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AGUSTINIANO SALITRE SCHOOL Technology and Informatics Grade: 3th - III Term - 2011 Teacher: Alexander cubillos diaz

Disea creativamente presentaciones en PowerPoint, haciendo uso adecuado de sus elementos, aplicando efectos y transiciones. Indicadores a. Explica las caractersticas que debe cumplir una buena presentacin. b. Reconoce y usa las diferentes formas de visualizar las diapositivas en Power Point. c. Utiliza imgenes, cuadros de texto y efectos para exponer un tema, en una presentacin. d. Aplica efectos de transicin en las presentaciones. e. Coloca (Inserta) archivos de sonido y video en las presentaciones.

By using this ribbon you can view the presentation in different ways. Their use depends on what you need.

For example: Normal View or Slide View as it is more commonly known, is the most often used view while creating a PowerPoint presentation. When you first start the program, the screen opens in Normal View. Working on a large version of a slide is helpful when designing your presentation.

Or Slide Sorter View shows miniature versions of all the slides in horizontal rows. These miniature versions of the slides are called thumbnails. Slides can be easily deleted or rearranged quickly in this view. Effects such as transitions and sounds can be added to several slides at the same time in Slide Sorter view.
Here you can see the button to see a presentation using different options

a. Choose Insert Choose Movies and Sounds Then select Sounds from Gallery You can search in the clip art gallery or in clips online for the appropriate sound or music for your slide show. Then when it is inserted you will be prompted (if it is music) if you want it to play automatically. b. Make your choice. Go into Slide Show and Custom Animation Highlight Media (which is your music)

Then under the Multimedia Settings tab set it to continue your slide show and the number of slide you want it to play through. Click the More Options button and set it to Loop Continuously if you want.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Open the presentation and go to the slide you want to add text to. Position your cursor in the Title box or Text box and click. Type in the text you want in one box, and then reposition the cursor to enter text in the other box. Press the Return or Enter key once to start a new bulleted list item, if you're entering bulleted text. Press the Return or Enter key twice to enter a space between lines of text or between paragraphs. When you place an image on a slide, the image appears only on that slide and doesnt automatically stretch to fill up to whole slide, so you dont distort the image. When you want to place an image on one slide and dont want it to take up the whole slide, use this option.

PowerPoint offers a number of ways to insert images into PowerPoint presentations. Lets see how:

Open your PowerPoint Presentation. Decide where you want to place the image in your presentation. Do not insert the image into a text box or graphic box. After positioning your image and editing the image you can add additional text boxes if you need additional text on the slide. From the INSERT menu, select PICTURE and then FROM FILE to open a browser window for image selection. You can select multiple images to insert more than one at a time. After you have selected your image click INSERT.

Once your image is placed on the page it will be automatically selected and the Picture Toolbar will be visible. The toolbar allows you to edit the image. You can lighten it, darken it, adjust contrast and resize the photo. Use the image handles to resize and relocate the image on the presentation page. You can also use the toolbar to crop the picture, rotate the image and add a border to the composition.

You can format the picture by selecting FORMAT and PICTURE from the drop-down format menu. Here you can resize the image to an exact size and preserve the aspect ratio or distort the aspect ratio of the original image. The format menu contains some of the same features as the toolbar and you can also access the format menu from the picture toolbar.

Finally, add additional text or additional images to the same presentation page. Keep in mind that images should be used to enhance your presentation. PowerPoint also has the ability to create slideshows, but there are other ways to create slideshows that are easier than using PowerPoint for this application.

Durante la fase de planificacin, considere aadir los siguientes elementos a su presentacin: Diapositivas de ttulo: Las diapositivas de ttulo son normalmente la primera o la segunda diapositiva de una presentacin y anuncian el tema del contenido. Informacin del presentador: Incluye el nombre, ttulo, fotografa, informacin de contacto y una breve biografa del presentador o presentadores. Agrega el logotipo de la empresa u organizacin para identificar la marca y personalizar la presentacin. Diapositivas de inicio y fin: Cree un inicio y un final inconfundibles para mostrar con claridad a los usuarios cul es el principio, la mitad y el final de la presentacin. Puede utilizar la misma diapositiva de inicio y fin en toda una serie de presentaciones para lograr un resultado homogneo y profesional. Sonidos, Narracin de voz en off, msica o efectos de sonido; todo ello puede aportar una nueva

dimensin a sus presentaciones. Archivos adjuntos: Agregue informacin existente como contenido de soporte para sus presentaciones. Puede incluir documentos, hojas de clculo, enlaces a pginas Web e imgenes como archivos adjuntos.

Texto con animacin en lo posible Grficas y tablas Arte Dibujos Objetos Sonidos Desarrollo claro del tema a travs de una buena organizacin de los anteriores elementos nombrados

1. 2.

Read more: How to Add Images: How to Insert Text:


class exercises

Exercise #2

1. Open presentation Exercise 1 2. Replace the name on the title slide with your own; Click on the current name, highlight it, and type your name 3. Advance to the next slide and replace the personal information with your own by following the same steps in Step 2. 4. Advance to the next slide, and replace with your own favorite things 5. Save your presentation as Exercise 1A

Exercise #3
1. Open file Exercise2 2. First slide a. Create a title for you presentation b. Include you name and class 3. Second Slide a. Add your roommates information. b. Using the insert function include a picture of your roommate on the space provided. 4. Third Slide a. Using the information from the previous exercise add your information.

b. Using the insert function include a picture of you on the space provided. 5. Drag the slide of your personal information before your roommates information. 6. Go to the Title slide (Slide # 1) and change the background by right clicking on the slide and choosing the Apply Design Template function. Click on the Layers template and then apply.

Exercise #4
1. Label your title slide with the Name of your country, along with your name in the subtitle. 2. In the following slide, insert a picture or map of your country. 3. Add slides for the following topics: -A brief history of the country -Important historical figures -Traditions and cultures native to your area. 4. Apply the Artsy design template to your presentation when it is complete. 5. Save the PowerPoint presentation as Exercise3

Exercise #5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make a 2-minute presentation informing people of your favorite activity. Include at least 6 slides. Must include at least 2 pictures. Background that enhances your presentation Reasons on why it is your favorite activity Why should people be encouraged to do this activity? 7. At the end add a summary slide.

Exercise #6
1. Create a PowerPoint presentation on your hero. This person can be somebody from history or someone who is still alive today. The presentation should take at least 2 minutes, should include, a title slide and a summary slide. 2. Begin by making the title slide, which should include a title, your name, and a picture of your hero 3. The next slide should begin with a brief history/summary of the accomplishments of your hero. 4. The following slides should include information such as when you came to like this person, how have they impacted your life and what you admire about him/her most 5. Throughout the presentation you must include at least 3 animation techniques, one of which must include sound. You should also include a link to a website that further discusses the works of this person, if there is no such website then include a link to a site that reminds you of this person

Exercise #7
1. Open PowerPoint presentation Exercise # 6 2. Using the Acapulco presentation, create your own PowerPoint presentation where you describe your ideal, tropical vacation. This vacation can be anywhere in the whole world 3. Begin, by changing the title slide, by adding your name and your own title. 4. Change the layout on the second slide from title only to Text and clip art. Now add a picture of a beach on the right side and describe the beach on the left. 5. On the third slide, add a map of your location and add commentary about the location. 6. Be creative with the activities and weather slides. Add whatever material you think is appropriate and dont hesitate to add pictures. 7. Next, move the Great location slide in front of the Beautiful Beaches slide. 8. Then, add animation effects of your desire to slides 2 and 4. 9. Create a summary slide 10. Change the design template to blends.

Crear un piano para reproducir las notas musicales, segn se pulse en cada una de ellas debe sonar.

EVALUACION 1. Realiza una presentacin del tema que ms te guste. 2. Utiliza mnimo 6 diapositivas. 3. La presentacin tendr un ttulo y mnimo 3 subtemas a mostrar. Ejemplos: Observa que estas presentaciones contienen varios subtemas que se desprenden de uno principal 4. Inserte en la segunda diapositiva el ndice correspondiente a los temas. 5. En el ndice cada Tema tendr un hipervnculo que llevar a su diapositiva correspondiente.
Ttulo de la presentacin y del expositor

Tema 1

Tema 1 Contenido e imgenes


Tema 2

Tema 2 Contenido e imgenes

Tema 3 Contenido e imgenes

Conclusiones Contenido e imgenes

6. Inserte imgenes prediseadas e imgenes desde archivo. 7. Utilice un fondo y un Diseo a acorde al tema de presentacin. 8. Inserte efectos de animacin a las imgenes y a los textos. 9. Utilice transicin de diapositivas en su presentacin. 10. Inserte botones de accin para desplazarse por las diapositivas. Botn a siguiente diapositiva Botn a diapositiva ndice

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