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ABSTRAK Kanker hati adalah tumor ganas yang menyebabkan kerusakan bentuk dan fungsi organ hati.

Incidence rate (IR) kanker hati di dunia tahun 2000 yaitu 9 per 100.000 penduduk dengan CFR 96,85%. IR kanker hati di Indonesia tahun 2002 pada pria 20 per 100.000 penduduk sedangkan pada wanita IR 6 per 100.000 penduduk. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita kanker hati di RS Santa Elisabeth Medan telah dilakukan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain case series dan dilanjutkan dengan analisa statistik. Populasi dan sampel berjumlah 111 data penderita kanker hati (total sampling). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Trend kunjungan penderita kanker hati berdasarkan data tahun 2005-2009 menunjukkan penurunan dengan persamaan garis y = 28,5 2,1x. Proporsi tertinggi penderita kanker hati pada umur 56-64 tahun 28,9%, laki-laki 68,5%, Batak 85%, Kristen Protestan 57%, petani 28%, nyeri perut kanan atas 70,3%, ada riwayat penyakit hati (hepatitis dan sirosis hati) 58%, non bedah 91%, lama rawatan ratarata 7 hari, pulang berobat jalan 56%. Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara umur dengan riwayat penyakit terdahulu (p=1,000). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara jenis kelamin dengan riwayat penyakit terdahulu (p=0,774). Pada penderita kanker hati yang meninggal, proporsi riwayat penyakit sirosis hati secara bermakna lebih tinggi daripada hepatitis (76,5% vs 23,5%; X2=9,622; p=0,008). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara lama rawatan rata-rata dengan riwayat penyakit terdahulu (p=0,400). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara lama rawatan rata-rata dengan keadaan sewaktu pulang (p=0,655). Pihak RS Santa Elisabeth Medan diharapkan untuk melengkapi pencatatan rekam medis misalnya tingkat pendidikan, stadium klinis, dan riwayat penyakit sebelumnya. Diharapkan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan pencegahan terjadinya kanker hati melalui imunisasi hepatitis B, tidak mengkonsumsi alkohol dan makanan yang mengandung aflatoksin dan deteksi dini pada kelompok yang berisiko agar segera dapat dilakukan tindakan pencegahan lanjut. Kata kunci : Kanker Hati, Karakteristik penderita

Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that causes damage to the form and function of liver. Incidence rate (IR) of liver cancer in the world in 2000 is 9 per 100.000 people with CFR 96.85%.IR liver cancer in Indonesia in 2002 in men 20 per 100. 000 population while in the IR 6 women per 100.000 population. To determine the characteristics of liver cancer patients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital in Medan has conducted research with a descriptive case series design and proceed with statistical analysis. Population and sample data 111 liver cancer patients (total sampling). Data were analyzed by descriptive. The trend of liver cancer patient requests based on data for 2005-2009 shows a decrease with the line equation y = 28,5 2,1x. The highest proportion of patients with liver cancer at age 56-64 years 28.9%, male 68.5%, 86,5% Batak, Protestant 56,8%, 28% farmer, upper right abdominal pain 70, 3%, have a history of heart disease (hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver) 58,6%, non-surgical 91%, average length of stay 7 days, discharged 55,9%. There is no significant difference in proportion between age and previous disease history (p = 1.000). There is no significant difference in proportion between the gender with a previous disease history (p = 0.774). At liver cancer patients who died, proportion history of cirrhosis of the liver disease is significantly higher than hepatitis (76.5% vs 23.5%, X2= 9.622, p = 0.008). There is no significant difference in proportion between the average length of stay with a previous disease history (p = 0.400). There was no significant difference in proportion between the average length of stay with coming out of the hospital (p = 0.655). Santa Elisabeth Hospital in Medan are expected to complete the recording of medical records which related with liver cancer such as educational level, clinical stage, and previous disease history. Expected to society to make the occurrence of liver cancer prevention through immunization with hepatitis B, do not consume alcohol and food containing aflatoxin and early detection at risk groups that can be done immediately to prevent further action. Keywords: Liver cancer, Characteristics of patients

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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