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1 Matlab code for Moeltner, K., J. S. Shonkwiler, (forthcoming). Correcting for Size Biased Sampling in Random Utility Models.

American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

% Main Script
% Fresh Script for jet ski paper for all models after getting Danielle's expanded data set % this version w/o 7 persons that had >40 trips total. % % % % % % load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshto_mlab2.raw; data=[freshto_mlab2(:,end) freshto_mlab2(:,1:end-1)]; % bring running id back to front clear freshto_mlab2; save e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdata2 data; 'done' break

load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdata2; load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\h_mat1000; % that h_mat can handle up to 5 RCs % Contents of data: %1 % id running visitor panel id %2 % site lake index %3 % sur_y survey year %4 % own 1 if own jet ski, 0 if rented %5 % jetonly 1 if jet skiing = sole reason for visit %6 % jetprim 1 if other activities as well, but jet ski=primary %7 % milecost per mile autocost in cents %8 % trips trips this year to the six lakes %9 % dist distance traveled, one way %10 % gender gender, some missing values ("999") %11 % age age, some missing values %12 % educ education level, some missing values %13 % income in dollars,(category midpoint) %14 % sur_site site of interview %15 % food 1 if site has food services %16 % elev lake elevation in feet %17 % size surface area in acres %18 % shore length of shoreline in miles %19 % cantrent 1 if visitor = renter, but lake has no rental %20 % ban 1 = owned jet ski banned at Tahoe %21 % autocost =per-mile cost in $ %22 % timecost time cost based on income/(3*2080); for round trip %23 % tc autocost + timecost %24:29 %site intercepts % scale & explicitly label some variables food=data(:,15); elev=data(:,16)./100;% elevation in 1000ft or 100ft (try both) surface=(data(:,17)./639.5)/10; % translation: units of 10 squ. miles shore=data(:,18)./10; % units of 10 miles

shape =(10*surface)./(10*shore); % square miles / miles % declare data to be used here to free memory later during loop id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept % compute new TC dist=data(:,9); own=data(:,4); timecost=data(:,22); tc=2*dist.*(0.4*own+0.3*(1-own))+timecost; % Open log file [fid]=fopen('e:\workspace\Klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\logs\freshmix_correctprice_dmcorronly.txt' ,'w'); if fid==-1; warning('File could not be opened'); else; disp('File opened successfully'); end; header.title='Jet ski models';;'Klaus Moeltner'; fprintf(fid,'Title:\t%s \n',header.title); fprintf(fid,'Date:\t\t%s \n',; fprintf(fid,'Author:\t%s \n',; fprintf(fid,'*******************************************************\n\n'); header.model ='Uncorrected MNL'; fprintf(fid,'Model:\t%s \n',header.model); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'*******************************************************\n\n'); jet.obs=n; fprintf(fid,'Number of observations =\t%6.0f \n',jet.obs); fprintf(fid,'\n');

r=1000; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Simple MNL model % load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshmnlmix40; clear X y; X =[tc ... % price data(:,19:20) ... % lake restrictions data(:,25) ... % site intercept

elev surface]; % lake features

y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations cf = 4; number of fixed coefficients cr = 2; total number of random coefficients, correlated or not c=cf+cr; cr_cov = 0; number of correlated random coefficients - unchanged from first round cr_nocov = cr-cr_cov; jet.rep=r; fprintf(fid,'Number of Halton replications =\t%4.0f\n',jet.rep); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % Starting values startmean= [-0.25 ... -3.7 -2 ... -0.9 ... -0.05 0.03]';

%price % lake restrictions % site intercept % lake features

jet.beta_in = startmean; fprintf(fid,'Starting mean vector for coefficients =\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'%6.2f\n',jet.beta_in); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % declare full VCOV matrix for random coeffcients, with upper left corner for uncorrleated ones int1 =0.001*ones(cr_nocov,1); int2 = diag(int1); % submatrix for uncorrelated RC's int3 = zeros(cr_nocov, cr_cov); int4 = [int2 int3]; % creates upper part of full VCOV int5 = zeros(cr_cov, cr_nocov); int6 = 0.001*ones(cr_cov,1); int7 = diag(int6)+0.01 ;% submatrix for correlated coefficients int8 = [int5 int7]; vcov_in = [int4; int8] ;%works fine clear int*; int =(chol(vcov_in)); %upper triangular vcovsend = nonzeros(int); %yields cr_nocov + (cr_cov*(cr_cov+1))/2 column vector with all non-zero elements %of int. collected as if from a lower Chol, row by row S=sparse(int); %stores position of nonzero elements of int - useful to reconstruct it in llf % para_in=[startmean;vcovsend]; para_in=x; % para_in=[x(1:c);x(c+2:end)]; % omit Donner for second series of models

% Actual Maximization routine x0 = para_in; options=optimset('LargeScale','off','display','iter','TolFun',0.001,'TolX',0.001,'GradObj ','off',... 'Hessian','off','DerivativeCheck','off'); tic, [x,fval,exitflag,output,grad,hessian]=... fminunc('jetllf_mnlmix',x0,options,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S)... ,time=toc; jet.run_time=time/60; jet.options=options; jet.output=output; jet.fval=fval; jet.exitflag=exitflag; fprintf(fid,'Optimization Options:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Large scale algorithm:\t%s\n',jet.options.LargeScale); fprintf(fid,'User supplied gradient:\t%s\n',jet.options.GradObj); fprintf(fid,'User supplied hessian:\t%s\n',jet.options.Hessian); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on function level:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolFun); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on parameters:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolX); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Optimization Output:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Iterations:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.iterations); fprintf(fid,'Function evaluations:\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.funcCount); fprintf(fid,'Infinity norm of gradient at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.output.firstorderopt); fprintf(fid,'Value of objective function at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.fval); fprintf(fid,'Algorithm:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n',jet.output.algorithm); fprintf(fid,'Exit condition (">0" = convergence):\t\t%1.0f\n',jet.exitflag); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % Conventional Hessian H1=inv(hessian); d1 = diag(H1); jet.hess = H1; %capture, but don't print results = x; se = sqrt(d1); t_val = results./se; outmat=[x se t_val] ll=length(x); count=[1:100]; jet.out = [count(1:ll);results';se';t_val']; fprintf(fid,'Output table for jetmodel - simple MNL: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Elapsed time (in minutes):\t%6.2f\n',jet.run_time); fprintf(fid,'\n');

% White-corrected se's L = L_mnlmix(x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); % save for later (Vuong test etc.) G = numgrad('L_mnlmix',x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); int1=H1*G'*G*H1; % H already inverted int2=diag(int1); se=sqrt(int2); jet.out2 = [1:length(x); x'; se'; (x./se)']; fprintf(fid,'White-corrected output for jetmodel - simple MNL: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out2); fprintf(fid,'\n'); save e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshmnlmix40_1000 x X y jet L G H1; clear x jet L G H1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% % Corrected MNL model load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshmnlcorrmix40; clear X y; X =[tc ... % price data(:,19:20) ... % lake restrictions data(:,25) ... % site intercept elev surface]; % lake features id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept header.model ='Corrected MNL'; fprintf(fid,'Model:\t%s \n',header.model); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'*******************************************************\n\n'); % Starting values jet.beta_in = startmean; fprintf(fid,'Starting mean vector for coefficients =\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'%6.2f\n',jet.beta_in); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % declare full VCOV matrix for random coeffcients, with upper left corner for uncorrleated ones

int1 =0.001*ones(cr_nocov,1); int2 = diag(int1); % submatrix for uncorrelated RC's int3 = zeros(cr_nocov, cr_cov); int4 = [int2 int3]; % creates upper part of full VCOV int5 = zeros(cr_cov, cr_nocov); int6 = 0.001*ones(cr_cov,1); int7 = diag(int6)+0.01 ;% submatrix for correlated coefficients int8 = [int5 int7]; vcov_in = [int4; int8] ;%works fine clear int*; int =(chol(vcov_in)); %upper triangular vcovsend = nonzeros(int); %yields cr_nocov + (cr_cov*(cr_cov+1))/2 column vector with all non-zero elements %of int. collected as if from a lower Chol, row by row S=sparse(int); %stores position of nonzero elements of int - useful to reconstruct it in llf % para_in=[startmean;vcovsend]; para_in=x; % para_in=[x(1:c);x(c+2:end)]; % omit Donner for second series of models % Actual Maximization routine x0 = para_in; options=optimset('LargeScale','off','display','iter','TolFun',0.001,'TolX',0.001,'GradObj ','off',... 'Hessian','off','DerivativeCheck','off'); tic, [x,fval,exitflag,output,grad,hessian]=... fminunc('jetllf_mnlcorrmix',x0,options,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S)... ,time=toc; jet.run_time=time/60; jet.options=options; jet.output=output; jet.fval=fval; jet.exitflag=exitflag; fprintf(fid,'Optimization Options:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Large scale algorithm:\t%s\n',jet.options.LargeScale); fprintf(fid,'User supplied gradient:\t%s\n',jet.options.GradObj); fprintf(fid,'User supplied hessian:\t%s\n',jet.options.Hessian); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on function level:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolFun); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on parameters:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolX); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Optimization Output:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Iterations:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.iterations); fprintf(fid,'Function evaluations:\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.funcCount); fprintf(fid,'Infinity norm of gradient at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.output.firstorderopt); fprintf(fid,'Value of objective function at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.fval); fprintf(fid,'Algorithm:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n',jet.output.algorithm); fprintf(fid,'Exit condition (">0" = convergence):\t\t%1.0f\n',jet.exitflag); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % Conventional Hessian H1=inv(hessian);

d1 = diag(H1); jet.hess = H1; %capture, but don't print results = x; se = sqrt(d1); t_val = results./se; outmat=[x se t_val] ll=length(x); count=[1:100]; jet.out = [count(1:ll);results';se';t_val']; fprintf(fid,'Output table for jetmodel - corrected MNL: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Elapsed time (in minutes):\t%6.2f\n',jet.run_time); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % White-corrected se's L = L_mnlcorrmix(x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); % save for later (Vuong test etc.) G = numgrad('L_mnlcorrmix',x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); int1=H1*G'*G*H1; % H already inverted int2=diag(int1); se=sqrt(int2); jet.out2 = [1:length(x); x'; se'; (x./se)']; fprintf(fid,'White-corrected output for jetmodel: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out2); fprintf(fid,'\n'); save e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshmnlcorrmix40_1000 x X y jet L G H1; clear x jet L G H1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Uncorrected DM model load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdmmix40; clear X y; X =[tc ... % price data(:,19:20) ... % lake restrictions data(:,25) ... % site intercept elev surface]; % lake features y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept

id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations header.model ='Uncorrected DM'; fprintf(fid,'Model:\t%s \n',header.model); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'*******************************************************\n\n'); % Starting values startmean= [.8 -.2 -4 -1.4 -0.8 -0.05 -.05]'; % add starting value for sqrt(alpha) jet.beta_in = startmean; fprintf(fid,'Starting mean vector for coefficients =\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'%6.2f\n',jet.beta_in); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % declare full VCOV matrix for random coeffcients, with upper left corner for uncorrleated ones int1 =0.001*ones(cr_nocov,1); int2 = diag(int1); % submatrix for uncorrelated RC's int3 = zeros(cr_nocov, cr_cov); int4 = [int2 int3]; % creates upper part of full VCOV int5 = zeros(cr_cov, cr_nocov); int6 = 0.001*ones(cr_cov,1); int7 = diag(int6)+0.01 ;% submatrix for correlated coefficients int8 = [int5 int7]; vcov_in = [int4; int8] ;%works fine clear int*; int =(chol(vcov_in)); %upper triangular vcovsend = nonzeros(int); %yields cr_nocov + (cr_cov*(cr_cov+1))/2 column vector with all non-zero elements %of int. collected as if from a lower Chol, row by row S=sparse(int); %stores position of nonzero elements of int - useful to reconstruct it in llf % para_in=[startmean;vcovsend]; para_in=[startmean;0.13; 0.1]; % para_in=[x(1:c);x(c+2:end)]; % omit Donner for second series of models % Actual Maximization routine x0 = para_in; options=optimset('LargeScale','off','display','iter','TolFun',0.001,'TolX',0.001,'GradObj ','off',... 'Hessian','off','DerivativeCheck','off'); tic, [x,fval,exitflag,output,grad,hessian]=... fminunc('jetllf_dmmixfresh',x0,options,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S)... ,time=toc; jet.run_time=time/60; jet.options=options; jet.output=output;

jet.fval=fval; jet.exitflag=exitflag; fprintf(fid,'Optimization Options:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Large scale algorithm:\t%s\n',jet.options.LargeScale); fprintf(fid,'User supplied gradient:\t%s\n',jet.options.GradObj); fprintf(fid,'User supplied hessian:\t%s\n',jet.options.Hessian); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on function level:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolFun); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on parameters:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolX); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Optimization Output:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Iterations:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.iterations); fprintf(fid,'Function evaluations:\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.funcCount); fprintf(fid,'Infinity norm of gradient at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.output.firstorderopt); fprintf(fid,'Value of objective function at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.fval); fprintf(fid,'Algorithm:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n',jet.output.algorithm); fprintf(fid,'Exit condition (">0" = convergence):\t\t%1.0f\n',jet.exitflag); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % Conventional Hessian H1=inv(hessian); d1 = diag(H1); jet.hess = H1; %capture, but don't print results = x; se = sqrt(d1); t_val = results./se; outmat=[x se t_val] ll=length(x); count=[1:100]; jet.out = [count(1:ll);results';se';t_val']; fprintf(fid,'Output table for jetmodel - simple MNL: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Elapsed time (in minutes):\t%6.2f\n',jet.run_time); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % White-corrected se's L = L_dmmix(x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); % save for later (Vuong test etc.) G = numgrad('L_dmmix',x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); int1=H1*G'*G*H1; % H already inverted int2=diag(int1); se=sqrt(int2); jet.out2 = [1:length(x); x'; se'; (x./se)']; fprintf(fid,'White-corrected output for jetmodel: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out2);

fprintf(fid,'\n'); save e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdmmix40_1000 x X y jet L G H1; clear x jet L G H1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Corrected DM model load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdmcorrmix40; clear X y; X =[tc ... % price data(:,19:20) ... % lake restrictions data(:,25) ... % site intercept elev surface]; % lake features y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations header.model ='Corrected DM'; fprintf(fid,'Model:\t%s \n',header.model); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'*******************************************************\n\n'); jet.beta_in = startmean; fprintf(fid,'Starting mean vector for coefficients =\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'%6.2f\n',jet.beta_in); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % para_in=[startmean;vcovsend]; % use same stuff from previous model para_in=[1 -0.1 -2 -2 -0.7 -0.04 0.03 0.1 0.1]'; % para_in=[x(1:c);x(c+2:end)]; % omit Donner for second series of models % Actual Maximization routine x0 = para_in; options=optimset('LargeScale','off','display','iter','TolFun',0.001,'TolX',0.001,'GradObj ','off',... 'Hessian','off','DerivativeCheck','off'); tic, [x,fval,exitflag,output,grad,hessian]=... fminunc('jetllf_dmcorrmixfresh',x0,options,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S)... ,time=toc; jet.run_time=time/60; jet.options=options; jet.output=output; jet.fval=fval; jet.exitflag=exitflag; fprintf(fid,'Optimization Options:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Large scale algorithm:\t%s\n',jet.options.LargeScale);

fprintf(fid,'User supplied gradient:\t%s\n',jet.options.GradObj); fprintf(fid,'User supplied hessian:\t%s\n',jet.options.Hessian); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on function level:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolFun); fprintf(fid,'Termination tolerance on parameters:\t%6.5f\n',jet.options.TolX); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Optimization Output:\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Iterations:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.iterations); fprintf(fid,'Function evaluations:\t\t\t\t\t%6.0f\n',jet.output.funcCount); fprintf(fid,'Infinity norm of gradient at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.output.firstorderopt); fprintf(fid,'Value of objective function at solution:\t\t%6.4f\n',jet.fval); fprintf(fid,'Algorithm:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n',jet.output.algorithm); fprintf(fid,'Exit condition (">0" = convergence):\t\t%1.0f\n',jet.exitflag); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % Conventional Hessian H1=inv(hessian); d1 = diag(H1); jet.hess = H1; %capture, but don't print results = x; se = sqrt(d1); t_val = results./se; outmat=[x se t_val] ll=length(x); count=[1:100]; jet.out = [count(1:ll);results';se';t_val']; fprintf(fid,'Output table for jetmodel - simple MNL: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'Elapsed time (in minutes):\t%6.2f\n',jet.run_time); fprintf(fid,'\n'); % White-corrected se's L = L_dmcorrmix(x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); % save for later (Vuong test etc.) G = numgrad('L_dmcorrmix',x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S); int1=H1*G'*G*H1; % H already inverted int2=diag(int1); se=sqrt(int2); jet.out2 = [1:length(x); x'; se'; (x./se)']; fprintf(fid,'White-corrected output: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'Label\tCoeff.\ts.e.\t\tt-value\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',jet.out2); fprintf(fid,'\n'); save e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdmcorrmix40_1000 x X y jet L G H1; clear x jet L G H1;


st=fclose(fid); if st==0; disp('File closed successfully'); else; warning('Problem with closing file'); end;


% Log-Likelihood Functions for all 4 Models

function [LL_all] = jetllf_mnlmix(x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S) % the incoming order of parameters in x is: % % % % fixed coefficients (alpha=first) uncorrelated RCs correlated RCs Cholesky terms for RCs

% note: The shuffled Halton matrix is arranged in r stacked blocks of id by cr % columns; so the first id rows represent the consecutive list of id % individuals and their associated set of coefficients n = id*d; % total number of observations c = cf+cr; % total number of coefficients cr_nocov = cr-cr_cov; % number of uncorrelated random coefficients b = x(1:c);% vector of coefficient means, including fixed coefficients b_f = x(1:cf);% subvector of fixed coefficients b_r = x(cf+1:cf+cr);% subvector of random coefficients %re-construct chol(vcov_in) based on elements of x A = zeros(cr,cr); int = full(S);%recreates upper cholesky matrix i=find(int>0 | int<0); A(i) = x(c+1:end); % re-creates upper cholesky in relation to x del_sub = A'; %get lower cholesky clear int A; h_mat = h_mat(:,1:cr); % h_mat is now (id x r) by cr p_vec=zeros(id,1); j=1; k=1; for j=1:r % draw betas for given r n_mat = (h_mat(k:j*id,1:cr))'; % cr by id int = repmat(b_r,1,id); % blow up random coeff vector to matrix with same dim. as n_mat br_mat = (int + del_sub*n_mat)';%id by cr clear int; z=ones(d,1); br_mat=kron(br_mat,z); int = repmat(b_f',n,1); b_mat =[int br_mat];% n by c clear int br_mat; % compute choice probabilities for given r p1 = exp(sum(X.*b_mat,2)); % exp(XB) with constant-w/in-individuals beta sets; size n by 1

f=find(isinf(p1)); p1(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p1==0); p1(f)=1.0e-10; int = reshape(p1,d,id); int = sum(int); int = repmat(int,d,1); % blow up to d by t*id p2 = reshape(int,n,1); % stacks everything to be compatible with p1; p = p1./p2; % n by 1 vector of choice probabilities for each person, (day), and site f=find(isinf(p)); p(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p==0); p(f)=1.0e-10; clear p1 p2 int; % Compute LLH component simultaneously for all individuals for given r int1=reshape(y,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int2=reshape(p,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's Y=sum(int1,2); % total number of trips per person, id by 1 p_add = exp(gammaln(Y+1)+sum(int1.*log(int2),2)-sum(gammaln(int1+1),2)); p_vec=p_vec+p_add; % f=find(isinf(p_vec)); % p_vec(f)=1.0e+10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_vec violation'); % end j=j+1; k=k+id; end p_agg = p_vec/r; % get average of simulated probabilities for each person; id by 1 f = find(p_agg==0); p_agg(f)=1.0e-10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_agg violation') % end LL_all = -sum(log(p_agg)); % move on to next set of betas

function [LL_all] = jetllf_mnlcorrmix(x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S) % the incoming order of parameters in x is: % fixed coefficients (alpha=first)

% uncorrelated RCs % correlated RCs % Cholesky terms for RCs % note: The shuffled Halton matrix is arranged in r stacked blocks of id by cr % columns; so the first id rows represent the consecutive list of id % individuals and their associated set of coefficients n = id*d; % total number of observations c = cf+cr; % total number of coefficients cr_nocov = cr-cr_cov; % number of uncorrelated random coefficients b = x(1:c);% vector of coefficient means, including fixed coefficients b_f = x(1:cf);% subvector of fixed coefficients b_r = x(cf+1:cf+cr);% subvector of random coefficients %re-construct chol(vcov_in) based on elements of x A = zeros(cr,cr); int = full(S);%recreates upper cholesky matrix i=find(int>0 | int<0); A(i) = x(c+1:end); % re-creates upper cholesky in relation to x del_sub = A'; %get lower cholesky clear int A; h_mat = h_mat(:,1:cr); % h_mat is now (id x r) by cr p_vec=zeros(id,1); j=1; k=1; for j=1:r % draw betas for given r n_mat = (h_mat(k:j*id,1:cr))'; % cr by id int = repmat(b_r,1,id); % blow up random coeff vector to matrix with same dim. as n_mat br_mat = (int + del_sub*n_mat)';%id by cr clear int; z=ones(d,1); br_mat=kron(br_mat,z); int = repmat(b_f',n,1); b_mat =[int br_mat];% n by c clear int br_mat; % compute choice probabilities for given r p1 = exp(sum(X.*b_mat,2)); % exp(XB) with constant-w/in-individuals beta sets; size n by 1 f=find(isinf(p1)); p1(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p1==0); p1(f)=1.0e-10; int = reshape(p1,d,id); int = sum(int); int = repmat(int,d,1); % blow up to d by t*id p2 = reshape(int,n,1); % stacks everything to be compatible with p1; p = p1./p2; % n by 1 vector of choice probabilities for each person, (day), and site

f=find(isinf(p)); p(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p==0); p(f)=1.0e-10; clear p1 p2 int; % Compute LLH component simultaneously for all individuals for given r int1=reshape(y,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int2=reshape(p,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int3=reshape(s,d,id)'; % site of interview indicator Y=sum(int1,2); % total number of trips per person, id by 1 p_add=exp(gammaln(Y+1)+sum(int1.*log(int2),2)-sum(gammaln(int1+1),2)+ log(sum(int1.*int3,2))... -log(sum(int2.*int3,2))-log(Y)); p_vec=p_vec+p_add; % f=find(isinf(p_vec)); % p_vec(f)=1.0e+10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_vec violation'); % end j=j+1; k=k+id; end p_agg = p_vec/r; % get average of simulated probabilities for each person; id by 1 f = find(p_agg==0); p_agg(f)=1.0e-10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_agg violation') % end LL_all = -sum(log(p_agg)); % move on to next set of betas

function [LL_all] = jetllf_dmmixfresh(x,X,y,h_mat,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S) % this is with fixed alpha, in contrast to jetllf_dm_mix % the incoming order of parameters in x is: % % % % % fixed coefficients, not counting alpha uncorrelated RCs, not counting alpha correlated RCs, not counting alpha mean of log(alpha) Cholesky terms for RCs, not counting alpha

% standard deviation for log(alpha) % note: The shuffled Halton matrix is arranged in r stacked blocks of id by cr+1 % columns; so the first id rows represent the consecutive list of id % individuals and their associated set of coefficients n = id*d; % total number of observations c = cf+cr; % total number of coefficients, excluding alpha cr_nocov = cr-cr_cov; % number of uncorrelated random coefficients b = x(2:c+1);% vector of coefficient means, including fixed coefficients b_f = x(2:cf+1);% subvector of fixed coefficients b_r = x(cf+2:cf+1+cr);% subvector of random coefficients a=1/(x(1)^2); %re-construct chol(vcov_in) based on elements of x A = zeros(cr,cr); int = full(S);%recreates upper cholesky matrix i=find(int>0 | int<0); A(i) = x(c+2:end); % re-creates upper cholesky in relation to x del_sub = A'; %get lower cholesky clear int A; h_mat = h_mat(:,1:cr); p_vec=zeros(id,1); j=1; k=1; for j=1:r % draw betas for given r n_mat = (h_mat(k:j*id,1:cr))'; % cr by id int = repmat(b_r,1,id); % blow up random coeff vector to matrix with same dim. as n_mat br_mat = (int + del_sub*n_mat)';%id by cr clear int; z=ones(d,1); %6 by 1 br_mat=kron(br_mat,z); int = repmat(b_f',n,1); b_mat =[int br_mat];% n by c clear int br_mat; % compute choice probabilities for given r p1 = exp(sum(X.*b_mat,2)); % exp(XB) with constant-w/in-individuals beta sets; size n by 1 f=find(isinf(p1)); p1(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p1==0); p1(f)=1.0e-10; int = reshape(p1,d,id); int = sum(int); int = repmat(int,d,1); % blow up to d by t*id

p2 = reshape(int,n,1); % stacks everything to be compatible with p1; p = p1./p2; % n by 1 vector of choice probabilities for each person, (day), and site clear p1 p2 int; % Compute LLH component simultaneously for all individuals for given r int1=reshape(y,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int2=reshape(p,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's Y=sum(int1,2); % total number of trips per person, id by 1 p_add = exp(gammaln(Y+1)+gammaln(a)-gammaln(Y+a)+sum(gammaln(int1+a*int2),2)... -sum(gammaln(int1+1),2)-sum(gammaln(a*int2),2)); p_vec=p_vec+p_add; f=find(isinf(p_vec)); p_vec(f)=1.0e+10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_vec violation'); % end j=j+1; k=k+id; end p_agg = p_vec/r; % get average of simulated probabilities for each person; id by 1 f = find(p_agg==0); p_agg(f)=1.0e-10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_agg violation') % end LL_all = -sum(log(p_agg)); % move on to next person

function [LL_all] = jetllf_dmcorrmixfresh(x,X,y,h_mat,s,id,d,r,cf,cr,cr_cov,S) % fixed alpha in contrst to original function % the incoming order of parameters in x is: % % % % % % fixed coefficients, not counting alpha uncorrelated RCs, not counting alpha correlated RCs, not counting alpha mean of log(alpha) Cholesky terms for RCs, not counting alpha standard deviation for log(alpha)

% note: The shuffled Halton matrix is arranged in r stacked blocks of id by cr+1 % columns; so the first id rows represent the consecutive list of id % individuals and their associated set of coefficients


n = id*d; % total number of observations c = cf+cr; % total number of coefficients, excluding alpha cr_nocov = cr-cr_cov; % number of uncorrelated random coefficients b = x(2:c+1);% vector of coefficient means, including fixed coefficients b_f = x(2:cf+1);% subvector of fixed coefficients b_r = x(cf+2:cf+1+cr);% subvector of random coefficients a=1/(x(1)^2); %re-construct chol(vcov_in) based on elements of x A = zeros(cr,cr); int = full(S);%recreates upper cholesky matrix i=find(int>0 | int<0); A(i) = x(c+2:end); % re-creates upper cholesky in relation to x del_sub = A'; %get lower cholesky clear int A; h_mat = h_mat(:,1:cr); p_vec=zeros(id,1); j=1; k=1; for j=1:r % draw betas for given r n_mat = (h_mat(k:j*id,1:cr))'; % cr by id int = repmat(b_r,1,id); % blow up random coeff vector to matrix with same dim. as n_mat br_mat = (int + del_sub*n_mat)';%id by cr clear int; z=ones(d,1); %6 by 1 br_mat=kron(br_mat,z); int = repmat(b_f',n,1); b_mat =[int br_mat];% n by c clear int br_mat; % compute choice probabilities for given r p1 = exp(sum(X.*b_mat,2)); % exp(XB) with constant-w/in-individuals beta sets; size n by 1 f=find(isinf(p1)); p1(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p1==0); p1(f)=1.0e-10; int = reshape(p1,d,id); int = sum(int); int = repmat(int,d,1); % blow up to d by t*id p2 = reshape(int,n,1); % stacks everything to be compatible with p1; p = p1./p2; % n by 1 vector of choice probabilities for each person, (day), and site clear p1 p2 int; f=find(isinf(p)); p(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p==0);

p(f)=1.0e-10; clear p1 p2 int; % Compute LLH component simultaneously for all individuals for given r int1=reshape(y,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int2=reshape(p,d,id)'; %id by d like Scott's int3=reshape(s,d,id)'; % site of interview indicator Y=sum(int1,2); % total number of trips per person, id by 1 p_add=exp(gammaln(Y+1)+gammaln(a)-gammaln(Y+a)+sum(gammaln(int1+a*int2),2)... -sum(gammaln(int1+1),2)-sum(gammaln(a*int2),2)+log(sum(int1.*int3,2))... -log(sum(int2.*int3,2))-log(Y)); f=find(isinf(p_add)); p_add(f)=1.0e+10; f=find(p_add==0); p_add(f)=1.0e-10; p_vec=p_vec+p_add; f=find(isinf(p_vec)); p_vec(f)=1.0e+10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_vec violation'); % end j=j+1; k=k+id; end p_agg = p_vec/r; % get average of simulated probabilities for each person; id by 1 f = find(p_agg==0); p_agg(f)=1.0e-10; % if length(f)>0 % error('p_agg violation') % end LL_all = -sum(log(p_agg)); (note: the L_- functions in the main script are identical to the likelihood functions, except for the last line, which reads LL =(log(p_agg)); So the LLHF returns the negative sum of individual LLH elements (since "fminunc" mimimizes functions). The L-function returns the entire n by 1 vector of individual LLH elements

% move on to next set of id elements of h_mat


% Numerical gradient
function[G] = numgrad(FUN,x0,varargin); % PURPOSE: computes numerical Jacobian matrix % % INPUTS: % FUN = Handle or name for function that generates a n x 1 vector of % LLH components % Note: That function is specific to a given application & should be % generated & saved w/in that application % x0 = k x 1 vector of betas % varargin = all inputs needed for evaluating FUN, other than x0 % % % OUTPUT: G = n x k numerical Jacobian % % Written by: % Klaus Moeltner % Department of Applied Economics & Statistics % University of Nevada, Reno % based on GAUSS' "gradp" command L0 = feval(FUN,x0,varargin{:}); % n by 1 n=length(L0); k = length(x0); G=zeros(n,k); % Compute step size (amount of perturbation of x0) ax0 = abs(x0); dax0 = x0./ax0; dh=(1e-8)*max([ax0 1e-2*ones(k,1)]')'.*dax0; % k x 1 xdh = x0+dh; dh = xdh-x0; % apparently increases precision int1 = diag(dh); % k by k square matrix with xdh on diagonal int2 = repmat(x0,1,k); % k by k arg = int2+int1; i=1; for i=1:k; G(:,i)=feval(FUN,arg(:,i),varargin{:}); end int1=repmat(L0,1,k); % n by k int2=repmat(dh',n,1); G = (G-int1)./int2; individual


% Halton Draws
function[h]=halton(n,q); % creates a halton sequence a la Feenberg and Skinner % n= length of sequence % q=prime number phi=zeros(n+11,1); i=1; while i<n+11; i=i+1; y=1/q; x=1-phi(i-1); while x<=(y+1.e-11) y=y/q; end phi(i)=phi(i-1)+(q+1)*y-1; end h=phi(12:n+11); clear i y x phi

% Shuffling of Haltons
function[M]=shuffle(h_mat,n,r,cr) % Program to reshuffle basic matrix of norminv(Halton) a la Train % for simple cross-sectional setup % % % % Inputs: h_mat = (n * r) by cr matrix of norminv(Halton) n = number of individuals r = number of reps cr = number of random coefficients

% Output: a matrix M of exact same dimensions (n*r,cr), but reshuffled such that % first individual gets first row of obs for each vector of repetitions, second indiv gets second % row etc. M = zeros(n,r*cr); i=1; k=1; for i=1:n; int = h_mat(k:i*r,:); %first r rows of h_mat int = reshape(int,1,r*cr);% same as stacking all columns and flipping them into one long row M(i,:)=int; k=k+r; i=i+1;

end M = reshape(M,n*r,cr); % works fine - tested it!! % example original matrix; n=4,r=3,cr=3(number of columns) % 1 101 201 % 2 102 202 % 3 103 203 % 4 104 204 % 5 105 205 % 6 106 206 % 7 107 207 % 8 108 208 % 9 109 209 % 10 110 210 % 11 111 211 % 12 112 212 % after shuffling % 1 101 201 % 4 104 204 % 7 107 207 % 10 110 210 % 2 102 202 % 5 105 205 % 8 108 208 % 11 111 211 % 3 103 203 % 6 106 206 % 9 109 209 % 12 112 212


% Post-Estimation Script
% this script is for Scott's suggested strategy to examine the asymptotic % properties of the differences of means % Open log file [fid]=fopen('e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\logs\welfare_take3.txt','w'); if fid==-1; warning('File could not be opened'); else; disp('File opened successfully'); end; load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\freshdata2; id = max(data(:,1)); % total number of respondents d = max(data(:,2)); % total number of lakes n = id*d; % total number of observations y=data(:,8); s=data(:,14); % lake of intercept site=data(:,2); clear data; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% % sample counts per site %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% f=find(s==1); g=find(s==0); f1=find(site==1); f2=find(site==2); f3=find(site==3); f4=find(site==4); f5=find(site==5); f6=find(site==6); sitef=site(f); f1f=find(sitef==1); f2f=find(sitef==2); f3f=find(sitef==3); f4f=find(sitef==4); f5f=find(sitef==5); f6f=find(sitef==6); siteg f1g = f2g = f3g = f4g = f5g = f6g = = site(g); find(siteg==1); find(siteg==2); find(siteg==3); find(siteg==4); find(siteg==5); find(siteg==6);


load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\postest5; trip51 trip52 trip53 trip54 trip55 trip56 pt51 pt52 pt53 pt54 pt55 pt56 = = = = = = = = = = = = trip1; trip2; trip3; trip4; trip5; trip6;

pt1; pt2; pt3; pt4; pt5; pt6;

clear trip1 trip2 trip3 trip4 trip5 trip6 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6; load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\postest6; trip61 trip62 trip63 trip64 trip65 trip66 pt61 pt62 pt63 pt64 pt65 pt66 = = = = = = = = = = = = trip1; trip2; trip3; trip4; trip5; trip6;

pt1; pt2; pt3; pt4; pt5; pt6;

clear trip1 trip2 trip3 trip4 trip5 trip6 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6; load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\postest7; trip71 trip72 trip73 trip74 trip75 trip76 pt71 pt72 pt73 pt74 pt75 pt76 = = = = = = = = = = = = trip1; trip2; trip3; trip4; trip5; trip6;

pt1; pt2; pt3; pt4; pt5; pt6;

clear trip1 trip2 trip3 trip4 trip5 trip6 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6; load e:\workspace\klaus\lil_tahoe\mlab\worksp\postest8; trip81 trip82 trip83 trip84 trip85 trip86 pt81 pt82 pt83 pt84 pt85 pt86 = = = = = = = = = = = = trip1; trip2; trip3; trip4; trip5; trip6;

pt1; pt2; pt3; pt4; pt5; pt6;

clear trip1 trip2 trip3 trip4 trip5 trip6 pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % trips %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E=cov([trip51 trip61 trip71 trip81]); M=mean([trip51 trip61 trip71 trip81]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D1=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([trip52 trip62 trip72 trip82]); M=mean([trip52 trip62 trip72 trip82]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end);

cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D2=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([trip53 trip63 trip73 trip83]); M=mean([trip53 trip63 trip73 trip83]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D3=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([trip54 trip64 trip74 trip84]); M=mean([trip54 trip64 trip74 trip84]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D4=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([trip55 trip65 trip75 trip85]); M=mean([trip55 trip65 trip75 trip85]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3);

x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D5=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([trip56 trip66 trip76 trip86]); M=mean([trip55 trip65 trip76 trip86]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D6=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; Dtrips=[D1;D2;D3;D4;D5;D6]; Dtrips=[(1:1:6); Dtrips'] fprintf(fid,'trip differences: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'site\td58\t\ts58\t\td68\t\ts68\t\td78\t\ts78\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',Dtrips); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'\n'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % welfare %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E=cov([pt51 pt61 pt71 pt81]); M=mean([pt51 pt61 pt71 pt81]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4);

v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D1=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([pt52 pt62 pt72 pt82]); M=mean([pt52 pt62 pt72 pt82]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D2=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([pt53 pt63 pt73 pt83]); M=mean([pt53 pt63 pt73 pt83]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D3=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78];

E=cov([pt54 pt64 pt74 pt84]); M=mean([pt54 pt64 pt74 pt84]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D4=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([pt55 pt65 pt75 pt85]); M=mean([pt55 pt65 pt75 pt85]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8; d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D5=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; E=cov([pt56 pt66 pt76 pt86]); M=mean([pt56 pt66 pt76 pt86]); x5=M(1); x6=M(2); x7=M(3); x8=M(4); v5=E(1,1); v6=E(2,2); v7=E(3,3); v8=E(4,4); cov58=E(1,end); cov68=E(2,end); cov78=E(3,end); d58=x5-x8; d68=x6-x8;

d78=x7-x8; s58=sqrt((v5+v8-2*cov58)/id); s68=sqrt((v6+v8-2*cov68)/id); s78=sqrt((v7+v8-2*cov78)/id); D6=[d58 s58 d68 s68 d78 s78]; Dpt=[D1;D2;D3;D4;D5;D6]; Dpt=[(1:1:6); Dpt'] fprintf(fid,'welfare differences: \n\n'); fprintf(fid,'site\td58\t\ts58\t\td68\t\ts68\t\td78\t\ts78\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'% 2.0f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\n',Dpt); fprintf(fid,'\n'); fprintf(fid,'\n');

st=fclose(fid); if st==0; disp('File closed successfully'); else; warning('Problem with closing file'); end;

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