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G5 - DIRECT SHEAR TEST GENERAL In a direct shear test a square prism of soil is laterally restrained and sheared along

a predetermined horizontal plane while being subjected to a pressure applied normal to that plane. The shearing resistance offered by the soil, as one portion is made to slide on the other, is measured at regular intervals of displacement. Failure occurs when the shearing resistance reaches the maximum value which the soil can sustain. By carrying out set of tests on asset of (usually three sets) some soil sample under different normal pressures, the relationship between measured shear stress at failure and normal applied stress can be obtained. The shear box apparatus is only suitable for carrying out drained tests for the determination of effective shear strength parameters. There is no control of drainage and the procedure cannot be used for undrained tests. OBJECTIVE The shear strength is one of the most important engineering properties of a soil, because it is required whenever a structure is dependent on the soils shearing resistance. The shear strength is needed for engineering situations such as determining the stability of slopes or cuts, finding the bearing capacity for foundations, and calculating the pressure exerted by a soil on a retaining wall. The purpose of the test is to determine the parameters of shear strength of soil (i.e. cohesion, c and angle of shearing resistance, ) by direct shear. APPARATUS 1. specimen cutter

2. shear box apparatus 3. hanger weights 4. weighing balance

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES First step for this experiment is the specimen cutter is weighed nearest to 0.1 g. After that the specimen is obtained and trimmed from soil sample using cutter and trimmer. The specimen then is weighed in cutter nearest to 0.1 g, and the initial mass (M o) of the specimen is calculated. Then the cutter is rested on the top surface of the assembled shear box with its inside faces in exact alignment with the inside faces of the shear box.

And then the specimen is pushed out of the cutter and into the shear box, keeping its upper face horizontal, until it is bedded on to the lower porous plate. The upper porous plate is placed firmly on the specimen. An equal clearance all around the edges of the plate is then ensured. Then the carriage had been position on its bearings on the machine bed, and the drive unit then been adjusted to the correct starting point of the shear test. The horizontal displacement gauge is secured in position. The loading system is assembled so that the loading yoke is supported by ball seating on top of the load cap and plus with hanger weight 2.5 kg. Then specimen is sheared to failure using the rate of shear displacement of 40mm/hr The test then is started at the same instant start the timer. The readings of the force measuring device, the horizontal displacement gauge, the vertical deformation gauge and elapsed time are recorded. At regular intervals of horizontal displacement (every 1 minute) such that at least 20 readings are taken up to the maximum load (peak shear strength). Must be take a note that intervals of horizontal displacement of 0.1 mm meet this requirement. For brittle specimens such as dense sand, sets of data should be recorded at frequent intervals of force, instead of displacement, to ensure that enough readings are taken. For plastic materials the intervals may be greater than normal. Then additional readings are taken as the maximum horizontal force is approached, so that if the peak occurs it can be clearly defined. Shearing and taking readings are continued beyond the maximum force, or until the full travel of the apparatus has been reached if there is no defined peak, then the test is stopped. The direction of travel of the carriage is then reversed and the two halves of the shear box are returned to their original alignment. The vertical force and loading yoke is removed from the specimen.

Finally the process from is repeated for one more specimen using hanger weight 1.25 kg, 2.5 kg and 3.75 kg respectively. NOTES If shear strength of a soil can be described by the Mohr- Coulomb equation:


= c + n tan
= shear strength

c = cohesion n = normal stress THEORY Shear strength of a soil can be described by the Mohr-Column equation: = c + n tan where: = shear strength c = cohesion n= normal stress = angle of shear resistance Shear strength, = F/A Where: F = shear force A = area of sample/shear box Normal stress, Where:
n n

= angle of shear resistance

= N/A

= normal shear stress

N = normal vertical force acting on the specimen Shear stress, = c + n tan

c Normal stress,

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