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The world is changing everyday especially after World War II.

People feel that they need more knowledge for earning their goals. Therefore, people have a strong desire to go to school during these years such as to expand their knowledge, to enhance their social situation, and to increase their chance for finding a good job. Personally, two reasons for attending school are to learn about one's favorite subject and to improve one's social status. First of all, some people have a high desire for learning about their favorite subject. Consequently, they have to go to school for achieving a basic knowledge about a subject or a kind of science. After they have increased their skills in their area of specialization, they could follow their goals. For example, a person who likes to be a doctor must go to medicine school in order to earn his/her goal. The second reason for going to school could be to improve one's socio-economic status by obtaining a high education. In today's world, people with a good education have more chances for finding an adequate job, earning more money, and enhancing their social level. For instance, doctors with a special skill at their job such as heart surgeries could be famous for their ability at their job. So, they could earn a lot of money with a very good position at their job.

All in all, most people want to improve their lives by going to school. Two improvements in a student's life, learning more about a subject and improving one's social-economic status are both made possible by getting a college education.
Through my personal experience, I would positively agree with the statement that "coaches are the best teachers." Many people misinterpret the word "coach" to be only a sport's instructor. However, that's not true; a coach c be a an guide or an instructor in any field who gives you direction, points out your mistakes, and teaches you the qualities of discipline and sincerity. First of all, they give a direction to your work. Instead of starting any activity haphazardly and randomly, they instruct you how to go about systematically in approaching the problem. For example, if a problem is given to solve in Mathematics, a student may just scribble something to arrive at the solution, but an instructor will instruct you to do the following steps. Like, first write down the formula, substitute the values, do the calculation, write down the units, and then write the final answer. So the whole process of arriving to the solution of a problem is simplified and systematized. Thus, a coach gives a systematic approach and direction to the work. Second, since the coaches have the experience of instructing many others through their experiences, they know the common mistakes and errors that a person will make. Therefore, by having them as our guide, we can learn from our mistakes, not commit them again, thereby improving upon our skills. For example, consider students painting scenery in their drawing book. They may just use simple colors. But if they have an instructor, they can get an idea as to how to use a combination of colors and mixture of colors, thus increasing their quality of work. As a result, by having coaches, we can substantially increase the quality of work. Third, when we work under a coach, the basic qualities of discipline and sincerity are inculcated. For example, if the coach gives an assignment for the day, we know we are responsible for it, and we listen to the instructions. Consequently, we tend to finish the assignment in a limited period of time. This will make us time conscious and more responsible since we know we have to finish our work and report it to the instructor. Hence, basic qualities of sincerity, discipline, respect for the words of the tutor, and responsibility for the work are inculcated in us.

In conclusion, based on the above reasons, it can be positively affirmed that coaches are the best teachers and guides. They give a direction to our work, show us common mistakes that we might make, and make us feel more confident and competent by

teaching us discipline and sincerity.

It is true that with the invention of the microwave and with the popularity of fast food restaurants, food has become easier to prepare than ever. The question is whether it has really proved beneficial to the society. Being a woman, I would say it has since it gives women more independence and creativity. Moreover, thanks to the fast food restaurants, food is now available anytime, anywhere. To illustrate how microwaves and fast food restaurants give women independence, consider the foll wing story. o Earlier, the lady of the house used to wait for the entire family to arrive home. The entire family would sit at the dinner table, and she would be in the kitchen preparing fresh meals. By the time she would reach the dinner table, the entire family would be done and over with their meals. The invention of the microwave has given this woman the independence she always wanted. She can now cook food in a very short span of time and can enjoy the dinner with her family at the dinner table. The invention of the microwave ovens has also led to creativity and development of people's culinary skills. Food is quick and easy to prepare. So, people are eager to try out new recipes. Today's diet conscious men and women try to look for various types of non-oily foods. Hence, they prefer baked food from the microwave instead of the traditional oily food cooked on stove top ovens. Last, but not the least is the fact that fast food restaurants are available anywhere, anytime. Families who want to enjoy a party can now go to the restaurants whenever they feel like it. These restaurants are also a boon for men and women who stay alone and do not feel like cooking after a hard day's work.

In short, independence, creativity in cooking, and increased access to food at almost any time or any location show that microwave ovens and fast food restaurants are not only beneficial but have actually come as a real blessing to our fast moving society.
It's very true that advertising definitely plays an important role in influencing people's behavior. While some say that advertising plays a positive role, others say that it plays a very negative role in influencing people's behavior. Each position deserves some consideration. Advertising is the only method by which we come to know about the various products in the market sitting in our homes. The various forms of advertising on the television, radio, and print media leave an imprint in our subconscious minds. It gives enough time for us prospective buyers to evaluate all aspects of a range of competitive brands and then choose the best of the lot. Secondly, in the world of today, every manufacturer wants to publicize one's product. And, the shortest way to publicity is advertising. Hence, we find the cricket World Cup being sponsored by Prudential and the football matches by VISA card. We even find our famous sports persons and movie stars endorsing a variety of products ranging from cars to clothes. The sad part of the story, however, is that good advertisements can make even bad products sell. People can get easily fooled by a stylish advertisement they watch on television. For instance, in my country, ignorant people are buying a particular car because of its good ads. Not many of them are aware that the car manufacturer is about to wind up its business in our country.

In the final analysis, I would say that advertising has done more good than harm to influence people's behavior. It has made all of us more aware of the products and events around us today. It has also added a little bit of entertainment to our lives. I am sure you would agree that these ads are definitely more interesting than some of the soap operas we are forced to watch on the television.
It is generally agreed that success in life is everyone's goal. Whether success is because of hard work or because of luck is debated by many people. Some people believe that it is hard work which makes peoplesuccessful. Others argue against that, because they think that luck is more important in order to succeed in life. Most people say hard work is the only reason for success. The discoveries of scientists, Leonardo da Vinci's beautiful paintings, and Shakespeare's wonderful plays were all because of their hard work and luck had nothing to do with it if they had not worked hard. Edison said: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." Others believe that to succeed in their studies, getting a good job, or even success in their work is not because of hard work, but it may happen by chance only because they are lucky people. On the other hand, if they are not lucky, despite their hard work, they will not reach their goals. So luck causes success, and misfortune is the reason of failure.

To sum up, I think that we succeed because of our hard work and if there is a good luck in our lives that will give us opportunities to work hard. Therefore, we should do our very best to take advantage of that in order to achieve our goals. Additionally, we should keep in mind to be successful in life, we shouldn't forget that two-thirds of promotion is motion."
It is rightly said, "All day work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It's human tendency that we get bored when we work a lot. Sports acts as a refreshing medium for us after the long mental pressure we undergo by studying, and it can be revenue for generating money, which are two reasons why I agree with the statement that "universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries." Moreover, when I talk about sports, it need not be any outdoor game. It could be any kind of indoor experience. When I am really exhausted after studying the whole day, the most refreshing thing to do is play some game. This break really helps me grasp things faster. Various studies say that playing any kind of sport helps physical as well as mental growth. Promoting sports at universities will allow the students to take up this field as their career. These students can then represent their universities at national and international levels. At many places, there are reservations for sports persons. For example, when you go for a job or for graduate studies, this reservation makes you a privileged candidate. If we talk in terms of money, sports are a vast field where you can earn a lot. Consequently, money can also be a motivating factor for the students to take sports as a career. Players who win various titles, such as the French Open, the Wimbledon are rewarded millions of dollars. Therefore, I feel that they should fund their sports department with the same amount as they fund their libraries. Students will take an interest in sports if proper facilities are provided. This is possible only if adequate monetary help is provided to the sports department by the university.

Therefore, because sports offers mental relief for students after a hard day of studying and because participating in sports can become a lucrative career for an athlete, universities should encourage students to participate in sports for their overall development by giving the same amount of money to their students' sports activities/programs as they give to their university libraries.
Travelling to a new place is getting popular now. There are many people that travel to all of the countries. Why do people travel to a new place? How can they know the new place's culture? If people visit a museum in the new place, what kind of museum do they go? When travelling to a new place, people visit museums to learn about the culture and history of a country. Also, people can discover new interests that maybe they did not have before. First of all, people visit a museum to know the place's culture by pictures, paintings, or objects. In the museum, people can see, feel, or hear from many exhibitions. People also can learn about the place's history by seeing its traditional exhibitions, such as hand making objects (i.e., pots, a traditional handmade object). In a natural history museum, they can see what kinds of species Live in the place. When people visit a museum in a new place, they may find new interests from visiting that place. It is not only to see or to know what the place was like before, but also to find what new interests lie in wait of discovery. Here is an example about my case when I visited Australia for the first time. I travelled to Sydney with my family about ten years ago. We went to Ellen G. White's house in Sydney. She was a prophet and writer of God's will and built the Seventh-day Adventist Avondale College in Sydney. The house was a museum and told about how she lived there, how she built the college, and what books she wrote in that house. Next to the house, there was a museum of her life in Sydney. Hanging on the walls were several pictures which showed her life in Australia. The museum exhibited aborigines' traditional masks, clothes of that time, and the history of the construction of the college in Sydney. Therefore, I could learn how she wrote books and built the college.

In conclusion, people travel a lot because they want to know new places. When they visit a new place, they can learn its culture and its history through visiting its museums. Additionally, people may discover new interests after visiting new museums in new country.
With modern social development, another culture has developed, which is eating-out-of-home. It has increased the rate of eating out because of the rising number of both parents working for a living and having their social activities. However, the better choice is to prepare and eat meals at home because of the economical, healthful, and relational advantages for people. The first benefit of eating at home is it is more economical. People spend plenty of money for food. Dining out is more expensive than eating at home. For example, the food price can be expensive in restaurants, and people may have to pay tips. When they have meals out of home, too much food is thrown out. If food is made at home, people will prepare suitable amounts of food according to the number of persons, and they will store the leftovers for later. Therefore, it saves household and national finances by eating at home. The second benefit of preparing food at home is it is helpful for our health. A lot of restaurants use chemical seasoning. And though it may taste better, it is not good for our health. For instance, many people enjoy eating fast food. This kind

of food contains too much fat, salt, sugar, or MSG (monosodium glutamate). These seasonings can cause many diseases. Besides, some foods are not sanitary because restaurants have to prepare large quantities of food all at once. The meals at home are prepared with good materials, less harmful seasonings, and careful handling of food items. Lastly, preparing and eating food at home improves family relationships. Meals at home give family members more time to talk together. This helps family members to become closer to each other. In addition to closer relationships, it allows parents to teach their children morals. If parents make their children help with preparing food and setting the table, the children will learn to respect their parents and to help others.

Briefly, eating food at home has many benefits for economy, health, and family, but preparing food and cleaning up after a meal requires much time and effort. However , people can expect many rewards for it.
Good education is the primary goal for any student. Some reach this educational goal by taking parttime courses, whereas others devote their entire concentration by taking full-time courses. These two approaches lead to two different opinions among people. According to some people, it is necessary for the university students to be required to attend classes while others believe it should be optional. Some people, who are required to take up a job at an earlier stage because of their financial and family problems, prefer to complete their further education as a part-time student. For them it is convenient to work as well as study at the same time. Due to their crunching schedules, they prefer to have their classes at the university optional and self-study, the only option left for them. Others, who have financial support from their family generally, give more importance to devote their entire focus on education, rather than taking a job. It is much easier for them to attend the classes, grasp difficult topics with the help of the valuable guidance given in the class. One gets to learn more by the lectures or group discussions held in a class.

Since I have always thought of education as the prime necessity, I belie ve that university students should be required to attend the classes. By attending classes, students will have a firmer grasp of the subject material, they will have better grades, and they will be more prepared for their future vocational careers.
Everything in the universe is in constant change. The ever changing and developing world modifies the environment where we live. As a consequence, people are living longer now. Among the reasons influencing this phenomenon are better people's health, less dangerous lifestyles, and more knowledge than in former times. First, good health is the vital factor for a long life. Nowadays, when our medicine achieves a high peak of its development, we possess good medical practices, tools and devices. For example, in case of respiratory insufficiency, both medicines and apparatus for artificial breathing save people's life. The improved organized medical ambulance together with advanced transporting services helps to come in time even in distant regions. Furthermore, people use a richer selection of products. Hence, huge varieties of food are bought, enabling one to have a healthy diet. So, the right mode of life along with improved medical care prolongs longevity of life. Second, as people have become more civilized, they have begun to live less dangerous lives, hence protecting themselves from unpredicted risks. For instance, living in nature and getting food from hunting in the forests or deserts generally was connected with threat from predators, who were also competing for the same food sources. Migration to

the urban areas got rid of these problems and created a more quiet and calm people's lifestyle there. Third, along with progress, people's knowledge leads to developing novel exercise technologies. Despite less active lifestyles, these innovations allow us to substitute for insufficiency of movement. New devices increase the activity of people, prevent obesity, and, thus, lead to the better health. In addition, society has created sports such as baseball, soccer, hockey, all of which remind us of the sorts of activities of our predecessors.

Therefore, improvement of health, a more civilized, less risky lifestyle, and new technologies in exercise science have led to the increase in the prolongation of people's lives. With our continuing rate of progress, maybe the average life span might increase to 90 years of age in my country.
Recently, I heard a rumour about building a new large shopping centre in my neighbourhood. Every new construction has its positive and negative sides. Since there is no such building in the district, I would prefer to have one. In my opinion, there are many reasons supporting this idea. A new shopping centre would make our life more comfortable. After a hard work day, we could go shopping to buy necessary products in the next neighbourhood in search of cheap goods. Now, we wouldn't have to go far away from home to make daily purchases, such as bread, fruits, and vegetables. Also, we could buy our clothes and perfumes in this centre. As a consequence, we would benefit not only from low prices, but also from savings ontransporting expenses. From this time on, we wouldn't have to go by car or by bus to arrive there. In other words, we could save both our money and our time daily. Additionally, a shopping centre would create new working opportunities. While studying, many students need work to cover their tuition. This centre would be a good place for part-time work of students as a seller or delivery person, and many young graduates. Because of being tired after a long work day, it would be more convenient for them to have a job near home. Thus, unemployment in our neighbourhood would be decreased. Finally, the profit of our districts would increase on account of the new building. A new shopping center would attract many people from adjacent neighbourhoods by its low prices and comfortable conditions for purchases. Many entertaining places such as cafes, bars, and restaurants would become more popular with purchasers and tou rists. Therefore, this centre would magnify incomes in my neighbourhood.

In conclusion, I accept with pleasure the idea of building a large shopping centre in my district. This construction would make our daily life more convenient, it would lower the unemployment, and it would increase the income in our neighbourhood. Thus, the life of people in this district would improve.
The entrepreneurs believe that human beings have made the Earth a better place to live in by their inventions and experiments. The scientists and environmentalists have a different outlook and say that mankind has harmed Earth in more than one way. Because of overpopulation and because of the destruction of animals and the environment, I strongly believe that human activity is damaging the Earth everyday. To provide opportunities and space for the rising population, many trees are cut everyday. This defores tation results in soil erosion. The decrease in the number of trees and forests makes the survival of animal life difficult. Both animals and human beings are an important part of the nature. The reduction in the green belt on the earth has resulted in a

number of problems for both animals and human beings. Animals are killed for meat, skin, and other precious products. Even animals are tortured to use them for races, farming, and carrying loads. There are many people who keep pets but do not take care of their pets properly. Animals are used in circuses and are made to perform under strict, unhygienic, and unnatural conditions. Many species have become extinct due to the interests of many fellow human beings in shooting and poaching. Felling trees and slaughtering animals is not the only way the Earth is being harmed everyday. For convenience and other purposes, the path of many rivers is changed. Cutting into plateaus and mountains to make tracks, passages, and hotels is also common. The disposal of industrial, domestic, and medical wastes into the rivers has made many clear rivers become a home for the most dreadful diseases.

The Earth is facing a great danger due to the carefree attitudes of human beings. Human beings are harming the planet they are livin g in by felling trees, killing animals, and destroying the parts of nature. This disturbs the ecological balance and puts the Earth in danger.
Whatever you want to achieve in this world, you need money to realize your dreams. You can spend money in everyday life as soon as you earn it. On the contrary, you can save it for your future goals. Saving a large sum of money gives you opportunity to afford yourself more expensive things, to leave behind good memories, and to have a secure future. For these reasons, I would rather save money for the future than enjoy it at the moment. The bigger sum of money you save, the more wonderful things you can afford yourself. You can collect money to spend your holiday in other country or to buy a new home. For example, I saved my scholarship throughout the year to buy a video camera. Additionally, the way you spend money plays a great role in your memory. Let's imagine that you spend your annually savings on a journey to Paris. The time you would spend there would be unforgettable, and the money you spent would have more value. Finally, every person should think about his future. You cannot anticipate your future in this unpredictable world. So, as long as you have a job, you should collect money for bad days", which migh come. Thus, t if you ever lose your job or the firm where you work is closed, you will have support until you find another job.

Therefore, the reality is that you will spend money sooner or later. But it would be better to spend your money so that it has greater benefits for you. Having a greater amount of money allows you to purchase costly things, to have splendid reminiscence, and to avoid difficulties in our ever-changing world. In my opinion, it is better to save money than to spend it right away.
After the hard workday, the people's desire to have rest is prevailing over all other feelings. They can either go and see a concert, a play or a sporting event or watch TV at home. I prefer to attend a live performance because it is a source of exciting feelings of extended communication, it is an opportunity to visit with old friends, and it is a way of interrupting the home routine. First, nothing can be compared with the splendid vivid effects at a live performance. You can hear and see a live singer at the concert. Additionally, you can take an autographed photo with your idol. The feelings of the surrounding public

are passed to you and raise your mood. Moreover, while attending a performance, you can renew your old affairs. For example, during break tim you can e, meet your old friends such as classmates or relatives you haven't seen for a long time. You can also make your existing relationships even stronger. Finally, spending time outside the home is the best way to interrupt your daily routine. Every day after an exhausting workday, you have a lot of work to do at home. This work never ceases. So, it is necessary to restore you for the next day. Undoubtedly, in this case, nothing is better than several hours outside home in a relaxing atmosphere.

Therefore, attending a performance gives us possibility to have feelings of excitement, to renew old affairs, and to restore our strength. Thus, I would rather go to a live performance than watch it on television.
Whenever we decide a target or set a goal for ourself, we instantly set a time limit or condition to achieve that target or goal. Success does not always come with the first attempt. Many times, we have to try more than once before we get the desired result. There are people who get discouraged by their first failure or unsuccessful attempt. Despite this attitude, I strongly believe that one must keep on trying and never stop working toward one's goal. The 'Never, never give up' attitude will help a person to continue trying, will keep rescue operations going in case of a disaster, and will bring feelings of happiness. When you do not succeed in your first attempt, you must always try again. The second and subsequent attempts give you a chance to analyze the mistakes made. If you do not try again, you would never realize what you should have done better to achieve the target. When a lizard tries to climb up the wall, it never gets discouraged by its failure. The determined and focused lizard retries. This attitude of the lizard helps it in climbing the wall or tree no matter how high or slippery the slope may be. When there is a fire or any natural calamity, the rescue workers show their 'Never, never give up' attitude. Imagine, if the rescue workers thought that no more rescue operations would be useful to save lives or property. Neither the authorities nor the public would accept a "no" for further tries from a rescue operations team. This spirit of the rescue team helped to rescue many people from the World Trade Tower tragedy in the United States. If we accept failure, then we will never succeed, because failure will become our way of thinking. Success that comes easily is rarely treasured. Although a child falls in all of his initial attempts to walk or run, he never gets scared. Likewise, we always treasure the results we get with the most difficulty. Each subsequent attempt increases the joy of success and determination to achieve.

People who are determined and have a positive attitude toward trying always achieve their targets. Optimistic, determined, and hard-working people motivate others to learn from failures. To sum up, one should never stop working toward his goal because it makes him persevere in whatever situation and brings him a well -earned happiness. Put another way, each failure is a stepping stone towards success. Hence, I strongly support the saying of 'Never, never give up.'

Dennis is businessman who has had a good day today. He not only received another order from his client but also a check to pay for his services. Similarly, John has checked his bank account, and his pay has been credited. Today, he will go out for dinner. As these examples prove, the world revolves around money and so do people's minds. People work and make an effort to make a living and endeavour to earn any extra bucks that come by making extra efforts. Money forms the most important part of any person's job or business. It provides a sense of security, gives buying power, and defines the status of a person in society. First, money provides security. The healthy bank balance gives you a sense of security and mental peace with which you can buy an adventure trip or sign a new business deal. Money serves as a mental cushion, which gives you an opportunity for adventure and risk. This is the reason why people into marketing work day and night to get those extra commissions, which can make their bank balances look healthy. Second, money allows one to afford things that are to have "buying power." "Money can buy anything" is an age old saying. That is exactly what money does. It gives you the affording capability with which you can buy things, afford a family, pay for your children's education and healthcare, pay your insurance premium, and the list goes on. This is the reason why money forms the central aspect of a person's job or a business venture. Since money is the key issue for people working, they change jobs or add clients to add those extra bucks into their salaries or profits. Third, money defines a person's status. The society is divided into rich, middle, and lower class, the only parameter for this being money. Money defines your status in the society. If you are rich, you command respect and a high status in the society. With status, you get more opportunities to socialize, and in many cases the opportunity to influence others. The lure of having a high status and influences on people is the reason why people opt for high paying jobs or venture into high capital businesses and markets.

In short, money provides us security, allows us to buy things, and brings us respect socially. Thus, it serves as a prime factor in defining our personality and status i n society. A cushion to our taking risks and venturing into an adventurous proposal, money serves as a prime factor motivating people to report from work daily and make extra efforts to earn those extra bucks as an incentive. Therefore, money is and will always remain the key factor to anyone's job.
The daily schedule of Mike includes reaching the office before the automated system clocks 9:00 AM, keeping his commitments with clients, answering at least 20 customer complaints a day, and finally buying vegeables and t groceries from the store to prepare dinner. Therefore, the entire day and the week goes by in beating time and meeting schedules. Weekends go by in cleaning the house or checking on a new offer at the department store. Mike is not only physically stressed but also mentally stressed, and he needs a vacation badly. In my opinion, a vacation will be a temporary solution to Mike's problem. However, on a more effective level, he can deal with all the stress by exercising 15 to 20 minutes a day. Exercising helps a great deal in combating both mental and physical stress. The advantages of exercise in combating stress are that it helps in keeping the muscles in the body toned and working, and a healthy physical state means no mental lethargy. Kate felt a sudden jerk in her back and needed rest. After a few days, the doctor recommended her to tone and strengthen the muscles of her back to support the vertebrae column. This example shows that exercise helps in keeping the muscles of the body toned and in shape. Strong muscles can support the bones and skeletal system of our body better. This helps in avoiding an undue load on the other structures such as joints and connecting bones. Hence,

exercise serves as the best way to tackle physical stress. Only a month back, John used to feel lethargic getting up early in the morning. This was the reason he was reporting late at the office almost daily. After a psychologist suggested exercising at least 10 minutes daily before sleeping, John has never reported late at the office. Physical health works directly on the mental state and health. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Therefore, exercise for physical toning helps in removing mental lethargy and improves mental health.

Daily and regular exercise brings a good balance of mind and body for an individual. Therefore, to combat the physical and mental stress incurred due to urban and modern lifestyles, one must regularly exercise at least 15 -20 minutes everyday.
It is generally known that doing any kind of physical exercise helps to keep health in a good condition. Most of the children spend hours and hours on a physical activity. As soon as they grow up and have more responsibilities, they either forget or don't have time for sports. But are there benefits to physical exercise, which should make it mandatory? High school or college life is a very important period for students. This is the time when young people create their own personalities. Some of us might have nice memories according to that time, but some remember the dark side of school like stress and pressure. Thousands of math tasks, speeches in front of the class, or studying for a long time without any break can be stressful and cause bad symptoms. Stress often manifests itself in physical ailments, such as tension in the neck and shoulders. Physical activities like running, walking, tennis, anything that gets the heart going, helps to reduce stress. For that reason, physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. On the other hand, others claim that by attending sport classes students get tired and don't have enough desire to study. However, this kind of weariness is just a temporary state, and it doesn't take long for students to recover and be ready for studying. Moreover, after an active break, students' minds are refreshed and relaxed which helps in absorbing knowledge.

To conclude, it is important to say that physical exercise helps students have more productive studying and in keeping them heal thy and in a good physical condition. Therefore, obligatory sport classes at schools are a good way of maintaining students' health.
In some countries, people can smoke in many places because it is their right. However, many countries don't allow people to smoke in many places because of the health risks. Thus, people should not smoke in public places since it is unhealthful. If smokers can smoke in many places, it's not healthy for other people who don't smoke. Because nonsmokers have to smell and sometimes directly inhale the smoke, it's not good for their health. Besides this, if you go to see a movie or go shopping with your children and your children inhale smoke, it's bad for them as well. Maybe, they can get flus, colds, and respiratory sicknesses more easily because children do not have strong immune systems. Moreover, it's not good for smoker's health either. Scientific evidence suggests a direct link of smoking to various forms of cancer, one of which is lung cancer. If smokers smoke excessively, they can become ill with this deadly form of cancer. These health risks are just as dangerous for those who breathe in second hand smoke. Consequently, in many places, I think smokers should pay for destroying other people's health. In addition, in many pl ces such as public a

parks, smokers should not smoke because many people want to rest and get fresh air. For safety reasons, many places install smoke alarms. If smokers smoke in those places, maybe the alarm will go off. And then the police come, creating an embarrassing situation for the smoker. It's a good rule to not smoke in many places because it keeps the atmosphere free of the carcinogens which result from cigarette smoke. If people can smoke in those buildings, maybe it makes others more stressed. For example, if you have just finished from a serious conference, and you smell smoke, maybe it makes you so tired because you don't get fresh air from outside.

In short, it's a good rule to not smoke in public places because it's good for non smokers health. Fortunately, many companies have safeguards against employee smoking (i.e., alarms, policies). As a result, it is a good atmosphere if you don't smoke.
Some athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars annually. In contrast, an elementary school teacher, on average, probably makes less than $30,000 a year. I think the fact that this difference is commonplace is a sign of our society's misplaced values. It shows that we put more importance on entertaining our children than on educating them. I seems t that the careers that are the least valued in our society often are those that are the most important. So why do we pay athletes and entertainers so much money? The main reason for this phenomenon is that the market determines who gets paid what. Teachers are paid by tax dollars. Athletes and entertainers are paid according to how much money they can generate. For example, sports teams make millions of dollars every year. These teams earn high profits from radio and television rights, as well as everything sold at the concession stands. The same can be said of movies. They are produced by studios that make huge profits annually. These enterprises can afford to pay their entertainers and sports figures huge salaries because those athletes and film stars draw people to the entertainment. The second reason we are willing to pay so much to see a basketball game or a movie is probably because want distraction; we want to be entertained. Maybe it's because we regard education as a right, whereas entertainment seems like a luxury. We expect to pay for our luxuries. It's not that I begrudge players and entertainers and their huge salaries. Most of them have very short careers. Thirty years old may be too old for athletes, many of whom gamble early in their lives on making it big in the sports or entertainment and at the same time sacrifice themselves a good education. They have little chance of a stable career. Hence, they need to earn enough money to support them for the rest of their life. But do you think $10 million is too much?

To sum up, despite the revenue athletes and entertainers bring to their companies, I don't think their annual salaries are worth millions of dollars. Society needs to allocate more money for educating the youth rather than spending that money on entertainment or sports.
Our economy has benefitted greatly from technological innovations such as the airplane and the telephone. Another important innovation that has changed the face of the economy is the Internet. The Internet has enabl us to ed communicate with nations at a lower cost and more frequently, it has allowed us to get access to any information we require, and it has made it possible for countries to trade online. First, the Internet has practically removed all barriers to communication that existed before the introduction of E-mail. You no longer have to rely on postal departments to send important documents. Services such as chatting allow you to

correspond online with a person. Internet also provides facilities such as NetMeeting and Video conferencing where you can actually conduct a meeting or a conference with people in different parts of the world. Second, Internet provides a load of information at the click of a button. You can find just about any information on any topic on the Internet. There are many search sites, such as Yahoo and Google that enable you to find this information. Last, but not the least, Internet has opened up a whole new range of possibilities in the field of conducting business through its E-commerce service. Using this service, countries can trade online without any security threats. This has reduced prices greatly as the overhead costs involved in this type of trading are practically nil.

To conclude, we can say the Internet is perhaps one of the most important innovations of the 20th century. It has enabled faster and more reliable communication, cheaper trading and better access to information of all kinds.
The issue of how much money a person should have is very debatable. Some people think the more they make, the better it is, while others are content if they earn just enough to satisfy their necessities. Each point deserves some consideration. Some say it is important to make large amounts of money. Thus, these type of people spend their entire life earning money. They want to earn enough so that they can not only make their life comfortable but also the life of their children and grandchildren. They never want their children to be deprived of anything. Similarly, many people want to earn more and more money so that they can live a peaceful life. They think money is the answer to all problems, and earning loads of it will help them to lead a problem free life. Conversely, other people are satisfied to earn a comfortable living for a number of reasons. They think the more money they have, the more sleep they will lose over it. People are always under the tension of safeguarding it and increasing it. Thus, they cannot lead a peaceful life if they have to take care of a lot of money. Also, these people believe in equal distributions of money. They think that all people in the world are entitled to a comfortable living. Consequently, it is not fair for one person to be very rich and the other to be extremely poor.

In the final analysis, I would say a person should earn enough to satisfy his basic requirements. Nowadays people who have excessive wealth are more prone to stress related problems like depression and loneliness. Although money can cure a lot of problems, it cannot buy happiness or health. O nly if a person is satisfied with his earnings can he/she lead a problem free life.
A child's behavior is easily influenced by anything he sees or hears, which is why mass media influences a child's behavior to a great extent. The aspects of behavior that are influenced are talking style, interaction skills and general awareness. First, the talking style of a child is greatly influenced by mass media. A child tries to imitate whatever he sees or hears in television, films and on radio. If the child likes a particular actor in a film or television, he will try to imitate that actor's talking style. Second, the mass media also influences how a child interacts with friends or neighbors. If the child sees television shows and films where people are hostile towards each other, the child is likely to imbibe this attitude in him. On the

other hand, if the shows and films he watches depict a friendly environment, the child is likely to interact pleasantly with friends and neighbors. Lastly, the more a child is exposed to mass media, the more likely is his general awareness. If the child listens to news, he knows about current affairs. If he watches channels like Animal Planet and Discovery, he will have a strong knowledge about plants and animals. This knowledge is reflected when a child converses with anyone.

To conclude, we can say that mass media influence how children talk, how they interact socially, and how aware they are concerning news and the environment. As is evident in this essay, the influence is positive or negative, depending on the child's surroundings and upbringing.
Many people like to live in the countryside because of many conditions. However, if they live in the countryside, their children cannot get a good education and job. The following essay will demonstrate why children should grow up in a big city. If children grow up in a big city, they can get more opportunities to learn about technologies such as computers (how to use it). Nowadays, technologies are very important for everybody. If someone doesn't know about technologies, he/she cannot develop himself/herself. They will be left behind. Besides this, almost everything in the world is modern. If children live in the countryside, they cannot adapt themselves to the new world. It is so terrible. Furthermore, many schools or universities are located in a big city. So, if children live in a big city, they can choose which universities that they want to enrol. On the other hand, if they live in the countryside, they haven't many choices. Additionally, children can find a good job only in a big city such as New York. In a big city, there are a lot of opportunities to find a good job. Besides this, they can improve themselves by meeting other people who have a lot of experiences. They can go on and on in their duties. Moreover, most famous firms are located in a big city. If they can apply to these firms, it means they can earn a lot of money. It is a good way to prove them. If they live in the countryside, they will strike in small firms. They cannot make a lot of money. How about their family? If they can earn a lot of money, they can buy everything that they want and the power and fame will follow them. They can prove themselves in only a big city because there is high competition there.

In short, living in a big city has many advantages. Children can get more chances to apply to a good university and firm. Therefore, don't be hesitant to live in a big city. Then your live will be happy.
"Teachers should make learning enjoyable for their students:" I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. It helps the students to overcome their fear of studies and improves their performance. Students will find it much easier to retain the information that they learn through activities that they enjoy rather than the information that is fed to them through simple book-reading, which many of them take as a bitter pill. Various studies have shown that students learn faster when the teaching is done interactively. For example, while teaching a student the basics of addition, he will learn it faster if the teaching is done by asking a student to pick out things, such as pencils, the number of which is equal to the solution of the problem. In addition, if the teacher is able to involve students through activities like role-plays, the students do not get bored and

are able to concentrate on the subject being taught for longer durations. Another benefit of making learning enjoyable and interactive is that the students become friendly with their teacher and do not consider their teacher as someone who is there just to give them work. This helps them to listen more effectively to what the teacher is saying, the same way they would listen to their friends.

In short, just as children want to go to a doctor who gives them sweet syrups on their visit, students enjoy the class of a teacher who is able to teach by stimulating the learning senses of students through his creativity.
Education plays an important role in an individual's life. Some people study on their own and perform well while others have someone to guide them, and they excel in their field of studies. I claim that people can learn better with a teacher rather than by themselves. I don't say that learning is not possible without a teacher, but it is always better to have someone to guide us. Teacher does not just mean your school teacher or college professor. Teacher can be your mother, father, or friend. Teacher is someone who teaches. If there is someone to guide us, we will know which methodology is the best to achieve the target. At times, we study a lot but are still unable to perform well. The reason being that though we worked hard, we didn't know which method to adopt through which we could have excelled. Moreover, teachers are experienced people. Wha we are studying today, t they have already studied. This will help them guide us in a better way. While studying on our own, we can refer to books, CBTs, or the Internet. These media of references provide sufficient information to study on our own. However, we need to do all the understanding. There is no one to authenticate the content. A teacher who has some knowledge about the subject can help us know whether the content we are studying is correct. In addition, understanding a subject by ourselves is much more difficult to understand than when it is explained by someone. For example, if you are studying the concept of Relativity, you will have lots of good books and reading material besides you. Now, you need to read the entire thing to understand the concept of Relativity. On the other hand, if a teacher explains to you the same thing with lots of examples and activities, you will understand the concept much faster. Additionally, teachers can motivate us to study. Believe me, half of the achievement is possible if the motivational level is high. If someone encourages you to study hard, you are bound to perform well or even excel in the subject.

Therefore, it is always better to have a teacher beside us to guide us and to help us in our development. If we try to learn by ourselves, we will not have this opportunity.
A prospective manner for every society, politeness is part of most people's educational training. Most of these people have learned how to speak properly and use titles of address to those in authority. Many cultures teach their participants to use polite behaviour as a form of self-control. It should be used even if one is upset. And while historically politeness was seemingly followed, certain modern conversational situations suggest that politeness is not always the best way. In the past times, such as the middle ages, people lived in a small town for practically all of their lives. A person's contacts were limited. They knew everyone in the town. Politeness was an important link to keeping one's relationships established. If you offended someone in the town, everyone would hear about it. These days, more and more people meet strangers. And societies are changing fast because of computers and advanced technology. The uses of the Internet and modern forms of transportation have made us more informational and

geographically mobile. Many of the people that we meet in our daily lives are either by chance or because of some business that we take. We know that we will never see this person again, so it is not as important to be polite toward them. In some cultures, however, there is a saying in business: "The customer is always right." Sometimes, communications between people require more strong opinions. We often express ourselves openly when we disagree or when we become upset by another person's opinion or behavior. In government, when one party disagrees when the other, they strongly and openly state their opinion. Too much politeness can make a person seem weak and indecisive.

To sum up, politeness is still a virtue in modern human relationships. But modern societal changes in the way we speak or act have given us some flexibility. As I pointed out in this essay, we do not always have to use politeness.
The issue of being loyal to an employer or changing jobs frequently is a very controversial one. In the workplace, some people prefer to be loyal to one company by working there all of their life. Other workers disagree by saying it is better to change jobs frequently. Each position deserves some consideration. Some say that it is better to be loyal to one company. Thus, this type of worker does not change jobs frequently. In this type of work environment, the workers place a high value on loyalty. The worker esteems this value by dedicating his entire life to that one company. The reward to this type of dedication is that the employer will give the worker a good retirement package when he reaches the age of 65. Then the employee will no longer have to worry about money when he gets old. Others say that it is better to change jobs often in their career. First, they claim that the worker is more likely to get promoted if the worker changes to another company which will pay him more for the experience and expertise that he has learned. Second, this group of workers believe that if they are not happy with their job, then they should leave that job. So by changing jobs frequently, the employees can better guarantee job satisfaction. In effect, these workers place more values on the individual worker than the company.

In the final analysis, it is better to change jobs a lot. There has been much in the news about job discrimination. Many employers treat their employees badly. If employees do not quit, management will continue to treat workers harshly. Also, the employees will have a better chance for promotion if they leave their current job after a few years of work. Then the person can increase his quality of life.

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