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The student should go for the course that they want because its their enjoyment that is important rather than pressure of society of what is demand/not. But still its their choice, so think wisely & dont force them in a thing that they may regret in end.

How to choose once career?

Do an analysis with open mind. The student alone knows that one particular to find out the contents of the course, its objective, relevant subjects, the can see a lot of overlapping between different courses. Do a thorough research & analysis, & then take decision.

course they may not like because of superficial knowledge about it. Just analyses, try

fundamentals, etc. Just before taking judgment about likes & dislikes. Nowadays, we

The tips for the parents: 1. CHOOSING A CAREER:

The parents may want to mention factors to consider, such as job, market demand, salary ranges and long range.


Encourage your children to develop strengths in at least two or three of the following areas: y Computer skills y Quantitative skills y Communication skills y Marketing/Selling skills

y Scientific skills y Foreign language skills y Leadership skills

 Many employers rate leadership activities even. Students who were very active in high school activities may be less involved in college extracurricular activities.  However, employers regard high school as ancient history for a college senior. It is more valuable for a student to be involved in a few meaningful leadership roles on campus than to be in a laundry list of many campus clubs.  You may want your son or daughter to work in your hometown every summer. Thus your children gain interest or experience in that field.  It depends on the student. To choose once career, one should know the real motivations, interests, talents for wok, identify your ideal career; discover your communications & leadership learning. Then see what career is best for you.  Thus the aspiring student selects the career. Though, everything favors, if situations fails to support, in vain. So situation also must be favorable for all to succeed in once life.

To be successful in your work, you must acquire a vision. A vision is a clearly articulated picture of the future you intend to create for yourself. In other words, it's a dream.

 However, if the dream does not have direction, it will always remain a dream and will never become a reality for you. That vision should create a

passion within you, a love for what you do and the benefit it will bring to others as well as yourself.  Make sure the vision is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible. Let us look at this closer. When you believe you have chosen an appropriate career goal, look at it in SMART fashion as follows.

Specific - Make sure your career goal is very specific. For example, "I would like to be a teacher," is not specific. "I would like to be a high school biology teacher in New Jersey (USA) in an urban school by 2012" is. Measurable - Make sure you can measure your progress. How will I know I am progressing in the right direction? This is where the development of short-term objectives comes in (discussed below). You will know you are on the right path as you accomplish each short -term objective. Achievable - Is the goal achievable considering my current life situation and circumstances? Realistic - Is what I want to do really realistic. For example, "I would like to be a middle weight boxing champion, and I am 63 years old." That is not realistic.

Tangible - What will I - specifically - have at the end? What will I be (exactly)? It must be very specific.

Conclusion: Develop a road-map embedded with short-term objectives leading to your overall goal and objective.Just do it and do not let go until it becomes a reality.

Gods grace is sufficient. If the will of the

student is the will of the God, then their career will prosper.

It is curious as to why so many foreign ideas/foods/traditions have to be "westernized" in order for them to have a chance in the western world. They have to be made safe for Western audiences to try or appreciate them. It impacts the authenticity of one's culture when their concepts have to be altered in order to be acceptable. But at the same time, it is an example of cultural synthesis-- it allows for peoples of different heritage assimilate into a unique culture. This could be a positive thing.

So, degradation, I would say, is a strong word. But "westernization" can be viewed as an idea that takes away from culture and removes some traditional and authentic from consideration. if understand what you are asking then yes westernization is a cultural degradation in my opinion. partly do to the fact that we really only have less than 300 years of history in which to build a culture, not like the thousand+ yrs many European countries have had, but also as a culture, western (american more or less) culture has decided that such things as Britney spears, american idol, and knowing every little detail in every celebrities life are cool. these three things make for a very poor culture. it certainly can be, in a place secluded westernization can totally ruin a culture. An example of this is a little village in India called Ladakh, it was full of culture and everyone was very giving and wholesome but then a major road was put

through it and it became a tourist destination. Completely diminishing its own culture. The young adults and teens deserted their culture for something that they thought was better. If you want to read more about what happened you can read the article in my references. If Westernization takes place it degrades the culture it replaces and there is nothing wrong with moving on to something more dynamic, Culture is not sacred and will only be replaced when the people of said culture are ready to move on. Force does not work. e.g. The a non-Jew one can only admire the cling to this culture and religion,facing such adversity for centuries from Churches and States alike. They are still firm and strong though divided by some religious preferences,still an example of the tenacity of the human spirit. From the beginning of civilization people have moved into and out of areas, bringing their ideas and life-ways with them. Culture is dynamic, never isolated, always changing, therefore it can not degrade, only evolve. Whether or not we like the way things go, whether we see it as an improvement or a detriment is based on our perspective and biases. I believe truly enlightened people, whether traditional thinkers or forward thinkers, will continue to accept cultural mixing and evolution, since we have the ability to filter out what we choose. It is a wrong notion. There are many good things about western culture. And let us not have this idea that our (Indian) culture is the best in the world. Every culture has its own pluses and minuses. Lets take the good things from the west if that can make us happy. After all, we have all come into this world to be happy. I think there are both sides the good side and the bad side. so let us not be judgemental about any culture. western cultural has shown the world to be progressive, discipline, hardworking. so let us take from them such things and

let us shun their individualistic attitude. our society have always given importance to family value, society and national priority more than individual choices. so let us keep it. Man is a social animal by nature. We live in a society and learn from each other. There is no harm in learning good values of any culture to whatever the country or whichever the part of the world it comes from. Merely copying someone's culture and traditions is not advisable. There are many good things which we can learn from other countries. The qualities like honesty, sense of nationalism and patriotic feelings can be learnt from those countries like England and Japan the people of which have pulled out their countries out of difficulties by their sincere devotion to duty and sense patriotism for their counties. Both these countries pulled them out of difficulties and losses they suffered after the world war II. The recent happenings in Japan and the destruction caused by Tsunami and earthquake and the will of the people of the country to come out of the troubles is an example. Similarly the people of the west can learn from India, the importance of family relationship and love for each other. Simply copying certain festivals, clothes, food habits without giving a serious thought to their implications is not advisable.

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