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Homeopathy Low blood pressure In this tensed world, tensionless blood (low blood pressure) worries many.

Some react to a tense situation with bouts of anger and some others brood and keep on planning to tackle the situation. The people who burst out usually suffer from high BP and the silent sufferer suffers silently with low BP, i.e., thoughtfulness may be the main reason for the slowing down of pressure as far as I have perceived. Blood vessels which carry blood are elastic in nature - they are free to expand and shrink or collapse readily due to the thin wall and flexible nature according to the flow or pressure of the blood. Contraction of the blood vessel is termed as vasoconstriction and dilatation of the blood vessels is called vasodilatation. Bloodflow rate depends on pressure exerted by vessels (resistance), size and length of the blood vessel, flow direction with gravitational force, viscosity of the blood, etc. But the major factors are ability of distention and capacitance of the blood vessels. Blood pressure is the 'Katradhu Tamizh' Ram's next resistant force faced by Diwali in Suburbs Rajini Still In A Dilemma! the blood against the ? vessel wall (artery or ? vein). Arterial pressure has a more significant value than the venous pump (since it is only a backflow). BP usually varies according to the age, sex, heart functions, density of the blood, etc. BP also indicates the strain of the heart - more the pressure, more strained is the heart. Blood pressure alters depending upon the requirement of oxygen for the body. It is mainly controlled by higher functions of the brain in relation to the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands. The factors which usually trigger change in blood pressure are mind, water balance, sweat, etc. Blood pressure is required for blood to reach the brain or other parts of the body up to the extremities from the base of the heart. It has to travel against the gravitational force to reach the brain. Also, if there is no force, the blood circulation time will be prolonged and it cannot satisfy tissues with its oxygensupply or nutrients. Low pressure also makes the blood vessels more relaxed to accommodate more blood, depriving blood supply to other places further. Normal blood pressure - The maximum pressure (systolic pressure) is attained at the end of contraction of the heart (systole). The minimum pressure (diastolicpressure) is attained at the end of dilatation or relaxation of the heart (diastole). Pulse pressure is the difference of these pressures. It is raised in elderly persons and diseased persons. Optimum BP (expected to be normal) is sketched as 120/80mmHg. But variation is widely accepted depending upon the age, sex, individual, work, sleep, medicines, etc. The exceeded pressure over 140/90mmHg is considered as hypertension or high BP. The lower pressure, below 100/70mmHg, is considered as low BP which is also known as hypotension.

Low blood pressure - is the pressure reading below 100/70mmHg. Usually sportive or strong persons will have strong heart and stable lower pressure than normal (120/80mmHg) i.e., it would be 110/70 or 100/70mmHg but not below that. This lower pressure usually reduces the risk of cardiac or heart problems. This stable pressure also indicates that heart is well trained to withstand any exertion. Even though low BP rarely creates problem, it needs to be taken count of. Low blood pressure sometimes signals rapid deterioration of health. Incidence - Mostly short persons are found to have lower BP than taller persons. Also, sedentary obese patients suffer more commonly from low BP than active lean persons. Women have higher incidence of low BP than men. Also, some family members tend to have low BP without any symptoms. It may be normal for them. Common causes - Researchers have identified lots of causes in correlation with hypotension. They are: y y y y y y y y y y y y Blood - reduced volume, less density, anaemia, blood loss from injury or diseases like cancer and bleeding diathesis Blood vessels - more flexible and relaxed blood vessels, low pumping efficiency of heart, diseases of blood vessels Heart - Hole in heart (patent ductus arteriosis), valve damage or its regurgitation, heart failure, changes in heart rate or rhythm (arrhythmias) Loss of body fluids - due to diarrhoea after food allergy or poisoning, excessive or exhaustive sweating, allergic responses Infections - pancreatitis, peritonitis, pulmonary oedema, septicemia Drugs - medicines used for high BP, diabetes, heart disorders, depression, pain, and sleep can lower the BP. Oral contraceptive pills also tend to lower the BP Hormones - Adrenal insufficiency, pituitary disorders and hypothyroidism Nervous system - stroke, Parkinsonism, autonomic nerves dysfunction Surgery - using anaesthesia during surgery can lower the BP Habits - smoking, alcohol and addiction to drugs; coffee, tea, chips and pickles Temperatures - exposure to extreme temperatures of cold and hot (sunstroke) Mind - thoughtfulness, surcharged emotion, brooding Others - deep sleep, being bedridden, breathlessness, saltless food

Symptoms -It is mostly symptomless, since one gets accustomed to it. But a sudden change in pressure due to change of position or other causes may alarm or alert with symptoms of giddiness or instability. The symptoms of low BP are more or less the same as with high BP - hypertension. They are:       Fainting or reeling sensation or giddiness Low vitality or weakness Lack of concentration and sleepiness Headache and stiff neck Chest pain and palpitation Shortness of breath or breathlessness

Diagnosis - is important to rule out the underlying cause, if any. Even though BP is easily verified with sphygmomanometer, it is better to investigate blood for Tc, Dc, Esr & Hb and

urine for sugar, albumin and deposits and hormones of thyroid, pituatary and adrenals. It is also better to take a chest X-ray and a scan of the abdomen and pelvis. Complications - When the blood pressure is low, there will be inadequate bloodflow causing lack of oxygen to the heart, brain and other organs. This may cause loss of functions. Sudden drop in pressure or further drop in pressure in low pressure patients can make them collapse, thus endangering life. Low diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of dementia in aged persons - Alzheimers disease. Prevention and management - Nutrition and exercise play a major role in regulating blood pressure. So, prevention can easily be attained by the patient by changing ones lifestyle, losing weight, making dietary changes, exercise and reducing stress. Healthy tips are: Dos y y Take y y y y Plenty of juices or water. As the blood pressure falls, heart slows down or vice versa. Water volume can correct it Plenty of vegetables and fruits to energise your body to become active Grains, beans, peas and nuts to boost up blood pressure Non-vegetarian foods like egg, fish, mutton and chicken will also raise the blood pressure. But mind - it is better to have them within limits or otherwise it may increase the cholesterol level and complicate the situation Salt need not be avoided, but it should not be used in excess, since it may hold more water in the tissue spaces Check blood pressure regularly Exercise regularly

Avoid y y y y y y y Smoking, alcohol, coffee and tea Fried items and fast foods Fasting Hot sun and extreme cold weather Vigorous exercises which causes profuse sweating Unnecessary drugs Being overweight

Care while changing Posture - To avoid giddiness or falling and to gain stability in no time, rise slowly from the bed or chair and move about slowly after gaining stability without any tension or fear. Develop these postural changes as habits, so as to avoid a fall. As a general rule y y Eat well, work well and sleep well Be active and be busy

Dont be thoughtful and accumulate stress

Finally, it is well said that spend more money to increase volume of blood than to contaminate it with drugs, i.e. eat and drink well. General treatment - High BP patients are usually managed easily with medicines for life time, but no one prescribes or provides treatment for low blood pressure, unless otherwise it shows symptoms like dizziness, weakness, fatigue or palpitations, since medicines used for increasing BP will create a strain on the heart and cause side-effects. Hypotension is an ongoing process of chronic fatigue. The transient drop or variation in pressure in day-to-day life is widely accepted and can be easily managed with rest and increased fluid intake. But persistent, very low blood pressure can cause brain starvation, so complaints, if any, should be attended with immediate attention at least with temporary management. The goal of the treatment is usually aimed at raising the blood pressure by increasing blood volume, heart rate and treating other causes. Usually in Allopathy, many doctors advice oral rehydration therapy or IV (intravenous) drips to increase blood volume. In case of reduced pulse or heart rate, treatment is concentrated in boosting the heart functions by increasing its rate and efficiency. Homeopathic approach - The most dangerous side-effects of continuous use of other system of medicines makes the sufferer prefer Homeopathic treatment. With its curing effect, Homeopathy can raise the spirit and strength of patients with low BP. Patients are generally pleased with Homeopathic treatment with its simple approach and nil side-effects. Even though the goal of the treatment is to stop the giddiness or fainting or chest pain or palpitation or breathlessness, the underlying disease will be carefully analysed with all its symptoms for relief. As low BP doees not strain the heart like high BP, people tend to be careless about it and skip treatment. Also there wont be any symptom at all, to make them seek treatment. But often, low BP forces the patient to get emergency care. So, proper treatment is necessary to avoid emergency situations. The patient should help himself/herself overcome stress and strain, tormenting anxiety, grief, extreme distress. Homeopathy can also treat these mental symptoms. Homeopathic medicines commonly used in cases of low BP are Acid flour, Adrenalin, Ars alb, Aurum mur, Bartya carb, Bartya mur, Bryonia, Crataegus China, Conium, Ferrum met, Gelsemium, Lycopodium, lycopus, Nat mur, Pulsatilla etc. These medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homoeopath.

High Blood Pressure Overview

The heart pumps blood into the arteries with enough force to push blood to the far reaches of each organ from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure of blood on the walls of the arteries as it circulates through the body. Blood pressure is highest as its leaves the heart through the aorta and gradually decreases as it enters smaller and smaller blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, and capillaries). Blood returns in the veins leading to the heart, aided by gravity and muscle contraction.

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It is known as the "silent killer" since it has no initial symptoms but can lead to long-term disease and complications..

Many people have high blood pressure and don't know it.

Important complications of uncontrolled or poorly treated high blood pressure include heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, peripheral artery disease, and aortic aneurysms (weakening of the wall of the aorta, leading to widening or ballooning of the aorta). Public awareness of these dangers has increased. High blood pressure has become the second most common reason for medical office visits in the United States. How is blood pressure measured? Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers, for example, 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury). Blood pressure measurements are usually taken at the upper arm over the brachial artery.

The top, larger number is called the systolic pressure. This measures the pressure generated when the heart contracts (pumps). It reflects the pressure of the blood against arterial walls. The bottom, smaller number is called the diastolic pressure. This reflects the pressure in the arteries while the heart is filling and resting between heartbeats.

The American Heart Association has recommended guidelines to define normal and high blood pressure.

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Normal blood pressure less than 120/80 Pre-hypertension 120-139/ 80-89 High blood pressure (stage 1) 140-159/90-99 High blood pressure (stage 2) higher than 160/100 As many as 60 million Americans have high blood pressure.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure may be responsible for many cases of death and disability resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. According to research studies, the risk of dying of a heart attack is directly linked to high blood pressure, particularly systolic hypertension. The higher your blood pressure, the higher the risk. Maintaining lifelong control of hypertension decreases the future risk of complications such as heart attack and stroke. %AE%A4%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF/ %E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8A%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 /

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