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We are all living in the Akhirul Zaman, what is known as the Last Ages before the coming of the Doomsday. As Muslims, we are sure that we treasure our faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala and all that our Blessed Prophet Muhammad has left us? Among the most important responsibilities as Muslims is Dakwah. He says:
"Who first speaks better than to invite people to Allah and do good deeds, saying: "I am one a Muslim. "

(Fussshilat verse 33) Words or speech call people to Allah is a good and honorable practice. Sacred duties were performed by the Messengers of God since Adam was created, which has been drawn by many other messengers of Allah Adam, Noah , Hud, Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail. Ishak (Isaac), Jacob (Yacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Isa (Jesus) and to the last of the Prophet MuhammadAll of them will guide human to Allah and forbid from indecency and evil. All of the Messenger of Allah did their job well without expecting any reward, but they have sacrificed their possessions a nd even many of them were chased and almost murdered, like what was experienced by Moses, Jesus and what has been experienced by the Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad ask people to Allahs path with gentleness and love according to His word which means:
"Invite (all) to thy Lord with wisdom (wisdom) an d a good education and forbid them with a better way. Surely thy Lord knows best who is misguided in the way of His and He is Best Aware of those who are guided ".

(Annahl: 125)

Dakwah is not an easy job, it requires the sacrifice of everything, good energy, property, if necessary, even life. This noble effort will be faced with many obstacles and challenges that come from many sources. If we persevere to face His wills, our Dakwah efforts will be successful. From Adam to the Day of Judgement, Satan works hard to deceive Adam and his offspring. When the devil appea red to be human, it will be trying hard to prevent all the good deeds, especially Dakwah to Allah, amar makruf nahi mungkar . They will work together to prevent Dakwah in various ways and from them we can not expect any help. We need to do it alone. His will, with the effort and does not give up and with the help of Allah, the Prophet saw has succeded. Let any of you party people (pilgrims) who called on the virtue (of Islam), command what is right, and forbidding. They are the lucky ones. (Surat Ali-Imraan [3]: 104). This verse is addressed to a group of Muslims-as a pilgrim, to run the activities of Islamic preaching and amar makruf nahi mungkar. In a Hadith is mentioned thus Prophet did not fight a people but after the first convey the Islamic da'wah to them .

As for enjoining the Makruf and forbidding the Munkar, which is a work of reform, and Dakwah to Non-Muslims to come to understand and eventually embrace Islam, this will continue but to a lesser degree. This is because when there is no Islamic state in the Muslim lands implementing the I slamic Shariah, then the lands become Dar al Kufr. In such a case acts leading to the Munkar become the norm, so the reformatory partial actions such as individual acts of Dakwah become insufficient or ineffective.The obliga tion upon the Muslim Ummah then

becomes obligatory to replace the Ways of the Kuffar and to establish them with the Shari'ah of Islam. As for carrying out Islamic Dakwah outside the Muslim lands when the Islamic Khilafah does not exist, it is represented by Dakwah to Non -Muslims to learn about and enter into Islam. This manifests in rebutting the non -Islamic thoughts to demonstrate their fallacy, and mobilizing the efforts of the Muslims living outside the Islamic lands to assist in the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah in the Islam ic lands.

Addressing the subject of Dakwah to Islam is supposed to deal with the basic rules relating to this Dakwah, such as the following:

The fact that the work to establish the Khilafah today is Fardhu Ain (an individual Muslim's obligation), unde rtaken by expending the utmost energy and with the greatest of speed and efforts.

When the Muslims are in their natural situation, i.e. where the Islamic Khilafah exists, carrying out of the Islamic Dakwah efforts internally would be represented in enjoining the Maroof and forbidding the Munkar and inviting

the non-Muslims who live inside the Islamic state to embrace Islam.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said : "Some peoples will come on the Day of Judgement and their Iman will be outstanding, it's light will shine from their chests and from their right hands. It will be said to them, 'Glad tidings for you today, Assalamu Alaikum and goodness for you, enter into it (Jannah) forever! So the angels and the Prophets will be jealous of the love of Allah for them". The Sahabah asked, ' Who are they O Messenger of Allah?' He (saw) replied, "They are not from us and they are not from you. You are my companions but they are my beloved. These will come after you and will find the book (the Qur'an) made redundant b y the people, and a Sunnah which has been killed by them. They will grab hold of the book and the Sunnah and revive them. Then, they will read them and teach them (the Qur'an and the Sunnah) to the people and they will experience in that path a punishment more severe and more ugly than what you (O Sahabah) have experienced. Indeed, the Iman of one of them is equivalent to the Iman of forty of you. The Shaheed of one of them is equivalent to forty of your Shuhadaa'. Because you found a helper towards the truth (the Prophet [saw]) and they will find no helper towards the

truth. They will be surrounded by tyrant rulers in every place, and they will be in the surroundings of Bayt ul-Maqdis (al-Quds). The Nusrah (victorious material support) of Allah will come to them, and they will have the honour of it on their hands". Then he (saw) said "O Allah give them the Nusrah and make them my close friends in Jannah".

[Musnad al-Imam Ahmad, chain no. 77, Hadith no. 17561]

Responsibility of calling to Allah is the responsibility of all parties, those who can not preach with the oral, may be preaching to the property. Or at least preach the good example, may thus God willing, this noble effort is blessed and will have success.

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