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Industry Expert Series

7 Proven Ways to
Integrate Social Media on Your Site
By Carri Bugbee
Carr ugbee s a markeLng proessonal o 2O+ vears who dove nLo socal meda headrsL and never looked back. /s a socal meda
marketing strategist, author, educator and speaker, she helps businesses and people navigate their options and incorporate best
pracLces. You can connect with her on all Lhe popular socal neLworks.
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG2 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
The explosve growLh n socal meda markeLng over Lhe pasL ew vears has rendered scores o careullv craLed corporaLe websLes
rrelevanL as markeLng Lools. uL donL Lake our word or L. IusL Google L. /nalvsLs, iournalsLs, bloggers and markeLng LhoughL-leaders
have been sngng Lhs Lune or awhle. Ieremah Owvang sLarLed leadng Lhe chorus back in 2007 when he was aL ForresLer kesearch
|hes now aL /lLmeLer Group). The corporaLe websLe s an unbelevable collecLon o hvperbole, arLcal brandng, and pro-corporaLe
conLenL, he sad. /s a resulL, LrusLed decsons are beng made on oLher locaLons on Lhe nLerneLneLworks, raLng sLes, chaL rooms, and
even blogs.
ThaL mav have seemed lke a radcal noLon aL Lhe Lme, buL now L seems downrghL prescenL. Todav, bg brands boasL 1O-2O mllon
lkers on Lher Facebook pages and -commerce |e-commerce on Facebook) s acLorng heavlv n Lher uLure plans. ComcasL |arguablv)
delvers beLLer cusLomer servce on TwLLer Lhan cusLomers can geL on Lhe phone, leadng Ls CEO Lo proclam L has changed Lhe culLure
o our companv.
YouTube has been Lhe sprngboard or corporaLe crses when
customers or employees have become disgruntled, but it also helped
a geek with a lab coat and a miniscule marketing budget increase
lendLecs sales bv 7OO percenL and land an appearance on The Todav
Show. n acL, vral vdeos can provde such a powerul markeLng
boost, brands were vying Lo hre Ted Wllams, Lhe homeless guv wLh
a golden voce, Lo be Lher nexL announcer. Hs nearlv overnghL gg
or a KraL Mac E Cheese commercal Lurned nLo a eel-good momenL
that landed the brand on the viral video chart.
Obvouslv, socal meda nspres a whole loL more passon and
nLeracLon Lhan Lhe Lvpcal corporaLe websLe. ConnecLed consumers
wanL Lo share Lher opnons, Lhev look Lo rends and subiecL maLLer
experLs or advce, and Lher condence n corporaLe brand-speak s
wav down Lhe lsL.
Ls onlv naLural Lo speculaLe wheLher or noL Lhs s The end o Lhe
desLnaLon Web era as SLeve kubel, a vP aL Edelman Global, dd
noL long ago. /nd n LhaL case, musL markeLers cede a sgncanL parL
o corporaLe brandng, lovalLv and lead-generaLon Lo websLes Lhev
donL own?
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
Corporate websites alive (and necessary), but treading water
/Ler makng sgncanL, on-gong nvesLmenLs n complex |albeL mosLlv Web 1.O-sLvle) sLes or over a decade, mosL companes have no
nLenLon o snkng Lhose even Lhough some are barelv aoaL as useul markeLng Lools. To Lhe conLrarv, recenL research bv /lLmeLer
Group ndcaLes markeLers recognze Lhe quandarv Lhevre n and have placed websLe nLegraLon aL Lhe verv Lop o Lher exLernal socal
meda sLraLeges.
ThaL sad, manv markeLers are noL enLrelv sure how Lo go abouL Lhs. Socal meda
represenLs such a sea change n Lools and meLhodologes, Ls been challengng or
Lhem Lo keep up. n acL, a 2O1O reporL bv Socal Meda Examner ndcaLed LhaL 65
percenL o markeLers have eLher iusL sLarLed or have been usng socal meda or onlv a
ew monLhs.
Throw your website a (social) life preserver
To help brdge Lhe gap beLween corporaLe needs and experLse, ve creaLed a helpul
lsL o Lhe Lop Lps and Lools markeLers and web sLraLegsLs need rghL now. These
sLraLeges should help make vour busness websLe more relevanL, amplv Lhe quanLLv
and qualLv o word-o-mouLh markeLng, buld LrusL and lovalLv, enhance sLckness and
mulLplv conversons. 2O1O Socal Meda MarkeLng ndusLrv keporL bv
Mchael /. SLelzner o Socal Meda Examner
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG/ CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
1. Make it super easy for users to sign on and share content then track those interactions!
/L Ls mosL basc level, socal meda s abouL helpng people Lo creaLe, share
and augmenL dgLal conLenL. FeaLures LhaL enable Lhs process have been
de rgueur n blogs and news sLes or vears, buL Lheres no reason Lhev canL
be emploved on corporaLe websLes as well. voure creaLng conLenL vour
website visitors truly need and want, chances are they know other people
who could use that information and they might share it with them!
For example, vou sell prnLers and relaLed producLs and vou oer a greaL
LuLoral on how Lo creaLe T-shrLs LhaL look proessonallv slk-screened wLh
ron-on Lransers, a craLv Leen mghL love Lo share Lhs Lp wLh her rends.
uL she has Lo copv and pasLe a lnk, voure makng her work Loo hard. Even
if she does, you may have no idea why the link suddenly became popular or
who goL Lhe ball rollng.
To make Lhs asL and easv, allow users Lo logn va currenL socal meda and emal plaLorms and share L Lo Lhose plaLorms wLh iusL a
clck or Lwo. Manv sLes do Lhs wLh Facebook Connect, buL Ianrans research shows people lke Lo logn Lhrough a variety of platforms,
wLh Google edgng ouL Facebook as Lhe mosL popular |Lhough Lhs vares bv busness caLegorv).
When vou look aL Lhe neLworks where people mosL lke Lo share conLenL, Facebook and TwLLer are mosL popular. uL whv lmL people
Lo iusL one? vou wanL Lo puL word-o-mouLh markeLng nLo overdrve, vou should enable sLe vsLors Lo share wLh multiple networks
smulLaneouslv. IusL keep L smple bv gvng Lhem one place Lo do LhaL. /ddng a derenL buLLon or each socal plaLorm wonL
encourage sharng Lo mulLple places, L wll iusL cluLLer up vour sLe.
Socal meda has led Lo socal sharng,
the broadcasting of our thoughts and
acLvLes. Ls noL a ad. Ls a socologcal
phenomenon, acceleraLng aL lghL speed
Knowing what people are buying when,
and how much Lhevre wllng Lo spend s
creaLng a eedng renzv among markeLers
lookng or Lhe rpple eecL
Davd /rmano, SvP aL Edelman DgLal
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG5 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
voure serous abouL Lrackng socal engagemenL rom vour websLe, vou also have Lo geL serous abouL usng sgn-on and sharng Lools
LhaL provde robusL analvLcs. MosL ree Lools canL oer vou LhaL. Lkewse, voull wanL a wav Lo lnk a users derenL socal neLwork
accounts n vour daLabase. MosL people donL Lrack how Lhev have sgned onLo websLes n Lhe pasL, so Lhev wll sgn on n derenL wavs
aL derenL Lmes and LhaLs a good Lhng The daLa voull geL va Google, Facebook, TwLLer, eLc. s all slghLlv derenL, buL vou can
capLure LhaL normaLon and connecL L LogeLher, voull have a poLenL blend o busness nLellgence Lo drve uLure conLenL and producL
decsons. Youll also avod Lhe headaches o creaLng mulLple user proles or Lhe same person.
2. Create content that can (and will) be shared
Youve probablv read conLenL s kng so manv Lmes L makes vour eves glaze over. uL whaL does L reallv mean Lo creaLe conLenL LhaL
people wll wanL Lo share? C.C. Chapman and /nn Handlev oer nsghL n Lher book, Content Rules. Share or solve, donL shll, Lhev
emphasze. Good conLenLshares a resource, solves a problem, helps vour cusLomers do Lher iobs beLLer, mproves Lher lves
Thev also ponL ouL how mporLanL L s Lo Show, donL iusL Lell. Ths underscores Lhe dea LhaL good conLenL snL necessarlv LexL. / charL,
phoLo, dagram or nographc s noL onlv a quck geL or mosL, L can be beLLer or sharng because people can add L Lo Lher own sLes or
blogs iusL remember Lo puL vour logo on L
When L comes Lo onlne vdeo, Lhe sLaLs are noLhng shorL o sLaggerng.
Comscore reported n SepLember 2O1O LhaL usage o lve sLreamng vdeo
had iumped 6OO percenL over Lhe prevous vear. YouTube receved more than
double Lhe quanLLv o vdeos uploaded n November 2O1O |/8 hours per
mnuLe) Lhan L receved n March 2O1O.
Takng all Lhese acLors nLo accounL, Ls noL surprsng LhaL savvv brands
have made Lher websLes look and uncLon more lke meda ouLleLs. ran
Sols, a Lop socal meda blogger and book auLhor |Engage! and Putting the
Public Back in Public Relations) has been champonng Lhs dea or some Lme. n hs posL, Brands Must Become Media to Earn Relevance,
Sols ponLed ouL LhaL brands and organzaLons wll creaLe new or augmenL exsLng roles Lo serve as edLor and publsher Lo all channels
wLh a prmarv obiecLve o ensurng LhaL Lmelv, relevanL, and capLvaLng conLenL s produced, dsLrbuLed, and connecLedas brands, we
become meda.
O course, Ls no small Lask Lo re-magne a large corporaLe websLe |or even parL o L) as a meda channel, so vou mav wanL Lo emplov a
conLenL sLraLegsL Lo lead Lhe charge. /ddLonallv, vour web Leam should be well versed n opLmzng LexL and obiecLs or sharng. You
should know in advance whether the correct thumbnail image or headline will be displayed when someone shares something from your
websLe Lo a socal neLwork. ThaL has Lo become parL o Lhe websLe O/ process.
The one who has Lhe more engagng
conLenL wns, because requenL and
regular contact builds a relationship
Ioe Pulzz co-auLhor o GeL ConLenL,
GeL CusLomers
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG6 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
3. Pull in fresh, up-to-the-minute content by adding feeds
One o Lhe besL wavs Lo socalze vour websLe s Lo pull n eeds o relevanL conLenL rom socal meda plaLorms. Ths could nclude
conversaLons bv vour users, aggregaLed normaLon abouL vour ndusLrv, or conLenL LhaL voure publshng Lo socal meda plaLorms. The
ormer s more socal Lhan Lhe laLLer, buL vour companv s iusL dppng Ls Loes n Lhe socal meda sLream, L mav be hard Lo geL buv-o
on LhaL. LhaLs Lhe case, sLarL wLh a eed o vour own conLenL and mgraLe Lo addng ndusLrv or user-generaLed conLenL aLer corporaLe
leaders eel more comorLable wLh Lhe concepL.
Pullng n TwLLer eeds s easv because Lhere are dozens o wdgeLs desgned Lo do Lhs. However, vou mav wanL Lo lLer Lhese eeds iusL
Lo ensure Lhev are reecLve o vour websLe conLenL. Ths doesnL mean vou canL be LransparenL L iusL means voure gvng people
whaL Lhev need, where Lhev need L.
For example, vour companv regularlv hosLs evenLs real or vrLual vou mghL add a eed Lo vour evenL-relaLed Web pages o iusL Lhe
conversaLons abouL or aL vour evenLs lkelv denoLed bv a hashLag. Lkewse, vou mghL add cusLomer supporL LweeLs Lo producL pages.
Facebook has push and pull uLlLes |or apps) LhaL
wll allow vou Lo publsh lker normaLon on
your website or let website visitors push content to
Facebook. For example, SmplvHred hghlghLs Lhe
companes and cLes where users Facebook rends
work and whaL Lher iob LLles are. Ths s a brllanL
sLraLegv or a iob-posLng sLe. Sephora makes L
possble or Ls websLe vsLors Lo posL a quesLon or
comment to Facebook without navigating away from
You mghL also consder pullng n eeds rom YouTube
or Flckr voud lke Lo hghlghL vdeos and pcLures
uploaded bv ans and cusLomers. Lhnk Lhe nexL wave
of this lies with platforms like Nozzl and SLory that
allow vou Lo creaLe or choose eeds rom a vareLv o socal meda sources. IusL remember, regardless o how or where vou pull a eed
rom, voull probablv wanL lLers |and human bengs) Lo screen L or nappropraLe conLenL beore addng L Lo vour websLe.
4. Enable ratings and reviews on just about anything
kaLngs power word-o-mouLh markeLng lke noLhng else. You alreadv know Lhs. uL manv busnesses onlv applv raLngs Lo e-commerce
sLes. The acL s, vou can use raLngs and revews n leu o |or n addLon Lo) LesLmonals or iusL abouL anvLhng 2 servces, bg-LckeL
Lems, vou name L.
WebsLe vsLors can posL commenLs Lo Lher Facebook proles rom wLhn
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG7 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
You can even ask cusLomers Lo raLe vour onlne conLenL GranLed, Lhs opens up vour companv |and Ls websLe) Lo poLenLal crLcsm,
but it also opens the door to helpful information, sharing and interaction all of which creates the option for people to sign in and share
user daLa. The uLure o markeLng s all abouL daLa, so Ls a smarL sLraLegv Lo creaLe opporLunLes or websLe vsLors Lo sgn n and share
more. Ths wll be parLcularlv helpul vou have account mapping Lo help buld comprehensve proles o users.
Zach Hoer, ForresLer /nalvsL on CusLomer nLellgence, savs LhaL raLngs
and reviews should play a key role in social media strategies and business
developmenL. Ls Lme Lo sLop lookng aL socal meda daLa as an solaLed
seres o channels. SLarL plannng ouL how Lo nLegraLe socal daLa wLh
broader cusLomer daLa, markeLng daLa, and web daLa. vou have raLngs and
reviews on your site, think about what you can achieve by integrating this
daLa wLh oLher publc socal dscusson.
OLhers ponL Lo Lhe acL LhaL raLngs and revews dramaLcallv enhance social
proof. You donL have Lo endorse herd menLalLv Lo recognze Lhe value n
Lhs. IusL look aL L rom a pracLcal sLandponL. evervone wanLs Lo save Lme.
voure researchng an Lem LhaL doesnL represenL a bg nvesLmenL |a par o 20.05 headphones, or example) a cumulaLve raLng o our
ouL o ve sLars s probablv more useul Lo vou Lhan readng 8O producL revews.
5. Give visitors an opportunity to create and curate
Creating voluminous amounts of fresh website content can be challenging for many
busnesses. One soluLon s Lo allow cusLomers Lo creaLe or curaLe normaLon |LexL) or dgLal
asseLs |phoLos or vdeo) and submL LhaL Lo vour websLe.
Known as user-generaLed conLenL |UGC), Lhs sLraLegv overlaps somewhaL wLh mv prevous
recommendaLons snce commenLs, revews and conversaLons are all UGC as well. However,
Lhnk Lheres a derence beLween Lhe conLrbuLon o sgncanL conLenL and Lhe quck, casual
naLure o commenLs and revews.
ncorporaLng UGC could nclude someLhng as smple as askng people Lo upload phoLos o
themselves using your products or as complicated as running a contest for fans to create a
commercal or vour busness. ELher wav, UGC oLen nspres users Lo advertise your site for
you because Lhev wanL Lher neLworks o rends Lo see whaL Lhevve done or made.
The CreaLe E Share Gallery aL s an excellenL example o Lhs, eaLurng Lhe creaLons
o Lego users, voung and old alke. Who wouldnL be amused or nspred bv ndana Iones,
praLe slands or vng machnes bulL rom Legos? For Lhe second vear n a row, Folgers
Companes wLh Lhe hghesL levels
of social media activity on average
increased revenues by 18% in the
last 12 months, while the least active
saw sales drop 6% over LhaL perod.
MedaPosL News
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG8 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
s holdng a well-publczed vdeo ingle conLest n whch Lhe wnner wll be chosen bv a prevous /mercan dol iudge. Even Oprah s
runnng a vdeo conLesL Lo deLermne Lhe nexL break-ouL Lalk-show sLar!
vou donL have Lhe unds Lo execuLe a bg conLesL, Lhere are sLll plenLv o wavs Lo geL UGC on vour sde. Everv vear people upload
mllons o how-Lo vdeos Lo YouTube, vmeo and Lhe lke on everv concevable subiecL rom guLar plavng Lo v shng. /ccordng Lo Pew
kesearch, educaLonal vdeos are Lhe Lhrd mosL popular vdeo Lopc onlne, rghL behnd enLerLanmenL and news.
Tap nLo LhaL desre Lo creaLe and educaLe Fnd vdeos LhaL have alreadv been creaLed abouL vour brand or ask vour ans Lo do LhaL or
vou. You mghL be surprsed aL whaL people are wllng Lo do or recognLon.
Gamng s Lhe mosL popular onlne acLvLv aLer socal neLworkng. Ls no surprse LhaL game mechancs |whch go well bevond conLesLs)
are becomng a popular wav Lo ncrease socal engagemenL on busness websLes.
Mint s one o Lhe bggesL gamcaLon success sLores. v aLLachng scores Lo responsble behavors, MnL ncenLvzed people Lo save
monev and Lransormed personal nance rom a dull Lopc nLo someLhng un. Launched n 2OO7, Lhe companv was acqured bv TurboTax
n 2OO0 or 17O mllon.
Successul Facebook games such as Farmvlle |creaLed bv Zvnga) and Lhe ubquLv o geo-check-n servces such as FourSquare have
nLroduced and popularzed game mechancs or an even wder audence. Now manv busnesses are lookng or wavs Lo add leader
boards, achievement levels, challenges, countdown clocks, points, gifting and progress bars to foster deeper interaction and more time on
sLe. Whle noL all gamng s socal, manv o Lhe mosL popular gamng eaLures or websLes nvolve connecLng or compeLng wLh oLher
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG0 CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
O course, vendors are poppng up Lo help brands hL Lhe bulls-eve o gamcaLon usuallv or a monLhlv ee. Fashon sLarLup, Moxse,
partnered with Badgeville |a socal gamng and analvLcs companv) Lo creaLe a socal e-commerce sLe where websLe vsLors are rewarded
or parLcpaLng n weeklv LweeLchaLs and provdng producL eedback. vsLors can earn monkers such as head buver or celebrLv
buver and wn credLs or merchandse, an nLernshp or even a pad posLon wLh Moxse.
Workng wLh a vendor mav be a good place Lo sLarL snce game mechancs represenL specalzed sklls LhaL mosL corporaLe web Leams
donL have. However, Tm Chang, parLner aL venLure capLal rm NorwesL venLures, warns agansL slappng game eaLures onLo a sLe
wLhouL anv undersLandng o how Lo bake L nLo Lhe ull experence.
ThaL sad, even Lhe DeparLmenL o EducaLon s usng game mechancs Lo encourage educaLon reorm on sLaLe and local levels wLh Ls
Race to the Top conLesL. games can geL polLcans Lo work LogeLher, magne whaL L could do or vour sLe conversons
7. The workhorses of social media blogs, RSS, wikis and forums
There are several useul socal meda plaLorms ddnL cover n-depLh because assume vouve alreadv consdered Lhem. blogs, kSS and
wks. vou havenL, vou mghL wanL Lo sLarL Lhere rsL.
Forums, user groups and chaLrooms have been around snce Lhe earlesL davs o Lhe nLerneL. vou have or can grow a large user base
and have sLa or volunLeers Lo admnsLer and moderaLe a orum, Lhs s a greaL wav Lo generaLe Lons o conLenL and acLvLv. L mghL also
cuL down on vour cusLomer servce cosLs vou can geL Lhe crowd Lo answer cusLomers quesLons.
n a smlar ven, branded socal neLworks mav be perecL or buldng a communLv around vour brand, buL Lhev represenL a huge
nvesLmenL o Lme and resources well bevond Lhe scope o enhancng a busness websLe. Plus, earlv oravs nLo branded corporaLe socal
neLworks were largelv alures because companes ddnL devoLe enough Lo Lhe care and eedng o communLes or had a poor sLraLegv
to begin with
These davs, successul branded socal neLworks arenL ocused prmarlv on producLs or servces. kaLher, brands serve as sponsors
Lo help people pursue passons or advocaLe or causes. Nke+ has hosLed a successful community for several years by helping people
acheve personal Lness goals and supporL rends n reachng Lher goals. Peps keresh has done an amazng iob o buldng and
engagng a communLv bv combnng aspecLs o socal neLworkng wLh gamng and UGC. The keresh EvervLhng website helps arts,
educaLon and communLv proiecLs geL undng bv crowd-sourcng deas or donaLons creaLng a eel-good vbe abouL Peps aL Lhe same

The ship has sailed
/ccordng Lo Charlene Li, author of Open Leadership and Groundswell, Ls Lme Lo ace Lhe acLs socal Lechnologes are no longer brghL
shnv obiecLs LhaL vou can comorLablv gnoreLs easv or cusLomers Lo compare prces and servces, or emplovees Lo share news and
opnonand managers who beleve Lhev can gnore Lhs or worse, Lhnk Lhev can sLop L are, beleve, on Lhe wrong sde o hsLorv.
user management platform for the social web
I/Nk/N NDUSTkY EPEkT SEkES | | 888.56.O82 PG1O CopvrghL 2O11 Ianran nc. /ll rghLs reserved.
agree. vou wanL Lo be compeLLve, vou have Lo use Lhe Lools LhaL wll enhance vour companvs credblLv, help people make decsons
and buld Lrac. uL L wll be an nvesLmenL. vou have a small or medum-szed busness, sLarL bv choosng eaLures LhaL wll be mosL
helpul or vour cusLomers and am or ncremenLal progress. Larger companes should go or a more LransormaLve experence. There are
plenLv o bg brands alreadv dong Lhs and vou donL wanL Lo be Lhe one leL sLandng on Lhe dock.
About Carri Bugbee
Carr ugbee s a markeLng proessonal o 2O+ vears who dove nLo socal meda headrsL and never looked back. /s a
social media marketing strategist, author, educator and speaker, she helps businesses and people navigate their options
and ncorporaLe besL pracLces. You can connect with her on all Lhe popular socal neLworks.
About Janrain
Ianran helps organzaLons succeed on Lhe socal web wLh Ls user managemenL plaLorm. Comprsed o mulLple producLs LhaL can be
used LogeLher or n concerL, Ianran soluLons buld user engagemenL and brand awareness. Ianran Engage provdes socal logn and socal
sharng Lo enable a user Lo logn wLh an exsLng accounL on Facebook, TwLLer, Lnkedn or 15 oLher neLworks, as well as share acLvLes
rom Lhe sLe Lo Lher socal neLworks. Ianran CapLure s a Lurnkev regsLraLon and socal daLa sLorage soluLon. Ianran FederaLe provdes
sngle sgn-on uncLonalLv Lo exLend a brands onlne ecosvsLem. Ianran cusLomers nclude ndusLrv leaders such as Unversal Musc
Group, MTv NeLworks, Kodak, NPk, Trbune nLeracLve, Sears and CLvsearch. Founded n 2OO5, Ianran s based n PorLland, Oregon. For
more normaLon, please call 1-888-56-O82, or vsL

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