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The Covert Use of Weather Modification Technology is Threatening to Destroy Several Cities in the American Midwest

by Jeremy James

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant and surrounding area

Subversive elements within the US military are believed to be using HAARP technology to change or intensify natural weather patterns across the US Midwest. Unprecedented rainfall over a period of months has caused a massive build-up of river water and ground water across several states. This has already caused extensive flooding along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and destroyed several small towns. Dozens of dams along these rivers and their major tributaries are at breaking point. The authorities are withholding information from the mainstream media and severely under-reporting the crisis that is now unfolding. The dams are being allowed to fill to excessive levels of stress and the relief that would normally be effected through managed outflow is not being allowed to occur. If one or two of the larger dams fail, then a vast volume of water will cascade down the river basins and bring down several more dams. Large regions will be devastated and tens of thousands of lives will be lost. Normal commercial activity will come to a halt, major highways will close, electricity will be cut off, clean drinking water will be unavailable, and hundreds of thousands will be made homeless. In short, a major humanitarian disaster. There is every reason to believe that this calamitous series of events is being deliberately orchestrated in order to destabilize the United States and facilitate the imposition of martial law in the areas most affected. There are reports of a build-up of National Guards and military personnel in locations close to the scene of the coming disaster. These will be sent in to restore order and ensure the government remains in control.

The potential flood zone includes a number of nuclear power plants which, if their cooling generators fail, will create an environmental disaster. This has already happened in Fukushima which had generators and an overall design very similar to those in the potential flood zone. The Globalists are both ruthless and cunning. However, in an ambitious plan of this kind, where a number of events must occur in the correct sequence and in the right way in order to achieve the intended effect, there is always the possibility that it will not play out the way they want. They rely heavily on the general lack of awareness of weather modification technology among the public at large. Devices to alter the atmosphere and generate extreme weather conditions, in a controlled and directed way, have been in operation for decades. These are now so reliable that entire regions can be flooded to a depth of several feet while others, not too far away, are devastated by drought. It is the ideal weapon, in a sense, since it creates effects which do not appear to need human intervention. Fort Calhoun nuclear plant near Omaha, Nebraska, has already been inundated by flood water and the continued safe operation of its cooling generators cannot be guaranteed.

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant

On June 26 the flood berm surrounding part of the plant was damaged by some heavy equipment and collapsed. This allowed flood waters into the containment buildings and forced the temporary transfer of power from the external electricity grid to backup electrical generators. More than two feet of water rushed into the building which housed the electrical transformers.

The massive Gavins Point Dam in Nebraska, which lies on the Missouri River, is reported to be under extreme pressure due to the unprecedented swelling of Lewis & Clark Lake. Many other dams are similarly affected.

Gavins Point Dam north of Omaha, Nebraska

Since the American people are not being alerted to this potential catastrophe, they are unable to take the action needed to protect themselves. In particular, they are unable to pray to the LORD to avert it or to mitigate its awful effects. We hope and pray that this dreadful prospect does not come to pass, but if it does we must understand that malign forces were involved. We must realize that the US government does not serve the American people but works in accordance with the agenda set by the ultra-rich elite who control this world. ________________ Jeremy James Ireland 27 June 2011

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