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These Words are coming to you MY people, with deep affection, tender loving care .

MY children, the hour quickens. It is slipping away. It is running out. It is greatly diminishing. Soon, I come, MY children. If you cannot see the cond ition of the world, then children you are not focusing on the Truth in MY Book a nd how it is all aligning with the times.

I have made all this very clear. It is no coincidence or accidental. It is MY Planning. It is in MY Control. Only a Great and Powerful GOD, WHO controls ete rnal time, could outline events that were foretold so long ago to come together exactly as explained, up to today s time. This is not happenchance MY children. Th is is GOD. This is orchestration of a GOD WHO is in total control.


Only I can reveal these things so long ago and see it through to this kind of ex actness.

MY Coming is in place. It will be right on schedule. It will fall right into t he timeline that I have laid out in the pages of MY Book. I spoke it and I will fulfill it just as I said I would. Make no mistake just as you see everything coming to pass as MY Book said it would, so will MY Coming be on time, on schedu le by the workings of MY Divine Clock. That Clock is about to strike midnight secon ds to go.

I know that you are sleeping MY children. This Truth does not line up with your plans, future plans. Children the problem with your plans are they are your d not MINE. MY Plans will come together. Your future plans will not come to fr uition.

plans a

You now have two distinct choices. You either come into MY Perfect Will for you r life, surrender your life to ME, repent of your sin, and walk in MY Perfect Wi ll OR you will be left behind to face MY Wrath planned for evil men or even wors t, be lost in the tribulation to come. I want you to choose for ME. It is not too late, but the door is closing soon.

I want you to spend time in MY Book. Give ME your life and let ME fill you with MY Divine HOLY SPIRIT so that your spiritual eyes would be opened up. You will see the Truth more clearly with your spiritual blinders removed. I want you to see Truth. I do not want to hide anything from you. I am trying to wake MY sl eeping children from the impending disaster. I want you to see the Truth and fo r you to come to ME with a sincere heart.

The future is bright in MY Kingdom. The future on earth is not bright darkness is c losing in. Let ME show you Light, MY Light. Come into MY Light and be prepared

by MY giving the HOLY SPIRIT. HE wants to give you everything: wholeness, clea n heart, and all that you need to be ready for MY appearance to take MY bride.

I have but one request: you surrender now, surrender everything from a heart of true repentance, GODLY remorse and sorrow then I can take your life and give you pure joy, wholeness, and bring you into MY Kingdom when I come to claim MY brid e for the ransom I paid. So few are seeing this. So few are ready. So few will come with ME. These Words should cause you to be humbled, to be trembling, to fear your GOD, to come to ME with a repentant heart.

These Words are not new. This Truth was given many years ago. This is the same Truth today that it was when these Words were spoken by ME many years ago. Ver y few will be ready as it was during Noah s time, so it will be when I return. MY c hildren, I am clear in MY Book and MY Words do not change.

Few are coming with ME, because few will receive MY Warning and really prepare t hemselves. So many more still cling to the belief that this world has all they need and offers all that they require. You are clinging to a dying world. Dea th is all around, but if you cannot shake yourself lose from the world, you will go down with it. Come out! Come apart from the world and be saved! Stay and be left or worst: be lost!

I am giving out final warnings as the enemy is closing in around oon the world will know MY Wrath for this great act of arrogance ards ME, GOD. This event will not go unpunished. MY bride will he world will know MY Wrath. The Wrath I am about to bring down an.

MY people and s and outrage tow be saved, but t on rebellious m

You have a choice to make. Will you choose to be rebellious to GOD by not readi ng and acknowledging MY Words for your life or will you embrace ME as your ONE T RUE GOD, MY Book, and Words to guide you out to safety. Very shortly you will h ave waited too long if you don t make a choice. You must choose! No choice is a ch oice against ME. I need a choice for ME. Please consider carefully. Read MY B ook. Look closely at the Words. Spend time in it and spend time before ME so t hat we are not strangers.

I do not want to spit you out of MY Mouth MY people. I do not want to see you r ejected. Come and seek MY Face, MY Glorious Face.

This is a defining moment.

I am your LORD GOD

Great to Deliver,


Luke 17:26 (KJV): And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 1 Chronicles 16:11 (KJV): Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continua lly. Hebrews 12:28 (KJV): Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fea r:

Matthew 25:10 (KJV): And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they t hat were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

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