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Bibliotque Pdagogique Nationale I.C.

Education in Romania
Lducation en Roumanie
Educacin en Rumana
Ministre de lducation, de la Recherche, de la Jeunesse et du Sport
Bibliotque Pdagogique Nationale I.C. Petrescu
Rdacteur en chef: Dragos
Coordonnateurs: Gabriela Jiros
Iurii Pripa
Rsums labors par: Cristina Vintil
Mihaela Neagu
Traduction en fanais: Gabriela Jiros
Mihaela Neagu
Cristian Marin
Otilia Lupu
en anglais: Cristina Vintil
Laura Alexe
Mihaela Chiribuc
en espagnol: Dragos
Rdacteurs: Florina Brat
Gabriela Jiros
Laura Alexe
Carmen-Leocadia Pesantez Pozo
Rdaction technique assiste par ordinateur (L

) ralise par: Vlad S

Multiplie par: Mariana Stan
Floriana Hilohi
La publication peut tre reue ltranger par demande dchange de publications adresse la Bib
liotque Pdagogique Nationale I.C. Petrescu.
(Biblioteca Pedagogic Nat
ional I.C. Petrescu
i Education in Romania
Education in Romania j
NIC, CIPRIAN and HORGA, IRINA. Program pi disadvantaged
lot de intervent
ie prin sistemul ZEP (Zone Prioritare de Educat
ie) [Intervention pilot
programme using the EPA (Education Priority Areas) system]. In: Revista de peda
gogie, year LII, no. 1-1:/:oo, p. o-.
The study refers to the disadvantaged gypsy adolescents concerning the access and
their participation to the educational sources and also to its quality. Dealing with this
delicate matter, one may encounter some negative characteristics: a shortage in qualied
didactic personnel, the schools precarious state in which these children attend courses,
including here the aspect of the buildings and endowments, the diculties of adaptation
to the school requirements, the poverty, the bad health of the gypsy children, but also
the reserved attitude of the parents in respect of their children education, especially
when they have a breach of law history.
In order to correct these major diculties a EPA (Education Priority Areas) system,
having as main objectives the support of educational initiatives in the socio-economic
disadvantaged areas additional resources are allocated so that many activities and reduc
tion/eradication of illiteracy programmes are organized. The same resources are used
for school results improvement, school abandon prevention, the professional and social
integration. The traditional role of the school of accumulating common knowledge is re
placed by adapting the gypsy children to the nowadays socio-professional requirements.
These are growing the chances of university studying access and also the easies entering
on the labour market.
An EPA pilot project was initiated in :oo: in Romania. Within it curriculum do-
cuments, course extra materials and teacher formation programmes have been elabo
rated and adapted for the gypsy children target groups. The selected schools have been
equipped with furniture, computers and books. The children were given a free meal
and material support to those who came from socio-economic disadvantaged areas. The
parents could attend resource centres in which they could debate with teachers the
necessity for educating their children and they could also see lms or read books.
As a conclusion to the study, the authors assess the EPA system implementation in
Romania insisting upon the strong/weak points (the SWOT analysis) of the rst two
years of the project: The EPA system represents a global approach to the improving
interventions having as purpose the causative complex inuence reduction which aects
the participation to education, giving a chance to the children coming from disadvan
taged areas.
BRZEA, CEZAR. Interculturalitate, multiculturalitate s
i educat
ie intercultural [In intercultural
terculturality, multiculturality and intercultural education]. In: Revista de pedagogie,
year LI, no. 1-0/:oo, p. j-1:.
The study refers to the subjects of interculturality and multiculturality seen from
the European Council perspective into the nowadays global cultural context. It starts
from the os-8os through the oos and the incipient years of the third millennium,
discriminating among the two terms.
6 Education in Romania
Interculturality is the communication between many cultures. It needs elaborating
projects, assuming responsibilities and developing an ethnic identity and a proper cul
Multiculturality refers to social diversity, pluriconfessionalism and multilinguism.
They may coexist within a society having a certain number of ethnic groups.
In the light of these dierences the educational issues amongst immigrants are ana
lyzed. They are confronted with the need to adapt to cultural paradigms totally opposed
to the mother countries.
Other notions concerning the contemporary realities are being introduced multi
perspectivity (taking into account multiple perspectives), the interconfessional dialogue
(the religious dialogue from both cultural and religious perspective, without imposing
any confessional option), the interactive learning (network, team, community, cooper
ation, cohabitation learning and e-learning), diversity as the source for learning, the
collective learning and the reconciliation and conict prevention.
The authors try is to familiarize the readers with all the contemporary aspects of
education in an integrating society for building the collective identity and the European
COSTEA, OCTAVIA. Noi provocri n educat
ia intercultural [New challenges within intercultural
the intercultural education]. In: Revista de pedagogiex, year LI, no. 1-0/:oo, p. :1-:.
The globalization phenomenon is a consequence of the economy and nancial deve-
lopment worldwide. To such reality it has to correspond a cultural evolution so that
an adequate intercultural education must be put into force. It consists in an interdis
ciplinary of sciences and their globalization in a context of diversity and socio-cultural
development. So, the role of communication must not be neglected and in this study
are to be revealed a number of subjects covering the coherent utterance, with no ambi
guities, having a certain language and speech called narrativity (which is a privileged
meeting place and of mutual listening of life fragments in which analogies and a plurality
of sensibilities and behaviours are to be recognized, reected and uncovered).
The premises of the intercultural education, the context of globalization, the prota-
gonists of the intercultural education and its object are also presented.
Departing from the educational European Commission directives, the socio-cultural
diversity and development, the intercultural education and communication, the intercul
tural synergies and the intercultural narrative identity from J. Bruner and Paul Ricoeur
theories are being analyzed.
This theoretic intent takes into account the personal and collective identity develop-
ment within the cultural globalization context.
Education in Romania
CRISTEA, SORIN. Teorii ale nvt
rii. Modele de instruire [Teaching theories. Learn teaching
ing models]. Bucures
ti, Editura Didactic s
i Pedagogic R.A. :ooj, 1o: p.
The volume is the result of a thorough reading of essential passages from the readings
of the domain. The author has brilliantly used a number of previously published texts,
he has reorganized, completed and developed them into a new book.
The teaching theories are approached on two levels namely the represented scientic
domain level and also the reception learning theories level using an instrument adequate
to the research objectives.
The author presents, in dierent chapters, some learning theories belonging to the do
mains main theorists: the connection teaching model (Edward Thorndike), the operant
conditioning model (B. Skinner), the hierarchical conditioning model (Robert Gagn),
the genetic structures model (Jean Piaget), the socio-cultural model (Lev Vgotski), the
auctioning structures model (Piotr Galperin), the cognitive structures model (J. Sey
mour Bruner), the complete teaching model (Carrol & Bloom), the complex teaching
model (David Ausubel), the multiple intelligences teaching model (Howard Gardner),
the emotional intelligence teaching model (Daniel Goleman) and the operant cognitive
teaching model (Michel Minder).
The teaching and learning theories are widely presented so they could be applied by
the teachers within the teaching process.
, CONSTANTIN. Pedagogie [Pedagogy]. :
Edition, Ias
i, Editura Polirom. general
:oo0, 0 p.
It is a complete pedagogy manual. The pedagogy is an area belonging to the edu-
cation sciences which covers all topics from the main concepts dening and the presen
tation of the education types to the complex theories and notions in conjunction with
this topic.
The book is structured in four distinct parts Introduction to pedagogy, Curricu
lum theory and methodology, Teaching theory and methodology, Assessment theory and
methodology, and an Addenda and it presents a large number of aspects concerning the
pedagogy and didactics: the education fundamentals and factors, the education types
(intellectual, moral, esthetic, religious, technologic, physical, sexual, axiological, intercul
tural, integrated, permanent education, distance education, over the average children
education etc.); curriculum area (teaching documents, school programmes, manuals,
guides), teaching means and methods classication, lessons and grade organization,
assessment strategies, teacher training and formation.
Addressed to both teachers and school teachers from secondary education (in their
intent of passing the carrier promotion exams) and also to those students who want to
become teachers (and they are involved within the education system), this new edition,
revised, expanded and with a new updated bibliographic list, having the newest titles
of the area researchers, is an excellent instrument for all teachers.
8 Education in Romania
, CONSTANTIN. Virtualizarea formrii cadrelor didactice. Determinri s
i evo- Intercultural
ii posibile [Virtualizing the teachers formation. Possible determinations and evolu
tions]. In: Revista de pedagogie, year LIII, no. 1-1:/:oo, p. o-0.
The studys author indicates that the teachers formation has entered a new age,
that of information technologies, of digitalizing, of virtual reality. Cyber-education
is the education using the computer, an educational process IT based: pdf courses,
CD/DVD-stored didactic programmes, internet and distance learning. All is realized in
an interactive and cooperation way (interacting with other users teachers or students
on chat forums, through the e-mail or messenger) by accessing enormous educational
data bases worldwide.
The virtual character of education leads to the decentralization of learning, such as
on-line learning, but also to the creation of a teacher community with no xed location,
such as groups on the internet, virtual campuses and universities.
Nowadays the stress does not come upon the knowledge accumulation and memoriz
ing but on surng on the net, looking for new information, their structure and storage
according to the personal needs and motivation. Moreover, communication is even more
open having as an advantage the anonymous state of the users.
DRGAN, IOAN. Elevii ntre familie, s
coal s
i televizor. [Students between family, mass-media
school and television]. In: Revista de Asistent
Social, no. -/:ooj, p. 1:-18j.
The studies presented in this article have been realized by researchers from the Fa-
culty of Sociology and Social Assistance in the Bucharest University during :oo-:ooj.
They focused on evaluating violence in the TV programmes and on analyzing the be
haviour of the students consuming TV programmes.
Nowadays, not only the family or school, but also the television have their share in
educating (or not) the young people, being the sole provider of life styles and cultural
patterns. Therefore, analyzing the scenes of violence repetition and duration, the nega
tive or positive intensity of the violent contents of the TV programmes belonging to a
wide range of televisions (public or private), one may see a banal attitude towards this
phenomenon, a desensitization towards the violence perception at antisocial level and
an indierent glance on it. As a conclusion, almost all TV stations in Romania have a
wide oer in violent content.
It is also analyzed the percent of watching other programmes or TV shows (cultural,
entertainment, musical) and the conclusion is not positive at all since on the rst places
in the youngsters preferences come the mediocre artists and soap operas. The star-sys
tem promoted by the TV shows leads to a deformation in the youngsters perception on
life models. The pop singers or the models on the catwalk are further more known or
admired than the writers or the famous scientists.
As a conclusion, the author of the article underlines the fact that television, in
conjunction with school and family, have an important role in forming the youngsters
Education in Romania o
DUMITRU-TIRON, ELENA. Dimensiunile educat
iei contemporane. [Contemporary types of
education dimentions]. Ias
i, Institutul European, :ooj, 1 p.
The contemporary education represents the all time education, that education which
corresponds with the contemporary society requests, and ever more that which anti-
cipates the future society transformations and it is able to project, organize and co-
ordinate the main factors and actions in conjunction with these transformations. The
dimensions of the contemporary society are identied within a cyclic process of edu-
cational assessment, recapitalization and reorganization. This process is determined by
the phenomenon of passing into the third millennium. This passing generated radical
educational, social, economic and political changes.
The author deals with dierent aspects of education moral, religious, technological,
esthetic, intellectual, patriotic, physical, sexual, axiological, professional, intercultural,
nourishing trying to make a comparison between the new and the old pedagogical
The adequate contemporary education is a target to be achieved, especially in the
nowadays society, in which there is a deep crisis at all levels, when illiteracy is to
be found everywhere although educational products and information technology are
wide spread. The system of values is in a deep confusion, the moral landmarks are
abolished, the entire modern society is devalued and the tribal mentalities and the hate
of class and race make victims everywhere on earth. In an age of general chaos, the
human personality development must take its way and following this idea the continuous
self-training and learning have a role in eliminating obstacles, the civilizations war,
which divides the peoples of the world.
Along with the theoretical explanations, the book includes practical and assessment
tests. They are utterly important in settling some notions and explanations.
IONESCU, MIHAELA. Centrele de resurse pentru print
i din nvt
mntul pres
colar. secondary
[Resource centres for parents in secondary school education]. In: Revista de Pedagogie,
year LII, no. 1-1:/:oo, p. o-o.
The study presents the importance of the RCPs (Resource Centres for Parents)
in Romania, in the incipient years of the last century, which are meant to develop
the secondary school children education and to settle the role of parents as teachers.
The aim of the course is educating parents and the programme focuses on acquiring
knowledge, changing attitudes and motivations, eciently communicating for creating
a strong partnership between parent and child (up to the age of 0-).
Therefore, the family has the main role in forming the future personality of the child.
The ECRI (Educational Centres for Resources and Improvement) has been created near
the RCPs. The teachers may be continuously taught and informed. The children are
involved in simulating creativity circles, in presenting exhibitions using their own mate
rials. The teachers must elaborate didactical materials, video cassettes for parent-child
training, courses for promoting kindergarten health and courses using theatre in edu
cating children etc.
1o Education in Romania
The following conclusions may be drawn out of the SWOT analysis (the identica
tion of the weak/strong points) presented at the end of the course: RCPs and ECRIs
have been in a close partnership with the local authorities, with the Pubic Health De
partments and with the District Childrens Rights Protection Departments etc; the
human resources were plenty (save voice disorder teachers and school therapists) but
not the nancial ones in implementing those centres, and local funds (donations and
sponsorships) have been raised; methodological norms for occupying the job of RCP
responsible and other personnel categories have been elaborated.
MANUAL DE PEDAGOGIE. Manual destinat student
ilor de la departamentele pentru education
pregtirea personalului didactic, profesorilor s
i institutorilor din nvt
mntul preuni
versitar. [Manual for the students from all departments involved in training the school
teachers, teachers and didactic personnel]. :
Ed. Coord. Ioan Jinga and Elena Istrate,
ti, Editura BIC ALL, :oo0, j0 p.
The book is addressed to the students who want to become teachers and also to the
persons who already work within the educational system (educators, school teachers,
teachers), oering all the pedagogical knowledge to be needed in their activities. It is
an exhaustive material belonging to many notorious authors which approaches both
theoretical aspects and also practical ones in the training process of the future trainers.
The classical knowledge in the educational doctrines, in the steps and the pedago-
gical research methodology, in education components (intellectual, moral, professional,
esthetic, physical education), in education forms (formal, non-formal, informal educa-
tion), in the organizing forms of the education process (classes with various types and
options), in traditional and modern learning means (using maps, guides, books of maps,
sketches, multimedia elements, IT soft and internet surng), in evaluating methods and
strategies (various tests, exams etc.) are presented in order to have a quality education.
School management is also presented, insisting upon those aspects linked with the
school managers attributions, functions and competencies. This person has to plan and
organize the activity and take the appropriate decisions in any circumstances, without
aecting the institutions prestige and the eciency of the education-training activity
to be at the maximum level, reaching the performance level.
Having previous editions (1oo8, :oo1), the manual was enriched with new chapters
and sections such as Didactic technologies based upon IT methods of teaching and as
sessment, Educability theory, School management elements and others. They are in
accordance with the nowadays school curriculum taking into account the modications
being ready to oer a complete view on the education process.
1z Education in Romania
Education in Romania 1
ie prin geograe [Education using geography]. Brila, s.e., geography
:oo, 1: p.
Geography is one of the education subjects seen as being the most pleasant, but it
can become even more pleasant using a special approach and presentation.
Interdisciplinarity, esthetic education, children creativity stimulation, intellectual
thinking development and correct perception, environment protection concern here
are some of the great results of teaching this subject in class if other methods are being
used in conjunction to the classical ones (maps, books of maps, post cards, photographs
and lms). They are presented within the geography class, in the open eld, on the spot,
making voyages, expeditions and attending school camps. Thus, in an useful and more
pleasant manner, the knowledge assimilates easier and the children develop a civic atti
tude towards nature and society. Only looking at pictures with the ora and the fauna
or collections of minerals and stones, the children cannot have a real perception of them;
but if they see them in nature, climbing the mountains, being in the forests, visiting
zoos or exploring the underground, the caves, mines or salt careers, they may experience
their real dimension.
Apart of geography knowledge acquiring in a direct and practical way, the book also
presents some lesson plans, some examples in responding at knowledge contests and few
student paper works on geography topics.
CERCHEZ, I. NICOLAE. Didactica specialitt
ilor agricole [Agricultural specialties di agricultural
dactics]. Ias
i, Polirom, :ooj, :8j p.
The volume is dedicated to the agricultural education in Romania.
Subjects on structure, specialties, school curriculum, didactical projects, specic ac
tivities etc. are presented. Especially nowadays, when the stress falls on the intensive
development of agriculture, using EU and other institutions funds, it is utmost im
portant for the farmers to learn everything new within this area, starting with the
agricultural education up to the elaboration of SAPARD projects and of environment
Large chapters are dedicated to the optimization elements of the agricultural edu-
cation process, to the Romanian education system, to the contents of the agricultural
education, insisting upon the material base (plots, farms, school-studios, laboratories in
which the activities should be individually performed or in groups), didactic projects,
training the teachers for educating the adults in rural areas, the role of the mentor and
so on.
In the annex there are also oered models for activity plans, nal lesson evaluation
and psycho-pedagogical assessment lists, being well known the fact that teaching me-
thods and agricultural specialty didactics must be eciently joined for optimal results.
Filling a gap within the area and being correlated with the newest agricultural educa-
tion teaching norms in Bologna, which have been appropriated by the education ocials
in Romania, the book is an interdisciplinary synthesis. The author intent was to place
the high-school and university graduates on the work market, especially in the rural
1i Education in Romania
COSTEA, OCTAVIA. Didactica lecturii. O abordare funct
ional. [Reading didactics. A reading
functional approach]. Ias
i, Institutul European, :oo0, 18 p.
As the title indicates, it is a specialized writing which helps teachers how to read a
text for better understanding and appropriation. The text comes from utterance through
perception and decoding.
Insisting upon students involvement in reading, text reception at dierent compre
hension levels, the author oers a multitude of strategies in reading a text, especially
the literary one, stimulating the formation of the critical spirit in students. The text
permits the reader to imagine the elements which might drive him to the interpretation.
The reading counterpart is the intertext which is the result of the readers collision with
textuality at language and discourse level. The interpretative reading at school level is
dierent of the critical one, being in accordance with the transmitting means selection,
with the didactic channel and the social labyrinth. The aims of these papers are:
a) the reception of the text which operates in the logical area of interlocution;
b) shaping a concept teacher;
c) semantic transaction (a process depending on socio-aective and cognitive means
utilized by the teacher within the didactic process).
The annex has new tables and lists as exact work instruments. The book is a
hermeneutic intent of reading issues, according with the modern semiotic, deconstruc
tion and poetic discourse theories.
EVALUARE ALTERNATIV. [Alternative assessment]. Coord. Ioan Scheau. Cluj Na- education
poca, Editura Dacia Educat
ional, :oo0, oo p.
The author dwells upon an actual theme, namely the alternative assessment.
The assessment is a necessity within system functioning for better knowledge of
actions result.
The traditional and alternative assessment methods are presented in the rst part
of the book. After explaining assessment its functions are presented. The assessment
method is a way in which the teacher oers the students the means for proving their
school knowledge and skills, using dierent instruments of testing.
The traditional assessment methods may be grouped into three categories: oral exa-
mination, written and practical ones. The oral examinations represent the most encoun
tered, stimulative and student free speech and manifestation method. After viewing the
advantages of the written examination, one faces the practical one which is used for
applying the learnt information. Here are the most usual practical examinations: the
drill, the practical work, the simulation and the experiment.
The author also presents alternative assessment methods such as: the portfolio, which
is an assessment method widely used by the teachers, being a visiting card of the student;
Education in Romania 1j
the project and the investigation, two similar methods; systematic observation of the
activity and of the students behaviour; the assessment list; the classication scale, the
verication-control list and self-assessment.
In self-assessment the student is encouraged to fulll his/her own evaluation. The rst
part of the book nishes into a presentation of the types of items. Most of the assessment
tests are item based, in which the student encounters a question, the form and also
the answer. There is a classication of objective items, but also of semi-objective and
subjective items. During the assessment an essential part plays the evaluating teacher
who has to choose the adequate methods proper to every didactic situation and to build
a coherent and homogenous assessment system.
The second part of the book goes with applying the evaluation, traditional and
alternative methods at national curriculum. The secondary school teachers in Alba and
Hunedoara are responsible with applying these methods. There is a journey through
various subjects using the assessment methods: the Romanian Language and Literature
reading journal, book presentation, essays, tests, portfolio; the English Language and
Literature letter, various author presentation, projects, types of letters; Chemistry
portfolio, structured essay, laboratory review; Religion self-observation method,
behaviour self-assessment and systematic observation and other subjects.
These alternative assessment methods put students creativity, critical thinking and
individual manifestation rst. Reading this book, the reader has the feeling of being so
close to the education practice and it tries to be a teachers guide in alternative method
FOTACHE, MARIN. Proiectarea bazelor de date. Normalizare s
i postnormalizare. Im IT;
data bases
plementri SQL s
i Oracle. [Data base planning. Normalization and post-normalization.
SQL and Oracle implementation]. Ias
i, Polirom, :ooj, o p.
From bank, industrial or military mega-applications up to the banal phone book, the
data base became a must-have ingredient, even if it is less perceived in the daily routine.
The discreet, conceptualized and formalized character, together with a considerable
doses of intuition and improvisation, have made the data bases a very attractive domain
for IT specialists and even for the PC simple users.
From their early conception up to the actual realization, using complex applications,
there is a journey lled with a great deal of technical details at theoretical and practical
level. Data base planning, Normalization, Functional dependencies, multivalue and
junctions, SQL and Oracle etc. here are only few of the chapters within this thick
volume widely applicable within the industrial, banking, services, commerce, IT, trans
port areas and in almost every domain. At practical level, the paper presents ways of
building a data base sketch for a certain application, what elements should be taken into
account and rigorous and exible aspects. The entire approach is based upon normali-
zation and post-normalization and also upon the mechanism of declaring the integrity,
coherence and consistence restrictions of the data.
The book is addressed to the IT students, to the IT specialists (the IT programmers
and data base administrators) and the PC users who develop and use such IT systems.
16 Education in Romania
FRUNZ, ANGELICA & others. Educat
ie prin jocuri de mis
care. [Movement games sports hour
movement games
education]. Ias
i, Editura Pim, :oo, 8 p.
Starting from the following motto Things are not dicult to be done: what is really
dicult is to start doing them belonging to the famous sculptor Constantin Brncus
this paper elaborated by a group of teachers, includes a few movement games having
as main element the multilateral development of the student. Coming from simple to
complex, from easy to dicult, a few movement games have been selected especially for
their instructive value. Using them, the knowledge on space orientation is consolidated
and they require the students attention and they develop the reaction and execution
speed. These games have an educational input stimulating competitiveness, settling
team relations and bringing order and discipline. During the game some moral qualities
are being formed: the spirit of sacrice, perseverance, courage and willingness.
The book has ten chapters which are widely used by any school teacher. Each chapter
covers all the steps of a sports hour. After a game classication, the second chapter
brings the student into the games world Planes in fog, Colours, Spin the bottle, Sack
racing, Rock picking.
The third chapter is dedicated to the ball games Tunnel ball, Travelling ball. There
are also movement games designed for basic and utilitary movements Search for the
ag, Cross the bridge; dynamic games The bell, Pay attention to the signal; jumping
dynamic games The hunter and the rabbits; dynamic games for acquiring the crawling
skill The caterpillar; musical games which combines movement elements.
The fth chapter presents classroom games The human body, The triangle throw,
Being an orange, The bumblebee etc.
The sixth chapter refers to snow games Castle siege, Sled racing, The best landscape,
The best snowman and others.
The book ends with a small dictionary and a questionnaire for teachers, school
teachers and students on the importance of movement games.
The main feature of the games is that they are attractive and spontaneous. A well
designed game is capable of mobilizing all forces, of keeping awake the childrens interest
and of reaching the eciency top. Its aim is to form a healthy child, to be physically
developed in harmony and to strengthen the character features. The importance of the
game as psychic relief must be also underlined and it is the best way of active resting.
The school curriculum was respected in elaborating this volume and it turns to be
a useful instrument for all teachers.
GGEANU, ELENA & others. Rolul jocului n asimilarea cunos
elor de limb Romanian
romn. Partea a-II-a. Sintaxa propozit
iei s
i a frazei. [The role of the game in assi-
milating Romanian. The second part. Simple and complex sentence syntax]. Constant
Ex Ponto, :oo, 188 p.
The book has a similar shape with that of a Romanian notebook. It contains a
large number of texts and various creative games constructed for the easiest assimi-
lation of sentence syntax (subject, predicate, attribute and complement), of complex
Education in Romania 1
sentences (the subordinate clauses) and other sentences (interrogative, armative, neg
ative, simple, complex, subordinated sentences). The approach is as follows: denition,
classication, utterance means, relational elements, word order and punctuation.
The most interesting and useful part of this study is the key to the proposed exercises
which consolidates the process of Romanian acquisition of knowledge.
Being attractive by form and graphics (these elements recommend the knowledge
acquisition in a game manner) the paper has the merit of considerably make easier the
comprehension of some dicult aspects in Romanian syntax, presenting the information
explicitly and attractively to the students satisfaction.
dinterculturalit en francophonie des aaires: Qubecois et Roumains dans leur pays
daccueil. [xxxxxxxxx]. In: Revista de pedagogie, year LI, no. 1-0/:oo, p. 0o-8o, 80.
This preliminary research, realized for didactic self-improvement within the busi
ness French teaching, refers to the company exiled persons, Canada Romanians and
francophone Canadians in Romania.
The aim was gathering information on integration of Canadian businessmen in Ro
mania and Romanians in Quebec. The initial hypothesis on the adapting diculties to
both cultures driven by a large number of dierent aspects - was not conrmed. On
the contrary, it feels that francophone Canadians integrate easier and faster in Romania,
in comparison with the French. Thus, the perspective of a tripartite study, on a larger
sample, concerning the Romanians, the French and the Canadians within multinational
companies, who might validate this initial experiment.
The second part of the article deals with the pedagogical utilization of the collected
information. In this way:
a) the information regarding the mentalities which the students shall confront with
within a multinational company may be integrated in the French teaching/learning
b) the contacts with native speakers should be multiplied, the speaking uency should
become a target to the grammatical correctness detriment (the most import thing
is that both the speaker and the receiver understand the message);
c) it is highly necessary to know the contents of the companys documents;
d) editing them is compulsory;
e) one should take into account varying the didactic materials which familiarize the
employees with the francophone accents.
Finally, there is a questionnaire which deals some pluricultural aspects, all inter
viewed persons accepting English as the most important language. Meanwhile, French
appears as the compulsory second language for international teachers. Romanian is cur
rently spoken and written (within the company documents) by all Canadian subjects.
The research outcome refers to the necessity of strengthen the students motivation in
leaning French through active methods, focusing upon current communication situations
18 Education in Romania
within the multinational companies: the culturally dierentiated employment interview
and the commercial negotiation which is dierent from culture to culture.
colar. Metode, tehnici, instrumente. [School as school
sessment. Methods, techniques, instruments]. Bucures
ti, Meteor Press, :ooj, :o0 p.
The assessment system of the students school results in the Romanian education
system has suered serious transformations in the last years. These transformations
came at conceptual, methodological and instrumental level.
The rst chapter presents the most important elements of school assessment. The
characteristics of the assessment concept evaluating a student means to transmit him
useful information; it is part of the educational process are also explained.
The second chapter refers to the assessment strategies. An assessment classication
is performed the formative, ocial, proactive, retroactive, global, holistic, analytical,
internal and external assessment. One can use a partial or a global assessment. On
temporal axis one may identify the initial, progress, and nal assessment. There are
criteria assessments, objective-based, comparative, initial or formative strategies.
The third chapter refers to the school assessment objective one may nd the four
types of evaluation based on competences, on performance types, on operational objec
tives and on content.
The fourth chapter presents the assessment operations, namely measurement, appre
ciation and decision; they work only put together.
The fth chapter presents the assessment methods: the traditional oral/written as
sessment methods using practical and docimological tests. Conversation is also present
being a system of verbal interactions and the heuristic conversation. The written assess
ment contains the practical examination as a test and also pedagogy information and a
docimological test. One may also nd modern, alternative and assessment methods such
as observation a method containing important formative and ameliorative resources.
The assessment lists and the psychopedagogical characterization are presented, as well.
The alternative modern methods include furthermore: the portfolio, the project, the in
vestigation, the self-assessment and the students systematic observation. The chapter
supplementary presents The pupils assessment notebook, realized in the last years
the methodological assessment system and the estimation list.
The sixth chapter contains the assessment techniques technical items, the assess
ment instruments and the conceptual reference points. There is also a classication of
the multiple choice objective items, short answer semiobjective items, elaborated, an
swer-built, developed objective items, structured/semistructured essay items, and an
unstructured free essay which capitalizes creative and imaginative thinking and inven
The last chapter deals with the assessment instruments, such as pupils behaviour
current observation, the error analysis, the homework systematic verication, the note
book control, the assessment questions, the exercises, the written and practical tests.
This reading has as a main objective highlighting the ecient practical and theore-
tical research within the school assessment area, both internationally and domestic.
Education in Romania 1o
TEFANIA. Metodica activitt
ilor de educare preschool
a limbajului n nvt
mntul pres
colar. [Activity methods of language education].
ti, Humanitas Educat
ional, :ooj, 1: p.
As the title indicates, the book is addressed to the educators involved into the
preschool children education using game activities (didactical games, image based read
ings, stories etc.). They are designed to expand memorizing, small childrens language
and harmoniously create the childs personality.
Thus, according with the preschool curriculum, one can encounter some small/big
group weekly planning, interdisciplinary didactic game models which are accompanied
by independent activities of environment familiarization, game models for counting and
mathematics acquiring skill, for art of modeling learning and for language acquisition.
The book is part of the Humanitas Kindergarten Project to which The Ministry
of Education and Research has participated. It is an useful instrument elaborated for
the teachers coming in contact with the preschool environment and it has three parts
belonging to the didactic approach (projection, teaching-learning and assessment). It is
an interdisciplinary perspective and language education is not only encountered in the
specic activities (memorizing, didactic game, story, image reading, conversation), but
it is also found in all kindergarten activities (math activities, environment and modeling
ones). All these recommend this paper as a modern and ecient instrument.
TEFAN. Didactica istoriei. [History didactics]. Bucures
ti, Cartea univeristar, history
:ooj, ::1 p.
A methodological guidance book for history teaching, History didactics focuses on
history information acquisition, on creating a history thinking and connected capaci
ties in accordance with pedagogic objectives into teaching-learning this subject. Some
principles (psychogenetic principle, which stimulates and accelerates intelligence, ac
tion learning principle, stimulating and motivation development for learning principle,
systemic learning principle, theory-practice theory, causality principle, structuralism
principle, functional integration principle etc.) are presented and the teacher-student
relation is based on them. Training methods used on history (information systematic ex
posing, counting, describing, explaining, lecture, conversation, debating, demonstration,
observation, problematization, comparison, learning through discovery, programmed
teaching, modeling, drill etc.) and either the assessment methods or tests (quiz, quick
examination, test paper etc.) of the acquired information.
A large article is dedicated to the annual and semestrial history planning starting
with fth to sixth grade (universal history), seventh grade (modern and contemporary
universal history), eighth grade (Romanian history), ninth grade (universal history on
history periods antiquity, renaissance, illuminism, classicism), eleventh grade (univer
sal history following currents modernism, artistic and intellectual currents, totalitar
ianism and democracy) and ending with the twelfth grade (the history of Romanians
fro ethno-genesis to the communist regime).
zo Education in Romania
Filled with useful information and updated according to the newest theories, the
book is an excellent approach of the history didactics problematization. It combines the
classical methods (lesson presenting within the history club or in the history classroom
using maps and other auxiliary materials) with the modern ones (using the computer,
the on-line encyclopedias).
ionarul s
colarului. Explicativ, fonetic, etimologic. [School Romanian
dictionary]. Bucures
ti, Cartea universitar, :ooj, ::1 p.
This dictionary is denitely an essential instrument for the subjects who want to
learn Romanian. Accessibly written, the dictionary can be used by all age school stu
dents, starting with the basics, such as how to utilize a dictionary, up to the level of
acquisition of words. Every word is accompanied by a lexical, grammatical and etymo
logical meaning. Here is an example:
esplanad-e. s.f. loc deschis de dimensiuni mari, plantat cu arbori, iarb s
i ori,
aat n fat
a unei cldiri monumentale, fr. esplanade [esplanad- e, n, open eld with
great dimensions on which trees, grass and owers are planted being situated in front
of a monumental building]
Crossing the dictionary les, the readers nd the meaning behind the words, enrich
ing also their spiritual universe.
SISTEME INTELIGENTE DE INSTRUIRE PE WEB. [Intelligent systems of web computer
training]. Bucures
ti, Editura Politehnica Press, :ooj, :oj p.
An important place within the knowledge society context is occupied by the com
puter assisted training systems. They are based upon knowledge representation and
processing. These systems assure the educational process personalization, its exibility
and an intelligent assistance. Behind them lay the data base usage and reusable ontolo
gies on the web and results coming from dierent areas such as the cognitive psychology.
A special attention was assigned to the human factor in presenting the socio-emotional
intelligence aspects.
After a journey within the nowadays electronic education, presented in the rst chap
ter, the following one refers to e-learning as open system. It has a continuous evolution
in the last decade, from the technological point of view as well as from the ecient
usage of the specic features of these instruments within the pedagogic process. The
second chapter also dwells on the technological and pedagogic features, the evolution of
the training intelligent software systems, the necessity of intelligent systems emergence
for the assisted training, the existent e-learning platform, the LMS and LCMS systems.
The third chapter focuses on the issues appearing within developing environments
of training on the web. This system category is widely spread nowadays, the web being
an ideal way of presenting things especially in the case of distance education scenar
ios. Solutions for creating content, content delivery and collaborative learning and the
cooperative work with intelligent systems of collaborative training, autonomous agents
Education in Romania z1
in e-learning and aspects on information security, basic knowledge of an authorizing
systems and security models for collaborative environments are also presented.
The fourth chapter consists of personalized and intelligent systems of web training,
the systems of knowledge modeling and ontologies. The ontological aim is to facilitate
the communication amongst the computers independently of the technologies existent
in an individual system, the architecture of information processing and the application
area. Ontology is classied within two groups: ontology for knowledge based systems
and lexicalized one.
The fth chapter proposes the students shaping in the intelligent systems of train
ing starting with shaping for assessing what the subject does know and what he does
not. The chapter ends with the socio-emotional intelligence: applications in training
systems planning, referring to the aective IT, emotion and reason, interdependencies,
disposition and sentiments, cognitive function, synthetic emotions, socio-emotional in
telligence, the emotions role and training systems planning.
The last chapter holds the technical details on implementing the SINTEC solution,
the SINTEC platform services and architecture, the LCMS services, the knowledge
assessment of the LMS service.
The book is utmost useful both to those who want to nd out and learn the newest
specic technologies of knowledge and also to the specialists elaborating advanced sys
tems of e-learning.
apte pas
i n elaborarea compunerilor. [Seven steps to com Romanian
position elaboration]. Constant
a, Muntenia, :oo, 1o: p.
Being elaborated as a school notebook, this paper tries to achieve the student group
and individual creative abilities development in creating a school composition. From the
mental creation up to the elaboration and the actual editing here is the long journey
of text creation, of a literary composition even if it might be a landscape description or
a mere portrait. Distinctions between narrative and descriptive are operated in order to
present gures of speech, expression methods and the units of composition to be taken
into account when realizing a composition (the introduction, the body, the conclusion)
and the editing techniques. All these might be achieved in seven steps running from
simple towards the complex, from dictionary denitions up to the sophisticated concepts
of the literary and stylistic theory.
Having a serious bibliography (Wellek and Warren, Grard Genette, Jean Ricardou,
Tzvetan Todorov, Gilbert Durand, Maurice Blanchot), the book is enriched with vari
ous plans and composition types, analytic and synoptic tables which are useful to the
teachers and students in the approached area.
The rst volume of the work (a second volume shall follow, with a research in the
narrative compositions) was experimented on a student group whose compositions are
presented as edited texts in the incipient phase.
Conceived as an auxiliary curricular instrument, this work includes literary lists
with descriptive elements (landscape and portrait), also a symbols glossary and it is a
theoretical and applicative approach on the literary creation eld.
zz Education in Romania
TEFAN & OLARU, CRISTIAN. Dezvoltarea aplicat
iilor Web folosind Java. IT; Web
[Web application development using Java]. Ias
i, Polirom, :ooj, :j p.
Java language oers an excellent support in realizing complex Web applications and it
s preferred by programmers for its easy developing, maintenance and updating. Among
its advantages is the independence to the platform, the code easy reutilizing possibilities,
the free development numerous options and a large documentation available on the
Here are issues on installing applications, data base server conguration, cookies,
tag libraries, frameworks, web application architecture, java interfaces and pages being
just few of the titles of the chapter title of the books.
Being addressed to the programmer with minimal grip in Java and Web technolo
gies, the book asks the solution for creating an on-line shop. There are also presented
well known elements such as: user authentication, connecting to the data base server,
distance information management, taking into account all steps from planning and im
plementation up to management, improvement and expansion. Adapting this solution,
the programmer can implement any other application.
The work also includes a CD with programmes, documentation and tutorials, being
an applicative instrument of the theoretical knowledge acquired after its reading.
zi Education in Romania
Education in Romania zj
CARAMAN, ILIE. Deontologie s
i comportament didactic. [Deontology and didactic be teachers;
haviour]. Brila, Editura Edmunt, :oo, 11o p.
The work is addressed to the teachers, especially to those at the beginning of their
career, as an useful instrument in acquiring and assimilation the didactic eld, for an
adequate professional formation. It is not enough to have information to transmit to
your students or to perfectly know the teacher statute. It is important to love your
profession, to be curious in learning new things, to promote an adequate behaviour,
probity, adaptability, on short to respect the deontological code.
One can learn to be a teacher and the authors intent is to show the road towards
the didactic personality formation easy to be followed by the young teachers.
Vocation, specialty training, and the psycho-pedagogic culture must be teamed up
with an stainless moral behaviour, by creativity, self-perfectionning, with settling quality
relationships with others etc. The portrait of the ideal teacher can be the following: to
be close to the students, to be a second parent, to be a good organizer, to be a smooth
psychologist, exigent, kind, cultured, just, honest, convincing, energetic, above all an
example, a raw model.
Sharing with us his j year experience as a school teacher, teacher, school master,
school inspector (from this perspective the book is a professional autobiography), the
author underlines the role of the teacher as the forming entity of the childs personality,
in conjunction with the family.
FETESCU, VASILE. Educator adevrat. [Genuine educator]. Ias
i, Editura Pim, :oo, teachers
1 p.
This book, inspired from the authors full of wisdom thoughts, contains a number of
essays which depict fragments from the authors large life and didactic experience.
From the rst chapter one may discover the mirage of being a teacher, that of commu
nicating with the students. Its all about the aective-emotional living the transmitted
information and using mimic and gestures, as communication structures, in order to
make sensible the souls of children. The light, seen within the eyes of children, repre
sents an impulse to research for the educator with didactic calling.
Among others, it is presented the rst day of George Dasclu as school teacher
with the emotion of the starting of a didactic career. Theres also the memory of Ion
Creang, the kind and cheerful school teacher, loved by all boys, who remains within
the heart of George Bart, his ex-student. The distance between the teachers desk and
the pupils desks must not become a crossing barrier for pupils and it is not benecial
the exaggerated closeness with them to ensure a working climate and discipline.
The chapter Beginnings presents the rst steps of the author in his career, as an
educator at the school in S
endriceni and afterwards as a school master in Brlad. The
young school teacher must not forget that he is not only the educator of the children
but he is also the educator of the parents for whom he has to be an example in a serious
approach, in work and in a civilized behaviour.
Than, the author presents the diculties the young graduates face when they go to
their jobs in the country a young man came in to Brsnes
ti Village in Ias
i District, full
z6 Education in Romania
of dreams, but his dreams got shattered and he had to leave to try his luck somewhere
The chapter The second family refers to the period spent within the pedagogical
school. The forty years in the Vasile Lupu School assured the training for highly moral
and intellectual teachers. There is a sketch of the educators personality: moral integrity
and character verticality, love for ones country and profession, the exemplarity of the
family life, household spirit, empathy and love for children being essential.
The chapter School discipline is an essay on the lesson which has to start only
after the teacher is convinced that the children have open the minds windows and are
ready to learn. The most important aspect of the school discipline is the childrens
attitude and behaviour in class and the way in which the teacher transforms the lesson
in an activity of collective learning. The author recommends introducing short relaxing
moments in class.
About some persons lacking the minimal qualities of an educator, without any pro
fessional training, with mental and behavioral disorders, about the way in which some
have been selected without any skill tests or admission examination only by paying the
admission fee, are some of the subjects one may nd within the Genuine educator
The themes in this volume cross the interest zones of the beginners in the didactic
art and of the teachers with a great deal of experience.
A B. Formarea init
ial a cadrelor didactice din sistemul de nvt
mnt initial
training of
the teachers
romnesc [Initial training of the teaching sta in Romania]. In: Revista de pedagogie,
year LIII, no. 1-1:/:ooj, p. -1:.
Not only pupils and students have to study, but also the teachers who have to perma
nently study in an institutionalized continuous training. The initial and the continuous
training are a professional wish, thus it has to move from skills to pedagogic competence.
The article suggests a comparison between the traditional approach (in which the
stress falls on an expositive teaching/learning, on theoretical knowledge followed by a
written test) and the modern one (in which the stress falls on combining the analyt
ical and synthetic methods and strategies so that the issue solving be realized in an
interactive way and the school curriculum to be exible and open to the optional and
alternative subjects, as well as for a pragmatic education in concordance with ones
The author makes suggestions for a more ecient reorganizing of the Departments
for Didactic Personnel Training, under the form of an open one year postuniversity
structure of psycho-pedagogical, didactic and practical training, in which a distinction
should be made between the initial teacher training in the preschool and school system
and the other teachers.
Education in Romania z
PETRESCU, ALINA. Comunicarea paraverbal n formarea init
ial. Aspecte psihope- paraverbal
teaching sta
dagogice. [Paraverbal communication within the initial training. Psycho-pedagogical as
pects]. In: Revista de pedagogie, year LIII, no. 1-1:/:ooj, p. 1:o-1.
The eciency of the education system is not only owed to accumulating/memorizing
information but to a good communicating between teacher and student. This is realized
not only by emitting words but also using paraverbal elements which have the role
of creating a good atmosphere during class: voice intensity (raising and lowering the
volume, intonation (creating emotions and feelings), talk rhythm (slow, normal, alert)
or adequate usage of speech pauses.
This study presents the theories in the paraverbal communication in conjunction
with interpreting the results of a sixty Ploies
ti Petrol-Gaze University student question
naire. The questionnaire questions have been triggered to the prole of the postmodern
student, his concerns, starting from the students indierence towards a subject, the lack
of professional motivation, the tense teacher-student relation, not assuming responsibil
ities, the students unattendance to courses and seminaries.
The conclusions el the questionnaire showed that among the causes of students lack
of interest towards learning one may nd: the teacher-student bad relation, the low
competence of the student, the human qualities of the teacher, not using the intellec
tual capacities of the student, the lack of learning motivation, the negative perception
towards school, the nancial diculties, other more attractive activities, the entourage
and more.
The author of the study reveals that the teachers personality and the way in which
he succeeds to paraverbally communicate with his students represents an essential con
dition for success in a instructive-educative approach.
COLAR. Tematic necesar sust
inerii exa- continuous
and primary
menelor de denitivat s
i gradul II didactic. Educatoare-institutori-nvt
tori. [Preschool
and School Psichopedagogy. The subjects for passing the teachers exams]. Coord. Gheor-
ghe Toms
a. Bucures
ti, Ministerul Educat
iei s
i Cercetrii, :ooj, :1 p.
Elaborating this volume was meant to create a bibliographic landmark for all the
teaching sta in the preschool and primary school education with a content which may
be used as an informative source in their professional area.
This work is elaborated in conjunction with the original programmes, the subjects
being gathered both for school teachers and educators and there are also chapters and
subchapters having as target only teachers or educators.
Approaching the 1 fundamental themes of the denitive and second class teacher
programmes, the authors present all the essential aspects the ocial subjects pro
gramme such as; the education ends, school learning, the curriculum reform and con
tents, training methodology, the training forms, the education assessment, the pedagogic
planning of the education-training activities, the moral-civic education, the psycho-pe-
dagogic counseling, the student class management, the education relationship and the
teaching sta personality.
z8 Education in Romania
The school and preschool psycho-pedagogy is a book for the individual study of the
educators, school teachers and teachers who want to specialize oering the basic and
advanced information for professional competence achievement.
ionale interactive utilizate la ora de dirigent
ie pedagogic
[Interactive education methods for the counseling class]. Ias
i, Princeps Edit, :ooj, 1:8
The work completes a narrow bibliographical space on the scientic market having
the topic of counseling. It comes to help the teachers-councilors and it presents some
classical, modern, interactive methods which are to be found in the counseling class,
so that the educational activity comes more ecient. During it theres no knowledge
acquisition but developing student motivation and skills, which are communication and
aective elements.
From observation, conversation, drill and games strategies to the creative controver
sies, the Socratic seminaries and other brainstorming methods all are presented in an
accessible manner as a raw model for the counseling classes.
Furthermore, one may nd, in tables, the scenario of the didactic activity and that
of the counseling class, in conjunction with examples of education projects, case studies
and other class themes.
The book is useful to the teachers-councilors and also to the teaching sta eager to
be familiarized with the specic activity of the psycho-pedagogical counseling.
TATOIU, MONICA. Profesorii s
i pedagogia. [Teachers and pedagogy]. Bucures
ti, Curtea education;
sta training
Veche, :ooj, ::1 p.
Being well known in her position as the chairman of the Oriame cosmetics company
in Romania and also from the various TV and press events, Monica Tatoiu is in fact a
mathematics teacher, with a large teaching experience, a brilliant intellectual, that it is
no surprise she approaches pedagogy and its implications.
The role of the teacher in the modern society must be that of mentor, trainer and
guide of personalities and values representing landmarks in the Romanian school. This
role must be linked with the societys nowadays specic because one has to take into
account the realities of today: the global world, the market economy and a worldwide
and European context. From the transition period, with all its crisis and convulsions, to
the integrative one this is pedagogues path, insisting on domestic and international
implementation strategies. Not only the pupils and students have to permanently train
but also the teachers to teach their disciples and to present them the newest theories
in their eld. Training the teachers and Multidimensional training on knowledge are
two of the important chapters which insist on the continuous training.
This work tries to analyze some options on the professional training for the academic
activity and also the ways in which this training may have an eect on diminishing the
nowadays value crisis. Having all respect towards this institutional mentor which the
Education in Romania zo
university is in everyones mind, the author discusses its predictable future, oering the
optimist perspective of a capable and change generating institution.
The book is addressed to the preuniversity and university teachers, students and
parents for a better understanding of the educational system and the teachers pedago-
gic role.
VELEA, LUCIANA SIMONA & ISTRATE, OLIMPIUS. Formarea personalului didac the continuous
training of
the teaching
tic: premise pentru schimbare. [Training of the teaching sta]. In: Revista de pedagogie,
year LIII, no. 1-1:/:ooj, p. :j-.
Agreeing with the Bologna Process of European Educational Renewal, the Romanian
system has to be changed in a global direction using a pragmatic vision and taking into
account the pluralism of approaches and theories lately emerging in the eld.
The authors of the study bring forward for discussing the reform of the teaching sta
training from the Bologna perspective.
Thus, the propositions coming from teachers, school teachers, librarians and school
masters came towards: the content of continuous training and the perspectives of sys
tem training modernization while participating to research projects, to conferences,
activities and interschool exchanges, encouraging distance formation programmes, dis
tributing modern didactic materials (multimedia encyclopedias, education software)
and implementing It support (e-learning) for each year and subject.
The reform of the teaching sta continuous training focus on aspects concerning
the professional educator deontology: the improvement of the status of the teacher, the
participation of the teachers at curriculum elaboration, encouraging the participation
of the teaching sta to research programme, elimination corruption and favoritism,
diminishing administrative activities on the teaching sta responsibility.
The concerns of the teaching sta on the renewal process of self training show their
interest towards their own profession and raising the qualitative level of the Romanian
education process.
o Education in Romania
z Education in Romania
Education in Romania
I CULTUR: aplicat
ii interdisciplinare. [Communication and culture: communication;
interdisciplinary applications]. Coord. Adela Rogojinaru. Bucures
ti, Tritonic, ioo0, j
The volume includes a series of studies on communication culture belonging to well-
known teachers, linguists, philologists and researchers. Especially nowadays, in conjunc
tion with electronic communicating devices, with the possibilities oered by the internet
or television, with other domains (publicity, media, PR), there is a communication the
ory and science in a variety of forms, depending on the public to whom the message
is addressed to, whether it is politics, marketing, management, culture, religion etc. It
is one thing communicating among individuals, in a direct or written form, and other
communicating between companies, the public and mass-media, for instance. In any of
these situations media, publicity, interethnic, intercultural communication the role
of a new department, such as the PR, is important. There is no serious institution or
company to have such a department, vital for transmitting information and assigning
value to its image and identity. The job of communicator has also been created.
Under the inuence of mass-media, the language has incontestably been transformed,
becoming a type of specialized discourse. For corporations and commerce rms the
discourse sells goods, image, brand and the communication has to be really ecient.
Actually, the ecient communication is the key to the success in the relations be
tween an organization and its public and, in business, where prot is expected, commu
nication between employees and management is also important (decisions, instructions,
messages, information, suggestions, recommendations, oral examinations, discussions
The main steps of the communicating process codifying the meaning, transmitting
the message, decodifying and intercepting, ltering and reacting are approached using
examples from dierent domains: television, politics, commercial, education, religious,
organization and virtual (communication and information technology the Internet).
Being both complex and technical, the work is addressed to the intellectual and
students eager to be informed about communicating and language issues.
COSTEA, OCTAVIA. Dimensiunea social a formrii academice init
iale. [The social superior
dimension of the initial academic training]. In: Revista de pedagogie, year LIII, no.
1-1i/iooj, p o-88.
This article identies two ways of approaching educations social dimension, accord
ing with a few important events of the last years The Bologna Process (1ooo), the
conferences in Prague, Berlin (ioo1) and Copenhagen (iooi) - which determined a red
imensionning and restructuration of the superior education, for assuring compatibility
within the European education and work market.
A few directions have been adopted in these conferences such as common criteria
implementation of validating the formal and nonformal learning, the evolutive assurance
of the learning quality.
A few years back, the Bologna measures have been adopted as such: a two cycle
system a three year one for obtaining a BA; and a two year one for a master degree;
i Education in Romania
the system of transferable credits; the acknowledgement of diplomas, titles and studies
periods within the European countries; the curriculum development in conjunction with
the European dimension of the superior education.
The author has a critical approach on the Bologna Process, as being too close to the
past history of Europe, which has undergone political and social transformations.
MANUAL DE JURNALISM. Tehnici fundamentale de redactare. [The journalism ma- journalistic
nual. Fundamental editing techniques]. Vol. I., i Ed., Coord. Mihai Coman. Ias
i, Poli-
rom, iooj, io p.
Considered to be the most useful journalism manual in Romania and for that included
in all compulsory bibliographies at the journalism faculties, this volume includes a few
thematic studies of some specialists, referring to documentation, fundamental editing
techniques, the content of the news, the radio, television, written or on-line media.
If, after the oos, journalism was played by ear, writing anything, about everything
and anybody, inventing cheap amateurish sensational news for the sake of raising the
newspapers edition and bringing television audience, now one can speak about a pro
fessionalization of mass-media which follows clear rules and a deonthologic code of the
The journalism manual treats all aspects on editing and news publication, starting
with news informing, collecting and selection, the editing, using observation, interview
ing, verifying the information, responsibilities and assuming the written text. The jour
nalistic approach supposes respecting some rules concerning the message exactness, the
news editing, the lack of ambiguity all for the adequate fulllment of news, reports and
Having a real complexity, presented in an accessible style, the work is addressed to
the specialists, intellectuals and to the students who want to be updated on journalism
and communication information, but also to the public interested in mass-media.
OAR, ION-OVIDIU. Managementul resurselor working force
human resources;
umane. Ghid practic. [Human resources management. Practical guide]. Ias
i, Editura
Polirom, ioo, i8 p.
The volume can be very useful to any human resource manager and it covers a variety
of aspects: the salary politics according to the subjects competences and results, the
employees assessment/motivation/reward, the recruiting, selection and training proce
dures, the attributions list, the interior regulations and printed documents conceiving,
the needs analysis respecting the ethic, nondiscriminating criteria, the team work mo
tivation, the communication optimization etc. at the same time, the book is ideal for
the employees who can better know the complex domain of the human resources. It is
the backbone in an institution because people are the most valuable capital and they
can raise productivity in order to reach performance and success.
Education in Romania j
The authors also insist on changes coming from the interior of an institution and
on adapting the employees to the social life situations. The career management is an
important component of the human resources. The continuous professional training is
the biggest challenge of ones life and each have to eciently face it. The communica
tion role within rms/companies and among the employers and employees are to be a
Human resources management is a methodological guide, an instrument based on
elements, such as methods and strategies, important in functioning as a distinct depart
ment in an institution. These working techniques (training, team-building, brainstorm
ing etc.) are occidental imports which are being adapted to the Romanian realities and
they contribute to the subject integration due to an ecient training.
SRGHIE, ANCA. Lectura s
i studiul. Introducere n psihopedagogia lecturii. [Reading reading
and study. An introduction to the reading psychopedagogy]. Sibiu, Editura Alma Mater,
iooi, io p.
To read and to study are two of the activities the most spread within the educational
process. They contribute to the human personality shaping. The author suggests a
journey in the reading and study psycho-pedagogy approaching issues on the language,
writing, editing, bibliographic research etc.
The volume debuts on dening the concept of reading and language psycho-peda
gogy and it continues with reading and the psychogenetic landmarks of development,
the reading nature and origins, the writer-reader relation, the reading typology, den
ing readings main forms, the scientic documents, word processing coordinates, the
student scientic papers elaboration.
As one may easily see, the work is highly addressed to bibliologists but also to the
individuals loving readings and books and who want to know more about this intellectual
activity dissecting it into the smallest pieces.
There are many pages in which the literary texts recepting and the role of critique
are approached. Notions on reading, apparently abstract for the ordinary users who are
familiarized with the theoretical aspects of this science, are also explained.
Written with philological talent and being helped by the most relevant modern the
ories, the book is an intellectual reading oering elevated satisfactions to the readers.
TURIANU, CORNELIU & STANCU, GHEORGHE. Curs de drept civil. Drepturi reale. civil
Teoria general a obligat
iilor. [Civil rights course. Real rights. Obligations general the
ory]. Bucures
ti, Editura Universitar, ioo0, i88 p.
This is a course entirely addressed to the law schools and it has two parts: Real rights
and Obligations general theory.
The rst part presents the real rights: the patrimony right, the property right, the
way in which the property right may be acquired, defending the property right and
6 Education in Romania
The second part presents the obligations general theory: dening the notion of obli
gation and obligations classication obligations source, the licit juridical deeds, the
delictual civil responsibility, the responsibility for somebody elses deeds, the contrac
tual civil responsibility, the obligation execution and the guarantees for executing the
civil obligations.
At the end of the book, there is a glossary of the most used juridical terms in Latin.
The fact that this course is written by two respected authorities of law Corneliu
Turianu and Gheorghe Stancu is a fact which recommends it as a compulsory bibli
ography for the law students but also for the other readers who can inform themselves
on civil rights, taking into account the raising number of trials in Romania.
URSU, DOREL. Managementul resurselor umane. [Human resources management]. organization
Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, iooj, ii p.
The success of every organization depends on material resources, nancial and espe
cially on human ones. The human resources became a major factor in achieving high
economic performances, in raising competitiveness domestically and abroad, in lling
job vacancies, in active participating to the life of the community.
The rst chapter explains the human resources term, how it is seen today, in the light
of human resources, the classical conception and the modern one. The human resources
management is a complex of interdisciplinary conceived measures related to personnel
recruitment, selection, appointment, utilization, moral and material stimulation. The
human resources represent a strategic resource of the society and the activities of the
human resources department setting operational and strategic objectives.
The second chapter brings one to the organizational structure of a rm and the
structures organizational elements. One by one, the following terms: job, position, de
partment, hierarchic level, organizational relationships and the organizational structure
of a rm, are thoroughly explained.
The next chapter deals with job description, the contents of the job attributions and
subject analysis.
Another chapter dwells upon human resources recruitment, especially on professional
recruitment, recruiting environments, recruiting criteria and principles and recruiting
The following chapters insist on human resources selection and human resources
selection procedures. Among the human resources selection procedures one can present:
candidates selfpresenting, the intention letter, employment sheet, the interview and
testing. They are used in selecting candidates for a job.
The employment, the individual working contract and the collective one are to be
presented in the seventh chapter. The following chapters present the professional inte
gration, motivation and professional outcome.
The work deals afterwards with performance assessment, career management and
personnel rewarding. In the performance assessment chapter the author refers to the
inuence factors of performance assessment, to the assessment objectives, criteria and
performance standards, to performance assessment methods, to career management.
When talking on professional adapting and integration, one must take into account the
Education in Romania
human personality aspect as a dynamic organization of cognitive, aective, physiologic
and morphologic elements of the individual.
The professional training, the time and work organization management, elaborating
strategies of human resources development, human resources and their ecient usage
and the organizations social responsibility are further presented. The last chapters
describe the job market, the organizations social responsibility and human resources
All nineteen chapters present, as an university course, aspects of human resources
management to inform and professionalize the people belonging to this domain. It is
also useful to the human resources department subjects of dierent organizations.
8 Education in Romania
Education in Romania o
io Education in Romania
Education in Romania i1
BUDESCU, IONEL. Istoria nvt
mntului din judet
ul Vrancea de la origini pn the history
of Romanian
the Vrancea
la . [The history of education within the Vrancea district from the origins until
]. Bucures
ti, Editura Paiadeia, :oo, :0j p.
The work is a monograph on the history of education in one of the oldest places of
Romanian culture T
ara Vrancei an occasion of intellectual celebration and an instru
ment of scientic research. Wishing to evoke the past of the education in Vrancea, the au
thor starts with the rst written texts, old papers, administrative writings, manuscripts,
old books with their reading suggestions having information on teachers and appren
tices, schools, didactic programmes and pedagogic activities. Within this area have
always been concerns for reading and culture. These concerns come from the activities
of chancellors, clergymen, and other men. There was a tradition that the villages priest
to write all papers.
Source for legends and songs, Vrancea gave to the Romanian culture a folkloric
treasure in which Miorit
a is the most important jewel, especially for education. As im-
portant are also the religious books containing moral allegories The books of wisdom,
The gift ower a version of this being copied by in the seventeenth century in the
i Monastery by Father Rafail, the one who transcribed the holy books.
A raid in history, the rst half of the seventeenth century is presented mentioning
the school in Focs
ani. In this century are presented some teachers who were teaching
others. In the next century the school of Ion Calimachi is a fountain of information
which becomes the most important institution, protected by the state. The school of
copysts from Poiana Mrului, the Schitu Vrancea calligraphic centre, the school near the
Schitul Leps
a where the children with rich parents were taught is presented. Afterwards
the National School Nr. 1 in Focs
ani-Moldova having Vasile Paulini as teacher, a highly
educated man, the National School Nr. : in Focs
ani-Munteni, with modest furniture
but with rapid progress are presented, too. There are also mentioned the school library
created in 18o, the founding of boy school in Panciu and Odobes
ti, girl school in
ani and Odobes
ti, the confessional schools, the Vrancea community schools and
the monastery schools.
The schools for boys or for girls were functioning in modest conditions, in dark rooms
with dampness and some of the courses were held outdoors.
There are also the reports of the rural schools which are vivid testimonies of the
passion and work of the educators. Are also mentioned the adult courses, the students
military preparation, the school studios, seeding tree celebrations, the popular library
organization, the school canteens and the cultural meetings also known as Sfaturi Po-
The last chapter refers to the Vrancea teaching sta participation to the important
moments of Romanian history.
This book sprang out of the highest admiration for teachers, whose activity is full of
passion and self sacrice.
iz Education in Romania
a S
colei Economice Liberale n Romnia n secolul liberal
al XIX-lea. [The inuence of the Economis Liberal School in Romania in the nineteenth
century]. Bucures
ti, Do-MinoR, :ooj, 108 p.
The author oers to the readers a canvass of the economic liberalism at the be
ginnings of modernization. Reading the following six chapters the author makes us
understand the politics of 18o-188o, a period of enthusiast occidentalisation in which
modernization using the occidental model is seen as unproblematic.
One might mention from the chapters of the book: ideas and economic realities
at Nicolae S
u; the ideas of Props
irea magazine and Alexandru Moluzs liberalism;
the evolution of the idea the times economist, Ion Ghica; the problem of Romanias
production and Ion Ghicas solutions; the evolution of the ideea: Ion Strat; the idea of
freedom of exchange within the state policy.
The work is based on the idea that the free exchange economy served the metropoli
tan capitalism expansion to the suburban areas using capital exchanges and unequal
exchanges, transforming the agrarian countries into economic colonies of the industrial
ones. A short journey into history helps one to face the Rosa Luxembourgs imperialist
The reader shall understand the notion of third party consumer. They are those who,
during the historic development of capitalism, endure at a certain moment, the weight
of the social exploitation price process during the international exchange. The role of
the third party consumers in the solution of capital accumulation is important because
the life of the peoples is found within the production of raw materials. One may nd,
among the mentioned personalities, the prince Nicolae S
u, antiprotectionist, who was
for raising new factories in the limit of the budget, Ion Ghica, who was against the cap
italist invasion on the old economic exchanges, Mihai Eminescu, thinker and poet, who
explains the dierences between the economic systems and reveals the price exploiting
phenomenon. Alexandru Moruz, Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Ion Strat, Vinterhalder, the
economist of the Romnul newspaper and Vericeanu are economists who have fullled
their historical mission in the spirit of the exigencies of the occidental capitalism.
NEAGU, COSTIC. Simion Mehedint
i, pedagog de vocat
ie. [Simion Mehedint
i, voca the history
of Romanian
tional educator]. Focs
ani, Editura Terra, :oo, 10 p.
This biography is dedicated to Simion Mehedint
i, one of the most important educa
tors of the Romanian school, an ethnography and geography teacher at the University
of Bucharest, a remarkable character and a man whose life was under the sign of the
cult of work. Only wishing and continuously striving to learn a man may self civilize and
shape. Learn, learn, learn here is the main advice which guided Simion Mehedint
own life.
The work of Simion Mehedint
i, went towards six directions: science, literature, edu
cation, critique, politics and polemics. The pedagogic ideas and even those concerning
the deed pedagogy have been validated by the education theory, by practice and by
all men following Simion Mehedint
i in charge of the Romanian education system. One
should mention: the school eorts (followed by the school committees and the parents
Education in Romania i
committees nowadays) decentralization and the link between school, family and commu
nity, the development of the rural education, the importance of exploring the student,
stressing upon the practice in school, the teaching sta training.
The work is complex, approaching the polyvalent personality of Simion Mehedint
(teacher, pedagogue, educational system reformist, man of state etc.), this biography
presents the milieu of the age, the state of the Romanian education the nineteenth
century and the beginning of the twentieth.
Written with scientic exactness, the work sketches the path of a personality in a
double perspective the life and the work being a pleasant remember of the inheritance
of an exceptional teacher.
TRZIMAN, ELENA. De la biblioteconomie la s
a informrii. nvt
mnt bibliote biblioteconomy;
the history
of Romanian
conomic romnesc: tradit
ie s
i modernitate. [From biblioteconomy to the information
science. Romanian biblioteconomy education: tradition and modernity]. Bucures
ti, Edi
tura Ager, :ooj, : p.
It is a specialized work, having as target the library personnel, the teachers and
philology students interested in bibliotheconomy.
The book has two parts: the rst is a presentation of the Romanian biblioteconomy
education (dealing with the forms of scientic research, of training and specialization
license degree, master degree and doctorate), the improvement and specialization
courses (the didactic levels), the scientic research of the domain, the international
relations, trends and perspectives. There are also short presentations of the university
education in Trgovis
te, Oradea and Timis
The second part is a selection of texts, wishing to mention personalities and their
contribution in the evolution of biblioteconomy and information science in Romania
such as: Ioan Buianu, Nerva Hodos
, Nicolae Georgescu Tistu, Ioachim Crciun, Dan
Simionescu, Gh. Bulut
, Corneliu Dima Drgan, Mircea T
omescu, Gabriel S
Doina Banciu. The theoretical contributions refer to the library specic activities such
as documentation, cataloguing, lending, document acquisition, the history of the Roma
nian book, Romanian manuscript cataloguing etc.
The book is an advanced bibliotheconomy manual, updated with the newest theories.
ii Education in Romania
i6 Lducation en Roumanie
Lducation en Roumanie i
NIC, CIPRIAN et HORGA, IRINA. Perspective dirence
entre sexes
asupra dimensiunii de gen n educat
ie [Perspectives sur la dimension de genre en du
cation]. En: Revue de Pdagogie, anne LII, n. 1-1:/:oo, pag. -.
Cete tude est une analyse du curriculum scolaire de la perspective de lducation
de genre (direncie), suivant plusieures directions: lvaluation ducationnelle par
lanalyse des components (curriculum, matriaux didactiques, lore de formation) est
base sur les opinions de ceux impliqus (lves, professeurs), llaboration dune ana-
lyse statistique rlative la participation lducation, lutilisation de la mthodologie
complexe de la recherche, quantitative et qualitative, lanalyse des manuels scolaires du
point de vue de la forme et de leur contenu etc.
Concrtement, lducation de genre fait rfrence lexistence de certains principes
dont on doit tenir compte dans ce domaine: le type de personnalit et des particularits
individuelles de chacun, pour lquit et lgalit de chances. lpoque, lducation
tait direncie par le sexe, mais coexistait la forme intgrative (lducation commune),
tout comme laccs lcole tait dirent (en fonction de lappartenance un sexe ou
autre chose), le continu de lenseignement, des manuels. A prsent, nous avons un
rgime dmocratique, donc la discrimination de genre a disparu, au moins du point de
vue thorique (car en pratique elle persiste encore mme dans la politique du salaire
en faveur des hommes), ainsi que netonne personne quand on rencontre des femmes
dans secteurs dactivit considrs autrefois ef des hommes ou dans le poste de
direction des institutions. Cependant, les professeurs tiennent compte dans la classe des
reprsentations de genre traditionnelles (traits spciques aux lles, respectivement aux
gaons), en adquant ses stratgies denseignement en fonction deux, surtout que les
manuels font telles dirences (des personnages masculins/fminins, ayant le privilge
les premiers). Les objectifs majeurs doivent tre la communication et le parteneriat de
genre; et non pas la prfrence pour les symboles de pouvoir et de prestige social de
type masculin (liders politiques, hommes historiques, footballeurs, savants), qui sont
prpondrment masculins, mais les femmes sont prpondrantes seulement dans le
domaine du showbiz.
Bien que lintraction de genre soit une dsidrat du processus denseignement, de la
mentalit traditionnelle persistent encore, partir de la disposition des lves en banque
(lles avec lles, gaons), des rsultats scolaires qui savrent dirrents du point de
vue qualitatif par sexe (les lles obtiennent de meilleurs rsultats que les gaons) qui
sorientent vers certaines options professionelles et prols de formation (les lles sont
attires par des disciplines socio-humaines, et les gaons par celles relles): lies de cette
ralit, les relations professeurs-lves restent galement sous le signe de linuence de
genre, les cadres didactiques ayant soit une meilleur communication avec un lve du
mme sexe (la solidarit de genre), soit avec ceux de sexe oppos, la subjectivit des
enseignants tant primordiale dfaut de leur prparation de spcialit impartielle.
Lanalyse dtaille de lducation de genre comprend quelques recommandations con
cernant la conscience de cet aspect essentiel des dirences sur le plan-genre, pour mettre
en vidence les qualits et les traits de personnalit spciques, pour quil soit valori
socialement et professionnelement dans la direction de la performance.
Les auteurs de ltude plaident dans la direction de la stimulation de la coopration
et du dveloppement dun rel parteneriat entre lles et gaons, tant dans la vie prive,
que dans lespace publique.
i8 Lducation en Roumanie
IUL PUBLIC [Communication nonverbale communication
dans lespace publique], tudes; recherches; applications. Coord. Septimiu Chelcea. Bu
carest, Tritonic, :oo, 18 pag.
A prsent il y a toute une thorie de la communication nonverbale dans chaque
domaine de celui politique jusqu celui ducationnel. La dcodication de la com
munication nonverbale doit avoir en vue le contexte culturel, respectivement les in
formations culturelles associes un acte de communication. Certaines cultures sont
contextuellement leves, en accordant une importance au contexte, pour tablir le sens
de la communication, les autres sont contextuellement faibles. Par exemple, dans les
cultures contextuellement leves, la dure des discussions de prsentation dune rme
est plus grande que dans les cultures contextuellement faibles. Dans une communica
tion nonverbale, la fonction de codication est ralise par la contraction volontaire ou
involontaire des muscles squeltiques et faciaux, le changement du tone et du rythme
de la parole, lutilisation de lespace et du temps, des artfacts et les autres. En essence,
la communication nonverbale se ralise laide des signes et des signaux.
Les aspects attaqus dans ce volume dtudes, recherches et applications dirent en
fonction des types de message qui doivent tre transmis et en tenant compte du spci
que des socits respectives soit quon parle de la sphre du politique, du mass-mdia,
de la religion, du monde du sport ou de celui de la mode (o la tenue vestimentaire
est le langage prdominant). Seulement en faisant une numration de quelques titres
de chpitres Attraction du visage fminin, Le visage et les expressions du visage, Les
yeux et le regard dans les aches publicitaires, Les vtements et les valeurs sociales etc.
nous nous rendons compte des aspects vastes attaqus concernant la communication
nonverbale. On sait que le rle du langage est majeur au niveau des politiciens, des
directeurs des institutions publiques, des rmes et des compagnies prives, des journa-
listes, mais aussi dans dautres domaines, plusieurs personnalits ou hommes publiques
suivent des cours dacteurs o ils apprennent comment doivent sexprimer sans paroles,
similaires un modle dramaturgique dont la componence manipulatrice nest jamais
Complexe avec des thories et exemples de plusieurs domaines, le travail est adress
un public nombreux, de simples citoyens ceux qui activent en diverses sphres sociales,
ayant le rle de comprendre le spcique de ce type de discours qui est celui nonverbal,
caracteris par gestes, la mimique du visage, les mouvements des mains, les tics, la
posture des membres, les vtements etc.
CONSTANTIN, TICU et DNIL, OANA. Les reprsentations sociales et la mmoire mmoire
sociale, approches et dirences. En: Psihologia social. Buletinul Laboratorului Psi
hologia cmpului social (Psychologie sociale. Bulletin du Laboratoire Psychologie du
champ social), no. 1, :oo0, p. 11-1j8.
Les reprsentations sociales RS constituent un ensemble structur des valeurs, no
tions et pratiques concernant un objet de reprsentation ou une dimension de lambience
sociale; un systme social et cognitif qui permette la survivance de lindividu dans la
socit, la direction des comportements et de la communication, ainsi que la slction
Lducation en Roumanie io
des rponses aux stimulants dambiance. Les RS sont dpendents du contexte social
o volue une colectivit, sont gnrs collectivement, jouent un rle important dans la
dnition et la maintenance des rapports sociaux, vhiculant souvent par voie indirecte
une certaine connaissance et une comptence sociale.
Du point de vue mthodologique dans ltude de ce concept, les contenus RS peuvent
tre mis en vidence par lanalyste, conscutif aux investigations spciques; en deman
dant des paroles associes et leur hirarchisation en fonction de limportance accorde
aux sujets investigus sous la forme dun noyau central.
travers le noyau central, RS garde et transmet ses lments de continuit, de
stabilit; et par les lments prifriques, les reprsentations sociales sont nuances en
fonction du contexte dvocation. Les reprsentations se modient en temps, par le
changement succesif des lments prifriques et leur intgration dans le noyau, dans
un nouveau contexte. Dans la vision des psychosociologues europens de nos jours Hass,
Neculau et Jodelet, RS sont des lments constituifs de la pense sociale avec la mmoire
sociale (MS). Si RS sont spciques au prsent en dnissant des perceptions collectives,
gnrales, des objets de reprsentation actuelles (le chmage, la dmocratie, la proprit
personnelle), MS fait rfrence aux reprsentations collectives du pass, un objet de
la mmoire (la priode communiste, les vnements de dcembre 1o8o, la rvolte des
mineurs de :ooo) et les autres.
La mmoire sociale se constitue dans le processus dhomognit des reprsentations
du pass; processus qui a lieu par la communication entre individus ou entre groupes,
marqu aussi par le phnomne de loubli, tant situ au point de rencontre entre
lindividuel et le collectif, entre psychologique et social. La mmoire sociale peut tre
inuence par la culture dominante, comme elle peut devenir un outil idologique et
culturel travers lequel lindividu absorbe les vocations suggres, partageant ceux-ci
aux autres membres de la collectivit.
En parlant des mmoires collectives, elles sont caractristiques chaque groupe
parti (paysans, dports, intelectuels, mineurs), tant conditionnes par lentourage
social commun et coxistant en mme temps et space avec des autres mmoires collec
tives, ayant des lments communs, mais aussi des dirences.
Ces deux concepts MS et RS ont t dnis partant du concept de reprsentations
collectives, les deux appartiennent la pense sociale, tous les deux se forment travers
lchange dinformations et signications, faisant rfrence un objet danalyse avec un
enjeu pour les sujets investigus, tous les deux sont dpendents du contexte social
o volue lindividu; la dirence tant que RS fait rfrence aux thmes actuelles,
thmes qui ont, leur tour, une histoire en passant plusieures tapes du moment de
leur apparition sur la scne sociale, et MS se rapport aux thmes du pass plus rcents
ou plus lointains. Suite lanalyse empirique de la relation entre les donnes RS et
MS, on a conrm que la formation des souvenirs sociaux persistants est dpendante
dautres vnements sociaux associs lvnement voqu et du degr de louverture
de la personne vers les valeurs dmocratiques lattitude par rapport au pluripartitisme
et la translation des biens.
jo Lducation en Roumanie
CRAIA, SULTANA. Comunicare s
i spat
iu public la romni. [Communication et espace communication
publique aux Roumains]. Bucarest, Maison ddition Meronia, :ooj, :o pag.
Le livre est une recherche de lunivers de la communication publique aux Roumains,
de la perspective psychosociale et de lhistoire des mentalits. En ce sens, sont attaqus
divers types de discours publique (politique, acadmique, occasionnel, artistique, re
ligieux, interpersonnel, qui peuvent conduire la conguration de lespace publique,
ayant une inuence sur lui), ainsi quune srie daspects qui mete en vidence une socit
et une civilisation (mdia, la vie culturelle aux diverses manifestations et vnements
de type des ftes ocielles et populaires).
Des chapitres importants sont rservs la prsentation des runions, des ftes, des
confrences et des dbats publiques, mais au rle des journalistes et de la propagande
en diverses poques (les annes 8o et oo), ces pages contribuent une meilleure con
naissance du spcique de la socit roumaine dhier et daujourdhui. En fait, on fait
une comparaison entre le monde ant-dcembriste et celui post-dcembriste dans les
plus nes nuances, en insistant sur les transformations passes en Roumanie: labsence
des lments a t substitue par opulence (on vit dans lpoque du communisme!); le
srieux a t remplac par vulgarit; lintelligence par la stupidit promue obsessivement
par les journaux de scandale et les tlvisions commerciales; la confusion des valeurs a
pris la place de la rigueur dautrefois; les meetings, les grves et les protests de la pop
ulation, qui nxistaint jamais avant de 8o, quand la peur de la Police tait fortes, ont
devenues la ralit de la transition roumaine. La rue et le petit cran sont les espaces de
prdilection daction, o se font et se dfont o sembrouillent les choses de la politique
roumaine. Plus grave encore est que le politique dsordonne, la corruption gnralise,
la tentation de la facilit et des autres maux dmocratiques ont pris la place de la
culture, ce fnomne pervertant justement notre essence comme nation.
Aux dbuts de la socit moderne marque par le romantisme, dans la premire
moiti du XIX
sicle, jusquaux premires annes du XXI
sicle, le monde roumain a
chang ses modles et les practiques de la communication. Elle a parcouru un chemin
o le pittoresque et la drame, le comique et labsurdit, le sublime et le drisoire se
rencontrent galement voil les conclusions de cete tude intressante sur lhistoire
des mentalits de la Roumanie, crit dans une manire indite de rcit, mlangeant la
popularit avec lessayistique.
ii teoretice s
i metodologice asupra compozit
iei grupurilor comportement
de groupe
ionale [Rexions thoriques et mthodologiques sur la composition des groupes
organisationnells] En: Psihologia social. Buletinul Laboratorului Psihologia cmpului
social (Psychologie sociale. Bulletin du Laboratoire Psychologie du champ social),
no. 1, :oo0, p. 101-181.
Dans les organisations de nos jours, les groupes sont souvent utiliss comme m
canismes dintgration, et la plus partie des charges impliquant la mise de dcisions
ou la rsolution des problmes sont dlgus aux groupes formels. Le groupe organis
est synonyme de lquipe de travail; ses caractristiques tant: les membres du groupe
sengagent en intractions frquentes, qui sont dnies et sont perues par les autres
Lducation en Roumanie j1
comme membres du groupe, partagent des normes communes et se soumettent un set
de rgles formelles et informelles, en visant latteinte dun but commun et font parties
dun systme des rles trouvs en intraction.
Un groupe est considr homogne si les membres sont daccord concernant lun ou
plusieurs aspects, par exemple les traits de personnalit, le niveau de lducation, les
preoccupations, lappartenance etnique ou culturelle, les habitudes, les habilets. Un
groupe est considr htrogne si ses membres sont dirents dans lun ou plusieurs
aspects. Dans ce cas, on dni le concept decacit des groupes organisationnels en
faisant rfrence la mesure o le groupe accomplisse les buts pour lesquels a t cr et
il est dni comme ecace, sil accomplisse les objectifs avec un minimum de ressources.
Le groupe est considr un systme social, et les systmes sociaux sont par excellence
systmes ouverts. Pour sadapter un systme ouvert et survivre dans une certaine
ambiance, on a besoin de la similrit du degr de complexit interne du systme avec
le degr de complexit de lambiance o il y a le systme. Un groupe vu comme un
systme est soumis la loi qui arme quun systme ne va pas manifester beaucoup de
varit que celle laquelle a t expos dans son ambience.
Concernant la thorie de la diversit cognitive, lide fondamentale est que les mem
bres des divers groupes vont contribuer avec la richesse des connaissances varies, avec
lexpertise, avec les habitudes et leurs cognitions la richesse dinformations plus am
ples au sein du groupe, cella en se traduisant par de meilleures dcisions, des solutions
plus cratives et des plans plus ecaces. La diversit du groupe a des eets bnques
pour sa performance, seulement si les attributs des membres du groupe assurent une
diversit ncessaire des ressources cognitives rvles pour la charge primaire du groupe.
Une autre thorie concernant le groupe est celle de la catgorie sociale, soit la ten
dance gnrale de classier les gens du groupe. Les attributs utiliss pour dcrire un
groupe social particulier sont dnomins des strotypes et ils dirigent le processus
de linformation et du comportement dans des situations sociales. Conformment la
thorie de la catgorie sociale, la diversit du groupe va aecter ngativement sa per
formance deux niveaux: par limpact de la diversit sur les membres du groupes pris
individuellement et par ses implications pour le groupe dans sa totalit.
a juvenil. O lect
ie deschis de dlinquence
sociologie [Dlinquence juvenile. Une lon ouverte de sociologie]. Galat
i, Editura S
ean, :ooj, 8 pag.
Fnomne alarmant prsent, plutt au sein des jeunes, la dlinquence doit tre
premirement recherche pour tre aprs combattue ou stope.
Le livre a comme base une enqute sociale faite par les cadres didactiques du Groupe
Scolaire Industriel Mtallurgique de Galat
i, en suivant plutt un teste dopinions des
lves du groupe scolaire par rapport au fnomne de la dlinquence juvenile, que
lapprofondissement scientique dun fnomne qui se trouve parmi les priorits des
recherches sociologiques sur le plan mondial. Les rponses des lves ont russi crer
une image assez exacte de la comprhension de la loi, de ltiologie infractionnelle ju
vnile, des modalits de combat et des autres.
jz Lducation en Roumanie
Les auteurs partent de la dnition de la dlinquence sociale, comme oppose de la
normalit, manifste sous la forme de linfraction. En faisant appel aux thories des
importants sociologues comme Emile Durkheim, Parsons, Merton, Cohen, Ed. Suther
land etc. sont analyses les causes de labandon scolaire, le consume des drogues, les
tentatives de suicide, la fuite de la maison et de lcole, de la violence, des conits, des
brigandages, des crimes et des autres ractions anormales parmi les adolescents.
Labord du fnomne de la dlinquence juvnile peut se faire travers de nombreuses
mthodes et techniques parmi lesquelles lenqute sociologique et la recherche statis
tique sont les plus frquentes mais la dmarche des auteurs a vis aussi les stratgies
du combat du fnomne infractionnel, dans son ampleur, par lintgration et la social
isation des jeunes, par laugmentation du rle ducationnel de la famille, de lcole et
de lglise.
Le volume est une lon de sociologie, en proposant linitiation des lves dans la
recherche sociologique sur le terrain, ils tant, eu mme temps des sujets, des oprateurs,
des analystes et des bnciers de leur propre dmarche, mais aussi une meilleure auto
et interconnaissance collgiale.
i abuz asupra copilului. Implicat
ii protection
de lenfant
pentru munca social din institut
ii [Violence et abus de lenfant. Implications pour le
travail social dans les institutions]. En: Revue dAssistence Sociale, no. 1-1:/:ooj, pag.
La violence tant souvent rencontre dans la socit moderne est malheureusement
devenue une modalit de communication interhumaine, un type de relation entre les
groupes et se nations les manifestant sous la forme des abus de tous les types (physique,
psychique, verbal, direct, indirect etc.).
Dans larticle on attaque particulirement la violence institutionnelle gnre par
toutes les interdictions institues par lhomme, tant reprsente par la loi mme
qui peut avoir une multitude daspects: du programme rigide ( lcole, au travail,
aux orphlinats, aux prisons, aux asiles et aux centres pour dlinquents en bnce du
personnel responsable, du pouvoir institutionnel) jusquaux abus produits en famille.
Il y a plusieurs formes dabus sur lenfant et savoir: labus physique, labus sexuele,
labus qui provoque des motions, la ngligence et les autres. , prsent quelques m
sures dintervention qui doivent tre prises par lassistent social ou le professeur dans le
cas de la maltraitement de lenfant.
En consquence, les auteurs dnissent le contenu de lducation et soulignent
limportance de lutilisation de deux modles promus par ce type dducation et savoir
le modle supriorit-infriorit et le modle des quivalences, tous les deux labores
par Pat Patfoort en :oo1.
Lducation en Roumanie j
I DREPTURILE OMULUI [ducation en biothique et biothique;
les droits
de lhomme
les dorits de lhomme]. Bucarest, Commission Nationale de la Roumanie pour UNESCO,
:oo0, o pag.
Le dveloppement accentu des sciences et des technologies (mdicales, inginerie,
informationnelles), nissant avec le dchirage du gnome humaine et la clone animale
et humaine met lhomme dans une autre lumire, plus prcisment les limites de son tre
fragile, la lutte contre la maladie, mais aussi la possibilit de la cration des organismes
rsistents, dun anthropode et mme de lintelligence articielle, transgressant certaines
limites morales.
La biothique est la science qui tudie le comportement humain dans le domaine des
sciences de la vie et de la sant, du point de vue des valeurs et des normes thiques
qui mettent sur le premier plan le respect de la vie et de lautodtermination de ltre
humain. De cette perspective, on peut entamer une diversit daspects: le transplant
dorgans et de tissus humains; lusage de la cellule stem embrionaire dans la recherche
thrapeutique, la thrapie gntique, des organismes modis gntiquement par le
traitement des plantes utilises pour lalimentation; la reproduction humaine avec ses
mthodes varies de fertilit in vitro et pas forcment ceux-ci, luthanasie au cas des
maladies incurables, la clonage, les expriments sur animaux etc. Toutes ces mthodes
doivent tre utilises prudemment pour garantir le bien individuel et collectif, pour ne
pas mettre en danger lhumanit et lcosysthme de la plante entier.
Edit par la Commission Nationale de la Roumanie pour UNESCO, le volume con
tient les contributions des plusieurs auteurs roumains (biologues, echercheurs, mdecins,
professeurs, prtres) sur le thme de biothique, sur sujets controverss, avec arguments
pro et contre; surtout en ce qui concerne le rapport science/religions.
Bien quil soit un travail de spcialit, il peut tre accesible une vaste catgorie de
lecteurs grce lintrt gnral pour une problmatique pareille, mais aussi au style
rapide dont il est crit.
I MASS-MEDIA [ducation informelle et mass-mdia]. ducation
Coord.: Gheorghe Bunescu et Elisabeta Negreanu. Bucarest, Cartea Universitar, :ooj,
101 pag.
Ltude a t projet par la ncessit de constater le mode o la mass-mdia participe
lducation informelle et sensibilise la responsabilit commune des producteurs de ce
domaine des journalistes, du management mdiatique, mais aussi de la famille, de lcole,
des institutions culturelles, concernant la qualit de lducation rue par les enfants et
les jeunes.
Comme population-cible de la recherche On a lu des lves de 1j-10 ans qui forment
leurs prfrences, leurs passions et leurs convictions en fonction des pratiques sociales,
de lambiance de famille et de la vie scolaire. Les jeunes inuencs par la culture mdia
mettent en application la mode, le langage, le style promus par cette culture.
La recherche a t motive par la ncessit de linvestigation du rapport tensionn
de la entre la partie prdominante commerciale de la mass-mdia et la logique duca
tionnelle. Le but de ltude a t celui dorir des solutions amliores, de sensibiliser
ji Lducation en Roumanie
et de devenir conscientes les institutions ducationnelles, mdiatiques et politiques, les
hommes avec proccupations et responsabilits dans le domaine de lducation, pour
crer les conditions dun parteneriat de la perspective de lducation permanente, ral
ise par toutes les formes de lducation: formelle-scolaire, nonformelle-extrascolaire et
informelle, y compris travers mass-media et la famille.
Le travail contient tout dabord les fondements thoriques et les prmises
mthodologiques de la recherche. Par suite, sont prsents les rsultats synthtiques
de lenqute par un questionnaire des lves; des professeurs et des parents, en visant
les opinions, les attitudes de ceux-ci concernant lducation informelle et mass-media et
linuence mass-media sur lducation des jeunes.
Les conclusions de ltude sont accompagnes par certaines recommandations pour
les institutions aux responsabilits dans le domaine de lducation et de la culture.
Le travail peut servir ceux qui veulent rechercher le rapport entre mass-media et
ducation et prendre des dcisions amliores bases sur la connaissance des aspects
thoriques et pratiques y prsentes.
, ALOIS. Sinteze de psihopedagogie special. Ghid pentru concursuri s
i exa- pdagogie
mene de obt
inere a gradelor didactice [Synthses de psychopdagogie spciale. Guide
pour concours et examens dobtenance les degrs didactiques]. Ias
i, Editura Polirom,
:ooj, : pag.
Le volume se rallie la bibliographie du domaine de la psychopdagogie spciale, tant
au niveau informatif, que pratique, tant un instrument de travail pour les spcialistes,
les psychologues et les cadres didactiques en activant dans cette dlicate sphre les
personnes avec des besoins spciaux.
En ce sens, part la description clinique des catgories des personnes aux disabi-
lits ou demandes ducatives spciales (on expose les facteurs qui conditionnent le
dveloppement de ces copies; mais aussi les particularits des processus psychiques, aux
dciences mentales, sensorielles, physiques/neuromoteurs/psychomoteurs, multiples
autisme, sindrome Down etc. les troubles de langage, les dicults dinstruction), sont
prsentes les mthodes et les stratgies ou les thrapies concrtes dinstruction et de
leur assistance, en vertu des principes de la non discrimination, de lgalit des chances,
du droit lducation de tout le monde (la thrapie de loccupation, ludothrapie,
mlothrapie; la thrapie avec les animaux, la thrapie par dessins, cognitive etc.).
Lintgration des enfants aux dciences dans les coles normales, en famille, mais
aussi dans la socit est la nalit principale des services dassistance psychopda
gogique, et, en ce sens sont prsents dans un chapitre consistant, mais aussi en an
nexes, des instruments et des modes dactivit et intervention: le guide Portage pour
lducation prcoce, lcole Oyeretski dvaluation du dveloppement des enfants, ainsi
que des autres modalits de dtermination des habilets physiques et psychiques.
Le caractre profond pratique du volume est donn en particulier par les ches, les
protocoles et les grilles dvaluation et expertise de lenfant aux disabilits, ainsi que de
glossaire des termes frquemment utilises dans la psychopdagogie spciale.
Au-del du mode dentamer des personnes aux disabilits et du dveloppement de
leurs habitudes et aptitudes, savoir de formation de leur personnalit dans la direction
Lducation en Roumanie jj
de la normalit, laide des mthodes et tchniques spciales de travail, importants sont
lamour et la comprhension avec lesquels ils doivent tre regards comme des semblables
un peu favoriss, mais qui ont le droit une vie normale.
terea ltat social;
ei profesionale a expertului n funct
ie de aspectul vestimentar. [La reconnais
sance de la comptence professionnelle de lexpert en fonction de laspect vestimentaire].
En: Psihologia social. Buletinul Laboratorului Psihologia cmpului social (Psycholo
gie sociale. Bulletin du Laboratoire Psychologie du champ social), no. 1, :oo0, p.
Ltude ralis sur un lot de : tudiants, partags en douze groupes exprimentaux,
constate que les styles vestimentaires ociels ou lges dune personne prsente comme
expert, en usant des photographies et textes contenant les discours de ceux-ci, rdigs
pour lexpriment, ont une inuence sur le public dans lvaluation de la comptence
Lapparence vestimentaire a toujours eu des signications psychologiques pour
lobservateur, travers des lments comme: le joint des couleurs, la coupe, lordre,
le nettoyage, la concordance ou la nonconcordance avec la situation ou la mode du jour,
lattitude plus ou moins formelle.
La communication et la perception interpersonnelles ont comme base des lments
linguistiques, des manifestations pleines dmotions authntiques ou mimes, le costume,
divers ornements et accessoires qui construisent un code de la personne, une srie de
variables investies avec une certaine diusion sociale. Le code de la personne clarie
valorise le lieu et le rle occup par celle-ci dans le systme sociale et les faits visibles par
costume, lment primordial pour la perception dautrui, en assurant un cadre normatif
institutionalis. Le comportement exterieur rte ce qui est lindividu comme personne
ou ce quil impose au monde et lui-mme, en estompant ou en intensiant certains
traites rels de caractre. Suite la considration de la valeur associe la personne et au
groupe conformment au statut social, on conduit vers le prestige ou vers la rputation;
comprise comme rapport un systme social donn, une structure de classe et tablie
en fonction dune srie des facteurs talon. Le prestige social des professions est dni
tenant compte du niveau intellectuel et de la fonction de direction.
Dans cet article sont expliqus les termes de perception sociale, relle et prsomptive.
Le comportement de vtir structur sur des normes culturelles et sociales, traditions,
ralise un marcage social direnci par lappartenance de lacteur social un catgorie
de genre, ge, contexte conomique et de situation.
Lanalyse par groupe dapartenance la catgorie de genre met en videncie le fa
voritisme dun groupe dans le cas du public fminin et, implicitement, la mme attitude
plus modre du public masculin qui considre plus comptente du point de vue profes
sionnel les femmes, la mentalit de la gnration jeune dans la socit moderne tend
la reconsidration des capacits de la femme; prvues dans divers domaines dactivits
sociales, connexes du mnage pour lesquels elles sont reconnues.
j6 Lducation en Roumanie
A, MATEI, DANIELA et BOZA, MIHAELA. Similitudini s
i dife- reprsentation
du pouvoir
e n reprezentarea social a puterii. [Similitudes et dirences dans la reprsentation
sociale du pouvoir. La perspective comparative femmes-hommes] En: Psihologia social.
Buletinul Laboratorului Psihologia cmpului social (Psychologie sociale. Bulletin du
Laboratoire Psychologie du champ social), no. 1, :oo0, p. 8-1o.
Larticle prsente les rsultats dun ltude ralise par lauteur, sur un chantillon de
:8 sujets, hommes et femmes, ayant lge entre 18 et 0 ans, en provenant du millieu
urbain et rural.
Comme mthodologies de recherche, on a utilis la mthode de lassociation libre,
de linterview et de direntiation smantique. Les donnes recueillis ont t soumises
la transformation complexe et varie en usant aussi des mthodes qualitatives, que des
mthodes quantitatives. Lanalyse des donnes recueillies a utilis le programme EVOC
:ooo, le premier pas dans lvolution de ce type de donnes tant lanalyse du caractre
typique par la combinaison de la frquence dapparition des termes avec limportance
de ceux-ci dans la production des vocations.
On a not que les termes associs frquemment au pouvoir sont une force et la relation
entre le pouvoir et largent semble tre centrale. Lindpendance, linuence, la richesse
et la sret materielle sont consideres comme consquences sres de la possession
du pouvoir. Lintelligence, la sret et le courage sont des prmises personnelles de
lindividu possesseur du pouvoir, la domination semble comme un aspect secondaire.
Les rsultats indiquent des lments centraux de la reprsentation sociale du pou
voir comme tant: largent, lautorit, le monopole, linuence et lindpendence. Le
pouvoir est un phnomne gnral, y compris le pouvoir spirituel, physique, social, in
tellectuel. La principale remarque est qu la premire vue les sujets du lot ne dirent
pas dans leur reprsentation sociale sur le pouvoir. Pour les lles, le pouvoir signie
une domination, dterminant des changements positifs dans la personnalit de celui qui
le dtient. De la perspective de lappartenance thmatique des mots, les lles mettent
sur la premire place les prmises personnelles du pouvoir, intelligence, courage, carac
tre, persvrance, volont, abilet, et les gaons des attributs gnraux de celui-ci
autorit, monopole, force, inuence. Ainsi, il est vident lquilibre des similitudes et
des dierences entre les deux sexes dans la reprsentation sociale du pouvoir.
. Rolul asistentului social n integrarea socio-educat
ional a conseil
copilului. [Le rle de lassistant social dans lintgration sociale et ducationnelle de
lenfant. En: Revista de Asistent
social, nr. 1-:/:ooj, pag. 1o-1j0.
Les services dassistance sociale ont t crs suite llvation des familles mono
parentales, savoir des familles o la responsabilit de laugmentation et de lducation
des enfants reviennent un seul parent. Plusieurs fois, celui-ci ne peut pas faire face
ses responsabilits, soit par raisons matrielles, soit cause dune prparation qui ne
correspond pas la qualit de parent, soit par dautres causes.
Les enfants provenant des familles monoparentales ont souert, plusieurs fois, des
traumas psychiques suite aux conits familiaux ou la sparation des parents. Ainsi,
Lducation en Roumanie j
par des services spcialiss dans lassistance sociale on orie un support (matriel, psy
chologique) pour sortir de la situation de crise, parce que lassistant social est celui qui
conseille le parent concernant les dicults surgies. En ce sens, ont t crs des services
et des cours spcialiss pour parents et cadres didactiques.
Lassistant social ou le spcialiste dans lintrvention sociale et ducative doit
prsenter le fonctionnement psychosocial un niveau optimal, pour chaque enfant,
parent ou ducateur, en vue du dveloppement normal du point de vue physique, intel
lectuel, des motions, social de lenfant et de la prvention de la situation de crise.
Par ailleurs, sont prsentes six directions de conseil des parents, savoir: conseil im
personnel et gnral ou personnel et spcique; informative et consultative ou evocative
(ou non dirige); destine aux futurs parents ou aux parents actuels; directe ou indirecte;
assure par des institutions cres dans ce sens ou par les institutions dj existantes;
proccupe par tous les aspects de la vie familiale ou limite certains aspects.
la n on souligne le rle de lassistant social dans le domaine du conseil des parents,
celui qui doit suivre la prsentation de rle ducationnel de la famille, le renforcement
de la responsabilit de lcole en cas de risque, la formation de la socit civile et mme
des spcialistes dans le domaine de lanimation de quartier, le renforcement des valeurs
familiales et la reprise de lautorit parentale.
MILCU, MARIUS. Psihologia relat
iilor interpersonale. Competit
ie s
i conict. Abordare psychosociologie;
dinamic. Un model experimental. [Psychologie des relations interpersonnelles. Con
currence et conit. Prsentation dynamique. Un modle exprimental]. Ias
i, Editura
Polirom, :ooj, ::o pag.
Laspect plus important de loeuvre de Marius Milcu sest la recherche exprimentale
psychosociale, du passage de la concurrence au conit dans les conditions de la disparit
du pouvoir, une preuve computerise de la psychologie exprimentale, adapte aux
besoins du problme recherch, en depassant ainsi les recherches exprimentales ou
dclaratives, ralises travers des enqutes psycho sociales.
Axe sur la stimulation de la comptition et lvitation des conits au sein des
relations interpersonnelles, le livre soutient lide de la coexistence et du functionnement
de ce binme comme moteur du progrs. En dpassant le prjudice en vertu du quell
le conit est un phnomne ngatif, on arrive une comprhension positive de celui-ci,
consider comme impulsion du dveloppement social conduissant la n des ns au
On y prsente des mthodes de dpassement du comportement agressif et des con
its interpersonnels, laccent tant mis sur le pouvoir de la communication et sur la
motivation, toutes les deux de fon modier les attitudes et des comprhensions des
hommes, stimulant la mise en valeur des comptences. Ainsi, lexistence du conit est
interprte comme une bienfaisance, mme une thrapie sociale au rle rvlateur de
la personnalit de chacun.
NECULAU, ADRIAN. Romnia ntre s
i o analiz a modului n care s-a
construit o nou identitate social. [Roumanie entre - une analyse du mode
j8 Lducation en Roumanie
de la construction dune nouvelle identit]. En: Psihologia social. Buletinul Labora
torului Psihologia cmpului social, nr. 10-:ooj, pages 1jo-11.
Les changements sociaux survenus en Roumanie aprs 1o ont impos la construc
tion des nouvelles identits sociales, au niveau individuel ou collectif.
Lauteur de ltude explique les deux concepts par lesquels on peut construire un
nouveau contexte social: lidentit et la reprsentantion sociale.
Les psychologues comprennent par lidentit, par lunit de la personne, par le senti
ment de la continuit temporel, par la cohrence interne de lindividu, par larticulation
du sien avec le monde. La construction et lvolution de lindentit personnelle et sociale,
professionnelle ou communautaire, politique et ideologique, supposent une volution car
actrise par continuit et discontinuit, une action continue dautotransformation, des
expriences de vie, lintraction avec le contexte social. La modalit pratique la plus e
ciente par laquelle la socit dtermine lindividu de sintgrer par des activits dvelop
pes au sein des institutions et organisations professionnelles, politiques, sociales. Pour
chaque individu, il y a une besoin de reconnaissance institutionnelle, dintgration dans
un rythme collectif et dans un modle dorganisation. Les mots et les gestes deviennent
habituels, et les actions et les dcisions vont reproduire le modle collectif, vont entrer
en rsonance avec le style institutionnel securis. La construction de lidentit sociale
signie une rorganisation des groupes humains, un remis sur lchelle hirarchique. Des
groupes qui autrefois ont t bien xs, ont t considrs dtres ngatifs, comme bour
geois, exploitateurs et placs la priphrie du social sain/milieu social, et les moins
bien situs deviennent des groupes favoriss, en exprimant la sant morale de la socit,
de la normalit.
Cete tude a voulu dmontrer que llaboration des nouvelles reprsentations sociales
et dune nouvelle identit sont des procssus pouvant tre dirigs, controls, imposs.
Le premier rle dans la dtermination de lindividu est la pense sociale dominante, elle
dirige les pratiques sociales. Celles-ci changent toujours, le contexte obligeant au change
ment, et si on a labor une reprsentation normative, lindividu reste avec celle-ci, pour
toute une vie. Lacteur social va fonctionner avec cette identit, elle va devenir un sys
tme de rfrence, grille de lecture de la ralit, modle normatif.
PREDA, MARIN. Consumul de alcool n rndul adolescent
ilor s
i tinerilor [La consom education
mation dalcool au sein des adolescents et des jeunes]. En: Revue dassistence sociale,
no. 1-:/:ooj, pag. j-jo.
Larticle prsente les rsultats dune tude faite au sein du projet La consommation
des drogues au sein des adolescents et des jeunes, lanc par lOrganisation Salvat
i Copiii
(Sauvez les Enfants) dans la deuxime moiti de lanne :oo et implement par un
groupe des jeunes spcialistes coordonn par lauteur de larticle.
La recherche montre que par la consommation exagre dalcool on peut arriver aux
agressions physiques et psychiques, une conduite sociale loign, en arrivant jusquau
Lauteur a constat que les personnes dpendentes dalcool se sont habitues avec
ce vice au sein de la famille, puis ont continu aux ftes et au sein des groupes damis,
Lducation en Roumanie jo
dans diverses ambiances, comme un faux et dangereux agent de socialisation. Les
plus exposs sont les gaons du milieu urbain qui disposent de plus dargent que ceux
du milieu rural comme cela rsulte des statistiques et des tableaux prsents.
La conclusion est pessimiste (la consommation dalcool au sein des jeunes contribue
la dpendence et dviation), en accusant aussi bien lattitude trs permissive de la
famille, que le manque de contrle de la part de la socit ou des institutions abiletes
cole, mass mdia, police et les autres.
TEFAN. Antrenamentul abilitt
ilor de comunicare. Limbaje ascunse. habilets de la
[Lentranement des habilets de communication. Langages cachs]. Ias
i, Polirom, :ooj,
08 pag.
Personne ne doute de limportance de la communication de nous jours, plutt quand
nous tenous dtablir des relations, optimiser ou faire ecaces les discussions, la com
prhension au travail, en famille, le succs en aaires etc. Pour russir une bonne com
munication interpersonnelle dans les tous les domaines, nous avons besoin de certaines
habilets, et ces langages cachs peuvent tre dvelopps.
La dmarche de lauteur vise mme lentranement de ces qualits qui dpendent
de notre pense, du pouvoir de dcision et daction conformment aux principes (de
lempathie, du calibrage, du reet, de lattention, de la proximit et de lunit) et aux
stratgies de conduite (mcanismes dautomanipulation, le contrle des motions, le
choix des paroles). tant conscient du potentiel humain et en modelant lui-mme, nous
allons savoir comment nous devons nous comporter dans certaines situations, comment
nous devons garder une pense et une attitude positive, sincre, ouverte vers les autres.
En outre, dans lentranement des habilets de communication, sont attaqus trois
types de communication la communication crite en aaires (par la rdaction des
invitations, des compte-rendus, des mmoires, des mmorandums, des sommations etc.)
et la communication nancire des socits par actions ctees) la bourse (par lassemble
gnrale, les rapports annuels, la publicit, les relations avec les actionnaires individuels
et salaris, les relations avec la presse).
crit dans un language accessible, complt avec de nombreux exemples et exercisses
pour comprendre et tablir les notions thoriques, le livre met en vidence limportance
vitale de la communication dans diverses situations, aussi bien au travail, que dans la
vie quotidienne. Les lecteurs vont apprendre quon peut utiliser dans la ngociation le
language du corps, la connaissance individuele, lempathie, laspect extrieur et mme
la sincrit.
6o Lducation en Roumanie
ANGHEL, PETRE. Denirea s
i motivarea comunicrii [Dnition et motivation de la communication
communication]. En: Revue dAssistence no. /:oo0, pag. 0j-.
Larticle consigne lune des plus connues dnitions de la communication, en pro
posant lanalyse de celle-ci comme processus spcique humaine.
Par les chercheurs dont les thories y sont prsentes on compte Leroi Gourhan,
Paul Ricoeur, Emile Durkheim, Jurgen Habermas, Henri Wald, Shannon et Weaver etc.
La communication est dnie comme un processus spcique humain travers lequel
on transmet des informations, des ides, des penses, des sentiments aux personnes
supposes tre intresses du message respectif, en appellant chaque moyen considr
ecace, en attendant une rponse.
Dans la deuxime partie de larticle sont prsents les motifs principaux qui restent
la base de la communication. La transmission des informations, la volont de convaincre
et dimpressionner, de provoquer une transformation, de nous faire compris, apprcis,
accepts, cherchs, en soulignant que chaque acte de communication a en vue la volont
de lmetteur dclench par les changements du comportement du rcepteur.
STOICA-CONSTANTIN, ANA. Conictul interpersonal. Prevenire, rezolvare s
i dimi- solution des
nuarea efectelor. [Le conit interpersonnel. Prvention, solution et diminuation des ef
fets]. Ias
i, Polirom, :oo, o pag.
Lauteur crit sur la typologie des conits, idntiant les sources et trouvant la
solution travers une srie des mthodes et stratgies (la ngociation, les processus
de mdiation et arbitrage, la mthode de la victoire ou du gagne etc.) o le rle de la
communication est trs important.
Le dialogue avec les autres peut avoir comme consquence la prvention et la n des
conits, la libration de tension et de stress de ceux impliqus. Axe sur la prsentation
des conits au sein des relations interpersonnelles, le livre soutient lide de la prise en
discussion de ceux-ci comme moteur du progrs. On dpasse le prjug en vertu duquel
le conit est un phnomne ngatif, on arrive une comprhension positive de celui-ci,
considr comme stimulent du dveloppement social conduisant nalement au succs.
On y prsent des mthodes pour dpasser le comportement agressif et les conits
interpersonnels, laccent tant mis sur le pouvoir de la communication et sur la motiva
tion, toutes les deux en msure de modier les attitudes et les perceptions des hommes,
en stimulant la mise en valeur des comptences. Ainsi, lexistence du conit est inter
prte comme une bndiction, mme une thrapie sociale, ayant un rle rvlateur
de la personnalit de chacun.
Bien document, consultant une bibliographie importante dans le domaine, lauteur
dcrit aussi la perspective psychanalytique des conits ralise par des chercheurs trs
connus (Freud, Horney etc.).
Le volume est accessible, ayant une prononce note applicative, tant un vritable
guide pratique du management du conit, prsentant de nombreux exemples et exercices
et recommandations concernant la prvoyance et la solution de conits ou la diminua
tion des eets indsirables de ceux-ci. Il est adress tant aux tudiants psychologues,
sociologues, politologues ou juristes, jusqu la catgorie des professionists de la solution
Lducation en Roumanie 61
du conit les cadres didactiques accomplissant le rle de formateurs et mdiateurs des
conits , qu chaque personne interese de la maintenance dune vie normale, positive
avec les autres dans leur vie prive ou au travail.
i personalitatea [Le moi et la personnalit].
edition, Bucarest, thorie de la
Editura Trei, :oo, :8o pag.
Aprs les annes 1ooo en Roumanie sont apparus en traduction ou contributions
des auteurs roumains des livres sur la psychologie de la personnalit thmatique
tabu depuis longtemps. La nature humaine, le sien, lgo, le moi rel/le moi virtuel, la
psychologie positive, transpersonnelle etc. taient des sujets considrs nonconformis-
tes par le rgime communiste.
Cete preuve crite par une autorit en domaine est une collection dtudes con
sacres aux perspectives de discussions sur la personnalit et les modles xplicatifs-in
terprtatifs du caractre comme dimension essentielle de la personnalit axes sur
linvestigation des niveaux fonctionnels de la personnalit, relatives aux actuelles ten
dances manifestes dans la psychologie de la personnalit (de ltude topographique
celui synthtique avec la tendance de la discussion sur la personnalit dun point de vue
Le premier chapitre runit les trois tudes consacres aux perspectives de prise en
discussion de la personnalit, les modles explicatifs-interprtatifs du caractre, celui-ci
reprsentant une des dimensions essentiels de la personnalit.
Le deuxime chapitre contient six tudes dedies aux contributions thoriques et
mthodologiques dans ltude de la personnalit.
Le troisime chapitre groupe quatre tudes centrales sur linvestigation des niveaux
fonctionnels de la personnalit (le niveau interpersonnel et le niveau transpersonnel).
Le quatrime chapitre contient trois tudes concernant les tendances actueles man
ifestes dans la psychologie de la personnalit, savoir la tendance de la psychologie
de la personnalit de dpacer ltude de la topographie, ltude de son ecacit, sa
tendance, de pratiquer une tude synthtique de la personnalit dune perspective fac
torielle, connu sous la dnomination de Big Five, et la tendance de la psychologie de
prendre en discussion la personnalit positive.
preuve de spcialit adresse aux tudiants des facults spcialises, mais aussi
ceux qui sont interesss des traits de la personnalit, Eul s
i personalitatea (Le moi et la
personnalit) nous aide mieux connatre notre mcanisme intrieur et notre intimit
pour comprendre la propre personne et pour xer de meilleurs rapports avec les autres.
6z Lducation en Roumanie
6i Educacin en Rumana
Educacin en Rumana 6j
ata Bocos
, Ion Albulescu-
[Estudios de pedagoga universitaria]. Cluj-Napoca, Presa Univesitar Clujan, :oo8, pedagoga
La prctica pedaggica es una actividad importante en la formacin del futuro profe
sor y un elemento obligatorio del subsistema de formacin inicial del personal docente.
Los periodos de prctica suponen aplicar los principios fundamentales que pertenecen
al proceso de formacin profesional y adquirir los conocimientos y las competencias
necesarias en la futura carrera de cada uno. La prctica pedaggica es el primer paso
en adaptarse e integrarse en una esfera profesional y una etapa de autoevaluacin,
consolidacin, motivacin y desarrollo.
Uno de los estudios recomienda un modelo paideco del investigador que sea capaz
de valorizar la creatividad cientca y tcnica. El concepto paideia signica educacin,
cultura, arte, imaginacin e invencin y el hombre no es nada ms que una obra maestra
que la paideia intenta realizar.
En otro estudio se encuentra la idea en que las transformaciones econmicas y sociales
solicitan la reconsideracin peridica de unos elementos del curriculum universitario en
los reas teorticas y procesuales. La reforma curricular no es solamente un cambio en
la estructura, en los contenidos, en los objetivos y en los mtodos, sino el la cultura
organizacional, que es un sistema de valores y normas que interaccionan con las estruc
turas universitarias y con los sistemas de evaluacin y control. Rumana comenz, desde
:ooj, un amplio proceso de reforma del sistema universitario de educacin siguiendo los
principios de la Declaracin de Bolonia.
Un grupo de profesores realiz un anlisis constatativo y diagnstico de la opinin y
de la percepcin de los estudiantes sobre la actividad didctica y universitaria y tambin
sobre la organizacin y cumplimiento de los cursos y seminarios. Unos : de estudiantes
usaron un cuestionario con 18 preguntas y con respuestas abiertas y cerradas. Al nal,
las expectativas de los sujetos investigados llegan al rea del contenido accesible y de
la dimensin prctica y aplicativa.
El Internet, el correo electrnico y la computadora son realidades que los alumnos
usan diariamente. Estos nuevos medios tienen una aplicabilidad educacional inmediata
en gestionar y procesar la informacin. Los profesores deben ser implicados en proyectos
y programas que suponen la introduccin curricular de todas las nuevas tecnologas.
i educat
ie [Moral y educacin]. Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, :oo8, educacin
: p.
El hombre no se nace un ser moral pero se convierte en uno con la ayuda de la
educacin. La educacin moral se puede entender como una suma de actividades que
facilitan la formacin del individuo como sujeto moral y como ser que acciona tomando
en cuenta sus principios, normas y valores.
Desde el punto de vista pedaggico, la educacin moral no se limita a revelar el
contenido de un valor, norma o regla para satisfacer una curiosidad intelectual. Los
conocimientos no se encuentran todas las veces en la conducta. Ellos se deben transfor
mar en acciones interiores, que desempean un papel impulsor hacia la conducta, y se
66 Educacin en Rumana
completan con los elementos afectivos de la conciencia moral que son los siguientes: las
emociones y los sentimientos.
En la estructura de la personalidad humana se incluyen el organismo de cada uno,
sus estructuras psquicas, las relaciones sociales con otros seres y sus medios culturales.
La personalidad moral del individuo no se confunde con su personalidad sino es parte
de esta. De su compleja estructura se destacan: el ideal moral, la voluntad moral, el
carcter moral, los sentimientos y las costumbres morales.
La adquisicin de los valores es un objetivo primordial en la formacin de la person
alidad del individuo. El bien, la libertad, la responsabilidad, la justicia, el respeto, la
tolerancia y el deber son los elementos en los cuales el autor se ja comentar y l dedica
un captulo a cada uno.
La integracin social del individuo y la modelacin sociomoral son metas importantes
por la educacin. La participacin activa de cada uno en la vida de la comunidad signica
hacerse responsable de las normas, valores y tradiciones de las generaciones anteriores.
Mediante la socializacin se transmite un sistema de valores entre las generaciones. Los
nuevos miembros deben conocerlos y adaptarse a ellos.
Al nal de leer este libro cada uno se siente enriquecido con una serie de ideas e
informaciones que pertenecen a un estudio de gran valor.
IUNE. Coord. Bocos
ata & Catalano Horat
iu. [La pedagoga
de la enseanza primaria y preescolar, el primer volumen Investigacin-accin]. Clu
j-Napoca, Presa Universitar Clujean, :oo8, :j0 p.
El presente libro intenta solucionar problemas educacionales especcas para los nive
les escolar y preescolar en en contexto del sistema educacional rumano actual. Las inves
tigaciones han sido proyectadas y organizadas por las autoras junto con los colectivos
de escolares y preescolares en las instituciones en las cuales trabajan.
La didactica moderna propone la idea del esfuerzo personal. Se desea poner al indi
viduo en contacto directo con la fuente de informacin y con el objeto de la enseanza,
y adems estimularle buscar, explorar e investigar. El n del proceso educacional es que
el sujeto llegue al descubrimiento de la verdad por s mismo. El nio, junto a sus carac
tersticas, necesidades e intereses, est puesto en el centro de la actividad de enseanza
mientras que el profesor gua las experiencias de enseanza de los alumnos, alentndolos
a tener iniciativas y tener el valor para accionar.
En la enseanza primaria se deben utilizar mtodos interactivos para estimular el
espritu crtico, promover las interacciones humanas y los cambios intelectuales entre
los alumnos. As uno descubre sus capacidades y lmites y se puede objetivamente
evaluar. Los buenos resultados de los alumnos en el rea del pensamiento crtico y de
la investigacin eciente se puede atribuir al variable: estudio independiente.
El estilo educativo de la familia es la huella subjetiva de cada individuo. Sin duda,
los papeles parentales se han ido modicando de forma evidente en las ltimas dcadas.
Las funciones de la madre han sido asumidas por el padre y viceversa y el sistema de
alternar las cargas familiares ha cambiado tambin la visin del nio. La famila moderna
se caracteriza por una exibilidad de la estructura de autoridad y de poder. No hay
Educacin en Rumana 6
ms un nico modelo, el modelo tradicional en el cual el padre decide la vida conjugal
y la relacin parental. La violencia domstica y el divorcio de los padres impacta a los
nios. Hay que tener en cuenta que el nio pertenece a una familia y los valores de la
familia son en correspondencia perfecta con los valores promovidas por la escuela. La
visin global de unos padres en cuanto al futuro de sus hijos es la expresin de un deseo
La edad preescolar es favorable a la formacin de las nociones morales y de los
costumbres de conducta civilizada en los cuales aparecen y se desarrollan la voluntad y
el carcter. El nio tiene una tendencia acentuada a la imitacin de todo lo que es en su
alrededor. No le podemos dejar orientarse en la multitud de hechos que pueda descubrir
sino es necesario organizar un ambiente adecuado desde el punto de vista formativo.
EGAN, KIERAN. Predarea ca o poveste [La enseanza como se contara una historia]. educacin
ti, Didactica Press, :oo, 1o p.
El autor considera que se debe aumentar el contenido de imaginacin del currculum
escolar. Hay que cambiar los mtodos de ensear a los alumnos y dejarlos tener acceso
directo a la riqueza de la experiencia humana.
Los cuentos son unidades narrativas que tienen una introduccin y un desenlace claro.
Empiezan con rase una vez o Haba una vez y terminan en un nal feliz. Todo se
focaliza en un problema central que no cambia hasta al nal. Los cuentos tienen su
ritmo y satisfacen las esperanzas establecidas en la introduccin. Cada elemento que no
ayuda el hilo narrativo hace al lector perder su inters. Solamente los detalles esenciales
y la simplicacin son importantes. Un modelo de enseanza que se inspira del poder
del cuento asegurar la idea de que se puede establecer un conicto o una tensin al
comenzar ensear una leccin. As el profesor crea unas expectativas que se pueden
satisfacer al nal. Una gran parte del contenido enseado en la clase se encuentra en el
olvido cuando el alumno sale de la clase y no le sirve para nada. La seleccin exacta del
contenido de la leccin debe ayudar a la minimizacin del contenido que ser olvidado.
Un instrumento estructural de gran importancia son las oposiciones binarias que
suelen ser encontradas en los cuentos. Los conictos entre el bien y el mal, valor y
cobarda, temor y seguridad son primordiales para todos los alumnos. Todos son lneas
principales durante cuales se desarrolla la narracin. La seleccin de los incidentes y de
los personajes ser determinada de la necesidad de mostrar la bondad o la maldad de
cada uno. El modelo propuesto por el autor usa estas oposiciones con el n de organizar
y escoger el contenido.
Los cuentos estn preocupados con las respuestas afectivas y los narradores se juegan
con las emociones de los lectores. Los cuentos cubren en gran parte problemas afectivos,
como los seres humanos sienten. Los sentimientos pueden ser motivos de accin o a su
vez ellos ofrecen la dinmica de la accin. Tambin las intenciones pueden dar sentido a
las cosas. Presentar un contenido separado de las emociones y las intenciones humanas
signica reducir el signicado afectivo. A diferencia de la vida real los cuentos tienen
un nal. El nal satisface un conicto establecido al inicio y transera una gran parte
del contenido afectivo. El nal de un buen cuento consolida el signicado y nuestros
sentimientos en conexin con los contenidos.
68 Educacin en Rumana
La cantidad de conocimientos acumulada por los nios podr ser evaluada con los
instrumentos tradicionales de evaluacin. Los procesos de evaluacin pueden mostrar
lo bien que los alumnos hayan entendido los conceptos bsicos y hayan aprendido el
contenido particular.
TEANU, LIVIA LILIANA. Ghidul enseanza
practic al directorului unitat
ii de nvtmnt preuniversitar [El gua prctico del director
de la unidad de enseanza preuniversitaria]. Pites
ti, Paralela j, :oo8, 1oo p.
El gestionamiento de las unidades de enseanza supone una actividad compleja que
se reere a mltiples problemas y esferas, empezando con la actividad didctica y sigu
iendo con los recursos materiales, nancieros y humanos. El director planica, organiza,
controla y evala las actividades de la unidad de enseanza con el n de utilizar racional
todas las posibilidades y sacar benecios.
Estn presentados los documentos de planicacin de las actividades escolares, las
atribuciones del cuerpo profesoral y del concilio de administracin. Los autores insisten
en presentar las comisiones metdicas, de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, tcnica y
de prevencin de los incendios, de otorgar becas, de arquivamento, de inventario del
patrimonio. Tambin estn presentados documentos como la hoja de trabajo, el registro
general del personal, el contrato individual de trabajo, varios anuncios y decisiones, acta
nota, chas de evaluacin de los profesores/maestros/educadores.
Todos los modelos presentados en este libro son esenciales para todos los gerentes en
la enseanza preuniversitaria.
ata & Stan Cristian & Manea Adriana Denisa. [Educacin e instruccin en la es
cuela contemporrnea]. Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, :oo8, :o p.
Hay un paralelismo entre el desarrollo de un pas y el progreso en la educacin
y las asignaturas se diversican para cumplir las exigencias de una nueva sociedad.
La enseanza del futuro deber usar las provocaciones y certitudes ofrecidas por la
cooperacin entre asignaturas.
Las interacciones entre el profesor y los alumnos o entre parejas de alumnos son esen
ciales para la enseanza interactiva. Hay una multitud de objetivos como el desarrollo
de la motivacin intrnseca para aprender, la organizacin de los programas de estudio
sobre estructuras lgicas que favorezcan la formacin de las destrezas, la adaptacin de
los conocimientos a las capacidades e intereses de los alumnos y la formacin de las ca
pacidades de descubrir y asimilar la nueva informacin. Al alumno hay que ejercitarle
activamente su propia imaginacin, sus propias operaciones mentales, ponindose en
interaccin con uno o ms individuos.
En la pedagoga interactiva se acenta el hecho de que el alumno debe aprender
individualmente y tiene que colaborar con los profesores. Los profesores tienen que
responsabilizar al alumno, ayudarle a progresar, modelar su personalidad, aprender
Educacin en Rumana 6o
conar en si mismo. As los alumnos pasan de la pedagoga tradicional basada en la
transmisin, adquisicin y restitucin de la informacin procesada previamente al la
pedagoga basada en el modelo de la formacin y reexin personal. Desde un elemento
pasivo, obediente y subordinado al profesor, el alumno se trasforma en actor en el acto
educativo. El alumno deja de ser el individuo lleno de fracasos y carencias educacionales
y llega a promover su potencial de aprender y construir sus nuevos conocimientos.
Tambin el profesor recibe una nueva identidad, es decir que l no sigue siendo el
transmisor de la informacin sino el organizador de situaciones de aprender, buscar
pretextos de interaccin entre los alumnos.
La evaluacin didctica y la autoevaluacin hacen parte del proceso didctico. Los
dos pueden adquirir buenos resultados si los evaluadores le realizan objetivamente con
un desprendimiento consciente y deliberado de las propias ideas preconcebidas y otras
variables contextuales.
Las nuevas tecnologas deben sobrepasar el nivel de simples utensilios o substitu
tivos de otros mtodos didcticos y devenir parte del medio de los alumnos. Se desea
adaptar, desarrollar, testar, implementar y diseminar los mdulos de instruccin, las
metodologas de enseanza y aprendizaje y las estrategias pedaggicas basadas en el
uso de los instrumentos virtuales.
Los cordinadores del libro realizaron un estudio que presenta nuevas lneas en la en
seanza rumana e intentaron seguir las ms nuevas exigencias de las escuelas modernas
de hoy.
a educat
iei prin paradigme [El estudio de la educacin utilizando educacin
paradigmas]. Ias
i, Institutul European, :ooo, j: p.
El trmino paradigma se origina en la palabra griega paradeigma y signica modelo
o ejemplo. Se presentan los conceptos esenciales en la teora de Thomas Kuhn: el con
cepto de paradigma, el concepto de ciencia normal y madura, el concepto de matriz
disciplinaria, el papel epistemolgico de la historia, el concepto hechos-puzzle, el con
cepto de anomala, el concepto de crisis en la epistemologa, el concepto de transicin
cientca, el concepto de revolucin cientca y el concepto de consenso en la comunidad
cientca. Kuhn aborda la pedagoga sugiriendo que ella es una metodologa y propone
una apertura hacia las ciencias socio-humanas. Kuhn pretende que no hay solamente
una perspectiva, la de las ciencias exactas, sino hay otra perspectiva que se puede uti
lizar con las ciencias socio-humanas y, en conclusin, con la pedagoga. Los paradigmas
pueden sustituir las normas que pertenecen a las ciencias exactas. La autora reconoce la
contribucin de Kuhn y aplicando su teora llega a interpretar las condiciones internas
e histricas de la enseanza.
Se presentan tambin los siguientes paradigmas: el paradigma de la complejidad, el
paradigma de la integratividad, el paradigma de la construccin cognitiva, el paradigma
de la modernidad, el paradigma de la postmodernidad, el paradigma de la reexin,
reexividad e interpretacin, el paradigma de la investigacin cualitativa, el paradigma
del discurso cientco y el paradigma de la profesionalizar al educador. Identicando
cada paradigma y siguiendo la explicacin de cada una uno se hace cociente de que la
verdad cotidiana es muy compleja y ella tiene un impacto signicante en la pedagoga.
o Educacin en Rumana
Las caractersticas y el estatuto de la pedagoga estn denidas de manera incierta y
la autora propone denirlas usando las paradigmas. La pedagoga no se puede identicar
con una orientacin u otra, sino con todas, siendo estudiada en un sistema dinmico
y adaptativo. As la pedagoga ser una reexin global sobre las relaciones recprocas
que se encuentran entre la teora y la prctica de la educacin. Ella ser una cien
cia sistematizada que puede generar investigaciones cualitativas esenciales en accin y
HOBJIL, ANGELICA. Elemente de didactic a activittilor de educare a limbajului didctica
[Elementos de didctica de las actividades destinadas a educar el lenguaje]. Ias
i, Insti
tutul European, :oo8, :j: p.
La autora presenta y explica varias perspectivas de la comunicacin: comunicacin
relacin, comunicacin subjetividad/intersubjetividad, comunicacin contextual
izacin, comunicacin interaccin, comunicacin norma, comunicacin proceso.
La comunicacin didctica supone el hecho de que el educador o el alumno cambie de
papel de emisor en receptor y viceversa. El contenido educacional est basado en las
estrategias didcticas sugeridas para cada nivel de escolaridad.
La etapa de la preescolaridad se caracteriza por un montn de caractersticas que se
pueden encontrar en todos los sujetos de esta edad. El nio preescolar se desarrolla fsi
camente, forma hbitos conectados con la alimentacin, higiene o arropamiento, aparece
lo ldico, las informaciones memorizadas son por poco tiempo, el uso del lenguaje es dis
funcional, se enriquecen los estados afectivos y la imaginacin progresa. El nio acepta
la alfabetizacin, el juego con reglas, la diversicacin de la informacin. Para llegar a
los mejores resultados los educadores usan documentos especcos que estn presentados
en este estudio.
La competencia, la innovacin, la compatibilidad con los sistemas europeos, altos
estndares y la orientacin a los valores son los objetivos de la reforma educacional.
Uno no se debe olvidar el contenido moral, intelectual o informacional. Los contenidos
presentados a los preescolares deben ser breves, no aburridos y realizados en rumano.
El enriquecimiento del vocabulario activo, la utilizacin de un vocabulario correcto y
la pronunciacin correcta de los vocablos, la participacin activa en el grupo de nios
y receptacin de textos breves son objetivos prcticos fcilmente de adquirir por los
La autora presenta, utilizando los principios de denir, caracterizar y ejemplicar, las
mtodos y procedimientos didcticos que se pueden valorar en las actividades destinadas
a educar el lenguaje: usar el libro, algoritmizar, usar el brainstorming, la conversacin,
denir, demostrar, hacer descripciones, dibujar, solucionar ejercicios, ser guiado, ex
plicar, exponer, aprender siendo asistido por la computadora personal, usar el juego
didctico, usar juegos de rol, realizar un papel prctico, analizar psicolgicamente los
productos de la actividad, utilizar el mtodo biogrco, de simulacin, fontico, de
estimulacin positiva, modelar, observar y contar. El xito se puede obtener usando
tambin la comunicacin, la intuicin, la evaluacin de los resultados, la exploracin de
la realidad y la accin real o simulada.
Educacin en Rumana 1
El libro se dirige a todos los educadores que necesitas unas referencias teorticas y
aplicativas en sus actividades de educar el lenguaje de sus alumnos en la edad preescolar.
ATA & JUCAN DANA. Teoria s
i metodologa instruirii. Teoria s
i meto- educacin
dologia evalurii: Repere s
i instrumente didactice pentru formarea profesorilor [La teora
y la metodologa de la enseanza. La teora y la metodologa de la evaluacin educativa:
Referencias e instrumentos didcticos tiles en la formacin de los profesores]. Pites
Paralela j, :oo8, :10p.
La didctica se distingue como el arte de ensear a otras personas y como disciplina
pedaggica fundamental. Se presenta su evolucin histrica y sus funciones: teortica,
de cognicin/epistemolgica, reexiva y prctica/utilitaria/pragmtica. La didctica
escolar es una rama de la didctica general y ella estudia el proceso de enseanza en
todos los aspectos de la escolaridad y la didctica de cada especialidad. La metdica de
una asignatura est subordinada a la didctica de la asignatura respectiva. La metdica
re reere a unos elementos teorticos que son tiles al profesor para proyectar, realizar,
evaluar y reglar las actividades educativas.
La didctica clsica estudi la esencia del proceso educativo con sus elementos, metas
y misiones. La didctica clsica fue exclusivamente una didctica escolar. La didctica
moderna incorpora completamente la didctica clsica y se extiende con el estudio de
las inuencias educativas informales, de los elementos que aseguran la autoeducacin y
la enseanza a todos los niveles de edad. La didctica moderna propone nuevas provo
caciones: utilizacin de la computadora personal, la programacin pedaggica, la for
macin del estilo de actividad intelectual, la pedagoga del tiempo libre y la didctica
de los adultos.
La enseanza y el aprendizaje son procesos continuos organizadas por los profesores
con la colaboracin diaria de los alumnos. Ellos tienen objetivos educacionales que se
cumplen recorriendo la oferta educacional de la escuela, el curriculum. Las estratgias
didcticas y el contenido cientco hacen parte de la dinmica de la enseanza. El
aprendizaje escolar tiene dos aspectos: el procesual y el motivacional.
El proceso se reere a la receptacin del contenido, la comprensin de la informacin,
su jacin en la memoria y su uso. La motivacin contiene un montn de estmulos que
dirige de manera energtica al alumno para aprender algo. Junto a estos dos aspectos
cabe la actividad de evaluacin que establece la relevancia, el valor y el performance
de cada alumno. Las autoras explican tambin las formas de organizacin del proceso
educacional y la proyeccin de la actividad didctica. En la ltima parte del libro las
autoras hacen un informe sobre todos los aspectos de la evaluacin escolar.
El libro redirigen a todas las personas que siguen programas didcticas de formacin
inicial y continua y a los que quieren perfeccionarse. El libro intenta aclarar, conrmar
y solucionar unos aspectos educacionales que pueden abrir nuevos caminos para los que
pertenecen al sistema educativo.
z Educacin en Rumana
TRATAT DE DIDACTIC MODERN. Coord. Ionescu Miron & Bocos
ata. didctica
[Tratado de didctica moderna]. Pites
ti, Paralela j, :ooo, j0p.
El libro tiene 1: captulos que presentan los resultados de la investigacin cientca
en el rea de la educacin y autoeducacin. Los autores proponen un libro lleno de
explicaciones, interpretaciones y varios comentarios y el lector esta expuesto a una
lectura creativa a cual debe evaluar junto a sus experiencias personales.
El primer captulo presenta las etapas principales en el desarrollo de la didctica
de Comenius hasta hoy. Se insista en la evolucin del concepto de didctica de los
principios la didctica es el arte de ensear a los otros- hasta la acepcin moderna
la didctica es la ciencia que estudia la enseanza, la autoeducacin y el aprendizaje de
los adultos-. Se hacen referencias al objeto de estudio de la didctica, las direcciones de
investigacin y sus relaciones con otras ciencias.
El segundo captulo analiza en detalle el proceso educativo: sus componentes, la
organizacin de la informacin, el aprendizaje, los elementos formativos etc. Se revela
la relacin dinmica entre ensear y aprender.
El tercer captulo propone un nuevo enfoque de la didctica desde el punto de vista
de las teoras constructivistas y de la pedagoga prospectiva. Se presentan tambin los
elementos de la metacognicin en los alumnos con dicultades de aprender y en los con
dishabilidades cognitivas.
El cuarto captulo presenta los objetivos del proceso educativo mientras que el quinto
recomienda los elementos del currculum escolar y los contenidos de aprender. El sexto
captulo est preocupado con las nuevas tecnologas, la autoeducacin, la realidad vir
tual y el aprender a distancia. El captulo siete insista en las direcciones usadas en
modernizar la metdica didctica y al mtodo de aprender descubriendo los contenidos
educativos. El octavo captulo ofrece una atencin especial a los mtodos ms dinmi
cos y productivos del proceso educacional. Las investigaciones experimentales que se
reeren a la proyeccin y el desarrollo de una leccin o una actividad instructiva se
encuentran en el captulo noveno. El captulo siguiente ofrece un lugar especial a la
relacin profesor-alumno-computadora. El captulo once presenta los aspectos evalua
tivos, funciones y formas. El ltimo captulo destaca el hecho de que la investigacin
cientca del fenmeno educacional se convierte en una necesidad para los profesores y
los alumnos y la escuela se transforma en le laboratorio de la investigacin pedaggica.
El libro ofrece respuestas para todos los seres implicados en el proceso educativo y
los profesores pueden utilizar la informacin para su propio perfeccionamiento.
MNTUL OBLIGATORIU DE ANI. Coordinador Jigu Mihaela. [Ense- enseanza
anza obligatoria de aos]. Bucures
ti, Institutul de S
e ale Educat
iei, Reprezen-
a UNICEF Romnia, :oo8, 1o8p.
La constitucin rumana garantiza la enseanza obligatoria para todos los ciudadanos
de nuestro pas. El intervalo de 1o aos es el motivo de evaluacin del presente libro y
el elemento que pueda ayudar en el aumento de la participacin escolar y que podr
subir la calidad de la educacin.
Educacin en Rumana
Los resultados de los alumnos no se levantan a las expectativas como resultado de los
recursos humanos y materiales insucientes. Hay desigualdades de oportunidades entre
los jvenes que pertenecen a las zonas rurales y los de las urbanas. Se han utilizado
encuestas y estrategias de investigacin para juntar informaciones relevantes al sistema
educativo. Han participado o: de escuelas con el n de evaluar las condiciones y las
oportunidades que se tomaron en cuenta para ampliar la enseanza obligatoria de 8 a
1o aos.
El acceso de los alumnos de octavo grado al nivel superior se realiza usando el
proceso de seleccin y reparticin que se apoyan en la evaluacin de las competencias
conformes con los standardes nacionales de evaluacin. Se discutan las percepciones
sobre el sistema de enseanza a nivel nacional, las opciones para la continuacin de los
estudios y el abandono escolar, el acceso a la escolaridad a 0 aos y la fundacin de las
escuelas de artes y profesiones.
La evolucin del nmero de las unidades escolares que pertenecen a la enseanza
preescolar ha sido uctuante. Se observa una disminucin en el nmero de escuelas y
un aumento en el nmero de escuelas profesionales.
La infraestructura de las escuelas presenta varios problemas como sera la insolacin
trmica, el sistema de iluminacin y calefaccin o resistencia ssmica. La mayora de
las escuelas del medio rural utilizan un sistema local de calefaccin con combustibles
slidos y el mobiliario escolar est muy viejo. Hay programas rurales que aseguran
mnimas condiciones higinico-sanitarias en las zonas pobres. Se han realizado obras
de alimentacin con agua, la modernizacin de los grupos sanitarios e instalaciones
trmicas y la adquisicin de muebles.
El libro es un instrumento objetivo del sistema de educacin rumano y se dirige a
todos que desean construirse una imagen completa usando estudios, diagramas, estads
ticas y varias tablas.
MODERN. Coord. Cozma Teodor & Diac Georgeta. [La formacin continua de los educacin
profesores entre lo tradicional y lo moderno]. Ias
i, Editura Universitat
ii Alexandru Ioan
Cuza, :oo8, :p.
En los ltimos aos hubieron cambios signicativos en la sociedad rumana que pi
dieron una alta exigencia hacia los profesores y la escuela en general. Aparecieron las
ideas que la cualidad de la educacin est en las manos de los profesores o que el proceso
educativo debe ser permanente.
Se constata que en ningn pas europeo no se admite ms la formacin de los profe
sores en instituciones de nivel medio sino en el sistema universitario. En la universidad
funciona un modelo de tres aos de estudios cientcos y, despus, otro par de aos de
formacin psicopedaggica y prctica pedaggica. Los ltimos dos aos tienen un carc
ter esencialmente prctico y con elementos curriculares diferentes. Hoy la escuela es un
derecho no una obligacin y no se puede utilizar la estrategia de expulsar a los alumnos
incapaces. No existen mtodos de tratar los nios con reales problemas familiares o
personales y todos estos se encuentran el cargo de una persona, el profesor, que muchas
veces no est capaz solucionar este tipo de problemas que bloquean la capacidad de
i Educacin en Rumana
aprender. As en la prctica pedaggica los futuros profesores deben conocer y entender
los elementos que modican al dinmica del grupo de alumnos.
Se constata una necesidad de mejorar la oferta curricular con el n de continua
mente formar el personal docente que pertenecen a la enseanza preescolar, primaria,
gimnasial o liceal. Los profesores hay que formar habilidades especiales para identicar
y solucionar las necesidades de los alumnos en la eleccin de la informacin curric
ular y extracurricular, manifestar una conducta psicopedaggica innovadora, valorar
el proceso ensear-aprender-evaluar, actualizar sus tcnicas de interpretacin musical,
teatral o coreogrca (elementos que pertenecen a la enseanza artstica) y adaptar la
informacin a cada edad escolar.
El desarrollo de la tecnologa ha permitido aparecer nuevos medios para ensear y
aprender: la enseanza a distancia, teleconferencias, cursos online etc. Hay un aumento
en popularidad de estos y as apareci una demanda de especialistas capaces de instruir
los utilizadores de estos materiales educacionales. La actividad de proyectar el curricu
lum de la enseaza a distancia produce un montn de cambios de orden institucional,
administrativo, logstico, tecnolgico cuales los profesores hay que gestionar. La democ
ratizacin de la informacin cambi estratgicamente las nalidades de la educacin.
stos piden cualidad y no cantidad, capacidades de procesamiento crtico y habilidades
para gestionar los recursos.
El libro se dirige a todos los miembros que pertenecen al personal docente que quieren
descubrir las nuevas tendencias en la perfeccin y mejoramiento de los profesores.
coal s
i societate. nvt
mntul elementar confesional n epis enseanza
copia greco-catolic de Gherla. [Escuela y sociedad. La educacin primaria religiosa en
la episcopa griego-catlica de Gherla]. Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitar Clujean, :oo8,
88 p.
El autor presenta elementos de la educacin rumana a nes del siglo XIX y principios
del siglo XX. El concepto de educacin de masa era necesario para la modernizacin de
la sociedad. Los imperios multinacionales entendieron la importancia de la educacin
de masa e intentaron suprimirla con el n de rebatir el nacionalismo. La escuela y el
idioma nacional eran los elementos mnimos de sobrevivir para los rumanos que vivan
en territorios ocupados.
Se presentan en detalle las realidades educacionales de aquella poca en los siguientes
captulos: La legislacin escolar, Escuela y estado, Escuela e iglesia, Los protectores
de la escuela, La situacin de la escuela.
El libro se dirige a los acionados de historia nacional, pero este libro es ms que una
serie de eventos sino es la angustia de una institucin en tiempos que nunca regresarn.
Educacin en Rumana j
Ghiurgea Doina. [Asignaturas opcionales Ejemplos de buenas prcticas]. Bucures
D&G Editur, :oo8, 1j:p.
El libro es una coleccin de instrumentos escolares (programas y planicaciones) que
han sido utilizadas por un gran nmero de profesores de la enseanza preuniversitaria.
Ellos tienen una complexa variedad temtica que cubre la mayora de las reas curricu
lares. En la anexo se encuentran proyectos didcticos, listas de evaluacin y documentos
de aviso para las asignaturas opcionales.
La obra se dirige a todos los profesores que quieren aprender de la experiencia de sus
colegas en la elaboracin de los documentos y que desean poner en prctica mtodos
nuevos en el acto educativo.
BULZAN, CARMEN. Sociologia. S
i disciplin de nvt
mnt. [Sociologa. Cien enseanza
cia y asignatura]. Bucures
ti, All Educat
ional, :oo8, oo p.
La sociologa estudia, explica y evala la sociedad humana y el hombre como ser
social y sus rasgos de comportamiento. La teora sociolgica aparece como una necesidad
de tener una visin sobre la sociedad y los papeles que el hombre desempea. En los
ltimos aos han aparecido las ramas de la sociologa: la sociologa de la educacin, de
la cultura, de la religin, econmica, organizacional, poltica etc.
Los cambios sociales necesitan un nuevo paradigma de la educacin social. Las so
ciedades de hoy ofrecen el multiculturalismo en vez de la homogeneidad social. La mi
gracin ha acentuado las diferencias pero los hombres piden igualdad de oportunidades
y deenden los derechos del individuo. Entre todos estos acontecimientos aparece la
sociodidctica como teora y prctica de la educacin social en contextos de vida, otras
que los escolares. Este nuevo concepto utiliza valores humanos que son tambin sociales:
la democracia, los derechos del hombre y del estado que favorecen la educacin social.
As la escuela se convierte en el lugar donde se transmiten las informaciones y se evalan
los conocimientos y adems aqu se desarrollan los elementos de la personalidad humana
mediante la promocin de los valores humanos.
La necesidad de formar una cultura sociolgica ha impuesto sociologa como asig
natura al nivel de liceo. Esta asignatura ha recibido solamente una hora cada semana
y se encuentra entre las opcionales. El profesor-socilogo debe transmitir fcilmente la
informacin a su auditorio y debe estar bien informado. A diferencia de los otros profe
sores, El profesor-socilogo debe ser un organizador de la accin social y un animador
de la vida cultural. l debe tener curiosidad cientca, lucidez creativa, espritu organi
zacional, exigencia, entusiasmo hacia lo nuevo, la cualidad de estimular sus estudiantes
y la fuerza de preocuparse por los dems.
En la asignatura que se llama sociologa una fuente preciosa de informacin es la
experiencia personal de cada alumno o estudiante. ste recibe informacin de man
era intencional sobre los acontecimientos econmicos, sociales, culturales, comunica a
distancia, habla por el Internet con personas de todo el mundo, escucha emisiones infor
mativas a la radio o participa a los sondeos de opinin. Para devenir conocimientos, las
6 Educacin en Rumana
informaciones deben ser evaluadas y aqu interviene la misin didctica del profesor. l
usa la experiencia de sus estudiantes a cual aade referencias llenas de valor.
La autora ha logrado presentar el papel del profesor-socilogo en la sociedad. Tam
bin ha presentado aspectos didcticos al nivel preuniversitario y universitario. El libro
se dirige a todos los profesores que ensean ciencias sociales, quieren comunicar eciente
con sus discpulos y desean accionar por la mejora de la vida personal y social.
IENCHESCU, CONSTANTIN. Tratat de psihologie moral. [Tratado de psicologa enseanza
moral]. Ias
i, Polirom, :oo8, :j: p.
El libro estudia una psicologa de los fenmenos del alma y el ser humano que se ve
del exterior y tambin del interior. Como consecuencia del estudio de la personalidad
y del pensamiento losco y moral de Scrates, l est presentado como una emocin
pura y vida de la conciencia.
La primera parte es una respuesta a la cuestin que cubre el entendimiento del inte
rior de uno. A diferencia de la psicologa general, la psicologa moral estudia y entiende
la persona desde su moralidad. Hablando de la psicoanlisis, ella es una psicologa del
inconsciente e insista en el pasado de la persona mientras que la psicologa moral anal
iza los ideales de la persona proyectados en el futuro. Qu es el hombre? sta es la
pregunta que gobierna el libro. El sujeto permanentemente anhela salir de su propia
persona y quiere representarla con el n de superarla. Quedarse en s es un estado de
aislamiento mientras que salir fuera del mundo es la condicin propicia del hombre para
salir del tiempo y del espacio del mundo de hoy y proyectarse ms all. Se descubre el
signicado valrico del ser humano y de la vida. El yo personal se funda en elementos
como la imagen del hombre, su aparicin, el modo en que se maniesta el aspecto formal
de la presencia de uno, la permanente preocupacin del s mismo (la investigacin y el
descubrimiento de uno, su necesidad de superarse, los deberes morales y su destino). La
existencia como tpico, el conicto y sus formas de manifestacin estn gradualmente
presentados. La valoracin, la armacin, la frustracin del s, la actitud hacia los ob
jetos y los valores estn presentados para demostrar la complejidad de las actitudes
psicomorales del individuo. La conciencia moral, una de las dimensiones primordiales
del uno, se conecta con los valores humanos. Lo que esta permitido o prohibido, el bien
y el mal, la verdad y la mentira, moral e inmoral, honor y deshonor cada uno puede
elegir. En la vida de cada uno hay situaciones abiertas o cerradas con las cuales uno se
El captulo La persona del otro est dedicado a las relaciones con los otros seres
(establecer una relacin de subordinacin, de ayuda, dominacin, el status, competencia
o colaboracin). Los tipos de personalidad en la psicologa moral su clasican como lo
siguiente: modelos positivos, modelos que llevan valores autnticos, modelos negativos
y antimodelos. En otro captulo uno puede encontrar la presentacin de temas como:
la accin psicolgica, tipos de personas con dicultades, las relaciones interpersonales y
los conictos humanos, la psicologa del prejuicio, y tambin, la reparacin moral. Las
relaciones psicomorales entre personas son un tipo aparte, una implicacin interior y
profunda. La ltima parte del libro explica la signicacin del destino y elementos como
el sufrimiento, el placer, la ayuda y el hecho de regalar. El elogio del hombre representa
Educacin en Rumana
una sntesis del humanismo clsico. l cultiva un valor supremo, que est dentro de uno,
y se encuentra en sus aspiraciones. La psicologa moral se presenta como una ciencia
dedicada al alma, est una psicologa del s y de la conciencia del hombre. sta una
psicologa de la comunicacin en la cual las experiencias del alma estn inseparables y
el yo del individuo lucha entre estar y devenir.
8 Educacin en Rumana
tefanian, Violeta, z1
trempel, Gabriel, i
u, Nicolae, iz
omescu, Mircea, i
Acris, Corina, jz
Albulescu, Ion, 6j
Anghel, Petre, 6o
Antonovici, S
tefania, 1o
Ausubel, David,
Brzea, Cezar, j
Balic, Magdalena, j
Balica, Magdalena, i
Banciu, Doina, i
Bart, George, zj
Blanchot, Maurice, z1
, Mus
ata, 6j, 66, 68, 1, z
Boza, Mihaela, j6
i, Constantin, 16
Bruner, J. Seymour,
Budescu, Ionel, i1
Buianu, Ion, i
, Gh., i
Bulzan, Carmen, j
Bunescu, Gheorghe, j
Caraia, Sultana, jo
Caraman, Ilie, 1, zj
Catalano, Horat
iu, 66
Chelcea, Septimiu, i8
Cherchez, I. Nicolae, 1
Cohen, jz
Coman, Mihai, i
Constantin, Ticu, i8
tefanel, Ruxandra, 1
Costea, Octavia, 6, 1i,
Cozma, Teodor,
Crciun, Ioachim, i
Creang, Ion, zj
Cristea, Sorin,
, Constantin, , 8
Curseu, L. Petru, jo
Dnil, Oana, i8
Dasclu, George, zj
Demetrescu, Eugen, iz
Diac, Georgeta,
Drgnescu, Traian, j1
Drgan, Corneliu Dima, i
Drgan, Ioan, 8
Dumitru, Alina, jz
Dumitru-Tiron, Elena, o
Durand, Gilbert, z1
Durkheim, Emile, jz, 6o
Egan, Kieran, 6
Eminescu, Nicolae, iz
nic, Ciprian, j, i
Fetescu, Vasile, zj
Fotache, Marin, 1j
Freud, Sigmund, 6o
Frunz, Angelica, 16
Ggeanu, Elena, 16
Gagn, Robert,
Galperin, Piotr,
Gardner, Howard,
Genette, Grard, z1
, Alois, ji
Ghica, Ion, iz
Ghiurgea, Doina, j
Goleman, Daniel,
Gourhan, 6o
Gulea, Mihaela, 1
Habermas, Jurgen, 6o
Hobjil, Angelica, o
Hoceanu, Carmen-Liliana, jj
, Nerva, i
Horga, Irina, j, i
Horney, 6o
Iacob, Luminit
a, j6
Ienchescu, Constantin, 6
Ionescu de la Brad, Ion, iz
Ionescu, Mihaela, o
Ionescu, Miron, z
Iorga, Ghiorghi, 68
8o Educacin en Rumana
Istrate, Elena, 1o
Istrate, Olimpus, zo
Iucu, Romit
a B., z6
Jingu, Mihaela, z
Jinga, Ioan, 1o
a, Elena, 6o
Jucan, Dana, 1
Kuhn, Thomas, 6o
Lazr, Gheorghit
, j6
Leroi, 6o
Manea, Adriana Denisa, 68
Manea, Ion, j1
Manolescu, Marin, 18
Matei, Daniela, j6
i, Simion, iz, i
Merton, jz
Milcu, Marius, j
Minder, Michel,
Mitu, Florica, 1o
Moluz, Alexandru, iz
Moruz, Alexandru, iz
Neagu, Costic, iz
Neculau, Adrian, j
Negreaunu, Elisabeta, j
Olaru, Cristian, zz
oar, Georgeta, i
oar, Ion-Ovidiu, i
Pun, S
tefan, 1o
Parsons, jz
Petrescu, Alina, z
Piaget, Jean,
Popovici, Nicolae, zo
Preda, Marin, j8
Prutianu, S
tefan, jo
Ricardou, Jean, z1
Ricoeur, Paul, 6o
Rogojinaru, Adela,
Srghie, Anca, j
Savin, Irina-Isabela, z8
Scheau, Ioan, 1i
Shannon, 6o
teanu, Lavia Liliana, 68
Simionescu, Dan, i
Skinner, B.,
Stan, Cristian, 68
Stancu, Gheorghe, j, 6
Stoica-Constantin, Ana, jj, 6o
Strat, Ion, iz
Sularea, Daniel, i
Sutherland, Ed., jz
Trziman, Elena, i
Tnas, S
tefan, zz
Tatoiu, Monica, z8
Thorndike, Edward,
Tistu, Nicolae Georgescu, i
Todorov, Tzvetan, z1
a, Gheorghe, z
Turianu, Corneliu, j, 6
Ursu, Dorel, 6
Vgotski, Lev,
Velea, Luciana Simona, zo
Vericeanu, iz
Vinterhalder, iz
Wald, Henri, 6o
Warren, z1
Weaver, 6o
Wellek, z1
Zaharia, Dan, 68
Zlate, Mielu, 61
Table of contents
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