation) and (150kJ in muscle cells)

1 1 1

38 molecules of ATP are generate large amount of energy is released (2898 kJ)

Max: 2m

- in mitochondria

- in cytoplasm

(e) (i) Able to state an example of receptor Sample answer : Central chemoreceptors // Peripheral Chemoreceptor // Aortic bodies and Carotid bodies

(ii) Able to describe how the change of oxygen content and

carbon dioxide content is regulated by the body. Sample answer : - The higher level of carbon dioxide in the blood cause the drop of pH value - The drop in pH is detected by Central Chemoreceptor in Medulla Oblongata - Then the Central Chemoreceptor send the nerve impulses to the respiratory centre. - The respiratory centre send nerve impulse to the diaphragm and intercostal muscle, causing (respiratory muscles) to contract and relax faster. - Finally, increases the breathing and ventilation rate - Concentration of carbon dioxide and pH value of the blood return to normal levels. (f) (i) Able to state another situation Sample answer : - Climbing a mountain (ii) Able to state the symptom Sample answer : - headaches/ nausea/ dizziness. TOTAL

1 1 1

Max: 4m



Marking Criteria



(ii) (iii ) (b)

Able to name the part labeled P and R Sample answer P: Pulmonary vein R: Septum Able to shade the cavity of ventricle Q Able to state the meaning of oxygenated blood. Sample answer It contains oxygen which was picked up by the capillaries surrounding the alveoli Able to explain the different thickness of Q and S. Criteria: F: blood flow P: function Sample answer F: The Q pump blood out from heart to all round the body P: To withstand the high pressure of blood flowing through them Able to label the bicuspid valve with letter T. Able to explain the function of bicuspid valve. Sample answer F: to stop/prevent blood flowing from the ventricles back to the atria P: (so that when the ventricles contract) the blood is pushed up into the arteries not back into the atria. Able to state one activities of human which cause a clot Sample answer High fat diet//smoking//lack of exercise//stressful life//diet which rich in saturated fat Able to explain the result of a blockage Sample answer F: cardiac muscles run short of oxygen P: so they cannot contract/stop beating/heart attack/cardiac arrest. TOTAL

1 1 1 1 4

1 1 1

(c)(i) (ii)

1 1 3 1



1 1

3 12


Item number 6 (a)




Able to explain how unicellular organisms like the Amoeba sp. carries out the process of food digestion and absorption; P1 - Amoeba sp. feeds by phagocytosis P2 - Amoeba sp. extends its pseudopodia to engulf food particles P3 - The food particles are packaged in a food vacuole P4 - The food vacuole fuses with a lysosome which contains hydrolytic enzyme called lysozyme P5 - The food particles are digested by lysozyme and the nutrients produced diffuse into the cytoplasm Able to explain the problems faced by Paramecium sp. and how they maintain 5 marks their water balance; P1 - The main problem faced by Paramecium sp. is the continuous diffusion of water into the cell by osmosis. P2 - This is because the external environment is more hypotonic than the cytoplasm of the cell. P3 - The control of water balance in the cell (osmoregulation) is aided by two contractile vacuoles, one at the anterior and the other at the posterior. P4 - Contractile vacuoles accumulate the excess water P5 - Periodically, the contractile vacuoles will contract to expel the water through the plasma membrane P6 - The plasma membrane of Paramecium sp. is also less permeable to water 1 1 TOTAL max 5 marks 10 marks Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Item number




Able to explain why certain cells have a high density of each type of organelle; P1 - Sperm cells contain a high density of mitochondria because they require energy to propel themselves towards the uterus and Fallopian tubes, P2 - to fertilise the ovum during fertilisation P3 - Mitochondria are also found abundantly in the flight muscle cells of insects and birds P4 - to generate energy for movement and flight P5 - Merismatic cells also have a high density of mitochondria. P6 - These cells need energy to undergo active cell division to produce new cells P7 - The Golgi apparatus are found abundantly in the goblet cells in the intestinal epithelium and respiratory tract P8 - to secrete mucus 1 P9 - Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is found abundantly in the intestinal epithelial cells 1 P10 - to produce digestive enzymes 1 TOTAL Max 10 marks 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

Item number 7 (a)




Able to explain the meaning of a balanced diet;

A balanced diet is a diet that P1 - consists of all the seven classes of food, P2 - in the correct quantities, according to the individuals needs to ensure optimum health 1 2 marks (b) Able to explain the effects of insufficient roughage in a diet; P1 - Constipation. Faeces which remain in the colon for long period of time become hard and a person will have difficulty in defaecation. P2 - Chronic constipation is associated with haemorrhoids. 1 P3 - Haemorrhoids are abnormally swollen veins in the rectum and anus. When bulging haemorrhoidal veins are irritated, they cause the surrounding membranes to bleed. Effects of excessive fat intake: P4 - When a person consumes more calories than is required for metabolism, his body will store the excess calories in the form of fat in the adipose tissues. P5 - The habit of consuming a diet high in fat content and of oily food can cause high blood pressure and give rise to cardiovascular diseases. P6 - Excess cholesterol deposited on arterial walls (arteriosclerosis) can cause a blockage of the arteries. P7 - The lumen of arteries becomes narrow and this inhibits blood flow. Blood pressure increases (hypertension). The heart is forced to work harder to pump blood. P8 - If the lumen of the coronary artery (artery in the heart) narrows, a heart attack is likely to occur, especially when a person is carrying out strenuous activity or when his emotional condition forces the heart to beat harder. This is known as angina and is caused by insufficient oxygen supply to heart muscles. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8 marks TOTAL 10 marks Item number (c) Organ Mouth Gland/organ Salivary gland




Secretion Saliva contains

Enzyme activity Starch+watermaltose


Stomach Duodenum

Gastric gland Pancreas

salivary amylase Gastric juice contain pepsin and rennin Pancreatic juice

Protien+waterpolypeptide Caseinogen+watercasein Starch+watermaltose Polypeptide+waterpeptide Lipid droplets+waterfatty acids+glycerol

8 (a) Able to explain how the greenhouse effect occurs; P1- when solar radiation enters the Earths atmosphere, some of its radiation is reflected back to space P2- and most of the radiation is absorbed by Earth which warms the surface of the earth P3- heat in the form of infrared radiation is radiated back into space P4- much of this heat does not escape from the atmosphere because it is trapped by the greenhouse gases/ carbon dioxide/ CFC/methane/ nitrous oxide P5- this causing the atmosphere to be warm and increase the temperature of the Earth Able to describe the greenhouse effect on the environment and living organisms on the earth; F1: melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers takes place at a faster rate/ rise in the sea level E1: agricultural activities will be disrupted, marine life and biodiversity will be affected and human health will eventually be affected F2: the quantity of water vapour in the atmosphere is higher because of greater evaporation of water E2: the greenhouse effect more pronounced F3: changing local weather patterns E3: drought/ greater rainfall/ change the distribution of species such as extinction of some species in certain regions/ pest and vectors may spread to new areas TOTAL (b)

10 marks

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

10 marks

Able to discuss the good and bad effects of the activity; Good effects:-

Accept E


F1 Provide jobs E1 can increase social status F2 Produce economic resources E2 can increase national economic

1 1 1 Max 2 marks

if F is correct (2 marks)

Bad effects:F1 Air pollution E1 Carbon monoxide causes fatigue/impairs alertness// Sulphur dioxide causes asthmatic attacks/damages respiratory system// Oxides of nitrogen causes damage to leaves and roots/respiratory infection F2 Acid rain E2 Soil becomes very acidic and unsuitable for cultivation of crops// Causes leaching of mineral such as potassium, calcium and magnesium// Photosynthetic tissues are destroyed// Increase acidity in aquatic ecosystem which kills the plankton/change the food chain // Acidic soil releases the ion of certain heavy metals which may contaminate the supply of drinking water F3 Eutrophication E3 BOD of the water increases/oxygen content in the water decreases// The aquatic organism in the water dies F4 Water pollution E4 agricultural run-offs and waste causes eutrophication// Untreated sewage reduced light penetration// Domestic waste such as detergents causes eutrophication// Effluents from industries contains heavy metals that are highly toxic and

1 1 1 1 Accept E if F is correct, but E can be accepted for more than 1 answer.

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1


can cause acute nervous disorders in human F5 Thermal pollution E5 oxygen becomes less soluble in water// For algae, their rapid growth are encouraged which in turns leads to a higher BOD value

1 1 1

Max 8 marks


10 marks

Item number 9 (a)




Able to explain the adaptations of the plant which enables it to float; P1 - Has aerenchyma so that the plant is light. 1


P2 - Has air spaces so that the plant can float easily P3 - Has many roots which are fine to trap gas bubbles P4 - Stems are large to increase the air content to help the plant to float

1 1 1 4 marks


Able to explain how the skeletal system of each organism is adapted for its movements; Earthworm:P1 - Hydrostatic skeleton. It moves by changing the hydrostatic pressure of its body fluid. Mempunyai rangka hidrostatik. Cacing bergerak dengan mengubah tekanan hidrostatik bendalir di dalam badannya. P2 - Circular muscles and longitudinal muscles act antagonistically. This causes the transfer of hydrostatic pressure from the anterior to the posterior which causes the body to move to the front. Otot berlingkar mengecut dan otot membujur mengendur secara antagonis. Hal ini menyebabkan tekanan hirdostatik dipindahkan dari bahagian anterior ke posterior yang menyebabkan cacing bergerak ke hadapan. P3- Causes the transfer of hydrostatic pressure Menyebabkan pemindahan tekanan hidrostatik 1

Fish:P1 - Endoskeleton Ikan mempunyai rangka dalam P2 - Muscles attached to endoskeleton Endoskeleton ialah tempat pelekatan otot. P3 - Left myotome and right myotome act antagonistically Otot miotom kiri mengecut dan otot miotom kanan mengendur secara antagonis P4 - Tail moves left and right producing a forward force Ekor bergerak ke kiri dan ke kanan menghasilkan tujahan ke hadapan 1 1 1 1 Max 6 marks (c) TOTAL Able to explain how the above movement takes place; P1 - Tendons join muscles to bones Tendon menghubungkan otot kepada tulang P2 - Tendons are inelastic Tendon ialah liat/ tidak kenyal 1 1 10 marks


P3 - Force is transferred to the bones through the tendons. Daya dipindahkan ke tulang melalui tendon P4 - Ligaments join two bones at a joint Ligamen mengikat dua tulang pada sendi P5 - Ligaments give support to the joint during movement Ligamen memberi sokongan pada sendi semasa pergerakan P6 - Ligaments are strong and elastic Ligamen adalah kuat dan kenyal P7 - Quadriceps/ extensor muscle contracts whereas the biceps femoris muscles relaxes, leg is straightened Otot kuadrisep/ ekstensor mengecut manakala otot bisep femoris mengendur dan kaki diluruskan P8 - Biceps femoris muscle contracts whereas the quadriceps femoris muscle relaxes, leg is bent Otot bisep femoris mengecut manakala otot kuadrisep femoris mengendur dan kaki dibengkokkan P9 - Calf muscle contracts to pull the heel Otot betis mengecut untuk membolehkan tumit diangkat P10 - Feet is pushed downwards and backwards, the repeated action of contraction and relaxation produces the running action Tumit ditolak ke bawah dan ke belakang, tindakan pengecutan dan pengenduran otot yang berulang-ulang menghasilkan tindakan berlari P11 - Long and thick bone- gives strenght to support the body weight Tulang yang panjang dan tebal di tengah memberikan kekuatan untuk menyokong berat badan TOTAL

1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 Max 10 marks


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