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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Respectable Respectable Honourable : Mr. Budi Utomo The chief of STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan : Mr.

........................ The directur of Lamongan health government

: All the lectures and functionaries of stikes Muhammadiyah lamongan

Unforgotable : All the audience whom i love

First of all, lets pray and thanks unto our God Allah SWT, The lord of the word, the master and creator everything in this universe, who has been giving us some mercies and blessing, so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, my peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the best and the last messenger of Allah who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the jahiliyah era to the islamiyah era namely islamic religion that we love. Thirdly, standing in front of you all, we are Mr. And the mrs. Of ceremony we would like to guide you into this program. The ladies and gentleman, my brothers and sisters. Before we start our program, we would like to let you know our this agenda today. The first agenda is opening The second agenda is speches from some speaker The third agenda is seminar The next agenda is giving door price The last agenda is closing The ladies and gentleman, my brothers and sisters. Before we start our program today, lets open our program by Reciting Basmallah together. Thank you very much. May our program today be able to run well us our wishes. Amiin. The Second agenda is speeches from some speaker. The ladies and gentleman, my brothers and sisters. We come to The third agenda. That is Seminar Nurse and Midwife. Mengenali sejak dini tanda dan gejala lupus eritematosus serta penatalaksanaannya

Azhar_itulah aku

NO Materi 1 Konsep, Tanda, dan gejala SLE 2 Komplikasi SLE terhadap kesehatan reproduksi 3 Asuhan keperawatan terhadap SLE 4 Asuhan kebidanan terhadap SLE

Pemateri Dr. Bambang eko Wahyono Dr. Trimayanti olfa, Sp. Og. Ns. Virgianti nur faridah S.Kep, M.Kes. Faizzatul Ummah SST, M.Kes.

The ladies and gentleman, my brothers and sisters. The fourth agenda is giving door price The last agenda is closing. Now, our program is about to finish. We are Mr. And Mrs. Of ceremony, we would like to say thank you very much four your nice attention and we apologize to you all for any mistakes we made during we guide this program. Lets open our program by reciting hamdalah together. The last we say, wabillahi taufik wal hidayah wal ridho wal inayah Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Azhar_itulah aku

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