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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview teachers notes

Description Students take part in a milling activity to find information about Paper 2 (the Writing Paper) and fill in a table. Time required: 20 minutes Materials required: Students Worksheet 1 (one copy for each student) Students Worksheet 2 (copied and cut up see Procedure below) Aims: to introduce students to the requirements of the First for Schools Writing Paper Procedure 1. Before this activity, make enough copies of Students Worksheet 2 for students to be able to read the information easily. Cut the copies into 3 boxes. Stick or pin the boxes on the classroom walls. 2. Divide the class into two groups, and divide the board into two halves. Ask for one volunteer from each group to come up to write on the board. Ask group 1 to call out the different things they have to write for their school work, in their own language or in English (for example, essays, recounts of experiments, etc). Ask group 2 to call out the different things they write at home or for activities out of school, in their own language or in English (for example, emails, notes, etc). As they call out their ideas, the students at the board should write them down. Allow about 2 minutes for this. 3. Go through some of the ideas that students have given and elicit which ones they enjoy most. Establish as well some of the different people they write to. If possible, highlight a range of different text types and registers. 4. Elicit what kind of texts students think they may have to write in the First for Schools Writing paper, Paper 2. 5. Tell the students that they are going to read some information about the Writing Paper of First for Schools, Paper 2. This information is in three parts, on the walls of the classroom. 6. Put students into groups of 3. Give out Students Worksheet 1. Explain that students must use the information in the paragraphs on the walls to fill in the missing information in the table. Label each student in the groups A, B or C. One of the students (e.g. A) gets up and finds the relevant text (i.e. A). Only they can read this text, and they cannot take the text off the wall or call out answers across the classroom. They should find the relevant missing information, go back to their group and tell one of the other students what to write in the table. (Students can be either a reader or a writer at any one time: they cannot read a text, sit down and write the information themselves.) Repeat with the other texts (the texts can be read in any order).
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview teachers notes Page 1 of 6

7. When the first group finishes, they should call out Stop! Check answers with the whole class (see Key below). 8. Discuss students reactions to what they have found out about the Writing paper: Which part of the Writing Paper will you find easier: Part 1 or Part 2? Which kinds of text will you find easy/difficult to write? What do you think will be most difficult about the Writing Paper? How can you improve your writing in English? (Point out that writing skills can benefit from both reading and writing as much as possible in English. Contributing to a forum or a social networking websites in English can help as much as writing essays for the teacher.) Additional information

Set text question (Part 2, question 5) This is based on a book, but students can also answer this question if they have seen the film but not read the book. Although it is not obligatory for students to study the book or watch the film in class, it is important for them to know that they are expected to base their answer on the actual book or film. If they attempt the question with no knowledge of the book or the film, they may write answers which are not relevant, and therefore lose marks. The assessment criteria are as follows: General Impression Mark Scheme *Candidates who do not address all the content points will be penalised for dealing inadequately with the requirements of the task. Candidates who fully satisfy the Band 3 descriptor will demonstrate an adequate performance in writing at Cambridge English: First for Schools level. Band 5 For a Band 5 to be awarded, the candidates writing fully achieves the desired effect on the target reader. All the content points required in the task are included* and expanded appropriately. Ideas are organised effectively, with the use of a variety of linking devices and a wide range of structure and vocabulary. The language is well developed, and any errors that do occur are minimal and perhaps due to ambitious attempts at more complex language. Register and format which is consistently appropriate to the purpose of the task and the audience is used. Band 4 For a Band 4 to be awarded, the candidates writing achieves the desired effect on the target reader. All the content points required in the task are included*. Ideas are clearly organised, with the use of suitable linking devices and a good range of structure and vocabulary. Generally, the language is accurate, and any errors that do occur are mainly due to attempts
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview teachers notes Page 2 of 6

at more complex language. Register and format which is, on the whole, appropriate to the purpose of the task and the audience is used. Band 3 For a B and 3 to be awarded, the candidates writing, on the whole, achieves the desired effect on the target reader. All the content points required in the task are included*. Ideas are organised adequately, with the use of simple linking devices and an adequate range of structure and vocabulary. A number of errors may be present, but they do not impede communication. A reasonable, if not always successful, attempt is made at register and format which is appropriate to the purpose of the task and the audience. Band 2 For a Band 2 to be awarded, the candidates writing does not clearly communicate the message to the target reader. Some content points required in the task are inadequately covered or omitted, and/or there is some irrelevant material. Ideas are inadequately organised, linking devices are rarely used, and the range of structure and vocabulary is limited. Errors distract the reader and may obscure communication at times. Attempts at appropriate register and format are unsuccessful or inconsistent. Band 1 For a Band 1 to be awarded, the candidates writing has a very negative effect on the target reader. There is notable omission of content points and/or considerable irrelevance, possibly due to misinterpretation of the task. There is a lack of organisation or linking devices, and there is little evidence of language control. The range of structure and vocabulary is narrow, and frequent errors obscure communication. There is little or no awareness of appropriate register and format. Band 0 For a Band zero to be awarded, there is either too little language for assessment or the

candidates writing is totally irrelevant or totally illegible There is also a Task Specific Mark Scheme, which is different for each task, used by markers in conjunction with the General Impression Mark Scheme. For more information on assessment criteria, see the First for Schools handbook pp.1920. Students will look at the sample Writing Paper in the classroom activities for Parts 1 and 2.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview answer keys

Key to Students Worksheet 1 Part 1 Part 2 1 How many questions do you have to answer? One One 2 How many questions can you choose from? One this is the compulsory task 4 question 5 is the set text question 3 What type of text should you write? Letter or email Article, essay, letter, report, review or story (Questions 2-4), Article, essay, letter, report or review (Question 5) 4 How many words should you write? 120150 words 120180 words 5 Is there any extra information, apart from the question, to help you write your answer? Yes You will be given some information (usually an email or letter and some notes). You must include all the points suggested by the notes in your answer, and expand them with relevant ideas and information. Yes You are told what to write (article / story / review, etc.) and given a topic to write about and some questions to answer.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview answer keys Page 4 of 6

First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview Students Worksheet 1


Part 1 Part 2 1 How many questions do you have to answer? One ___________ 2 How many questions can you choose from? One this is the _____________ task ________ question 5 is the book/film question 3 What type of text should you write? Letter or ________ Article, _______ letter, report, review or (Questions 2-4), Article, essay, letter, report or review (Question_______) 4 How many words should you write? 120 _______ words 120 _____ words 5 Is there any extra information, apart from the question, to help you write your answer? ______ You will be given some information (usually an email or letter and some notes). You must include all the points suggested by the notes in your answer, and expand them with relevant ideas and information. ______ You are told what to write (article / story / review, etc.) and given a topic to write about and some questions to answer.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview Students Worksheet 2

A In the Writing Paper (Paper 2), you have write two pieces of work. In Part 1, there is a task you have to do either a letter or an email and in Part 2 you have to answer one question from a choice of four (questions 25). B In Part 1, you should write between 120 and 150 words. In Part 2, you should write between 120 and 180 words.

For Part 1 you are given information of up to 160 words on the question paper often an email with notes or a letter with notes. C There is less information given for the Part 2 questions. For questions 24, you have to write an article, essay, letter, report, review or story. If you have studied one of the titles in class for Question 5, then you can choose to answer this question. You may have to write an essay, letter, article, review or report.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Overview Students Worksheet 2 Page 6 of 6

First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 teachers notes

Description Students do a matching activity to help identify different task types. They then look at a sample paper and find out more about some of the text types they could be asked to produce in Part 2. They focus on how to write one of the task types, the story. Time required: 50 minutes Materials required: Students Worksheet 1 (copies and cut into strips) Students Worksheet 2 (one copy for each student) Students Worksheet 3 (one copy for each student) Sample Tasks (one copy for each student) Aims: to familiarise the students with what they are expected to write in Part 2 of Paper 2 Procedure 1. Before the class, copy Students Worksheet 1 and cut it into strips so that each student has one slip of paper. 2. Tell the students that there are six different task types they may be expected to produce in Part 2, and that you are going to look at them briefly in this activity. Remind or tell them that they only have to write one task in Part 2, and that they can choose one out of questions 24, or a set text question. 3. If there are more than twelve students, divide the students into two or three groups which will mingle in different areas of the classroom and distribute the strips from Students Worksheet 1 evenly between the students. Some students may have to have more than one strip and find more than one partner. 4. Students either have the name of a text type, or an example of a text. They have to find a partner with whom they can match the extract with the text type. They are all task types candidates may be required to write in Part 2 of the First for Schools Writing paper. 5. When they have found their partner(s), in their groups students lay out the strips so each task type matches an example, and: agree as a group that each pairing is correct decide what the task for each text is (e.g. a review of a film, a letter of advice to a friend about going on a trip) 6. Feed back some ideas with the whole class (see Key below). If appropriate, draw attention to features of the text which give you information about the target reader

(audience) of the text.

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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 teachers notes Page 1 of 10

6. Give students a copy of Students Worksheet 2, which has three example answers to questions taken from a First for Schools Writing paper. Ask students to work in pairs and identify what type of task each one is (A: article, B: story, C: essay). 7. Elicit from students which text they think would get the highest mark. Explain that A was awarded a mark in Band 4, B a mark in Band 5, and C a mark in Band 2. Point out that there are mistakes in these scripts, and that even Band 5 answers are not error free or perfect. For comments on these scripts, see the First for Schools handbook pp.22 24. 8. Ask the students to decide in pairs what the question might have been for the example answers A, B and C. Give out the Sample Tasks so students can see the original questions (A: question 2, B: question 3, C: question 4). 9. Refer students to example answer B on Students Worksheet 2, which was awarded a mark in the top band, 5. Elicit ideas about what makes this a good story. Accept all answers at this stage. 10. Discuss with students: Would you choose to write a story in the exam? Why/why not? Point out/elicit that: they may be asked to write a short story for a teenage magazine. the main reason for writing would be to get the interest of the reader. when writing a story, you have to find inspiration and details to make your story colourful and interesting for the reader. 12. Give out Students Worksheet 3 and ask students to complete it in pairs. When they have finished, elicit feedback from the whole class (see Key below). 13. Discuss together whether the example answer B does what is suggested on the worksheet. Ask students in pairs to underline examples of linking words, narrative tenses and descriptive adjectives and adverbs. Feed back together (see Key below). 14. Answer any other questions about Part 2 of the Writing paper, and explain that you will look in detail at all the different task types during the course. Additional information For more information about assessment criteria, see the First for Schools handbook pp.1920, or the Teaching Resources activity First for Schools Writing Paper Overview. For more information on the set text questions, see the First for Schools Handbook pp.1416, or the Teaching Resources activity First for Schools Writing Paper Overview. Reading one of the books for the set text in class increases students options in the Writing paper. Its also possible to use the film version of the set texts, if this is preferred. If you are not studying one of the titles, make sure the students know if they choose question 5, they should know the book or the film as they must refer to it
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in their answer. They might know it in their own language, which is fine, but they must know something about it in order to write a relevant answer. Suggested follow-up activities 1. Students answer one of the questions from the Sample Tasks for homework. They could write their own, different story for Question 3 if they like. 2. Students will need guidance on how to plan the different types of writing task, and useful language for each, e.g. narrative tenses for stories, linkers, etc. During the

course, students will need plenty of practise in planning and writing the different text types. Some of this work can be started in class (e.g. brainstorming ideas, planning which points to make) and completed for homework. 3. Give students practice during the course in planning and write all the different text types required in the First for Schools Writing paper.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 answer key

Key to Procedure steps Step 6 agree as a group that each pairing is correct (see Students Worksheet 1 for correct pairs) task for each text (possible answers) article for a magazine or school newsletter about food in your country, or comparing the food of your country with others letter advice to a friend about going on a trip, changing course, etc review film review, e.g. a comedy, animation, etc story e.g. Write a story for your teacher which begins Peter never imagined that a game of football could turn out the way it did. report for the principal of a school/college about a website intended to promote the school, support students, etc essay e.g. set by a teacher: Answer this question: Are children allowed to use too much technology nowadays? Step 13 Examples of expanded sentences in italics; linking words in bold; variety of tenses and adjectives/adverbs underlined At last the weekend had arrived and Anna was both nervous and excited. She was on her way to the USA for the first time ever after winning a study trip to find out about American culture and represent her country. She took off at eight and by the time the plane landed, Anna was absolutely exhausted. Luckily the family that was going to take care of her was waiting at the airport so she got to bed straightaway. The next day the family took Anna to watch her favourite film. Although it was in English she understood almost everything because she had been studying English for ages. As they were leaving the cinema, guess what? Anna saw her favourite film star. She was thrilled! He smiled shyly at her she was sure he did! as she managed to take a picture of him to treasure forever. Back home she told everyone about her adventure and showed the picture to the film stars many fans there. They were amazed and just couldnt believe Annas luck!
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Key to Students Worksheet 3 1 beginning 2 middle 3 end 4 before 5 paragraphs 6 prompt sentence 7 linking words and phrases 8 verb tenses

9 put the events in a story in order 10 adjectives and adverbs

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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 1


Most people will probably agree with me that the food in our country is the best in the world! Personally, I think this is because we appreciate the importance of eating well, and many people enjoy cooking. My favourite dish is...

If your parents dont think this is a good idea, maybe you could ask your brother to help you to change their minds. I remember you told me that he did the same thing himself four years ago. Why dont you...

Review Story

I think that people of all ages would enjoy this film, and I would recommend it for a fun family trip to the cinema. Peter ran down the hill as fast as he could, trying to catch the football before it went into the river. Suddenly, ...

Report Essay

The new website should be appealing to young people, and include information on courses, study skills and college clubs. In my opinion, very young children should not be given mobile phones because they are too immature to use them responsibly. However, ...
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 2

A The computer a must have Nowadays teenagers need to be in contact all the time and the best thing that covers that is a computer. Internet offers a variety of web pages and systems that allow you to talk to many friends at the same moment. Actually there are many popular websites where you can upload videos, photos and say what you think of anything you want to. Almost there are lots of web pages that you can use for finding information, playing or studying. The dream of doing the homework quickly and without any effort can come true if you surf the internet for a while. Another reality is being made from the connection between computers. You cant be out of this if you mind having lots of friends and keeping in touch with them at any place. B At last the weekend had arrived and Anna was both nervous and excited. She was on her way to the USA for the first time ever after winning a study trip to find out about American culture and represent her country.

She took off at eight and by the time the plane landed, Anna was absolutely exhausted. Luckily the family that was going to take care of her was waiting at the airport so she got to bed straightaway. The next day the family took Anna to watch her favourite film. Although it was in English she understood almost everything because she had been studying English for ages. As they were leaving the cinema, guess what? Anna saw her favourite film star. She was thrilled! He smiled shyly at her she was sure he did! as she managed to take a picture of him to treasure forever. Back home she told everyone about her adventure and showed the picture to the film stars many fans there. They were amazed and just couldnt believe Annas luck! C Spending a lot of money is not the only way that make you look good. I think it is not nessecery to spend heap of money for fashion. You can also look good with your own style. Fashion is changeble. There always have new style of fashion come in. It is not mean that you have to alway spend money for new arrive fashion. You would rather look good in your own style. In 2010 everyone has right to decide what they want to dress up. You dont have to alway update and get in fashions. Find your own style. Think what you really want. Do not let these fashions or fancy external stuffs influenced you. Woman have naturally beautifulness from inside. We just need some colour to make up us. Make up and dress up suitibly. We can use the method of mix and match. We can matching our old clothes together to make up a new one. Spending too much money on fashion is worthless. You have right to have your own fashion!
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 3

Read the following text and complete the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. paragraphs middle adjectives and adverbs end put the events in a story in order beginning linking words and phrases What makes a good story? A story should have a 1) ______________, a 2) ______________ and an 3) ____________. Think about how the story begins, the main events and how it ends. Do this 4) ______________ starting to write your story. As with other types of writing, you should use 5) ______________ to organise the text into sections. The short story tasks in the exam are based on a 6) ______________, which students have to put at the beginning of their story. The story must be logically linked to this. Help the reader follow the narrative by introducing events and linking them together by using 7) ______________, e.g. before, afterwards, while. In a narrative, it is important to use a variety of 8) ______________, e.g. past simple, past continuous, past perfect, to 9) ______________ and to put them into perspective. Make the story interesting by adding details and colour; e.g. expand short sentences by adding description, for example using 10) ______________.
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First for Schools Writing Paper: Part 2 Sample Tasks


Writing Part 2
Write an answer to one of the Questions 2 5 in this part. Write your answer in 120 180 words in an appropriate style on the opposite page. Put the question number in the box at the top of page 7. Question 2 You have seen this announcement in an international teen magazine. Write your article.

Competition! The 21st-Century Teenager

What is the one thing a modern teenager should not be without? Computer? MP3 player? Mobile phone? You decide! The best article will be published in next months magazine. Question 3 You have seen a story writing competition in an English-language magazine and you decide to enter. Your story must begin with this sentence: At last the weekend had arrived and Anna was both nervous and excited. Write your story.
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Question 4 You have recently had a discussion in your English class about teenage fashions. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay, answering the following question. Do you think that you have to spend a lot of money on fashion to look good? Write your essay.
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Question 5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below. Write the letter (a) or (b) as well as the number 5 in the question box on the top of page 7. (a) Shakespeare: Macbeth You have seen the following announcement in an international school magazine. You have decided to write an article, using a character from the story of Macbeth. Write your article about a character in the story of Macbe h. t (b) Joe Simpson: Touching the Void Your English class has had a discussion about what happens in Touching the Void. Now your teacher has given you this essay for homework: Simon and Joe have to make some difficult decisions in the story of Touching the Void. Do you think they make the right choices? Why? / Why not? Write your essay. Articles wanted! Tell us about a bad character in a story you know. What does this person do? Why does this person behave so badly? Is there something you like about this person? The writer of the best article will win 100 worth of books!
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FCE Writing Part 1 teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help students understand Part 1 tasks in the FCE Writing paper. Time required: 75 minutes for class activities plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task (either in class or for homework). Additional materials required: sample part 1 task (FCE Handbook p.26), marking criteria (p.28) and sample answer script (FCE Handbook p.36 a version is provided here, but it might be useful to take in your own photocopies from the Handbook). Aims: to help students understand the requirements of Part 1 tasks to help students understand the key content points of a sample Part 1 task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give students practice in writing a Part 1 task Procedure 1. Tell students they are going to look at Part 1 of the FCE Writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of worksheet 1 and ask them to complete the gap-fill activity. They can work alone or in pairs. 3. Check answers in class. 4. Give students a copy of the sample Part 1 task (FCE Handbook p.26) and ask them to answer the questions on worksheet 2. This should be done individually. Students compare their answers with another student or other students when they have finished. 5. Check answers in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Go through marking criteria (FCE Handbook p.28) with students (headings only and clarify them this could be put on an OHT, including bands 1 - 5). 7. Give students a copy of the sample answer script (FCE Handbook p.36) with the examiners comments blanked out. Students should assess the sample answer in pairs and decide where each content point in the task is covered and what it does/doesnt achieve. Give students 10 minutes to do this. Check ideas in class. 8. Now give students a copy of the examiners comments. Ask them to read through the comments and find examples from the text to support each individual comment. Check answers in class. 9. Now give students a copy of a different sample Part 1 question (you could use the email task, FCE Handbook p.23). In pairs, ask them to read the question and decide which are the key parts of the question and underline them.
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10. Now give each student a copy of worksheet 3 and ask them to address each of the points. 11. Students discuss how to deal with the input notes with a partner before making a plan, and deciding on the organisation of their letter/email. 12. Students think of appropriate phrases and decide on the register and style of the letter/email. 13. Students write the letter/email either in class or for homework. Additional information If time is short, divide the activity over two sessions stages 1-8 in the first session and 9-13 in the next. Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could use the checklist in class to do a timed part 1 practice (allow 40 minutes for


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FCE Writing Part 1 answer keys

Key to Students worksheet 1 1. compulsory 2. suitable 3. letter or email-writing features 4. based on input 5. all points 6. positive effect Key to Students worksheet 2 1. C 2. C 3. All options are reasons for writing 4. B 5. B
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FCE Writing Part 1 Students Worksheet 1

Complete the following guidelines for Part 1 with an appropriate word from the box below. You can only use each word once. The first one has been done for you as an example. based on input all points compulsory positive effect letter or email-writing features suitable What is this task? It is important that the candidates understand the following points about Part 1: 1. It is compulsory you must answer it! 2. The letter or email must be _______________ for the person you are writing to, depending on how well you know them. 3. The letter or email should include normal ____________________ such as Dear and To: Subject: 4. The letter or email has to be ____________________ in the form of text, notes and possibly illustrations. 5. ____________________ in the input must be covered in the candidates letter or email. 6. The aim of the task is to achieve a ____________________ on the target reader.
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FCE Writing Part 1 Students Worksheet 2

Now look at the sample Part 1 question that your teacher will give you. Read the question carefully and answer the following questions: 1. Who are you, the writer? a. a businessman b. a worker in a summer holiday camp for children c. a friend of Andrews 2. Who are you writing to? a. a businessman b. a worker in a summer holiday camp for children


c. an English-speaking friend 3. Which of the following are reasons why you are writing (you may choose more than one)? a. to give the reader your opinion on an idea b. to give the reader some information c. to respond to an invitation d. to ask for some more information 4. How many points do you have to include? a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 5. How many words should you write? a. Fewer than 120 b. More than 150 c. Between 120 and 150.
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Now, look at the sample script for this question and decide why it would receive a good mark.
Dear Andrew, Thank you for the letter. It Is a fantastic idea to start a business. I think in my country this will be very good idea. So many people will come to use it. There are no other camp like this in Japan. In Japan summer holiday is very small becase all children have to study a lot of their homework so they have very short time to relax. But they like outdoor activities such as horse-ridding, trecking and so on. They will really be overjoyed to come to your camp! I am very happy that you ask me to come to your first summer camp. I am free and Id really like to come and help you organise everything. Can you tell me more about some accommodation? Can I stay near your house in a nice hotel or will it be far away? I cant wait to see you and your business. We will have a very good time together I think. Best Wishs Mayumi
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FCE Writing Part 1 Students Worksheet 3

1. Remember to read the instructions and text carefully. It can be useful to underline the important parts. 2. Look for the answers to the following questions: Who are you? Who are you writing to? Why are you writing? How many points do you have to include? 3. Remember to use your own words as far as possible. Avoid copying words and expressions from the instructions, text or notes. 4. Use your imagination but do not add too much extra information or you will probably write too many words. 5. Always make a plan before you start writing. 6. Remember to follow the format of a letter or email (making it suitable for the person you are writing to) and to divide your answer into clear paragraphs. 7. Check you have included all the points in the input. 8. Read through your answer before you finish this part.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the article task. The activity looks at features of articles, how they are marked, and provides an example task to look at. Time required: 40-60 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task. Additional materials required: none Aims: to help your students understand the requirements of the article task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give your students practice in writing an article Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at an article from Part 2 of the writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of worksheet 1 and ask them to complete the table. They can work alone or in pairs. 3. Check answers in class. 4. Students now look at the sample question on worksheet 2 and discuss the planning questions with another student. These questions are intended to help your students plan and can be used every time they plan an article. 5. Get some ideas in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Students read the examiners criteria on worksheet 3 and see how similar their own ideas are to what is required. Stress that you will deal with paragraphing at a later date. The main aim here is for the students to have correctly identified the task e.g. write about one invention only, discuss its importance and its effect on the students daily life. 7. Ask your students to read the sample answer and discuss as a class whether it fulfils the examiners criteria. Direct the students to the examiners comments to check these against their own ideas. Deal with any queries in class. 8. Students write their own answer to the task. This can be done in class as a timed writing activity or for homework. 9. Once your students have written their articles, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They then discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback and check for any errors. They then make any final changes using the checklist on worksheet 3 before handing them in. This is an ideal opportunity to give them practice in editing.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 7

Optional extension Your students could try to correct the mistakes in the sample script. Give them only 510 minutes to do this, as in the exam candidates should plan to leave a few minutes at the end of the exam to check through their work for errors. Suggested follow-up activity Students could try writing an article under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 2 on page 24 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 31 for a sample script and examiner comments.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity answer keys

Key to Students worksheet 1 Title Articles usually have a title. The title should be informative (give the


reader an idea of the subject) and attractive (make the reader want to read the article). Opening The start of the article should be linked to the title, introduce the topic and engage the reader. Often, an article starts with a question which introduces the topic which will be discussed in the article. Paragraphs Should be clearly defined, not too long and clearly linked. Ending Should conclude the article. Register or Style Could be light or serious (but should be consistent), depending on who the target reader is. May use some rhetorical questions e.g. Can you imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves? Range of language Probably some use of descriptive language and language of opinion. Some examples.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 3 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 1

1. Look at the following table showing the features of an article. Complete the left-hand column with an appropriate word from the box below. You can use each word only once. The first one has been done for you as an example. Ending Range of language Title Opening Register or Style Paragraphs Title Articles usually have a title. The title should be informative (give the reader an idea of the subject) and attractive (make the reader want to read the article). The start of the article should be linked to the title, introduce the topic and engage the reader. Often, an article starts with a question which introduces the topic which will be discussed in the article. Should be clearly defined, not too long and clearly linked. Should conclude the article. Could be light or serious (but should be consistent), depending on who the target reader is. May use some rhetorical questions: e.g. Can you imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves? Probably some use of descriptive language and language of opinion Some examples
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 2

Now look at this question which appeared on a past paper. Does the answer fit the description of a good article? Why?/Why not? You have seen this notice in an international magazine.

Inventions have affected all our lives!
Write us an article about one invention, explaining why


you think it is important and saying how it has affected your own life. The best article will be published in the magazine.

Write your article. Imagine you are going to answer this question. With a partner, discuss: How many inventions are you going to write about? Which invention(s) would be interesting to write about? What information must you include about the invention(s)? What title could you give for your article? How are you going to introduce the topic? How are you going to organise your ideas into paragraphs? What are you going to write about first? Second? Who is the reader? What style you will use? What type of language could you use? What register is appropriate?
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 5 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 3

Now check your ideas with the examiners criteria for this task: CONTENT Article should deal with one invention, explain why the writer thinks it is an important invention and say how that invention has affected the writers own life. RANGE Language of explanation. ORGANISATION AND COHESION Appropriate paragraphing and linking of the different parts of the article. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT Must be appropriate for an international magazine and consistent throughout. TARGET READER Would have some information about the invention chosen, its importance in general and its effect on the writers life. 3. Read through the sample answer below. How much of the examiners criteria does it fulfil? Do you think this answer would achieve a pass at FCE? FCE article sample script Important inventions. Nowdays, cars have become irreplaceable and people cannot stop using them. Cars have been invented to improve the quality of our lives but recently we have become addicted to them. Not only do we use vehicles to do shopping but we also use them as the way of travelling. Getting to work by using public transport is very difficult sometimes. and is also depended on traffic. There are some other advantages of having a car such as spending less money on buses and trains. My life has changed since I collected my driving license. I have become more independed which is very important. I can decide the same day when I want to go and visit my uncle, who lives in different town. Having a car also is needed if I want to get a good job. There are some disadvanteges to having a car such as pollution, increasing noise and number of accidents on the roads. I try not to go by car everywhere because I know


how important is to take care of enviroment. From my point of view the age of drivers is terrifing low. Young people are irresponsible and don't really care much about anything. Ohnestly, I think a car is a good invention but we need to think before using it. The time goes so fast and must be aware of our future. However serious the problem is, I don't think we can stop using car.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 6 of 7

Now check your ideas with the examiners comments `CONTENT: Argument well developed. ACCURACY: Generally accurate there are some errors, but they do not impede communication. RANGE: A good range of structure and vocabulary. ORGANISATION AND COHESION: Good linking. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT: Consistently appropriate. TARGET READER: Would be well informed. Band 4 4. Now write your article. When you have finished, check that you have done the following: 1. Does your article have a heading? 2. Does the beginning of the article make it clear what its about? 3. Is your article divided into paragraphs? 4. Are the style and register consistent? 5. Will the reader be interested in your article? 6. Does your article include some description, opinions or examples?
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 7 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the article task. The activity looks at features of articles, how they are marked, and provides an example task to look at. Time required: 40-60 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task. Additional materials required: none Aims: to help your students understand the requirements of the article task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give your students practice in writing an article Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at an article from Part 2 of the writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of worksheet 1 and ask them to complete the table. They can work alone or in pairs. 3. Check answers in class. 4. Students now look at the sample question on worksheet 2 and discuss the planning questions with another student. These questions are intended to help your students plan and can be used every time they plan an article. 5. Get some ideas in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Students read the examiners criteria on worksheet 3 and see how similar their own


ideas are to what is required. Stress that you will deal with paragraphing at a later date. The main aim here is for the students to have correctly identified the task e.g. write about one invention only, discuss its importance and its effect on the students daily life. 7. Ask your students to read the sample answer and discuss as a class whether it fulfils the examiners criteria. Direct the students to the examiners comments to check these against their own ideas. Deal with any queries in class. 8. Students write their own answer to the task. This can be done in class as a timed writing activity or for homework. 9. Once your students have written their articles, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They then discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback and check for any errors. They then make any final changes using the checklist on worksheet 3 before handing them in. This is an ideal opportunity to give them practice in editing.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 7

Optional extension Your students could try to correct the mistakes in the sample script. Give them only 510 minutes to do this, as in the exam candidates should plan to leave a few minutes at the end of the exam to check through their work for errors. Suggested follow-up activity Students could try writing an article under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 2 on page 24 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 31 for a sample script and examiner comments.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity answer keys

Key to Students worksheet 1 Title Articles usually have a title. The title should be informative (give the reader an idea of the subject) and attractive (make the reader want to read the article). Opening The start of the article should be linked to the title, introduce the topic and engage the reader. Often, an article starts with a question which introduces the topic which will be discussed in the article. Paragraphs Should be clearly defined, not too long and clearly linked. Ending Should conclude the article. Register or Style Could be light or serious (but should be consistent), depending on who the target reader is. May use some rhetorical questions e.g. Can you imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves? Range of language Probably some use of descriptive language and language of opinion. Some examples.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 3 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 1

1. Look at the following table showing the features of an article. Complete the left-hand column with an appropriate word from the box below. You can use each word only once. The first one has been done for you as an example.


Ending Range of language Title Opening Register or Style Paragraphs Title Articles usually have a title. The title should be informative (give the reader an idea of the subject) and attractive (make the reader want to read the article). The start of the article should be linked to the title, introduce the topic and engage the reader. Often, an article starts with a question which introduces the topic which will be discussed in the article. Should be clearly defined, not too long and clearly linked. Should conclude the article. Could be light or serious (but should be consistent), depending on who the target reader is. May use some rhetorical questions: e.g. Can you imagine a school where every student enjoys themselves? Probably some use of descriptive language and language of opinion Some examples
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 2

Now look at this question which appeared on a past paper. Does the answer fit the description of a good article? Why?/Why not? You have seen this notice in an international magazine.

Inventions have affected all our lives!
Write us an article about one invention, explaining why you think it is important and saying how it has affected your own life. The best article will be published in the magazine.

Write your article. Imagine you are going to answer this question. With a partner, discuss: How many inventions are you going to write about? Which invention(s) would be interesting to write about? What information must you include about the invention(s)? What title could you give for your article? How are you going to introduce the topic? How are you going to organise your ideas into paragraphs? What are you going to write about first? Second? Who is the reader? What style you will use? What type of language could you use? What register is appropriate?
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 5 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity Students Worksheet 3

Now check your ideas with the examiners criteria for this task: CONTENT Article should deal with one invention, explain why the writer thinks it is an important invention and say how that invention has affected the writers own life.


RANGE Language of explanation. ORGANISATION AND COHESION Appropriate paragraphing and linking of the different parts of the article. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT Must be appropriate for an international magazine and consistent throughout. TARGET READER Would have some information about the invention chosen, its importance in general and its effect on the writers life. 3. Read through the sample answer below. How much of the examiners criteria does it fulfil? Do you think this answer would achieve a pass at FCE? FCE article sample script Important inventions. Nowdays, cars have become irreplaceable and people cannot stop using them. Cars have been invented to improve the quality of our lives but recently we have become addicted to them. Not only do we use vehicles to do shopping but we also use them as the way of travelling. Getting to work by using public transport is very difficult sometimes. and is also depended on traffic. There are some other advantages of having a car such as spending less money on buses and trains. My life has changed since I collected my driving license. I have become more independed which is very important. I can decide the same day when I want to go and visit my uncle, who lives in different town. Having a car also is needed if I want to get a good job. There are some disadvanteges to having a car such as pollution, increasing noise and number of accidents on the roads. I try not to go by car everywhere because I know how important is to take care of enviroment. From my point of view the age of drivers is terrifing low. Young people are irresponsible and don't really care much about anything. Ohnestly, I think a car is a good invention but we need to think before using it. The time goes so fast and must be aware of our future. However serious the problem is, I don't think we can stop using car.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 6 of 7

Now check your ideas with the examiners comments `CONTENT: Argument well developed. ACCURACY: Generally accurate there are some errors, but they do not impede communication. RANGE: A good range of structure and vocabulary. ORGANISATION AND COHESION: Good linking. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT: Consistently appropriate. TARGET READER: Would be well informed. Band 4 4. Now write your article. When you have finished, check that you have done the following: 1. Does your article have a heading?


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Does the beginning of the article make it clear what its about? Is your article divided into paragraphs? Are the style and register consistent? Will the reader be interested in your article? Does your article include some description, opinions or examples?

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Articles Activity teachers notes Page 7 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the essay task. The activity looks at features of essays, how they are marked and provides an example task to look at. There is also a checklist to help students plan and check the written work. Time required: 4560 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task Additional Materials required: none Aims: to help your students understand the requirements of the essay task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give your students practice at writing an essay Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at an essay from Part 2 of the writing paper. 2. Organise a class discussion on shopping. Start by brainstorming ideas and vocabulary connected to shopping. Use the list of questions in exercise 1 of worksheet 1 provided to elicit ideas. 3. Write up any useful vocabulary and ideas on the board. Possible ideas could include: a) shopping centres/malls, supermarkets, superstores, factory outlets, local shops, specialist shops, etc. b) the internet, by catalogue, television sales, door-to-door salespeople, etc. c) to window shop, to buy the weekly/monthly necessities, to spend money, to stop being bored, to buy presents, to ask for advice, etc. 4. Give students the exam question to read (exercise 2). 5. If possible, divide students into two groups. One group should think of arguments for shops being open 24 hours/7 days a week. The other group should think of arguments against the same suggestion. 6. Put students into new pairs/groups (one/some students who have been thinking of arguments for, with one/some students who have been thinking of arguments against.) They should now discuss the question and choose three ideas to support the statement and three ideas which dont support the statement. 7. Now give out worksheet 2 and ask students to quickly read the model text (exercise 3) to see what the writers opinion is, and to see how many of their ideas are mentioned. Feed back as a class.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 6

8. Elicit that there are no paragraphs in the sample text and that it needs to be reorganised into four paragraphs. Students work in pairs to re-organise the text into four paragraphs, completing the table on the worksheet. 9. Each pair checks their answer with another pair. Then go through the answers in class. 10. Elicit that the opening paragraph should establish the general topic of the composition and that the conclusion should give a balanced personal comment on the topic. Explain that there is more than one way of structuring this essay: introduction, arguments for, arguments against, conclusion


introduction, one argument for, several arguments against and obvious conclusion (as in the sample text here) introduction, argument for or against only, conclusion 11. Discuss the pros and cons of each approach. 12. Students now look, in pairs, at the correctly paragraphed answer and discuss why they think it got a good mark. 13. Give students a copy of worksheet 3 (examiner comments). Tell them that this answer was awarded a Band 4. 14. Set the writing task for homework using the checklist on worksheet 4 as a guide. They should have plenty of ideas to include. Note: Brainstorming ideas and vocabulary in this way is good preparation for any essay task. 15. Once your students have written their essays, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They then discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback on each others essays and check for any errors before making any final changes and handing them in. Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could try writing an essay under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 2 on page 27 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 39 for details of the mark scheme.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 6

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 1

An essay is usually written for a teacher, perhaps as a follow-up to a class activity. It would probably include some opinions and suggestions on the subject. Exercise 1 Before you read the exam question discuss these questions: a) What different types of shop can you think of? b) What other ways of shopping can you think of where you do not have to enter a shop? Have you ever bought anything in any of these ways? Would you buy anything in this way in the future? c) Why do people go to shops? d) What time are shops normally open in your country? Do all types of shops have the same opening hours? Have you ever been shopping at an unusual time? e) Have you ever worked in a shop? Is being a shop assistant a good job? Why/why not? Exercise 2 Now read the question which appeared in a past paper.


You have had a class discussion on shopping. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement: Shops should be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week Write your essay.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 3 of 6

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 2

Exercise 3 Now read an example answer to this question. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the exam question? How many of your ideas does the writer mention? Should shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally disagree with it. Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very convenient for us. There are some times when we want something suddenly, and how nice it would be if we could get that exact thing immediately! But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time, someone would have to work for those shops. Then people would have fewer holidays because of the more work that has to be done, and it would not be good for our mental health. What is more, to open the shops even at night, we would have to consume much more electric energy, and it is not environmental at all, needless to say. Contrary, what we should do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to protect our earth. To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I think wed better consider about our environment first, before meeting our selfish and individual demands. Reorganise the text into suitable paragraphs and complete the table below. Paragraph First word(s) Last word(s) Introduction Should shops... Second paragraph Third paragraph Conclusion ...individual demands.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 6

This is what the text should have looked like: Should shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally disagree with it. Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very convenient for us. There are some times when we want something suddenly, and how nice it would be if we could get that exact thing immediately! But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time, someone would have to work for those shops. Then people would have fewer holidays because of the more work that has to be done, and it would not be good for our mental health. What is more, to open the shops even at night, we would have to consume much more electric energy, and it is not environmental at all, needless to say. Contrary, what we should do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to protect our earth. To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I think wed better consider about our environment first, before meeting our selfish and individual



FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 3

The text was considered a very good answer for FCE level. Why? Compare your ideas with the examiners comments: FCE essay comments Look at the analysis below: Content Essay argues against the suggestion. It includes one advantage and then builds up the disadvantages to support the writers opinion. Organisation Very well organised. Sensible division into paragraphs. Introduction, main body and conclusion obvious. Clear development of viewpoint. Range Wide range of structures (e.g. conditionals) and vocabulary (meeting our demands) Cohesion Good use of linkers (Then ... What is more, ... , To sum up, ...) and other phrases to link ideas together (But think about the other aspect of it.) Register Consistent register. Style Consistent style (conversational tone). Effect on target reader Would be informed and interested.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 5 of 6

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 4

Student checklist: writing an essay 1. Think of ideas for and against the topic. 2. Organise your writing; i.e. give it an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Use the paragraph plan below to help you separate different ideas. 3. Use linking words to link your ideas and develop your argument. 4. Decide on the register and style, and remember to be consistent. 5. Use a good range of structures and vocabulary to express your ideas. 6. Remember to keep the target reader in mind. 7. Remember to check your work.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

Page 6 of 6 FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the essay task. The activity looks at features of essays, how they are marked and provides an example task to look at. There is also a checklist to help students plan and check the written work. Time required: 4560 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task Additional Materials required: none Aims: to help your students understand the requirements of the essay task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give your students practice at writing an essay Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at an essay from Part 2 of the writing paper. 2. Organise a class discussion on shopping. Start by brainstorming ideas and vocabulary connected to shopping. Use the list of questions in exercise 1 of worksheet 1 provided


to elicit ideas. 3. Write up any useful vocabulary and ideas on the board. Possible ideas could include: a) shopping centres/malls, supermarkets, superstores, factory outlets, local shops, specialist shops, etc. b) the internet, by catalogue, television sales, door-to-door salespeople, etc. c) to window shop, to buy the weekly/monthly necessities, to spend money, to stop being bored, to buy presents, to ask for advice, etc. 4. Give students the exam question to read (exercise 2). 5. If possible, divide students into two groups. One group should think of arguments for shops being open 24 hours/7 days a week. The other group should think of arguments against the same suggestion. 6. Put students into new pairs/groups (one/some students who have been thinking of arguments for, with one/some students who have been thinking of arguments against.) They should now discuss the question and choose three ideas to support the statement and three ideas which dont support the statement. 7. Now give out worksheet 2 and ask students to quickly read the model text (exercise 3) to see what the writers opinion is, and to see how many of their ideas are mentioned. Feed back as a class.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 6

8. Elicit that there are no paragraphs in the sample text and that it needs to be reorganised into four paragraphs. Students work in pairs to re-organise the text into four paragraphs, completing the table on the worksheet. 9. Each pair checks their answer with another pair. Then go through the answers in class. 10. Elicit that the opening paragraph should establish the general topic of the composition and that the conclusion should give a balanced personal comment on the topic. Explain that there is more than one way of structuring this essay: introduction, arguments for, arguments against, conclusion introduction, one argument for, several arguments against and obvious conclusion (as in the sample text here) introduction, argument for or against only, conclusion 11. Discuss the pros and cons of each approach. 12. Students now look, in pairs, at the correctly paragraphed answer and discuss why they think it got a good mark. 13. Give students a copy of worksheet 3 (examiner comments). Tell them that this answer was awarded a Band 4. 14. Set the writing task for homework using the checklist on worksheet 4 as a guide. They should have plenty of ideas to include. Note: Brainstorming ideas and vocabulary in this way is good preparation for any essay task. 15. Once your students have written their essays, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They then discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback on each others essays and check for any errors before making any final changes and handing them in. Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could try writing an essay under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 2 on page 27 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 39 for details of the mark scheme.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 6

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 1

An essay is usually written for a teacher, perhaps as a follow-up to a class activity. It would probably include some opinions and suggestions on the subject.


Exercise 1 Before you read the exam question discuss these questions: a) What different types of shop can you think of? b) What other ways of shopping can you think of where you do not have to enter a shop? Have you ever bought anything in any of these ways? Would you buy anything in this way in the future? c) Why do people go to shops? d) What time are shops normally open in your country? Do all types of shops have the same opening hours? Have you ever been shopping at an unusual time? e) Have you ever worked in a shop? Is being a shop assistant a good job? Why/why not? Exercise 2 Now read the question which appeared in a past paper. You have had a class discussion on shopping. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement: Shops should be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week Write your essay.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 3 of 6

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 2

Exercise 3 Now read an example answer to this question. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the exam question? How many of your ideas does the writer mention? Should shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally disagree with it. Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very convenient for us. There are some times when we want something suddenly, and how nice it would be if we could get that exact thing immediately! But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time, someone would have to work for those shops. Then people would have fewer holidays because of the more work that has to be done, and it would not be good for our mental health. What is more, to open the shops even at night, we would have to consume much more electric energy, and it is not environmental at all, needless to


say. Contrary, what we should do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to protect our earth. To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I think wed better consider about our environment first, before meeting our selfish and individual demands. Reorganise the text into suitable paragraphs and complete the table below. Paragraph First word(s) Last word(s) Introduction Should shops... Second paragraph Third paragraph Conclusion ...individual demands.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 6

This is what the text should have looked like: Should shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally disagree with it. Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very convenient for us. There are some times when we want something suddenly, and how nice it would be if we could get that exact thing immediately! But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time, someone would have to work for those shops. Then people would have fewer holidays because of the more work that has to be done, and it would not be good for our mental health. What is more, to open the shops even at night, we would have to consume much more electric energy, and it is not environmental at all, needless to say. Contrary, what we should do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to protect our earth. To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I think wed better consider about our environment first, before meeting our selfish and individual demands.

FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 3

The text was considered a very good answer for FCE level. Why? Compare your ideas with the examiners comments: FCE essay comments Look at the analysis below: Content Essay argues against the suggestion. It includes one advantage and then builds up the disadvantages to support the writers opinion. Organisation Very well organised. Sensible division into paragraphs. Introduction, main body and conclusion obvious. Clear development of viewpoint. Range Wide range of structures (e.g. conditionals) and vocabulary (meeting our demands) Cohesion Good use of linkers (Then ... What is more, ... , To sum up, ...) and other phrases to link ideas together (But think about the other aspect of it.) Register Consistent register. Style Consistent style (conversational tone). Effect on target reader Would be informed and interested.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity Students Worksheet 4

Student checklist: writing an essay 1. Think of ideas for and against the topic.


2. Organise your writing; i.e. give it an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Use the paragraph plan below to help you separate different ideas. 3. Use linking words to link your ideas and develop your argument. 4. Decide on the register and style, and remember to be consistent. 5. Use a good range of structures and vocabulary to express your ideas. 6. Remember to keep the target reader in mind. 7. Remember to check your work.
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Page 6 of 6 FCE Writing Part 2 Essays Activity teachers notes

FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the short story task. The activity looks at features of short stories, how they are marked, and provides an example task to look at. There is also a checklist to help students plan and check their written work. Time required: 3045 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task Additional materials required: none Aims: to help students understand the requirements of the short story task to provide tips on getting inspiration and planning to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give students practice in writing a short story Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at a short story from Part 2 of the Writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of the activity worksheet and go through the What is the task? section as a class. 3. Students complete Exercise 1 (the gapfill) individually and then compare their answers with another student. Check the answers as a class. 4. Students now look at Exercise 2 (the sample question) and discuss the planning questions with another student. These questions are intended to help your students find inspiration and can be used every time they plan a story. N.B. In some questions, candidates may be required to finish their story with a fixed sentence. Stress that they must carefully read the question. 5. Get some ideas for the story in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Ask your students to read the sample answer (Exercise 3) and discuss as a class whether it fits the description of a good story. Ask the class whether they think the sample answer would pass the exam. Direct the students to the examiners comments to check. Deal with any queries in class.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 7

7. Students write their own answer to the task, using the checklist in Exercise 4 to help them. This can be done in class as a timed writing activity or for homework. 8. Once your students have written their short stories, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback and check for any errors. They then make any final changes before handing them in. This is an ideal opportunity to give them practice in proofing. Optional extension Your students could try to correct the mistakes in the sample script. Give them only 510 minutes to do this, as in the exam candidates should plan to leave a few minutes at the end


of the exam to check through their work for errors. Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could try writing a short story under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 4 on page 24 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 33 for a sample answer and examiner comment.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity answer keys

Key to Classroom Activity - Exercise 1 1) beginning 2) middle 3) end 4) before 5) paragraphs 6) prompt sentence 7) linking words and phrases 8) verb tenses 9) sequence 10) adjectives and adverbs
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 3 of 7

First Certificate Writing Short Stories Activity Students Worksheet

What is the task? A short story would be written for a magazine or collection of short stories. The typical reader might be another student or an enthusiast for a certain type of fiction. The writer might be writing for a fee or in the hope of winning a prize the main reason for writing would be to get the interest of the reader. When writing a story, you have to find inspiration and details to make your story colourful, realistic and interesting for the reader. Exercise 1 Read the following text and complete the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. paragraphs middle adjectives and adverbs end sequence beginning linking words and phrases prompt sentence before verb tenses What makes a good story? A story should have a 1) ______________, a 2) ______________ and an 3) ______________. Think about how the story begins, the main events and how it ends. Do this 4) ______________ beginning to write your story. As with other types of writing, you should use 5) ______________ to organise the text into sections. The short story tasks in the exam are based on a 6) ______________, which students have to put at the beginning or the end of their story. The story must be logically linked to this. Help the reader follow the narrative by introducing events and linking them together by using 7) ______________, e.g. before, afterwards, while. In a narrative, it is important to use a variety of 8) ______________, e.g. past simple, past continuous, past perfect, to 9) ______________ the events in a story and to put them into perspective. Make the story interesting by adding details and colour; e.g. expand short sentences by adding description, for example using 10) ______________.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 7

Exercise 2


Now look at this question which appeared on a past paper. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for the college magazine. Your story must begin with the following words: Alice knew that it was going to be a very special day for her. Write your story. Imagine you are going to answer this question. It is useful to make a plan for the story. With a partner, discuss the questions below as a starting point: What should my first sentence be? What is the special day? o Birthday? o Exam? o Taking part in a competition? o Something else? Who are the characters? o Age? o Occupation? o Relationship? How can I describe them? o Physical description? o Character? Where does the story take place? o Which country? o In the town or countryside? o Indoors or outside? Which events in your story are you going to describe? o The events leading up to the prompt sentence? o The events following the prompt sentence? When does the story take place? o In modern times/in the past/in the future? o In winter/summer etc.? o During the day/at night?
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 5 of 7

Exercise 3 Read through the sample answer below. Does it fit the description of a good story? Why?/Why not? Do you think this answer would achieve a pass at FCE? FCE short story sample script Alice Knew that it was going to be a very special day for her. She knew her name as she had been hearing it for the last nine months. She thought it was a beautiful name and she felt very happy each time somebody said her name. That day she felt really strange, she moved as she never did before. The most confussing thing was that even though, it had been her room, her space she felt she didn't fix there any more as she was bored with the same things all the time. Suddenly, she started hearing people shouting like in a real rush but happy at the same time; she hasn't any idea about what was going on in that external world and her desires of getting out of that unbearable place were increasing each time. She had to work very hard for it but finally she succeed, she did, she was out. It was like a shock but a great adventure and she just cryed and cryed Now she is at home with her parents who take care of her all the time. Besides she has bring a lot of happiness to many other people. Certainly it was a very special day.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes


Page 6 of 7

Check your ideas with the examiners comments. Writing a short story comments CONTENT: A very original idea for the story ACCURACY: A number of errors (especially tenses) keep it out of Band 5. RANGE: The range of structures and vocabulary is good. ORGANISATION AND COHESION: It makes sense and is well-organised as a story. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT: Appropriate TARGET READER: Would be able to follow the storyline. Band 4 Exercise 4 Now write your short story. When you have finished, check that you have done the following: 1. Does your story have a beginning, a middle and an end? 2. Is your story well-organised? i.e. does it have clear paragraphs? 3. Are the events in your story linked clearly? i.e. have you used linking words? 4. Is the sequence of events in your story clear? i.e. have you used a variety of verb tenses? 5. Does your story include interesting details? 6. Will the reader be interested in your story? 7. Will the reader understand and follow the story? 8. Have you checked your writing?
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 7 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes

Description A guided activity to help you and your students understand the short story task. The activity looks at features of short stories, how they are marked, and provides an example task to look at. There is also a checklist to help students plan and check their written work. Time required: 3045 minutes plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task Additional materials required: none Aims: to help students understand the requirements of the short story task to provide tips on getting inspiration and planning to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give students practice in writing a short story Procedure 1. Tell your class that you are going to look at a short story from Part 2 of the Writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of the activity worksheet and go through the What is the task? section as a class. 3. Students complete Exercise 1 (the gapfill) individually and then compare their answers with another student. Check the answers as a class. 4. Students now look at Exercise 2 (the sample question) and discuss the planning


questions with another student. These questions are intended to help your students find inspiration and can be used every time they plan a story. N.B. In some questions, candidates may be required to finish their story with a fixed sentence. Stress that they must carefully read the question. 5. Get some ideas for the story in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Ask your students to read the sample answer (Exercise 3) and discuss as a class whether it fits the description of a good story. Ask the class whether they think the sample answer would pass the exam. Direct the students to the examiners comments to check. Deal with any queries in class.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 1 of 7

7. Students write their own answer to the task, using the checklist in Exercise 4 to help them. This can be done in class as a timed writing activity or for homework. 8. Once your students have written their short stories, they bring them to class and read their partners work. They discuss the similarities and differences between their work, give some feedback and check for any errors. They then make any final changes before handing them in. This is an ideal opportunity to give them practice in proofing. Optional extension Your students could try to correct the mistakes in the sample script. Give them only 510 minutes to do this, as in the exam candidates should plan to leave a few minutes at the end of the exam to check through their work for errors. Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could try writing a short story under timed conditions (40 minutes). See question 4 on page 24 of the FCE handbook for a sample question and page 33 for a sample answer and examiner comment.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 2 of 7

FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity answer keys

Key to Classroom Activity - Exercise 1 1) beginning 2) middle 3) end 4) before 5) paragraphs 6) prompt sentence 7) linking words and phrases 8) verb tenses 9) sequence 10) adjectives and adverbs
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First Certificate Writing Short Stories Activity Students Worksheet

What is the task? A short story would be written for a magazine or collection of short stories. The typical reader might be another student or an enthusiast for a certain type of fiction. The writer might be writing for a fee or in the hope of winning a prize the main reason for writing would be to get the interest of the reader. When writing a story, you have to find inspiration and details to make your story colourful, realistic and interesting for the reader. Exercise 1


Read the following text and complete the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. paragraphs middle adjectives and adverbs end sequence beginning linking words and phrases prompt sentence before verb tenses What makes a good story? A story should have a 1) ______________, a 2) ______________ and an 3) ______________. Think about how the story begins, the main events and how it ends. Do this 4) ______________ beginning to write your story. As with other types of writing, you should use 5) ______________ to organise the text into sections. The short story tasks in the exam are based on a 6) ______________, which students have to put at the beginning or the end of their story. The story must be logically linked to this. Help the reader follow the narrative by introducing events and linking them together by using 7) ______________, e.g. before, afterwards, while. In a narrative, it is important to use a variety of 8) ______________, e.g. past simple, past continuous, past perfect, to 9) ______________ the events in a story and to put them into perspective. Make the story interesting by adding details and colour; e.g. expand short sentences by adding description, for example using 10) ______________.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 4 of 7

Exercise 2 Now look at this question which appeared on a past paper. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for the college magazine. Your story must begin with the following words: Alice knew that it was going to be a very special day for her. Write your story. Imagine you are going to answer this question. It is useful to make a plan for the story. With a partner, discuss the questions below as a starting point: What should my first sentence be? What is the special day? o Birthday? o Exam? o Taking part in a competition? o Something else? Who are the characters? o Age? o Occupation? o Relationship? How can I describe them? o Physical description? o Character? Where does the story take place? o Which country? o In the town or countryside? o Indoors or outside? Which events in your story are you going to describe? o The events leading up to the prompt sentence? o The events following the prompt sentence? When does the story take place? o In modern times/in the past/in the future? o In winter/summer etc.? o During the day/at night?
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 5 of 7

Exercise 3 Read through the sample answer below. Does it fit the description of a good story? Why?/Why not? Do you think this answer would achieve a pass at FCE? FCE short story sample script Alice Knew that it was going to be a very special day for her. She knew her name as she had been hearing it for the last nine months. She thought it was a beautiful name and she felt very happy each time somebody said her name. That day she felt really strange, she moved as she never did before. The most confussing thing was that even though, it had been her room, her space she felt she didn't fix there any more as she was bored with the same things all the time. Suddenly, she started hearing people shouting like in a real rush but happy at the same time; she hasn't any idea about what was going on in that external world and her desires of getting out of that unbearable place were increasing each time. She had to work very hard for it but finally she succeed, she did, she was out. It was like a shock but a great adventure and she just cryed and cryed Now she is at home with her parents who take care of her all the time. Besides she has bring a lot of happiness to many other people. Certainly it was a very special day.
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 6 of 7

Check your ideas with the examiners comments. Writing a short story comments CONTENT: A very original idea for the story ACCURACY: A number of errors (especially tenses) keep it out of Band 5. RANGE: The range of structures and vocabulary is good. ORGANISATION AND COHESION: It makes sense and is well-organised as a story. APPROPRIACY OF REGISTER AND FORMAT: Appropriate TARGET READER: Would be able to follow the storyline. Band 4 Exercise 4 Now write your short story. When you have finished, check that you have done the following: 1. Does your story have a beginning, a middle and an end? 2. Is your story well-organised? i.e. does it have clear paragraphs? 3. Are the events in your story linked clearly? i.e. have you used linking words? 4. Is the sequence of events in your story clear? i.e. have you used a variety of verb tenses? 5. Does your story include interesting details? 6. Will the reader be interested in your story? 7. Will the reader understand and follow the story? 8. Have you checked your writing?
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FCE Writing Part 2 Short Stories Activity teachers notes Page 7 of 7
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KET Reading & Writing Part 1 Teachers Notes Page 1 of 6

KET Reading & Writing Part 1 Teachers Notes

Description In this activity, students read notices from different locations to practise reading for gist and explore the use of paraphrasing. They then look at a sample task from the exam. Time required: 30 minutes Materials required: Students Worksheet Sample task Aims: to familiarise students with Part 1 KET Reading & Writing to highlight the importance of identifying context for Part 1 to practise paraphrasing and understanding gist Procedure 1 Ask students in which places they expect to see notices. Write students ideas on the board with each one as the heading for a separate column (5 or 6 columns are enough). If students do not suggest college or station, add these to the board. 2 Ask students what kind of notices they have seen in college (suggestions may include: the date and cost of a trip, who to ask for information about a sports competition, etc.) Write these under college on the board. See if students have suggestions for notices for the other places they have mentioned. 3 Give out the students worksheet and look at Exercise 1. Explain any unknown vocabulary. Ask students to organise the notices into the 3 columns. By doing this, students are reading for the gist meaning of the notices, which is one of the testing focuses of this part and a good strategy for the exam. Students will also find it useful in the exam if they can identify the location of a notice, as this provides support for understanding a notice. 4 Ask students to compare their answers with a partner, then check as the whole class. See key below. 5 Write the following on the board: Go here if you have lost something. (A) Found students bag see Mrs Wade in the office 6 Check that students understand that these two sentences mean the same explain the importance of the underlined words (lost/found are opposites; something/bag go from the general to the specific). In the exam the tested words are usually paraphrased and therefore students need to recognise different ways of communicating meaning. Give students some other examples from the worksheet if necessary. For example, different ways of expressing obligation (modal verb, negative imperative); synonyms. 7 Ask students to look at Exercise 2 on the worksheet and to match the sentences with the notices from the college group in Exercise 1. The first one has been given as an
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KET Reading & Writing Part 1 Teachers Notes Page 2 of 6

example. Then ask them to compare their answers with their partner before checking with the whole class. See the key below. 8 Hand out the sample task, and allow a few minutes for students to read through before asking the following questions: i. How many sentences are there? (5, plus one example) ii. How many notices are there? (8. This means there are two notices which are not needed. These will probably have some links to one or more of the sentences, so candidates need to be sure they select the best answer based on the meaning of the whole notice, not just one or two words. E.g., 2/D: police cars is not the same as you must not drive fast.) iii. Where should you write your answers? (On the answer sheet, in pencil, but you can also make notes on the question paper. You may want to discuss whether students prefer to transfer their answers straight away or do this at the


end.) iv. Are there any difficult words in any of the notices? (Yes, there may be, e.g. crossroads. This is because as far as possible, authentic texts are used in this part. However, point out that the general meaning of the notice is still clear even if you dont know exactly what a crossroads is.) Suggested follow-up activities 1. Ask students to write a short sentence to describe each notice in the group about travel. Remind them not to use the same words.
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KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Overview Answer Keys Page 3 of 6

KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Overview Answer Keys

Key to Students Worksheet Exercise 1 Notices found in a college Notices about travel Notices about music

Key to Students Worksheet Exercise 2 1. Go here if you have lost something (A) Found students bag see Mrs Wade in the office 2. You must walk in this place. (E) No running in college hall 3. You should put things back in the right place. (I) Study centre please return all books to correct shelf 4. These students do not have a lesson. (C) Year 12: no Maths class today teacher ill Key to Sample Task 1E2A3H4C5G
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KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Students Worksheet Page 4 of 6

KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Students Worksheet

Exercise 1
Put the notices below into three groups. The notices may be from the same location or they may be about the same topic. A Found students bag see Mrs Wade in the office B Passengers only through this gate have your ticket ready C Year 12: no Maths class today teacher ill D Low prices on latest CDs next two weeks only E No running in college hall F Save money buy a weekly travel ticket G Piano for sale nearly new - call 238776 H Station caf open all day opposite ticket office I Study centre please return all books to correct shelf J March 4 - Jose Rodriguez plays Spanish guitar students half-price K You must pay 5 extra to take bicycles on this train L No tickets left for next months rock concert

Notices in a college Notices about travel Notices about music


Exercise 2
Match the notices from a college with the sentences 14 below. Underline the important words that


help you match the notice with the correct sentence. Question 1 has already been done for you.S 1 Go here if you have lost something. (A) Found students bag see Mrs Wade in the office 2 You must walk in this place. 3 You should put things back in the right place. 4 These students do not have a lesson.
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KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Sample Task Page 5 of 6

KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Sample Task

Questions 1-5 Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on your answer sheet. Example: 0 You can eat here in the mornings. Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________ 0ABCDEFGH 1 You should not swim here. A DANGEROUS CROSSROADS

2 You must not drive fast here. B 3 You can play football here after lessons. C
Adults - 2.50


4 It is cheaper to buy things today than tomorrow. D


5 You can drive here next week. E F





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KET Reading & Writing Paper Part 1 Sample Task Page 6 of 6


Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview teachers notes

Description Students consider the issues surrounding listening in English and factors which can affect understanding. They learn about the format of the Speaking and Listening test. They then discuss the role of discussion and identify various relevant language functions. Time required: 35 minutes Materials required: Students Worksheet 1 (enough for half the class) Students Worksheet 2 (enough for half the class) Students Worksheet 3 (1 per student) Aims: to encourage students to reflect on their experience of listening in English to familiarise students with the overall format of the Skills for Life Level 1 Speaking and Listening test to familiarise students with various language functions relevant to speaking Procedure 1. As a lead in, ask students what they listen to in English. List what they say on the whiteboard. If the following arent mentioned, ask if anyone listens to them, and if so, add them to the list: films (in the cinema or on DVD), TV programmes, CDs, songs on the radio, speech on the radio, live singing, lectures and talks (including training events), seminars (work or study based), conversations in social situations (e.g. college canteen, pubs). 2. In pairs, students discuss what helps them to understand what they hear. Feed back their ideas, including or eliciting the following: being interested in the topic little or no background noise having some knowledge of the topic sound quality on TV or in cinema the number of topic changes speed of delivery only one person speaking at once accent/clarity of speech 3. Establish that its not necessary to understand every word of what you hear to be able to follow a talk or conversation. If necessary, explain that experiments have shown that people can understand their native language even if they dont hear everything e.g. if theres background noise and they can only hear half the words. In a foreign language you need to hear a higher proportion of words, but
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Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview teachers notes Page 1 of 6

certainly not all. Point out that effective listening is active the brain needs to be engaged, and thinking about whats said, what might be said, and words it hasnt heard. Predicting what might be said is something we often do subconsciously in our own language and it aids understanding. In another language, we often have to practise this skill. 4. Explain that the Speaking and Listening test focuses on everyday language and the types of listening and speaking skills that students are likely to need. They are now going to find out what they have to do in the Speaking and Listening test. 5. Put students into pairs, student A and student B. Give Students Worksheet 1 to every student A and Students Worksheet 2 to every student B. Explain that on each worksheet they have some incomplete information about the Speaking and Listening test, and their partner has the missing information. They should take


turns to ask questions that will elicit the information they need, with student A asking the first question. Encourage them to formulate complete and grammatically correct questions. 6. Feed back answers. (See Key to Students Worksheets 1 and 2). 7. Point out that students at Level 1 are expected to be able to engage in discussion with one or more people in familiar and unfamiliar situations. They should be able to make clear and relevant contributions that respond to what others say and produce a shared understanding about different topics. In Phase 2, part 2 of the test, candidates need to discuss ideas. Write giving an opinion on the whiteboard and establish that this is one way of engaging in a discussion. Elicit a few other functions. Accept any that might be relevant to discussion. 8. Give each student a copy of Students Worksheet 3. Explain that it contains part of a discussion between two students. Students should work in pairs. First they read the discussion aloud, then match each sentence with the most appropriate function from the box. Point out that these arent the only functions in discussion. Check the answers. (See Key to Students Worksheet 3). 9. Point out that these and other functions form part of the skill of interactive communication, which is one of the criteria assessed in the Speaking part of the test. Write interactive communication on the whiteboard. Ask which other aspects of speaking they think are assessed and write the correct answers (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) on the whiteboard. 10. Explain that the examiners assess students on those four areas throughout the test. Additional information Past papers are available at: Further information about assessment can be found in the Skills for Life Handbook, p.35.
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Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview teachers notes Page 2 of 6

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview answer keys

Key to Students Worksheets 1 and 2 (keys are in bold) General: 1. The Speaking and Listening test takes 24 to 25 minutes. 2. There are usually two students taking the test together. 3. There are two examiners. One of them says hello then listens. There are two main parts to the test: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1, part 1: 4. The discussion lasts 2 minutes. 5. The topic is chosen by the examiner. Phase 1, part 2: 6. Each candidate gives a presentation lasting two minutes. 7. The topic is the same as in Phase 1, part 1. 8. Each candidate responds to a different statement. 9. You have one minute for preparation. 10. Each candidate makes comments or asks questions about what theyve heard. Phase 2, part 1: 11. You are asked a few questions about one or two short recordings, which you hear once. Phase 2, part 2: 12. You and the other candidate have a two-minute discussion about a topic related to the listening task.


Key to Students Worksheet 3 1B2I3C4F5J 6 G 7 D 8 H 9 E 10 A

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Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview answer keys Page 3 of 6

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 1

Work with a partner. Take turns to ask questions which will give you the information you need to complete these sentences. You should start by asking a question that will give you the information to complete the first gap. General: 1 The Speaking and Listening test takes . 2 There are usually two students taking the test together. 3 There are examiners. One of them says hello then listens. There are two main parts to the test: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1, part 1: 4 The discussion lasts 2 minutes 5 The topic is chosen by . Phase 1, part 2: 6 Each candidate gives a presentation lasting two minutes. 7 The is the same as in Phase 1, part 1. 8 Each candidate responds to a different statement. 9 You have one minute for . 10 Each candidate makes comments or asks questions about what theyve heard. Phase 2, part 1: 11 You are asked a few questions about one or two short , which you hear once. Phase 2, part 2: 12 You and the other candidate have a two-minute discussion about a topic related to the listening task.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 1 Page 4 of 6

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 2

Work with a partner. Take turns to ask questions which will give you the information you need to complete these sentences. Your partner will start. General: 1 The Speaking and Listening test takes 24 to 25 minutes. 2 There are usually students taking the test together. 3 There are two examiners. One of them says hello then listens. There are two main parts to the test: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1, part 1: 4 The discussion lasts . 5 The topic is chosen by the examiner Phase 1, part 2: 6 Each candidate gives a lasting two minutes. 7 The topic is the same as in Phase 1, part 1. 8 Each candidate responds to .


9 You have one minute for preparation 10 Each candidate makes or asks questions about what theyve heard.
Phase 2, part 1: 11 You are asked a few questions about one or two short recordings, which you hear once Phase 2, part 2: 12 You and the other candidate have a two-minute discussion about a topic related to the .
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 2 Page 5 of 6

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 3

Hear is part of a conversation between two students, Cristina and Sasha, about services that they think should be provided in a town or other local area. Label each sentence (1-10) with the most appropriate function (A-J) from the list in the box. Use each function once only. Cristina: What services do you think are important in a local area? 1 _____ Sasha: Perhaps we should take turns to come up with a service. 2 _____ Cristina: Do you mean we should each suggest something, and make a list of them all? 3 _____ Sasha: Yes. That way well probably end up with quite a long list. 4 _____ Cristina: Id rather we discussed each idea as it comes up, instead of writing it down. 5 _____ Sasha: OK, well I think communities need plenty of opportunities for adults to continue learning. 6 _____ Cristina: Up to a point, although there has to be a demand for adult courses, or it isnt worth running them. 7 _____ Sasha: Surely if the opportunities are provided and advertised, people will start using them. 8 _____ Cristina: Im not so sure you can create a demand like that. 9 _____ Sasha: Ah well, perhaps youre right. 10 _____ A Agreeing F Expressing future probability B Asking for an opinion G Giving an opinion C Asking for clarification H Persuading D Commenting I Suggesting a course of action E Disagreeing J Stating a preference
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at

Skills for Life L1 Speaking and Listening Overview Students Worksheet 3 Page 6 of 6


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