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of fully consecrated Christians ever held on earth was that of the International Bible Students Association at Cedar Point, Ohio, September 5-13, inclusive. F r o m all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe the delegates came, to the number of 10,000 and more. On Sunday afternoon, September 10, when Judge Rutherford, President of the Association, delivered his world-famous address, " M i l l i o n s N o w L i v i n g Will F e v e r Die," between 18,000 and 20,000 were in the assembly. So great was the multitude that it was necessary to h o l d the meeting out of doors, but by the use of a Magnavox every one could hear distinctly the sneaker s words. Since the Paris peace conference convened, the leaders of the world have attempted to establish peace and prosperity on earth by national treaties. It is admitted by a l l , and is well i l lustrated by the accompanying cartoon published in the New Y o r k American, that these efforts have borne little i f any fruit. T h e Bible .Students hold that the reason for this failure is that the old world or order of things has come to an end, that the new is beginning. They hold that the nation of Israel was a typical nation and that God's dealings with that people foreshadowed what would transpire with reference to the nations of "Christendom"; hence that the prophecies then addressed to Israel have a broader fulfillment now upon the nations of earth which call themselves Christian.
"FOR forty years, and more before the





Adopted by International Bible Student* Association at Cedar Point, September 10, 1922 The International Bible Students in convention assembled deem it a duty and privilege to send this menage to the nations of earth. As a body of Christians consecrated to obey and follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are opposed to engaging in war, revolution, anarchy, or violence in any form; and we are opposed to fraud and deception being practiced upon the people by the misrepresentation of the Word of God or otherwise. We earnestly desire peace, prosperity and the blessing of the people with life, liberty and happiness, and we hold that the only means by which this can be accomplished is by and through tne reign of Christ. In the light of the Word of God, and particularly of fulfilled prophecy, we submit the following as a true statement of the facts relating to present comlitmno. T H E HELPLESS RULER O E E U R O P E
present c o n d i t i o n s : 1 T h a t the rulers of earth have frequently boasted that the World W a r was fought to make the world safe for democracy, which claim has proven to be a delusion and a snare; 2. T h a t the International conferences at Paris, Washington, Genoa and The Hague, participated In by the financiers and statesmen and approved by the denominational clergy of the world, held for the purpose, a y announced, of establishing ponce on earth, have failed to bring forth the desired results; 3. T h a t all of the nations of earth are now In distress and perplexity, as the Lord foretold they would be at this time, and that the entire social and political structure Is threatened with complete dissolution; and the lending statesmen and rulers of the earth being aware of this fact and of their Inability to establish peace and prosperity are frantically calling upon the denominational churches to save the world from disaster; 4. T h a t it Is the desire of all nations and peoples of earth that they might dwell In peace and enjoy life, liberty and happiness; 5. T h a t the people are being misled by those who are attempting to bring about this desire through International conferences and agreoments In the form of the League of Nations and like compacts. W e therefore call upon all the nations of earth, their rulers and leaders, and upon a l l the clergymen of a l l the denominational churches of earth, their followers and allies, big business and big politicians, to bring forth their proof in Justification of the position taken by them that they can establish peace aud prosperity on earth and bring happiness to the people; and their falling In this, we call upon them to give ear to the testimony that we offer as witnesses for the Lord, and then let them say whether or not o u r tesTimony is t r u e B e l y i n g upon the W o r d of God and H i s providential dealings with mankind through Christ Jesus, we as H i s witnesses hold a n d testify as follows, to w i t : In 1. T h a t the World W a r came In 1914 and was followed by great f a m i n e , various parts of the earth exactly as foretold by the L o r d ; pestilences and rightful revolutions


World War the Bible Students, under the leadership of Pastor Russell, predicted that 1914 would mark the beginning of world trouble. Their predictions came true, as the facta now fully show. The Bible Students hold and teach that the Lord's kingdom for which Christians have been praying for nineteen hundred years is at hand, and that the Lord Jesus, invisible to man, is now present and beginning His reign, that the nations-are now dashing themselves to pieces to make way for the righteous reign of Messiah, and that His reign will bring the desire of all nations, namely, peace 'on earth, good will to men, life, liberty, and happiness. Members of the Bible Students Association have been unusually active during the past few months in delivering this message of good news concerning Messiah's kingdom. A book on the same subject, "Millions NQW Living Will Never Die," by Judge Rutherford, to the number of several million copies, has been placed in the hands of the people. A t the conclusion of Judge Rutherford's address at Cedar Point on Sunday afternoon, he read and moved the adoption of a resolution set forth in full below. The resolution was received with tremendous applause; and when the vote was token every person in the vast audience arose amidst a shout of -ayes," unanimously adopting the resolution. Both the resolution and 9 address put the enuarclv before the peoples ot tnTe^rth and will he read with keenest J P * s t by all thinking paapfc v-qi pav to take the time to careful v Ttudvhoth in the light of present-day event*. Both the resolution and the address follow:
F r o m Thm Goldea

2. That 1914 marked the legal ending of the old world and there Christ the H i m s e l f H i s power as K i n g ;

K i n g took unto

3. T h a t the L o r d Jesus Christ Is now present invisible to m a n , and proceeding with the work of establishing H i s kingdom, for which kingdom H e taught H i s followers to p r a y 4. T h a t Satan, long the god of this world, has deceived the statesmen, financiers and the clergy, by inducing them to believe that by international agreement or other combined efforts they can bring the desire of all nations; 5. T h a t a l l of the world's present organization constitutes the visible part of Satan's empire or organization, and that Satan's empire must now fall before the forward march of the K i n g of glory; 6. T h a t all international conferences and all agreements or treaties resulting therefrom. Including the League o f Nations compact and all like compacts, must fall, because God has decreed It thus; 7. T h a t all efforts of the denominational church organizations, their clergy, their leaders and their allies, to save and re-establish the order of things In the earth and to bring pence and prosperity must o f necessity fall, because they do not constitute any part of the kingdom of Messiah; 8. T h a t on the contrary, during the World W a r the were disloyal to the L o r d Jesus Christ In this, that they politicians to further the W o r l d W a r ; they preached men told them that their death upon the battle-field would be of Jesus C h r i s t ; clergy of these various church denominations wrongfully united with big business and big Into the trenches and falsely and blasphemously counted as a part of the vicarious atonement

9. T h a t they further repudiated the L o r d a n d H i s kingdom and showed their disloyalty by voluntarily uniting themselves with Satan's organization and boldly announcing to the world that the League of Nations Is the political expression of God's kingdom on earth, which announcement so made by them was In utter disregard of%the words of Jesus and the apostles. 10. We further and Invisible; hold and testify that tills Is the day of God's vengeance against Satan's empire visible

11. T h a t the re-establishment of the old world or order Is an impossibility; that the time Is here for the establishment of the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus; and that nil the powers and organizations that do not willingly submit to the righteous reign o f the Lord will be destroyed; 12. T h a t If the politicians would faithfully represent the people, and big business would cease exploiting the people, and the clergy would tell the people the truth c o n c e r n i n g God's arrangement and the people would cense from strife, the kingdom of Messiah would be established by H i m without further trouble or distress: but fulling thus to do. greater trouble must shortly follow: 13. T h a t for this reason there is now impending and about to fall upon the nations of the earth according to the words of Christ Jesus, a great time of "tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time. no. nor ever shall be a g a i n " ; a n d i t Is this Impending trouble that the rulers and mighty men of earth see coming. But those peace, Bible, t o wit who we h o l d aud yield and wfll declare bring that M e d i a n ' s o n earth kingdom good i the complete men the panacea desire _ of earth God's message of good tidings for of all he ills of hat humankind peace and will to all nations; . , . in the

themselves brimr of to

w i l l i n g l y to happiness. peoples we the

H i s righteous

reign now begun

w i l l be blessed

with lasting

l i f e , l i b e r t y a n d endless we His Ward truth, and



p u b l i s h to t h e m

H i s message o f peace a n d everlasting salvation, has begun T H i s reign; and is ^ T I ^

that the K i n e - of

G l o r r , t h e D e l i v e r e r o f m a n . is i p v i s i b l v present tad ended

make way for the everlastine- kingdom of riffhtpousness now being set up, and that millions of people now living on earth, if obedient to the laws of that righteous kingdom, will continue to live and n e w d i > : and v* pall nnon al! nation* r>WuR. kfndreds n r d tongues who love righteousness and hate inifmity to recognize and freolv ae^nowlpdire that Jehovah is the only true God and His beloved Son Christ Jesus is the ing of kings and Lord of lords. As*.
Brooklyn, S . Fdlbbid

t h a t t h e old w o r l d , u n d e r flic c o n t r o l of S a t n p . has

.Terr t h


Bub.crlptlou f l . 0 0

Entered as second class matter at Brooklyn, NY. V., under the A r t of M a r c h 3 , l 8 7 9 . ..


Excerpts f r o m J u d g e R u t h e r f o r d ' s L e c t u r e
appointed of G o d f o r tho fulfillment o f such prophecy. from the days o f A b r a h a m d e v o u t people h a v e l o o k e d f o r Advocates of the Worltl W a r chilmcd the c o m i n g o f t h e M e s s i a n i c k i n g d o m . t h e w a r wits fomcht to u i n k i ' t h e w o r l d F r o m t h e t i m e o f J e s u s ' first a d v e n t safe f o r democrucy. Klght years havo C h r i s t i a n s have p r a y e d a n d hoped f o r passed since then, n n d d e m o c r a c y i s In g r e a t e r p e r i l t l i u u lu'fore t h e w a r . the c o m i n g o f h i s k i n g d o m . S o s t r o n g l y T h e W o r l d W a r r e s u l t e d In I n c r e a s e d w a s t h i s I m p r e s s e d u p o n t h e m i n d s o f bis disciples that amongst t h e last s o r r o w s a n d h a r d e n s to m a n k i n d . T h e t h i n g s t h e y a s k e d him w a s t h e q u e s P u r l s conference w a s held to devise tion : " M a s t e r , tell u s , w h a t shall be w a y s a n d m e a n s to p r e v e n t a n o t h e r l i k e the proof o f t h y presence a n d the e n d catastropheT h e League of Nations of the w o r l d ? " H e answered them, w a s t h e f r u i t o f t h a t effort, w h i c h and h i s answer w a s couched i n proleague w a s h a i l e d a s t h e l i b e r a t o r o f phetic phrase. T h e prophecy then man and t h e s a v i o r o f t h e w o r l d . I t uttered b y h i m Is n o w fulfilled o r has been a s i g n a l failure. is i n course o f fulfillment Briefly T h e Washington disarmament c o n f e r summed u p h i s answer w a s that a t ence, participated i n b y t h e s a m e p o w e r s t h a t t i m e t h e r e w i l l be a w o r l d w a r , and p e o p l e , brought f o r t h a t r e a t y f a m i n e , p e s t i l e n c e and r e v o l u t i o n s In which I t w a s claimed w o u l d establish divers parts o f t h e e a r t h , a n d these p e a c e and prosperity. T h e effort h a s things shall constitute the beginning been abortive; t h e t r e a t y a failure. of t h e s o r r o w s upon t h e peoples a n d The Genoa conference o f t h e same nations. powers a n d p e o p l e m a d e another d e s F o r m o r e t h a n f o r t y years B i b l e perate e f f o r t t o s o l v e t h e p e r p l e x i n g Students have called attention t o the situation. T h e B r i t i s h premier there f a c t t h a t 1014 w o u l d m a r k t h e b e g i n exclaimed: " W e must realize that n i n g o f earth's trouble. W h y ? Because Europe Is n o t I n g o o d f o r m . Unless that date m a r k e d the end o f the gentile this conference s u c c e e d s i n a r r a n g i n g times. T h e period o f t h e gentiles a pact of p e a c e , a g a i n E u r o p e w i l l began i n t h e y e a r 000 B . C . , a n d a c c o r d welter In blood." It i s a d m i t t e d t h a t i n g t o G o d ' s W o r d w a s t o continue f o r the Genoa conference accomplished 2 3 2 0 y e a r s ; t h e r e f o r e It m u s t end i n nothing. 1914. D u r i n g t h e g e n t i l e times the T h e n followed the H a g u e c o n f e r e n c e n a t i o n s o f earth h a v e been under the w i t h the same avowed purpose; a n d domination o f Satan as the g o d o f It has brought forth w i n d . this world. H a v i n g the human race A n d now the powers that be, i n desunder his dominion, he would n o t peration, call upon the C h u r c h o f Rome willingly surrender unto the M e s s i a h ; and her daughters, the other denominhence as Jesus foretold, when the time ational churches, to save t h e w o r l d would come f o r this reign the nations from impending disaster. T h e y also would become angry a n d God's w r a t h must fail. would come. T h i s prophecy h a s been W h y do a l l these efforts o f m a n t o fulfilled. establish peace a n d to patch u p t h e old order of things f a l l ? A voice f r o m Doctrines o f the K i n g d o m the past, the voice of G o d speaking B r i e f l y stated, the great fundamental through his prophets, sounds o u t t h e doctrines that have always been taught answer clear a n d s t r o n g : ' T h e w o r l d by sincere C h r i s t i a n s a r e these: has ended; Sutan's empire Is u n d e r judgment; this is the d a y o f G o d ' s vengeance; the kingdom o f heaven is at h a n d " ; hence the old order must go. God foreknew that the n o m i n a l churches through the faithless clergy would make an unlawful alliance w i t h Satan's earthly representatives, to w i t , big business and b i g politicians. l i e foreknew that they would disregard the kingdom of heaven for which they were taught to pray and that they would attempt to bring forth Satan's substitute f o r that k i n g d o m ; hence he caused his prophet to write these words of a clear w a r n i n g which apply a n d are fulfilled at this t i m e : "Associate yourselves, O ye people and y e s h a l l be broken In pieces; and give ear, a l l ye of f a r countries: gird yourselves, and y e shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and y e shall be broken i n pieces-. T a k e counsel together, a n d It shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand."Isaiah 8 : 9 , 1 0 . W i t h the whole world reeling to a n d fro like a drunken man, i s it not time for sober-minded persons to pause a n d inquire the reason w h y and to ascertain i f there Is a remedy for tliia present condition o f distress and perplexity? O f whom shall we Inquire? you m a y ask. I answer. L e t the people inquire o f the L o r d through h i s inspired prophets as recorded i n h i s W o r d t h e Bible. Prophecy means that are to happen. do hnppen In exact words of prophecy sure that we have T h a t the first man was created perfect, but because o f s i n he fell a n d was sentenced to d i e ; that while undergoing this sentence h i s children were b o r n ; that without redemption death must be the end of a l l because a l l a r e imperfect a n d therefore born s i n n e r s : that God i n h i s loving kindness promised redemption o f t h e human race, saying through his prophet: " I w i l l redeem them from d e a t h ; I w i l l purchase them from the power o f t h e grave." (Hosea 1 3 : 1 4 ) T h r o u g h Moses G o d promised to raise up a mighty one o f whom Moses was a type, which mighty one should deliver the nations and peoples o f earth from Satan, sin and death. Such deliverer is the L o r d Jesus coming in his glory. Jesus came in the flesh a n d taught concerning the divine plan. H e must die In order to become the Redeemer of mankind a n d then arise from the dead a divine creature. H e died upon t h e cross. God raised h i m up. a n d he ascended Into heaven. H e promised to return a n d to set up h i s kingdom o f righteousness and through that kingdom to bless a l l the families o f earth. Previously Jehovah had promised A b r a h a m : " I n thy seed a l l the families of the earth shall be blessed." Christ, the Messiah is that seed. T h e church, the glorified members o f h i s body, a r e to be associated with h i m . MILLIONS N O W LIVING NEVER DIE WILL Haggal 2 : 7 . Jesus, speaking of this great time of trouble, s a y s : " E x c e p t those days Satan now attempts to reform his should^ be shortened, there should no own kingdom and deceives the rulers flesh be s a v e d ; but for the elect's sake of earth, by bringing forth a counterfeit of the Messianic kingdom and those days shall be shortened." T h e culling it the association or League of conclusion must be d r a w n , then, that the Nations of earth to control manmany human beings will be saved a n d kind. Since the time Is here for the pass through the trouble. T h i s is corestablishment of the Lord's kingdom, roborated by the prophet Z e c h a r i a h , then a l l efforts of Satan and his agents who says that many w i l l be brought to establish the o l d order o f necessity through the trouble a n d participate in must faiL T h e L o r d ' s kingdom now the blessings that the L o r d has In must be established. If the nations o f store for the obedient ones. earth would peaceably surrender a n d S t P a u l states that the purpose of render obedience to the L o r d , the k i n g the coming of the L o r d a n d his kingdom dom would be established without t r o u is to t r y a n d to Judge the l i v i n g a n d the ble. I f not, then trouble must follow dead. It follows, then, that there w i l l to oust Satan a n d the unrighteousness be many l i v i n g at the beginning o f h i s of earth. judgment a n d that the obedient ones w i l l continue to live. It Is admitted that politicians, finanT h e apostle Peter says that It w i l l ciers and the combined eccleslasticism be a time of refreshing, a time of of earth have failed to establish the desire of nations. W h y , then, do not restoration of a l l things which G o d has spoken by the mouth o f a l l his holy those who claim to follow and represent prophets since the world began. (Acts the L o r d take heed t o h i s W o r d a n d 3:19-24) T h e establishment of the join with us i n telling the people what Messianic kingdom means the beginhis W o r d teaches concerning the blessn i n g of the golden age f o r which Chrisings through the Messianic kingdom? Because of their failure thus to do a n d tians have hoped a n d prayed f o r centuries. It is the time spoken o f by the because of uniting h i the unholy a l prophet, i n which he s a y s : " W h e n the liance with others of Satan's agencies, wicked man tu'rneth away from his the great conflict must follow. It is wickedness that he hath committed, inevitable. a n d doeth that which is lawful and Armageddon right, he shall save h i s soul alive, he Satan's organization composed of b i g shall surely live, he shall not d i e . " business, b i g politicians and big preach( E z e k l e l 18:27,28) I t is that time ers Is bad enough. B u t a wild, senseto which Jesus referred when he s a i d : less mob, without sense o f justice a n d " I f a man keep m y saying, he shall bereft o f reason, i s a thousand times never see d e a t h " ; " a n d whosoever worse. Such now menaces a l l n a t i o n s liveth a n d belleveth In me shall never T h e nations and peoples of earth a r e d i e " J o h n 8 : 5 1 ; 11:28. rapidly approaching a great cataclysm. T h e great dark night that just now Pictured from the prophetic words o f precedes this e r a o f wonderful blessing the L o r d , I see a mighty upheaval, a seems necessary to turn the hearts of veritable avalanche of blood and fire, the people to the L o r d . Those doing so starting In Russia a n d sweeping over w i l l be restored to fullness of health the earth. It is fed by greed, selfishand strength o f body a n d mind and ness, hatred a n d malice. It was prow i l l dwell on the earth forever. voked by the profiteers who have exT h e Bible, then, shows that the ploited a n d robbed the people; by the policians who have misrepresented the people; and by the preachers who have deceived a n d misled the people, a l l directed a n d operated by the d e v i l s mastermind. N o w Satan a n d the loosened demons have also seized the minds o f the radical element of humanity a n d they a r e going to extremes. Unless divine power Intervenes, the result w i l l be too terrible for description i n human words. T h e r e is a great conflict between labor on the one side a n d capital on the other. T h e r e Is wrong upon both sides a n d both must a n d w i l l fall In their efforts to overcome a n d crush each other. T h e r e Is now only one possible t h i n g that could avert t h i s great Armageddon, and this, as suggested by the prophet Jeremiah, Is, that i f the profiteers would cease exploiting a n d robbing the people; i f the politicians would honestly represent the people; i f the preachers would divorce themselves from t h e unholy alliance and preach the truth o f God's W o r d ; a n d i f the people would become c a l m a n d quiet and sanely turn their minds to the L o r d ' s W o r d a n d follow h i s direction, then the kingdom would be established without further difficulty. (They w i l l not do i t
rrm^rly f n r th* ills o f the h i m m m i on

now present is ousting S a t a n ; hence the war and other troubles that have followed, us our L o r d himself foretold.


of nil nations



Is the kingdom o f Messiah, which i at t h e d o o r ; that there Is no other remedy. T h e time has come when th people must know that Jehovah Is << ; a n d that Jesus C h r i s t i s the K i n g or kings a n d L o r d of lords. T h e L o r d will now have a people h i the earth :.witnesses f o r h i m , that h i s purposes m a y be carried o u t ; a n d he commands that " t h i s gospel [good news, to make glad the sad ones] of the kingdom shall be preached i n a l l the world f o r a witness unto a l l nations, a n d then shall the end come." L e t a l l Christians who love the L o r d and love righteousness, a n d who have prayed f o r the coming of h i s kingdom, now participate h i spreading the glad tidings that the L o r d Jesus is present; that the present trouble i s the forerunner of blessings; a n d that the time f o r the blessing of the people with life, liberty and happiness is here. Therefore with confidence It Is announced that millions now living w i l l never d i e Speaking of these, God's prophet s a y s : " T h e n G o d Is gracious unto man and says, Deliver h i m from going down Into the g r a v e H i s flesh shall become fresher than a child's, a n d he shall return to the days Of h i s y o u t h . " J o b 3 3 : 2 4 , 2 5 . L e t those w h o a r e s a d of heart look u p a n d rejoice T h e d a r k night of trouble w i l l soon be past; a n d soon the peoples of earth, under the righteous reign of Messiah, w i l l enjoy peace, liberty, prosperity a n d life everlasting

foretelling events The Trouble T h e 11.-MM'? Solution W h e n those events Before this promised blessing c a n conformity to the come there must be a K i n g and he T h e happy solution Is Indicated by then we may be must be present. Satan must be ousted the L o r d ' s W o r d through his prophet: reached the time from bis power. T h e K i n g o f glory "1 will shake a l l nations, und then the

A detailed and Scriptural explanation a t o the cause of the World War. famines, pestilence, revolution, MILLIONS




of nations,

and what shall speedily follow, made in the following publications: NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE
Rutherford's A Look o f 128 pages; a complete report o f J u d g e lecture, with over 400 S c r i p t u r a l proofs, 20c.

A book o f 128 pages exposing the fallacy of s p i r i t i s m a n d d e m o n i s m ; a real protection f o r every one In this hour of stress; paper covers, 2 5 e



'A book planing the ten fundamental ment twelve

bound In cloth, exdoctrines of the Bible and t h e

T h e first explanation o f the prophecy o f E z e k i e l a n d the Revelation ever published; a great eye-opener for Bible students; explains w h y the nominal church h a s f a i l e d : a book o f 000 pages, bound i n cloth, 55c.

o f 384 pages, handsomely


Pastor Russell's

reason w h y prophecy Is now being fulfilled; a complete stateo f how the peoples lessons, C 3 e will get life everlasting, pence, with and happiness; together with a course o f Bible study

A complete library of Bible s t u d y ; life works In seven volumes. S3 70.




Address and

76c . m V< nit by postal money order to I N T E R N A T I O N A L B I B L E S T U D E N T S A S S O C I A T I O N , Brooklyn, New York, U . S. A .

"Mllions N o w Living Will N E V E R D i e " "Can T H E Living T A L K W I T H T H E DEAD?" a n d " T H E F IiN'IiS H E D i uY S T E u i ,, " ( C l i i 'tih bound) a ll l lf o r M i s n . RT o ii i m i i i i i i i ti l U i J i . nm.u (>

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