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Bibliography: Indonesian Language Materials


CITATION Abar, Akhmad Zaini, Rapery in National Press Discourse. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Hatib Abdul Kadir Olong. Tangan Kuasa dalam Kelamin: Telaah Homoseks, Pekerja Seks, dan Seks Bebas di Indonesia. (The hand of authority in sex: Analysis of homosexuality, prostitution, and free sex in Indonesia). Yogyakarta, Insist Press. 2007. Ana Nadhya Abrar and Wini Tamtiari (Editors). Konstruksi seksualitas : antara hak dan kekuasaan (Constructions of sexuality: between rights and authority). 1st Edition. Yogyakarta : Collaboration of the Ford Foundation with Pusat Penelitan Kependudukan (Center for Population Research), Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2001. (299 pages). ISBN: 9789798368578 9798368576 Abrar, Ana Nadhya, and Dyah Rahmani P., Infertility from the Gender Perspective. Yogyakarta: Population Studies DESCRIPTION Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Edited and with a foreword by Benedict Anderson. Excerpt translated from Suara Merdeka Newspaper article: The book describes three sexuality phenomena: prostitution, homosexuality, and free sex in Indonesia from a historical perspective. The minority homosexual and prostitute communities in Indonesia have existed from the era of kingdoms to modern Indonesia, as have free sex practices. However, Indonesian society has a double standard attitude questioned about it. Summary: Sexual behavior and violence against women in Indonesia; collection of articles. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : POLITICS TYPE MEDIA


Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site :


CITATION Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Abrar, Ana Nadhya, Sexual Harassment and Violence: A Content Analysis of Indonesian Newspapers. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Taufiq F. Adisusilo (1947-2001.) Konsekstasi : lika-liku seks laki-laki (Consextasy: the ins-and-outs of male sexuality), 1st Edition. Semarang : Masscom Media, 2003. (122 pages) ISBN: 9789793395043 9793395044 Moh Yasir Alimi. Dekonstruksi Seksualitas Poskolonial Dari Wacana Bangsa Hingga Wacana Agama (Deconstruction of Postcolonial Sexuality From National to Religious Discourse). Yogyakarta: LKiS. 2004. ISBN: 979-98451-9-X Moh Yasir Alimi. Jenis Kelamin Tuhan (The Sex of God). 2002. Muhammad Dikman Angsar. Kehamilan remaja di luar nikah : suatu tinjauan kesehatan reproduksi (Adolescent pregnancy outside of marriage: a reproductive health analysis). Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. 1997. (89 pages).

DESCRIPTION Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: Questions and answers on sex counseling in Indonesia.



Summary: Sexuality and the state are socially constructed and interconnected. Sexuality is structured within the national identity of a nation.


Description not found Summary: Premarital teenage pregnancy, Indonesia; speech.


CITATION Arimbi, Saptaningrum and Sulistiyani eds. Perempuan dan Politik Tubuh Fantastis (Women and the Politics of Fantastic Body). Lembaga Studi Realiono: Yogyakarta. 1998. Hasbi Berliani. Perilaku seksual pekerja migran (Sexual behavior of Indonesian migrant workers). 1st Edition. Yogyakarta : Collaboration of the Ford Foundation with Pusat Penelitan dan Studi Kependudukan (Center for Population Research and Studies), Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Report Series: no. 92 (82 pages). ISBN: 9789798368561 9798368568 Darwin, Muhadjir, and Tukiran (ed.), Accusing Patriarchal Culture. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2001. Dwia Aries Tina NK, Menopause and Sexuality. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Faisal, Muhamad, and Sabir Ahmad, Traditional Abortion Experienced by Midwives and Their Clients. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Fathullah, Ahmad Lutfi. Fiqh

DESCRIPTION Excerpt (translated): Female society in this modern era has been rather muted and merely focusing on the myths that define their body use for finding water, cooking and breeding. Women have to look inward to fight this myth by not participating in bodily exposure movement rather promoting their skills and other social potential as human beings.


Government Publications Summary: Sexual behavior of East Lombok, Indonesia, migrant workers in Malaysia, and their knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases; research report. In Indonesian, abstract also in English. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site :


Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : This book discusses whether female circumcision is obligatory (wajib) or actually sunnah





CITATION Khitan Perempuan (Interpretation of Female Circumcision According to the Quran). Jakarta: Yayasan Mitra INTI in collaboration with Al Mughni Press, 2006. ISBN 979-99904-5-9. Available from Mitra Inti Foundation, Jakarta Firdous, NGO Response on Female Child Trafficking. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2004. Budiono Herusatoto, Sujadi Digdoatmadja. Seks para leluhur: merancang keturunan berkualitas lewat tata sanggama ala leluhur Jawa (Sexuality of the Ancestors : Planning Offspring Through Javanese Ancestral Methods of Intercourse), 1st Edition. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Tinta: Distributed by Qalam, 2004. (327 pages) ISBN: 9789799440730 9799440734 Ida, Rachmah, Madurese Women Trapped in the Tradition of Female Genital Cutting. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005. Idrus, Nurul Ilmi, Marital Rape. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999.

DESCRIPTION (optional but meritorious) or even mubah (neutral neither forbidden nor required) for followers of Islam. Also explaining various phenomena of female circumcision (khitan) in Indonesia. With a foreword by the Minister for Womens Empowerment, which reminds us that essentially womens empowerment is increasing womens capacity in the areas of education, economics, and health, which in the case of health is linked to the strengthening of reproductive rights.


Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Description not found.



Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site :



CITATION Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional.; Ford Foundation. AIDS & perilaku seksual berisiko (AIDS & high risk sexual behavior). Jakarta: Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional (National Epidemiology Network) in collaboration with the Ford Foundaton, 1995. Series: Seri Monografi ; no. 04 (58 pages) ISBN: 9789798779046 9798779043 Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional.; Ford Foundation. Aids & remaja (AIDS & adolescents). Jakarta: Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional (National Epidemiology Network) in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, 1995. (41 pages). ISBN: 9789798779022 9798779029

DESCRIPTION Summary: Aids and risk behavior of prostitutes and migrant workers; research reports.


Summary: Attitude of adolescents toward sex and the danger of AIDS in Indonesia; research reports. Contents: Pengetahuan remaja, sikap, dan perilaku seksual berisiko terhadap AIDS pada remaja dengan kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki (Adolescents knowledge, attitudes and sexual risk practices in relation to AIDS in teens with unplanned pregnancies). by I.B. Tjitarsa Pengetahuan, sikap terhadap AIDS, dan perilaku seksual di kalangan remaja/pemuda Jakarta Timur (Knowledge, attitudes towards AIDS, and sexual behaviour among adolescents/teens in East Jakarta). by Yuwono Sidharta et al. Perilaku tentang seks, PMS, dan AIDS di kalangan siswa sekolah menengah di Kotamadya Semarang (Practices relevant to sex, STDs and AIDS among secondary school students in Semarang City), by Satoto Pengukuran pengetahuan dan tindakan mahasiswa kesehatan dalam upaya pencegahan timbulnya AIDS di Yogyakarta (Measuring knowledge and actions of college students in the health field for preventing the emergence of AIDS in Yogyakarta), oleh Tri Tyas Suci, Atik Triratnawati, Rusdi Lamsudin. Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and


Juningsih, Lucia, The Impact of Sexual Violence of Jugun Ianfu. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Khairuddin N. M., Marital



CITATION Sexual Violence. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Koeswinarno. Waria dan Penyakit Menular Seksual: Kasus Dua Kota di Jawa (Waria and Sexually Transmitted Disease: The Cases of Two Cities in Java). Yogyakarta. Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan (Center for Population Research), Gajah Mada University. 1996. Primus Lake. Sifon : antara tradisi dan risiko penularan PMS (Sifon: Between tradition and risk of STD spread). 1st Edition. Yogyakarta : Collaboration of the Ford Foundation with Pusat Penelitan dan Studi Kependudukan (Center for Population Research and Studies), Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1999. Report Series: no. 84 (113 pages). ISBN: 9789798368479 9798368479 Laksmiwati, Ida Ayu Alit, Adolescent Sexual Behavior Alteration in Bali. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Meiyenti, Sri, Domestic Violence Against Women. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999.

DESCRIPTION abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Description not found



Summary: Male circumcision amongst the Atoin Meto of West Timor, Indonesia, and the danger of sexual disease transmission; research report. In Indonesian, abstract also in English (but not found online).


Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site :



CITATION Patriani, Ana Adina, and Rosa Jaya, Knowledge About HIV/AIDS and Sexual Negotiation Among the Wives of Ship's Crew. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Limamanti, Afiani Ika, Agus Sudaryanto, Dwi Haryanti, Incest: Is There Legal Space for Women?. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005. D.G. Mamoto. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan sanggama pranikah pada mahasiswa dan mahasiswi di Jakarta. (Factors influencing the decisionmaking process with regard to having premarital intercourse among college students in Jakarta). Jakarta, Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Indonesia, Fakultas Psikologi (Faculty of Psychology) (THESIS), 1997. (121 pages). Mulyanto, Prostitution for Life: The Phenomena of Female Child Trafficking in Palembang. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2004. Mundiharno. Perilaku seksual berisiko tertular PMS dan

DESCRIPTION Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: This study was an adaptation of a previous study conducted in the US by Christopher and Cate (1984, 1985). The study was designed to uncover the basic factors which college students perceive will influence them in their decision-making process to engage in premarital sexual intercourse. The present study was conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, and sampled 331 college students aged 18-24 years by using a convenience sampling method. The Inventory of Sexual Decision-Making Factors in Indonesia (ISDFI) was used to uncover the basic factors. This inventory was developed from the Inventory of Sexual Decision-Making Factors (ISDF) used by Christopher and Cate (1984, 1985). The inventory investigated, by lying detector items (items' consistency), the causes of hesitancy and sensitivity. Reliability was analyzed by Cronbach's alpha, and face validity was used for validity analysis. The data were analyzed by factor analysis (principal axes factoring, varimax rotation, Anderson-Rubin factor scoring) and Fisher's t-test. The results revealed four basic factors: physical factor, restraining factor, relational factor, and knowledge factor. Interestingly, the results of this study differed from both previous studies; the physical factor and the restraining (knowledge) factor found in this study were not found in both previous studies. Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: Prostitution, sexual behaviour, and high risk infection of HIV/AIDS among long distance truck drivers in Java, Indonesia; research report.






CITATION HIV/AIDS : kasus sopir truk antarpropinsi (Sexual behavior that increases the risk of STD and HIV/AIDS infection: the case of interprovincial truck drivers). 1st Edition. Yogyakarta : Collaboration of the Ford Foundation with Pusat Penelitan dan Studi Kependudukan (Center for Population Research and Studies), Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1999. Report Series: no. 82 (89 pages). ISBN: 9789798368424 9798368428 Musyarofah, Ristriani, et al., Female Genital Cutting: Between Tradition and Religion. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2003. Handrawan Nadesul. Mitos seputar seks : seks jangan dipingit. (Myths surrounding sex: dont suppress sex). 1st Edition. Jakarta : Puspa Swara, 1997. (175 pages) ISBN: 9789798955549 9798955544 Nurharjadmo, Wahyu, The Sexuality of Street Children. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Pona, La, Street Sex Worker:

DESCRIPTION In Indonesian, with abstract in English (but no found online).


Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: Human sexuality.



Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and



CITATION Sexual Transmitted Diseases Potential. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Purwatiningsih, Sri, Civil Servants' Styles on Polygamy. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005. Hesti Puspitosari and Sugeng Pujileksono. Waria dan Tekanan Sosial. (Waria and Social Pressure). Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). 2005. Putranti, Basilica Dyah, et al., Male and Female Genital Cutting Among Javanese and Madurese. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2003. Rohman, and Adria Rosy Starinne, Pedophilias in Bali: Saviors or Source of Misfortune. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005. Saad, Sudirman, and Muhadjir Darwin, Law Enforcement, Prostitution, and HIV/AIDS. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2004. Sedyaningsih-Mamahit, E.R. Perempuan Perempuan Kramat Tunggak (Women of

DESCRIPTION abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Rough translation of text on the back cover of the book: This book tries to illustrate the social pressures faced by all waria (transgendered men/transvestites) both in the family and in the community. These pressures are faced throughout their lives once they decide to be transsexual, but they are able to face them although certainly it is not an easy thing to do since from the beginning they have been victims in choosing not to continue their education at school. Social pressures emerge due to community stigma, and this stigma is often targeted at groups of people with deviant sexual behaviors, including waria. Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Description not found







CITATION Kramat Tunggak). Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan & The Ford Foundation, 1999. (175 pages) ISBN-10: 9794165972 ISBN-13: 9789794165973 Setyowati, Lientje, and Sumarni D. W., Female Worker Harassment. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Soebahar, Abdul Halim, and Hamdanah Utsman, Women Reproductive Rights from the Kiai's View. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Sofian, Ahmad, et al., Sexual Abuse Toward Children Workers at Jermal. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Sudarsono. Gigolo dan seks : risiko penularan, pemahaman, dan pencegahan PMS (Gigolos and sex: risks of infection, knowledge and prevention of STDs). Yogyakarta : Ford Foundation : Pusat Penelitan dan Studi Kependudukan (Center for Population Research and Studies), Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1998. Report Series: no. 75 (69 pages). ISBN: 9789798368363 9798368363



Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: Male prostitution and prevention of AIDS disease in Bali Province; research report. In Indonesian, with summary in English. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail: ; Web Site:






CITATION Otto Sukatno CR. Sex Para Pangeran, Tradisi dan Ritualisasi Hedonisme Jawa (Sex of the Princes, Tradition and Ritualization of Javanese Hedonism). Bentang Budaya, Yogyakarta, November, 2002.

Sumiarni, M. G. Endang, et al., Sexual Activities and Rituals at Kemukus Mountain. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Supanto, Criminal Law Policy Concerning Sexual Harassment. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. D.W., Sumarni, Siti Aisyah, Madarina Julia, Female Genital Cutting in the Shadows of Tradition. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005. Suryandaru, Yayan Sakti, and Ana Nadhya Abrar, Women's Image in Sexual Stimulant Advertisement. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2004. Edi Suyanto, et al. Pelembagaan penggunaan kondom di kalangan pramunikmat.

DESCRIPTION A review by Akhmad Nugroho, A Lecturer at the Faculty of Javanese Culture and Literature, Univeristy of Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta, said that this book is a combined analysis of other Javanese literature that included sexuality books such as Babad Tanah Jawi (Legend of Java), Primbon Betaljemur, Primbon Lumanakim, Serat Cemporet, and Serat Centhini. The book consists of 6 chapters: Seks dan budaya Jawa (Sex and Javanese Culture), Keraton dan hegemoni politik dan seksual Jawa (The Palace and Javanese politic and sexuality hegemony), Budaya Katurangan (Culture of Physical birth mark), Seks dan Hedonisme Jawa (Sexuality and Javanese Hedonism), Seks dan Wacana Ketubuhan (Sexuality and body discourse), Seks Para Pangeran:Tradisi dan Ritualisasi (Sex of the Princes: Tradition and Ritualization). Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Summary: Publicity of practice of using condoms by prostitutes; study report. In Indonesian, with summary in English (but not found online, except as above).








CITATION (Institutionalization of condom use among sex workers). 1st Edition. Yogyakarta : Collaboration of the Ford Foundation with Pusat Penelitan Kependudukan (Center for Population Research), and Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1997. Report Series: no. 66 (105 pages). ISBN: 9789798368264 9798368266 Suyanto. Women Child Trafficking: Sexual Abuse and Policy Idea. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2002. Utami, Trisni, et al., Homeless Sexual Behavior. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1998. Widjanarko, Mochamad, Adolescent Sexuality. Yogyakarta: Population Studies Center, Gadjah Mada University, 1999. Wulan, Tyas Retno, Tri Rini Widyastuti, Rili Windiasih, Arizal Muhatir, Hendri Restuadhi, Marriages by Contract: Social Status and Reproductive Health of Syi'ah Women Followers. Yogyakarta: Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, 2005.



Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site : Document in Bahasa Indonesia, not clear whether a book or other format. Original title and abstract not available online. Document may be available by contacting: CPPS, Gadjah Mada University, Bulaksumur G-7, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia; Tel: +62-274-563079, 518856, 901152; Fax: +62-274-582230; E-mail : ; Web Site :






CITATION Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia, Forum Kesehatan Perempuan, Ford Fooundation. Perempuan dan Hak Kesehatan Reproduksi (Women and the Right to Reproductive Health). YLKI, FKP and FF, Yogyakarta, 2002.

Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen.; Ford Foundation. Kesehatan reproduksi remaja. (Adolescent reproductive health). 1st Edition. Jakarta : Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (Indonesian Consumers Organization): Ford Foundation, 1998. Program series of workshops on womens health (98 pages) ISBN: 9789798018046; 9798018044 Language: English or Indonesian NOT CLEAR [VARIOUS AUTHORS]. Temuan Terkini Upaya Penatalaksanaan Kehamilan Tak Direncanakan (Latest Findings on Efforts for the Management of Unplanned Pregnancy). Jakarta: Yayasan

DESCRIPTION A book in the series Perempuan Mengenali Dirinya (Women Getting to Know about Themselves), including the following chapters: Pengantar Hak Reproduksi (Introduction to Reproductive Rights), Sita Aripurnami Body Image: Citra Perempuan tentang tubuhnya (Womens Image of their Bodies) Nurul Agustina Pilihan Orientasi Seksual (Choice of Sexual Orientation) Danny I. Yatim and Myra Diarsi Hubungan Kita dengan Pasangan: Menuju Hubungan seksual yang Setara (Our relationship with our partners: Towards equality in sexual relationships). Adrina Taslim, Sita Aripurnami, Titi Irawati Hak Menentukan Kehamilan (The right to choose about pregnancy), Henny Supolo, Lies Marcoes Natsir Hak untuk Mengakhiri Kehamilan (The right to terminate a pregnancy), Endah Nurdiana, Lies Marcoes, Myra Diarsi, Ninuk Widyantoro, Sar W. Sarwono, Sita Aripurnami Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Violence against women), Adrina Taslim, Rita S. Kolibonso, Sita Aripurnami, Titi Irawati Kesehatan Perempuan di Lingkungan Kerja (Womens Health in the Workplace). Dewi Komara, Hetifah Sjaifudian Summary: Teenagers, human reproduction and health aspects, Indonesia; papers of a workshop.



This book is the result of a one-day seminar of the same title in Jakarta on the 11 August, 2004. The speakers papers can be read in this book, including those by Kol. (Pol). Dra Sri Rumiati, M.Si. from Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Indonesias Police Department), Dr. Mariani Akib Baramuli, MM. a member of the DPRRI (Parliament) who spotlights the effects of unsafe abortion. In addition, various researchers describe their findings on efforts for the management of unplanned pregnancy.



CITATION Mitra INTI in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, 2005.ISBN 979-97446-6-0.

DESCRIPTION Available from Mitra Inti Foundation, Jakarta




CITATION Tom Boellstorff. Gay dan Lesbian Indonesia dan Gagasan Nasionalisme (Indonesian translation and reprint of Gay and Lesbian Indonesians, and the Idea of the Nation). Antropologi Indonesia. 30.1 (2007):16. Djekky R. Djoht. WARIA ASLI PAPUA DAN POTENSI PENULARAN HIV/AIDS DI PAPUA (Kasus Abepura dan Kota Sorong) (Waria from Papua and the Potential for the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Papua (The Case of Abepura and the city of Sorong). Jurnal Antropologi Papua. Vol.1, No.3, p. 63. April 2003. A.E. Dumatubun. Pengetahuan, Perilaku Seksual Suku bangsa Marind-Anim. (Sexual Knowledge and Behavior of the Marind-Anim Ethnic Group.) Jurnal Antropologi Papua. Vol.1, No.3, p.32. April 2003. The author is listed as a lecturer at the University of Cenderawasih, Department of Anthropology. DESCRIPTION See entry for English language version of the article. TYPE GENDER / SEXUAL ORIENTATION POLITICS

English Abstract: The interaction patterns among the Waria such as sexual interaction, client and the use of condom are contributions an spreading the HIV/AIDS among them and to public. Their sexual relationship patterns are not safe and like anal sex, sex without condom and sex with more than one partner also has sexual relationship with others. This patterns have to be stop with programs or saver sex and knowledge on the spread of HIV/AIDS among the Waria and also for their clients.


Singarimbun M. [Norms of adolescent sex behavior].

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this article, the writer explain how the knowledge and the sexual behaviour of Marind-Anim people. Structurally and functionally this knowledge and behaviour have a meaning in their culture. Sperm Culture for the Marind-Anim represent the strongness, vertility and beauty and can be used as a medicine to kill their enemy. In their sperm consep the also knew the consep of homosexuality and heterosexuality and this knowledge can help to boost the spread of HIV/AIDS among them. Note: This article included a review of sexuality studies conducted in Papua since the 1920s to the present, by authors from all over the world. (These can be viewed in the list of references, and some have been listed in our bibliography if they were published in 1990 or later). The authors include: Jan van Baal (1966); Laurent M. Serpenti (1968 & 1984); Gerard A. Zegwaard and J.H.M.C. Boelaars (1982); David B. Eyde (1967); Tobias Schneebaum (1988); Abraham Kuruwaip (1984); Alphonse Sowada (1961); A van Kampen (1956); Gilbert H. Herdt (1984); Bruce M. Knauft (1993); Nico A. Lokobal et al. (1997); Gunawan Ingkokusuma (2000); and John Rahail (2001). Issue of this journal available for download at: ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Trends in adolescent reproductive health and behavior in Indonesia are analyzed and compared. The study concerns urban and rural districts of




CITATION Populasi. 1991;2(1):11-23.

Widjajanti Santoso. Janda Antara Stigma dan Sexualitas yang Terkekang. (Widows Between Stigma and Denied Sexuality). In: Membongkar Seksualitas Perempuan Yang Terbungkam Terbungkam (Taking Apart Suppressed Female Sexuality). E. Sulistiyowati (editor). Jakarta: Kartini Network. 2007. Bernadeth Sinta Situmorang. Lesbian Bukan Cinta Biasa: Kisah Perempuan yang Mincintai Perempuan dan Perjalanan Menentukan Identitas Diri (Lesbians Unusual Love: The Stories of Women who Love Women and the Road to Determining Their Own Identity). In: Membongkar Seksualitas Perempuan Yang Terbungkam Terbungkam (Taking Apart Suppressed Female Sexuality).. E. Sulistiyowati (editor). Jakarta: Kartini Network. 2007. Endah Sulistyowati. Pekerja Seks (Sex Workers) Through the Eyes of Butterfly Mingintip Dunia dari Mata PSK. In: Membongkar Seksualitas Perempuan Yang Terbungkam Terbungkam

DESCRIPTION Yogyakarta, urban Denpasar, and rural Bali and includes questions on attitudes and practices concerning premarital intercourse, contraception, and induced abortion. Significant differences are noted by both sex and area, with female and rural respondents reporting less sexual experience. However, with regard to attitudes toward such topics, Balinese respondents were generally more permissive than those from Java. Book chapter on Widows in Indonesia, including 5 individual stories (no description).



Book chapter on lesbians in Indonesia, including 5 individual stories of lesbians (Risas story: Struggle with no end; Putris story: Flowing like water; Lees story: Traumatized by being a woman; Mickeys story: The long road in search of self-identity; Danti and Rinis story: Love that sets you free.)


Book chapter on sex workers in Indonesia, including 5 individual stories of sex workers (Nilas story: Bird in a Cage; Susis story: Wounded heart and stained body; Winas story: To seek a handful of diamonds; Ibu Henis story: Mothers love all along the journey; Nenengs story: The girl selling The Botol.)



CITATION (Taking Apart Suppressed Female Sexuality).. E. Sulistiyowati (editor). Jakarta: Kartini Network. 2007. Ninuk Widyantoro. Perkembangan Remaja dan Seksualitas (Adolescent Development and Sexuality). p.39. In: Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan (Information on Womens Reproductive Health). Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia, Forum Kesehatan Perempuan, and the Ford Foundation. Yogyakarta: 2002. Ninuk Widyantoro and Sarsanto W. Sarwono. Sekualitas dalam Kesehatan Reproduksi (Sexuality in Reproductive Health). p.63. In: Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan (Information on Womens Reproductive Health). Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia, Forum Kesehatan Perempuan, and the Ford Foundation. Yogyakarta: 2002. Saskia E Wieringa, Nusyahbani Katjasungkana, Irwan M. Hidayana. Heteronormativitas dan Pemberdayaan Seksual: Sebuah Pengantar (Heteronormativity and Sexual Empowerment: A Foreword). In: Membongkar Seksualitas Perempuan Yang Terbungkam (Taking Apart Suppressed Female Sexuality). E.



Chapter on the changes of puberty, sexual and physical development, emotional, social issues, with a focus on health. In a book which is part of the series Perempuan Mengenali Dirinya (Women Getting to Know About Themselves)


Chapter describing the physical, physiological, anatomical facts relating to sexuality and sexual relations, including masturbation, intercourse during pregnancy, menstruation, breastfeeding and menopause, etc, including the importance of communication in sexual relationships.


Excerpt translated: The analysis in this introduction shows how heterosexuality norms work in Indonesian and Indian society within their historical, legal, religious, and political differences and similarities especially among women with social disadvantages widows, prostitutes, and lesbians.



CITATION Sulistiyowati (editor). Jakarta: Kartini Network. 2007.




CITATION Arivia, G. Perdebatan Seks dan Tubuh Perempuan : RUU Anti-Pornografi dan Pornoaksi yang Misogini (Sex debate and womens bodies: A misogynic antipornographic bill draft). Jurnal Perempuan 2007 vc:287462 Gadis Arivia, Politik Seks (Sex politics), Tempo Magazine. Special Column, 13-19 March 2006. The author is a lecturer at The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Indonesia, and founder of Jurnal Perempuan (Womens Journal). Available at: g/mbmtempo/arsip/2006/02/13/K L/ Arivia, Gadis. Politik Susu. Pendobrakan Bidang Publik. (Milk politics: Smashing the Public Arena). Jurnal Perempuan, May 7, 1998, pp.615. Tangan Kuasa dalam Kelamin: Telaah Homoseks, Pekerja Seks, dan Seks Bebas di Indonesia (The hand of authority in sex: Analysis of homosexuality, prostitution, and free sex in Indonesia), by Abdul Kadir, H. Yogyakarta, Koran Tempo. Book Review DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT Excerpt: Misogyny is an attitude that hates, oppresses, and conquers womens culture and existence. This oppression by men has occurred for centuries. In the misogynic perspective women are seen as weak and controllable beings. This control centers around pregnancy marked by the general purpose of procreation is to have male heirs. TYPE SOCIOLOGY/ POLITICS

Arivias article criticized the draft anti-pornography bill supported by religious fundamentalist groups as an over-reactive fear on issues of bodily exploitation, sexuality, pornography and eroticism. She argued that the fundamentalists supported the bill with the goal of stopping promiscuity and immorality. However, she describes that the bill draft is designed to limit womens freedom in their body and expression and to keep men safe from promiscuity and immoral intention. In her article, Arivia argues that the government and the religious fundamentalists arguments to save the nation from immorality is flawed. The morality problem is rooted within the nations social disorder such as poverty, low education, and rampant corruption that encroaches on the general social well being. Furthermore she said that this draft bill is designed to repress women further under the patriarchal society values, by legitimizing restrictions on creative and critical culture. Check website (Not able to access at the time of writing)



Review of H. Abdul Kadirs 3rd book. Discussion of how sexual minorities have to struggle against three collaborating (and sometimes conflicting) major powers, namely; the state, religion, and capitalism. Those three powers continuously try to control and influence human sexuality for their own interests. Thus, humans sometime have to submit to dominant sexual orientation sanctioned by the interest of the three major powers. Apparently he means that homosexuals sometimes have to get married to get acceptance from the religious community, or that heterosexual men also engage in homosexual acts in some coastal tribes in Papua as part of a state-sanctioned ritual. However, Koran Tempo ended its analysis contradictory to its initial argument by adding a stigmatizing comment on



CITATION section. Insist Press. 2007. 3 June, 2007. Available at: ntempo/2007/06/03/Buku/krn,20 070603, Israr, M. Graduate student of Political Science University of Indonesia. Kewarganegaraan Radikal (Radical Citizenship). Koran Tempo, 15/8/2004, Ide (Idea) section. Available at: ntempo/2004/08/29/Ide/krn,2004 0829, Fitraya Ramadhanny. Catatan dari Hong Kong: Fenomena Lesbian Para TKI (Note from Hong Kong: lesbianism phenomenon among Indonesian female migrant workers), 21 Aug, 2007. Available at: php/ 08/tgl/21/time/073321/idnews/81 9456/idkanal/10 Teguh Imawan. Lonceng etika mesum (the starting bell of pornographic etiquette). Suara Pembaharuan. 18 Dec., 2006. The author is from the Faculty of Information and Communication, University Esa Unggul, Jakarta Available at:

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT homosexuality, sex industry and free sex as a community disease or societal ill.


Article on the existence of gay and lesbian communities under repression of the general public. Israr argued that the gay and lesbian identity of this community is equivalent to the feminist, ecologist, and traditional identities embraced by other communities. These communities have been fighting for their rights within their identity definition and demanding protection from persecution and discrimination. According to the writer, the struggle of these communities based on their social identity have inspired social theorists to formulate a concept of radical citizenship. For the gay and lesbian community their struggles evoke a concept of citizenship based on sexuality that has political implication to counter the traditional citizenship concept that merely based on geographical definition. Social structure in the destination location may be involved in the new form of sexuality identity among female migrant workers. The article described that female migrant workers (mainly domestic servants) in Hong Kong have more space to express their sexual identity that they had in their place of origin, in their own geographical community. Their freedom of sexual expression is made possible by the open local (Hong Kong citizen) lesbian culture such as availability of public areas known as lesbian corners. Indonesian female migrant workers in Hong Kong, many from religious areas of Java, bring their sexuality freedom of expression to the level of female to female marriage under the social approval of the present community they live with (female migrant workers). The article in a way is stereotyping the physical appearance of what should be considered as lesbian couple in which the more manly looking persons are considered as husbands and the feminine looking female are labeled as wives. The article discussed how a pubic figure (parliament member) had to leave his post amidst sexual scandal recorded on a cell phone video clip. The writer argued that personal sexuality norms were redefined by the social association. In this case, a parliament member was expected to conduct his sexual behavior accordingly (i.e., in secrecy, and concealing sexual desire and expression such as recording his actions on video clip).





CITATION m/News/2006/12/18/Editor/edit0 1.htm Benny Susetyo, Pelajaran dari Lakon Sidang Susila Negara dan Moral (Lesson from Etiquette Court Nation and Morality), Suara Pembaharuan. 08 March, 2008. The author is the founder of Setara Institute. Available at: m/News/2008/03/08/Editor/edit0 1.htm Mereka Juga Ingin Menikah (They also want to get married). Koran Tempo (Front Page). 15 August 2004. Available at: ntempo/2004/08/15/Laporan_Ut ama/krn,20040815,

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT The article describes a play by one of the most prominent theatrical groups, Teater Gandrik, that presented a play with a title Sidang Susila or Etiquette Court in Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, a government-funded performance venue that often presents highly liberal performances. The performance is about how individuals have to live in the heterogenic society of Indonesia. The play presented that sexual rights is also part of heterogeneity, thus efforts to standardize sexuality based on heterosexuality concept are an abuse of human rights.


Andri Suryadi. Hati-hati, komoditas seks semakin transparan!!! (Attention, sexual commodity is getting more visible). Suara Pembaharuan, 17 June, 2007. The author can be contacted at: Available at:

An article about homosexuality from historical, contemporary sociological and anthropological perspectives. The article mentioned that in Indonesia, homosexuality has been practiced traditionally among the warok (martial art master with mystical power) community in Ponorogo, East Java. The warok are known to have a harem of young men to preserve their mystical powers. The article also cited that homosexual activities in Java were documented by palace poets and writers in a book called Serat Centini. According to the article, currently the gay and lesbian movement in Indonesia is gaining some public support mainly in the big cities. HIV/AIDS-related activities are often used as an opportunity to promote their community/movement to the wider community, according to Dede Oetomo. Dede added that the gay movement in Indonesia is growing fast. The bill to allow gay couples to marry in San Francisco has inspired many gay Indonesians to fight for the same rights. The article added that Dede is optimistic the same may happen in Indonesia in the future. Furthermore, the article cited Dedesaying that homosexuality is not a result of cultural influences such as warok practices. Currently, many people realize and declare themself as gay without any process of being a waroks sexual partner. The article described that the easy accessibility of the internet to the public may increase the availability of porn materials, and commercial or non-commercial sex transactions to the general community without any social filter. The writer expressed concern about the lack of parental control over their teenage children due to information gap and the wide availability of internet cafes. The writer also argued that as long as there is no political will to introduce sex education (in the school system), teenagers will not be able to broaden their definition of sexuality beyond pornography.




CITATION m/News/2007/06/17/Psikolog/psi ko01.htm Totalitas Lugas di Atas Panggung (All out performance on stage), Koran Tempo. Cultural column, 12 January 2004. Available at: ntempo/2004/01/12/Budaya/krn, 20040112, Komedi Kemaluan tanpa Malu (Comedy on sexuality without guilt). Tempo Interaktif. 9 December, 2007. Available at: g/mbmtempo/arsip/2007/12/03/F L/ Kuartet Lotus punya cerita (The story of Lotus quartet). Tempo Interaktif. Film Section, 10 December 2007. Available at: g/mbmtempo/arsip/2007/12/10/S EL/

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT Some earthy adult theatrical acts were performed in a play directed by Manahan Hutahuruk featuring actors such as Athpal Sofie Paturusi in Jakarta. The play is initiated by nude men walking into a crowd of four women discussing and admiring their clothes as a satirical gesture for excessive discussion about fashion in contemporary life. The play also included acts of sexual intercourse, and nude bathing on the stage. The play was dominated by the costume bold choice by presenting male actors in underwear combined with formal clothing for the rest of their body. On the other hand the female actors were dressed with overall skin colored tights. The title of the play was Negarakertarasa (the taste of nation), in general taking social and political events in Indonesia in a parody format where human sexual acts and discussions are inserted into the skits to stimulate audience interest. An article about the movie Quickie Express, a comedy movie about the world of gigolos. The movie was directed by Dimas Jayadiningrat, script writer, Joko Anwar and featuring popular actors. The movie presented the scene of the 70s in Indonesia when sexuality issues were not overtly discussed but highly recognized as an important media to ascend social ladders. In this movie socially-related sexuality issues are presented in vulgar comedy setting such as imaginative features human genitals, pornographic images on the walls, and dildos. The title of the movie Quickie Express is a name of a takeaway pizza shop for an undercover sex service provider. The movie was seen as one of many faces of the sex industry in an urban setting. An article at the Film Section about a movie directed by four prominent Indonesian female directors. The movie title was Perempuan Punya Cerita (womens stories) a combination of four fragmented movies with different stories from four different areas in Indonesia. The movie described womens marginalization and oppression such as gang rape of mentally handicapped women, HIV-infected women by their husband, women involved in sex trafficking of children, and abortion practices by a midwife. On the abortion issue, the movies discussed about how the general public and the policy makers disapprove abortion practitioners by denying her from public service. In the movie, the general public and policy makers are portrayed to play the blame the victim game. On the story from Jogja segment, the movie described about how middle and upper class society female teenagers from good family backgrounds describe sex as one of their recreational and fun activities. In this segment dialog about abortion, virginity, and sexual pleasure is prevalent. On the womens story from West java the movie described about how a middle aged female singer tried to start a singing career in Jakarta and has to kidnap the neighbors little girl as a gift for her career broker. The little girl was to be sold for a child sex network in Taiwan. The last segment is about how a financially broke, and HIV infected wife, infected by her late drug-using husband, has to fight for her daughter against the husbands family.





CITATION Shakuntala: Ilusi dan Alusi Kelamin (Illusion and allusion of genital). Tempo Magazine. 28 May 2005. Available at: g/mbmtempo/arsip/2007/05/28/T ER/

Gunawan Muhammad. Seks (sex), Tempo Magazine. Sideline section, 13-19 March, 2006. The author is the founder of Tempo Magazine. Available at: g/mbmtempo/arsip/2006/03/13/C TP/ Kamus Seks yang Kebablasan (An Overly Direct Sexuality Dictionary): a Review of Kamus Seks Remaja (Teenagers Sexuality Dictionary). Tempo Magazine. Book Review, 13-19 March 2006. (accessed through Tempo Interaktif). Pornografi, Bentuk Kemerosotan Pemahaman Seksualitas (Pornographic, a form of sexuality

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT The article described how male and female spirit exists in both men and women. The article quoted the introduction of the play as follows: Namaku Shakuntala. Ayahku menyebutku sundal. Sebab aku telah tidur dengan beberapa laki-laki dan beberapa perempuan. Meski tidak menarik bayaran. (my name is Shakuntala. My father called me a whore because I slept with many men and women albeit I never charge them). According to the article the use of word sundal (whore) in Indonesian is a clear statement about the dominant sexuality theme of the play being womens sexuality, both from the masculine and feminine sense. The play also displayed varieties of sexuality related decoration on the stage such as at the center of the stage is a phallic cupboard that has four legs in a form of kris (traditional dagger) puncturing bloody red pillows. The play itself described sexual trauma that women have experienced, and descriptions of masculine and feminine sexuality which help men and women to feel comfortable to engage in all kinds of sexuality act homosexuality or heterosexuality. The author wrote this article during the heated debate about the anti-pornography bill supported by the fundamentalist Muslim groups and the liberal society (non religious groups). He argued that seks, the term he used for sexuality, is different from the definition of pornography by religious fundamentalist group. In his article he agreed with Noel Coward that pornography is not socially destructive but boring. Furthermore he said that pornography is easy to produce, forgettable, and repetitive. Its focus is not the human with different characters but merely human organs with predictable movement. However, historically humans need to fill their desire for eroticism and create erotic works of art. Gunawan in this article mentioned further erotic work of art across the continents from Pompeii to Khajuraho in India, to illustrate that erotic works of art as part of human sexuality expression have deep social background beyond description of body parts and predictable movements. A book written by Jane Pavanel, a Canadian writer, which had been translated into Indonesian, was withdrawn by its Indonesian publisher amidst widespread protest over its contents. The article described some contents of the book illustrate about what and how to do sexual activity (foreplay, fellatio, intercourse, and others). The overly direct explanations on these sexuality topics have raised criticisms that brought to its withdrawal from distribution on April 25th, 2006. A critic argued that the book can be easily seen as giving advice on how to have sex for teenagers, using safety as a justification. On the pro side, teen sex education proponents regretted the books withdrawal. They argued that the book content is purely educatiional. That Indonesian teenagers will adopt its contents within their own cultural context. Pornographic materials and pornographic acts discussion among religious community (particularly the leaders) was heightened during the period of the release of the first edition of Indonesian version of Playboy magazine. This article reported the Catholic perspective which analyzed that the majority of the Indonesian population are not mature in their






CITATION misconception)., 25 January, 2006. Available at: php/ 01/tgl/25/time/105555/idnews/52 5822/idkanal/10 Dokter Seks Tolak RUU Pornografi (sex doctors rejected the draft of antipornographic bill). 10 March, 2006. Available at: php/ 03/tgl/10/time/140955/idnews/55 6377/idkanal/10 Wahyudin. Feminisme dan Seni Rupa Perempuan (Feminism and womens art). Koran Tempo. Ide (idea) section, 14 May, 2006. The author is an art curator from Jogjakarta. Available at: ntempo/2006/05/14/Ide/krn,2006 0514, Pameran Foto Seksualitas (Sexuality Photo Exhibition) at Kedai Kebun Forum Jogjakarta. Koran Tempo, 17 March 2006 in the Budaya (culture) Section (accessed through Tempo

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT sexuality perspective. Thus, publication of Indonesian Playboy magazine can be easily seen only as pornography. The religious leader interviewed by the journalist furthermore said that such publication may be possible when the community has broader sexuality perspective that included eroticism, esthetics, in addition to pornography.


According to Detik, a group of Indonesian medical sex doctors (sexologists) rejected the parliamentary draft anti-pornography bill, promoted by Muslim groups, on the grounds of misconception on sexuality. One of the Indonesian leading sexologists (Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, MPH) argued that the draft denied the sexuality rights of women, and stigmatizes women as the source of any sexual crime committed. Wimpie added that the draft is heavily gender biased against women and misleading for the public.


The article described that womens art work in Indonesia which expresses a political statement against patriarchal societal values, in many ways is inspired by the women artists movement in the USA. Female artists in Indonesia express their political aspirations based on their daily life in a society with repressive values against women, through their art works. The writer described that Indonesian female artists works are categorized into four such as: a belief that womens art creation is essentially founded by their women body; art as a form of sub-cultural resistance; protest against monolithic school of thought that put womens creativity as inferior; and added values of womens art work within the inferiority status.


The exhibition title was Cara Lain Memandang Seksualitas (Different Perspective of Sexuality) featuring 15 photographers from 13-20 March 2006. The exhibition was held amidst the heated public debate about sexuality. The publics understanding on sexuality requires a long term process to reach maturity. Every segment of society should be involved in the process according to the exhibitions curator, Ferdi. Repressive measures to suppress discussion about sexuality issues is out of date. Those15 artists involved in the exhibition were: Stefany Imelda, Iskandar, Angki Purbandono, Eko Bhirowo, Anggun



CITATION Interaktif ) Available at: ntempo/2006/03/17/Budaya/krn, 20060317, Aswendo Atmowiloto. Keadilan Seksual bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia (Sexuality Justice for People of Indonesia), Koran Tempo, 11 March 2006, in Opini (Opinion) Section The author is a prominent cultural critic and social activist (accessed through Tempo Interaktif) Available at: antempo/2006/03/11/Opini/krn,2 0060311, M. Dawam Raharjo, The International Institute of Islamic Thoughts, Indonesia. Peradaban: Represif atau Terbuka (Civilization: Repressive or Open), Koran Tempo, 5 March 2006 Ide (Idea) Section. (accessed through Tempo Interaktif) Available at: ntempo/2006/03/05/Ide/krn,2006 0305, Kurnia JR. Suara Lirih Nurwitri (The repressed voice of Nurwitri). Koran Tempo, Language section, 27 Feb., 2006. (accessed through Tempo

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT Priambodo, Keke Tumbuan, Edwin Roseno, Elfrida Fera, Imelda T. Mandala, Agung Nugroho W., Haekal B. Mulyawan, Jim Allen Abel, Dea Ismanto, Sari Handayani, and Wok the Rock. The curators were Wimp A. Bayang and Ferdi Thajib. Atmowiloto wrote this article amidst the debate on the anti-pornography bill draft, with heated exchanges between the religious fundamentalist groups and the pro-freedom of expression groups, represented by gender, human rights and other NGOs from all over Indonesia. The author is opposed to the fundamentalist groups arguments, mentioning that the media will be able to manipulate all kinds of regulations in order to make profit, and the bill draft itself is highly oppressive to women. He argued that sexuality justice has to be applied to all Indonesians as rights to enjoy sexual desires, to be passed through their further generations, and free to regulate their own sexuality to be hetero-, homo- or transgender. Similarly the rights to marry or not, to procreate, freedom to date without prejudice of religions, race, etc. Regulating sexuality rights is an expression of one-sided morality interpretation, and will destroy the societal values system in general. Furthermore, the author argued that sexuality justice doesnt mean that both men and women have the equal rights to be topless in public. Sexuality justice is more than about fashion but also mutual respect regarding mens and womens sexuality rights. This article is written from an Islamic perspective within the debate about the antipornography bill draft. Raharjo is one of the most respected Indonesian Muslim scholars from the Muhammadiyah organization. His article argued that consequences like severe repression in response to sexuality-related expression has also been discussed by Muslim scholars and all of them agree that such measures are not necessary. Raharjo paralleled the Islamic school of thought on sexuality with Freudian, where psychosomatic effects will be apparent in individuals. In relation with the debate on the anti pornography bill draft, Raharjo wrote that he understands the refusal of the group who disagree with the bill. He wrote that the bill restricts human creativity and reduces the advance of civilization in which sexuality and sensuality aspects have been one of their lifes guiding tools.




This article discussed the disappearance of sexually related words from daily use in Indonesian conversation in the modern era. The writer argued that the high emphasis on morality in Indonesian society has degraded the use of sexually related word to merely dictionary purposes and swearing. Until the 19th century, sexually related words were commonly used in daily conversation and literature works without any moral prejudices. Nurwitri is one of the characters in the Centhini book that explicitly discusses about life



CITATION Interaktif) The author is a journalist for Tempo. Available at: ntempo/2006/02/27/Bahasa/krn, 20060227, Tentang Transeksual dan kaum Marginal (Transsexual and Marginalized Community). Koran Tempo on 19/09/ 2003 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) on Budaya (Cultural) Section Available at: ntempo/2005/09/19/Budaya/krn, 20050919, Memperbincangkan Tabu Perempuan (Discussing Womens Taboo). Koran Tempo. 19 July, 2005 published an article on Budaya (cultural) section. (accessed through Tempo Interaktif) Available at: ntempo/2005/07/19/Budaya/krn, 20050719, Kisah Linga Cebolang (The Tale of Cebolangs Lingga/Penis). Koran Tempo on 26/04/ 2005 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) in Ide (Idea) Section.

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT adventures that include sexual activities and discussion among the books main character, his servants and people he encounters on the journey. In this article, words such as rambut (hair), rai (face), ulat (facial expression), susu (bossoms), walakang (crotch), silit (behind), peli (scrotum), konthol (penis), pawestren (vagina), itil (clitoris), penthil (teat), pringsilan (balls), jembut (pubic hair) were said to be in the historic book as part of sexually related conversations. The writer said that the uses of such words will never be found in any sexually related discussion in contemporary Indonesia. The writer said that Indonesians found that English based words sound more acceptable now. The article discussed the nearly-canceled Q Film Festival due to financial constraints. In particular, the article described the Indonesian movie with a title Wulandari. A movie about a person born male who underwent gender reassignment surgery, adopted the name Wulandari, and went to live in Paris. Koran Tempo said that the publication of the article is intended to contribute to the discussion about sexuality beyond the dichotomous perspective of straight and homosexual. Transsexuals are rarely discussed beyond derogatory discourse in the entertainment industry.



The article was based on Mariana Amirudins presentation of her masters degree thesis, which was entitled Perempuan Menolak tabu: hermeutika, Feminisme, Satra dan Seks (Women reject Taboos: Hermeneutics, Feminism, Literature, and Sex). Mariana is also the executive director of Jurnal Perempuan (Womens Journal). In this article it was mentioned that in a patriarchal society, sexuality is a mens domain. It is taboo for women to discuss sex, ask questions about sex, or demand sex. Such values have neglected the fact hat women are also humans with desires and lust, the same as men.


This article covered the performance by two puppet makers presenting a story based on the Centhini book. The puppet performance was set in Solo (Surakarta), Central Java. The stage for the performance was decorated with red bed sheets, used condoms and blown up condoms as balloons. The two masters are Elizabeth D. Inandiak, from France, and Slamet Gundono, an Indonesian. The highlight of the performance according to the article was the use of used condoms as one of the puppet characters by Slamet. The



CITATION Available at: ntempo/2005/04/26/Budaya/krn, 20050426, Pencarian Tubuh-tubuh Provokatif (In Search of Provocative bodies). Koran Tempo on 22/09/ 2004 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) in Budaya (Cultural) section. Available at: ntempo/2004/09/22/Budaya/krn, 20040922, Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja: Papua yang Bukan Belantara (I want to kiss you only once: Papua is not a jungle). Gatra magazine, Wisata dan Hiburan (excursion and entertainment) section, 28 December, 2002. Available at: k.php?id=23598 Rendra: Sastra yang Utamakan Seks Masuk Aliran Viagra (Rendra: Literautre works that mainly promoting sexual topic should be catagorized as Viagra school of thought), Suara Pembaharuan, 10 December 2007. Available at:

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT performance may have been controversial to the general public where both masters recited the Centhini verses that contained a lot of directly sexual material. The article presented discussion about how to present the idea of nudes, especially women, in art as art - not as pornography. The exhibition aimed to presented nude women in various settings as art works, without vulgarity.



This article described Garin Nugrohos film that presented some socially related sexuality issues based on contemporary Papuan culture. The contemporary sexually related culture presented in his movie ranged from symbolic expression by some of the characters through poetic lyrics in the dialog and plots set up among young Papuan independence movement anxiety. In the movie, Garin also presented the skin color differences between Papuans and non-Papuans, black and pale skin, as a sexual issue.


Rendra, one of the most esteemed poets in Indonesia, was interviewed about the trend of creative literature works to be dominated by sexual themes advocated by the younger generation of writers. Rendra commented that sexually exposure in the literary works are categorized as manipulating sex to grab the readers attention as opposed to those that provide deep analysis of sexuality from the perspective of artistic expressions (eroticism, exoticism, and individual sexual expression).



CITATION m/News/2007/12/10/Hiburan/hib 08.htm M Hafidz Ghozali, social and cultural critic from Jogjakarta. Adakah Seni dalam Pornografi? (Is there art in pornographic), Suara Pembaharuan, 10 March 2006. Available at: m/News/2006/03/10/Editor/edit0 1.htm Mentradisikan Seks Bernuansa Agamais (Making Religious Sex Tradition). Koran Tempo, 26 April, 2005 in the Suplemen (Supplement). (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) Available at: ntempo/2005/04/24/Suplemen/kr n,20050424, Tidak Harus Puasa Bercinta (Doesnt have to cease sexual activity), Femina Magazine, in issue Wanita (Womens issues) 17 September 2007. Available at: p?id=264&cid=1&views=231 SBY Imbau Tayangan Televisi Jangan Tampilkan Pusar Wanita (SBY, the President of Indonesia appealed to the national televisions not to

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT The article discuss about the potential oppression that Anti pornographic bill may impose to the creativity of artist in Indonesia. The writer argue that the bill is based on skewed moral values interpretation of followers of Islam may coerce the religion moral values.


The article introduced this supplement as a report on the publicationof an Indonesian language version of a book on sexual morality in the Worlds religions. According to the writer, the publication of this religion-oriented sexual book by LKiS was to provide an alternative to those books that contain sexual issues based on dramatization of reality.


This article described sexual activity during the Muslim holy month of Ramadhan. The article suggested that sexual intercourse during the holy months is permissible by altering the timing (not in the day time). In many ways, the article proposes a new thought among the Muslim community that generally considers sexual activity during the holy month to be prohibited.


The president appeal to the national TVs to stop showing entertainment that show womens belly buttons the wake of criticism over wide spread pornographic entertainment show on national TVs by the Muslim leaders (mainly the fundamentalist) that lead to the discussion of anti pornographic law. Te presidents argued that such entertainment shows doesnt represent Indonesian cultural values and contain pornographic images.



CITATION show womens belly buttons),, 17 Dec. 2004. Available: php/ 12/tgl/17/time/160753/idnews/25 7829/idkanal/10 Teletubbies Tidak Homoseksual (The Teletubbies are not homosexual). 30 May, 2007. Available at: hp/ 5/tgl/30/time/231111/idnews/787 450/idkanal/10 Deni Muliya Barus, Seksualitas Menggugat Agama (Sexuality Questions Religion). Gatra magazine. Book Review Section, 4 February 2005. Available at: k.php?id=52776 R.P Borong, a Theology Scholar. Urgenkah UU tentang pornografi? (How urgent is anti pornographic law?), Suara Pembaharuan, 30 Nov., 2007. Available at: m/News/2007/11/30/Editor/edit0 1.htm



Printed during the public discussion about the influence of the British childrens show, Teletubbies, on Indonesian children. Indonesian public also involved in the discussion about whether Telletubbies promotes homosexuality. During 2000-05, Telletubbies, dubbed in Indonesian, became so popular (possibly overshadowed some popular Indonesian children shows). The involvement of the Indonesian public in the discussion of whether the Telletubbies are homosexual may have been motivated by the intention to repopularize original Indonesian childrens shows on TV.


A review of the book In the name of Sex by Soffa Ihsan, a Muslim writer who questions the relevance of rigidly interpreted Islamic values for contemporary sexuality issues. Soffa in this article was quoted as saying that he doubted Islamic laws could cope with societys current real issues such as prostitution, homosexuality, sex outside of marriage. This article also mentions that Soffas book proposes some philosophical questions about Islamic law relevance to modern sexuality issues. Soffa himself was educated in Muslim school prior to attending The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta. The article categorized Soffa as one of the Indonesian Muslim scholars who questions the mainstream interpretation politics and social order in Islam. Soffas book introduction was written by KH Hussein Muhammad, a prominent Muslim Scholar in Indonesia. This article argues that pornographic issues should not be regulated within a criminal sphere. He suggested that pornography is a social issue that should be addressed through proper education on culture, sex and Indonesian morality. Criminalization of pornography will leave a big gap of regulation interpretation that will allow the dominant powers to oppress the minority.




CITATION Ketum Muhammadiyah Himpun Tokoh Agama Demo Playboy (The Chairman of Muhammadiyah urged the religious leaders to protest Indonesian version Playboy magazine), on 24/01/2006

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT This article basically represents many other opinions of Right- and center-right Muslim leaders and community members, who have argued that the publication of Indonesian Playboy magazine is a national security threat, especially by polluting the moral mentality of youth. The article said that the Muslim community and their leaders see the Playboy magazine as pornography and should be settled through a political solution (i.e., banned by law). Available at: ews/525209/idkanal/10 Similar sentiment was also echoed by articles below that described the debate over the anti-pornography and porno-action bill. The discussion stemmed from the argument of Muslim community members and their leaders that view pornography as national threat, and needed a political solution. Reported by in the article titled Draf RUU Pornografi, Berciuman Bibir Dibui 5 Tahun! (Pornographic bill draft: lips kissing (in public) can be sentenced to a 5-year jail term). Available at: ews/524334/idkanal/10 Other article on 22/09/2005 also containing the same message with title: Jelang Bulan Puasa, Harian Lampu Merah pun Didemo (Protest against Lampu Merah (Red Light) newspapers, in the wake of holy month of Ramadhan). Available at: ews/446659/idkanal/10 on 21/07/2005 put out an article with the title Kapolri Juga Diminta Perangi Pornografi dan Pornoaksi (Demand to the Head of the National Police to fight pornographic materials and acts). Available at: ews/407232/idkanal/10 An NGO supportive to the draft anti-pornography bill draft suggested the government should criminalize the distribution of published material containing pornographic messages, including comic stories, films, and play station video games.


Pornografi Lewat Komik, Syair Lagu, Play Station akan Ditindak (Pornographic comic, lyric, and play station will be subjected to criminal law enforcement),, 9 Dec., 2004. Available at:



CITATION php/ 12/tgl/09/time/165655/idnews/25 3298/idkanal/10 Empat Mata, Tayangan Tak Layak Tonton Versi MUI (TV show, Empat Mata, is not appropriate to watch, according to MUI, the Muslim Religious Body)., 26 Sept., 2007. Available at: php/ 09/tgl/26/time/132518/idnews/83 4634/idkanal/10 Komnas Perempuan Tolak Perda Tangerang Tentang Pelacuran (National Commission for Women Protection rejects Tangerang municipality law on prostitution)., 9 March 2006. Available at: Aktivis Perempuan Minta UU Politik Direvisi (Women activist demanded revision on political regulation). Koran Tempo, 01/09/ 2006 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) in Nasional (National) Section. Available at:



This article was published in the wake of the Muslim holy month. The article reported the highest religious authority for Muslim in Indonesia (MUI) recommended that the highly popular TV show among the lower middle class and the poor, Empat Mata (four eyes, i.e., face-to-face) is not appropriate to watch, especially during the holy month. This popular TV show is designed to reach lower middle class and the poor with some current affairs (politics, entertainment, and other social issues especially about sexuality). The host, Tukul (comedian from traditional genre), is seen as a representative of the commoners in his conduct in probing sensitive personal issues, very often about individuals views on sex and society, or personal sexual activities. Tukul in his show often make cheek to cheek contact with his (mostly beautiful) female guests, action as though he were a village man meeting his idols in the flesh. On the other hand, he also treats his allegedly gay guests with respect, as well as making some insinuations that the public knows about their sexual orientation.


The article is about a joint protest by the National Commission for Womens Protection and some womens NGOs about a gender-biased law on prostitution issued by the municipality of Tangerang, West java. The law denied womens rights to be mobile around the city after a certain hour, as well as enforcing a certain dress code in public for women in order not to be mistaken for prostitutes


The article reported on a group of women activists demanding regulatory changes for womens involvement in politics. At the workshop, the activists urged the government to issue gender sensitive policy and reserving protection for women and minority rights for their ethnicity, religion, political aspiration and sexual orientation.



CITATION ntempo/2006/09/01/Nasional/krn ,20060901, Banyak Jalan Menuju Kepuasan (all road lead to pleasure). Koran Tempo on 2/08/ 2006 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif ) in Metropolitan (Metropolitan) Section. Available at: ntempo/2006/08/28/Metropolitan /krn,20060828, Pasar Industri Seks Asia (Asian Sex Market). Koran Tempo, 21 May, 2006 (accessed through Tempo Interaktif) in Buku (Book review) Section. Available at: ntempo/2006/05/21/Buku/krn,20 060521, Perangi AIDS, Perlu Belajar Kesehatan Reproduksi Sejak SD (A need to learn about reproductive health from elementary school to fight AIDS)., 20 June, 2007. Available at: hp/ 6/tgl/20/time/142226/idnews/795 726/idkanal/10 Komunikasi Isu Seksual Laki-



This article was about the growing market for sex toys and accessories in the urban community. According to the article, sex toys stalls in the traditional market are still dominated by male clients with main demand for prolonging sexual intercourse.


This article discussed two books about the sex industry in Asia that is promoted through the economic and political system across countries in the Mekong regions. The article quoted Louise Brown in her book Sex Slaves. Meanwhile free market adoption in Cambodia also opening doors for women to enter the sex trade. The article also discussed a dissertation by Truong Than-Dam about Sex, money and power, which describes financial advantages of the sex industry within the tourism industry in Thailand in the 80s and 90s.


Coverage of a workshop On Challenges in Integrating HIV/AIDS in Secondary School Curriculum Through Innovative Approaches hosted by the Ministry of Education. The government representative in the workshop suggested the need to integrate reproductive health and sexuality into the school curriculum in the fight against AIDS. Sexuality as part of reproductive health is closely related with HIV/AIDS issues. Furthermore the government officer added that SRH issues can be integrated though all subjects (biology, sociology, physical education, social science, etc.) from very early years at school.


Opinion of Women Empowerment Minister at a workshop on mens participation in



CITATION laki & Perempuan Harus Didongkrak (The need to promote sexuality communication between men and women). on 26/11/2007. Available at: php/ 11/tgl/26/time/144116/idnews/85 7613/idkanal/10 Bocah Empat Tahun di NTT Positif HIV/AIDS (a four year old child is HIV/AIDS positive)., 18 Sept., 2006 Available at: php/ 09/tgl/18/time/150540/idnews/67 7245/idkanal/10 Bukan Kencan biasa (It is not a regular date), Femina Magazine, in the Issue Wanita (Women Issues) Section, accessed on June 16, 2008. Available at: p?id=140&cid=1&views=100 Phobia Gay-Lesbian Hinggapi Nyaris 100% Masyarakat Indonesia (Almost 100% of Indonesian are Gay-lesbian Phobic), 29 May, 2007. Available at:

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT reproductive health in Jakarta. The minister argued that raising mens awareness (knowledge, attitude and behavior changes) about reproductive health can be the solution to womens reproductive health problems and other social problems (in Indonesia).


This article actually discussed sexually issues relating to social construction of sexually related HIV/AIDS risk-taking behaviors. The article describes adult mens circumcision in East Nusa Tenggara, particularly Timor island, may have been responsible for an increased risk of infection. The local circumcision practices in this island include immediate sexual intercourse after circumcision.


This article describes that women should use the dating period also as a selection phase for potential husbands. Therefore they should have their list of criteria as a basis for assessing the men they date.


A quote from one of the gay activists said that discrimination against the gay community is prevalent in Indonesia both in the general public and the government system. For example, a local law on morality in Palembang, South Sumatera, declared homosexuality and lesbianism as equal to prostitution.



CITATION php/ 05/tgl/29/time/114412/idnews/78 6523/idkanal/10 Kakek Homo Tewas Ditusuk di Kramat Jati (A homosexual grandpa was stabbed to death in Kramat Jati). 6 Nov., 2006. Available at: php/ 11/tgl/06/time/181904/idnews/70 4608/idkanal/10 Kaum Pria Juga Harus Aktif Ber-KB (Men also have to be active contraceptive users). 23/10/2007. Available at: php/ 10/tgl/23/time/210202/idnews/84 4217/idkanal/10



This article about stereotypical misfortunate homosexual men in Indonesia. Similar news that reporting on homicides involving homosexual men tend to grab the publics attention. This particular article was about an old man stabbed by his paid straight sexual partner who disagreed to engage in homosexual interaction.


An article about mens participation in contraceptive uses besides condom to balance the gender participation in the family planning program.


Pil KB Khusus Pria Ala dr Bambang (Dr Bambangs contraceptive pill for men). 23/03/2007. Available at: dex.php/ 7/bulan/03/tgl/23/time/17081 4/idnews/757971/idkanal/10
Pilihlah yang Cantik, Mega Dinilai Lecehkan Perempuan

This article discusses about further mens participation in family planning by taking GENDER / HEALTH herbal based contraceptive pills invented by an Indonesian pharmaceutical researcher from the Faculty of Pharmacology, University Airlangga, Surabaya. The researcher promoted that the pill doesnt compromise mens virility related hormone.

Megawati, one of the presidential front runners during the 2004 election, is criticized as having promoted womens disempowerment in her campaign slogan. The critics said that



CITATION (Megawatis Vote for the beautiful one campaign slogan is perceived as women disempowerment)., 7 June 2004. Available at: hp/ 6/tgl/07/time/163254/idnews/160 828/idkanal/10 Calon Ibu Berseragam Putih Abu-abu: Banyak sekolah menutup pintu bagi remaja putri yang hamil. Mengapa? (Pregnant in high school uniform: Schools close doors for pregnant student, Why?). Koran Tempo. 24 Sept., 2006. Available at: ntempo/2006/09/24/keluarga/krn ,20060924, Diskriminasi dan Pelecehan Pengungsi Perempuan (Discrimination and sexual molestation a among women refugees). Koran Tempo (accessed through Tempo Interaktif), 03 Mei 2006 in Nasional (National) Section. Available at: ntempo/2006/05/03/Nasional/krn ,20060503, Thomas Koten, a philosophic scholar from The faculty of

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT contemporary beauty values about womens bodies is a male social construction that have perpetuate womens exploitation and oppression.


This article is about the increasingly common problem of sexual interaction among youth in Indonesia that leads to unwanted pregnancies. The article also mentioned that in the case of unwanted pregnancies young women have to sustain much higher social consequences including discharge from the school system until delivery, while the boy can keep attending the school without social sanction.


An article about women refugees who are most vulnerable to discrimination, sexual exploitation, and other oppression in the corrupt system of patriarchal society. Sexual exploitation is increasing among women post-natural disaster, such as after the tsunami in Aceh. Widows who lost their husbands or male relatives are subjected to sexual harassment and exploitation.


The writer argued that media have not presented women whole, as human beings. Rather, they are interested in showing womens physical body beauty, sexiness, sensuality, and



CITATION Philosophy University Santo Thomas, Indonesia. Tubuh Perempuan dalam Pornografi Media (Womens bodies in pornographic media), Koran Tempo. Ide (Idea) Section, 30 April 2006. Available at: ntempo/2006/04/30/Ide/krn,2006 0430, Seragam Bikin Birahi di Malaysia (School uniform creates sexual unrest in Malaysia). Kompas. 27 May 2008. Available at: l/2008/05/27/23295035/seragam .bikin.birahi.di.malaysia IMM Demo Boikot Sinetron Remaja (Muhammadiyah Student Association Boycott Soap-opera Aimed at Youth on National Television) 14 March, 2007. Available at: hp/ 3/tgl/14/time/173858/idnews/754 242/idkanal/10 Herdrawan Nadesul. Pornografi dan Vaksin Moral (Pornographic and Moral Vaccine), Koran Tempo, Opinion Section, 17 February

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT other biological characteristics to meet the demand of economic practice in contemporary society that tend to be hedonistic. The writer suggested that media practices have endorsed the emergence of a culture of womens body fetishism. This kind of culture, according to the writer, is also part of an expression of masculine hegemony that perceives womens social status as inferior to men. The writer proceeded to describe how the media practices in presenting women are similar to the status of those proletariats position in the social class theories advocated Karl Marx and Frederich Engels.


The article describes how men are aggitated by the so-called too sexy school uniforms worn by female high school students. According to the article, some Muslim fundamentalist groups in Malaysia argued that the uniform may increase sexual crime i.e., rape. However, the Malaysian ministry of education dismissed the argument as baseless.


An article about a student association from the moderate Muslim group, Muhammadiyah, protesting the airing of a soap opera that aimed at youth on national television. The association argued that the soap opera promotes skewed sexuality, vulgarity, hedonism and non-educational way of youth socialization. The association in their protest demanded the government to take legal actions against the national channels that broadcast such programs.


In his article Nadesul argued that in modern Indonesia pornographic materials have been widely disseminated in society. In the 80s he said that drive-in movies with pornographic scenes were freely watched by young people. Nowadays, he said pornographic material circulation is more complex and explicitly available in the form of DVDs, and internet access. He suggested that government has to provide a proper sex education through the



CITATION 2006. Available at: ntempo/2006/02/17/Opini/krn,20 060217, Herdrawan Nadesul. Kasus Cianjur dan Pendidikan Seks (Cianjur Case and Sex Education), Koran Tempo, Opinion section, 26 November 2005. Available at: ntempo/2005/11/26/Opini/krn,20 051126, Keperawanan, Ternyata Tak Sama (Virginity, in fact, is not always the same). Kompas. Health section, 5 May 2008. Available at: hp/read/xml/2008/05/05/173127 91/ ma Seks Instan, Pas Buat yang Sibuk (Instant Sex for the Busy Ones). Kompas, Health Section, 29 May 2008. Available at: l/2008/05/29/10122525/seks.inst an.pas.buat.yang.sibuk Anu" Besar, Nafsu Besar? (Big thing, big desire?), Kompas, Health Section, 1 June

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT formal system to counter the informal information accessed through pornographic materials. Sex education through the formal system is seen as more effective than merely moral rhetoric through occasional campaigns and pornographic material seizures.


Nadesul describes the sexual orgy-style party by some high school students in Cianjur West Java in the classroom as one of the results of the lack of proper sex education in the school curriculum. He argued that teenagers will be prone to engage in free sex that will lead to unwanted pregnancy and other social disorders among youth if they have no proper sex education background. He described that there is no political will from the current policy makers to include sex education in the curriculum as long as they still think that sex education is about how to do sex rather than an education about social values surrounding sexuality.


This article describes myths and facts surrounding womens virginity. The emphasis is mostly on the importance of men and women staying virgins before marriage. Men expect their wives to be virgin and women are supposed to fulfill that. Furthermore, the article also discusses social definitions of virginity such as women are assumed to be socially virgin on the wedding day regardless of whether they are biologically not virgins. It is mentioned that in some cultures the belief is that women are still virgin until they give birth to a child, and in other cultures, womens virginity is considered safe as long as they do not engage in oral, vaginal or anal sex. This article contains excerpts from an interview with Dr Boyke Dian Nugraha, SpOG (OB/Gyn specialist), a leading sexologist in Indonesia. In the article he suggests that busy couples should try sexual variation to avoid boredom. Spontaneous sexual intercourse wherever possible is one suggestion.



The article describes facts and myths surrounding mens penis and women breast size to determine their sexual appetites. The article suggests that biological characteristics are not the main determinant of human sexual desire, but social interaction between men and



CITATION 2008. Available at: l/2008/06/01/21130040/ salahan.pria.saat.ngeseks Rasakan sensasi Gairah Seksual Lewat Makanan (Feel the sexual sensation through food). Femina Magazine, Women Issues Section, accessed on June 16, 2008. Available at: p?id=172&cid=1&views=94 Notes:

DESCRIPTION / EXCERPT women does increase the likelihood of sexual interaction.


This article discusses the role of food types in a couples preparation for sexual interaction.


1) Images with sexual innuendo in print and electronic media in Indonesia are prevalent. for example, their home page has eyecatching advertisements exploiting physical and sexual attractiveness of women and men. 2) Kompas is one of the most widely read national newspapers in Indonesia, but it presents sexual matters mainly from a sexology perspective. Social issues pertinent to sexual articles in Kompas sometimes warrant some analysis, such as lack of information seeking behavior concerning sexual activity. For example, in most of their articles, it is mentioned how mens socially influenced misconceptions about sex tend to lead to unsatisfying results. Some examples of sexology articles from Kompas and other newspapers and magazines are listed in the table. Similar sentiment on sexuality is also echoed by popular womens magazine in Indonesia, in which sexology discussions dominate their articles.



CITATION I.B. Gde Puja Astawa et al. Perilaku seksual anak buah kapal (ABK) dalam hubungannya dengan penularan AIDS dan STD di Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali : laporan penelitian. Denpasar: Universitas Udayana, 1995. (27 pages) Leslie Butt, Jake Morin & G. Numberi. Project Sexualitas Papua. Collaboration between Cenderawasih University, University of Victoria, Canada, and ASA Program (USAID/Indonesia). 2001. DESCRIPTION Summary: Sexual behavior of Indonesian sailors in relation to the transmission of AID and HIV in the port of Benoa, Denpasar, Bali; research. In Indonesian, with summary in English. TYPE HIV/AIDS

Djoht, D.R., G.E. Djopari, G. Finthay. Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Sarmi dan Pantai Timur Terhadap Seksualitas, Penyakit Menular Seksual dan HIV/AIDS. (Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of the Sarmi and East Beach Communities Regarding Sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and HIV/AIDS). Jayapura. Yayasan Kesehatan Bethesda and PATH

Excerpted from Executive Summary This report summarizes the results of a study carried out with the indigenous population of Papua, Indonesias easternmost province. The study arose out of a concern with high rates of HIV infection in the province. While research has shown Papuans have a low level of awareness about HIV/AIDS, there have been no studies which situate knowledge of HIV risk and prevention in a broader context of cultural practice and experience. The Papuan Sexuality Project seeks to describe general trends if possible, and cultural specifics if not. The project also situates its AIDS intervention recommendations in the context of rapidly changing social and cultural conditions. Papuan values and practices have been profoundly transformed by a wide variety of factors including: The introduction of a cash economy; New values brought in by Indonesians; Christian religious beliefs; Vastly increased levels of internal migration; High rates of in-migration to the province by Indonesians. Report can be accessed at: A result from Rapid Ethnographic Assessment (REA) among the Sarmi tribe of Papua about cultural context of HIV/AIDS transmission.



CITATION Indonesia. 1998. Djekky R. Djoht & Marsum. Seksualitas Suku Moi di Kabupaten (Sexuality of the Moi Ethnic Group in the District). Collaboration between the Health Department of Papua Province and the Center for Population Studies (PSK) Cenderawasih University. 2002. La Pona. Pelacur Jalanan dan Potensi Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual, HIV dan AIDS Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Jayapura Irian Jaya 1997-12, Research Report from IJPTUNCEN.Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Papua (Article found on ITB digilib central library website) La Pona. Kekerasan terhadap perempuan (perspective gender) di Jayapura 2000 (Violence against women (gender perspective) in Jayapura 2000), Research Report, IJPTUNCEN. Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Papua. (Article listed on ITB digilib central library website) Linggasari, D., et al. Laporan Hasil Penelitian Tentang Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Seksualitas Suku Asmat. Merauke (Rumpun Bismam) Terhadap PMS dan HIV/AIDS di Kecamatan Agats



Prostitution in Jayapura population has developed in complexity, sometime so visible and sometime well covered. Prostitution is strongly related with social aspects, health, and societys living quality, morality, religious, and ethnicity norms, in Papua.


Description not found




CITATION (Report of the Results of a Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Sexual Behavior among the Asmat Ethnic Group. Merauke (Rumpun Bismam) Regarding STDs and HIV/AIDS in the Agats District.) Merauke. Yayasan Almamater. 2000. Lokobal, Nico A., G. Yuritianti, Deri, M. Sihombing, Susana, Srini. Pandangan, Kepercayaan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Dani Tentang Seksualitas dan Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS). (Views, Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices of the Dani Community Regarding Sexuality and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Jayapura. Kantor Wilayah Departemen Kesehatan Irian Jaya. 1997. Rahail, John. Desentralisasi dan Penanggulangan AIDS di Papua (Decentralization and the Management of AIDS in Papua). Buletin Populasi Papua. Vol.1. No.3 April 2001. Jayapura. Pusat Studi Kependudukan Universitas Cenderawasih. (Center for Population Studies, Cenderawasih University). Endang R. Sedyaningsih Prevalensi Infeksi Menular Seksual dan Perilaku Berisiko Terkait di Kalangan Anak





Tujuan penelitian untuk mempelajari perilaku berisiko dan mengukur prevalensi IMS. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawacara kuesioner dan pengambilan sample darah dan duh tubuh untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium. Lokasi penelitian di Jakarta dengan populasi penelitian adalah anak-anak jalanan laki-laki antara umur 10-21 tahun yang telah


CITATION Jalanan di Jakarta (Prevalence of STD and Risk Behavior among Street Children in Jakarta). Center for Research and Developmnet of Diseases Control (Litbang kesehatan), NIHRD. 2001. David Wambrauw, et al. Seksualitas dikalangan Pekerja Seks Jalanan di Kota Jayapura (Sexuality among Street-Based Sex Workers in the City of Jayapura). Collaboration between the Center for Population Studies (PSK) Cenderawasih University and PATH Jakarta. 1999. Wambrauw, David. Perilaku Seksual Suku Arfak (Sexual Behavior of the Arfak Ethnic Group). Jayapura. Pusat Studi Kependudukan (PSK, Center for Population Studies), Cenderawasih University. 2001.

DESCRIPTION mendapatkan pendampingan dari aktifitas berbagai Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM). Wawancara pada 274 anak yang menjadi partisipan.



Perilaku Seksual Suku Arfak (2001), Jayapura. Pusat Studi Kependudukan Universitas Cenderawasih, lebih banyak menyoroti latar belakang kebudayaan suku Arfak dengan pendekatan Rapid Ethnographic Assessment (REA). Analisisnya ditujukan pada latar belakang kebudayaan suku Arfak khusunya berkaitan dengan pemahaman mereka tentang perilaku seksual dan ditambah dengan analisa pemahaman tentang PMS, HIV/AIDS serta bentukbentuk industri seks. Perilaku seksual ini lebih banyak dikaitkan dengan pemahaman adat-istiadat, faktor penunjang serta jaringan penularan yang mendukung adanya perilaku seksual yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit menular seksual serta HIV/AIDS. Hal yang sama dalam penelitiannya berjudul Perilaku Seks Sebagai Peluang Penularan Penyakit AIDS di Jayapura


Yasanto and PATH. Laporan Akhir Program Pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada Kelompok Berperilaku Resiko Tinggi di Merauke, Papua. (Final Report of the HIV/AIDS Prevention Program for High Risk Behaviour Groups in Merauke, Papua). Merauke. Yasanto and PATH Indonesia. 2000.



CITATION [NO AUTHOR LISTED]. Sunat Perempuan di Indonesia: Kekerasan atau Tradisi (Female Circumcision in Indonesia: Violence or Tradition). Seri Factsheet Kesehatan Reproduksi Yayasan Mitra INTI.

DESCRIPTION Contains a collection of facts obtained from studies conducted by the Population Council and the Ministry for the Empowerment of Women, in which these studies are intended to provide information about cultural practices of female circumcision and socio-cultural factors, as well as evaluating the short- and long-term impacts of this practice in terms of sexuality, health and womens reproductive rights.



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