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Rational Spirituality

What it is and how I came to understand it Always been interested in what we call paranormal, the universal and spiritual aspects of life. Recurring dream as a child/feeling This is the only thing in my life thats with me constantly and feels the most right out of anything. It is so hard for me to even attempt to explain what it is. A circular, linguistic language of colors. Something, attempting to tell me something through what I will explain later is a language of the universe. Only universal thing is light. Theres meditative music and an overwhelming good feeling. Long ago I was researching salvia experiences online and came across someones story who sounded exactly like this dream/feeling Ive always had. They put in words what I could not. They called it a linguistic language of colors. I however, did not envision this through any drug-induced hallucination its something thats been with me my whole life. Many report variations of this same thing though when taking hallucinogens. People also with disabilities like blindness or being deaf, in rare cases see colors for sound. If I havnt confused you already brace yourself Im not even 100% sure I ever had this dream or if maybe it was a vision from a previous life. It just seems so normal and familiar to me. The last page of this is some pictures I found that is the closest thing to resembling what Im talking about. Recurring dream I had from very early childhood, 4-5 times a week, terrifying. 3 gunshots I never knew for sure what I saw but looked like a barrel or canon of some sort. First shot wasnt loud and in between the shots I hear kids playing at a park or playground. 2nd one is bigger and louder, more kids playing. 3rd one is so incredibly loud I wake up every time. Before I wake up, Im just consumed by growing vast whiteness as if its the exact point of my death or something. It starts from the bottom left or near this gun and expands super-fast until everything is white and time/sound slows down. Had it for years and one day stopped. Never had it again. Maybe its how ill die? Or visions from a previous life

Had a somewhat near death experience as a young teenager. Was climbing a fence and fell between an air conditioner and the fence almost breaking my neck the way my body landed.. It happened so quickly but the feeling I got in a split second was something I could only explain as my entire life flashing before my eyes. Its the same feeling you get when startled by something really loud or scary, or the moment you get in a car wreck. You get a rush of thoughts that flow through your mind instantly and leave. Its as if your processing all the available outcomes of whatever it may be that just happened before you react. If you think hard you can remember some of these outcomes or life flashbacks. But cant fathom how it happens so quickly.

Always felt different in life, like I didnt belong here. Felt different as a person, my mind thought differently. Wasnt always this way, when I was young I was carefree and loved life, my teenage years I didnt care about my future and dropped out of school. Learned more from watching history channel and science channel documentaries then I ever did in school. At a very young age I started to wonder about whats after death. Not religious growing up so I pictured just vast nothingness forever . One minute youre here and the next your not. No thoughts, no emotions, no nothing. I couldnt wrap my mind around it, It was terrifying. I was just a child. Id cry myself to sleep sometimes. I eventually stopped thinking about it for a long time I have always had a connection with animals. Im no Cesar Milan, but Ive heard this a thousand times watch out he bites and then seeing an amazed face when Im petting their vicious pet like its nothing. Or, thats weird he doesnt usually like men/company etc.. 8 years ago began to pick up on peoples energys flawlessly, its something I do daily. I can tell what people want, if they dont want you around, if their upset about something, if they are keeping something from you. Almost to the extent of reading peoples minds. Everyone puts off a type and amount of energy. Ive witnessed this first hand being around people that took hallucinogens and seeing them think some were demons and others werent. You ever walk in to a place and feel that you dont belong? Do you ever walk in to a place and immediately feel like this is where you should be? Are you one of those people in that place that sees someone walk in and you know here comes trouble? Ever

look around and feel something is not right, and maybe a fight breaks out? Its all about energy and being receptive to it.

Spent my life researching every religion in hopes of finding something that I was drawn to. Something that felt right. I love being in intellectual debates with religious people, because I can always ask them questions that they cannot answer. Im not just uneducated. I know more about EVERY religion in and out then most do and I choose not to put my faith in any. I still prayed to god when I was in trouble but would still claim that I didnt believe in any god. I wasnt sure and I had my reasons. It didnt feel right to pray to god and accept jesus as my lord and savior but at the same time I couldnt accept there is no god and we appeared from nothing. So much about religions is flawed and twisted but they all have generally the same purpose. They all came from early people. People that didnt write things down. Something had to happen that was so breathtaking and life changing to them they thought, we have to put this in writing. Many of the things could have actually been alien though. Not to say aliens created us, or we think an alien is god but theres too many things in the bible that described now a days, would easily be labeled as a UFO.

Early civilizations almost all have drawings or carving or sculptures of beings with large heads in some kind of crazy outfit. Many have helmets on, or breathing apparatus. They knew how big their own head was and they wouldnt have put it down in drawing, oversizing a persons head if thats not what they saw. Egyptians carved CLEAR helicopters and tanks in a hieroglyph. Eventually became fully convinced in aliens, and thought they wont come back because it would devastate humanities religions. People wouldnt know what to think. Few people are awake. Also thought maybe they created religion. In that time if anything came out of the sky, of course people would pray to and worship it

Still was drawn towards the universe. Still felt incomplete and that I would until I die until I was introduced to the theory about 2012 long ago. Ive become so informed and educated on the ways of the universe, and all the different aspects of it. Its my biggest interest and watch/read anything I can on it. When scientists find something groundbreaking ill prob be one of the first to know or read about it. Do you know what spaghettifying is? Do you know what a quasar, supernova, or a nebula is? These are some of the most beautiful things you could ever hope to see in your life.

I feel I am so drawn and intrigued by the universe because of the colors of it. The colors are so beautiful. They remind me of this feeling or dream about the language of colors. I started thinking , how would a creator or any spirit/soul/energy communicate with anything in the interlife, afterlife or consciously? Would it speak in English? No

Got into a lot of trouble in my life that led me certain ways and wouldve never led to me being where I am today if I had gotten away with things. I learned from them. It caused me to want to change and strive for the better. Always felt their was someone looking out for me, something purposely giving me all these chances because it wasnt my path but was necessary to learn from them. I still couldnt believe in any religions god. Started to think there is a creator. Felt like as much as I strongly dont believe in the Christians

view of god I surely was shunned by him and he wouldnt be giving me so many chances. Im what you wouldve called a blasphemer. Still searched for answers. Too many things contradicting Christianity and other religions. Started to feel like the true religion had to do with Earth and nature. Always had crazy vivid dreams. Saddens me to hear people that dont dream. Many of my dreams have come true or were premonitions. Nothing too crazy like predicting the lottery. Kept a dream journal, bought dream psychology books. Had another recurring dream when I was older for years that randomly stopped. Im living at my old house like I never left, when it hits me, I forgot to feed my dog she must be starving! I would go out back and her bowl sit there, empty. Shes either gone or looks sick. Mostly gone. Overwhelmed with sadness. Never remember how the dream starts but most people dont

Also have A LOT of dreams that take place in that house or involve people in my life now, that are there with me. I never think why am I here? I never dream about my current house Ive lived in now longer than that house. Many other dreams about my grandparents house in Colorado. Frequently visited this place growing up. I feel at peace and different there. Only lived in CO for a few years when I was born and your not supposed to remember that right? Why do almost all my dreams take place across the country in a house I dont live in and again, people I know are there with me. Or my car, never my belongings. Everyone says when you die in a dream you wake up. I have had several of those before but ONE time and it haunts me forever, was different. I fell or was pushed off a big building and hit the ground. My head lay sideways and I could see a pool of blood start to pour out from me. I cant move. I want to scream. The feeling inside me is so real and so hard to explain. I feel, along with my blood flowing out, my very essence being pulled from my body. Its terrifying. It seemed like an eternity laying there having my life being pulled from me as it slowly got dark. I do not remember when I woke up but it scarred me for life.

(past life?) had many dreams when younger about brushes with death. Many were someone or some people trying to hurt me. I remember feeling older and would always respond with the same plea of desperation please I have a family !! or please I have a family and kids. I just remembered them while writing this after what I read the other day. I dont plan on having children and maybe it was visions from a previous life. Maybe the gunshots and constant dreams of being attacked , pleading for my family and children, and the sound of kids playing were how I died, or even how I might die in this life. All I know is they happened a lot. So very much that a child of that age shouldnt experience. And the fact they all randomly stopped. I have 3rd person dreams a lot. Im sure whoever reads this knows what I mean. I rarely see life through my eyes in my dreams but im watching myself as a 3rd person. not only that, frequently see other people portrayed as others physically. Girlfriends or friends for example, when in the dream they are to me the person their supposed to be mentally, no question.. but physically they are someone completely different. NEVER does it cross my mind to question this until I wake up. In dreams everything makes total sense, until the second you wake up and start to pick them apart. I began to think more openly of the idea of parallel dimensions and I will explain what this has to do with dreams later.

Also have 3rd person memories. The most vivid being the day my dad left when 3 years old. I remember him packing stuff up and I was sitting against a wall in between two doors of rooms crying looking at the ground. I dont remember the ground though. The memory I so vividly see is watching myself from the third person. Being in front of me looking down at a little boy crying and at the same time seeing into the room behind me watching my dad grab his things. How is this possible.

The oldest memory I can remember was watching , The Land Before Time. Now if you didnt know, this movie came out in 1988. I was born in the very end of 1986, almost 1987. I remember watching this movie from my playpen in t0he living room, barely being able to see over the top. I wouldve had to been like 1 or 2.

All these things cause me to question my life. Have never settled for the normal way of thinking. Too many coincidences in life. Started believing everything happens for a reason, good or bad. Still could not believe in god or gods plan for reasons such as why are children born with horrible defects, die early of disease, why are their mass murders, disasters that kill so many. What is gods plan for that? If he is all knowing and had a different purpose for the child, why did he give them to the parents to love unconditionally for a short time then take them away, scarring them for life. Why didnt he know the purpose of that life-form to begin with.

Have deja-vu a lot. More so than others. Started thinking really deeply about it and time travel the more I became educated on the idea of parallel dimensions.

Wrote Infinality movie script. Rough summary of this crazy movie.- It takes many theoretical ideas scientists have and bits of different movies, along with deep ideas of my own, and puts them into one. If done right it could be a multi-part movie. It starts with the deja-vu phenomenon. The idea behind deja-vu is that you really have done what your doing before and in fact, are doing an infinite number of times with infinite possibilities of everything. Some scientists believe that its possible for parallel dimensions to occasionally overlap and maybe this is what causes it. Children have deja-vu a lot more than adults do. -So you have an infinite number of dimensions creating an infinite number of outcomes to every single thing ever right..? Whats the big picture? The universe is constantly expanding and eventually all matter WILL cease to exist, then BAM. New big bang. New universe, new everything. Its attempting to create a perfect universe (This is also when I started to believe that maybe dreams could be visions from life in parallel dimensions. Would explain why everything is so different but seems perfectly normal to you until you wake up) -There is a lot of mind-bending stuff about time-travel and paradoxes.. its something that will really leave you thinking. BUT. .. Keep this in mind as you read further on.

Being in customer service dead end jobs most all my life has caused me to really get a good view of all the horrible people in life. There is a lot of genuinely pure, nice people. But there is so many more horrible people I come into contact with daily. still think there is something more and I dont belong here. I always think im being tested on how much I can put up with. Have thought negatively A LOT with

all the bad things that have happened. what can go wrong, will , when it rains, it pours etc.. I always thought Im about to talk to the stupidest person ever, I judged people a lot. Looked at my life as a roller coaster with one or a couple small rises, followed by so many of the biggest drops, over and over. If something good happens, I fully expect 20 bad things to happen. Been thinking this way all my life until the events of lately. Always felt like my family gets screwed over every way possible and will always be. Ive tried so unbelievably hard to change my way of thinking because first hand I see daily that negativity attracts negativity. One of the major problems I have with religion is its permanence. You spend a measely 65+ years here doing one thing, then spend eternity in heaven or hell depending on your actions? Thats your only chance you get? No I couldnt settle for that. Being that 65+ years is irrelevant to the amount of all time itself. You cannot fathom how long time is and I could never agree the time we spend here is the only time we get. I also have a problem with peoples normal way of thinking just day to day. That there is no ghost, no aliens, no afterlife. That your so called acid trip of colors and spirits or whatever you can imagine is in fact just in your imagination. People have tunnel vision and are stuck in one plane of consciousness and have been for awhile. More people though are awakening to things previously unexplainable and its starting to make more sense that there is things outside of what we think is normal or real. Without others thinking its a fairy tale dreamland. One such thing ive looked into a lot is peoples near death experiences. Documented cases of people being dead for minutes, and one even 3 hours and what they experienced. A lot of different things and vivid stories but most all say the same variation of one thing. They saw the light. Whether you take this as whatever god you believe in or not it has to be recognized. I started putting things together and started to think its about light and dark.

Light is everywhere in the universe and always expanding. The twinkling stars we see literally is light were seeing expand from them that took millions of years to reach our eyes. Were literally looking into the past. Dark is everything that is not. These two things will be infinite and are eternal. I started to believe the term go into the light meant exactly what it says but not in any term religions use. But in a form of reincarnation. Where does light come from? It comes from somewhere and gets recycled through what I thinkblack holes. Maybe those who dont go into the light remain on earth for some reason..or their soul isnt ready to move on. Again.. this is just a theory I had but keep it in mind.

On to 2012, I felt as if I needed to wake people up and make them understand all the FACTS and POSSIBILITES of what could happen other than what they think is just caused by the Mayan calendar. The galactic alignment always caught my attention but was always undecided still on any given theory. I did know for sure that life had to change dramatically or cease to exist. Its not getting any better no matter what the forces of the earth and universe throw at us. Back to Rational Spirituality. What is it? Ive been through a lot of the past few months and one day after breaking down asking whoever was listening, why ,why, why the hell is all of this happening to me and why do I feel to feel this way??? Something changed inside of me. I cant explain what it was but I felt hopeful. I started to get my dumb little stopmotions out there in an attempt to get noticed because I have never put forth any effort to. Films what Im most passionate about. It paid off and for weeks everyday has gotten better and better. More opportunities. All this positiveness started changing the way ive been thinking and in turn, more and more positive things start to happen. I could write another 15 pages in great detail about them each, but will just leave it at that. I started certainly thinking that I had found my true purpose and everything does happen for a reason. The way events started unfolding just seemed like fate and anything and everything I do is the right thing to do and is my path whether or not it makes the least bit of sense to anyone. So now that Im fully focused on keeping this positive energy about me and paying attention to every little detail and coincidence in life I start to see things clearer. During this time is when I wrote PT 1 and PT 2 of the other notes. My basic views on life and everything. I added everything I could think of to Y2K VS 2012 from the countless books and research ive done because inside me, I feel like people should really be informed on the possibilities. The Mayans dont think it will end and this leads back to Rational Spirituality.

Well since then, if your one of the people I see often, youll know Ive been rambling about this more and more. Ive made the mistake of saying the world will end and were gonna die but recently think I found out the truth. Were not. Maybe not all of us. Long story short, some events lead to me having my typical never-ending discussion with some people about everything in my notes. I was then informed I should read a book I might be interested in called The Celestine Prophecy. I was instantly reminded of the celestial highway scientists say thought to be brought upon by the galactic alignment. Regardless, Im a sucker for anything not normal or about 2012, so she read a summary of the book. Within minutes I had another epiphany. People throw epiphany around but its different with each person and when you have one you will know it. Everything in this book is what Ive believed in so I had to read it. After researching more about the book and reading more reviews, the basic idea behind it was almost perfect, but its fiction. And it claims that the mayans simply vibrated to an invisible frequency and disappeared. Historically some of the facts and dates are way off too. I was disappointed againhowever. The first review I read that I had to came back to, led me to a book that changed my life. Once I started reading this book it just answered almost every question Ive had. It sounded straight out of a scifi movie at first and the first chapter I didnt know what was going on at all. But this short book is written in a question/answer manner between this author/regression therapist and his colleagues are done in sessions. Basically like the movie The Fourth Kind. Having known nothing about this author, or if its real, or anything but a few good reviews and being drawn to it. I read on. The first chapter really threw me off like I said, but what is explained later awoke in me, a feeling that this is the only thing that is real. It answers a lot about my life and 2012 and everything. After finishing the book and being blown away, I decided to take that leap I did after watching The Fourth kind and find out if its real or fiction. (FYI.. The fourth kind is fiction..sorry) This book is called The Future of Your Soul (2012 AND THE GLOBAL SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS) After looking it up and finding out this author has written several other books on this subject I was intrigued. After a lot of reading on the website found out this belief has a name, and a general description behind it. Rational Spirituality Before I go into detail on it I want to say when I think of most extremes religion has gone to, I think parts are um.. irrational. *Pulling over on the side of the road whipping out a carpet and having to pray facing a direction, certain times of the day *burning in a lake of fire for eternity for having premarital sex or numerous other things that arent all that bad( there goes most of the population),

*believing your god wants you to crash a plane into buildings and kill many innocent people. * re-incarnation depending on your actions in one life affect the next, *thinking thou shalt not kill really means, thou shalt not kill , (except anyone who thinks differently..hang them in public or wage a war on those people) * spending your whole life following every aspect of what a book tells you and not having any fun at all.. just to spend eternity in heaven ..still not having fun. (Id rather sin and have fun in hell) *accepting that genocide, infant death, rape of children, is part of Gods Plan *accepting that people who live good, virtuous lives and dont hurt a fly, only to be murdered.. or in less extremes just be shit on all their life, is part of Gods Plan *not being able to eat certain things on certain days *having to eat crackers and wine at church, or after confessing to someone you cant even see that probably molests children.. be told by him that saying 4 hail marys will make everything ok. (Seriously is there a book somewhere that is like a big list of punishments? *Rape - 42 hail marys. Stealing 7 hail marys. Touching boys only if you have a white collar. Etc..?) These are just a few extremes, I dont mean to offend anyone and yes, I like MANY aspects of religions but to follow any one id have to accept that everything that comes with it is true and just also. Sorry a lot of it is bullshit and just like the constitution, is just filled with amendments that twist whatever mohammed, jesus, buddha, or even E.T. s point was they were originally trying to make to u. We DO have free will right? Why must we be controlled. Anyways back to this book. This guy is a regression therapist and the colleague answering these questions has been channeling themselves in attempt to let energies in.(Far fetched I know but ever read anything about hypno-therapy?) This energy answering these questions whether real, or an idea in this guys mind thought up to sell only a whopping 30,000 copies of his book, seems to answer and relate to everything Ive ever wondered. The main idea behind 2012 is the galactic alignment that I stated before and the shift in consciousness as a society I mentioned in the other notes. Take a step outside your comfort zones for a second and think about society. What has to happen for all of us to realize that life cannot continue on like this without consequence. Will there be disaster? Apocalypse? Will we survive? Its a little of everything. But nothing today considered rational or normal to the majority of us. This energy starts to talk about everything in great detail. It talks about us each having a soul, which whoever you are you know deep down that you have a soul. Its your consciousness and guides you to do things and help make decisions and dream and just help you along your way. Do you think when you die, thats it? Nothing? No.

It takes a little from most religions and puts it into rational perspective. Think of the way people are. The good people and the bad, the smart and the stupid, the polluters and the down to-earthers. They are all different souls. All of us. You could use the term old soul and young soul. Older ones towards the end of their experience on Earth are wiser and more open to how things really are. They are the first ones to awaken during this shift in consciousness and are here more to help others. Young souls are basically immature, the ones who live lives of crime and dont care about anything or anyone. They have a lot to learn but that is their path. Your path is set before you in a way. Through thousands of years however long each one takes to experience everything it needs before moving on.

The mayans believed that we need to enter into a period of enlightenment. Energy is vibrating and resonating through everything constantly and especially our DNA molecules. This vibration is growing and changing in frequency even scientifically. Your starting to see regular super heroes on tv. People who dont feel pain, who age slower, who are blind and can paint. Kids are becoming smarter. People who fully believe that we need to change and stray from mainstream societys beliefs are beginning to shift in consciousness and awaken. Theres many signs that you might be awakening which caught my attention immediately. These are not the exact definitions from the book but are in there 1. Receptive to energies and have an understanding of things not normally perceived by everyone 2. Many coincidences start to happen that strengthen your way of thinking and really cannot be explained. They feel right

3. Feeling drawn towards certain things like the earth and the universe and even sounds. (I actually like meditative music because it makes me think about that dream I had with the colors, I cant explain why) 4. Mental and emotional cleansing, (it even talks about sometimes those deeply caught up in relationships can be held back from experiencing the shift sooner) 5. Figuring out what your meant to do and doing it more only makes things better 6. Putting the past behind you and understanding things have a greater purpose. It talks about how the universe is not the first one and there is infinite dimensions with infinite possibilities of everything. Its trying to experience everything possible (sound familiar? Thats MY MOVIE INFINALITY!) How could we be reincarnated with a purpose of gaining more knowledge about earth without remembering anything?

The veil of amnesia that were born with that basically is what you could call it. Its point is so we arent entering a new life with complete knowledge from all previous lives human or not (that would be madness) but some people (especially children) are more receptive to flashbacks from previous lives or dreams. Children are open to so many things that we shuck off as their imagination. We should listen to them more before we decide to brainwash them and teach them this isnt real, theres no such thing as this, dont do this its not normal, believe in this.

On this website is many documented cases of near death experiences hes gathered to back his motto evidence not faith These consist of detailed accounts of children remembering previous lives or people experiencing different near death experiences. Two I read freaked me out. One case was in India a 6 year old child since 2 years old had been telling his parents that he was someone else. He gave them detailed information on his real name and where he was born and how he died and what school he went to. They literally thought he was crazy. Imagine a 2 year old telling you this! The boy kept running away until eventually the parents took him to where he wanted to go. They met his mother and the boy had told her that he died with his schoolbooks and they were covered in blood. The mother burst into tears and showed them the books. Even further a local merchant said the boy this child claimed to have previously been had owed him a debt of 2 rupees. When the boy was taken to the merchant to confirm this, he said it was 3 rupees. The merchant confirmed it was 3 rupees and it was a test. The near death experiences on there are just incredible also. One man died and sat in a morgue for 3 days. He goes on with this incredible story that ends when he suddenly feels a sharp pain in his stomache. Next thing he knows hes waking up on a table as an autopsy was being started on him. He is hospitalized for years and makes a recovery. It is documented.

There is no god or praying or rules in this religion and its not even a religion. Its motto is evidence not faith We are all connected and all here to experience everything through everyone. Nowhere in the book does it say why or what created us other than what is referred to as - Source

Ive take hallucinogens a couple times long ago, Mushrooms. Yes at first I was hesitant and terrified but felt I was with the right people in the right environment to give it a try. After the first time it wasnt just to get fucked up. The first time I did them I swear on my life, I saw sound. It changed my life. It was by candlelight and was the most down to earth experience ever. I completely understood why people became hippies but being the halfway smart person I think I am, I had more sense than to do that. I just left it at that, a once or twice time thing Im glad I experienced and wish everyone would in their life. I watched someone play guitar and I had a tunnel vision on his guitar. Every chord he strummed had a different color it was utterly amazing. Dont go thinking now that I was just hallucinating like some drugged out idiot. I was of sound mind and could speak clearly and in deep thought about it all the entire time as I sat there. Had no intention to go operate a vehicle or do anything else at all but sit there and take everything in around me. Everything was connected to me. I felt like I knew it alI and began to think that we really do only use a percentage of our brain. I also had this feeling I couldnt explain. I had this feeling like this is it. It was a mixture between , this is the highest anyone could ever get, this is how life really is, and this it for life. I want you to pay close attention to the last one this is it for life I never knew what that meant til this book. At first I thought when sitting there taking in this intense feeling, is this how the rest of my life will be? but didnt understand what that meant. I think I subconsciously thought I was going to be high for the rest of my life. The other time I didnt really know where I was and almost forgot who I was but again, thought I was going to spend the rest of my life there. I had that feeling that this is life, theres no going back

The energy talks about the universe being a grid if you will. My explanation of it is to look at it like a rubiks cube. A really messed up rubiks cube that takes 26,000 years to finish. Every 26,000 years this constant universal spiral of gravity lines everything up perfectly in order to prevent it from becoming stagnant. Energy we are unable to fathom is sent to us, and those old souls wishing to leave Earth can. What does that mean? Doesnt necessarily say, but I think if your buying into this you know. Everything puts together perfectly to show that their most likely will be mass disasters. Maybe not so big that we ALL will die but those embracing death and understand or feel they are supposed to, will and not just goto heaven or hell, or remain a ghost here or whatever you believe. Your celestial highway awaits you to complete your experience on earth if you choose. If your not ready to go and dont truly feel at peace with leaving, your not an old soul. Its ok, there is good news. By 2020-2030 the shift is supposed to be complete and most if not everyone will be awakened It goes into great detail on what life will be like. People utilizing the full potential of their brain, life will be great. People should be able to travel and communicate through mediation and not technology almost like monks do. People will get sick less if not ever, look younger, and age slower. This seems impossible with 6.5 billion people on the planet which is why its a possibility that number will get a lot smaller. We might be going through a lot of hardships that will be the ultimate wake up call for a new life. It talks in this book about multiple universes and the 26,000 year Mayan cycles. Like I previously stated the universes point is to experience everything and in a way learn from each. Previous universes werent as solid as this one. Solid maybe meaning physically or perfectly? Im not sure, but it says this is

all new, and that is why technology has just skyrocketed. I mean. .you really have to just think about it. Do you think all planets in the universe like ours just magically got this way? Billions and billions of years go by with not much of anything then intelligent life emerges. Not too long after that technology is discovered and in the most minute time period of all (100 years) it skyrockets to an almost destructive level? What if this is the first time life has gotten this way and what if aliens, wherever they are from, its all new to them too? Maybe they just had an accelerated advance in technology and resources. Their life experience is different than ours and they look different than us. They may think we are creepy as hell like we do. It talks about 75,000 years ago being the first cycle of human life on earth. The Golden Age. Souls hadnt begun to develop emotion yet and it was beautiful. Once they started developing emotion and over time took an incarnate form of a human (fyi this is an experiment/experience in life on this planet,not like guinea pigs but a universal test of life and there is still for the lack of better words..liquid forms? I dont know how to explain it but we ARE made up of mostly water right?) (EXACTLY MY THEORY ON BEING AN EXPERIEMENT IN NOTES) Once they developed emotion ..well, you know where that led to. Greed, power, jealousy, consumantion, destruction. It was then asked if this is what we refer to as Atlantis. Of course it said yes, but it wasnt called Atlantis .Its name was in a language we could not interpret or understand (EXACTLY MY THEORY THAT ATLANTIS IS OLDER THAN WE THINK!!)

The main thing I was trying to get across about the mushroom feeling was, I had that this is it feeling. Maybe we really have never gotten this far. We cant expect whats going to happen next by whats happened in the past or what we think is real/not real. Everyday is the farthest life has gotten. This makes sense to me in a way I cant begin to explain. Theres no going back, restarting life or time. Its new everyday. If our souls really are being recycled through every form of life in the universe in order to experience everything as a whole. It would make total sense to have that feeling like this is it, theres no second chance

One thing it also mentions in this book about how your reality is perceived while not incarnate. Your afterlife or inbetween if you will, is what you believe it will be. No one god, no one heaven or hell. Its whatever you believe in. This goes along with some articles Ive read about near death experiences. A lot of people see what they want to see, whatever they believe, is the reality of what they will experience. This opens my mind to the language of colors and Alice in Wonderland type worlds that seem so right to me. I can only hope that will be my reality.

Anthony Schumaker

This is the taken from the authors website

Rational Spirituality has its roots firmly planted in the fertile soil of modern evidence from fields of research such as near-death and out-of-body experiences, spontaneous past-life memories in both children and adults, and past-life and interlife regression. By contrast traditional religions tend to rely heavily on faith in ancient scripture and modern interpretations of it. It is also dynamic, changing as new evidence is placed on the table or if previous evidence is discredited. The motto 'evidence not faith' is intended to convey this fundamental difference in approach. But that is not to say that faith, or perhaps better trust, does not have its place. Total trust in the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the universe is fundamental to a Rational Spiritual worldview. Nor does it underestimate the power and majesty of transformative spiritual experiences, or underplay the ultimate spiritual message of universal, unconditional love. Perhaps most important of all, in contrast to many traditional religions, Rational Spirituality does not attempt to provide a definitive moral code. Instead it merely encourages us to take personal responsibility for applying its framework of understanding to our own lives. It can be summed up in the ten propositions below. It is, surely, an idea whose time has come... the soul survives independent of the physical body Evidence from near-death and out-of-body experiences shows that subjects sometimes bring back verifiable evidence so obscure that it could only have come from their consciousness continuing to operate when the physical brain and other senses were inoperative. souls have many lives, not just one There is evidence from past-life regression, and from children who remember their past lives spontaneously, of verifiable memories that are again so obscure they could not have come from mere guesswork, normal conscious knowledge, or even deliberate fraud. But do these past-life memories merely arise from tapping into some sort of 'universal memory'? It seems not, because they are often accompanied by strong emotions or unusual behavioural traits. What is more many subjects are also able to recall their time 'between lives', and it seems their consistent reports cannot be simply dismissed as the product of therapist leading, or of prior knowledge or belief. And this 'interlife' regression evidence

strongly points towards the continuation of the individual soul from one life to the next, as it follows its own particular path and pattern. our many lives are not linked by a karmic law of action and reaction Various regression evidence strongly suggests that the traditional idea that our successive lives are governed by a 'law of action and reaction' is unhelpful and misleading. But what about within our current life? Here the more aptly named 'law of cause and effect', or 'law of attraction', ensures that we 'create our own reality' within a framework of free will and personal responsibility.However we do this not just with our conscious thoughts, but even more with our unconscious thoughts, emotions, attitudes and intentions. So we have to make deliberate efforts to uncover these and ensure that, ultimately, everything we do is driven by love. we reincarnate to gather experience so we can grow This is by far the most common message from interlife subjects. It means that even when we play out repetitive patterns from one life to the next, these are usually complex and cannot be sensibly analysed by a simplistic karmic model. Above all they will usually represent a further opportunity to work on an emotional lesson we have not yet mastered, and should not be regarded as in any sense backward or abnormal. So is having a life of financial and emotional comfort a sign of an experienced soul? Not necessarily, because such a life would present us with few real tests. What about disabled people; are they paying a price for past mistakes? Of course not. The more severe the disability, the more likely it is that a relatively experienced soul is giving themselves a difficult test to accelerate their growth. Meanwhile, when we review our past lives in the interlife the only judgment after death comes from ourselves Despite all this, is there such a thing as hell? It seems that the idea of a fiery place of perpetual punishment was an entirely human embellishment designed to keep the masses under control. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the basic idea may have come from fleeting out-of-body experiences of aspects of the intermediate realm. Although nonphysical, this is the next most 'dense' plane to earth, in which unfulfilled spirits who retain intense emotions of anger, pain, regret, jealousy, fear and so on, and who continue to be attracted to the physical world, can remain trapped. It is apparently not a pleasant place to linger. we are responsible for all aspects of our lives because we plan and choose them Interlife evidence suggests that, before we return for our next life, at the very least we will be given some idea of who our parents will be, what their circumstances are like, and where they live. But we may also see detailed previews of major events in that life, or we may even be shown several potential lives and be asked to choose between them. So when we face difficult circumstances we would do well to accept responsibility for them, because not only did we choose them, but we did so to allow ourselves to grow. And we will not achieve this by attempting to put the blame on other people, a capricious deity, or blind chance. But does this mean our lives are predetermined? we always have free will to deviate from our life plan This is because the previews that we see in the interlife merely represent major probabilities and lesser possibilities. And we have complete free will to stray from our most probable,

chosen life path, because a totally predetermined experience would provide no opportunity for growth. How long does all this go on for? It seems that we continue to reincarnate in the physical plane until we have gained the full balance of experiences it can offer. So what happens after that? Interlife evidence suggests that there are myriad other ways in which we continue to experience and grow, either in the light realms themselves, or in other less physical realms. So finishing with the 'earthly round' is only the end of the beginning. we are all One and all God There is no God in the sense of a separate entity, but there is plenty of evidence that we are all part of one, interconnected whole. So how do we reconcile this with the evidence for individual soul survival? soul consciousness is holographic, and represents the part and the whole all at the same time This does not mean that soul individuality is in itself an illusion, because the principle of the hologram is that the part contains the whole, and yet is clearly distinguishable from it. So what is the ultimate point of all this? Why does the universe even exist in the first place? the aim of Source is to experience all that is and can be That is why it diversifies into all the billions of individualised soul aspects of itself that operate in the various realms throughout the universe. So as individualised aspects of the Source who have chosen to reincarnate on this planet, we are merely fulfilling a small part of that objective by gathering a balance of all the experiences

Linguistic language of colors

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